Edinburgh Research Explorer Unused Powers Citation for published version: Ghai, Y & Woodman, S 2009, 'Unused Powers: Contestation over Autonomy Legislation in the PRC' Pacific Affairs, vol 82, no. 1, pp. 29-46. Link: Link to publication record in Edinburgh Research Explorer Document Version: Publisher final version (usually the publisher pdf) Published In: Pacific Affairs Publisher Rights Statement: © Ghai, Y., & Woodman, S. (2009). Unused Powers: Contestation over Autonomy Legislation in the PRC. Pacific Affairs, 82(1), 29-46 General rights Copyright for the publications made accessible via the Edinburgh Research Explorer is retained by the author(s) and / or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing these publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. Take down policy The University of Edinburgh has made every reasonable effort to ensure that Edinburgh Research Explorer content complies with UK legislation. If you believe that the public display of this file breaches copyright please contact [email protected] providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 15. Oct. 2014 Unused Powers: Contestation over Autonomy Legislation in the PRC Author(s): Yash Ghai and Sophia Woodman Source: Pacific Affairs, Vol. 82, No. 1 (Spring, 2009), pp. 29-46 Published by: Pacific Affairs, University of British Columbia Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40377676 . Accessed: 22/01/2014 11:09 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. 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Pacific Affairs, University of British Columbia is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Pacific Affairs. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Unusedpowers:contestation overautonomylegislation in thePRC YashGhaiand SophiaWoodman1 Introduction forautonomy isa paradoxattheheartofcurrent arrangements anddistinctive inthePRC.The mostimportant forethnicminorities ofNationalities areasinChina'ssystem toautonomous powergranted to them allows minzu zizhi) (NRA, modify higherquyu RegionalAutonomy But thispoweris hardlyused,and has remained levellawsand policies.2 form. untilrecently, uncodified existingin lawonlyin veryrudimentary these to exercise have autonomous five the Efforts (ARs) powers regions by overwhatthe law on been repeatedlyblocked,a signof contestation can and shouldmean. autonomy havethemostextensive Whileautonomousareasshouldtheoretically showsthat inthePRC,ourresearch ofanylocalities levelofself-government has actuallybeenpassedat the level of ARs3; no significant autonomy legislation levels orcounty beenenactedatprefectural hasmainly legislation autonomy and laws toimplement policies. higher-level the "modification Under the currentPRC legal framework, power" of exercise for the methods of two is one autonomy. principal (biantongquan)4 areasto The otheristheallocationofkeygovernment postsinautonomous in of the should Modification members. autonomy" give "organs minority the area the powerto alterstatelawsand policiesto suit"thepolitical, Itisthus oftheparticular characteristics" economic,and cultural minority.5 as conceivedofwithin thenatureofautonomy essentialto understanding 1 The Researcher ofHongKong'sDistinguished Award, giventoYashGhai,supported University ofthisarticle. theresearchand writing 2 Discussion YangXu,"Minzuzizhidifanglifaxuantiji biantongwentichutan LAPreliminary on theChoiceofSubjectsforLegislationin AutonomousAreasand theProblemofModification], no. 3, 2002,p. 5. Manzuyanjin, 3 Autonomousareas in the PKL are estaDiisneaat tnreeaaministrauve levels:autonomous and autonomouscounties. autonomousprefectures regions(analogousto provinces), 4 Cai [The EssenceoftheConstitution] (Beijing:Faluchubanshe,2004), Dingjian,Xianfajingjie pp. 391-2. ^ _ 5 Constitution ofthePeople'sRepublicofChina,1982,Art.112andArt.116. 29 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions PacificAffairs:Volume82, No. 1 Spring2009 the Chinese system,and criticalto answeringthe question of whetherthe areas couldexercise"genuineautonomy."6 minority Westernacademic studiesmeasuringthepracticeofNRAagainstan ideal typeof autonomyhave generallyfound it deficientin a number of key althoughopinion differson whetherthisis an inevitableresultof respects,7 theexistingframework,8 or due to thefailureto implementlawsthatprovide forsignificant In theliteratureon minoritiesin China,thelegal autonomy.9 as it is frameworkfor autonomyhas received relativelylittleattention,10 and since assumed to be of policy politics negligibleimportance generally areas.11 and hence the Party dominatein minority But fromthe beginningof the reformera in thelate 1970s,law has been a fieldofdebatewithinthePRC overwhatautonomymeans,witha significant focusbeingthescope ofthelegislativepowersofautbnomousareas.To date, however,no comprehensiveaccount of the existingframeworkfor these This is partof a more generallack powershas been publishedin English.12 formshave of attentionin the literatureto waysin which administrative other As in in PRC.13 the and identities ethnic claims partsof many shaped to say the world,legal decentralizationin the PRC has been half-hearted, which suchas identifying theleast.In fact,keyelementsofautonomysystems, mattersare withinthe sphere of autonomyand whichare reservedforthe 6 Sincehis1988 statedthathe is notseeking Strasbourg speech,theDalai Lama hasrepeatedly thePRC.See Baogang within with"genuineautonomy" independenceforTibet,butwouldbe satisfied forAutonomy," He and BarrySautman,"ThePoliticsoftheDalai Lama'sNewInitiative Affairs, Pacific vol.78,no. 4 (2005), pp. 601-29. 7 See for Rightsin China,"in StuartS. exampleBarrySautman,"Legal Reformand Minority (NewYork:MarcelDekker,2000),p. 73;Matthew Moneyhon, LegalPolicy Nagel,ed.,Handbook ofGlobal vol. ImwandPolicy on China'sNewFrontier," fournal, Asian-Pacific "Controlling Xinjiang:Autonomy 3, no. 4 (February 2002), pp. 10-11. 8 YashP. Ghai, in "Autonomy Regimesin China:CopingwithEthnicand EconomicDiversity," States(Cambridge, New Claimsin Multi-Ethnic and Ethnicity: Ghai, ed, Autonomy Competing Negotiating York:CambridgeUniversity Press,2000). 9 Colin P. Mackerras, Chinas Minorities:Integrationand Modernizationin the Twentieth Century Press,1994),pp. 15S-166,pp. 264-5. (Oxford:OxfordUniversity 10 A fewnotable Politics in China theZhuang:Ethnic exceptionsare KatherineP. Kaup, Creating (Boulder,CO: LynneRienner,2000), pp. 116-120;Chien-minChao, "The ProcedureforLocal vol. in MainlandChinaand legislationinNationalAutonomous Areas,"IssuesandStudies, Legislation 30, no. 9 (September1994), pp. 95-116; Binh G. Phan, "How Autonomousare the National vol.32, no. Autonomous AreasofthePRC?An Analysis ofDocumentsand Cases,"IssuesandStudies, 7, (July1996),pp. 83-108;BarrySautman,"EthnicLawand Minority Rightsin China:Progressand vol.21, no. 3 (July1999),pp. 283-314;and TheodoreC. Sorensenand ImwandPolicy, Constraints," David L. Philips, l^egalStandardsand Autonomy OptionsforMinoritiesin China: theTibetanCase (Belfer Harvard CenterforScience and International Affairs, JohnF. KennedySchool of Government, 2004). University, 11 See Colin Mackerras,ChinasEthnicMinorities and Globalisation (London and NewYork: China(Seattleand RoutledgeCurzon,2003), p. 26; StevanHarrell,WaysofBeingEthnicinSouthwest London:University ofWashington Press,2001), p. 48. 12 The is briefly outlinedin Shi Wenzhengand Bu Xiaolin,"Legislationin legal framework NationalAutonomous Areasin thePeople'sRepublicofChina,"inJanMichielOttoetal.,eds.,Law2000). ofChina(The Hague: KluwerLawInternational, Makingin thePeoplesRepublic 13 KatherinePalmer Kaup, RegionalismversusEthnicnationalismin the PRC, I he China 172 (2002), pp. 863-884. Quarterly 30 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Unusedpowers:contestation overautonomy in thePRC legislation areabsent.ButinChinaas elsewhere, centralauthorities, givingautonomy however vague,has made thelawa fieldforcontention legalexpression, overthemeaningofautonomy. on Chinese-language Thisarticleis basedlargely sources, documentary official sources such and books on articles law; autonomy scholarly including and theNPC website;and a whitepapers,theNPC Gazette as government itoutlines instruments.14 searchofrelevant First, regulatory comprehensive and the areas of autonomous howthelegislative powerto modify powers havebeen delineatedin the reformera. It thendescribesautonomous powersofordinary powersandcomparesthemwiththelegislative legislative useautonomous areas autonomous at how it looks localities. actually Finally, over in contention lines the fault some of the and powers, analyzes legislative themeaningofautonomy. The powerto enact autonomylaw is themostimportant and singularregulations regulations Enactingautonomy the and protect areassinceitservestoregulate autonomy powerofautonomous exercise autonomy powers.15 oftheirother Earlyin the reformperiod,thenparamountleader Deng Xiaoping thePRC to "truly committed NRA,withthemanifestations implementing" ofminority theextentto whichmembers ofthisbeing,first, groupshold the areas in autonomous second, and, "strengthening leadership positions on lawtocarry fortheNRAsystem, ofa legalframework construction relying toautonomy."16 nationalities oftherightofminority outtheprotection Atthe15thChineseCommunist Party(CCP) Congressin 1997,NRAwas to rulingaccordingto commitment as one aspectoftheParty's mentioned Affairs Committee NPC the to law.17 (MAC),autonomy Minority According the rightto of an "is implementing importantexpression legislation and of a and to law, perfecting upholding requirement according autonomy of the ofnationalities thesystem legislative Descriptions autonomy."18 regional todefend efforts in feature areas of autonomous Beijing's prominently powers 14 Thissearchwasconductedon <www.chinalawinfo.com>, a websiterunbyBeijingUniversity collectionofChineselawsand regulations. themostcomprehensive whichmaintains 15 Ao Junde,"Minzuquyuzizhifazhongliangzhongbiantongquanzhijiande lianxihe qubien Powerin the Law on [The Connectionand DifferenceBetweenthe Two Typesof Modification shehuikexueban), minzudaxuexuebao(zhexue Nationalities RegionalAutonomy(LNRA)], Zhongyang vol.32,no. 1 (2005), p. 21. 16 StateEthnicAffairs Commission(SEAC), Zhongguo dejiben guanyuminzuwenti gongchandang and Policieson BasicStandpoints Party's [ganbuduben][The ChineseCommunist guandianhezhengce theNationalities Question(ReadingsforCadres)] (Beijing:Minzuchubanshe,2002), p. 160. 17 SEAC, p. 163. guanyuminzuwenti, gongchandang Zhongguo 18 NPC Committee(MAC), "Quanguorendaminzuweiyuanhui Affairs guanyudijiujie Minority " de daibiaotichude yi'anshenyi jieguode baogao jiaofushenyi quanguorendadisancihuiyizhuxituan [ReportfromtheNPC MACon theResultsofReviewofDelegateMotionsPassedon bythePresidium 31 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Volume 82, No. 1 - Spring2009 PacificAffairs: itselffromitsinternational Forexample,the2005WhitePaperon critics. forthe in Chinagivesfigures forEthnicMinorities RegionalAutonomy numberofpiecesoflegislation passedin autonomousareas (butwithout theadministrative levelofenactment).19 specifying had Aspartoftherevival in theDengera- autonomy ofsocialist legality - the1982 been abolishedin all butnameduringtheCulturalRevolution Constitution containedmoreextensiveprovisionson NRA.Duringits wasraised,as it theidea thatChinashouldadopta federalsystem drafting, in 1954,butagain had beenwhenthePRC'sfirst constitution wasdrafted thiswas rejected.It was, however,agreed thatautonomyshould be Ina departure inwhichonlyautonomous "extensive."20 from the1954scheme, areaswereaccordedlegislative gavelocal powers,the 1982 Constitution The at provincial levelthepowerto enactlocal legislation. governments of the 1984 Law on NationalitiesRegionalAutonomy21 promulgation on autonomy and expandedon theconstitutional implemented provisions themin somekeyareas.Thislawwasrevisedin 2001,butthechangeswere and generally failedtorespondtoconcernsaboutthelack minor, relatively ofclarity on thenatureofautonomous legislative powers.22 Underthe1982Constitution, then,autonomousareashavetwosetsof in the setis thepowersaccordedto local governments powers.The first enact areas to PRC.23 The secondisspecifically to autonomous only: granted and state laws a local charterand to use autonomy to modify legislation areas exercise The of of autonomous may policies.24 organs self-government thelatterpowers,"within as prescribed thelimitsoftheirauthority bythe theLaw of thePeople'sRepublicof Chinaon Nationalities Constitution, and otherlaws"in orderto "implement statelawsand RegionalAutonomy localsituation."25 The legislative policiesin thelightoftheexisting powers ofautonomous areasareoutlinedinArt.116: oftheThirdSessionoftheNinthNPC forReview] daibiaodahui , 28 December2000,Quanguorenmin no. 1 (2001), p. 69. LiketheothersixNPCspecialcommittees, theMAC's changwu weiyuanhui gongbao, roleisto"examine,discussand drawup relevant billsand draftresolutions," Art.70[2]) (Constitution, but it has additionalpowersto "conductinvestigations and makeproposalson howto strengthen on theregulations on autonomy andsingular [to]deliberate unity amongthenationalities; regulations submitted to bytheautonomousregionsto theNPCSC forapprovaland... reportitsdeliberations theNPCSC" (1982 OrganicLawon theNPC,Art.37[5ii]). 19 StateCouncil.Information Office,"RegionalAutonomyforEthnicMinoritiesin China," 2005,SectionIII.2. Availableat:<http://www.china.ore.cn/e-white/20050301/index.htm>. February 20 Cai, Xianfa iingjie,p. 74. 21 Henceforth LNRA. Foran exampleofproposalsto improvethelaw,see "Decisionon amendingthePRC Lawon Nationalities minzuquyu RegionalAutonomy(DraftProposal)"in Luo Tongdaet al., eds., Wanshan theLawon Nationalities [Researchon theIssueofPerfecting zizhifa wentiyanjiu RegionalAutonomy] (Chengdu:Sichuanrenminchubanshe,1997). 23 Constitution, Chapter3, SectionV. 24 Constitution, Chapter3, SectionVI. * Art.115. 32 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Unused powers: contestation over autonomy legislation in the PRC The people's congressesof national autonomousareas have thepowerto enact regulationson theexerciseofautonomyand othersingularregulationsin thelight of the political, economic and cultural characteristicsof the nationality or nationalitiesin theareas concerned.The regulationson theexerciseofautonomy and othersingular regulationsof autonomousregionsshall be submittedto the forapprovalbefore theygo oftheNational Peoples Congress Standing Committee and countiesshall be submittedto into effect.Those of autonomousprefectures thestanding committees of thepeoples congressesofprovincesor autonomous and theyshall be reportedto the regionsfor approval beforetheygo into effect, oftheNational Peoples Congressfor therecord. Standing Committee The mainfocusofthisprovisionis on approvalprocedures,withminimal guidance on thescope of autonomylegislation.It was not untilthe passage of the 2000 LegislativeLaw thattheseparameterswerefurtherdelineated: An autonomyregulationor singular regulationmay, in accordance with the the ofthelocal nationalities,makestipulationsmodifying special characteristics not contravene must but these or administrative a law regulation, provisionsof thebasicprinciplesofthelaw or regulation,and modifications maynotbe made make specific that administrative or laws other or the LNRA, regulations of provisionfor thenationalityautonomousareas.26 In addition,the LegislativeLaw states:"The Constitutionis the highest no law,administrative regulation,local regulation,autonomous legalauthority; or local rule maycontravene or administrative singularregulation regulation, ofautonomyregulations the that Italso specifies theConstitution."27 provisions law or a or singularregulationsmodifyinghigher-level regulationwillprevail area.28 in the autonomous The LNRAdoes notprovidefurther guidanceon thescope ofautonomous it legislativepowers.However, clearlyindicatesthat the power to modify should be used in accord withthe developmentalprioritiesof thestate:"... ofnationalautonomousareas shall have the The organsofself-government power to adopt special policies and flexiblemeasuresin the lightof local of these areas."29 conditions tospeedup theeconomicand culturaldevelopment By contrast, local people's congresses (LPCs) of provinces and are authorizedtoadopt underthecentralgovernment directly municipalities national the not contravene Constitution, local regulations, providedthesedo Once passed, the laws, or State Council administrativeregulations.30 Similar the record." "for NPCSC powers regulationsare to be reportedto the have been grantedunder specificState Council authorizationto the five specialeconomiczones (SEZs) and to certainlargercities.Local regulations 26 27 28 29 30 Art.66(2). Art.78, emphasis added. Art.81. Art.6(2) , emphasis added. Art. 100. 33 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Volume 82, No. 1 - Spring2009 PacificAffairs: of ordinaryprovincesand citiesmaybe made "in lightof the specific but conditions areas"31 and actualneedsoftheirrespective administrative cannotmodify nationallaws. Thedifference between localandautonomous powers ordinary legislative isdisputed. Ina 1986response between toa question onwhatwasthedifference localregulations from and autonomy/singular an explanation regulations, theNPCLegislative Affairs a power Commission (LAC),whichwasexercising ofinterpretation thatisnotgranted statedthatwhile toitbytheConstitution, were in different the of whether form, they clearly autonomy/singular question research." werea typeof local regulations regulations required"further much Zhou called this "unconstitutional."32 later, Writing response Formsand procedures Distinctformsare providedforautonomylegislation.The people's ofautonomous andcountieshavefourtypes congresses regions, prefectures ofinstrument whichtheymayuseintheexerciseoftheirautonomy powers: autonomyregulations,singular regulations,modifyingrules and rules. supplementing An autonomy regulation(zizhitiaoli)is definedbyCai as "a regulation autonomous areathatdeals ofa nationality passedbythepeople'scongress withbasicissuesrelating to theautonomy oftheautonomousarea and to matters ofgeneralconcernthere."33 A kindoflocalcharteror important constitution, accordingto Ao and Wu,it is considered"a comprehensive onautonomy" inthearea relations between nationalities regulation covering . To a certainextent, (butnotothersocialrelationships) theyassert,itmay evenregulaterelations betweentheautonomous areaand thehigher-level stateorgans.34 , on theotherhand,whilecovering tiaoli) Singularregulations (danxing thesame potentialgroundas autonomyregulations, onlydeal withone instrument.35 a singular However, specificsubjectmatterin anyparticular canbe usedtomodify severallawsorregulations atone time,and regulation is thusextensive in itsscope,as comparedtomodifying rules.36 31 Article64 of the LegislativeLaw providesforlocal legislation to cover three typesof situations: to implement a law or administrativeregulation; to cover mattersof local concern; and to cover matterson which no national laws or regulationsyetexist. 32 Response fromthe NPC LAC to a queryon the difference,cited in Zhou Wei,"Minzu quyu zizhi fajieshi anli shizheng wentiyanjiu" [Research on the question of actual interpretationof cases under the LNRA] Xinan minzuxueyuanxuebao,zhexueshehuikexueban,vol. 23, no. 7, July2002, p. 152. 33 Cai, Xianfajingjie,p. 392. 34 Ao Junde and Wu Zongjin, eds., ZhongguominzuUfalilun yu shijian [Theory and Practice of China Nationalities Legislation] (Beijing: Zhongguo minzhu yu fazhi chubanshe, 1998), pp. 394-5. 35 Ao and Wu, ZhongguominzuUfa,p. 399; Cai, Xianfajingjie,p. 392. 36 Ao and Wu, ZhongguominzuUfa,p. 402. 34 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Unusedpowers:contestation overautonomy in thePRC legislation rules(biantong Autonomous areaLPCscanalsoenactmodifying guiding) rules(buchong . rule and supplementing mayapplytoonlyone guiding)Any lawsandregulations laworpolicydocument.37 higher-level Theymaymodify theCriminal the modification thathaveexplicitly including delegated power, Law,the MarriageLaw,the GeneralPrinciplesof CivilLaw,the Civil Procedure Law,the Law,theAdoptionLaw,theForests Law,theInheritance DiseasesLaw,and theNationalFlagLaw.38 of Communicable Prevention Twelvelawsenactedbetween1979and 1997includedprovisions allowing modification.39 and theLNRAgrantthepower theConstitution In termsofprocedure, and to enactautonomy onlyto theLPCs, regulations singularregulations and notto theirStandingCommittees (LPCSCs),eventhoughnationally and in otherlocalitiesthelatteris themajorlaw-making However, organ.40 theLPCSC inabouthalfofthecaseswherelawsdelegatethepowertomodify, "basic thepowertomodify rules.Generally, toenactmodifying isauthorized Lawand theCivilProcedureLaw) laws"(suchas theCivilLaw,theCriminal can onlybe exercisedbytheLPC.41 whichonlyneedsto be reportedto the Unlikegenerallocallegislation, and NPCSC "fortherecord,"autonomy singularregulations regulations, PC. In thecaseofthe rulesrequireapprovalbya higher-level modification and ARs,thisis the NPCSC; in the case of,theautonomousprefectures an authoritative to level.42 at PCSC is the this counties, According provincial bytheNPCLAC,theseorgansmustconsideriftheautonomy interpretation arealegislation Theautonomous ,43 is"appropriate" only (shidang) legislation is silenton what law the but been it has once effect into approved, goes reflects Theapproval isnotgranted.44 shouldhappenifapproval requirement is allowed(kebiantong modification , the principlethatwherever yuanze) the is that view Another writes.45 Cai is approvalprocess approval necessary, ofthelegalsystem.46 is requiredtoensuretheuniformity 37 Ao and Wu,Zhongguo minzuUfa,pp. 401-2. 38 Thislistis fromAo and Wu,Zhongguo minzulija,p. 402. 39 Zhou Wei,"Minzuzizhidifangdanxingtiaolilifaquanyanjiu [Researchon the Legislative Shehuikexue Areasto EnactSingularRegulations], PowerofAutonomous yanjiu,no. 1 (1998), p. 75. 40 A recommendation thattheLNRAbe amendedtoallowforLPCSCsin autonomousareasto wasnotaccepted."Decisionon amendingtheLNRA,"p. 5. enactsingularregulations 41 Zhou,"Minzuzizhidifang,p. 75. 42 LNRA,Art.19.Provincial-level leveland thoseof PCSCsincludethoseat autonomous-region undertheStateCouncil. directly municipalities 43 NPC Commission (LAC), "Disizhang: fagui,zizhitiaoli,danxingtiaoli, difangxing LegalAffairs and [Administrative] andSingularRegulations Rules),Zhonghuarenmin guizhang"(Local,Autonomy Law ofthePRC), p. 11,at <http://www.npc. gongheguolifafashiyi(ExplanationoftheLegislative accessed24 April2006. gov.cn/zgrdw/home/lmjndex.jsp?lmid=1137&dm=113723&pdmc=1137>, 44 Accordingto the NPC LAC,ifthelegislationis notapproved,it is returnedto thedralting organforrevision. 45 Cai, rulesenactedat pp. 392-3.The 1980MarriageLawstatedthatmodification Xianfajingjie, tothe 2001amendments ARlevelneedonlytobe reportedtotheNPCSC"fortherecord."Following is required. law,NPCSC approvalformodifications 46 NPC LAC,Difangxing fagui,p. 11. 35 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Volume 82, No. 1 - Spring2009 PacificAffairs: Inconsistencies Butconflicts oflawsareendemicintheChineselegalsystem. and betweenordinary local lawspassedbyprovincial congresses people's nationallegislationare common.47 Manylocalitiesenactimplementing In practice thateffectively nationallawsandregulations. regulations modify "noreview theNPCSC"adoptsa policyofpassivereview" oflocallegislation; unlessthereis a complaint."48 The NPCSChasneverexerciseditspowerto theproblem Eveninthecaseofautonomy repeallocallegislation. legislation, isnotthattheNPCSChasrefused toapproveit,49 butthatithasbeenblocked beforethatstage. Some scholarsassertthatsinceit requiresNPCSC approval,autonomy from ARsshouldhavethesamestatus as StateCouncilenactments legislation submitted to theNPCSC forapprovaland passedbytheNPCSC. It thus in a waythatlocal legislation does not. shouldbind nationalinstitutions butthey have the character of local legislation, "[Autonomy regulations] claimsQin.50As such also have the characterof nationallegislation," is the "itslegaleffect is approvedbytheNPCSC,Zhou writes, legislation sameas thatoflawsenactedbytheNPCSC."51 The natureofthemodification power Whilesome legal scholarspresentit as the keyelementof autonomy -powersundertheNRAsystem, themodification flimsy powerhasa relatively areastomodify basis. Ao that the of autonomous and Wu assert authority legal is based on provisions and the LNRA,52but neither of the Constitution instrument uses term in relation Chinesescholars the to actually legislation. believethatmodification is an inherentaspectof the powerto enact in the The onlyexplicitreference to modification autonomy legislation.53 47 Zou no. Local LawswiththeCentralLegislation," ChinaPerspectives, Keyuan,"Harmonizing 52 (March-April 2004), p. 49. 48 Zou, Local Laws,"pp. 51-2.A committee setup bytheNPCSCin2004toreview "Harmonizing localandadministrative forcompliancewiththeConstitution and thelawsdoesnotappear regulations to havemadeanyfundamental changeto thissystem. " 49 Mackerras seemstoassumethattheNPCSChaspassedautonomy legislation:[M]yexplorations officials and leaderssuggestthatitisactually amongminority veryunusualforthat[veto]tohappen. Muchmorelikelyis thattheautonomousplacesnegotiatebeforehandwiththecentralauthorities and makesurethatthelawis acceptableto thehigherlevelbeforeitis passedat thelower."Chinas Ethnic Minorities and Globalisation, p. 39. 50 Qin Naichang,"Lunzhidingzizhitiaolide kunnanji tuijinminzulifade xinsilu- yiguangxi in enactingautonomyregulations and new zhuangzuzizhiquwei li" [Discussionof thedifficulties - examplesfromthe GuangxiZhuangAutonomous thoughtson promotingminority legislation minzuxueyuan xuebao(zhexue shehui kexue ban),no. 3 (1995), p. 6. Region],Guangxi 51 Zhou,"Minzuzizhi difang," p. 154. 52 Relevant areConstitution Art.115and LNRAArt.6(2). Ao andWu,Zhongguo minzu provisions Ufa,pp. 408-9. 53 In relationto theConstitution: Cai, Xianfajingjie,pp. 391-2.In relationto the LNRA, Ao, "Minzuquyuzizhifa," pp. 19-21.Ao writesthatArt.19 of theLNRA (whichreplicatesConstitution Art.116) "does notclearlyindicatemodification, butmodification is theintendedmeaningof the stipulation," p. 19. 36 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Unusedpowers:contestation overautonomy in thePRC legislation LRNA is the provisionforautonomousareas to modifyhigher-level if thesedo not "suitthe "resolutions, decisions,ordersor instructions" Priorto theenactment oftheLegislative Lawin ofthearea.54 conditions" 2000, whichincorporatedthe term"modifying stipulation"(biantong modification oflawswastheprovisions theonlysourceauthorizing ,55 guiding) areas. ofnationallawsthatdelegatesuchpowertoautonomous The NPC sourcesconceiveof thispowernarrowly. Some authoritative LAC hasstatedthatifa nationallawdoes notcontaina provision allowing a ofsuchrulesis notpermitted.56 formodifying However, rules,enactment to rulesmakingalterations havepassedimplementing numberoflocalities forsuchrules,and oftheElectionLaw,whichprovides otherlaws,including Lawdoesnot The Legislative Procedure theCriminal Law,whichdoesnot.57 to casesofdelegatedpowers.A viewthatfitsbetterwith limitmodification is is thatadvancedbyYang:modification theidea of"extensive" autonomy allowedexceptwhenithasbeenexpressly prohibited.58 Modification thescopeofmodification. Scholarshavesoughttoarticulate of the limit oflawsand regulations application therelevant maypartially modification ofpolicy, case In the it.59 to additions make or may instrument, mustcomply modification its halt to far as so Any entirely.60 application go and cannot of thenationallawsand policies61 withthe"spirit"(jingshen) law.62 national of However, the"generalprinciples" contravene yuanze) (jiben Ao terms. of these the on thereis no authoritative meaning interpretation modification of extent the describe to andWuproposethefollowing points thathas"emergedfromlawand practice": and theLNRAmaynotbe modified. oftheConstitution 1. Provisions make issues,no further laws 2. Where provisionforminority already is allowed. modification is authorized laws,thisshouldnotgo 3. Wheremodification byparticular and "basic their principles spirit." against and thereshouldnotbe any,regarding 4. "Thereis no needforflexibility, thatarealreadyinaccordwiththe alllawsandadministrative regulations oftheminority characteristics cultural and economic political, 'particular in thatarea' and wherethereis alreadyno impedimentto their in thatarea."63 implementation 54 Art.20. Approvalfromtheissuingorganofthemodifiedpolicyis required. 55 Art.66(2). 56 Zhou,"Minzu p. 153. quyuzizhifa," 57 Qin,uLunzhidingzizhiuaoli, pp. 9-10. 58 Yang, "Minzu zizhi," p. 6. 59 Ao and Wu, ZhongguominzuUfa,pp. 401-2. ™ Thisis becauseno limitshavebeensetto thispowerin law.ao, Minzuquyuziznna, p. zu. 61 Cai, Xianfajingjie,p. 391-2. °" Lin, Constitutional Law,p. lot. vsrK^ljv^, unangxmgiagui,p. i*, suuca uiai uic gcuciai thesamething. are essentially and the"spirit" principles" 63 Ao and Wu,Zhongguo minzuUfa,pp. 410-11. 37 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions PacificAffairs:Volume82, No, 1 - Spring2009 Apartfromthe last point,these principleswere incorporatedinto the LegislativeLaw in 2000, indicatingthatin some cases legal academics and activists havebeen successfulin advancingtheirvisionofautonomy. minority But the NPC LAC's interpretation of thatlaw statesthatmodificationmay be used when the provisionsof a law are "not entirelyappropriateto the actual circumstances"of an autonomous area. National law, it says, is addressedto thewholenation,and itis difficult foritto "takecare of (zhaogu dao) the particular circumstancesof autonomous areas, except where made forthem,and in thatcase, theappropriate provisionsare specifically issueshave alreadybeen addressedbythe legislativeorgan.64 The exerciseof autonomylaw-making powersin ARs While the legal framework outlined above is fairlycomprehensive,the factthatkeyconcepts remainin dispute limitsits application.It is hardly then,to findthatautonomousareas have made littleuse oftheir surprising, autonomypowersto enact legislation.As one observernotes: A weak link in our countrys legislativesystemis thefact that,as comparedwith legislativeorgans in otherareas, legislativeorgans in nationalityautonomous areas have notbeenverydynamicin theirlegislativeactivities.This is especially pronouncedin thepeoples congresses ofsomeautonomouscountieswhichin some cases have only enacted a single autonomyregulationin the course of many years.65 None of the fiveARs has enacted an autonomyregulationor a singular (When overallfiguresare givenforautonomylegislation,the regulation.66 administrative level of enactmentis usuallyunspecified.)In fact,the only autonomylegislationpassed byARs has been a smallnumberof modifying rulesunder delegated powersrelatingto lawsthatdid not requireNPCSC approval.67 Thus in the reform era, theARs have not exercisedtheirpowersto makeautonomylaws in anysignificant way.According to Qin, a minorityscholar fromGuangxi, this state of affairs"is not beneficial to the exercise of autonomypowersbytheautonomousareas,and affectsthedevelopmentof the economyand cultureof nationality autonomousareas."68 64 NPC LAC, Difangxing fagui,p. 11-12. b5 minzu ofChineseLaw ZhangXiaohui,Zhongguo faliizaishaoshu diqudeshishi[Implementation in EthnicMinority Areas](Yunnandaxue chubanshe,1994),quotedin Zhou,"Minzuzizhidifang," p. 76. 66 NPC LAC, Difangxing fagui,p. 1, statesthatas of 1998,none had enactedan autonomy Nonehavebeenpassedsincethen.NPCMAC,"baogao,"28 December2000,p. 69,confirms regulation. thatas ofthatdate,no AR had passedanysingularregulation. 67 forlowerage ofmarriage),withsomeon Mostlyon theMarriageLaw (generally providing theAdoptionI.aw. m Qin,uLunzhidingzizhitiaoli,"p. 2. 38 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Unusedpowers: contestation overautonomy in thePRC legislation in Guangxi to pass autonomyregulations Qin's accountof the effort of these started this into Drafting regulations process. uniqueinsight provides Autonomous oftheGuangxi thefounding soonafter (GZAR) Region Zhuang 19drafts. Therehad hadgonethrough in 1958,andby1995,thedocument inthe1950s,buttheworkbeganinearnestafterthe1984 beeninitialdrafts withintheGZAR, extensive consultations passageoftheLNRA.Following totheCCP CentralCommittee. draft wassubmitted in March1987the13th senton thedraftto theNPC MAC69and the State The CCP Secretariat reflect thedraftdid notsufficiendy Council.Twoopinionsemerged:first, ofGuangxi;and second,"therewasa ratherlarge character theparticular and StateCouncilministries distancebetweentheopinionsoftherelevant fact that their the ofGuangxi, andtherequirements commissions reflecting underthe oftheLNRAwerenotinaccord."Finally, ofthespirit perceptions March was 18th draft the NPC of the 1989,and MAC, by completed guidance for State Council to the submitted was the revisions afterfurther MAC, by consultation.70 Bureausolicitedopinionson the In 1991theStateCouncilLegalAffairs and commissions. itsministries from draftGZARAutonomy Regulations theirreactions summarizes no fundamental had few" Qin objections. "Very of Somemoreor lesscompletely as follows. rejectedaspects thedraftthat thatpoliciesmust allowedtheGZARto carryoutspecialpolicies,stressing Someobjectedthatprovisions "accordwithunifiednationalregulations." thus ofthedraftwerenotin accordwiththeirdepartmental regulations,71 than such status have lower should the that autonomy regulations implying as "local to thedraftregulations referred Almostall responses regulations. regulations."72 The otherfourARswereapparently waitingto see theoutcomeofthe to get the beforetrying an to efforts regulation pass autonomy Guangxi Han Chinese of the dominance In Inner theirs.73 to centre approve Mongolia, chairmen oftwosuccessive theefforts in theregionalPC thwarted Mongol inthe1980s,writes ofthebodytopassautonomy Drafting Bulag.74 regulations fortheTibetAutonomous oftheautonomy Region(TAR)began regulations oftheTARParty in 1980undertheleadership Committee, accordingtoAo of discussion rounds several underwent The draft and Wu. byitsStanding of the "won and also TAR the and Committee PCSC, support" theNPCMAC 69 See note 18. 70 theZhuang, pp. 117-18,also givesa brief Qin,"Lunzhidingzizhitiaoli,"pp. 2-3.Kaup,Creating to passtheregulations. accountoftheeffort 71 documentsthatdo notnavetnestatusot law. Guizhang,forexample,normative 72 Qin, "Lunzhidingzizhitiaoli,"pp. 7-8. 73 Personalcommunication. 74 Building, UradynE. Bulag,"InnerMongolia:The Dialecticsof Colonizationand'Ethnicity of Frontiers China'sMultiethnic in MorrisRossabi,ed., Governing (Seattleand London: University Press,2004), pp. 94-5. Washington 39 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Volume 82, No. 1 - Spring2009 PacificAffairs: and "relevant centralorgans."Therewerea numberofexercisessoliciting on the draftat consultation opinions meetingsand thedocumentwent totheState 15 drafts wasneversubmitted but through altogether, apparently Council.75 Itscontents included: 1. A preambleemphasizing nationalunityand asserting thattheTARwas an indivisible of China. part 2. ProvisionsthatmainlyTibetansshould constitutethe personnelof autonomousorgans,but withappropriaterepresentation of other and emphasizing theinterdependence oftheminorities and minorities, theHan. 3. Provisions on self-government including: • exerciseofself-government insetting development plans; • a listofthespecialpoliciesand flexible grantedbythe arrangements centretotheAR; • reflection ofcontemporary market changes,forexamplethesocialist and economy; • a chapteron religionreflecting itsimportance forTibet.76 role in the exerciseof Althoughit does not have a constitutional autonomouslegislative the has thepower"todirect State Council powers, and administer affairs the and to safeguardthe nationalities concerning of nationalities and the equal rights minority rightof autonomyof the nationalautonomousareas."77 In effect, writes Qin,theNPCSChas ceded itsapprovalpowerto "certainfunctional at the centre,in departments the economic ministries" because this isthewaythat particular management thedivisionof interests betweenlocal areasand thecentreare generally dealtwith.78 Government at thenationaland provincial level departments arereluctant todevolvepowersthatdirectly affect theireconomicinterests toautonomous areas,assertZhuandYu.79 YettheStateCouncilis nottheonlybarriertoARautonomy legislation. In practice theCCP dominates theprocessofdrafting autonomy legislation, as hintedat above. Accordingto Qin, once drafting of anyautonomy iscompleted atARlevel,thelocalParty Committee hastosubmit regulation itto theCCP CentralCommittee forreview, and thePartycentreconsults variouspartieson thedraft. hasbeenreachedwillthe Onlywhenconsensus 75 76 77 78 79 Ao and Wu, ZhongguominzuUfa,p. 455. Ao and Wu, ZhongguominzuUfa,pp. 455-6. Constitution,Art.89(11). Qin, "Lun zhiding zizhi tiaoli," p. 8. The absence of autonomy regulations at AR level is attributedto this in Zhu Guobin and Yu Lingyun, "Regional MinorityAutonomy in the PRC: A Preliminary Appraisal from a Historical and GroupRights,vol. 7 (2000), pp. 54-5. Perspective,"International Journalon Minority 40 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions overautonomylegislationin thePRC Unusedpowers:contestation be submitted to theARPC forenactment.80 autonomy regulation in 2001 has not resultedin any of the LNRA the revision Apparently in the in deadlocked situation the autonomy legislation regarding change ARs,sinceno suchlawshavebeen enactedsincethattime.Furthermore, tosuchlegislation identified didnotaddresssomeofthebarriers therevision LNRA be retitled that the activists. and scholars minority Proposals bylegal oflawsandthata sentence a "basiclaw"toindicateitsstatusinthehierarchy that"alllaws,administrative be addedto thePreamblestating regulations, and this withtheConstitution and rulesmaynotconflict localregulations law"werenotadopted.81 lawsusingtheirautonomy Althoughtheyhavenot passedsignificant that enact to their used ARs have the generallocallegislation powers powers, In somecases,thismaycovermatters doesnotrequiresuchapproval. bearing An interesting suchas language.82 on autonomy, question(butone thatis exceed beyondthescopeofthisarticle)is towhatextenttheseregulations ofnationalregulations.83 theprovisions The subprovinciallevel autonomous atARlevel,manysub-provincial tothesituation In contrast andsingular areashaveenactedautonomy By2003, regulations. regulations and384 totheStateCouncil,a totalof133autonomy regulations according Giventhe absenceof anysuch had been enacted.84 singularregulations thatallofthesewerepassed fromtheARs,itisevident originating regulations sourcestatesthatbythe Another entities. and county-level byprefectural areashadpassedautonomy 154autonomous year2000,135ofthecountry's been enacted.85 had while 238 According regulations singular regulations, had enacted areas of autonomous 84 in toa survey 1998, percent published Most so. of in the were 5 and doing process percent autonomy regulations of the singularregulations appear to be enactedbya fewautonomous and countieswithactivePCs.86 prefectures 80 Qin,ttLunzhidingzizhitiaoli,"p. 6. 81 The bee Decisionon amending proposednewtitlefortheLNRAwasminzuquyuzizhijibenfa. level. theLNRA,"p. 3. Thishigh-level proposalwassupportedat centralleveland provincial 82 on theStudy, Use,and Development RegionRegulations ExamplesaretheTibetAutonomous of theTibetanLanguage(1987, amendedin 2002) and the XinjiangUygurAutonomousRegion on Languageand Writing (1993,amendedin 2002). Regulations 83 Whenan unnamedautonomousregionsubmitted a piece of legislationto the NFCSC tor approval,it was sentback withthe advicethatthe regulationshouldbe passed as ordinarylocal oflawinChina"[Zhongguo conflicts forresolving accordingtoCai Dingjian,"Mechanisms legislation, of Constitutional faluchongtude jiejue jizhi], paper presentedat conference, Legal Perspectives ofHong Kong,April2004,p. 2. Review, University 84 StateCouncil,RegionalAutonomy, 2005,SectionIII.2. 85 NPC MAC, "baogao,"28 December2000,p. 69. 86 The foundthat16 percentofautonomousareashad passed rathera lot ot singular survey and20 percentnoneatall."Appendix1:Analysis while64 percenthadpassed"rather few," regulations, oftheLNRAand itsamendment"[Fulu:yi,minzuquyu on implementation ofsurvey questionnaires minzuquyuzizhifa, zizhifashixingyuxiugaiwenjuanfenxi],in Luo, Wanshan pp. 272-3. 41 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Volume 82, No. 1 - Spring2009 PacificAffairs: to generalize The numberofautonomy meansitis difficult regulations in "areusually abouttheircontent. to 1994, Chao, they According writing of LNRA.87 for autonomous the This is counties, likely copies" certainly that LAC asserted the fact that a NPC 1992 considering explanation not make rules" that of autonomous counties should "autonomy regulations LNRA.88 The the of the Constitution and the willingness gobeyond provisions of provincial-level PCSCs to pass themmaybe an indicationthatmost arerelatively uncontroversial. autonomy regulations - allautonomous setof25prefectural The current autonomy regulations - wereall (APs)haveenactedthem,exceptthefiveinXinjiang prefectures been a numberhavesubsequently passedbetween1985and 1990,although LNRA the of from revised.89 are a collection They provisions generally of nationalpolicies,suchas on theprohibition combinedwiththerelevant reflect also on the Burma-China border.90 and human They drugs trafficking thegovernment lineofthetimeperiodwhentheywerepassed. and Party Some AP-levelautonomyregulationsdo reflecta certaindegreeof an exampleof Prefecture YanbianKoreanAutonomous provides autonomy. - at leaston paper- ifan autonomous area usesits whatmaybe achieved on theborder located to its interests. Strategically legislative power protect areainthePRCtoenact autonomous withNorthKorea,Yanbianwasthefirst These in 1985,following thepassageoftheLNRA.91 autonomy regulations, were The a modelforotherautonomy thusprovided regulations. regulations in revised 2003. extensively oftheLNRAandcentralpolicyon Whiletheyincorporate manyfeatures theYanbianAutonomy autonomousareas,92 Regulations go beyondthe have entrenched of national laws and For provisions policies. example,they and amendment statusin thelocallegalorder,inthattheirenactment may voteoftheYanbianPrefectural witha two-thirds onlybe effected majority reserve a greaternumber People'sCongress(PPC).93Also,theregulations ofgovernment oftheYanbian for that the Chairman posts Koreans, requiring in the PPCSCmustbe Korean,94 thatmorethanhalfoftheleadingofficials 87 Chien-min Chao, "The ProcedureforLocal Legislation," p. 114. 88 Zhou,"Minzu quyuzizhifa,"pp. 150-1. w This listis based on the local databasein the PekingUniversity legal website, regulations availableat <www.chinalawinfo.com>. 90 A wasreviewedforthispaper,includingthosefromLinxiaHui sampleof such regulations Autonomous Prefecture (AP), HongheHaniYiAP,YanbianKoreanAP,Dali Bai AP,Xishuangbanna Tai AP,WestQinghaiMongolianTibetanAP,GannanTibetanAP and WenshanZhuangMiaoAP. Yanbianchaoxianzuzizhizhouzizhitiaoli[YanbianKoreanAutonomous Prefecture Autonomy Regulations], passedbythethirdsessionoftheEighthYanbianKoreanAPPCon 24 April1985. ^ Itsmain are theorganization of theprefectural PC, PCSC and thepeoples subjectmatters government; managementof the economyand finances;and language,education,scienceand and culture. technology, 98 Art.12 in 1985 text,Art.11 in 2003 revisedversion.Such a procedureappearsto be the invention oftheYanbianPPC. M Art.13 in 1985text,Art.12 in 2003 revisedversion. 42 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Unusedpowers:contestation overautonomy in thePRC legislation and thatthehead or deputyhead ofthe "may"be Koreans,95 government courtinthearea) and Intermediate Prefectural People'sCourt(thehighest "should"be Koreans.96 Procuratorate thePrefectural enactedat prefectural and countylevel,the As forsingularregulations to indicate that theseareessentially listsofsuchregulations97 available appear Since units at thislevelof the local to legislation.98 analogous general to enact suchlegislation, do not have the administrative power hierarchy Some are labelled available to them. the ones are only autonomy powers "measures" or measures" (shishi (banfa), banfa) merely "implementation a higherinstrument thatimplements forregulatory a designation commonly levelregulation. passedat thislevelcovera rangeof Singularregulations of the use languages,compulsoryeducation,ethnic topics,including natural of control, resources, education, regulation population management ofspecificlocal entities(suchas environmental areas,historic protection ofland,urban cities,tourism sites), economicmanagement, management is interests."99 and and order, Interestingly, religion "rights public planning, of a not regulations. apparently majorsubject singular One mightexpectthatwheremodification delegated, powerisexplicitly inexercising areaswouldhavebeenmoreproactive autonomous legislative notbeenthecase.Oftheninelawsthat thishasapparently power.However, rulesby1998,suchruleshad onlybeenenacted had authorized modifying tothree:theMarriage Law,andtheElection inrelation Law,theInheritance rules Law.As mentionedabove,to dateARshaveonlypassedmodifying 68 of a total Law. the Law and the to 2003, By Adoption Marriage relating autonomous enacted had been rules and by modifying supplementing areas.100 Conclusion:Whathope for"extensive"autonomy? areimposedon thelegislative controls Linarguesthat"tighter authority and municipalities of thefiveethnicminority regionsthanon provinces 95 Art.16. The Constitution be a member and theLNRArequirethatthehead ofgovernment thatthenumber fromotherAPsspecify oftheminority Autonomy regulations autonomy. exercising in thepopulation. ofleadershippostsfilledbyminorities maybe greaterthantheirproportion 96 Art.25. The Dali Bai AP Autonomy in Art.22 Regulations(1986,amendedin 2005) specify thata memberoftheBaigroupshouldfillthepostofeithertheheadordeputyheadofthePrefectural Procuratorate. Intermediate People'sCourtand thePrefectural 97 See for minzuUfa,pp. 689-704,and thelists examplethelistprovidedinAo and Wu,Zhongguo and Autonomy forTibetanareas in Sorensenand Philips,LegalStandards Options, AppendixA, pp. 79-100. 98 Anassessment is beyondthescope ofthisarticle. ofthecontentofthislegislation 99 Thisenumeration minzuUfa, is basedon thelistof topicsprovidedin Ao and Wu,Zhongguo ofminors, andcoverprotection arefrom Yanbian, "management" pp.400-1. Allthoseinthelastcategory oftradeunionsin foreign-invested and establishment of"peasant[tax]burdens," enterprises. 100StateCouncil, 2005,SectionIII.2. RegionalAutonomy, 43 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Volume 82, No. 1 - Spring2009 PacificAffairs: In otherwords,thefive underthe[CentralPeople'sGovernment]. directly autonomous regionsenjoy less legislativeautonomythan ordinary Thisiscertainly trueas regards autonomous provinces."101 legislative powers, and goesagainsttheprinciples whichclearly outlinedin theConstitution, indicatethattheautonomousareasare supposedto enjoymore than power otherareas.102 Theworkofminority scholars andlegalacademics whowrite onautonomy oflawto advancea visionof law,as wellas theNPC MAC,use theterrain "extensive" autonomythatharksbackto thepromisesmade to minority theseinvolveda certain groupsin theearlyyearsof thePRC. Essentially, withpre-existing its degreeofaccommodation reaching politicalstructures, 10S "17-Point of 1951. largestextentin theSino-Tibetan Agreement" May Someactivist cadresseektospurtheirco-ethnics todefendthis minority versionofautonomy thefailuretoexerciseautonomy byattributing powers to a lackof awarenessamonglocal officials of the rightstheseconfer.104 Anotherviewis that,as Yang putsit, "themostimportant reasonwhy autonomous areashavenotbeenable properly to exercisetheirlegislative The powersis thatsometheoretical questionshavenotbeen resolved."105 NPC MACimplicitly of to the exercise autonomy acknowledges opposition a delegatemotioncallingforassistance tobe powers.In 2000,itsupported to ARs to enact of the ARs While the efforts provided autonomy regulations. " he relevant themselves wouldbe important, theMACstated, stateorgans [T] shouldalsoprovidethenecessary assistance."106 of extensive use a tacticfamiliar fromthefieldof Proponents autonomy constitutional lawinChina:whatistermed byAnagnost "prolepsis" representing as ifitalready exists.107 Thusalthough thedominant forcesinthe something Chinesegovernment resistefforts to clarify themeaningof keytermsin law- evidentin theminimal revisions totheLNRAafteryearsof autonomy and discussion these scholars and activists articulate proposals meanings ofthemodification and the status of thatexpress power autonomy legislation a visionofautonomy undera future state. constitutionally governed institutions such as the NPC LAC and certain State Council contrast, By ministries seemtoviewautonomy as outdatedand essentially unnecessary a challengeto theirpower. and,in theformproposedbyactivist scholars, In their theprincipal taskof"nationality work" iseconomicdevelopment view, 101 Lin, Constitutional Law, p. 157. 102Zhou,"Minzuzizhi difang,"pp. 77-8. 1U3I his wasnullified afterthe1959Uprisingand denouncedbytheDalai Lamaafter agreement he fledintoexile. 104 theZhuang, Kaup,Creating pp. 118-120. 105 Yang, "Minzu zizhi," p. 1. 106 NPC MAC, "baogao," 28 December 2000, p. 69. Ann Anagnost, Nationalpast-times: and powerin modernChina (Durham, narrative,representation, NC: Duke University Press,1997),p. 8. 44 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions overautonomy Unusedpowers:contestation in thePRC legislation areasinaccordancewiththeHan "advanced" model of"backward" minority Thus the NPC LAC states that the need state.108 the Chinese established by has on whether the centre "taken care" forautonomy depends legislation of thisis thatthe of theminority of theinterests regions.The corollary it maybe used to where is no modification needed, except longer power in the ofautonomous advancethe"modernization" areas,as is emphasized be measures thatspecialpoliciesandflexible LNRA'srequirement only used tosupportstatepriorities.109 it is a policythatservedits is history: Fromthisperspective, autonomy thenewstateand nowhas areas into of peripheral purpose incorporating in keythink-tanks littlemeaning.A fewresearchers arguethat"collective betweenthe stateand autonomousareas,and between rule" (gongzhi, thelatter)isnowa better theHan,within ethnicgroups,including different advocatesofa return modelforethnicpoliciesthanautonomy.110 Similarly, minorities of "barbarian" "culturalization" of toChina'spre-modern policies serves as such measures that autonomy through ethnicity argue "politicizing" tensions.111 ethnic inflame to only - theCCP- is Debateovera keyfactor autonomy legislation influencing hasa keyrole The article. for this used in sources the absent Party generally andalllawsaresupposed oflegislation, thegeneraldirection indetermining As has oftenbeen pointedoutin theliterature, CCP policies.112 to reflect forautonomy, limitson theprovisions inherent dominance places Party leadersin CCP local that is no there since,forexample, requirement the indeed and of members be areas autonomous opposite minority groups, is oftenthecase.113 withdecentralization ButCCPobstruction maynotbe thepricomparisons in countries.114 in otherdeveloping maybe powers, particular, Legislative 108 work Accordingto formertop leaderJiangZemin:"Thereare twomaintasksin nationality to standup and liberatethemselves is to guidethepeople ofall nationalities in NewChina:thefirst of society;thesecond is to of reforms and choose the socialistroad throughthe implementation ofsocialism, outtheconstruction ofallnationalities carrying through promotethecommonprosperity the minority particularly speedingup the economicand social developmentof all nationalities, areas."SEAC,Zhongguo and theminority nationalities p. 12. guanyuminzuwenti, gongchandang 109Art.6(2). 110See scholars tian nationalist in Xinjiang: imperatives Autonomy quotedin GardnerBovingdon, CenterPolicyStudies 11, 2004, pp. 45-6;and in Bulag,"Inner East-West and Uyghur Discontent, Mongolia,"p. 95. 111 in GuidingEthnicRelationsin theTwenty-first Century:'DeRongMa, "A NewPerspective vol.8, no. 3, October2007. in China,"AsianEthnicity, ofEthnicity politicization' 112Fora detailedenumeration ofwaysm whichtheCCP involvesitselfin the of themultitude legislativeprocess,see Qin Qianhongand Li Yuan, "The Influenceof the CCP on Legislating" dui lifade yingxiang], paperon filewiththeauthors. [Zhongguogongchandang 113See Mackerras,China'sEthnicMinorities and Globalization, pp. 41-43,Harrell,Waysoj Being Ethnic, p. 77. 1" See, tor ujueurruTuinuiiun example, Y.r.L»naiana /\.j. Kegan, l neimw,rouncsana naminisiTaium inPapuaNewGuinea(Boroko,Papua NewGuinea:NationalResearchInstitute), pp. 192-4and p. 400. 45 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Volume 82, No. 1 - Spring2009 PacificAffairs: common underused.115 ofChinaconfirms an observation u[T]heexperience in developingcountries: to moststudiesof decentralization whilecertain taskshavebeenshifted to lowerlevels,the legalpowersand administrative transfer of resources and corresponding decision-making poweris mostly The transfer of to local isoften lacking. legal law-making powers populations or Li and Otto.116 even write half-hearted, incomplete deceptive," In thecase ofChina,thecomparative lessonsshouldnotbe overstated. The efforts ofARsto exercisetheirlegislative powershavebeen thwarted. are Someoftheelements considered basicforautonomy elsewhere systems absentin thePRC system. withthelegislative Also,thecontrast outputof local areas is instructive: there has been effort toensure ordinary hardly any thattheirlegislation within the limits set out for and a it, stays hugevolume ofregulations hasbeenpassed. The viewsadvancedbyminority activists and legalscholarsindicatethat the currentlegal framework not be with may inherently incompatible in form. an some The of "extensive" "genuine autonomy" autonomy promise rootsto allow makinguse ofa modification powerdefinedbyitshistorical fordifferent couldpotentially "systems" providesomespace forrealselfthe will. government, given necessary political Yetbecauseofthelackoflegal on divisions of opinionand interest withinthe clarity autonomy powers, Chinesestatewouldlikelycontinueto maketherealization ofthatvision evenifsucha changeofheartdidoccur. difficult, University ofHongKong,HongKongand 2008 University ofBritishColumbia,Canada, September 115See, for example, Richard Simeon and ChristinaMurray,"Multi-SphereGovernance in South Africa:An InterimAssessment,"Publius: TheJournalofFederalism, vol. 31, no. 4 (2001), pp. 77-80. The South Africanexample highlightsthe barrierscreated forprovincialautonomy by the dominance of a strong,centralized party.116Yuwen Li and Jan-MichelOtto, "Centraland Local Law-Making:StudyingChina's Experience," in Eduard B. Vermeer and Ingrid d'Hooghe, eds., China's Ugal Reformsand TheirPoliticalLimits (Richmond, Surrey,UK: Curzon, 2002), p. 2. 46 This content downloaded from on Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:09:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions
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