r \ AP Physics 1 5) What is the difference between a hypothesis and a prediction? A ts M)4+hesls Po.=,t eYtmL mt, tna*,.1 n"*, exDP,q1!ry!^A-+r 'tnyhl hrtld+triosrs rT'?l,u hypd+triosts rf i t.-., s' *rW is' I 6) - 't Sffi'I nqpprr Y physical quantities below in your Define each of the phvsical owFWr vour owi-Words. \A/hat do they mean? How do you find them algebraically? How do you find them on a graph? lndicate if it is a vector or a scalar quantity. lf it is a vector quantity, what does it mean when it has a positive value or a negative value? or{gl{-) to VectoR ") position:th<. distarre sry| dtrw{ron Crorn fi q[ssefl ,\ ^ the- obtect X, @51*lan, Xg={tnal posttton .-=V&'+Y,l -<ko _- rnrt-ial oosrlroh tr,r-rn.tipcep[ of a p_f arooF,\ . Vec+oP)I SCa b R"l Path Lensth, - Jl"ofd Prorn I' ris tt"il[i t'rom ot l+ traveled ,[J ol .far qn opl ec* ?h<- frnal' Posrlron how f6 _!,+ t :. nt"l tal posihon Dispraceme.-fr:ii:tr- star*s o* ko a^d$oes lo *p vectoRo) vcc+'R';l::H-'Lli.jHlq#:.k'$trF$jfi ,-.- ,aloR' Averagespeed: the pa+h tcnq*h trrKen log, "*1J +olgtq ffi drvrd<d b.y th; {tme- to trHvcl +hcr+ clts{once' P+fl te'h#h ffi fi * 3 o chqnfle rn ve.loclfi/ oVeY a' I r fna ttfierva! can m€an oP'sloug dsrrn r or Effih1 *tq6.Sr",y,Yofi frvaln A{ PUM lKinematics *n *:::*r*1r:.5:l,i*f:,11X*:.Y::*uvelen and E.Etkin4Active LearningGuide, Addison wesley, san Francisco,2006@ copyrighr L
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