Døves Oldboys, København

Tantrafestival i Århus d. 24. – 25. maj
Et indblik i tantraens verden!
I det nye år byder Århus atter op til tantrafestival for at gentage succesen fra sidste år. En delikat
forårsfestival nærmer sig med vidunderlige foredrag, workshops, kunstneriske indslag, tantrisk dans,
spirituel underholdning og sanselige overraskelser. To hele dage i et møde med undervisere og eksperter i
selvudvikling, erotik, samliv, kunst, spiritualitet, energiarbejde, dans osv. KOM – TØR DU FORANDRE DIT
Se mere på www.tantrafestival.dk
Lørdag 19.00 – 22.00
Tantric Heart AfterParty
With EcoTrancePlantMystery
What a better way to end the day than playing & dancing! We open the afterparty with a playful Tantric
Journey with spontaneous and luscious games of attraction and interaction; deepening and expanding into
true Heart meetings and profound connection to our own natural essence.
After the workshop we will open the dance floor with live dj and guided body-movement-exploration by
diving into sensual-magical vibrations where the beats of deep drums will connect us with the earth
energies, trickling sounds will nourish us with the creative power of the water, and with the beats
accelerating and the energy of fire rising, we free ourselves and let the vibrations of the elements of air &
ether MOVE us into the Heart and ecstatic states of trance.
Tantric Journey Workshop - Magical Party Playground – Live DJ – Free Dance – Ecstatic Trance
Find us on Facebook – EcoTrancePlantMystery
Vært: Sahajananda
Dørene åbner
Vært: Celestine Andersen
Dørene åbner
10.30 – 11.30
11.30 – 12.30
Energetisk Kraftcirkel for Mænd
Workshop v. Laxmi Khadka
12.45 – 13.45
Workshop v. Laxmi Khadka
14.00 – 15.00
Tantrisk Sanseritual for Par
Workshop v. Tantra Templet
Secrets of Attraction
Lecture by Danny Oceans
15.15 – 16.15
16.30 – 17.30
Blossoming Femininity
By Minodora Blomgren and Louise Skjoldan
Natha Yogacenter
17.45 – 18.45
19.00 – 22.00
11.00 – 12.00
12.15 – 13.15
13.30 – 14.30
14.45 – 15.45
16.00 – 17.00
17.15 – 18.15
Workshop v. Stefan Per de Freitas
Human Being Center
Tao, Tantra & Massage
Foredrag/Workshop v.
Michael Maagaard Virkelyst
Den indre mand og kvinde
Workshop v. Steven Andersen
Tantric Relaxation
Workshop v.Tantrafestival
En Sand Mand af et Ægte Hjerte
Foredrag v. Emanuel Langhoff
Natha Yogacenter.
Tantramassage – præsentation og
Af et team af massører
fra Tantra Templet
Tantric Energy Work
Workshop by Advaita
Natha Yogacenter
Tantric Heart AfterParty
With EcoTrancePlantMystery
Energetisk Kraftcirkel for Kvinder
Workshop v.
Michelle Miller og Stefan Per de Freitas
Human Being Center
At Ride den Vilde Tiger
Workshop v. Sahajananda og Louise Skjoldan
Natha Yogacenter
Det moderne parforhold og sexliv
Foredrag v. Yazmin Fox
Angle Walk
Workshop v.
The Tantric Path of Love
Experiences of a Tantric practitioner
Lecture by Advaita
Natha Yogacenter
Sharing Circle og shows
Masculine energy empowerment by
cognitive linguistics
Lecture by Danny Oceans
Det Tantriske Æble
Workshop v. Celestine Andersen
Edens Have
Love Meditation ”special edition”
Workshop v. AUM Team’et
Love Meditation ”special edition”
Workshop v. AUM Team’et
Deep Dating by Tantratemple
Workshop by Adinatha and Ananda,
Tantra Templet