In Touch Harvest Edition Christ Church, Bray october 2014 CHRIST CHURCH – PARISH OF BRAY Rector: Rev. Baden Stanley 0879484407 The Rectory, Church Road, Bray t Parish Office: Tel / 2862968 e mail: [email protected] website: In Touch website: [email protected] Organist & Music Director: John Morris Junior & Senior Choir Practice – Sunday mornings @ 9.45 – 10.45am. Lay Minister: David Reynolds Tots & Toys - Kirsty 087 2486368 Mothers’ Union Enrolling Member: Nicola Gray Meets 2ndn Monday of the month in PLC @ 8 pm. Hall Bookings –Parish Office Bellringing David McNerney & Jason Warnock Revised Office Opening Hours Tues, Wed and Thur 10.00am - 2.00pm Sunday Rocks: Kirsty Meets during services every Sunday except 4th Sunday Sunday Services – 8.30 am. Holy Communion 11 am. Family Services: st 1 and 3rd Sundays Holy Communion 2nd Sunday –Morning Prayer FROM THE RECTORY Thank you: There are times when words never seem sufficient to express a thought or emotion. These past five months have been a precious gift, both to me as Rector and to us as a family. In June I celebrated 20 years as an ordained minister of the Church of Ireland, and the Study Leave afforded a perfectly timed opportunity to take stock of this remarkable journey God’s call to serve has led me on thus far. In some ways this year marks a mid-way point in my ministry, though I plan to serve much longer than the next 20 years. It is how that twenty years is lived and experienced that became a secondary consideration during the time off. I have promised not to start too many sermons or conversations with ‘when I was in Australia’ but while travelling down the east coast we spent a night in a campsite in Hervey Bay so we could visit the phenomenal Fraser Island. In the campsite we met a remarkable man named Brian who was one of the ‘grey nomads’, retired Aussies, who travel north in the winter to the warmer climate. Brian was an amazing guy; 75, retired and so, so active. He was fixing TV aerials for new arrivals, lending out stuff and making sure everyone was ok for everything. It struck me as I chatted with him that in 30 years time I will be 75 (DV) and I made a promise to myself that I would do everything possible to ensure that I would have the same passion and enthusiasm for life that I have now and that I had 20 years ago (and maybe even more) though I’m fairly sure I won’t be as helpful as Brian in ‘hands-on’ things. His love of life was infectious. There are many ways of saying thank you but I think coming to an awareness of this opportunity and gift and resolving to treasure it is a deep thank you to each and every one of you who made this time possible. Having said all this I do want to say particular thanks to some of you (always a dangerous thing to try), to Kirsty, Shirley, John, Nicola, the property team and many others who kept ‘the show on the road’ for the past 5 months. Special thanks to Hilary (and Harry) for Sunday service cover, to Canon Fred Appelbe for supporting pastoral cover and for setting the bar so high with 50 minute Select Vestry Meetings (just to be clear, we have no hope in attaining that timeline in September’s meeting when I’m back!). The greatest expression of thanks I can give to David Reynolds, without whom the Study Leave could not have succeeded, is to use the theme he mentioned in his May letter, that the Study Leave must not be like ‘treading water while in our pyjamas’. David has ensured these past five months have not been about keeping everything ticking over, as steward of the Parish he has ensured that innovation, opportunity and growth have been at the forefront for all of this and so much more. Thank-you David. Wunderland update: Yes, I know Wunderland is normally spelt with an ‘o’, not a ‘u’ but there are really good reasons why the series of children’s books I have been working on since Easter are called ‘Wunderland’. I wrote the first two books in 2002 and 2003 while I was on extended sick leave. Over the years I never seemed to get the time or head space to do much with them. Since September 2013 I have been reading these two books to some of the students in St. Andrew’s National School, and the reaction has been very positive. The Study Leave has allowed me to focus on preparing these for publication, but also to work on other books in the series. While in Australia I began work on Book 3, but quickly was inspired to write the final book in the series, which I completed at the end of August. The beauty of this approach is that I now know where certain characters and storylines need to get to. My wife, Avril, and Darren Nesbitt are working on character design and illustration, others on the technical side and the plan is (DV) to produce the first book in Autumn 2015, whether this is in paper form or electronic format is still under consideration. I am strongly leaning towards the books being initially published in ‘App’ form for all platforms but the detail is still being worked out – for now this brief report is to let you know that the Study Leave has allowed me to make significant progress in clarifying how best to proceed over the next 4-5 years as the series progresses. One last thought for now; the success of our Narnia and Remembrance Exhibitions has been the coming together of a community to make something very special emerge. Over the coming weeks I hope to take a similar approach to the ‘Wunderland’ opportunity. Looking ahead: Momentum for a new series of activities is picking up; the organ restoration work continues, the Remembrance Exhibition and Flower Festival (Christmas 1914) from the 7th to the 11th November, and, dare I say it, the Christmas concerts and services ensure the next few months will be busy, but fun as well. Watch this space. Golf Classic: It was great that my return to full parish ministry coincided with the Parish Golf Classic. I made my way to Bray Golf Club for 12.45pm to see everyone before they headed out. Jim and Stephen, old hands at this, had it all sorted and teams were picking up their score sheets, goodie bags (including lunch) and handing in their cheques. It looked easy so, when Jim and Stephen stepped out for two minutes to sort out something, I confidently took charge. Two minutes later there was complete chaos. What looked easy to those well experienced, was beyond my ability. It was a timely reminder that we mustn’t take for granted the skills and commitment of those who serve the parish in running fundraising events, no matter how easy they make it look. That evening we enjoyed a great meal, camaraderie and loads of chat and craic - a wonderful day that raised €10k for the Organ Fund. It is notable that the Golf Classic has moved from being a ‘parish event’ to being an event for the parish. We have a lot of parishioners and their families who love the game of golf and yet, apart from a faithful few, the vast majority of supporters and participants come from outside the parish community. So stick it in your diary now, there will be a PARISH Golf Classic next September and your support and participation will be greatly appreciated. Note re Confirmation 2015: Kirsty is outlining the dates of meetings and classes for next year’s Confirmation Service. As yet we haven’t received a date from the Archbishop for the service but we will begin classes in October. There has been an emerging consensus in the local parishes that the best age for taking Confirmation is when in secondary school. In recent years we have included some in 6th class, especially when they want to share in communion with their new classmates in Secondary School. However, there is much to be said for holding off on Confirmation until later, especially as the transition to a new school, and a move from being the senior class to being the junior one can lead to loads of questions and opportunities. Please contact either myself or Kirsty as soon as possible if you are interested in being confirmed in the spring of next year. St. Andrew’s National School: Important notice – If you have a child due to start primary school in September 2015 it is essential that you send an ‘Intention to Apply’ form to the school before the 10th October. With over 150 applying for 30 places each year it is vital you do this on time and that you read all the forms and documents carefully. Evening Services: Over the summer David ran short evening services which attracted small but faithful numbers. Given that one of the motivations behind this initiative was the difficulty some of our families have in getting to Church on Sunday morning with sporting commitments, we are exploring this a bit further. We are proposing to hold evening worship on Sunday evenings in October, November, February, March, May and June. These will be held at 7.30pm and will encompass a variety of styles - said Traditional, contemporary worship and even discussion time (to overlap with our Boulder’s discussion group last year). Details will become clearer in the coming weeks but for now please mark the 7.30pm services in your diary for the months listed above. Remembrance Flower Festival and Exhibition: Over twelve months ago I mentioned in a sermon that we were entering a 10 period of significant centenary’s (WW1; 1913 lock out; Ulster Covenant, etc.). It has been really heartening to see parishes, cathedrals and various communities marking the beginning of WW1 one hundred years ago in a dignified, non-triumphal way. At that time we set in motion plans that will culminate next month with the Christmas 1914 Flower Festival and Exhibition in Christ Church Bray. For those of you not familiar with the story: The expectation on both sides of the war was that they would be victorious; that they would defeat the other swiftly and would be ‘home by Christmas’. And yet as the skies darkened on Christmas Eve the horrible reality was sinking in; on each side of the deeply dug trenches, this was going to be a long war. As midnight approached, near Ypres, a German soldier started to sing ‘Stille Nacht’ (Silent Night). Soon, all along the front line, soldiers on both sides were singing this beautiful Christmas Carol in their own language. As Christmas morning dawned, a strange spirit of peace pervaded and slowly soldiers emerged from their trenches and greeted one another, exchanged cigarettes and showed each other photos of their families. A football match took place between British and German soldiers (the Germans won 3:2). The next day again the troops met in no man’s land but the hierarchy were unhappy about this entente and warning artillery shots were fired overhead; there was a war to get back to. A year later, with so much blood-shed on each side, there was no peace for Christmas, no football match, no silent night. In flowers, photos memorabilia and story boards we will depict aspects of this historic Christmas. On Friday, 7th November at 8pm we will hold a Remembrance Concert with Bray Concert Band, poems and stories and letters from the trenches. The Exhibition itself will run from 10am- 1pm and 2.00pm-4.00pm Friday to Tuesday. More details next month but make sure to come and bring your friends. Baden Catherine Boyd and her mother, Kay who celebrated her 100th birthday earlier this summer. Lily Warner at her Christening in August St Andrew’s School Applications for enrolment of pupils in our Junior Infant class will close on 10th October 2014.It is essential that completed "Intention to Apply " forms reach the school by this date. After this date we will send detailed application forms to those who have duly filled in these forms. Places are allocated in accordance with the schools enrolment policy which will be forwarded along with the" Application" forms. Preference is given to the children of active members in the three trustee churches with remaining places being allocated to brothers and sisters of pupils already attending St Andrew's. There are always many more applicants than there are places available. As no late applications can be considered,please ensure that "Intention to Apply" forms reach us by 10th October 2014 .Please don't hesitate to contact the school office with any queries. Peter McCrodden Principal What: Parents and Toddlers Group Where: PLC (Behind Christ Church) When: Tuesday mornings Time: 10:00am-12:00pm Cost: €2:00 per family Come and join us for a chat and coffee while the tots have a chance to play in a safe environment Bi Annual Golf Classic Bray Golf Club Don’t forget the Mars Bars…….. 4 bottles of water, 4 packets of crisps,4 apples,4 beautifully homemade ham and cheese rolls (Stephen) , 2 snickers and finally 2 Mars bars , that is how the day started out in Stephen & Alison’s kitchen. Then it was up to the golf course with all the goodie bags, boxes of wine, raffle prizes and the hand craft ed main prize sourced in Donegal. We had 18 teams taking part, the weather once again was glorious and Bray golf course was in top condition. The gap between 1st and 5th was very tight with the team from Killarney Telecom coming out on top, well done to them. Everyone sat down to a beautiful meal and it was nice to see some local supporters from the Parish dropping in to join in the fun. We received great support from the local and not so local businesses. Centra store deserve particular mention for all the ‘goodie bags’ that really does help our bottom line. When all funds come in we expect to achieve almost €10,000 for the organ fund. Thanks again to all who supported us, .Stephen & Jim Congratulations and thanks to the organising group!! Winners: Killarney Telecom THESE SPONSORS HELPED THE PARISH—SO WHERE POSSIBLE GIVE THEM YOUR SUPPORT! Neville Murphy & Co. Solicitors, Bray Kinvara House Nursing Home, Bray Wicklow Memorials, Laragh Humphrey Lynch, Ballymakeera Ltd. Mermaid Florists, Bray Albert Hill Roseville Nursing Home, Bray DM MORRIS John Leeson Natasha Shanks Boomerang Clinic Mount Jerome Crematorium Ltd. Gerard T. Murphy & Co. Chartered Accountants George White Plant Hire Graham Doyle Monumental Mason HJ Byrne Auctioneers, Bray Alan Mulligan Christie & Co Solicitors Bank of Ireland Ian Duggan of 4SITE Jim Sheehan SURECOM NETWORK SOLUTIONS Colliers Funeral Services VILICOM Ken Naughton of PRIMELINE VNE Colin Cunningham of TAMCO Mark Foran of GLENLINE Derek Wilkinson Cars Kealan Delaney of DELMEC ENGINEERING Sean McGrath of M.J. McGRATH Electrical Contractors Paul Collins Stephen O’Brien of Obelisk Communications JB Tough Dental Alan Hanamy of KTL Stephen O’Brien of Focus + John Clarke of RTE NL Hill’s Garage Greystones Mobility Bathrooms Long & Anne Dixon Tommy Mason Tom Farrell of KN Networks CENTRA Bray, Greystones & Ballybrack Sunday Rocks continues to meet on Sunday Mornings during the 11am service. When we go to the PLC we have a short Together Time where we celebrate our Birthdays, put our collection into Piggy Bank (this year we are collecting the money for the team to take to Kenya, to present to Bishop Gaddiel) as well as showing off our memory skills with our memory verse from the week before. We then split into our three classes – Pebbles (4 years and up), Rocks (1st – 4th Class) and Boulders (5th class and older). In our classes we spend time looking at Bible stories, what we can learn from them and how we can relate to them. When the members of the junior choir return to church we all gather again for a game or a song and prayer time. We would love to see more members joining us in Sunday Rocks – if you would like to come along please let any of our teachers know. We are looking forward to taking part in the Harvest celebrations and continuing to work through our new books. God bless The Sunday Rocks Team Messy Church will be back on Sunday 12th October from 3:00pm – 4:30pm in St. Andrews National School. We will be celebrating a Messy Harvest and thanking God for all He provides us with. We look forward to seeing you all then. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Anois 2015 – We are hoping to go to Anois from Saturday 25th October – Monday 27th October. This is a chance for us to get together with other youth groups from across Ireland for worship, teaching, prayers and lots of fun. Anois is for anyone aged 13 – 19. For more information and consent form please see Kirsty or check Confirmation 2015 – We will be starting our Confirmation preparation on Sunday 12th October, after the 11am service with a short parents and candidates meeting. During this time we will explain what is involved in the preparation for confirmation and fill in all the paperwork needed. This year Confirmation will be open to anyone in secondary school and older, this is to come in line with changes that are happening throughout the Rural Deanery. If you or your young person is interested in Confirmation please let Kirsty or Baden know. Likewise if you have any questions do not hesitate to get in touch. Confirmation Date is the 8th March 2015 News from the Shack… Saturday Night @ The Shack is back and if possible is louder than ever! We have a packed programme between now and Christmas with lots of fun events to look forward to including Movie Nights, a PJ party and many more. We would love to see you come along to youth club if you are in 1st – 6th class (from 6:15pm – 7:15pm) or secondary school (7:30pm – 9:00pm). If you want more information get in touch with Kirsty. October Activities 1st – 6th class: 4th October – Pizza 11th October – Bowling 18th October – Fancy Dress 25th October – Half Term Secondary School: 4th October – You Tube 11th October – Bowling 18th October – Chill Out 25th October - Anois Late Night @ The Shack will be returning on Saturday 18th October from 9:00pm – 10:00pm for anyone in Second year or older. KIRSTY HARVEST PREPARATIONS Take note - real Irish Grapes! TRADITIONAL HARVEST HYMN We plough the fields, and scatter The good seed on the land, But it is fed and watered By God’s almighty hand; He sends the snow in winter, The warmth to swell the grain, The breezes, and the sunshine, And soft refreshing rain: All good gifts around us Are sent from heaven above, Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, For all his love. First verse of the favourite Harvest Hymn from the german of Matthias Claudius 1782 Translated by Jane Montgomery-Campbell 1861. Bray Mothers’ Union Hello Everyone, We shared a reflective Holy Communion together on Monday 8th September-thank you Rev Hilary for your thoughtful sermon on the life of Peter’s mother-in-law Sarah. We thank you John for the music. We had a tasty supper and a good chat afterwards. On Tuesday Esther carried the Bray banner in the Diocesan service in Christchurch Cathedral. This was another wonderful service. Our next meeting will be on Monday 13th October at 8pm in the PLC when you will be very welcome to hear a speaker from MABS speaking about debt. Carol Church of Ireland Historical Centenaries Working Group ‘Ethics of War’ Lecture by Professor Nigel Biggar Response by Professor Keith Jeffery Discussion chaired by Dr John Bowman Marking the Centenary of the outbreak of the First World War Music Room, Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, 19th November 2014, 7.30pm You are invited to hear leading speakers on the subject of War in history at an open event on the theme of ‘The Ethics of War’ in the Music Room of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin at 7.30pm on Wednesday 19 November 2014. Professor Nigel Biggar of the University of Oxford will speak on the theme based on his recent book In Defence of War, to which Professor Keith Jeffrey of Queen’s University, Belfast will respond referring to his recent historical research. The event will be chaired by Dr John Bowman who will open up debate and discussion to the audience. Organised by the Church of Ireland’s Historical Centenaries Working Group as a contribution to the commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War, the event complements the ‘Lives Remembered’ exhibition and programme at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin. Other Events & Announcements BRAY CUALANN HISTORICAL SOCIETY The life and career of one of the leaders of the 1916 Rising is the subject for the Thursday October 16th meeting of the Bray Cualann Historical Society at which author and historian Hen Litton will present her talk at 8 p.m. on ‘ Commdt Edward Daly: The Man after Whom Bray Railway Station is Named ‘ in Bray Chamber of Commerce House, 10 Prince of Wales Tce., 10 Prince of Wales Tce, Quinsboro Road, Bray. “Does your spouse have dementia? We are carrying out research looking to gain an insight into the health and wellbeing of those who live with someone who has dementia. For more information about taking part please contact Alan Galvin or Dr Maria Pertl at Trinity College on 01 896 8414” BRAY LIONS CLUB SEEKS YOUNG AMBASSADOR Bray Lions Club has begun its search for a Young Ambassador who will represent the club in an international competition. The Lions European Young Ambassador programme rewards young people (aged under 19 on 30th. June 2015), who are making a contribution to their local community through voluntary work, sporting activity or good citizenship. Young people who wish to participate should contact Frank Corr, Bray Lions Club on 086-8274710 or at [email protected] Free Home Insulation If you are a homeowner living in Co.Wicklow on a low income, you may qualify to get your home insulated free of charge. To qualify for the scheme you must be a owner occupier and in receipt of either Job Seekers Allowance for more than six months with a child aged under seven, Fuel Allowance or Family Income Supplement. Further information available from the Warmer Homes Team at 012866080” Don’t Forget Copy for the November Issue to be in by Monday 21st Oct 2014. DEREK WILKINSON CARS MAIN DEALER We supply all makes of New & Used Cars and Vans at very competitive prices Open Monday - Friday 9 - 6 Saturday 10 - 1 Sales – Service – Parts Quality Used Cars – Finance Arranged Telephone: 286 9520 / 286 9521 Killarney Road, Bray In Ladies workout Express our club has no joining fee We have fabulous facilities Amazing classes with remarkable results. Call to 4 Castle Street or 01-2828707 Diane: 087- 2101226 , Breda: 085- 8207225 Dates for your Diary.. OCTOBER Sun 5th October Sun 12th October Sun 19th October Sun 26th October 8.30am Holy Communion 1; 11.00am Holy Communion 2. 8.30am Holy Communion 2; 11.00am Morning Prayer. 8.30am Holy Communion 1; 11.00am Holy Communion 2. 8.30am Holy Communion 2; 11.00am Family Service. Short Evening Services at 7.30pm every Sunday in October and November. Lay Ministry/Readership Enquirers’ Day (for both Parish and Diocesan Lay Ministries) will be held on Saturday 4th October. Anybody who may be interested in exploring a call to either of these ministries, please get them to contact either Uta Raab ([email protected] or 086 3537670) or myself ([email protected] or 086 3021376).
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