& St. Peter’s, Codsall Wood Sunday 12th October TRINITY 17 Welcome to the services 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.00 am Holy Communion CW 9.30 am Parish Communion Hymns : 580, 343, HC 156, HC 456, 534 11.15 am All Age Service 1.00 pm Holy Baptism 2.00 pm “Worship 4 Today” Course - Parish Rooms 6.30 pm Evensong *************************** Next Sunday 19th October TRINITY 18 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Parish Communion 11.15 am All Age Service 6.00 pm Youth@StNicc’s Games Night 6.30 pm Evensong If you are a newcomer or visitor we welcome you to our church Please join us for tea & coffee after the 9.30 & 11.15 services This week... Daily Prayer is at 9.00 am Monday - Friday in church for 20 minutes - all welcome Monday 13th 9.30 am Churchyard Cttee in Church 1.30 pm St Nic’s Toddler Group - P.R 2.30 pm Service at The Willows 7.00 pm Prayer Time 7.30 pm-8.15 pm Enquiry Evening Tuesday 14th 11.00 am Service at Hunters Lodge 11.30 am Burial of ashes of James Evans in churchyard 7.45 pm CYFAM meet at Vicarage Wednesday 15th 10am-12 noon ‘Coffee, Cake & Chat’ 2.30pm Standing Committee @ David’s 7.00 pm ‘Growing Together’ Course @ Jill’s 7.30 pm Women@thewell - Vicarage 7.45 pm Bellringing practice Thursday 16th 10.15 am Holy Communion 7.30 pm Deanery Synod in Brewood Saturday 18th 2.30pm- 4.30pm Craft Group - Parish Room 7.00 pm “Churches Together Social” in Parish Rooms The community bus Every week we offer lifts to our 9.30am service on the community bus. The driver on 19th October will be Roger Richardson - 845556. If you don’t usually go on the bus but would like a lift please call the driver on duty. Outreach We are visiting The Willows on Monday at 2.30pm and Hunters Lodge on Tuesday at 11.00 am for a short service with prayers, hymns and a reading. The service is enjoyed by the residents and it would be lovely to have some more support. If anyone would like to join us please let Evelyn or Jan know or ask us for more information. Simon’s blog if anyone wants to have a look at Simon’s blog here’s the web address : pilgrimsway2014.blogspot.co.uk If you want to start reading the blog from the beginning you need to start at the very bottom because it always puts the most recent posts first, apparently! Coffee, Cake & Chat is on Wednesday at the usual time in church. Come and join us for cakes, scones etc. If you haven't been before why not come along you will be made very welcome. Women@thewell is at the Vicarage on Wednesday from 7.30 pm onwards. Churches Together in Bilbrook & Codsall You are invited to a social evening next Saturday 18th in the Parish Rooms at 7pm for a Beetle Drive. Could everyone who is coming please bring a plate of food to share. We look forward to your company Christmas Tree Festival Coffee Morning Saturday 8th November 10.30am-12 noon in the Parish Rooms. Lots of stalls Christmas cards, Christmas crafts, Cakes, Plants, Phoenix cards, Nadia Lammas Glass, Usborne Books, Nail Bar, Bottle Tombola. Donations of any type of bottle would be very much appreciated for the box at the back of church, thanks. Trinity Methodist Church will be hosting an ‘Evening of honest, poignant teaching, theatre, music and mirth with speaker and author Jeff Lucas’ on Thursday November 20th, 7.15pm-9.30pm. Tickets £10 (£8 concessions) until 19th October, thereafter £12, can be obtained by emailing Helen Share on [email protected] or 07766106615. A poster giving more information will be in the porch. At the Sidesmens’ meeting on Monday various matters were discussed. One point that was raised was about the sorting of the hymns books after the services. Could everyone please leave the Hymn books etc in the pews after the services for collection by the sidesmen on duty. Thank you. Real Advent Calendars If you would like to order Advent Calendars that come with the story of Christmas and include a donation to help equip the Funzi Baby Clinic in Kenya please sign up on the list at the back of church by TODAY. The chocolate is Fairtrade and the calendars are £4 each. Sharon Watkins and Kathy White would like to thank everyone who sponsored Sharon in the half marathon. A total of £457 was raised for Pancreatic Cancer Research and hopefully this will be matched by Sharon’s employer, Lloyds Bank. The giving envelopes are now at the back of church ready for collection. If anyone is writing a cheque out for church could you please make it payable to ‘Codsall P.C.C.’ thank you. For our prayers this week : ‘The International Prayer for Peace’ Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth. Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe. We pray for the many communities around the world where Peace is something that can only be longed for. Those in particular need : & Izzy Barrett. Mark Smith, Trevor Starkey, Nigel Dean Those who have died recently : Irene Leighton, Sheila Bradley & Phyllis Reynolds. ************************************************************* About St. Nicholas’ Church, Codsall & St. Peter’s Church, Codsall Wood. Parish Office: rear of Parish Rooms, Church Rd Tuesday & Thursday 10.00 am - 1.00 pm Parish Secretary - Angela Jevons Tel. 847786 (office hours) Email: [email protected] If you know someone who would appreciate the support of the church or would like to receive communion at home, or if you would like someone to be included in our prayers (and have asked them,) please let Angela know. Church website: www.stnicholascodsall.org.uk The website has information about church activities, weddings, the churchyard, recent sermons and the current newsletter and lots else! E-newsletter Each month we send out an e-newsletter with information about what’s coming up. To receive this please email: [email protected] Arranging baptisms and weddings Every Monday (except Bank Hols) from 7.30pm - 8.15pm there is an Enquiry Evening at St. Nicholas Church for arranging christenings and weddings. Clergy contact We are served by a Ministry Team of clergy and lay people. Our Vicar is Revd Simon Witcombe The Vicarage, 48 Church Road, Codsall, Staffs, WV8 1EH
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