Annual Report 2013 in 2013 care International supported 93 million of the world’s poorest people through 790 projects in 86 countries | Photo: Kenya - Brendan Bannon - Coop | 93 million of the world’s poorest people through In 2013 CARE International supported 790 86 projects in 2 Annual Report 2013 countries THE SOONER THE BETTER CARE International is one of the largest humanitarian organisations in the world. In 2013 the work of CARE International strengthened the capacity of 93 million people in 86 countries. CARE Danmark runs long-term programmes in nine of these countries. CARE Danmark supports the world’s poorest families in their efforts to get food on the table and work their way out of poverty. In rural areas in the world’s poorest countries it is a constant struggle to get enough food for your family. In these areas, the climate; access to markets; and the lack of information and rights create enormous challenges. CARE Danmark works together with partner organisations in the countries where we operate. Through education and training, the goal is to strengthen poor people so they can fight their way out of poverty. CARE Danmark’s work is focused on prevention of disasters and helping people help themselves, because it saves lives and reduces suffering. CARE Danmark brings our work into action before disasters strike in order to create long lasting solutions together with poor and vulnerable people. That is why we say: the sooner, the better. | Photo: Kenya - Brendan Bannon - Coop | BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT 2013 Why does the world need international humanitarian organisations? The question might sound provocative. There is still a lot of suffering and poverty in poor countries in the world. But things are changing... And in some places this change is taking place fast – particularly in Asia and South America. In Africa, the economy is also growing creating opportunities for African countries to assume responsibility for tasks, which rightfully are theirs, but which humanitarian organisations have performed for decades. At the same time, a truly positive development is taking place in civil society. New and strong local organisations are being founded and are growing. They have both the will power and ability to solve a majority of the tasks, which international organisations previously have carried out. The local organisations are increasingly becoming the backbone of His royal highness Prince Joachim Patron of CARE Danmark 4 Annual Report 2013 CARE’s work. When we support them, we are supporting sustainable development and maintaining strong public pressure on governments to deliver the services, which their citizens are entitled to – food, water, land, security, health, education and so forth. In CARE Danmark we are excited about this development, and we are eager to seize the opportunity and find new ways in which we can support our partners. One obvious and powerful way to this is to act as their representatives and bring their interests into our part of the world. CARE Danmark has followed the international climate negotiations for a long time. They perfectly exemplify how events taking place here have enormous consequences for poor people in the rest of the world. For the same reason we invite our partners to join us when negotiations take place, and we work hard to ensure that Niels Tofte National Director of CARE Danmark Christian s. Nissen Freelance Consultant Chair they have a chance to let their voices be heard, when deals are made. But there are a lot of other areas, which are interconnected and influence the world’s poorest people. One example is when the European dairy industry venture into new markets, because EU removes the quotas on the production of milk. This has the potential of threatening a large group of very poor milk farmers in Western Africa, who cannot compete with the low price of European subsidised milk powder. This is why CARE Danmark is starting a new project, which will gather representatives of the European dairy industry, milk farmers from West Africa and scientists in a number of round table discussions. Here the participants can talk about consequences, differing interest and possible investments in local dairy production in Western Africa. In this way Bjarne H. Sørensen Ambassador Vice Chair Catharina collet MA henriette Frandsen-Melau Deputy HR Director we can find solutions together, which will The partnership with Coop has continued benefit as many as possible. on other platforms as well. Together with the organisation Children’s Welfare we run CARE Danmark is also paving a new path for the ‘Charity Button’ in Coop’s supermarkets NGOs in the global trade with vegetables. in 2013 and 2014.This brings into CARE Throughout the year CARE Danmark’s Danmark, 3 million kroner annually. And in strategic partnership with Coop, ‘Kilimo December, CARE Danmark was one of three Biashara’, has supplied lush beans and charitable organisations taking part in Super valuable experience.The project, which aims to Brugsen’s Christmas campaign, where the strengthen small-scale farmers, so they can customers divided 1 million kroner between supply vegetables for the global trade, is about the organisations.137.000 kroner went to My half-way through. The learning curve is steep Village – Kasapo in Tanzania, where for and the results concrete – and the interest in the next three years, CARE Danmark plans to the partnership is massive in Denmark. This climate proof the village, which is regularly is why Coop and CARE Danmark educated a affected by drought. dedicated team of storytellers, who visited the annual meetings in Coop’s boards to share CARE Danmark started four new projects their experiences with the project in Kenya. in 2013 funded by Danida and the EU. And let this be an opportunity to thank all of One of these is a climate project, which for CARE Danmark’s committed storytellers and the first time brings us to Laos, and helps to CARE Danmark’s ambassadors. consolidate CARE Danmark’s internationally Anette Følsgaard Board Member Mariann fischer boel former Minister of food and EU Commissioner Niels Elers Koch dean Susanne Larsen Former CEO Orla Grøn Pedersen Board Chairman recognized pioneering work on climate in the future. At the same time, results need to be made in our ongoing projects. We are documenting results and effects of our work like never before. In CARE Danmark we believe that it is only reasonable and fair that we demonstrate the end results – and not just how we spent the money on activities. To document this we have made an effort to develop new systems and methods. 2013 was the year where we said goodbye to Leo Bjørnskov and acknowledged his tireless efforts as Chairman of the Board of Directors in CARE Danmark. He was replaced by Christian S. Nissen, who has been member of the Board of Directors in CARE Danmark since 2005. Bjarne H. Sørensen took on the role as Deputy Chairman. Ulla Röttger CEO 5 Annual Report 2013 FINANCIAL REVIEW 2013 In 2013, CARE Danmark had a total income of 115 millioner kroner, of which 48 million kroner came from the framework agreement with Danida. CARE Danmark also received support from the EU and the Governments of Austria, Finland and the UK. Added to this were significant contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations. Fundraising activities In 2013, the income from individuals, corporations and foundations were above the level of 2012. The income has – among other factors – gone up due to CARE Danmark’s partnership with Coop, where the ‘Charity Button’, which we run together with Children’s Welfare, brought in 3 million kroner to CARE Danmark. Private donations amounted to 28.2 million kroner and accounted for 25 per cent of the total income. The majority of this year’s private fundraising came from regular contributions from support members and amounted to 16.5 million kroner, of which 4.6 million kroner came from memberships. The number of support members in 2012 was 15,472 and in 2013 it was 15,295. The number of donors increased from 25,092 in 2012 to 26,022 in 2013. Partnerships with corporations are central to CARE Danmark’s fundraising strategy. Among other strategic partnerships is CARE Danmark’s and Coop’s partnership, Kilimo Biashara, in Kenya. In 2013 CARE Danmark received a total of 8.7 million kroner from corporations and foundations, which is more than in 2012. In 2013, CARE Danmark was also part of the yearly national telethon, Danmarks Indsamling, where 76 million kroner was raised. 6 Annual Report 2013 CARE Danmark’s share of the funds amounted to 3.1 million kroner. The money is earmarked a project on poor women’s land rights in Niger. It is noted with satisfaction that CARE Danmark once again has succeeded in keeping an overall high level of fundraising. However CARE Danmark is experiencing a decrease in members and in the size of donations as are other organisations. This is a matter that CARE Danmark will have to improve in the coming years. Support from private individuals is crucial to CARE Danmark’s work and future. Annual result and expectations for 2014 The final accounts for 2013 show a profit of 1,691,000 kroner, and at December 31, 2013, the reserves amounted to a total of 12.1 million kroner. CARE Danmark hereby continues the recent years of economic growth. The financial results of 2013 are satisfactory in regards to CARE Danmark’s long term goal of building its reserves. The administration rate has gone up from 12 per cent in 2012 to 13 per cent in 2013. This is due to a decrease in the total income from public institutions. It is expected that the income from public institutions in 2014 will be at the same level as in 2013. CARE Danmark expects a profit of a total of 3 million kroner in 2014 to further consolidate the reserves. The framework grant from Danida is at 48 million kroner. It is expected that there will be opportunities for additional individual project funding from Danida in 2014. At the same time the well-established cooperation with the EU and other foreign institutional donors is expected to continue in 2014. Revenues 2013 am pal 25% ganda Niger 2013 Revenues Restricted revenues Other revenues Private donations Other Statement � Operating for the period January 1-December 31, 2013 42% 4% Danida framework Total revenues Expenses 9% Other institutional donors Accrual of restricted revenues Use of restricted funds Use of unrestricted funds 8% 12% EU Danida single projects Total expenses Result of the year Expenses 2013 The result of the year has been allocated as follows: Transferred to unrestricted reserves Adjustment of restricted reserves Vietnam Administration Information and fundraising Global activities Other project activities (including Tanzania and Kenya) Mozambique 13% 8% Nepal 10% 6% 10% Uganda 7% 5% 10% Sheet � Balance Private as of December 31, 2013 donations Fixed assets Current assets Other Niger 22% 9% Ghana 25% Assets 4% (DKK 1,000s) 85.050 29.627 88.365 30.128 114.677 118.493 7.309 -5.732 121.986 112.761 91.218 29.078 83.836 28.478 120.296 112.314 1.690 447 549 1.141 1.650 -1.203 2013 (DKK 1000s) Danida framework 2.778 36.934 39.712 Total assets 2012 (DKK 1000s) 2.737 41.084 43.821 Other institutional 9% donors Liabilities Reserves 12% 8% Restricted reserves Unrestricted EU reserves Total reserves Total debt For the entire financial review, see 42% 2012 (DKK 1,000s) Total liabilities Danida single projects 200 11.903 200 10.213 12.103 10.413 27.609 33.408 39.712 43.821 ABOUT CARE CARE International CARE is a non-political and non-religious organisation consisting of 13 autonomous organisations in Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Thailand and USA. These organisations work autonomously each with their unique core competences within the fields of development assistance and emergencies. At CARE’s country offices however all 13 organisations coordinate their respective activities closely. Internationally, CARE is one of the world’s largest humanitarian organisations with programmes in 86 countries supporting more than 93 million people in 2013. The core principle of all CARE programming is that the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people must be empowered so that they become capable of improving the livelihoods of themselves and their families. 8 Annual Report 2013 CARE Danmark CARE Danmark focuses on long-term development assistance in nine countries in Africa and Asia based on the principle of helping people help themselves. This is why CARE Danmark works in close cooperation with local communications. Local staff makes up 97 per cent of all CARE country office staff, ensuring sustainability of activities as well as effective locally based operations. In addition, CARE Danmark partners with civil society organisations in the countries, where the programmes take place. In this way CARE Danmark enables grass root organisations to strengthen their voice and level of influence in dealing with governments on issues concerning the right to food, water, land, health care, participation in decision-making processes and gender equality. Read more about CARE Danmark’s work at: niger ghana uganda anda care Danmark ORGANISATION nepal laos vietnam Kenya tanzania mozambique CARE INTERNATIONAL MEMBERS CARE INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME COUNTRIES CARE DANMARK PROGRAMME COUNTRIES CARE Danmark was established in 1987 as an independent foundation. Consequently, CARE Danmark is governed by a Board of Directors that is elected by the Committee of Representatives. In addition, CARE Danmark has a Board of the Support Association, who represent all members of CARE Danmark. At the technical and professional level, CARE Danmark’s Programme Committee provides counselling and guidance to CARE Danmark’s Programme Department. Last but not least CARE Danmark enjoys the support of a number of volunteers. They serve as ambassadors and storytellers, travelling for and with the organisation, giving presentations and talks and representing the organisation in general. His Royal Highness Prince Joachim is patron of CARE Danmark. Read more about CARE Danmark’s organisation at 9 Annual Report 2013 CARE THANKS Institutional Donors ADA – The Austrian Foreign Ministry, Danida, The EU, ICCO Netherlands, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Nordic Climate Facility, UKaid - Department of International Development Foundations Asta og Jul P. Justesens Fond, Birthe Justesens Fond, Civilingeniør H. C. Bechgaard og Hustru Elly Bechgaards Fond, Civilingeniør Svend Christian Olsens familiefond, Direktør J. P. Lund og Hustru Vilhelmine, født Bugge’s Legat, Fabrikant Mads Clausens Fond, Fonden af 17-12-1981, Fonden af 24. december 2008, Grosserer Andreas Collstrop og Søn Rudolf Collstorps Mindelegat, Hesse-Ragles Fond, Jubilæumsfonden af 12.8.1973, Konsul, Grosserer Osvald Christensens Mindefond, Lauritzen Fonden, The Nikolai and Felix Foundation, The Novo Nordisk Foundation, The Oticon Foundation, Poul Due Jensens Fond, The Rockwool Foundation, Snedkermester Axel Wichmann og fru Else Wichmanns Fond, STGs Gavefond, The Toyota Foundation Project Committee Bjarne H. Sørensen (chair), ambassador Thomas Augustinus, NRM Consultant Jens Dragsted, PhD (Agr.) Hanne Hübertz, Consultant Søren Mark Jensen, Team Leader Marianne Wiben Jensen, Africa Programme Coordinator Søren Lund, Associate Professor Svend Kaare Jensen (on leave), Managing Partner Hans Paakjær (on leave), Administration and Finance Director 10 Annual Report 2013 Business and Partnerships Committee Catharina Collet (Chair), MA Psychology and Sociology Henriette Frandsen-Melau, Deputy HR Director Susanne Larsen, former CEO Peter Buch Lorentzen, Business Advisor Orla Grøn Pedersen, Board Chairman Ulla Röttger, CEO Support Association Board Orla Grøn Pedersen (Chair), Board Chairman Christian S. Nissen (Vice Chair), Freelance consultant Søren Elkrog Friis, Journalist Signe Markussen, Lawyer Ulla Röttger, CEO Morten Søgaard, MSc Social Science Jesper Steen Andersen (Alternate), MA Theology Ellen Lindskov Plesner (Alternate), former Senior Teacher Ambassadors and storytellers Emilia van Hauen, Sociologist Jacob Holdt, Photographer Marianne Kemp, Filmmaker Jan Lund, Opera singer Mikael Melbye, Artist and opera producer Karen Mukupa, Singer Hans-Georg Møller, Journalist and TV host Louise Dorph-Petersen, Design expert Flemming Pless, Rev. Minister and politician Iris Thomsen, Model and professional dancer Kirsten Vaupel, Opera singer Zakiya Ajmi, Student Devika Andreasen, Social worker Luna Christine Christensen, Student and actress Celine Deela, Master of Science Trine Mortensen Didriksen, MSc Claire Dungey, PhD Student Christina Elisabeth Gadiel, Freelance journalist Maja-Louise Heiberg, Development consultant Søren Engbjerg Jensen, Grammar school teacher Maria Junghans, professional Storyteller and artist Ida Kinch Jensen, Copywriter Stefan Steen Jensen, Campaign officer Jens Ole Koustrup, Social worker Nadia Sander Strange, MSc Camilla Krabbe Sørensen, Student Pernille Rosenbæk, Student Tage Rosenmeier, Consultant Henrik Ørtenblad, Consultant Board of Representatives Chair Mariann Fischer Boel, former Minister of food and EU Commissioner Vice Chair Anette Reenberg, Professor Collective members Annelise Bastholm, Chief Dentist, Association of Public Health Dentists in Denmark Niels Dabelstein, Senior Adviser, Danish Society of Engineers Eva Maria Olhoff, Danish Women’s Society Lise Warren Pedersen, Representative, Danish Gymnastics and Sports Associations Kirsten Holst Sørensen, Chair, Association of Graduates in Agricultural Science Johannes Østergaard, Senior Consultant/Manager, Danish Agricultural Council Selected corporate donors 2013 Personal members Stig Andersen, Director Dorthe Arnoldi, Director Thomas Augustinus, NRM Consultant Leo Bjørnskov, former State Secretary Jannik Boesen, Senior Researcher Hans Henrik Brydensholt, High Court Judge Klaus Bustrup, former CEO Jens N. Christiansen, Director Signe Marie Cold-Ravnkilde, PhD International Development Catharina Collet, MA Psychology and Sociology Sophie Vedel Dalgaard, Head of PR and Marketing Bjerne Ditlevsen, Forest Supervisor Frans Dolberg, Associate Professor Jens Dragsted, PhD (Agr.) Pia Olsen Dyhr, Party Leader for Socialist People’s Party Charlotte Dyremose, MA Political Science Henning Dyremose, former CEO Jørgen Egelund, Gallery Owner Flemming Frandsen, former Pro-rector Henriette Frandsen-Melau, Deputy HR Director Steen Frederiksen, Consulting Engineer Søren Elkrog Friis, Journalist Jan O. Frøshaug, CEO Anette Følsgaard, Board Member Steen Gade, MP, Danish Socialist People’s Party Martine Cardel Gertsen, Associate Professor Susanne Grubb, Translator Henrik Grüttner, Environmental Manager Carl Gyllenhoff, Copywriter Christian Gylstorff, Market Director Jan Hassing, Senior Policy Adviser Andreas Hastrup, Estate Owner Hans Henningsen, Principal Per Holten-Andersen, Dean Hanne Hübertz, Consultant Aase Jensen, Homemaker Hans Jørgen Jensen, former Director General Svend Kaare Jensen, Managing Partner Henrik Toft Jensen, Associate Professor Marianne Wiben Jensen, Africa Programme Coordinator Søren Mark Jensen, Head of Section Jørn Jespersen, Consultant Ole M. Jung, Director Anne-Lise Klausen, Partner Henning Klestrup, Director Niels Ehlers Koch, Dean Susanne Larsen, former CEO Karsten Lauritzen, MP, Danish Liberal Party Karen Lauterbach, Assistant Professor Henning Lehmann, Professor Peter Buch Lorentzen, Regional Manager Christian Lund, Professor Søren Lund, Associate Professor Mogens Lykketoft, Speaker of the Danish Parliament Henrik Secher Marcussen, Professor Birgit Meister, Editor Charlotte Münter, Director Kjeld Møllgård, Professor, MD Christian S. Nissen, Freelance Consultant Per Nørhaven, Director Orla Grøn Pedersen, Board Chairman Bitten Petersen, Homemaker J.C. Briand Petersen, State Forest Supervisor Ellen Lindskov Plesner, former Senior Teacher Michael Schultz Rasmussen, Chief Project Manager Mogens Munk Rasmussen, former CEO Helle Munk Ravnborg, Senior Researcher Karin Riis-Jørgensen, LLP Ulla Röttger, CEO Anders Samuelsen, MP, Danish Liberal Alliance Party Hans-Otto Sano, Head of Research Division Bent Schmidt-Nielsen, former Rector Gunhild Lange Skovgaard, Medical Specialist Carsten Smith-Hall, Associate Professor Jørgen Stubgaard, Nature Guide Morten Søgaard, MSc Social Science Bjarne H. Sørensen, Ambassador Lars Toksvig, Forest Supervisor Steen Uhrskov, former Director Jens Vestgaard, Head of Department Anna Vinding, Director of Communications Nicolai Wammen, Minister of Defence Christian Wedell-Neergaard, Estate Owner Lars Øgaard, Director CARE Danmark Award 2013 The CARE Danmark Award is presented annually for outstanding achievements in support of the CARE Danmark cause. In 2013 the award went to Coop for putting actions behind their words on corporate social responsibility. CARE Danmark and Coop work in a strategic partnership with small-scale farmers in Kenya. We also work together on the Charity Button on the Bottle Refund Machines in Coop’s supermarkets. CARE Danmark is proud of and grateful for having been selected to be the partner on the Charity Button in 2013 and 2014. 11 Annual Report 2013 CARE Danmark Jemtelandsgade 1 DK - 2300 Copenhagen Tel: +45 35 200 100 E-mail: [email protected] 12 Annual Report 2013
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