OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS (IMPORT) AIR CARGO COMPLEX, SAHAR, ANDHERI (EAST), MUMBAI - 99 Phone: 022-26828898 / Fax: 022-26828187 F. No. S/3- Misc-PRO-516/2013 ACC Date: 08.10.2014 MINUTES OF PERMANENT TRADE FACILITATION COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 19.09.2014. The fortnightly meeting of the Permanent Trade Facilitation Committee was held on 19.09.2014 at 11.00 AM and was presided over by Shri Ravinder Saroop, Commissioner of Customs (Import) and Shri Anil Kumar Gupta, Commissioner of Customs (Export). The following officers and the representatives from the stakeholder organization participated in the meeting:Name/ Designation of Departmental Attendees Shri/Ms Sugrive Meena, Addl. Commissioner of Customs (Export) Organization Manish Mohan, Addl. Commissioner of Customs (Export) Customs, ACC Dr. S.S. Dhavale, Addl. Commissioner of Customs (Import) Customs, ACC Dr. R.K. Verma, Addl. Commissioner of Customs (Import) Customs, ACC Rajesh F. Dhabre, Addl. Commissioner of Customs (Export) Customs, ACC Ravindra K. Das, Dy. Commissioner of Customs (Import) Customs, ACC Customs, ACC Name of Attendees from other stakeholder Organization organizations Shri/ Ms Manoj Singh, Nandan Kanchan, Mayilvanan T, Baqir A., Cdr. Lokesh (Retd.), Mohamed Nasir Sanjeev Harale, Paresh Sanghani, Dushyant Mulani Bala Ayer, Loknath Rai, Bharat J. Thakkar, Mihir B. Kanchan Jalpur , Manisha Khedekar, Shaila Pandit, K.D. Dhule M.P. Joshi Vishwanathan Nair Sudhir Manipur Vaishali Kulkarni Harish Zade Sandeep Shetty Janet D’Souza Agustinho G. Fernandes Ashish Pednekar Rushabh Kothari 2. MIAL (Mumbai International Airport Ltd – Custodian) BCHAA (Brihunmumbai Custom House Association) ACAAI (Air Cargo Agents Association of India) Agents’ AIR INDIA State Bank of India Air France Cathay Pacific COSIA Lufthansa SWISS Excel Exim CCCI/JMIE MACCIA Fedex The following open points of last meeting held on 05.09.2014 were discussed : i) MIAL to initiate e-filing of Delivery Order for ACC on top priority basis. The Commissioner of Customs (Import) asked MIAL to make e-filing mandatory of Delivery Order and requested BCHAA to make its vide publicity. Shri Manoj Singh, Vice President of MIAL informed the House that in export they have already made it mandatory. He also informed that in import this facility is optional and only few Airlines are using this facility and assured that they will make it mandatory. He further informed that TSP/Airway Bill in Export has been substituted by online process subsequently cutting down the paper work. Representative of BCHAA stated that 100% e-filing of Delivery orders will result into reduction in dwell time. [ACTION: MIAL/BCHAA] ii) There is a delay in release of Shipping Bill due to slowness in RMS (Export) and requested to address the same. iii) Frequent Breakdown of EDI System and slow processing of Export Shipping Bill through RMS is affecting the export trade, hence we request you to please address the matter with Directorate of Systems for early immediate rectification of EDI and RMS. Representative of BCHHA informed the House that there is a frequent breakdown of EDI System and slowness is also a general problem. Commissioner of Customs (Export) informed that this is an all India problem. He also requested Associations and MIAL to give instances of such occurrence to take up the issue with the DG (Systems). He also asked representative of MIAL to submit the related data of system breakdown since 1.7.2014 so that matter could be taken up with DG (Systems) Representative of ACAAI informed that on 05.09.2014 and 07.09.2014 the EDI system was very slow as out of 10 thin clients only 4 thin clients were functioning. He also informed that it was a local problem. He further informed the House that he had also sent an e-mail to Shri Sugrive Meena, Addl. Commissioner of Customs (Export) on the issue.Commissioner of Customs (Export) informed that as soon as this was brought to his notice, it was resolved. [ACTION : MIAL/EDI/BCHAA/ACAAI] iv) WLRO officer is available 3 days in a week and only after second half, if he is on leave or did not turn up, NOC is delayed. We need permanent WLRO officer at ACC. Commissioner of Customs (Import) once again requested Shri Bala Iyer of ACAAI to give details of specific instances where export shipment, may have got delayed owing to this issue, so that the matter may be pursued effectively. [ACTION: ACAAI] v) SAD Refund to be refunded electronically in the bank account of importers. Commissioner of Customs (Import) informed the House that the Facility Notice No. 05/2014 dated 16.09.2014 to refund SAD refund electronically in the claimant’s bank account has been issued. He further asked representative of Trade to intimate any difficulty arising in the new process so that the same can be resolved. [Point to be treated as closed] vi) There is acute problem of payment of Stamp Duty at ACC Mumbai. Requesting the House to address the issue immediately with IGR stamps, Govt. of Maharashtra and other Banks for acceptance of the Stamp Duty, SBI is unable to handle the load. Representative of BCHAA informed that they are in touch with officials of the Inspector General of Registration and Controller of Stamps and they are expecting their visit at ACC to resolve the issue. [ACTION: BCHAA] vii) Request to post adequate officers for release of routine provisional SVB Bonds, Test Bonds, etc. Commissioner of Customs (Import) informed the House that the issue is being examined in detail. [Action: Asstt. Commissioner/BBG Cell] viii) Request for specific time limit from MIAL for improvement in the infrastructure of imports and Exports sheds. This time limit be recorded and monitored by this house. Shri Manoj Singh, Vice President of MIAL informed the House that the proposed meeting with stakeholders to share the roadmap and timeline could not be held due to some reasons during the 2nd week of September, 2014 and assured that the same will be conducted in in the 1st or 2nd week of October. After discussion, Commissioner of Customs (Import) informed the House that it may be conducted on the same day when the first PTFC Meeting will be held in the month of October. [Action : MIAL] ix) Unloading of Mixed lot with heavy pkgs above 350 kg and light pkgs in one s/bill, through gate No. 4 is still having problems. Please instruct the officers to follow your guidelines on this. Commissioner of Customs (Export) informed that this issue has already been resolved and requested representatives of ACAAI to provide the specific instances so that corrective measures can be taken. [ACTION : ACAAI] x) Registration of Cargo should be continuous in shed. Representative of BCHAA informed the House that registration of cargo stops between 2 to 3 PM regularly. Commissioner of Customs (Import) assured the House that corrective measures will be taken. He also asked representative of BCHAA to bring such matter in the notice of DC/Import Shed immediately. [ACTION: DC/IMPORT DOCKS] xi) S/Bills assessment is delayed for long with status as RMS awaited, sometime till late evening. Representative of ACCAI informed that all free Shipping Bills should be RMS facilitated. Commissioner of Customs (Export) informed the House that sometimes due to LRM/ RMD Alerts, few free Shipping Bills are not facilitated under RMS and selected for physical examination. This is system selection and therefore cannot be prevented. He further informed that 60 to 70 % Shipping Bills are RMS facilitated at ACC, Mumbai which is quite high in comparison to 50 to 60% facilitation at other ports. Representatives of ACCAI informed the House that due to delay in generation of Shipping Bills which are RMS facilitated, the said cargo is not unloaded on the same day, which has a spillover effect the next day and fresh cargo cannot enter. Shri Manoj Singh, Vice President of MIAL informed the House that almost 70% of the cargo is cleared on the same day. Representatives of ACCAI informed the House that there are 30% cases of double filing of Shipping Bills as they do not receive acknowledgement of Shipping Bills due to which repeated Shipping Bills are filed. Commissioner of Customs (Export) advised BCCHA/ACCAI to request their constituent members not to file Shipping Bills repeatedly and specially when the system is slow which results in heavy load on the system. [Point to be treated as closed] 3. Points sponsored by the Brihanmumbai Custom House Agents’ Association vide letter dated 18.09.2014 which were taken up for discussions : 1) Filling of manual Bill of Entry in terms of Facility Notice No. 01/2014 is still time consuming. It still takes 2-3 days to note a manual Bill of Entry under the said Public Notice. Since such schemes are not under EDI, we request you to work out a procedure wherein noting of manual Bill of Entry does not take long time. Representative of BCHAA informed the House that the Bills of Entry filed with claim of certain duty exemption Notifications like No. 104/94, 43/96 etc. (Export Promotion Schemes) are not covered under EDI System and in such cases they have to file Bills of Entry manually. He produced a handwritten note detailing the steps involved in filing of such manual Bill of Entry. Commissioner of Customs (Import) informed House that as per Board’s instructions, manual Bills of Entry should be allowed in exceptional cases only and he asked BCHHA to give detailed comprehensive representation in the matter. [ACTION : BCHHA] 2) For First time Import Registration, we request you to kindly consider our request to register such importers prior to landing of 1 st consignment as the registration process after landing results in delay in clearance of 1st consignment. Commissioner of Customs (Import) informed the House that this point has already been discussed three months back and subsequently a Public Notice No. 10/2014 dated 31.07.2014 has been issued to simplify the procedure. He further informed that the request to consider registration of first time importer prior to landing of 1 st consignment has been examined and the same cannot be acceded to. He also informed that no such practice is prevalent at any other port. He also informed that the goods at ACC are cleared in a very short span of time and sometimes in 3- 4 hrs. [ACTION: BCHHA] 3) In MIAL import shed (light and heavy) there is shortage of forklift and man power for availability of packages for examination and delivery. We request MIAL to ensure that sufficient forklifts are made available with immediate effect as this result in delay for clearance. Representative of BCHAA informed the House that there is acute shortage of forklifts in Import Heavy and Light Sheds and thereby delivery of imported consignments is being delayed. He further informed that due to overtime issues and shift change, there might have been short deployment of staff. He insisted to provide 4-5 more forklifts in Heavy Shed and 2-3 forklifts in Light Shed more manpower to tackle this problem. Shri Monoj Singh, Vise President of MIAL informed the House that they have already deputed two dedicated officials from MIAL for this purpose. He also informed that they are giving the delivery of the imported consignments on the same day and not in a single case the delivery is denied. Commissioner of Customs (Import) stated that with 24x7 Custom Clearance operation having been implemented at ACC, all the stakeholders should also make their best efforts in its effective implementation and MIAL should ensure that the delivery of the customs out of charged cargo takes place on the same day and any delay in delivery will not be acceptable. [ACTION: MIAL] This issues with approval of the Commissioner of Customs (Import) and the Commissioner of Customs (Export). Sd/- 08.10.2014 (DR. SATISH DHAVALE) ADDL. COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS (I) ACC, SAHAR, MUMBAI Copy to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Chief Commissioner of Customs, Mumbai Zone-III Commissioner of Custom (I), Air Cargo Complex, Mumbai Commissioner of Custom (X), Air Cargo Complex, Mumbai All Additional/Joint Commissioners, ACC, Mumbai All Assistant/Deputy Commissioners of Customs, ACC, Mumbai ASI/WLRO/ADC/PHO/PQ/AQ/BMC/Octroi Authorized Officer, Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006 Air India/MIAL State Bank of India ACAAI/BCHAA/BAR All members of TFC Website
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