October 21, 2014 @ll S[ints Sun^[y C_l_\r[tion Nov_m\_r 2n^ On Sunday, November 2nd, we will be celebrating “All Saints Sunday”. During all three services, we will be reading the names of those members of our "Family of Faith" who have gone to be with the Lord in the last year. In addition, we will be honoring all those who have entered life immortal by inviting those who would like to do so to come forward and light a candle on the altar rail in memory of that special someone (friend or family member) as well as observe a quiet moment of prayer. The Worship Ministry Team is inviting those who would like to do so to bring a picture of a loved one or loved ones who have entered into life immortal whether in the past year or whenever. There will be two tables set up in the lobby/narthex of the church to display these pictures. Also, we will be preparing a bulletin insert listing family members of our "Family of Faith" (i.e. names of fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, nephews, etc.) who have entered into life immortal since November 1, 2013. If you would like to have your loved one's name included in the list, please contact the church office providing them the name and relationship. You can email the information to Gloria (Glo), the church secretary, at [email protected]. Mark your calendars now and plan to be a part of this special worship opportunity. F@MILY FUN FEST – Pot Lu]k Dinn_r, T[l_nt Show [n^ C[k_/Pi_ @u]tion Let’s get together! On Sunday, November 9th , we are having a church wide event at Fiest Elementary, located at 8425 Pine Falls in Houston, 77095. We will set up at 4:30 PM, serve supper at 5 PM, and Enjoy the Talent Show and buy some great pies and cakes After the meal. We will be home by 7:30 or so at the latest. That means your children will still be in bed at a decent time for school the next day. It will be a covered dish supper (bring your favorite dish) followed by a pie/cake auction and talent show. This is a free event except for the auction and the dish you will bring. Contact: Steven Hoyle [email protected] for any talent you wish to present. Look for sign up sheets in the church lobby/narthex. Doug Hascall [email protected] or 281-731-1663 about the pie and cake auction. Rob Pennington [email protected] about the cover dish dinner. Please put this on your calendar now and Save the Date! Fiest is located between Telge and Hwy. 6 off of West Rd. Turn south on Sunny Ridge one block. Then turn left on Pine Falls. You can also access it from Logenbaugh by turning at Sunny Ridge (a light) and going north until you come to Pine Falls and turn right. Easy to find. The back doors to the cafeteria are the easiest way to get in. SEE YOU THERE! Touchstone 10-21-14 COME & JOIN IN THE FUN! Trunk or Treat will be held on Saturday, October 25th from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. We have candy, car decorating contest, games, more candy, prizes, more candy, a train ride for the kiddos, even more candy, a pumpkin decoration station, and did I mention candy? But we can only make this happen with you! We need volunteers to help make this the best year yet, you can participate by donating candy, helping with set up or clean up, being a traffic and directions monitor, manning a game booth, and judges for both the car and costume contest. We appreciate everyone who came out last year to make it a success and we hope you will join us again this year! If you have any questions feel free to c o n t a ct Sc ot t G r o w at [email protected] or 361-779-7666 or Erica Knight at [email protected] Men’s Breakfast will be on October 25th @ 8:00 a.m. The Place: Harris County BBQ Church Council Members, please plan to attend CUMC’s Annual Charge Conference which will be on October 27th at 7pm. Church members are also invited to attend this important meeting. UPCOMING MEETING REMINDERS • • October 21 - Interiors Committee mtg @ 7 p.m. October 22 - Friend of Fiest mtg. @ 7 p.m. (Come if you have been helping OR if you are just thinking about it! We need YOU! FROM THE PASTOR Dear Friends, The story is told of a small boy in an elevator with his father going to the top of the Empire State Building in New York. As they flashed by the sixty-second floor, the child gripped his father’s hand tightly and said, “Daddy, does God know we are coming?” It is an amusing little story, and we smile, and that’s good. But, if I may, I would like very seriously to offer an answer to that small boy’s question. Yes, God knows we are coming! He knows that we are coming to him to stand before him. He knows we are on our way. He knows the road we travel and all about our journey. He knows how difficult it sometimes is, how dim the road signs are, how dark the nights. He knows about the appealing byways which entice us and the deadend trails that don’t go anywhere. He wants us to arrive safely, and he’s doing what he can to help us on the journey. He has sent us a Traveling Companion who says, “I am with you always.” He has provided for us the Spirit of Comfort and of Counsel concerning whom Jesus said, “He will guide you.” He has put into our hands a certain Book concerning which one said, “It is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.” And if you have been very long on this trail, you can think of many other things God has done to help us along the way. Yes, God knows we are coming and God knows what it takes to get us through. God is offering a lot of encouragement and help along the way...and it’s nice to know that we don’t have to go it alone. See you, Sunday! God’s richest blessings, Dr. Dave PLEASE NOTE: Every week Dr. Meadows has a new “Pastor’s Note” on our website (www.Cornerstoneumc.org/ pastor-desk). You are encouraged to go to our website each week and read his inspirational thought for the week. Touchstone 10-21-14 “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.” 1 Timothy 5:17 (NIV) October is Clergy Appreciation Month! Please join us in honoring our church clergy and staff. The Staff Parish Relations Committee is encouraging each church family to take this opportunity to express your appreciation to members of our Church Staff. Please show your gratitude and appreciation in a way that is comfortable for you. No matter how you choose to express your support, be assured it will be appreciated more than you know. As a reminder, here is a listing of those that work very hard and diligently to serve God and the diverse needs and expectations of our growing congregation: Senior Pastor – Dr. Dave Meadows Associate Pastor – Rev. Trish Woodruff Deacon – Rev. Brenda Porter Financial Administrator – Linda Humphrey Church Secretary – Gloria (Glo) Myddleton Youth Director – Scott Grow Children’s Director – Erica Knight Music Director – Steve Hoyle Accompanist – Dr. Karina Praxedes Barnett Nursery Director – Viola Ramos Preschool Executive Director – Debbie Durkin Preschool Assistant Director – Donna Heath We are sure these dedicated members of our team have touched you or your family over the past year. Thank you for letting them know they are each appreciated for their unique talents and contributions to Cornerstone. SPRC is also hosting a luncheon for the staff and clergy October 22nd prior to their staff meeting. Finally please remember to pray for all of these leaders as there is no greater appreciation that you can show! May God continue to bless you! Staff Parish Relations Committee Volunteers Needed in Children’s Ministry Are you looking for a rewarding way to make a difference? Join the Children’s Ministry! See below for areas that could use your valuable gifts and talents. Children’s Church – Leaders and assistants. Children’s church provides discussion and activities on scripture at the kiddo level. Lessons and activities are pre-planned and all supplies provided. Sunday School – Leaders, Assistants and Substitutes for classes Preschool thru 2nd/3rd grade are needed. Volunteers will be provided with EVERYTHING they need. All curriculum and supplies are preplanned and lots of support hugs are given. Kingdom Kids Co-coordinator – Have fun planning and organizing events for this fellowship group, grades 4th and 5th. For more information, contact Erica Knight at 281-859-4141 or email [email protected] Touchstone 10-21-14 DON’T MISS OUT ON THE FUN!! 10th Annual Seafarers Fellowship Cookout - November 1 - 6-9PM PLEASE mark your calendar for the 10th Annual BBQ at the Seafarers’ Center on Saturday, November 1st from 6-9PM at the Tellepsen Seafarers Center in the Port of Houston. This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY event! Cornerstone and Outreach sponsor this annual BBQ by providing friendly faces, good fellowship, a good meal, and some comfort items donated in the form of care packages. These activities - especially the fellowship! - are very important to these Seafarers who have been so far away from home for as long as 9 months! COLLECTING “GOODIE” BAGS 10/5-10/26 We will be collecting care packages to be given to the Seafarers. Plastic (1 gallon) Ziploc bags with the list of items can be picked up on the table in the Narthex. Filled bags should be brought back to the church by November1st. If you prefer to donate cash for items you can simply leave a check in the collection baskets on Sunday's and indicate "For Seafarers". COOKOUT We will also need your participation in the actual event and visit to the Center as well donations for the BBQ, such as Lt bottle sodas, cookies, buns, condiments, salads, hot dogs and hamburger patties. There will be a sign up list in the Narthex for donations AND participation. Remember your commitment of prayers, presence, gifts and service. WE NEED ALL OF THESE to make this successful! Contact Bill Turner 281-304-0445 with questions. Melinda Murphy Luis Baez Mary-Margaret Collier Garrett Parks Randall Price Reele Garcia Jim Funk Anna Isaac Ryan Peterson Joan Findley Robert Folser Gayle Hayter Rudene Turner Jennifer Gilmore N'Guessan Affi Dania Clarke Rebecca Funk Connie Rieger Melanie Duhrkopf Margaret Froelich Madeline Brown Alex Slaid Sharon Samson James Roehm Randy Durney 11/1 11/2 11/3 11/4 11/4 11/4 11/5 11/5 11/6 11/6 11/6 11/7 11/7 11/7 11/7 11/7 11/9 11/9 11/10 11/10 11/10 11/10 11/11 11/11 11/11 Russell Woodruff Billy Withers Erica Welsh Riley Steele Andrew Zamora Leeha Johnston Ava Isaac Rebecca James Debbie Lemons Monica Gallamore Margaret Castellano Bob Mason Patrick Poe Beverly Bolyard Jack Humphrey Brendan Gallamore Mary Louise Price Thomas Barnett Mike Syzdek Amanda Hall Elizabeth Finney Levi Howe Kandace Kitchen Valerie Korfeh Doris Folser 11/11 11/12 11/12 11/12 11/12 11/13 11/13 11/14 11/14 11/16 11/16 11/17 11/17 11/18 11/19 11/19 11/19 11/19 11/20 11/20 11/20 11/20 11/21 11/21 11/21 Jack Miller Emilee Lawrence Bobby West Katie Petroski Kevin Wade Darlene Knighten Lauren Robichau Paige Robichau Lyla Mae Price Scott King Carly Schmermund Mel Hollis Justin Rigdon Campbell Love Raven Weitzenhoffer Don Duhrkopf Alyssa Linck Betty (Brad) Thomas Jason Williams 11/22 11/23 11/24 11/24 11/24 11/24 11/25 11/25 11/25 11/25 11/26 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/28 11/29 11/30 11/30 Touchstone 10-21-14 Reminder: Set your clocks back on Saturday, November 1 before you go to sleep. LET’S KEEP THEM COVERED With cooler weather approaching, there is a need for clean, gently used long pants (both girl’s and boy’s) and long sleeve shirts in a variety of sizes. Light jackets or sweaters would also be appreciated. The Fiest children will continue to have accidents and spills so there is an ongoing need for clothes they can wear to finish out the school day. Please place contributions in the Fiest bin in the church lobby/narthex. MARVELOUS MEAL MINISTRY We need your help. We have started a meal ministry to help all of our members in need. All you do is cook a dish or casserole for someone who needs a comforting touch in their lives. Whether you work outside or inside your home it means so much. Please call Mary Hall (281) 413-4570 or e m a i l a t m a r y [email protected] and you'll get full details - and thanks for your time!! Beyond The Tithe The Finance Committee would like to recognize those members who generously give above their tithe to the church. We applaud those who help support the Agape Fund, our Youth and Children’s ministries, Boys and Girls Country, our Trunk-N-Treat event, Tenderfeet School, new Christmas tree, needed repairs and Financial Peace University scholarships through monetary gifts. Hats off to those who donated blood, canned goods and food items, gently used shoes, candy for MD Anderson, items for Blessing bags and Seafarer’s goodie bags, and wonderful desserts for Back to Church Sunday. A snappy salute to those who gave their time for sponsoring Youth and Children’s events, set-up and clean-up for Movie Night and Back To Church Sunday as well as roasting all those hot-dogs and obtaining donations, delivering food to the schools and Mission of Yahweh, volunteering for Fiest Brown Bags, and participating in 2x2. We are also grateful to those who give us their time to make our minor repairs around the building. Thank you for all that you do for Cornerstone. God Bless. WORSHIP MINISTRY COMMITTEE M a n y thanks for those of you who picked up the Chrismon kits. Please finish them and return ASAP. We need to get the hangers put on and take inventory and photos to create a scrapbook. If you need more time or having problems getting it done just turn it in and someone will finish it for you. We are just six weeks away from the beginning of Advent and are very excited to have a Christmas tree in the Worship center as well as one in the Narthex. The tree in the Worship Center will be an exclusive Chrismon tree. You can contact Sarah Elolf at [email protected] if you have any questions about your Chrismon Many thanks to the wonderful children we have assisting with worship. Madelaine and Christopher Thomas, Peyton and Carter Stegall, Christopher Simmons, Alex and Sarah Robinson, Wyatt and Noah Jacobson, Anthony Corpuz and Rylee Garcia are either lighting candles or ushering and in many cases both. It is such a blessing having these children and the Children’s choir a part of our worship service. We are earnestly trying to fulfill CUMC’s vision by “Faithfully serving God, serving you. Touchstone 10-21-14 MISSION OF YAHWEH (MOY) (Women’s Shelter) HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE What if each member of Cornerstone brought one can each week for the Pantry? We would need a 2 ton truck to haul it all to Mission of Yahweh!!! Please take a moment to remember each Sunday to bring a canned or boxed food item with you to church this fall! MISSION OF YAHWEH Food Pantry will soon be preparing for the upcoming holiday season. In 2013 the Pantry provided holiday meals at Thanksgiving and Christmas for hundreds of families. We can all play a very important part in this effort by making a small food donation each Sunday. Please put this list in your calendar and bring something each week during our Holiday Food Drive. Oct 26: Nov 2: Nov 9: Nov 16: Nov 23: Nov 30: Dec 7: Dec 14: Fruit Cocktail Tea & Coffee Cake / Cookie Mix and Frosting Stuffing Mix & Instant Potatoes Gravy & Cranberry Sauce Canned Corn, Green Beans & Sweet Potatoes Fruit Cocktail Cake / Cookie Mix & Frosting Monetary Donations are also accepted. You can make a check out to CUMC and put MOY (Mission of Yahweh) in the memo. BAPTISM CELEBRATION! On Sunday, October 5, 2014 at the 10:45 worship service, Ella Olivia Phillips was baptized. Here’s Ella with her parents, David & Michelle and big brother Stone. Congratulations! Shoes, Anyone? How fortunate we are in the U. S. to have nearly everything furnished for our school children. To show our gratitude to God for these blessings, we can help those who need help. Jesus taught His disciples to be generous in helping others. As Jesus’ followers can we do any less? Please consider helping Mexico’s school children by placing gently used black shoes (any size) in the hamper labeled “Shoes for School Children in Nuevo Progreso, Mexico.” Thank you to all who have already donated. That’s 26 children who will have shoes on their feet and smiles on their faces. Let’s make it 50…or more. Contact Olan or Lola Halbert at [email protected] or 281-795-0234. We will take the shoes to Mercedes, Texas at the end of December. Touchstone 10-21-14 SAVE THE DATE!! 4th QTR Blood Drive Sunday, Nov 30th 8AM-12:30PM What if YOU were the person that needed blood? Please make a conscious effort to save this date and you will be blessed! The Blood Center needs over 1000 units each day to provide for the community, and the number of eligible donors decreases each year. Sign up is available online at www.givebloodd.org . You will also be able to sign up in the church Foyer on Sunday Aug 24th and Aug 31st . If you are a regular donor – God Bless You! If you have never donated, but are thinking about it speak with one of our “regulars” about their experience, and why they do it, and even how to overcome any fear you may have. Your gift of blood is a gift of life. Every unit donated saves 3 lives! Please sign up on line at www.giveblood.org TODAY! Please contact me with any questions. Michele Moura [email protected] Pop Tabs for Ronald MacDonald House Please continue to collect your tabs at home in a plastic bag zip bags and drop them in to the basket in the Ed Building. Also, if you buy a soda at church, don’t forget to drop your soda pop tab in the BLUE BOTTLE by the donation table. Remember, the tab just has to be aluminum, so it can be a soda or other beverage can, a pet food can, other canned meats like Spam, etc. Help us try again to reach a goal of 100 pounds of tabs to deliver to the RM House next summer, if not before!! Michele Moura [email protected] Outreach Missions Calendar October 5-Dec 21: MOY Holiday Food Drive November 1 : Seafarer’s 10th Annual Fellowship Cookout (NEW DATE!!) November 10: Meeting 7PM November 30: 4th Qtr Blood Drive December 8: Meeting 7PM 2015 January 12: Meeting 7PM February 9: Meeting 7PM March 1: 1st Qtr Blood Drive May 31: 2nd Qtr Blood Drive August 30: 3rd Qtr Blood Drive November 29: 4th Qtr Blood Drive Touchstone 10-21-14 THE CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY is in prayer for: Illness/Hospitalization: Brenda Standley, Nancy Kralik, Isaac LaBauve, Charles Backhaus, Lori Robinson, Leo Ruiz, Paula Morley, Glynn Knight, Kay Cullum, Janice Gebhart, Elizabeth Guilbeau, Kim Saulters, Skylar Harrison, Carl Pierceall, Dianne Andrews, Barbara Palmgren, Rosemarie Visconti, Pasquale Forino, Elsie Forino, Dalton Georgi, Robert Ford, Sr., Connie Eustace, Tom Majors, Ralph Hayes, Kaitlin Patterson, Nancy Fogleman, Madison LeClair, Hawa Harmon, Larry Sceivers, Mike Odell, Beverly Pates, David Todd, Harper Singh, Leslie Kirkbride, Hal Ash General: All first responders and military personnel, All persons affected by disasters & tragedy in our country & around the world, Glo Myddleton & Family, Aimee Johnson’s mom - Elizabeth, Eric Maaz, Yvonne G., Allie Funk, Daniel Bowman, Jean & Peter Clarke, Joe & Peggy Madron, Cynthia Taylor, Josephine Omokheyeke, Beverly Bolyard (send prayer requests to [email protected]) <Requests are on the prayer listing for 3 weeks> Our mission is to respond to God’s call by reaching out to nurture and grow the family of Christian disciples. SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 am - Worship w/ piano 9:30 am Worship w/ Journey Praise Band 10:45 am - Worship w/ Chancel Choir CHRISTIAN EDUCATION from age 3 9:30 am Nursery Available - 8:15 - 12:00 Handicap Accessible CUMC 18081 West Rd, Houston, TX 77095 Office: 281-859-4141 Fax: 281-859-3915 Financial Office Hours Monday -Thursday - 8:00 - 4:00 The Touchstone is published twice a month. Email articles to [email protected]. For more info, please call Gloria (Glo) Myddleton at 281-859-4141. NEXT NEWSLETTER - November 4, 2014 Articles due by 9:00 am - Thursday, October 30 Staff Pastor Dr. Dave Meadows Associate Pastor Rev. Trish Woodruff Deacon Rev. Brenda Porter Church Secretary Gloria (Glo) Myddleton Financial Administrator Linda Humphrey Youth Director Scott Grow Children’s Director Erica Knight Music Director Steven Hoyle Accompanist Dr. Karina P. Barnett Preschool Director Debbie Durkin Preschool Asst. Director Donna Heath Administrative Office Hours Monday -Thursday - 8:30 - 4:00 Friday - 8:30 -12:30 Preschool: 281-859-1612 Touchstone 10-21-14
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