8-10 January 2014 Copenhagen Open Conference: Design is Business Shopper’s Stage: The Future Shop Drama, Forest 2.0, Talisman & Nursery Italian design for the Scandinavian market Hear how design creates value for the business world and society Meet the hottest trend experts, interior designers and bloggers Experience the four trend zones and be inspired Tempo Italiano - an exhibition showing the top names of italian design SINCE 1953 DESIGN TRADE FORMEX AMBIENTE Be l la C e n t e r - C o penha g e n St ockh olm F ra nk furt 8 . 1 . - 1 0 . 1 . 2 014 15.1. - 18.1.2014 7.2. - 11.2.2014 STAND C1-030 S T A N D B01:41 HALL 11.1 - STAND C02 WWW.ORSKOV.COM DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 2 ØRSKOV & CO. • BYBJERGVEJ 5 • 3060 ESPERGÆRDE • DENMARK Contents Preface ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Information.......................................................................................................................................................................................................5 Food.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Blogger’s Zone ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Shopper’s Stage: The Future Shop................................................................................................................................................ 10 Design Schools...........................................................................................................................................................................................16 Italian design for the Scandinavian market.................................................................................................................................18 Open Conference: Design is Business....................................................................................................................................... 20 A world of scents.......................................................................................................................................................................................23 Hall plan..........................................................................................................................................................................................................24 Exhibitor list ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26 Brand list.........................................................................................................................................................................................................32 Hall B Hall Plan B2 B3 Hall E METRO B4 B5 BRANDS SHOPPER’S STAGE PRESS & ORGANISERS OFFICE TREND ZONE TREND ZONE BLOGGER’S ZONE MAIN LOBBY MAIN ENTRANCE TREND ZONE TREND ZONE BELLA SKY DESIGN IS BUSINESS TALENT STREET Hall C1 Hall C2 Hall C3 Hall C4 Hall E Brands Hall C3 Interior Living: Tableware / Kitchenware Hall C1 Design / Gifts / Furniture Hall C4 Kids & Toys / Garden / Delicacies Hall C2 Interior Living: Textiles #designcph / DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 3 Preface Velkommen til DesignTrade Welcome to DesignTrade I august afviklede vi første version af DesignTrade med et stort antal besøgende og bred synlighed. Vi har skabt et godt fundament for Danmarks nye designmesse med en ambition om at blive Nordens foretrukne designmesse og samlingssted for hele branchen. Derfor er et bredt samarbejde med branchen en prioritet, vi arbejder målrettet med. Vi har indgået et samarbejde med Danish Design Association, og flere andre stærke samarbejder er allerede i støbeskeen. Med en arbejdstitel som kunne lyde: Copenhagen Design Week, ønsker vi at samle branchen og på længere sigt inddrage København som by. Et arbejde, der forhåbentligt munder ud i en stor integreret designuge – ligesom modeugen er det i dag. DesignTrade skal fortsat skabe de bedste rammer for handel, men vi skal også være stedet, hvor vores gæster kommer og får ny viden. Derfor præsenterer vi igen et bredt udbud af inspirerende oplæg og foredrag under navnet ’Design is business’. Samtidig arbejder vi sammen med den svenske trendekspert Stefan Nilsson, som har høstet stor skandinavisk anerkendelse. Han står for flere trendområder, hvor der vil være inspiration at hente! Talentudvikling i branchen er også et af fokusområderne på DesignTrade. Det er et område, som vi også fremadrettet vil støtte mere op om. Derfor har vi udvidet talentområdet ’Talent Street’, hvor man denne gang kan møde endnu flere nye og innovative designere. Endelig kan vi byde velkommen til det nye initiativ Shoppers Stage: The Future Shop, hvor der deles gode idéer og viden om fremtidens butik og indretningsdesign. Vi håber, at du får tre inspirerende dage på DesignTrade! In August we held the first edition of DesignTrade, attracting a large number of visitors, establishing a strong foundation for Denmark’s new design fair going forward. Our ambition is to become Scandinavia’s preferred design fair and gathering place for the entire industry within just a few years. Therefore, we value and work hard to ensure broad cooperation with the industry. We have partnered with Danish Design Association, while a number of other strong collaborations are in the pipeline. Our working title could be: Copenhagen Design Week, with this title we seek to bring the industry together and eventually involve the city of Copenhagen. We hope that these efforts will result in a major, integrated design week – like the fashion week is today. DesignTrade will continue to create the best setting for business, while also being the place where visitors come to gain new knowledge. We once again present a wide range of inspiring talks and presentations under the heading “Design is business”. We have also partnered with the renowned Swedish trend expert Stefan Nilsson, who will oversee a number of trend areas featuring tons of inspiration! Talent development in the industry is also a key area of focus at DesignTrade and we are aiming to contribute even more support in this direction going forward. We have expanded the “Talent Street” area, where visitors will discover even more new and innovative designers. Lastly, we welcome the new initiative, Shoppers Stage: The Future Shop, a forum for sharing good ideas and knowledge about the future of shopping, store and interior design. We hope that you will enjoy three inspiring days at DesignTrade! Venlig hilsen Jacob Schmidt, Salgs- og marketingdirektør, Bella Center. See you at DesignTrade Autumn 2014 ∙ 24 – 26 August 2014 DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 4 Best regards Jacob Schmidt, Sales and Marketing Director, Bella Center Information Address Bella Center A/S Center Boulevard 5 DK-2300 Copenhagen S [email protected] Opening Hours Wednesday Thursday Friday 9.30 – 21.00 9.30 – 18.00 9.30 – 17.00 The Team Sales and Marketing Director: Jacob Schmidt Product Manager: Rasmus Øland Senior Exhibition Coordinator: Merete Bartholdy Relations Manager: Hans Snestrup Account Manager: Thomas Rosenberg Højland Account Manager: Martin Machon Account Manager: Christina Øster Architect: Søren Nielsen Technical Exhibitor Service: Karina Bay Minimarket and Post Office Wednesday Thursday Friday 10.00 – 16.00 10.00 – 18.00 10.00 – 16.00 Flowershop Wednesday – Friday 10.00 – 18.00 Copy Service Center Wednesday – Thursday Friday 8.00 – 16.00 8.00 – 15.00 PR Manager: Sugasini Sooriyakumaran PR Consultant: Karin Rasmussen Catalogue: Horisont Gruppen a/s With reservations for potential typing errors and/or corrections made after catalogue printing. STAND NR C3-004 WE ARE PROUD TO PRESENT A NEW RANGE OF PRODUCTS. SOME OF THEM HAVE BEEN CREATED WITH VALUABLE INPUT AND IDEAS FROM OUR CUSTOMERS. COME VISIT OUR STAND AND SEE THE RESULTS. 100% CERTIFIED ORGANIC COTTON (GOTS) WWW.ORGANICCOMPANY.DK IT MATTERS #designcph / DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 5 Food Få en madoplevelse ud over det sædvanlige. På DesignTrade Spring finder du smagfuld mad i lækre omgivelser. At DesignTrade Spring you will find the best food in nice surroundings. Amokka Bar, Hall C Lækre sandwiches, kager og udvalg af kaffe / Delicious sandwiches, cakes and selection of coffee Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:30 – 21.00 9.30 – 18.00 9.30 – 17.00 Bar E, Hall E Tapas og vin på glas, mange små specialiteter og smagsindtryk / Tapas and wine by the glass, many small specialties and flavors Wednesday 9.30 – 21.00 Thursday 9.30 – 18.00 Friday 9.30 – 17.00 DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 6 Holm’s Food Court Inc., Hall C Holms Food Court – overraskelser – lakrids – kogebøger – man ved aldrig hvad dagen bringer i Holms køkken / Holm’s Food Court - surprises - licorice - cookbooks - you never know what the day brings in Holm’s kitchen Wednesday 9.30 – 21.00 Thursday 9.30 – 18.00 Friday 9.30 – 17.00 Kalles Kaffe, Design is Business Dygtige baristaer brygger din kaffe / Skilled Baristas brew your coffee Wednesday Thursday Friday 9.30 – 21.00 9.30 – 18.00 9.30 – 17.00 Claus Holm - High on Food! Oplev TV-kokken Claus Holm i Holm’s Food Court i Hal C4, onsdag kl. 18.30. Experience TV Chef Claus Holm in Holm’s Food Court in Hall C4, wednesday 18.30. – in danish • • • • • • • • • • snak om det røde og det grønne æble den tykke mand og måltidet Kong Knud og den første nadver hvordan bliver man rockstjerne i sit eget køkken er det rigtigt, at HM Dronningen engang slugte en af Doktor Holms pølser på en ø? • hør om de to sportsgrene Claus Holm dyrker for at tabe sig. Er den ene virkelig “ Rittersport”? Alt det og meget mere på 30 minutter i et tempo, der er i øjenhøjde, noget at snakke om, noget at smage på og helt sikkert noget at tænke over! Det er kant, kaos og masser af kærlighed - “Høj på mad,” som Holm siger. Bum! T alk about the red and green apple T he fat man and the meal K ing Knud and the first communion How to become a rock star in your own kitchen I s it true that HM the Queen of Denmark once swallowed one of Doktor Holm’s sausages on an island? •H ear about the two sports Claus Holm does to lose weight. Is one of them really “Ritter Sport”? All this and much more in 30 minutes, at eye level - something to talk about - something to taste and certainly something to think about! It is chaos and lots of love – “High on food” as Holm says. Bum! Miljögården +46 40 408640 [email protected] Stand C4:002 #designcph / DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 7 Blogger’s Zone Grundlæggeren af Danmarks førende interiørblog, Allan Torp, er igen at finde på DesignTrade. Founder of the leading Danish interior blog, Allan Torp, is again to be found at DesignTrade. Under messen vil han blogge, instagramme og tweete direkte fra området Blogger’s Zone. Han vil udvælge sine favoritprodukter, live-style billeder til indlæg og tale med udstillerne om, hvad der gør messen til Danmarks nye, innovative design- og interiørmesse. During the fair he will blog, instagramme and tweet directly from DesignTrade’s Blogger’s Zone. He will visit exhibitors, select his favorite products, livestyle pictures to post and talk to exhibitors about what makes DesignTrade Denmark’s new innovative design and interiors fair. Workshop at Blogger’s Zone Et billede siger mere end tusind ord. Fotografier og styling af din blog får større og større betydning, når du skal give udtryk for din egen stil og dit brand. Smukke fotografier kan gøre et kedeligt indlæg fuldstændig fantastisk. Men hvad nu hvis det eneste du ved om fotografering, er hvilken vej, du vender kameraet, og hvordan du trykker på knappen? Under messen vil Allan Torp hver dag give gode råd til styling af det perfekte billede til blogs og et par gode råd om, hvordan du håndterer dit kamera eller din smartphone. Og det er vel at mærke fif, der med nogle få skridt, får dig til at ligne en professionel. Vi opfordrer dig til at besøge Blogger’s Zone og få mere at vide om, hvordan du kombinerer styling og fotografering til forbedring af din blog. Se også programmet for Shopper’s Stage, s. 10. DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 8 An image says more than a thousand words. Photographies and styling your blog is gaining importance to express your own blog style and brand. Beautiful photography can take a post from ho-hum to spectacular. But what if the only thing you know about your camera is how to point and shoot? Every day during the fair, Allan Torp will give you tips for styling the perfect picture for blogging and also a few tricks to handle your camera or smartphone. Tricks that will make you look like a pro in just a few steps. We encourage you to visit Blogger’s Zone and learn how to combine styling and photography to improve your blog experience. See also the programme for Shopper’s Stage, p. 10. Stand nr. C3-031 Hall: C2 / Stand no.: C2-001B FUNCTION aNd dESIGN FOr yOUr Hallway aNd yOUr FOOTwEar + + + + Shoe and boot tray in rubber Door mats in rubber Mats/rugs in polyamide Boot support | t: +45 40594403 | m: [email protected] Tica_copenhagen_Designtrade.indd 1 29-11-2013 13:23:26 Shopper’s Stage: The Future Shop Wednesday, 8 January Wednesday, 8 January Wednesday, 8 January Wednesday, 8 January 11.00 12.00 13.00 Stefan Nilsson, Trend Expert (Trendgruppen) Stefan Nilsson, Trend Expert (Trendgruppen) Allan Torp, Blogger, Stylist and Columnist (Bungalow5) Trend 1 - Drama! and Talisman Trend 2 - Structure, Nursery and Forest 2.0 Know your blogger Trendekspert Stefan Nilsson fra Trendgruppen varetager indretningen af fire trendzoner på DesignTrade Spring og er ydermere at finde på Shopper’s Stage, hvor han vil fortælle om dette års tendenser gennem tematiseringerne Drama!, Talisman, Nursery, Structure og Forest 2.0. I dette foredrag kan du høre om Drama! og Talisman. Drama! indrammer, hvordan 2014 handler om det dramatiske, nærmest scenografiske interiør, mens Talisman handler om det rustikke med antydninger af etniske elementer. Trendekspert Stefan Nilsson fra Trendgruppen varetager i år indretningen af fire trendzoner på DesignTrade Spring og er ydermere at finde på Shopper’s Stage, hvor han vil fortælle om dette års tendenser gennem tematiseringerne Drama!, Talisman, Nursery, Structure og Forest 2.0. I dette foredrag kan du høre om Nursery, Struktur og Forest 2.0 – Nursery, der indeholder masser af pasteller og barnlige referencer som “icecream farver”, Struktur, der leger med grafiske linjer, og møbler, der næsten svæver og Forest 2.0 med masser af grønne toner og referencer til naturen. Interiørblogger, stylist, skribent og allround ’interiør-extraordinaire’ Allan Torp fortæller sin kreative succeshistorie. Han beretter om starten som blogger, om styling og om at gå freelance, og du får mere at vide om de tips og ideer, han har samlet de senere år i forbindelse med sit samarbejde med utallige virksomheder. Du hører også, hvad der er i vente fra Bungalow5. Allan Torp afslører desuden nogle særlige tips til, hvordan du vælger den perfekte blogger til din virksomhed, og giver sit bud på, hvordan din virksomhed får mest muligt ud af at samarbejde med en blogger. Trend Expert Stefan Nilsson from Trendgruppen will this year decorate four trend zones at DesignTrade Spring and will further be present at Shopper’s Stage, where he will talk about this year’s trends through the themes Drama!, Talisman, Nursery, Structure and Forest 2.0 . In this speak you will hear about Nursery, containing lots of pastels and childish references such as “icecream colors,” Structure playing with graphic lines and furniture that almost floats and Forest 2.0 with lots of green tones and references to nature. Interiors Blogger, Stylist, Columnist and all-round interiors extraordinaire Allan Torp will share his creative success story. From how Allan started blogging to styling and freelancing, you’ll discover what tips and hints he’s learned over the past few years working with countless companies and what’s next for Bungalow5. Allan Torp will also reveal some tips on how to select the perfect blogger for you business. Plus, he’ll discuss exactly how your business gets the most out of a collaboration with a blogger. Trend Expert Stefan Nilsson from Trendgruppen will decorate four trendzones at DesignTrade Spring and will further be present at the Shopper’s Stage, where he will talk about this year’s trends through the themes Drama!, Talisman, Nursery, Structure and Forest 2.0. In this talk you can hear about Drama! and Talisman Drama! framing how 2014 is all about the dramatic, almost scenographic interior, while Talisman is about the rustic with hints of ethnic elements. DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 10 Shopper’s Stage: The Future Shop Wednesday, 8 January Wednesday, 8 January Wednesday, 8 January Wednesday, 8 January 14.00 15.00 16.00 Erik Jäpelt, Architect and Designer (Jäpelt) Signe Bindslev Henriksen , Cand. Arch and Peter Bundgaard Rützou, Cand. Arch (SPACE Copenhagen) Linda Korndal, Cand. Arch (Office of Architecture) The true power of branded space Works & Process Erik Jäpelt har udviklet og implementeret utallige retailkoncepter, butiksindretninger og designstrategier. Jäpelt arbejder med retail-design som et strategisk værktøj, der hjælper virksomheder med at nå deres mål. Jäpelt er optaget af de idéer, der ligger til grund for en virksomhed, da det er disse idéer – DNA’et - der skal synliggøres, når butikker indrettes. Hans butiks- og indretningskoncepter tæller bl.a. Louisianas Museumsbutik, Illum stormagasin, Wunderwear, Dermalogica, Casall, Marriott Hotel og Activision. Erik Jäpelt has developed and implemented countless retail concepts, store interiors and design strategies. Erik works with retail design as a strategic tool for helping companies achieve their goals. Erik focuses on the ideas underlying a company, as these ideas – the DNA – must be made visible when decorating store interiors. His store and interior design concepts include the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art museum shop, Illum department store, Wunderwear, Dermalogica, Casall, Marriott hotel and Activision. #designcph SPACE Copenhagen blev etableret i 2005 af Signe Bindslev Henriksen og Peter Bundgaard Rützou. Virksomheden er kendt for at trodse vaner og at anlægge en oprigtig personlig vision for deres design. Projekterne omfatter alt fra indretning, møbler og raffinerede brugsting til kunstneriske installationer og art direction. Disse forskellige områder reflekterer arkitekternes evne til at transcendere mange roller og at anvende en følelsesmæssig metode i arbejdet med en række projekter eller produkter. Projekterne omfatter indretning for nogle af verdens mest indflydelsesrige restauranter som prisvindende NOMA, Geranium og nytilkomne Geist, foruden Georg Jensen, Fredericia Furniture og Mater. SPACE Copenhagen was established in 2005 by Signe Bindslev Henriksen and Peter Bundgaard Rützou, both graduated The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture. SPACE Copenhagen is known for defying habits and employing a sincere personal vision to their design. Projects include everything from interior design, to furniture and refined objects for everyday use to artistic installations and art direction. These diverse areas are especially reflective of their ability to transcend many roles and apply their emotional method of working to a number of projects or products. Projects include interior design for some of the world’s most influential restaurants like award winning NOMA, Geranium and newcomer Geist, besides Georg Jensen, Fredericia Furniture and Mater. / Linda Korndal er grundlægger af Office of Architecture, hvor arkitektur forener strategi, visuel identitet og salg. Linda har arbejdet med arkitektur og identitet de sidste 10 år og har bl.a. designet flagshipstore for brands som Noir, Agnes Cupcakes og det japanske bageri Andersen. Linda har netop lagt sidste hånd på en update af Menu’s shop-in-shopkoncept, der bliver rullet ud over hele Norden. Dette er et eksempel på hvordan en visuel strategi bliver et egentligt salgsværktøj for hele organisationen. Linda Korndal is the founder of Office of Architecture, where architecture unifies strategy, visual identity and sales. Linda has worked with architecture and identity for the past 10 years and has designed flagship stores for brands including Noir, Agnes Cupcakes and the Japanese bakery Andersen. Linda recently put the final touches on an update of Menu’s shop-in-shop concept, made for the nordic countries – one example of how a visual strategy becomes a sales tool for an entire organisation. DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 11 Shopper’s Stage: The Future Shop Wednesday, 8 January Wednesday, 8 January Wednesday, 8 January Wednesday, 8 January 17.00 18.00 19.00 Mari Randsborg, Managing Director and Partner (e-Types) Stefan Nilsson, Trend Expert (Trendgruppen) Louise Byg Kongsholm, Cand. Merc, Director and Editor in Chief (pej gruppen) About Identity & Space - how a brand can express itself through an innovative approach to arts, space design and interior decoration. Trend 1 - Drama! and Talisman Mari Lea Randsborg er uddannet arkitekt, og har ansvar for nogle af e-Types’ største kunder herunder Jordan dental, DI og ny visuel identitet til forsikringsselskabet Tryg i hele Norden. Mari Randsborg har også været konsulent på wayfinding, udsmykning og indkøb af kunst til det nye Industriens Hus. Trendekspert Stefan Nilsson fra Trendgruppen varetager indretningen af fire trendzoner på DesignTrade Spring og er ydermere at finde på Shopper’s Stage, hvor han vil fortælle om dette års tendenser gennem tematiseringerne Drama!, Talisman, Nursery, Structure og Forest 2.0. I dette foredrag kan du høre om Drama! og Talisman. Drama! indrammer, hvordan 2014 handler om det dramatiske, nærmest scenografiske interiør, mens Talisman handler om det rustikke med antydninger af etniske elementer. Mari Lea Randsborg is a trained architect and is responsible for some of e-Types’ largest clients, including Jordan Dental, The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and a new visual identity for the insurance company Tryg throughout Scandinavia. Mari Randsborg has also served as a consultant on wayfinding, decoration and purchasing of art for DI’s headquarters in Denmark, the recently built Industriens Hus. DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 12 The future retail store Trend Expert Stefan Nilsson from Trendgruppen will decorate four trendzones at DesignTrade Spring and will further be present at the Shopper’s Stage, where he will talk about this year’s trends through the themes Drama!, Talisman, Nursery, Structure and Forest 2.0. In this talk you can hear about Drama! and Talisman Drama! framing how 2014 is all about the dramatic, almost scenographic interior, while Talisman is about the rustic with hints of ethnic elements. Detailhandlen er på mange måder blevet en hård og krævende disciplin. Forbrugerne er nådesløse i deres valg og evaluering af en butik, og de deler gerne ud af deres erfaringer og holdninger på nettet. Nogle er hurtigt nået til den konklusion, at den fysiske butik vil afgå ved døden, og at nethandel vil tage over. Men det er en fejlagtig konklusion – butikken skal blot spille en anden rolle i fremtiden. De demografiske forskydninger, de nye økonomiske tilstande og den teknologiske udvikling har ændret definitionen af retail radikalt. Louise Byg Kongsholm fra pej gruppen giver i sit foredrag ”Fremtidens detailhandel” et overblik over de 3 største trends inden for detailhandlen med masser af billeder og eksempler. Louise Byg Kongsholm er ejer af pej gruppen og chefredaktør på pej gruppens tre bladudgivelser, konsulent, foredragsholder og forfatter. The retail industry has in many ways become a tough and demanding discipline. Consumers are ruthless in their selection and evaluation of a store, and they are more than happy to share their experiences and opinions on the web. Someone has quickly come to the conclusion that the physical store will die, and that ecommerce will take over. But this is a wrong conclusion the store just has to play a different role in the future. The demographic shifts, the new economic conditions and technological developments have changed the definition of retail radically. Louise Byg Kongsholm from pej gruppen gives an overview of the 3 biggest trends in the retail industry with lots of pictures and examples. Besides owner of and editor at pej gruppen, Louise Byg Kongsholm works as a consultant, speaker and author. Shopper’s Stage: The Future Shop Thursday, 9 January Thursday, 9 January Thursday, 9 January Thursday, 9 January 11.00 13.00 14.00 Stefan Nilsson, Trend Expert (Trendgruppen) Claus Gramstrup, Director (Gramstrup Design Aps) Jesper Clement, Research Assistant and Lecturer (CBS) Trend 2 - Structure, Nursery and Forest 2.0 Take a journey with the customer and create better business -a post about Touch Point Management What catches the attention of the customer in the store? Trendekspert Stefan Nilsson fra Trendgruppen varetager indretningen af fire trendzoner på DesignTrade Spring og er ydermere at finde på Shopper’s Stage, hvor han vil fortælle om dette års tendenser gennem tematiseringerne Drama!, Talisman, Nursery, Structure og Forest 2.0. I dette foredrag kan du høre om Nursery, Struktur og Forest 2.0 – Nursery, der indeholder masser af pasteller og barnlige referencer som “icecream farver”, Struktur der leger med grafiske linjer og møbler, der næsten svæver og Forest 2.0 med masser af grønne toner og referencer til naturen. Claus er specialist i forretningsudvikling, design- og brand management, touch point management og identitetsudvikling. I mere end 37 år har Claus beskæftiget sig med disse områder, heraf 16 år med eget design- og kommunikationsbureau. Har løst opgaver for bl.a. Ambu, Bayer, Carlsberg, FLSmidth, FORCE Technology, Icopal, KMD, Microsoft, NCC, Novo Nordisk, Novozymes, Saint Gobain, Spejder Sport, Widex mf. Claus trækkes ofte ind når komplekse problemstillinger om f.eks. brugerforståelse og brugeroplevelse skal løses. Claus er også gæsteforelæser om forretningsudvikling, brand- og designledelse og optimering af brugeroplevelser på bl.a. CBS, Syddansk Universitet og Designskolen i Kolding. Præsentationen vil gennemgå et konkret udviklingsprojekt, der undervejs tog en helt ny drejning. Jesper Clement undersøger sammenhængen mellem det du ser, og det du gør. Jesper forsker i, hvordan design, visuel opmærksomhed og adfærd interagerer. Særlig fokus er der på forbrugernes øjenbevægelser og de hjerneprocesser, der har betydning for in-storebeslutning. Jesper Clement er ansat ved Center for Decision Neuroscience, institut for afsætningsøkonomi ved Copenhagen Business School. Jesper har skrevet bøger og artikler om retail- og shopper marketing. Trend Expert Stefan Nilsson from Trendgruppen will decorate four trend zones at DesignTrade Spring and will further be present at Shopper’s Stage, where he will talk about this year’s trends through the themes Drama!, Talisman, Nursery, Structure and Forest 2.0. In this speak you will hear about Nursery, containing lots of pastels and childish references such as “icecream colors,” Structure playing with graphic lines and furniture that almost floats and Forest 2.0 with lots of green tones and references to nature. #designcph Claus is a specialist in business development, design and brand management, touchpoint management and identity development. For more than 37 years, Claus has worked in these areas, including 16 years with his own design and communications agency. He has worked for clients including: Ambu, Bayer, Carlsberg, FLSmidth, FORCE Technology, Icopal, KMD, Microsoft, NCC, Novo Nordisk, Novozymes, Saint Gobain, Spejder Sport, and Widex. Claus is often called in for assistance with complex issues in areas such as user understanding and user experience. He is guest lecturer on business development, brand and design management, and optimisation of user experiences at schools including Copenhagen Business School, University of Southern Denmark and Kolding School of Design. / Jesper researches how design, visual attention and behavior interact. He examines the relationship between what you see and what you do. His special focus is on consumers’ eye movements and brain processes that have an impact on in-store decision. Jesper Clement is employed at the Center for Decision Neuroscience, Department of Marketing at Copenhagen Business School. Jesper has written books and articles on retail and shopper marketing. DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 13 Shopper’s Stage: The Future Shop Thursday, 9 January Friday, 10 January Thursday, 9 January Thursday, 9 January Friday, 10 January 16.00 17.00 12.00 Allan Torp, Blogger, Stylist and Columnist (Bungalow5) Allan Torp, Blogger, Stylist and Columnist (Bungalow5) Stefan Nilsson, Trend Expert (Trendgruppen) Know your blogger From blog to business Trend 1 - Drama! and Talisman Interiørblogger, stylist, skribent og allround ’interiør-extraordinaire’ Allan Torp fortæller sin kreative succeshistorie. Han beretter om starten som blogger, om styling og om at gå freelance, og du får mere at vide om de tips og ideer, han har samlet de senere år i forbindelse med sit samarbejde med utallige virksomheder. Du hører også, hvad der er i vente fra Bungalow5. Allan Torp afslører desuden nogle særlige tips til, hvordan du vælger den perfekte blogger til din virksomhed, og giver sit bud på, hvordan din virksomhed får mest muligt ud af at samarbejde med en blogger. Måske overvejer du at blive fuldtidsblogger, og måske har du blot lyst til at få lidt flere tips og ideer til at gøre din hobby til et deltidsforetagende og skabe et blog brand? Interiørblogger, stylist, skribent og allround ’interiør-extraordinaire’ Allan Torp fortæller sin kreative succeshistorie. Få gode råd om, hvad du skal og ikke skal gøre, hvis du ønsker at starte eller videreudvikle din blog. Allan Torp beretter om, hvordan du kan bruge din blog som katalysator til at skabe en karriere som blogger. Trendekspert Stefan Nilsson fra Trendgruppen varetager indretningen af fire trendzoner på DesignTrade Spring og er ydermere at finde på Shopper’s Stage, hvor han vil fortælle om dette års tendenser gennem tematiseringerne Drama!, Talisman, Nursery, Structure og Forest 2.0. I dette foredrag kan du høre om Drama! og Talisman. Drama! indrammer, hvordan 2014 handler om det dramatiske, nærmest scenografiske interiør, mens Talisman handler om det rustikke med antydninger af etniske elementer. Interiors Blogger, Stylist, Columnist and all-round interiors extraordinaire Allan Torp will share his creative success story. From how Allan started blogging to styling and freelancing, you’ll discover what tips and hints he’s learned over the past few years working with countless companies and what’s next for Bungalow5. Allan Torp will also reveal some tips on how to select the perfect blogger for you business. Plus, he’ll discuss exactly how your business gets the most out of a collaboration with a blogger. DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 14 Maybe you consider to become a full-time blogger, maybe you just want to learn more tips and tricks to turning your hobby into a part-time venture and create a blog brand? Interiors Blogger, Stylist, Columnist and all-round interiors extraordinaire Allan Torp will share his creative success story. He will present some tips on the do’s and don’ts if you want to start or develop further on your blog. He recounts how you can get your blog turned into a success story and how you can use your blog as a catalyst to create career as a blogger. Trend Expert Stefan Nilsson from Trendgruppen will decorate four trendzones at DesignTrade Spring and will further be present at the Shopper’s Stage, where he will talk about this year’s trends through the themes Drama!, Talisman, Nursery, Structure and Forest 2.0. In this talk you can hear about Drama! and Talisman - Drama! framing how 2014 is all about the dramatic, almost scenographic interior, while Talisman is about the rustic with hints of ethnic elements. Shopper’s Stage: The Future Shop Friday, 10 January Friday, 10 January Friday, 10 January 13.00 16.00 Birgitte Rode, Director (Soundbranding) Allan Torp, Blogger, Stylist and Columnist (Bungalow5) Moving your brand to the next stage with sound Know your blogger Birgitte Rode og hendes virksomhed Soundbranding er specialiseret i at iscenesætte brands i alle touch-points på tværs af alle medieplatforme. Ved hjælp af en professionel iscenesættelse af dit brand kan du skabe opmærksomhed, genkaldelse, anerkendelse, maksimere din brandværdi og samtidig skabe målbare resultater. Gennem brug af soundbranding og produktion af indhold kan du forbedre din onlinetilstedeværelse og integrere kunde / medarbejderkommunikation på sociale medier. Interiørblogger, stylist, skribent og allround ’interiør-extraordinaire’ Allan Torp fortæller sin kreative succeshistorie. Han beretter om starten som blogger, om styling og om at gå freelance, og du får mere at vide om de tips og ideer, han har samlet de senere år i forbindelse med sit samarbejde med utallige virksomheder. Du hører også, hvad der er i vente fra Bungalow5. Allan Torp afslører desuden nogle særlige tips til, hvordan du vælger den perfekte blogger til din virksomhed, og giver sit bud på, hvordan din virksomhed får mest muligt ud af at samarbejde med en blogger. Birgitte Rode is the founder of Soundbranding and she is specialized in staging brands in all touch-points across all media platforms. Using a professional staging of your brand you can create awareness, recall, recognition, maximize your brand value and at the same time create measureable results. Through the use of soundbranding and content production you can improve your online performance and integrate customer/employee related communication on social media. #designcph Interiors Blogger, Stylist, Columnist and all-round interiors extraordinaire Allan Torp will share his creative success story. From how Allan started blogging to styling and freelancing, you’ll discover what tips and hints he’s learned over the past few years working with countless companies and what’s next for Bungalow5. Allan Torp will also reveal some tips on how to select the perfect blogger for you business. Plus, he’ll discuss exactly how your business gets the most out of a collaboration with a blogger. / DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 15 Design Schools Se hvad Skandinaviens fremtidige designere har at byde på, når vi præsenterer området Design Schools – et område med det bedste af det bedste fra skandinaviske designskoler. Her kan du se alt fra traditionelt håndværk til moderne, interaktivt design – alt sammen med kvalitet og dygtigt håndarbejde i fokus. See what future Scandinavian designers have to offer when we present Design Schools - an area with the best of the best from Scandinavian design schools. Here you will find everything from traditional crafts to modern, interactive design - all with quality and skilled handwork in focus. Snedkernes Uddannelser, DK Snedkernes Uddannelser præsenterer nogle af årets bedste afsluttende prøver. Svendeprøven udføres i dag som et selvvalgt projekt, hvor den enkelte snedker omsætter sine egne ideer om design og formgivning i sit svendestykke. Snedkernes Uddannelser present some of this year’s best final exams. Student exams are today performed as a selfselected project where each maker translates its own ideas of design and styling in his test piece. CIID (Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design), DK Udstillingen hylder talent og kreativitet blandt CIID’s studerende. Se de mange forskellige projekter, interagér med de studerendes prototyper og oplev den tværfaglige og udforskende tilgang, som kendetegner Interaction Design og Service Design. DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 16 A celebration of the hard work, creativity and talent of the Interaction Design Programme students – with many things to see, prototypes to interact with and possibly even a few experiments taking place. The exhibition demonstrates the multidisciplinary and questioning nature of Interaction Design and Service Design. Folkuniversitetets Hantverkscentrum in Tibro, SE Folkuniversitetets Hantverkscentrum i Tibro tilbyder uddannelse, der bygger på tradition, viden og udvikling i møbelbranchen, og skolen har gjort Tibro til Sveriges møbelcentrum. På DesignTrade præsenterer Folkuniversitetets Hantverkscentrum de to designere Lene Doverholm og EwaDe. #designcph Folkuniversitetets Hantverkscentrum in Tibro offer education based on tradition, knowledge and development in the furniture industry and the school has made the city of Tibro to one of Sweden’s furniture hub. At DesignTrade Folkuniversitetets Hantverkscentrum in Tibro present the two designers Lene Doverholm and EwaDe. / DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 17 The Embassy of Italy presents “TEMPO ITALIANO” Italian design for the Scandinavian market Varige værdier i moderne italiensk design. Udstillingen “Tempo Italiano” er udviklet i samarbejde med den italienske ambassade i Danmark og det italienske handelskammer. Den er opstået ud fra ønsket om at skabe en platform med klar og tydelig identitet og et program af kulturelle og professionelle arrangementer, der varetager de skandinaviske interesser for topnavnene i italiensk design. Udstillingens leder er Patrizia Coggiola og designbureauet Navone Associati er ansvarlig for art direction og eventdesign. Ambitionen for “Tempo Italiano” er at skabe et skræddersyet scenarie til det skandinaviske marked, som præsenterer italiensk design i dag med et udvalg af virksomheder, der er berømte for deres autentiske produkter, fremragende håndværksmæssige udførelse og produktion samt deres avancerede systemer. Initiativet fokuserer på italiensk design som et banebrydende netværk, der omfatter brands med en stærk virksomheds- og produktfilosofi, spirende kreative talenter, designere, nytænkning i fødevaredesign og digitale designplatforme. Den overordnede tilgang hviler på et kollektivt syn på medspillerne på den italienske designscene fra handelssammenslutninger til de enkelte designere med fremhævelse af værdierne i en ny identitet, tid til kreativitet, produktlevetid og betydningen af materialer og funktion. DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 18 Lasting values in contemporary Italian design. This project has been developed in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in Denmark and the Italian Trade Commission. It arose from the wish to create a synergic platform with a clear, distinctive identity and a programme of cultural and professional events to represent the top names of Italian design in Scandinavia. The curator of the exhibition is Patrizia Coggiola and the design agency Navone Associati is responsible for the art direction and event design. More specifically, the ambition of “Tempo Italiano” is to create a tailor-made scenario for the Scandinavian market that presents Italian design today, showcasing a selection of companies renowned for their authentic contents, attention to high quality craftsmanship and production, as well as their state of the art systems. The initiative will focus on Italian design as a cutting-edge network that includes brands with a strong corporate and product philosophy, emerging creative talents, designer-makers, innovation in food design and digital design platforms. The curatorial approach is based on a collective vision of the players on the Italian design scene, from the trade associations to the individual designers, highlighting the values of a New Identity, Time for Creativity, Product Life Time and the importance of Materials and Function. Visit us January 8–10 at Designtr aDe Copenhagen hall: C3 / stanD no.: C3-001 see for further information on our products annonceBELLA204x14803.indd 1 02-12-2013 16:20:51 Stand nr. C2-007A Open Conference: Design is Business Wednesday, 8 January Wednesday, 8 January Wednesday, 8 January Wednesday, 8 January Wednesday, 8 January 13:00-13.40 13.45-14.25 15.15-15.55 16.00-16.40 Eskild Hansen, Designer, Founder and Principal (Copenhagen Innovation and Eskild Hansen Design ApS) Anthony Aconis, Director and Partner, (fireball) Rune Kirt, Director and Partner, Cand. Arch. (Kirt-Thomsen) Tim Selders (PARK) At the crossroads of design, sciencefiction and the energy sector Innovation in design Eskild Hansen er internationalt kendt for sit designarbejde, som er blevet omtalt i et utal af internationale medier. Hans arbejde spænder vidt fra elektronik, lamper og møbler til avanceret medicinaludstyr. Eskild har opnået flere designpatenter og -priser. Eskild kombinerer en baggrund i praktisk designudvikling og -afprøvning med forretningsudvikling og lederskab. Det har givet Eskild en unik position på den danske designscene og gjort ham til en efterspurgt foredragsholder - også internationalt. Fra 2005 til 2012 var Eskild designchef hos Cisco European Design Center og efterfølgende Global Director of design hos Coloplast. I dag er han grundlægger af og direktør for Eskild Hansen Design ApS. Anthony Aconis er uddannet fra Copenhagen Business School og har en grad i International Business Management & Communications. Anthony er en af Danmarks ypperste rådgivere og debattører, når det handler om forbrugerindsigt, shopperisme, livsstil og trends. Anthony har mange års erfaring fra den internationale kommunikationsverden. Han har arbejdet med kommunikation, marketing og branding i New York, São Paulo og København, og med store kunder som LEGO, Heineken, Mars og Pepsi. Anthony Aconis er til daglig direktør i fireball – et marketingbureau med fokus på produkt, kontaktpunkter og kommunikation. Eskild Hansen is internationally recognized for his design work that has been featured in a wide range of global media. His work ranges from consumer electronic, lamps, furniture, and medical devices. Eskild holds several design patents and awards. He combines his background of proven design experience mixed with business and leadership skills. This provides him with a unique perspective that has enabled him to lecture about design and innovation at universities and to become frequent key-note speaker all around the world. From 2005 to 2012 Eskild was the head of the Cisco European Design Center and after that he was the Global Director of design at Coloplast. Today Eskild is Founder and Principal at Copenhagen Innovation and Eskild Hansen Design ApS. Anthony Aconis graduated from Copenhagen Business School with a degree in International Business Management & Communications. Anthony is one of Denmark’s leading consultants and debaters when it comes to consumer insight, shopperism, lifestyle and trends. Anthony has many years of experience from the international communications industry. He has worked with communication, marketing and branding in New York, São Paulo and Copenhagen, and with major clients such as LEGO, Heineken, Mars and Pepsi. Anthony Aconis is now founder and partner at fireball – a marketing agency focusing on product, contact points and communication. DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 20 Inden etableringen af Kirt Thomsen, en opblomstrende designkonsulentvirksomhed med speciale i visuel produktudvikling for energisektoren, samlede Rune erfaringer som både in-house designer i Vestas Tech R&D og som industriel designer i Paris og Danmark. Runes forståelse af volumener og rum - han er uddannet arkitekt - samt udtænkning af radikale innovative koncepter, såsom projektet KNARR Cargo Airship, har sikret Kirt Thomsen et solidt ry som frontløbere i skæringsfeltet mellem R&D, design thinking og procesoptimering. Sammen med både private og offentlige aktører i tung industri, har de gennemført succesrige projekter inden for områderne vind, sol og bølgekraft samt elkøretøjer og smart grid. Before establishing Kirt Thomsen, a flourishing design consultancy specialised in visual R&D for the energy sector, Rune accumulated experiences both as an in-house designer in Vestas Tech R&D – in fact him and Mads Thomsen were the first designers ever hired there – and as an Industrial designer in Paris and Denmark. His combined skills of understanding volume and spaces – he is also a trained architect – and creating radically innovative concepts, such as the KNARR airship project, have ensured Kirt Thomsen a solid reputation of front-runners at the crossroads of R&D, design thinking and process optimization. Together with both private and public sector actors in heavy industry, they have driven successful projects within the fields of wind, solar and wave energy, electric vehicles and smart grid. Design delivers value! - Sure, just like IT, Logistics, Legal, and many more… Tim Selders er en af de stiftende partnere og direktører i PARK, en veletableret europæisk konsulentvirksomhed med speciale i design og innovation og med 15 års erfaring. Siden grundlæggelsen af PARK, har Selders arbejdet sammen med en bred vifte af organisationer og virksomheder som LEGO, B&O, Unilever, Grundfos, BMW og Beiersdorf - altid med en mission om at maksimere værdien af design. Selders har en Master i Industriel Design Engineering fra Delft University i Holland og har over de sidste 15 år undervist, afholdt workshops og skrevet adskillige artikler om design management. Tim Selders is one of the founding partners and directors of PARK, a well established European consultancy in the area of design and innovation management with 15 years of experience. Since founding PARK, Selders has worked alongside a wide array of organisations such as LEGO, B&O, Unilever, Grundfos, BMW and Beiersdorf, with a mission to help maximise the value of design. Selders holds a Master in Industrial Design Engineering from the Delft University in the Netherlands and over the last 15 years has lectured, executed workshops and written numerous articles on design management. Open Conference: Design is Business Thursday, 9 January Thursday, 9 January Thursday, 9 January Thursday, 9 January Thursday, 9 January 13:00-13.40 13.45-14.25 14.30-15.10 15.15-15.55 Rikke Bastholm, Director and Owner (INNOBA) Fionn Dobbin, Creative Director and Co-Founder (LV) (MAMMU) Christian Pagh, Culture Designer and Founder (UiWE) Morten Kold, Creative Director and Partner (2+1 Idébureau) Starting a social business from scratch Atmosphere matters - designing meaningful spaces Designing the urban co-creation proces 2.0. Som kreativ direktør for designbrandet MAMMU og lektor ved Swedish School of Economics i Riga, kombinerer Fionn Dobbin kreativitet med viden om erhvervslivet. Som freelance kreativ rådgiver udvikler han nye måder og strategier inden for menneskelig interaktion og kommunikation. Fionn Dobbin er uddannet industriel designer og tiltrak sig stor opmærksomhed allerede da han med sit afgangsprojekt fra Berlin University of the Arts besluttede sig for at hjælpe nogle af verdens 2.6 milliarder uden adgang til et toilet. Siden udviklede Fionns interesse for ‘social business’ sig i retning af mode - og selvom ordene Letland, high fashion og social forandring måske ikke lyder som den mest almindelige kombination eller som opskriften på succes, så er det faktisk tilfældet her. Christian Pagh er leder af UiWE - et københavnsk baseret kulturdesignbureau med speciale i at forbedre forholdet mellem rum og mennesker. UiWE kombinerer kulturanalyse med designkompetencer og udvikler måder hvorpå mennesker oplever rum. UiWE’s løsninger omfatter prisbelønnede kulturog udviklingsstrategier, urbant design, identitet og kommunikation - ofte kombineret. Et vigtigt tema i UiWE’s arbejde er begrebet ‘atmosfære’ - den særlige kvalitet et sted i sagens natur har, og som har enorm indflydelse på den måde, folk føler, oplever og interagerer. Christian vil præsentere, hvordan vi kan forstå og arbejde med stemninger i feltet mellem kultur og design. Morten Kold er partner og kreativ direktør i 2+1 Idébureau og har mere end 16 års erfaring inden for strategisk kommunikation og design, oplevelseskommunikation samt byudvikling og områdebranding. Han har arbejdet sammen med en lang række danske og internationale virksomheder, organisationer og myndigheder. Morten har brandet alt fra Danmark og København over Odense, Aarhus og Vollsmose til B&O, Carlsberg og Arla Foods. Tidligere har Morten været kreativ driver på Kunde & Co. og Company Brand Manager på Carlsberg. Uddannelserne omfatter en Executive Master i Corporate Communication og cand.mag i filosofi. Morten optræder løbende som ekspert, debattør og kommentator og har undervist både på KUA og CBS. Design Thinking for better healthcare Rikke Bastholm Clausen er ejer og grundlægger af innovationsvirksomheden INNOBA. INNOBA specialiserer sig i innovationsprocesser og i at hjælpe offentlige og private kunder med at planlægge og drive innovationsprojekter. Dette omfatter brugerforskning og brugerinddragelse, idégenererende processer, konceptudvikling og projektdesign. Designmetoder er en integreret del af virksomhedens innovative tilgang. Rikke har omfattende erfaring med strategisk innovation og har arbejdet i mere end 12 år i både offentlige og private organisationer med innovationsprojekter og processer. Hun har deltaget i udviklingen af flere store innovationsinitiativer i hele Danmark inden for brugercentreret innovation, medarbejderdreven innovation og offentlig-private innovationspartnerskaber. Rikke Bastholm Clausen is owner and founder of the innovation company INNOBA. INNOBA specialises in innovation processes and helps public and private clients plan and run innovation projects. This includes user research and user involvement, idea generating processes, concept development and project design. Design methods are an integral part of the company’s innovation approach. Rikke has extensive experience with strategic innovation and has worked for more than 12 years in both public and private organisations with innovation projects and processes. She has taken part in developing several major innovation initiatives across Denmark within user centered innovation, employee driven innovation and public-private innovation partnerships. #designcph Being the founder and Creative Director of social design brand MAMMU and lecturer at Swedish School of Economics in Riga, Fionn Dobbin combines creativity with business knowledge. His core business as a freelance creative advisor is developing new ways and strategies in the fields of human interaction and communication within their environment. Fionn is also the founder and Creative Director of the social business fashion company MAMMU. / Christian Pagh is head of UiWE; a Copenhagen-based culture design agency specialized in improving relations between places and people. UiWE state their approach to be ‘culture design’ as they combine culture analysis with design competencies to develop the ways people experience spaces. UiWE’s solutions include prize-winning culture- and development strategies, urban design, identity and communication – often combined. An important theme in UiWE’s work is the notion of ”atmosphere” – the special quality a place inherently has and which has tremendous impact on the way people feel and interact. On Christian’s agenda is discussing how we can understand and work with atmospheres in the field between culture and design. Morten Kold is partner and creative director at 2+1 Idea Agency and has more than 16 years of experience with strategic communication and design, experience communication, urban development and regional branding. He has worked with a wide range of Danish and international companies, organisations and public authorities. Morten has branded everything from regions such as Denmark, Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus and Vollsmose to companies such as B&O, Carlsberg and Arla Foods. Morten previously served as creative driver at Kunde & Co. and Company Brand Manager at Carlsberg. His educational background includes an Executive Master in Corporate Communication and an MA in philosophy. Morten regularly appears as an expert, debater and commentator, and he has taught at both Copenhagen University and Copenhagen Business School. DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 21 Open Conference: Design is Business Friday, 10 January Friday, 10 January Friday, 10 January Friday, 10 January Friday ,10 January 13:00-13.40 13.45-14.25 14.30-15.10 15.15-15.55 Uwe Brückner, Professor, Architect, Stage Designer, Scenegrapher and Creative Director (Atelier Brükner) Sille Krukow, Behavioural Designer ans Senior Advisor (Stupid Studio) Jacob Fruensgaard Øe, Strategic Director and Partner (Hatch & Bloom) Erik Lindroth, Environment Director. (Tetra Pak) It starts with changing perspective Design thinking that changes the world. A true story on what works and creates results. De sidste 17 år har Sille Krukow brugt på at finde ud af, hvorfor hun altid glemmer at bruge tandtråd, og at slukke lyset inden hun går hjemmefra. Denne jagt på årsagen til dårlige menneskelige vaner og løsningerne på samme har bragt hende vidt omkring. Hun har siden 2007 arbejdet med at ændre menneskelig adfærd bla. i forhold til klima , miljø og sundhed. Sille har en Master i Visuelt kommunikationsdesign fra Danmarks Designskole, grundlagde i 2007 klima fællesskabet Penguin Army for MTV og har siden designet adfærdsforandrende løsninger for bla. Skatteministeriet, VELUX og Københavns lufthavn . Sille er Danmarks første adfærdsdesigner og har siden 2011 udviklet metoder og eksperimenter sammen med førende adfærdsforskere inden for begrebet nudging–design baseret på kognitiv psykologi. Hun er medlem af iNudgeyou, tilknyttet Wales center for Behaviour Change og ansat hos designbureauet Stupid Studio som adfærdsdesigner og senior rådgiver. Jacob Fruensgaard Øe er strategisk direktør og medstifter af Hatch & Bloom. Jacob arbejder med strategisk designtænkning for danske og internationale virksomheder og organisationer. Jacob har bl.a. bidraget til løsninger inden for fødevarer, hospitalsvæsen, energi, software, uddannelse, mode, sport og elektronik. Scenography – or innovation in design Prof. Uwe R. Brückner er kreativ direktør for ATELIER BRÜCKNER. Uddannet som arkitekt og scenograf regnes han som en af tidens mest innovative aktører inden for scenografi, og er rangeret blandt de stiftende direktører for International Scenographer’s Biennial. I mere end 15 år har ATELIER BRÜCKNER lavet kognitivt udfordrende og banebrydende scenografier og udstillinger til museer, tema- eller brandbaserede arkitekturer, besøgscentre og Expo-pavilloner. Mere end 100 internationale projekter og 140 priser er det blevet til. Uwe R. Brückner underviser på Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst i Basel og på Tongji University, Shanghai som gæsteprofessor. Han er medlem af ICOM Tyskland, Art Directors Club for Tyskland og D & AD London. På Design is Business konferencen kan du høre Uwe Brückner fortælle om sine arbejdsmetoder og om projekter for bl.a. BMW Museum in Munich, GS Caltex-pavilion under EXPO, Korea 2012, Globe of Science and Innovation i Schweiz og Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Prof. Uwe R. Brückner is the creative director of ATELIER BRÜCKNER. Educated as an architect and stage designer, he is reckoned as a protagonist of scenography and ranked among the founding directors of the International Scenographer’s Biennial. Corresponding to the philosophy „form follows content“, he promotes the individual, content-generated design of spatial stagings. Uwe R. Brückner teaches at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst in Basel and at Tongji University, Shanghai as a guest professor. He is a member of ICOM Germany, the Art Directors Club for Germany and the D&AD London. DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 22 For the past 17 years Sille Krukow has been trying to figure out why she keeps forgetting to use dental floss and to switch of the light when she leaves home. In the search for answers and solutions on how to change bad habits and behaviour, she has been involved in design projects on a variety of arenas, changing human behavior to improve the environment, the climate and public health among others. Holding a Master in Visual Communication Design from The Royale Danish Academy of Design, Sille founded the climate community Penguin Army for MTV in 2007 and has since then created behavioural changing solutions for The Danish Ministry of Taxation, VELUX and Copenhagen Airport among others. She is the first Behavioural Designer in Denmark and has for the past two years worked with behavioural scientists on refining and developing design-approaches, experiments and methodologies within the field of nudging – design based on cognitive psychology. Jacob Fruensgaard Øe is Strategic Director and Co-Founder of Hatch & Bloom. Jacob works with Strategic Design thinking for Danish and international companies and organisations. He has contributed to solutions in the food industry, hospital services, energy, software, education, fashion, sports and electronics. Modern packaging – design and environmental excellence Erik Lindroth er miljødirektør i Tetra Paks afdelinger i de nordiske og baltiske lande og har arbejdet med miljø i Tetra Pak både på regionalt og globalt plan siden 2008. Erik har en baggrund indenfor markedsføring, som Marketing Director og Commercial Director for en af Tetra Paks produktsystemer samt en kandidatgrad i erhvervsøkonomi fra Lund Universitet. Erik vil tale om, hvordan et miljøfokus kan danne et godt udgangspunkt for at geare konkurrenceevne i dag og endnu mere i fremtiden. Erik Lindroth is Tetra Pak’s Environment Director in the Nordic and Baltic countries and has worked with environment in Tetra Pak both on a regional and global level since 2008. Erik has a background within marketing as Marketing Director and Commercial Director for one of Tetra Pak’s product systems as well as an MSC in Economics and Business Administration from Lund University. Erik is firmly convinced that good environment performance is an excellent basis for creating competitiveness today, and even more so in the future. DesignTrade and ambient idea presents: A world of scents På DesignTrade kan du opleve duft i fuldt flor, når vi i samarbejde med ambient idea krydrer forskellige områder med dufte, der komplementerer områderne og deres udsmykning. ambient idea er førende i Danmark inden for duftmarketing og implementering af skræddersyede professionelle duftløsninger. De leverer unikke og naturlige højkvalitetsduftolier og duftdesigns til bl.a. hotel-, spa-, konference-, health- og detailbranchen. Visit ambient idea on DesignTrade and discover a world of wonderful, luxurious scents. Experience the products, including the exclusive brand AQUIESSE and talk with the team about how you can use scents to create the perfect atmosphere for your customers and employees and differentiate your brand from your competitors. Med den rette duft kan du skabe den perfekte atmosfære for dine kunder og dine ansatte og samtidig differentiere dig fra dine konkurrenter. Duft skaber en længerevarende emotionel relation mellem dine kunder og din virksomhed, da duft øger dine kunders velbefindende og giver dem et stærkt positivt indtryk af din virksomhed. Resultatet af duftmarketing er gladere kunder og øget kundeloyalitet. Oplev ambient ideas dufte i forhallen, loungen i C4 og på stand C2-005A. UNIQUE UPCYCLING DESIGNS MILITÆRY FUELCONTAINER FROM WW2 The fuelcontainer was invented by the Germans during the world war 2. It was designed for water, diesel, gas and petroleum. All cans was in diffent colours to separate their use.: Light blue, red, yellow and blue. The British soldiers nicknamed the Germans, Jerries. Therefore the name - Jerry Can. The Jerry Can has 3 handles for 3 different ways to carry it. Now a days, it has become a bar cabinet to hold another kind of fuel. Explore all our designs in Hal E #designcph / DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 23 hall E Main Entrance Stand 024a DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 24 hall C 1 - C 4 023 017 019 018 001 022 022A 016A 016 016 024 014 014A 009 001 019 020A 027A 029 024A 020 013 014 010 028 015 002 016 025 006 007 007D 013B 001 013A 001A 013 003 004 001D Shopper´s Stage 020 005 026 021 007 021B 030 008A 001B 001C 009A 008 016A 002 002D 007A 007 017 016B 007B 007C 015A 014B 003A 003 014C 008B 027 005A 021A 007C 007D 030B 007E 002B 030C 017 030A 002A 007B 002C 017C 017B 006A 031 025 008A 008C rd va le ou 021C 009 018 003B dB Bloggers Zone 017D 017A 010 002A en Tr 006 008 029A 007A 014D 014A 014 004 029 005 006C 003 012 002 018A 018B 003B 005B 027B 027C 005 008 008D 027A 030 030A 005A 003 004A 004B 003A 003B 004 004C 013 011 012 013 014 031A 016C 003A 003C 005C 018 006B 006 013C 013B 013A 005B 010 016B 005B 024 016A 016 024B 024A 004 015 022 005 004A A 012A 005A 019 020 P Q S R 012 006 007 007A 031 011B 011A 011 T B C 019A O N M L K F G H I J U V D W E X 032 033 008 010 036 035 034 Hall C3 Hall C4 Hall C2 Hall C1 Bella Center H B0 #designcph / A B C5 Center C Hall C DESIGNTRADE Januar DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 25 2014 E x hibitor list A L P H A B E T I CA L A - Z 365 Design / Stand: Stand: C1-021A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 97118900 / Denmark APERIE ApS / Stand: C2-020N / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 60202085 / Denmark a mile in the woods / Stand: C2-020U / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 60467000 / Denmark Arkitekturministeriet / Stand: C2-007E / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 22440273 / Denmark A2 Living ApS / Stand: C3-014 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 41294950 / Denmark Artefina ApS / Stand: C2-017B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 75461112 / Denmark A2 Living ApS / Stand: C3-029 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 41294950 / Denmark Aveva design AB / Stand: C2-019A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 709396199 / Sweden Accantus Denmark ApS / Stand: C2-018B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 40981007 / Denmark B Green by Callapor A/S / Stand: C4-008 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 86283607 / Denmark Acentro / Stand: C1-024 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 28568478 / Denmark b´fair / Stand: C2-002B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 21419415 / Denmark African Image / Stand: C2-007 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 45808022 / Denmark Base212 / Stand: C1-024A [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 33310509 / Denmark Agnes Agency / Stand: C1-030C [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 98128924 / Denmark Birch Nielsen / Stand: C2-002D / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 66188070 / Denmark AIAYU ApS / Stand: C1-020 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 33323280 / Denmark BlusBar / Mariedal Design / Stand: C4-014 [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 27985824 / Denmark Alfred & Co ApS / Stand: C2-017C / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 35105051 / Denmark Bob Noon I/S / Stand: E-012 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 88513456 / Denmark Almedahls AB / Stand: E-013 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 320209500 / Sweden Borås Cotton / Stand: E-019 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 21694143 / Sweden Almuegaardens Bolchekogeri / Stand: C4-004A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 55760099 / Denmark Bovictus A/S / Stand: C3-025 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 86602530 / Denmark Ambient Idea ApS / Stand: C2-005A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 70239332 / Denmark BOXinBAG (Starild AB) / Stand: C3-012A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 42140800 / Sweden AMERICAN CLASSIC AB / Stand: C3-011 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 86615506 / Sweden Broste Copenhagen A/S / Stand: C3-002 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 36390300 / Denmark Andemors Verden ApS. / Stand: C3-011A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 70203201 / Denmark Bungalow / Stand: C3-015A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 35854065 / Denmark Andersson Supply / Stand: C2-003A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 40830816 / Denmark By Boysen / Stand: C4-005 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 22187781 / Denmark angela B. / Stand: C3-013A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 48393332 / Denmark By Carima AB / Stand: C1-004 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 87566610 / Sweden Anne Black ApS / Stand: E-012B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 35107327 / Denmark by nord COPENHAGEN / Stand: E-009 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 70227015 / Denmark DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 26 E x hibitor list A L P H A B E T I CA L A - Z By-Lin / Stand: C3-034 / [email protected] Netherland Dofta / Stand: C3-017 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 39622128 / Denmark Caja Company / Stand: C2-003 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 57807016 / Denmark DP Danmark A/S / Stand: C3-027A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 55722010 / Denmark CFFLM / Stand: C2-020Q / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 53760111 / Denmark Drunkrobot / Stand: C2-013 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 24809528 / Denmark CHAII / Stand: C2-017A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 20771400 / Denmark DYB Dybdahl Innovation / Stand: C3-033 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 51211155 / Denmark Charles / Stand: C4-016 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 22516237 / Denmark Dyberg-Larsen / Stand: C1-030B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 64481474 / Denmark Chic Antique / Stand: C2-009 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 59120121 / Denmark Eco-Art ApS / Stand: C2-004 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 74693436 / Denmark Choconord / Stand: C4-004 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 859906950 / Sweden Edo Copenhagen / Stand: C2-002A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 36309524 / Denmark CHOFF DESIGN CPH / Stand: C2-017 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 36463688 / Denmark Embassy of Italy / Stand: C1-022 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 39626877 / Denmark Chola v/Mia Rünitz-Jørgensen / Stand: C1-009 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 61608032 / Denmark Fabelab / Stand: C2-020O / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 50509158 / Denmark COCA Luxury Chocolate/Blaavand Bolcher / Stand: C4-003 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 75543332 / Denmark Finnsdottir ApS / Stand: E-012F / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 28685626 / Denmark Compliments / Stand: E-013B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 76240666 / Denmark Folkuniversitetet Hantverkscentrum i Tibro / Stand: C1-016A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 50412550 / Sweden Compliments - Bo Bendixen / Stand: E-013A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 76240666 / Denmark FRANCK & FISCHER / Stand: C2-014A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 20111201 / Denmark Copenhagen Candle Company ApS / Stand: C2-002C / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 28182495 / Denmark Fru Nørgaard ApS / Stand: C3-018 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 29654821 / Denmark Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID) / Stand: C1-016C / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 35551100 / Denmark Func ApS / Stand: C4-004B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 48212810 / Denmark Cozy living a/s / Stand: C2-001 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 78772080 / Denmark Fuzzylab ApS / Stand: E-015 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 20157372 / Denmark Cozy Room / Stand: C1-031 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 63172333 / Denmark Garden Stuff / Stand: C4-005B [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 760196715 / Sweden Creative Home Europe ApS / Stand: C2-005B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 27642076 / Denmark Gejst ApS / Stand: C1-011 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 22265832 / Denmark De Fire Årstider / Stand: C2-001C / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 21283229 / Denmark GERBERA AB / Stand: C2-004A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 857033232 / Sweden #designcph / DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 27 E x hibitor list A L P H A B E T I CA L A - Z Giving & Living ApS / Stand: C2-018A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 38191709 / Denmark Jeanne d’Arc Living ApS / Stand: C2-018 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 36932010 / Denmark Good Company Trade ApS / Stand: C3-005 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 33152529 / Denmark JJ Design / Stand: C2-020F / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 22648171 / Denmark Green Gate Europe A/S / Stand: C4-020 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 39960333 / Denmark Joy Toy / Stand: C4-024 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 56148260 / Denmark Guld & Løvenholdt / Stand: C2-020R / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 26394858 / Denmark Just White Aps / Stand: C1-028 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 28801017 / Denmark H. Skjalm P. / Stand: C1-025 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 33118200 / Denmark Karina Bækkelund / Stand: C1-008 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 50531661 / Denmark Hagedornhagen ApS / Stand: C1-007 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 26126621 / Denmark KJO Design / Stand: C2-020G / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 22334550 / Denmark Hamide I/S / Stand: C1-005 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 29761675 / Denmark Kjølstad v/Mette Kjølstad Palmskov / Stand: C2-003B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 75250025 / Denmark Hamonoya ApS / Stand: C3-005B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 45363613 / Denmark Kunstindustrien / Stand: C3-002A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 70261202 / Denmark Havsteen / Stand: C1-031A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 28891449 / Denmark Kähler Design / Stand: E-011 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 55720291 / Denmark HELBAK/SCHERNING aps / Stand: E-014 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 60158505 / Denmark Københavns Erhvervsakademi / Stand: C1-016B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 46460000 / Denmark Hetland Nordic A/S / Stand: E-008 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 39464650 / Denmark Leijma ApS / Stand: C2-006 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 39904060 / Denmark Hinza AB / ColorForm / Stand: C1-026 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 43530046 / Sweden Liebe / Stand: E-012D / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 35107327 / Denmark HKF Lager / Stand: C4-012 [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 413559750 / Sweden Linum AB / Stand: E-017 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 18186700 / Sweden House of Home / Stand: C1-021 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 31) 652715079 / Netherland Livingly ApS / Stand: C1-027A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 63400034 / Denmark Incado Production A/S / Stand: C3-006 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 75131911 / Denmark Livingwood ApS / Stand: C1-024B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 31321632 / Denmark Interlam AB / Stand: C2-016A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 40186370 / Sweden Lotte Smed / Stand: C3-013B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 20774245 / Denmark Inventarbutik ApS / Stand: C3-014B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 78731235 / Denmark Louise Roe Aps / Stand: E-012A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 35350110 / Denmark IO Scandinavia Indoor-Outdoor / Stand: C3-016 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 70217021 / Denmark Lübech Living ApS / Stand: C3-014A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 98101617 / Denmark DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 28 E x hibitor list A L P H A B E T I CA L A - Z lykke bang / Stand: C1-013 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 61650028 / Denmark Oi Soi Oi ApS / Stand: C1-029 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 48482070 / Denmark MaisonMette / Stand: C3-007 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 21659128 / Denmark OneLeg by susanne schmidt aps / Stand: C1-018 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 26608828 / Denmark MaisonMette / Stand: C3-007A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 21659128 / Denmark Optex Trading / Stand: C2-008A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 87564635 / Sweden Make International Ltd. / Stand: C3-005A www. / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 44) 8456860960 / United Kingdom Organic Sheep / Stand: C3-001 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 27590194 / Denmark Margit K. / Stand: C1-006 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 75941366 / Denmark OYOY Living Design ApS / Stand: E-012E / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 29887191 / Denmark Mette Schelde / Stand: C2-020S / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 26888004 / Denmark Panpuri / Stand: C3-013C / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 20774245 / Denmark Michelle Carlslund Illustration / Stand: C3-008 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 28498474 / Denmark Papegøjen ApS / Stand: C4-010 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 97217620 / Denmark Miel / Stand: C2-009 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 59120121 / Denmark Paradisco Productions / Stand: C2-020B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 30359803 / Denmark MILJÖGÅRDEN / Stand: C4-002 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 40408640 / Sweden Pendulum v/Jeanette Nielsen / Stand: C3-032 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 61659655 / Denmark Mint Agentur / Stand: C3-035 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 61220291 / Denmark Place de Bleu / Stand: C1-010 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 21900996 / Denmark Miss Living / Stand: C2-020K / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 28400112 / Denmark Play For Life ApS / Stand: C3-019 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 33234393 / Denmark MOONMIND / Stand: C2-017D / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 30866260 / Denmark Play For Life ApS / Stand: C4-022A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 33234393 / Denmark Muubs A/S / Stand: E-010 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 96260330 / Denmark Present Time Scandinavia ApS / Stand: C1-020A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 48480424 / Denmark Natures Collection ApS / Stand: C1-029A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 75801050 / Denmark Prime Gift Center / Stand: C4-013 [email protected] Tel.: (+ 977) 9808859593 / Nepal Nordahl Andersen / Stand: C2-009A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 66111700 / Denmark Pure Culture A/S / Stand: C2-002 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 70228055 / Denmark Nordic Souvenir AB / Stand: C4-007 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 0647-17550 / Sweden Purple ID / Stand: C2-020T / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 24830183 / Denmark O.S.V. Denmark / Stand: C2-014 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 29494629 / Denmark Quote by Birkholm / Stand: C2-016 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 60721004 / Denmark Ocean-Going / Stand: C2-020A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 25328982 / Denmark Quut beachtoys / Stand: C3-011B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 70203201 / Denmark #designcph / DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 29 E x hibitor list A L P H A B E T I CA L A - Z RIC Denmark Aps / Stand: C2-008 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 36728778 / Denmark Silo Design / Stand: C2-020C [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 61296170 / Denmark RICE A/S / Stand: C2-007B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 63113535 / Denmark SIMPLY CHOCOLATE / Stand: C4-003A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 42135622 / Denmark Rie Elise Larsen ApS / Stand: C2-016B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 26716126 / Denmark Snedkernes Uddannelser / Stand: C1-016 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 70208630 / Denmark ROBETOY AB / Stand: C4-008B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 317071400 / Sweden Snowdrops By House of Furniture / Stand: C2-010 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 40508094 / Denmark Robin Ruth Nordic / Stand: C2-019 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 60731922 / Denmark Solwang Design Aps / Stand: C3-030 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 21191727 / Denmark Sachs & Grut / Stand: C2-007C / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 33329594 / Denmark Soul of Maia AB / Stand: C1-004 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 707544959 / Sweden SACKit ApS / Stand: C1-017 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 96343510 / Denmark Stine Leth / Stand: C2-020J / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 20927320 / Denmark Sae Il-Denmark / Stand: C2-007A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 32574340 / Denmark Stjernestunder Helle Holst Design / Stand: C3-030A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 39624691 / Denmark Savon de Marseille / Stand: C3-016A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 44241350 / Sweden Stuff - Design Of Scandinavia ApS / Stand: E-013C / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 88271707 / Denmark Seacreed Service A/S / Stand: E-018 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 50501616 / Denmark Sufraco Savon de Marseille ab / Stand: C3-016A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 44241350 / Sweden Secrid / Stand: C3-031 / [email protected] Tel.: (+45) 25150026 / Denmark Sæbeværkstedet / Stand: C3-010 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 46155051 / Denmark Seeruptranberg I/S / Stand: C2-020I / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 25577075 / Denmark Teddykompaniet i Båstad AB / Stand: C4-008A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 43172510 / Sweden Sej Design / Stand: C3-027C / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 65992961 / Denmark The Green Suitcase / Stand: C1-003 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 23355102 / Denmark Sejr of Copenhagen / Stand: C3-031 / [email protected] Tel.: (+45) 25150026 / Denmark THE ORGANIC COMPANY / Stand: C3-004 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 42151111 / Denmark Selleberg Specialiteter ApS / Stand: C4-003B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 65951128 / Denmark The Travelling Band ApS / Stand: C2-006C / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 60192729 / Denmark SH Committ ApS / Stand: C3-013/C3-013B/C3-013C / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 20774245 / Denmark THG Home& Interior / Stand: C3-027 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 31220990 / Sweden Shepherd Home / Stand: E-017 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 325661380 / Sweden Tica Copenhagen / Stand: C2-001B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 40594403 / Denmark Signe Lybeck / Stand: C3-036 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 26251612 / Denmark Trimm Copenhagen / Stand: C3-003B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 28455857 / Denmark DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 30 E x hibitor list A L P H A B E T I CA L A - Z TRÄE I/S / Stand: C2-020P / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 60290844 / Denmark Walnut Street / Stand: E-012C / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 22506400 / Denmark Turiform / Stand: E-019 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 21261621 / Sweden We Shop / Stand: C1-021B / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 40525400 / Denmark Umlaute Designbureau / Stand: C1-012 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 22877135 / Denmark Wendt Design / Stand: C3-003A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 38101495 / Denmark Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 70252766 / Denmark WhatWeDo / Stand: C2-020L / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 28911178 / Denmark United Comfort Shoes ApS / Stand: C1-019 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 49262889 / Denmark Yankee Candle Scandinavia/TL Månsson´s AB / Stand: C3-014C / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 46) 3537088 / Sweden Urban Living ApS / Stand: C1-001 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 35355249 / Denmark ZikZak ApS / Stand: C3-003 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 35811920 / Denmark VanillaFly ApS / Stand: C2-001A / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 30241114 / Denmark Ørskov & Co. A/S / Stand: C1-030 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 49194949 / Denmark Vinding Et Co. A/S / Stand: C3-015 / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 75310211 / Denmark AANT Design / Stand: C2-020M / [email protected] Tel.: (+ 45) 22976409 / Denmark Hans Christian Andersen by Det var H.C. Andersen, der klippede og flettede det første julehjerte. De smukke julehjerter fås i 2 størrelser - forsølvet eller forgyldt. Priser fra vejl. kr. 189,- HCA_Bella.indd 1 Hans#designcph Christian Andersen var ud over sine/ verdensberømte eventyr også kendt for sine fantastiske papirklip, som han klippede i fri hånd og underholdte med ved mange selskaber. Vores julepynt i guld og sølv er baseret på Hans Christian Andersens papirklip – lad det skabe julestemning og inspirere til hyggelige fortællinger i dit hjem. 12/9/2013 1:20:00 PM DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 31 B rand list A L P H A B E T I CA L A - Z 365design / 365 Design / Stand: C1-021A 1973 / DYB Dybdahl Innovation / Stand: C3-033 1+1 Design / Walnut Street / Stand: E-012C a mile in the woods illustrations / a mile in the woods / Stand: C2-020U Paris / MaisonMette / Stand: C3-007 A2 Living / A2 Living ApS / Stand: C3-014 A2 Living / A2 Living ApS / Stand: C3-029 Accantus / Accantus Denmark ApS / Stand: C2-018B Acentro / Acentro / Stand: C1-024 Ach. Brito / Optex Trading / Stand: C2-008A African Image / African Image / Stand: C2-007 Agnes Agency / Agnes Agency / Stand: C1-030C AIAYU / AIAYU ApS / Stand: C1-020 Air Aroma / Ambient Idea ApS / Stand: C2-005A Akrylsmykker By Lotte Smed / SH Committ ApS / Stand: C3-013/C3-013B/C3-01 Alessi / Dyberg-Larsen / Stand: C1-030B Alfons Åberg / Teddykompaniet i Båstad AB / Stand: C4-008A Almuegaarden / Almuegaardens Bolchekogeri / Stand: C4-004A Alvilda / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C3-019 Alvilda / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C4-022A Amelie et Melanie / Andersson Supply / Stand: C2-003A American Classics / AMERICAN CLASSIC AB / Stand: C3-011 Anamalz / Walnut Street / Stand: E-012C And many more artists and designers / Incado Production A/S / Stand: C3-006 Andersson Supply / Andersson Supply / Stand: C2-003A Angelo Gobi, Italy / Kunstindustrien / Stand: C3-002A Anis de Flavigny / Andersson Supply / Stand: C2-003A anne black / Anne Black ApS / Stand: E-012B Annemette Hylleborg / Incado Production A/S / Stand: C3-006 APERIE / APERIE ApS / Stand: C2-020N Apple & Bee / The Green Suitcase / Stand: C1-003 Aqueduck / Teddykompaniet i Båstad AB / Stand: C4-008A AQUIESSE / Ambient Idea ApS / Stand: C2-005A Arne Jacobsen / Dyberg-Larsen / Stand: C1-030B Aroma Bar / BOXinBAG (Starild AB) / Stand: C3-012A Aroma Smack / Interlam AB / Stand: C2-016A Artefina Design / Artefina ApS / Stand: C2-017B Attirance / Alfred & Co ApS / Stand: C2-017C Aveva design / Aveva design AB / Stand: C2-019A B / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C3-019 B / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C4-022A B Green by Callapor / B Green by Callapor A/S / Stand: C4-008 Bar Professional / BOXinBAG (Starild AB) / Stand: C3-012A Base212 / Base212 / Stand: C1-024A Be On Fire / Bovictus A/S / Stand: C3-025 Beaumonde cards / DYB Dybdahl Innovation / Stand: C3-033 Bengt & Lotta AB / ZikZak ApS / Stand: C3-003 b’fair / b´fair / Stand: C2-002B Birch Nielsen / Birch Nielsen / Stand: C2-002D Black / COCA Luxury Chocolate/Blaavand Bolcher / Stand: C4-003 Black+Blum / DYB Dybdahl Innovation / Stand: C3-033 BlenderBottle ( Vand Flasker) / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C Blue Lounge / Dyberg-Larsen / Stand: C1-030B BlusBar / BlusBar / Mariedal Design / Stand: C4-014 Blaavand Bolcher / COCA Luxury Chocolate/Blaavand Bolcher / Stand: C4-003 Bob Noon / Bob Noon I/S / Stand: E-012 BobbleArt / Joy Toy / Stand: C4-024 Borås Cotton / Borås Cotton / Stand: E-019 BRANDBAG.DK / SACKit ApS / Stand: C1-017 BRIERS / angela B. / Stand: C3-013A Broste Copenhagen / Broste Copenhagen A/S / Stand: C3-002 BUNGALOW / Bungalow / Stand: C3-015A By Boysen / By Boysen / Stand: C4-005 By Carima / By Carima AB / Stand: C1-004 by nord COPENHAGEN / by nord COPENHAGEN / Stand: E-009 by Wirth / Walnut Street / Stand: E-012C By-Lin / By-Lin / Stand: C3-034 Cabanaz / Edo Copenhagen / Stand: C2-002A Caja Company / Caja Company / Stand: C2-003 Capsule / Edo Copenhagen / Stand: C2-002A Catseye / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C3-019 Catseye / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C4-022A CDN (Termometer) / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C CFFLM / CFFLM / Stand: C2-020Q Chabert et Guillot / Andersson Supply / Stand: C2-003A Chaii / CHAII / Stand: C2-017A Charles / Charles / Stand: C4-016 Chic Antique / Chic Antique / Stand: C2-009 Chick-a-dee / Just White Aps / Stand: C1-028 Chimpanzee / Edo Copenhagen / Stand: C2-002A chocoMe / Choconord / Stand: C4-004 CHOFF DESIGN CPH / CHOFF DESIGN CPH / Stand: C2-017 Chola / Chola v/Mia Rünitz-Jørgensen / Stand: C1-009 Chroma / Edo Copenhagen / Stand: C2-002A CIID - Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design / Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID) / Stand: C1-016C Claus Porto / Optex Trading / Stand: C2-008A Coco Electra / Incado Production A/S / Stand: C3-006 ConCeptArt - Espressoudstyr / Hamonoya ApS / Stand: C3-005B Connie O. Simonsen / Incado Production A/S / Stand: C3-006 DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 32 Cozy living / Cozy living a/s / Stand: C2-001 COZY room / Cozy Room / Stand: C1-031 Crabtree & Evelyn / Sachs & Grut / Stand: C2-007C Creative Home/Sompex / Creative Home Europe ApS / Stand: C2-005B culinary concepts / BOXinBAG (Starild AB) / Stand: C3-012A Cult Design / ZikZak ApS / Stand: C3-003 Dacarr / Giving & Living ApS / Stand: C2-018A Danish Fuel / Seacreed Service A/S / Stand: E-018 dcuk / Edo Copenhagen / Stand: C2-002A De Buyer / MaisonMette / Stand: C3-007A De Fire Årstider / De Fire Årstider / Stand: C2-001C Dexas (Køkken Grej) / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C Diinglisar / Teddykompaniet i Båstad AB / Stand: C4-008A Djeco / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C3-019 Djeco / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C4-022A Dofta® / Dofta / Stand: C3-017 Dooky / Teddykompaniet i Båstad AB / Stand: C4-008A Dora Designs / Edo Copenhagen / Stand: C2-002A Double O’s / COCA Luxury Chocolate/Blaavand Bolcher / Stand: C4-003 Dp Danmark A/S / DP Danmark A/S / Stand: C3-027A Drosselmeyer Design Group / Hamonoya ApS / Stand: C3-005B DrunkRobot / Drunkrobot / Stand: C2-013 Du Coeur / Alfred & Co ApS / Stand: C2-017C Dupont d`Isigny / Andersson Supply / Stand: C2-003A Dutch Licorice / Choconord / Stand: C4-004 Dyberg-Larsen / Dyberg-Larsen / Stand: C1-030B Ebulobo / Joy Toy / Stand: C4-024 Edgeware (Knivsliber & Rivejern) / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C Edo / Edo Copenhagen / Stand: C2-002A Elk Accessories / The Green Suitcase / Stand: C1-003 Emil fra Lønneberg / Teddykompaniet i Båstad AB / Stand: C4-008A Escali (Pro. Køkkenvægte) / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C Essey (DK) Design, indretning / Good Company Trade ApS / Stand: C3-005 Esthex / Walnut Street / Stand: E-012C EWADE / Folkuniversitetet Hantverkscentrum i Tibro / Stand: C1-016A FABELAB / Fabelab / Stand: C2-020O Fatboy the Original / Hetland Nordic A/S / Stand: E-008 Faunascapes / WhatWeDo / Stand: C2-020L Flash Up / Seacreed Service A/S / Stand: E-018 Florence Design / SH Committ ApS / Stand: C3-013/C3-013B/C3-01 Flux/Flowerpower / Hamonoya ApS / Stand: C3-005B Forklædemanden / RIC Denmark Aps / Stand: C2-008 FRANCK & FISCHER / FRANCK & FISCHER / Stand: C2-014A Fresh Scents / AMERICAN CLASSIC AB / Stand: C3-011 Frooschi (FR) Madkasser / Good Company Trade ApS / Stand: C3-005 Funkit World (Scrunch) / Andemors Verden ApS. / Stand: C3-011A Garden Stuff / Garden Stuff / Stand: C4-005B Gejst / Gejst ApS / Stand: C1-011 Gerbera AB / GERBERA AB / Stand: C2-004A Giving & Living / Giving & Living ApS / Stand: C2-018A GreenGate / Green Gate Europe A/S / Stand: C4-020 Greenleaf / AMERICAN CLASSIC AB / Stand: C3-011 Guld & Løvenholdt / Guld & Løvenholdt / Stand: C2-020R H. Skjalm P. / H. Skjalm P. / Stand: C1-025 H.C. Andersen by Nordahl Andersen / Nordahl Andersen / Stand: C2-009A HABA / Joy Toy / Stand: C4-024 hagedornhagen / Hagedornhagen ApS / Stand: C1-007 Hamide / Hamide I/S / Stand: C1-005 Handed By / ZikZak ApS / Stand: C3-003 Happy Lights / Just White Aps / Stand: C1-028 HappyFlex (Bage Udstyr) / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C HAVSTEEN / Havsteen / Stand: C1-031A HELBAK / HELBAK/SCHERNING aps / Stand: E-014 Hinza / Hinza AB / ColorForm / Stand: C1-026 HOST / BOXinBAG (Starild AB) / Stand: C3-012A HUG RUGS / angela B. / Stand: C3-013A I.DL.Denmark / Dyberg-Larsen / Stand: C1-030B INCADO / Incado Production A/S / Stand: C3-006 interlam / Interlam AB / Stand: C2-016A Invotis / Edo Copenhagen / Stand: C2-002A IO Scandinavia / IO Scandinavia Indoor-Outdoor / Stand: C3-016 James Grey / Incado Production A/S / Stand: C3-006 Janod / Joy Toy / Stand: C4-024 Jansen+Co / ZikZak ApS / Stand: C3-003 Jeanne d’Arc Living / Jeanne d’Arc Living ApS / Stand: C2-018 Jellycat / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C3-019 Jellycat / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C4-022A JJ Design / JJ Design / Stand: C2-020F Joseph Joseph (UK) Køkkenartikler / Good Company Trade ApS / Stand: C3-005 Just Think Toys (BathBlocks) / Andemors Verden ApS. / Stand: C3-011A Kaloo / Joy Toy / Stand: C4-024 Karina Bækkelund / Karina Bækkelund / Stand: C1-008 Karlsson / Present Time Scandinavia ApS / Stand: C1-020A KEA / Københavns Erhvervsakademi / Stand: C1-016B Kitchencraft / Edo Copenhagen / Stand: C2-002A KJ Collection / Bovictus A/S / Stand: C3-025 KJO Design / KJO Design / Stand: C2-020G kjølstad / Kjølstad v/Mette Kjølstad Palmskov / Stand: C2-003B Kleine wolke / Leijma ApS / Stand: C2-006 Klippan Yllefabrik / ZikZak ApS / Stand: C3-003 B rand list A L P H A B E T I CA L A - Z Wild cactus There´s a new animal in Town #designcph 100% · 1000% animal / DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 33 B rand list A L P H A B E T I CA L A - Z Koala / BOXinBAG (Starild AB) / Stand: C3-012A Kochblume / Hamonoya ApS / Stand: C3-005B Kotona Design (FI) Indretning / Good Company Trade ApS / Stand: C3-005 Kähler Design / Kähler Design / Stand: E-011 Könitz ( Porcelain) / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C LaBoul / BOXinBAG (Starild AB) / Stand: C3-012A lagom design / DYB Dybdahl Innovation / Stand: C3-033 Laguiole (Knive & Proptrækker) / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C Leijma STABIL / Leijma ApS / Stand: C2-006 Leitmotev / Present Time Scandinavia ApS / Stand: C1-020A Lékué / Hamonoya ApS / Stand: C3-005B Lene Doverholm / Folkuniversitetet Hantverkscentrum i Tibro / Stand: C1-016A Les Gambettes / Just White Aps / Stand: C1-028 Leschi (D) Wellness artikler, legetøj / Good Company Trade ApS / Stand: C3-005 LG Products / RIC Denmark Aps / Stand: C2-008 Libretto / ZikZak ApS / Stand: C3-003 LIEBE / Liebe / Stand: E-012D Ligne W ( Proptrækker) / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C Lilliputiens / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C3-019 Lilliputiens / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C4-022A Linedyr / Walnut Street / Stand: E-012C Linum / Linum AB / Stand: E-017 Livingly / Livingly ApS / Stand: C1-027A Livingwood / Livingwood ApS / Stand: C1-024B Lothantique / Andersson Supply / Stand: C2-003A Lotte Smed / Lotte Smed / Stand: C3-013B LOUISE ROE / Louise Roe Aps / Stand: E-012A LoveHate / The Green Suitcase / Stand: C1-003 Luxe de Provence, Durance / Eco-Art ApS / Stand: C2-004 lykke bang - tomorrow is another day. / lykke bang / Stand: C1-013 Make my Day / Edo Copenhagen / Stand: C2-002A Makers & Merchants Food + Home / Dyberg-Larsen / Stand: C1-030B MARGIT K. / Margit K. / Stand: C1-006 Mariedal Design / BlusBar / Mariedal Design / Stand: C4-014 Martin Kalhøj / Incado Production A/S / Stand: C3-006 Mette Schelde / Mette Schelde / Stand: C2-020S Michelle Carlslund Illustration / Michelle Carlslund Illustration / Stand: C3-008 Microplane / Hamonoya ApS / Stand: C3-005B DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 34 Miel / Chic Antique / Stand: C2-009 Mikael B. Design / Incado Production A/S / Stand: C3-006 Miljögården / MILJÖGÅRDEN / Stand: C4-002 Miss Living / Miss Living / Stand: C2-020K Misty May / United Comfort Shoes ApS / Stand: C1-019 MOONMIND / MOONMIND / Stand: C2-017D Morfo / ZikZak ApS / Stand: C3-003 mt masking tape / Just White Aps / Stand: C1-028 Muubs / Muubs A/S / Stand: E-010 Möve / Leijma ApS / Stand: C2-006 NAFG Soul for Seal / United Comfort Shoes ApS / Stand: C1-019 Nagelstage reproduktion / Just White Aps / Stand: C1-028 Naturally European / Alfred & Co ApS / Stand: C2-017C Natures Collection / Natures Collection ApS / Stand: C1-029A Nelly Rodi / 365 Design / Stand: C1-021A Nesti Dante / Alfred & Co ApS / Stand: C2-017C Nordahl Jewellery / Nordahl Andersen / Stand: C2-009A NotKnots / WhatWeDo / Stand: C2-020L Nougat London Essential / Alfred & Co ApS / Stand: C2-017C NUD Collection / Just White Aps / Stand: C1-028 O.S.V. Denmark / O.S.V. Denmark / Stand: C2-014 Obag / BOXinBAG (Starild AB) / Stand: C3-012A Ocean-Going / Ocean-Going / Stand: C2-020A Oi Soi Oi / Oi Soi Oi ApS / Stand: C1-029 Oliver Hemming / Fuzzylab ApS / Stand: E-015 Omelette-Ed / Walnut Street / Stand: E-012C OneLeg / OneLeg by susanne schmidt aps / Stand: C1-018 Oohh / Lübech Living ApS / Stand: C3-014A Opal London / Andemors Verden ApS. / Stand: C3-011A Orla Kiely / Just White Aps / Stand: C1-028 OYOY Living Design / OYOY Living Design ApS / Stand: E-012E Panier Des Sens / Alfred & Co ApS / Stand: C2-017C Panpuri / SH Committ ApS / Stand: C3-013/C3-013B/C3-01 Panpuri / Panpuri / Stand: C3-013C Pantone / 365 Design / Stand: C1-021A Papegøjen / Papegøjen ApS / Stand: C4-010 Paper + Design / Andersson Supply / Stand: C2-003A Paper Collector / Just White Aps / Stand: C1-028 B rand list A L P H A B E T I CA L A - Z / Stjernestunder Helle Holst Design / Stand: C3-030A Papo / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C3-019 Papo / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C4-022A Pappelina / ZikZak ApS / Stand: C3-003 Paradiso Productions / Paradiso Productions / Stand: C2-020B pej colour / 365 Design / Stand: C1-021A pej toolbox / 365 Design / Stand: C1-021A PENDULUM / Pendulum v/Jeanette Nielsen / Stand: C3-032 Petit Jour / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C3-019 Petit Jour / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C4-022A PIMPERNEL / angela B. / Stand: C3-013A Pixy Co. / Caja Company / Stand: C2-003 Place de Bleu / Place de Bleu / Stand: C1-010 PORTMEIRION / angela B. / Stand: C3-013A Priot (FI) Køkkenartikler / Good Company Trade ApS / Stand: C3-005 Provendi / Alfred & Co ApS / Stand: C2-017C pt / Present Time Scandinavia ApS / Stand: C1-020A Puebco / Just White Aps / Stand: C1-028 Punkt. / Fuzzylab ApS / Stand: E-015 Pure Culture / Pure Culture A/S / Stand: C2-002 Purple Frog / Marshmallow Swing / Just White Aps / Stand: C1-028 Purple ID / Purple ID / Stand: C2-020T Quirky / Dyberg-Larsen / Stand: C1-030B Quote by Birkholm / Quote by Birkholm / Stand: C2-016 Quut - 2014 NEWS / Andemors Verden ApS. / Stand: C3-011A Quut - 2014 NEWS / Quut beachtoys / Stand: C3-011B REAL Chips / COCA Luxury Chocolate/Blaavand Bolcher / Stand: C4-003 Redfoot / United Comfort Shoes ApS / Stand: C1-019 RenShaw (Fondant, Sugar Paste, Icing) / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C RETRO it / SACKit ApS / Stand: C1-017 RIC Denmark / RIC Denmark Aps / Stand: C2-008 RICE / RICE A/S / Stand: C2-007B Rie Elise Larsen / Rie Elise Larsen ApS / Stand: C2-016B Rivadossi (IT) Bestik / Good Company Trade ApS / Stand: C3-005 Robex (IT) Skåle, fade / Good Company Trade ApS / Stand: C3-005 ROBIN RUTH / Robin Ruth Nordic / Stand: C2-019 Roomsafari / Giving & Living ApS / Stand: C2-018A ROYAL WORCESTER / angela B. / Stand: C3-013A RTA / BOXinBAG (Starild AB) / Stand: C3-012A Rätt Start / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C3-019 Rätt Start / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C4-022A Rösle / Dyberg-Larsen / Stand: C1-030B SACK it / SACKit ApS / Stand: C1-017 Sae Il-Denmark / Sae Il-Denmark / Stand: C2-007A Savon de Marseille / Sufraco Savon de Marseille ab / Stand: C3-016A Savonnerie du Pilon du Roy / Leijma ApS / Stand: C2-006 Savora ( Køkken Grej) / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C SCHERNING københavn / HELBAK/SCHERNING aps / Stand: E-014 Scraplights by Graypants / Hetland Nordic A/S / Stand: E-008 Secrid / 2b=Business / Stand: C3-031 Seeruptranberg I/S / Seeruptranberg I/S / Stand: C2-020I Sej-design / Sej Design / Stand: C3-027C Sejr of Copenhagen / 2b=Business / Stand: C3-031 Selleberg Specialieter / Selleberg Specialiteter ApS / Stand: C4-003B Seventy Tree / Walnut Street / Stand: E-012C ShapingYourDay / Fuzzylab ApS / Stand: E-015 Shearer Candles / Optex Trading / Stand: C2-008A Shepherd / Shepherd Home / Stand: E-017 Signe Lybeck / Signe Lybeck / Stand: C3-036 Silly / Present Time Scandinavia ApS / Stand: C1-020A Silo Design / Silo Design / Stand: C2-020C Simply Chocolate / SIMPLY CHOCOLATE / Stand: C4-003A Sintesi / Just White Aps / Stand: C1-028 Snack Attack / COCA Luxury Chocolate/Blaavand Bolcher / Stand: C4-003 Snedkernes Uddannelser / Snedkernes Uddannelser / Stand: C1-016 Snowdrops By House of Furniture / Snowdrops By House of Furniture / Stand: C2-010 Sofie Børsting / Walnut Street / Stand: E-012C Solwang Design / Solwang Design Aps / Stand: C3-030 Sophie Allport / Caja Company / Stand: C2-003 Soul of Maïa / Soul of Maia AB / Stand: C1-004 Souza for Kids / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C3-019 Souza for Kids / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C4-022A Spiegelburg / Joy Toy / Stand: C4-024 Spirella / Leijma ApS / Stand: C2-006 SPODE / angela B. / Stand: C3-013A Star & Rose / Andemors Verden ApS. / Stand: C3-011A Stine Leth / Stine Leth / Stand: C2-020J Stjernestunder / Stjernestunder Helle Holst Design / Stand: C3-030A Strikaholic / ZikZak ApS / Stand: C3-003 Strups / Walnut Street / Stand: E-012C Studio Snowpuppe / WhatWeDo / Stand: C2-020L Stuff - design of Scandinavia / Stuff - Design Of Scandinavia ApS / Stand: E-013C Støberiet / Sæbeværkstedet / Stand: C3-010 Sumi - active charcoal / Giving & Living ApS / Stand: C2-018A Sweetpeople / Choconord / Stand: C4-004 Swimava / Andemors Verden ApS. / Stand: C3-011A Sæbeværkstedet / Sæbeværkstedet / Stand: C3-010 Takeya / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C Taratata / Fru Nørgaard ApS / Stand: C3-018 #designcph / Teddy Cream / Teddykompaniet i Båstad AB / Stand: C4-008A Teddykompaniet / Teddykompaniet i Båstad AB / Stand: C4-008A The Copenhagen candle company / Copenhagen Candle Company ApS / Stand: C2-002C THE ORGANIC COMPANY / THE ORGANIC COMPANY / Stand: C3-004 The Organic Sheep / Organic Sheep / Stand: C3-001 THG Home & Interior / THG Home& Interior / Stand: C3-027 tica copenhagen / Tica Copenhagen / Stand: C2-001B TID & tendenser / 365 Design / Stand: C1-021A Tightology / The Green Suitcase / Stand: C1-003 Tokyomilk / VanillaFly ApS / Stand: C2-001A TrendUnion by Li Edelkoort / 365 Design / Stand: C1-021A Trimm Copenhagen / Trimm Copenhagen / Stand: C3-003B Trousselier / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C3-019 Trousselier / Play For Life ApS / Stand: C4-022A TRÄE / TRÄE I/S / Stand: C2-020P Turiform / Turiform / Stand: E-019 Tvåfota Design / Walnut Street / Stand: E-012C TWEEDMILL TEXTILES / angela B. / Stand: C3-013A Uashmama / Lübech Living ApS / Stand: C3-014A Ugly dolls / Urban Living ApS / Stand: C1-001 ULAB by Urban living / Urban Living ApS / Stand: C1-001 ULSTER WEAVERS / angela B. / Stand: C3-013A Umbra / ZikZak ApS / Stand: C3-003 Umlaute / Umlaute Designbureau / Stand: C1-012 Vance Kitira / Lübech Living ApS / Stand: C3-014A VanillaFly / VanillaFly ApS / Stand: C2-001A Vidivi ( Glas Service) / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C Villa Collection / Bovictus A/S / Stand: C3-025 VinBouquet / BOXinBAG (Starild AB) / Stand: C3-012A Von Lotzbeck Jewellery / Nordahl Andersen / Stand: C2-009A We Shop / We Shop / Stand: C1-021B Wendt Design / Wendt Design / Stand: C3-003A William Bounds (Salt & Peber Kværne) / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C Willowbrook / AMERICAN CLASSIC AB / Stand: C3-011 WOOF it / SACKit ApS / Stand: C1-017 WüstHof (Pro. Knive) / Unique Brands ApS / Stand: C3-005C XDdesign / Edo Copenhagen / Stand: C2-002A XL cork / BOXinBAG (Starild AB) / Stand: C3-012A Yankee Candle / Yankee Candle Scandinavia/TL Månsson´s AB / Stand: C3-014C Y-Ply (FR) Fritidsmøbler / Good Company Trade ApS / Stand: C3-005 Zassenhaus / Hamonoya ApS / Stand: C3-005B zebag / BOXinBAG (Starild AB) / Stand: C3-012A ZENIQ / Fuzzylab ApS / Stand: E-015 Zone Denmark / Bovictus A/S / Stand: C3-025 ZooperPets / WhatWeDo / Stand: C2-020L Zuperzozial / Edo Copenhagen / Stand: C2-002A Züny / Edo Copenhagen / Stand: C2-002A Ørskov & Co. / Ørskov & Co. A/S / Stand: C1-030 AANT Design / AANT Design / Stand: C2-020M DesignTrade Catalogue / Page 35 Vis os dit hjem, og vi skal fortælle dig, hvem du er. Nej vel? At sætte den moderne forbruger i kasse og ramme har aldrig været vores mål. Til gengæld håber vi at kunne inspirere dig til at tænke ud af boksen og bryde med detDesignTrade konforme, når du vil forskønne din bolig. Uden at gå på kompromis med hverken design eller kvalitet. Catalogue / Page 36 Velkommen på vores stand, lige ved hovedindgangen.
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