TOW Fall Session II: Oct. 15-Nov. 19 from 5-7 p.m. each Wednesday. Adult Options include: The Prophets: Then & Now, Making Beaded Chrismons, and Officer Training Part 2. Registration forms are in the Welcome Center and online. Churchwide Retreat Choir: We will be having a choir to help lead closing Worship at the Churchwide Retreat in Montreat on Oct. 26. The music is easy and we invite anyone who would like to sing with us to come to the rehearsal on Wed., Oct. 22, at 7:30 p.m. Youth Retreat at Montreat, Oct. 24-26: Sign-ups are going on now. Cost $95; please get a form outside of Dan's Office. It promises to be a great weekend! Youth will be participating in the Churchwide Retreat sessions with Rodger Nishioka, but will be housed together as a group. Oyster Roast & Chicken Dinner/Parents Night Out, Sat., Nov. 8, 6:30 p.m.: Come meet and welcome our newest members. Bring your favorite side dish and beverage. Tea, coffee, and desserts will be provided by your Commitment Committee. Adults only, please. Parents Night Out child care provided by the youth in the Activities Center (6:00-9:30 p.m. Leave your children in the care of our youth and their leaders and come on out. Hall & Mary Rogers’ house, 2323 McConnells Hwy, Rock Hill (½ mile past York County Shrine Club on the right). Ushers for 2015: If you’re looking for a way to get involved in church, have you thought about ushering? Or perhaps you’re currently on the usher list but would like to have your name removed. In either case, please email Rene Brannan at [email protected]. Equal Exchange – New Items Available: We now have boxes with individual cups of regular and decaf coffee for those with Keurig coffee makers. ($8) These are in the coffee basket on the table under the bulletin board with new member photos. Just Coffee and Equal Exchange products continue to be on sale year-round. Envelopes are provided which list the prices. Note a change in the regular decaf - $8 and tea - $3. Stephen Ministry: A Stephen Minister seeks simply to show God’s love by offering Christian care. Their gift to you is the freedom to focus exclusively on helping yourself. For information on Stephen Ministry, please contact Jo Grier, 803-328-1326, or Mary Katherine Robinson, 803-327-2006. Service and Scripture Readings – 29th Sun. in Ordinary Time/Oct. 19, Worship at 8:45 and 11:00 a.m.; Sermon: "What If Jesus Was Right?” Text: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21 Scripture: Amos 6:1, 4-7; Matthew 6:16-24 Deadlines, Acorn and Bulletin: Noon, Mon., Oct. 13 for the Oct. 19 bulletin; Oakleaf: Noon, Mon., Dec. 8, for the first quarterly issue of 2015 (Jan.-Mar.) Prayer Concerns We print Joys, Deaths and New Prayer Concerns in the bulletin. For the most current and complete list of all prayer concerns, you may check the Prayer Board near the Youth Office, or the listing on our website: (Support, Church Publications, Prayer List) New Prayer Concerns: Gita Velu Beaty, Leslie McDow, Morgan Savage, Beth Williams The Church at Work Sunday, October 12 8:45 Worship, Sanctuary 9:45 Sunday School for All Ages 11:00 Worship, Sanctuary 2:00 CROP Walk, Dinkins Center. Winthrop Univ. Campus 2:00 Providence Presbytery Meeting, Beth Shiloh Presbyterian Church 4:30 Agape Choir Rehearsal, Music Suite 6:00 Youth Group, Fellowship Hall Monday, October 13 4:30 Stephen Leaders, Conference Room 6:30 Finance, Conference Room Tuesday, October 14 12:00 Alanon, 203 5:30 Kindermusik Village, 106 6:20 Kindermusik Our Time, 106 7:00 Revelation Ringers, 2205/Handbell Room 7:00 M&M PW Circle, Presbyterian Student Center Wednesday, October 15 5:00 TOW Dinner, Fellowship Hall 6:00 Together on Wednesdays, Fall Session II, Youth and Adult Classes/Children’s Choirs 6:00 Session/Diaconate Officer Training, 2211 7:00 Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC), 2107/Conference Room 7:00 UKirk Program Night, PSC 7:30 Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary Thursday, October 16 9:30 Companions in Christ, 207 2:45 STAR 4:00 Archives, 108/Library 7:00 Cancer Support Group, 2108/Parlor Friday, October 17 8:30 Companions Retreat 4:30 Middle High School Skate Nite, Kate’s Gastonia Saturday, October 18 9:00 Chancel Choir Rehearsal Day, Music Suite/Fellowship Hall Sunday, October 19 8:30 Lay Led Worship/Communion and Breakfast, Fellowship Hall 8:45 Worship, Sanctuary 9:45 Sunday School for All Ages 11:00 Worship, Sanctuary 4:30 Agape Choir Rehearsal, Music Suite 5:00 Fall Festival Trunk or Treat, Parking Lot Announcements – Oct. 12, 2014 Stewardship Stewardship is our duty as a member, but it is also our privilege. We have the opportunity to return to God a portion of his boundless generosity. Please take time each week to read a different portion of an article titled “Why I Tithe – and So Should You.” The article is written by Andrew McNair, a wealth manager, and appeared in Forbes Magazine, April 21, 2014. Our hope is this article, along with your prayerful consideration, will help guide you to your decision in how to support OAPC in 2015, and help us meet our $1,000,000 goal as we prepare for our new Minister and the next 100 years of God’s work. Stewardship Committee Teaching Your Family to Give If you have children, what better legacy is there to leave to them? Teaching them these principles of giving back is a habit that works regardless of age. And the earlier they pick up this habit, the better. How do you teach your kids the importance of tithing and giving? It can start with their allowance. When you give them $20 a week for their chores, where does it go? You might be saying, “Who cares? They’re just kids. What does it hurt if they blow it all?” When would you like that to stop? When they are 65 and broke? Of course not! Share these fundamentals with your kids and teach them to set up three labeled piggy banks: church/chairty, savings, and everything else. In the first piggy bank, place 10% for the charity and/or church. In the second, put 20% to savings, and put the rest in the last piggy bank. This will be a tangible reminder that you first allocate money to the most important things. They will grow accustomed to living on 70% instead of living on 105%, like many families do today. 421 Oakland Avenue, Rock Hill, SC 29730; 803-327-2006; You are encouraged to take this insert home so you will have a current calendar of upcoming events and information you may share with a friend or neighbor. Flowers in the Sanctuary: Today’s arrangements have been given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Jean Drake, Peter A. Drake and Chalmers L. Neely by their family. If you’d like to provide future arrangements for the Sanctuary, or donations toward these, please contact Debbie Reingold, [email protected], to schedule the date. CROP Walk 2014 is Today! Dinkins Center, Winthrop Univ., 2 p.m. registration; 3 p.m. walk begins. Forms are available in the Welcome Center or contact Jill Bigham at 985-4934 or [email protected]. Faith And Film, Tonight at 6:00 p.m. (to avoid other church events on Oct. Sundays), “Places in the Heart" – Edna Spalding, a young widow living in Depression-era Waxahachie, Texas, is determined to eke out a hardscrabble existence farming cotton on her land. 112 min. (PG, some material may not be suitable for children) Bring your own drink and $5 for pizza and popcorn. NAMI, Oct. 14: Ongoing Support Groups (6:15) and an open Education Meeting (7:30) for the National Alliance on Mental Illness will be held on the 2 nd Tuesday of the month in the OAPC Hut. For more information visit: TOW (Together on Wednesdays): Join us for dinner (5-5:55 p.m.) and/or Officer Training, children’s choirs, youth or adult classes (6-7 p.m.). A registration form is available in the church Welcome Center or on our website. Menu: Oct. 15 – baked ziti with beef and tomato sauce, tossed salad, garlic bread, dessert; Oct. 22 – roast pork with apricot mustard glaze, baked potato casserole, roasted broccoli, dessert. Cancer Support Group, Third Thursdays, Oct. 16, 7 p.m., 2108/Parlor: OAPC hosts this group for cancer survivors, from diagnosis and thereafter. These are led by survivors, with a health care professional at every meeting. Open for any men or women in our community, participants can gain additional insight and strength to help physically, emotionally and spiritually. Middle School Night of Skating, Fri., Oct. 17, 5-9:30 p.m.: That’s right, this is just for Middle School. We will be going to Kate's Skate in Gastonia for a night of fun. Cost: $10 covers pizza dinner and skating; bring extra money for the arcade and to play pool. Fall Lay School of Theology, Oct. 17-19, Presbyterian College (Clinton): A joint venture of the five South Carolina Presbyteries, is offered twice a year on weekends in the spring and fall. Sessions begin with dinner on Friday and conclude after the worship service on Sunday. Participants stay in a local hotel and are served lunch and dinner in the dining hall at the college. Participants are lay persons (ordained and non-ordained) who desire an in-depth study of Bible, church history and theology. Faculty members are ministers and Presbyterian educators, active or retired, with particular interest in this enterprise. Several courses are offered at each session (both core courses and electives). Get the registration info online: TIME OF GREETING AND FELLOWSHIP *At the times indicated, all who are able, please stand. Prelude: With Wings Like Eagles David Paxton Minister: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Congregation: And also with you. Welcome and Life of the Church Mary Katherine Robinson Passing of the Friendship Register Minute for Mission/Stewardship D. J. Modla The Greeting *Congregational Introit, Hymn #59 The Steadfast Love of the Lord (Psalm 105) THE STEADFAST LOVE OF THE LORD (Refrain) Cantor/Choir, then Congregation as directed *Words of Assurance *Gloria Patri (unison) Hymn #581 GLORIA PATRI Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. HEARING THE WORD Epistle Reading: Romans 14:7-14, pew Bible, pgs. 163 (8:45) Bob McCann; (11:00) Freddy Faircloth (The Word of the Lord/Thanks be to God.) The Sacrament of Baptism/Children’s Time Mary Katherine Robinson Hymn #486 Child of Blessing, Child of Promise, v. 1 KINGDOM Presentation Kathy Emerson, Deacon Fiona Grace Duffy, daughter of William Edward Duffy and Victoria Lynn Kintner-Duffy Question to the Congregation and Congregational Response We do. We will nurture one another in faith, uphold one another in prayer, encourage one another in service. Declaration and Welcome Nursery is available for Infants-3 yrs. Following the Sacrament of Baptism, children ages 4-1st gr. are invited to go with their leaders to Kid’s Kirk. GATHERING AROUND THE WORD *Call to Worship Minister: Congregation: Minister: Congregation: Satisfy us with your love in the morning, O Lord; and we will rejoice and be glad all our days. Make us glad and let your work be seen in us. May your favor be upon us as we worship you with hearts, hands, and voices. *Hymn #611 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee HYMN TO JOY *Prayer of Confession (unison) God of love, we need your mercy and grace. Your love is boundless, and yet our love has limits. We are often better at building walls than bridges. Yet we know that yours is a love that has crossed all boundaries, including the border between heaven and earth. Forgive us, and teach us to love as you have loved us and all of your people. (a moment of silence for personal confession) *Hymn #819 Be Still, My Soul FINLANDIA Old Testament Reading: Genesis 1:26-29, 3:1-13, pew Bible (NRSV), pgs. 1-3 (The Word of the Lord/Thanks be to God.) (11:00) Anthem: Think On These Things Virginia Croft Sermon: "In Life and Death, We Belong to God” Mary Katherine Robinson *Affirmation of Faith: A Brief Statement of Faith, sections 1, 2 and 5 front of hymnal, p. 37 In life and in death we belong to God. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve. We trust in Jesus Christ, fully human, fully God. Jesus proclaimed the reign of God: preaching good news to the poor and release to the captives, teaching by word and deed and blessing the children, healing the sick and binding up the brokenhearted, eating with outcasts, forgiving sinners, and calling all to repent and believe the gospel. Unjustly condemned for blasphemy and sedition, Jesus was crucified, suffering the depths of human pain and giving his life for the sins of the world. God raised this Jesus from the dead, vindicating his sinless life, breaking the power of sin and evil, delivering us from death to life eternal. With believers in every time and place, we rejoice that nothing in life or in death can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. RESPONDING TO THE WORD Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer, front of Hymnal, pg. 35 Bob Moss (“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”) Offering of One’s Self and One’s Gifts to God and the Church Offertory: (8:45) Wondrous Love arr. David Johnson (11:00) This Is My Father's World Revelation Handbell Ringers arr. Bill Ingram *Doxology #606 OLD HUNDREDTH *Prayer of Dedication Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church October 12, 2014 28 Sunday in Ordinary Time th 8:45 and 11:00 a.m. Services for the Lord’s Day BEARING THE WORD INTO THE WORLD *Hymn #822 When We Are Living *Blessing/Sending SOMOS DEL SENOR *Postlude: Rondeau Joseph Mouret OAPC Staff Ministers Wood, William P.: Interim Pastor and Head of Staff, voice mail 223, [email protected] Robinson, Mary Katherine: Assoc. Pastor, Member Care & Involvement, voice mail 235, [email protected] Moss, Bob: Parish Associate, 803-517-1607, [email protected] Program Staff Greene, Novie, Covenant Choir Director, 803-980-3146, [email protected] Moe, Timothy: Music Director, voice mail 227, [email protected] Morrison, Hannah: Intern for Campus Ministry Read, Susan: Organist, voice mail 241 Whisenant, Lisa: Church Business Administrator, voice mail 222, [email protected] Winchip, Tammy: Director of Christian Education, voice mail 224, [email protected] Young, Dan: Youth Director, voice mail 225, [email protected] Support Staff Kerr, Louise: Administrative Assistant for Communications and Assistant to the Senior Pastor and Head of Staff, voice mail 279, [email protected] McClinton, Tommy: Setup McIntosh, Victoria: Nursery Director Price, Frank: Interim Facility Maintenance Technician Reingold, Debbie: Administrative Assistant for Congregational Life/Registrar, voice mail 100, [email protected] ALL ARE WELCOME to worship at Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church. If you are visiting, we are especially glad you are here. We ask that everyone sign the Friendship Register when it is passed. Questions about the life and ministry of the church may be addressed to any member of the staff or to one of the elders of the church. Staff and officers can be identified by their name tags. DISCOVERY CLASSES are regularly scheduled for those who are interested in exploring membership in the church. The next session will meet on Sundays, Nov. 2 and Nov. 9. Both meet at 9:45-10:45 a.m., in the Parlor, Room 2108. To find out more or sign up, please contact the Church Office, [email protected]. A NURSERY is provided in room 102 for infants-5K at 8:45 a.m., during 9:45 Sunday School for infants-2 yrs., and at 11 a.m. for infants-3 yrs. BEEPERS are available for parents of children left in nursery care. CHILD FRIENDLY WORSHIP BULLETINS & CLIPBOARDS are available. Ushers will be happy to direct you to the nursery and/or those aids. HEARING DEVICES and LARGE PRINT HYMNALS are available. Ushers will be happy to provide those as needed. RESTROOMS are located near the front and rear entrances to the Sanctuary. Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church 421 Oakland Avenue Rock Hill, SC 29730 803.327.2006 [email protected]
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