11 Willow St. Waterloo 519-725-9739 www.shallweknit.com

11 Willow St. Waterloo
As I’ve been pondering what I wanted to talk
about this month, I had all kinds of thoughts
bouncing around in my head (that happens
often, just ask Lynne). There is so much I want to
tell you about this month, and then I realized it all
comes back to community. Way back when we first
started the shop we had a line that seemed to reflect our feelings
about opening the shop and what we wanted it to be.
“The local yarn shop is a community. It is human connection over a
common passion. Knitting is wonderful, but knitting in isolation is less
of a joy.”
I count myself blessed (and it’s an appropriate time as Thanksgiving
is this month) to be able to count all the people that make up my
First is my family, because none of this would be possible without the
support of my husband Tom and my kids and parents. I love that my
parents are always ready for something new. We just took my Dad
zip-lining for his 75th birthday and my Mom is always taking new
classes and jumping in 150%.
Then there is the team, we’ve had a few changes around here and
everyone is as supportive as if we had been together forever. Lynne,
Cari & Jen are still doing their enabling job while Beth is focusing on
her designing and teaching. Hughanna has just taken a 6 mo leave to
work in Ottawa but she will be back in the Spring. Gill has left us to
move to Princeton, New Jersey – we have our fingers crossed she
will be back! And we have 2 new faces around the shop. Erin joined
us this summer so you’ve probably already seen her smiling face.
She has a busy life as she raises 2 active teenagers. Iris is our
newest team member and she is working away on a PhD in and
around working with us. Both Erin & Iris are wonderful knitters,
crocheters as well as both being spinners. So with Jen we now have
3 very talented spinners on the team. Please stop by and say hi and if
you can’t put a face to a name – just ask. None of us bite – usually.
Also, part of the team unofficially are Sue & Janelle. Both are always
ready to jump in with any of our wacky ideas and we wouldn’t be the
same without them!
Family is an interesting word. I come from a blended family so I know
blood doesn’t make family. We also consider some very special
people part of our family – Kate Atherley and Kim & Ron McBrien
Evans will be joining us again in November for classes and an
Indigodragonfly trunk show. It always feels like family has come home
when they are here.
There are 3 big knitting events in the year and coming up on
Saturday, October 18th is the Woodstock Fleece Festival. We will
be there with lots of new stuff, new colours and plenty of pretty
samples to tempt you. http://www.fleecefestival.com/
It’s always a great chance to see people that we only get to see at
these shows.
And then there is you. You make what we do worth it. Some days
when we are moving the whole shop to make room for new yarns and
we are just so tired, one of you come in and that reminds us why we
are doing what we do. We are all part of that Community. We all have
that fibre love in common, and being able to share makes it even
better. So, thank you!
MOBBED WITH LOVE: Collaborative Blankets
by the Uptown Knit Mob
Since 2010, the group of knitters who identify themselves as
the Uptown Knit Mob have collaborated on 15 blankets made
for members of the group to celebrate new babies, new life
stages, and for just being awesome. The blankets vary widely
from small crib sized pieces to large bedspreads and even two
mobiles! For the month of October, a selection of these
blankets will be on display in the gallery upstairs. Come see
these works of art and love in person, get ideas, tips (and shop
for supplies!) for a blanket of your own, or simply marvel at
what perseverance and friendship can achieve.
Tuesday, Wednesday
10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
***SWK? Class policy
All walk-in registrations will need to be paid at time of sign up.
All online registrations will be held for 48 hrs, must arrange payment within 48
hrs of registration or void.
All online registrations closed 48hrs before class, in person/phone registrations
only at that point.
Refund policy:
One week (7 days, 5 shop days) = full refund.
Less than one week = half refund (if you can fill your spot with a paid someone
else = full refund)
Less than 3 days = zero refund.
So if you register for any classes please contact the shop and we can do
credit card over the phone or send you a Paypal invoice. Or pop into the
shop and we can do the old fashioned way with cash.
Crochet Block of the Month Club with Beth
starting Thurs. Nov. 13th
2nd Thurs. evening of the month 6:30-8:30 $10/class plus book (yarn
must be bought at SWK)
If you’ve been reading about the Square Dancing course at the shop
you may have been wondering, “Why do knitters get to have all the
fun?” Join Beth for a monthly class exploring different crochet
techniques while making blocks for a sampler afghan. By making a
just one block a month, at the end of the year you’ll have enough
squares to assemble a crib-sized blanket. You might even be
inspired to crochet more blocks and make a larger afghan all your
Each month we'll learn a new stitch technique, such as granny
squares, popcorn stitches, and simple cables. We will practice pattern
and chart reading, too, and discuss edging and joining methods. The
meeting format will be similar to the Square Dancing Program: just
sign up for the Block of the Month Club, and then choose to register
for some or all of the monthly meetings for only $10 a class. To be a
club member, you must already know the basics of crochet
(single, half-double, double, and triple crochet)..
Scarf Go Round: Beginner Tunisian Crochet
with Beth
Sat. Oct. 18th and Nov. 15th 10:00 – 12:00
Cost: $45.00 for both classes, or $25.00 for class 1 only (includes
cost of instructional pattern)
Tunisian crochet just might make the world go round. (At least, it
makes this Scarf Go Round!)
In this two-part class I’ll teach you the basics of Tunisian crochet so
you have all the skills you’ll need to successfully start a circular stitchsampler scarf to accent a favourite outfit..
In Class 1, we will learn five basic stitches. Then you will go away for
a month to practice them while working on your scarf. In Class 2, I will
introduce you to the next five stitches needed for the pattern.
**Although you’re not committed to take both classes, you must have
taken Class 1 to attend Class 2.
**To be successful in this class, you need to have some crochet
experience. If you have made chains and worked into them to create
any type of crocheted fabric, you will be able to tackle this technique. I
Absolute Beginner Crochet Part 1 with Beth
Thurs. Oct. 23rd 6:30 – 8:30 $20 plus materials Absolute beginners
will be introduced to the ABCs of hook handling and to the single
crochet stitch while working toward completing their first project,
Beth's "Mother's Little Helper" coaster. **Necessary skills: A
willingness to try new things
Charts Made Easy Pt 1: Understanding Charts
with Janelle
Thurs. Oct. 23rd 6:30 – 8:30 $20
Are you a visual learner? For those who learn best by picturing
information, charts take lines of written knitting instructions and turn
them into a picture of the right side of your knitting. Uncover the
mysteries of knitting charts and speed up your knitting!
In this class we’ll cover chart basics, as well as a variety of knitting
charts (flat vs in the round; lace, cables and colour-work).
Introduction to Intentional Pooling with Janelle
Sat. Oct. 25th 10:00 – 1:00 $30
Looking for something new to do with your skeins of handpainted
yarn? This class will teach you how to assess the colours in your yarn
and line them up to create vertical stripes utilizing the
natural pooling effects of the yarn. In this class we will use knit and
purl stitches to create a texture scarf that will show off the pooling to
maximum effect.
Love Potion 6-1/2 with Janelle
$45 includes pattern
Sat. Oct. 25th 2:00 – 4:00 & Nov. 8th & Dec. 6th 1:00 - 2:00
Suitable for advanced beginners.
Learn modular techniques and make this beautiful stash-busting
scarf. The scarf is built from the block at one end and then knit to the
other end. Work the scarf tonally or mix and match complementary
colours. In the first session we'll look at colour placement and learn
the techniques to work the initial block. In the second session we'll
cover the techniques for working the body of the scarf and in the final
session we'll look at edging options and finishing techniques.
Toe-up Socks with Lynne
Thurs. Oct. 30th & Nov. 20th 6:30 – 8:30 $40
Learn how to make the most of your sock yarn by starting your socks
at the toes, and knitting up until you run out of yarn! We will start with
a seamless toe made with a Turkish cast-on. In the second class we
will work through a wrap-and-turn heel and options for casting off a
stretchy sock cuff. We’ll discuss sizing socks and making adaptations
for different fit issues.
This class is suitable for beginner sock knitters, provided they have
some experience knitting in the round. The “two-circulars method” will
be used for our socks, but no previous experience with this method is
***Students must be able to knit and purl confidently and without
assistance, and should have some familiarity with basic increases
and decreases.
“Jumping on the bandwagon.” With Beth
Sat. Nov. 1st 10:00 – 1:00 $30
It means to go along with everyone else doing the latest thing. Me?
I’ve never been someone to follow the crowd. I’ve never made a
Clapotis. And I vowed that I would never, ever make Shelly Kang’s
Sock Yarn Blanket.
But here’s the thing. I like to knit socks. And when you knit socks, you
end up with lots of sock yarn scraps. Scads of sock yarn scraps. What
to do? I gave lots of them away. I used lots more to make a few
granny square blankets.
And then I happened to notice that – gasp! – there didn’t seem to be a
Tunisian crochet equivalent of Shelly’s knit blanket. Until now.
In this class, you will learn the basics of making a sock yarn blanket
my way. In Tunisian crochet. If you have experience with Tunisian
simple stitch, you can make this modular, mitered-square blanket.
Okay, okay. So I’ve jumped on the bandwagon. My only question is,
will you join me?
Chained with Beth
Sally Melville is coming
November 1st & 2nd
Sally Melville loves all aspects of life as a
‘professional’ knitter: teaching, writing,
designing, and explaining what this all
means! And what does it mean? It means an extensive teaching
schedule that takes her around the world, speaking to wonderful folk
who can appreciate the perfect buttonhole, who love the textures and
colors and techniques of knitting, who want to be more intuitive about
their craft, and who know that life is about learning.
First Choices, Basic Shapes with Sally Melville
Sat. Nov. 1st 9:00 – 1:00
$60 or if taking Fit & Flatter class as well - $100 for both
No matter how advanced or experienced we are, we run the risk of
making a garment that looks awful. Why? We make decisions in the
first 20 minutes that have everything to do with the success or failure
of a project. What are those decisions? Yarn, color, stitch pattern,
This workshop gives diagnostic skills to look at these decisions. And it
then follows with basic pattern drafting for the set-in sleeve--our most
universally attractive style. So even if you never design your own
knitting, you'll have the tools to alter what you do knit to produce the
best possible result.
Knit to Flatter and Fit with Sally Melville
Sat. Nov. 1st 2:00 - 5:00
$60 or if taking First Choices class as well - $100 for both
A knitter who spends the time and energy to make her own clothes
should be rewarded with a result that makes her happy and proud. It
should fit, it should flatter, and there should be no mystery as to how
this happened. But sadly, and too often, this is not the result. Why?
Because the knitter chooses the wrong pattern OR choose the right
pattern but follows the directions without questioning them OR makes
the right garment but wears it with the wrong thing.
There are a few simple rules to follow for successful knitting: start with
styles that flatter, knit with appropriate decisions for a personalized fit,
then wear it with something that makes it look wonderful! This
workshop has a lot of hands-on work that looks at these decisions
and puts the power for successful results into your competent hands.
Borders and Buttonholes with Sally Melville
Sun. Nov. 2nd 9:00 – 12:00 $60
This workshop explores the best techniques for these finishings that
make such a difference in our knitted garments. It covers basic
maneuvers, four or more basic edging stitch patterns, and the very
best buttonholes. Participants will never again struggle with
instructions to "pick up and knit 137 sts along right front" nor with the
question of how to make virtually invisible buttonholes.
SKILL LEVEL beginner intermediate and beyond
Beginner Knitting with Kerri
Thurs. Nov. 6th 6:30 – 8:30 $20plus materials
Want to learn to knit, but don't know where to start? This is the class
for you! In this class, you'll learn the very basics of knitting: casting
on, the knit stitch, the purl stitch, and binding off. No prior experience
Thurs. Nov. 6th 6:30 – 8:30 $25 includes pattern
The Chained Scarf was one of my first designs, and it’s still the one I
get the most comments on. “That can’t be – gasp! – crochet, can it? It
looks just like knitting!”
The scarf is constructed along its length using only single crochet
stitches and chains. The genius of this simple design is in the single
crochet variation that’s used throughout, which really does imitate the
look of knitting.
In this class, we will learn the stitch technique while making a
worsted-weight coaster. Afterward, we will talk about how to plan your
very own Chained using different colours of fingering-weight yarn to
achieve different effects.
***If you are experienced in making chains and single crochet
stitches, you will do well in this class. (This class is not appropriate for
Top-Down Socks on DPNs with Kate
Sat. Nov. 15th 10:00 – 1:00 $45
New to sock knitting? Top-down is the ideal way to start! Learn how to
make top-down socks on double-pointed needles. We teach you
everything you need to know - from working in the round to turning
the heel to shaping the toe. In this class, we work through an entire
mini sock, and then get you started on your first full size sock project.
Suitable for knitters who are confident with knit and purl – experience
working in the round not required.
Creative Sweater Design for Basic Sweater
Patterns with Kim
Sat. Nov. 15th 10:00 – 1:00 $45
In this workshop, you will learn how to combine the structure of basic
sweater patterns, (such as ones found in Custom Fit and the Knitter’s
Book of Handy Sweater patterns) with your creative ideas to make
your dream sweaters. Work with YOUR measurements and YOUR
gauge to create perfectly fitting sweater patterns using these
tools is easy. But how do you work with stitch patterns in different
gauges in the same sweater? How do you account for adding cables?
How do you manage colour blocking and stripe placement? How do
you add textural interest to your sweater in ways that work with the
shaping techniques of various styles? We will look at all of this and
more, with lots of sweater samples to show you how.
Fixing Your Mistakes with Kate
Sat. Nov. 15th 2:00 – 4:00 $30
This class will teach you how to spot and fix mistakes in your knitting,
whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned expert. We'll share tips for
safely ripping out stitches and rows, for fixing mistakes without ripping
out, and for deciding when you don’t need to bother fixing at all. We'll
also discuss strategies for fixing mistakes in completed projects, and
addressing common mistakes that come up when working a pattern
like missing an increase or decrease.
The Pi Shawl – Rosetta Tharpe with Kate
Sun. Nov. 16th 10:00 – 1:00 $50 includes pattern
The circular Pi shawl is a fabulous and fascinating project, and it's a
great way to build your lace knitting skills - easy enough to be your
first lace project! It's also very open to customization, and works well
with any weight of yarn.
In this class Kate will teach you the very simple and clever
construction of the shawl, and get you started on your own. You can
work the Rosetta Tharpe shawl, or customize your own from a
number of patterns and templates she will provide. Create your own
one-of-a-kind lace piece. If you've got a favourite lace stitch pattern,
bring it - and she will provide lots for you to choose from. She will
show you the magical circular beginning, and we'll talk about key
finishing steps: the all-important stretchy bind off, and two traditional
ways to avoid the bind-off entirely. We'll also address blocking.
First Mittens or Fingerless Mitts with Lynne
Beginner Knitting Part 2 with Kerri
Sat. Nov. 15th & 29th 1:00 – 3:00 $45 plus materials
Mittens are one of those great projects that can be made with a small
amount of yarn in a short amount of time. This class will knit a baby
mitten in a medium-weight wool, to get experience in all the
techniques with less knitting. Students will receive both a baby mitten
pattern and an adult mitten pattern which we will learn to use in class.
We will also cover all the information needed to turn your mittens into
fingerless mitts – even faster to make and super useful for those avid
texters in your life.
Techniques covered will include casting on and knitting in the round
(using either dpns or two circulars), gusset shaping, picking up a
thumb, and basic decreasing. Students must be able to knit and purl
independently, and be able to distinguish knit and purl stitches in their
Sat. Nov. 22nd 1:00-3:00 $20 plus materials
This class is for beginners with a bit of experience: I'll assume you
know how to cast on, knit, purl, and bind off, but if you need a bit of
practice that's fine - I'll review these at the start of class.
What I teach for the rest of the class depends on the interests of the
students. Potential topics include increasing/decreasing, fixing
mistakes, circular knitting, reading a pattern, finishing a project, etc.
So bring your questions and any projects you're working on!
Dopamine and Spatial Distortion:
Wearing Colour! With Kim
Sun. Nov. 16th 10:00 – 12:00 $30
Colour, especially combining colours, often makes us nervous. Using
the examples of Dopamine and Spatial Distortion: Loop, students will
learn how colours, especially colour patterns, striping and blocking,
can change how your clothing flatters your shape. Bring attention to
your favourite features. Draw attention away from ones you’re not as
pleased with.
And in general use colour to flatter YOU.
**Note: this is a theory class that includes some playing with yarn,
colouring sheets and colour chips. Kim can also help you choose
colours to make your own personalized Dopamine or
Spatial Distortion kit, but the kit is not a requirement of the class.
Inside Kim’s Brain: Creative Approaches to
Knitting and Design
Sun. Nov. 16th 1:00 – 2:00 $40 includes kit
There is a place for patterns, and a place for learning to let go of
traditional knitting structures and make creative design decisions on
your own. This is what we will explore in this class.
Look at the things you do every day as a knitter: basic structures,
stitch patterns, colour and design
Learn how to “break” those structures, change them and how far you
can bend them to your will.
Through a series of exercises, gain confidence in your own
experiments and design ideas and learn how
to bring them to your knitting.
One Night Class! What The Kids are Wearing
with Lynne
Thurs. Nov. 27th 6:30 – 8:30 $25 includes pattern
You may not knit a whole hat in a night, but you can learn all that you
need to know in that amount of time. Learn how to cast-on in the
round, work ribbing and some easy textured stitches (or not – the hat
may be worked in a couple of variations). A cool finish – the threeneedle bind-off – will be demonstrated so that you know how to
complete your hat when you get home.
***This class will be suitable for adventurous beginners who have
learned to knit and purl independently
More Intentional Pooling with Janelle
Sat. Nov. 29th 1:00 - 4:00 $30
Looking for something new to do with your skeins of hand painted
yarn? This class will review the process of assessing the colours in
your yarn and determining your cast on number for a scarf. We'll
discuss how your stitch count will need to be adjusted for textured
stitches versus lace patterns. This class will also look at the process
of selecting stitch patterns to correspond to the number of stitches in
each colour panel. Finally, we'll review working with charts and lace
** Suitable for advanced beginner to intermediate knitters, must be
familiar with reading a chart.
One Night Class! Beat The Clock with Lynne
Thurs. Dec. 11th 6:30 – 8:30 $25 includes pattern
Knit a neckwarmer in an evening! Using lovely super bulky yarn and
big needles, make something gift-worthy so quickly that you’ll want to
knit another so you can try to “beat the clock”. The finished
neckwarmer also features a couple of beautiful big buttons – be
stylishly accessorized AND warm.
This class is suitable for everyone who has learned to both knit and
Fearless Finishing with Kate
Sun. Nov. 16th 2:00 – 4:00 $30
This workshop teaches all the key skills for assembling and finishing
your knitting projects: the four major types of seams (including
grafting), picking up stitches for necklines and buttonbands. We’ll
address about common frustrations, including weaving in ends and
relaxed bind offs. We’ll also demystify blocking for all types of projects
– when and how to block, when and why to pin, and what those wires
and mats are for. The focus will be very much on making finishing as
quick and painless as possible – we’ll share all the cheats and
shortcuts we know.
Drop Everything & Learn to Spin on
a Drop Spindle! With Tabi
Thurs. Nov. 20th 7 27th 6:30 – 8:30 $40plus materials
If you've ever been curious about spinning, drop spindling is the easy
way to get started. Best of all, it's as portable as your knitting. You'll
learn the Secret of Twist, how to Draft, Spin and Ply on the
drop spindle, a little Ancient History, Global Perspective and Animal
Husbandry. I always bring some special fibers and spindles for the
second class including Turkish and Supported Spindles. You will
begin a whole new love affair with yarn.
In the Closet
October 14th – 18th
The Closet is our sale room – only open one week a
month (usually the 3rd wk. of the month) and when that
week is done the door is closed until the 3rd week of the
following month. This is where end of lines or dye lots go or it is a
current yarn that we are moving out to make room for new yarns in
the shop. Just a reminder – there are no holds for yarns in the
Closet, all sales are final and once the Closet is closed – it stays
closed for the month.
With all the new yarns coming in for Fall, we have moved a lot of
yarns up to the Closet to make room. Which means GREAT
SAVINGS for you!
For October Closet – a LARGE selection of novelty scarf yarns
will be $1/ball. Just in time to get some of those quick Christmas
gifts off your list.