Welcome to the Riverside County Amateur Radio Association Newsletter. Our club has been serving the Riverside area for 59 years and we have over 75 members. Monthly meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM in the La Sierra University Church Conference Center directly behind the church located at the corner of Pierce and Sierra Vista, Riverside, CA. See our webpage for directions and more information: www.w6tj.org R.C.A.R.A. HAM RADIO CLUB HALLOWEEN October 31 ARRL Affiliated Club #1720 Riverside Repeater: 146.880 MHz, -600 KHz offset, PL 146.2 Hz [email protected] The next Club Meeting will be on Thursday, October 9, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. For meeting location and club information, visit our web page at WWW,W6TJ.ORG R.C.A.R.A. 2014 Club Officers President: Ron Braley KE6RYX - (951) 369-5149 Vice President: Vacant Treasurer: Robert Connerley KJ6OOZ Secretary: Duane Allen N6JPO - [email protected] Membership Chair: Ed Morgan KF6BNQ - [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Marlene KK6CTX - [email protected] Communications Director: Vacant APPOINTED OFFICERS: Club Historian: Vacant Club Photographer and Sunshine Chairman: Steve Evans AF6HR - [email protected] Website Administrator: Stephen McDaniel KJ6MXE – [email protected] W6TJ Trustee: Don Williams KD6UVT - [email protected] QST QST YOU ARE SUMMONED~ ... Welcome, weary souls October 9, 2014 7:00 p.m. Haunting Ham Happenings Gina Perez, CERT leader. Topic will be Emergency Communications with Jeff Loveland, RFD Communications Tech Bored Meeting September 11, 2014 Ham Haunters In House: Ron Braley KE6RYX President Robert Connerley KJ6OOZ Treasurer Duane Allen N6JPO Secretary Ed Morgan KF6BNQ Membership Marlene KK6CTX MONITOR Editor Guests: Bob Trujillo, KG6NIB Tom Koepke, KK6CXF Mike Anderson, W6OSO Hams In Only: Minutes - September 11, 2014 Board Meeting 1. President Ron Braley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Secretary Duane Allen read the August Board minutes as published in the MONITOR. No corrections were make. 3. Treasurer Robert Connerley reported general funds of $2,475.53 and memorial funds of $3,038.80. The bank signature card has been updated with the current officers. 4. Membership Chair Ed Morgan reported membership strength is 76 members. 5. Ed Morgan reported preliminary dates of October 18 and 25 for the Technician class training. Flyers and announcements are in process. Duane Allen recommends requesting a donation of $5 from each student to cover cost of class expenses. 6. MONITOR newsletter editor Marlene requests more ham related articles. 7. New Business a. Field Day 2015 Committee Leaders Bob Trujillo and Marlene have started planning for a special Field Day in recognition of the RCARA 2015 60th Anniversary. b. The Membership Chair will deposit received membership funds directly into the bank account with an email notification to the RCARA Treasurer. c. RCARA will donate $100 to La Sierra Church in consideration for the yearly use of the Education and Youth Center as a meeting place. d. Duane Allen is leading a work team to assist Jim Smith N7PPF in removing and replacing his antenna. He has a 25’ replacement vertical which will need guides. e. Van’s (SK) tower needs to be removed within two weeks. Potential purchaser of the tower should contact Carole Sue (951) 689-2386. 8. President Ron Braley adjourned the meeting at 6:40 pm. Information to Share: Riverside County Amateur Radio Association Amateur Radio Licensing Class A Two-Saturday Technician Exam Preparation Course Date & Time: Saturdays Oct. 18 & 25, 2014, 8 am-3:30 pm Location: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Facility 3680 Jackson St., Riverside, 92505 Reservations are requested by October 13, 2014 Email [email protected] or phone/text (951) 888-0209 The Technician class amateur radio license is the entry level license of the amateur radio service. This exam preparation course focuses on providing the student with enough basic knowledge of amateur radio to pass the Technician class exam. An exam session for class participants is scheduled in the afternoon of the second Saturday. The exam fee is $5. There is no fee for the exam preparation course. Riverside County Amateur Radio Association (RCARA) provides the in-class study guide The 35 Groups of the Technician Class Amateur Radio License Exam Study Guide for the 2014-2018 Question Pool. The course is open to all. The facilities are provided to RCARA without charge. We respect the church facility’s policy of no smoking and no coffee, no tea, and no caffeinated beverages. Water is permitted. Rest rooms and drinking fountains are available. For the lunch break, you may bring your own lunch or use one of several nearby fast food restaurants. RCARA has been serving the public of the Inland Empire of Southern California for 59 years. RCARA maintains the open 2 meter repeater, W6TJ (146.880 MHz, –600 kHz, 145.2 Hz). The website is http://www.w6tj.org/. RCARA membership is open to all. Do you need to protect the privacy of your home address? When you take an Amateur Radio license exam, you will need to provide an FCC Registration Number (FRN). The FCC registration website https://apps.fcc.gov/coresWeb/publicHome.do requires that you provide a contact address to obtain your FRN. The provided contact addresses becomes an FCC public record and can be viewed on-line. To protect the privacy of your home address, you may want to have a contact address, such as a post office box, that is different from your home address. If you are taking only the preparation course and not the license exam, you do not need an FRN. Spread the Word ... A call for nominations for 2015 Board of Director’s officers was made Good to the last bite! President’s QSO From the den of Ron Braley KE6RYX CALL FOR NOMINATIONS We need a slate of candidates for the RCARA 2015 officers to serve on the Board of Directors. Voting will take place at the November 13, 2014, meeting. If you are a regular club member and would like to be included as a candidate for office or have suggestions of members willing to serve, please contact President Ron Braley KE6RYX at (951) 369-5149 or email Marlene KK6CTX at [email protected] Names can also be presented from the floor prior to voting at the October and November meetings. Elected Board of Director positions: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Newsletter Editor Membership Director Communications Director Appointed Officials: Association Photographer Sunshine Committee Chair Club Historian Trustee of the Association's Amateur Radio License (Repeater Trustee) Webmaster Past President – Chris Maness KQ6UP Suggestions are encouraged and welcomed. Your support and participation is vital. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Everyone deserves a community where they can learn, communicate, share and connect ... Come join ours: www.W6TJ.org Scheduled topics for Club Meetings through December, 2014: October: Gina Perez, CERT coordinator – Emergency Communications with Jeff Loveland, RFD Communications Tech November: Election of 2015 Club Officers Upcoming Events JPL Open House Saturday, October 11 and Sunday, October 12, 2014 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, invites the public to its annual Open House. The event, themed “Welcome to Our Universe,” will take visitors on a “ride” through the wonders of space. Highlights include a life-size model of Mars Science Laboratory, demonstration from numerous space missions; JPL’s machine shop Where robotic spacecraft parts are built; and the Microdevices Lab, where engineers and scientists use tiny technology to revolutionize space exploration. The Earth Science Center will show 3-D videos of our home planet and JPL’s Earth science missions. Upon entering, visitors will pass an Earth globe with data from NASA’s Earth-orbiting satellites projected onto the sphere. JPL is located at 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California, 91109. Admission to Open House is free. Parking is also free, but is limited. To get to JPL, take the Berkshire Avenue/Oak Grove Drive exit from the 210 Freeway in La Canada/Flintridge. All visitors should wear comfortable shoes – no buses will be provided from JPL parking lots. JPL will provide vans for mobility-challenged guests. Vehicles and items carried by persons entering NASA/JPL property are subject to inspection by Officers at the entry checkpoints. The following items are prohibited at NASA/JPL: All weapons, explosives, incendiary devices, dangerous instruments, alcohol, illegal drugs, pets, all types of skates including skateboards, Segways and bicycles. Large bags, backpacks or ice chests are not permitted into the event, except small purses and diaper bags. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/events/open-house.php Ron KE6RYX introduces Duane N6JPO as he begins his presentation on the Queen Mary Radio Communications Great presentation and lots of interesting historical facts. Thank you Duane for the information and sharing your personal experiences. ... Listening and enjoying Duane’s Program Presentation Always time for socializing ... Happy Hams to our new member ~ Larry’s Self-introduction ~ Greetings RCARA and Thank you for allowing me to join your fine organization. My interest in radio and communications started when I was a kid in junior high school. My best friend at the time lived next door to me and our bedrooms in our houses faced each other. When we were about 14 or so we noticed an ad in a flyer for one of those $10.00 kits that Radio Shack used to sell for a wired intercom kit that we thought would be fun to make. So we mowed a few lawns in the neighborhood for money, bought and built the kit and played “Battleship” the board game over it after school let out. Later my friend moved to a different house in the same city, so that got us into CB radio. During my last year in junior high, a teacher, (who was a Ham) overheard me talking about CB and told me about the world of 2 meter which was SO much better than CB. He took me under his wing and helped me learn the theory and the code requirement for my Novice license which I got in 1976. Back then, the FCC put an “N” in the middle of your call sign to let people know you were a Novice, so I was WN6PMY. As I got a little better with my CW I took the General and the Advanced tests and the FCC changed my call to WA6PMY. I was active in a local club in Orange County during High School in both VHF/UHF and in the HF bands where I had a blast. I moved to Riverside, where work, marriage, family etc. left me little time for the hobby and I never re-engaged. Recently, I visited the club’s Field day event and remembered how much fun the hobby was. I found the RCARA website and applied for membership. I dug through my closet and found my old Yaesu FT-202R and figured I needed something a little more modern, so I picked up a FT-60 to carry around and then a little later found a good used TM-V71 which I have in the house fed to a short Tram mag mount sitting on a pie tin for a ground plane while I figure out the best way to put a j-pole on the roof. I am really looking forward to talking with everyone as I improve my signal and try to reacquire some operating skills. Thank you all for welcoming me to the club, I know I can really learn a lot from this group. Larry Junker WA6PMY Who is up for the task? Could it be you? We need your talents and skills! It’s fun and rewarding. Amateur Radio Ham Radio Maidenhead Grid Square Locator Map http://www.levinecentral.com/ham/grid_square.php http://www.qrz.com www.hamradio.com/ http://www.eham.net http://www.arrl.org/qst http://www.manualman.com http://73s.com/ REPEATER LIST http://rptrlist.w6jpl.ampr.org/ ALL ABOUT BATTERIES http://www.batteriesamerica.com/ ECHO LINK INFO http://www.echolink.org/ http://nicdlady.com/ IRLP LINK INFO http://www.irlp.net/ Clint Bradford – interesting informational web site http:/www.k6lcs.com NOAA/Space Weather Prediction Center: www.swpc.noaa.gov Space Weather Alerts: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/alerts/warnings_timeline.html The Moreno Valley Radio Association will be hosting an interesting speaker at its meeting on Thursday, October 2, 2014, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM. The meeting will be held at Parking Lot # 9 in the Lake Perris State Park Meeting Room. No need to pay at the gate, just tell the Ranger that you are going to the MVARA Ham Radio meeting. Items to be covered in the presentation include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Safety Electrical basics Battery basics Failover switches Power distribution systems Recommendations Review Safety Electrical basics Battery basics Failover switches Power distribution systems Recommendations Review FEMA Administrator, Craig Fugate, KK4INZ, spoke at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, Connecticut during the ARRL Centennial Banquet Friday, July 18, 2014. Watch this video as he extols the use of ham radio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLOJXvkBbkg ARRL Web site - 09/03/2014: New Amateur Radio Vanity Call Sign Fee Set at $21.40 The FCC has adjusted very slightly downward - to $21.40 – its proposed Amateur Service vanity call sign regulatory fee for Fiscal Year 2014. In a June Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM), the Commission said it was planning to hike the current $16.10 vanity fee to $21.60 for the 10-year license term. The FCC released a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (R&O) in the proceeding on August 29, in which it recalculated the fee to $21.40 for the 10-year license term. The $5.30 increase still represents the largest vanity fee hike in many years. The new $21.40 fee does not go into effect until 30 days after the R&O is published in The Federal Register. In the R&O, the FCC said it considered eliminating the regulatory fee for Amateur Radio vanity call sign applications but decided not to do so "at this time," because it lacks "adequate support to determine whether the cost of recovery and burden on small entities outweighs the collected revenue; or whether eliminating the fee would adversely affect the licensing process." The Commission said it would reevaluate this issue in the future to determine if it should eliminate other fee categories. The FCC's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau sets the vanity call sign regulatory fee using projections of new applications and renewals, taking into consideration existing Commission licensee databases, such as the Universal Licensing System (ULS) database. The FCC reported there were 11,500 "payment units" in FY 2014. The Commission said the vanity program generated an estimated $230,230 in FY 2013 revenue and it estimated that it would collect nearly $246,100 in FY 2014. The vanity call sign regulatory fee is payable when applying for a new vanity call sign or when renewing a vanity call sign, although some older vanity call signs are not subject to the regulatory fee. Thanks to Art Sutorus AA6CA for the “heads up” Amateur Radio Outreach Program Tom Welchel WA6TLL, has made several contacts with kids involved in the program which follows. K5USA, the Fort Sill (Oklahoma) Radio Club, has written about their involving kids in amateur radio at a park on Saturdays. Imagine being 10 years old (again) and seeing a grown man get excited because he just talked with someone in Japan, or someone aboard the Queen Mary, W6RO or the USS Cod, W8COD. That excitement is exactly what Lawton OK based K5USA creates during their Amateur Radio Outreach program. Taking the "Get On The Air" (GOTA) station idea straight from the ARRL, W1AW, Field Day playbook. The local park is Kid's Zone and it's filled with kids and parents. These park visitors are of course non-amateurs, making them perfect audience members. Kid's Zone and adjacent pavilion provide a fantastic facility to introduce amateur radio, complete with power and overhead protection. The openness of the location allows for casual observations, and opportunities for the forever magical question, "What-cha-doing?" With that one question, the stage is set for GOTA opportunities! When the group is active in the park, they try to have a web cam up and running. Click this live feed linkwww.hamsoncams.com to observe the activities. Is this a possible activity for RCARA? Perhaps Tom WA6TLL can enlighten us further regarding his involvement in this activity and adventure. Article courtesy of Clair K6LG How do you make a ham stew? Don’t acknowledge his break. VIDEO OF HERMAN MUNSTER ON HAM RADIO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-8RItOZE30 Don’t forget to volunteer to serve on the Board of Directors Potential New Club Members? K6VAMP N6FNG A6WTC AL6IEN A6MUM N6HM AG6HST T6BON A6RGG Bob KG6NIB recruiting a potential new ham DDuane N6JPO being interviewed by UCR students for GTV publication Thanks to CERT, we were fortified with pizza and other refreshments. Every Sunday at 8:30 AM R.A.C.E.S. PUBLIC SERVICE NET, 3.945 MHz Don Williams KD6UVT [email protected] Every Monday at 7:15 PM R.A.C.E.S./ARES PUBLIC SERVICE NET, 146.880 MHz, Minus, 146.2 PL Don Williams KD6UVT [email protected] Last Monday of the month at 7:15 PM R.A.C.E.S./ARES PUBLIC SERVICE NET, 146.880 MHz, NO PL – SIMPLEX Don Williams KD6UVT [email protected] QCWA NET 145.580 – Bob W6RTW [email protected] Every Tuesday at 7:00 PM 1st Saturday of the month 1:30 PM By appointment only Last Saturday of the month 7:00 AM SIMPLEX VE Testing, Corona W6TRW Swap Redondo Beach, CA Fred W6TKV r E-mail : [email protected] W6TRW [email protected] 3rd Saturday of the month Chino Hills High School 7:00 AM CHS Boosters chhselectroniscsswapmeet@gmail. com R.A.C.E.S. MEETING Monday, October 6, 2014 6:00 PM Don Williams KD6UVT [email protected] R.C.A.R.A. BOARD MEETING Thursday, October 9, 2014 6:00 PM Ron Braley (951) 369-5149 R.C.A.R.A. CLUB MEETING Thursday, October 9, 2014 7:00 PM Ron Braley (951) 369-5149 W6TJ.ORG JPL Open House Sat. Oct. 11 and Sun. Oct. 12, 2014 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/events/o pen-house.php TECH PREP CLASS SAT. OCT. 18 & 25 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM [email protected] (951) 888-0209 R.C.A.R.A. HOLIDAY PARTY Friday, December 12, 2014 6:00 PM No Host Holiday Dinner KOUNTRY FOLKS RESTAURANT W6TJ.ORG Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween Ireland is typically believed to be the birthplace of Halloween The first Jack O’Lanterns were actually made from turnips CQ sounds like “seek you” – get the inference? “May Day” originated from the French word m'aidez - meaning "help me” RG means "radio guide" and was the original military specification for coax cable Escaped from the Tower, Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2014 Description: 8 feet tall, green pasty skin, multiple scars If found, feed him 12,000 volts of electricity every 3 hours. Needs to be kept cold! Keep him away from fire, small children and people who scream loudly and run away! Contact Dr. Frankenstein, Transylvania AA1DR REWARD: $1,000,000 in Gold Bullion
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