REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK “Office’s address” CCIA Level 11, Room A “Name of Bank Department or Unit” NEPAD and Infrastructures Division (ONRI.1) The African Development Bank Group Immeuble du Centre de Commerce International d’Abidjan Avenue Jean-Paul II 01 BP 1387 - Abidjan 01 Côte d’Ivoire E-mail: [email protected] - Telephone: + (225) 20 26 29 53 Expressions of interest are being requested for a Junior Consultant Position Brief Description of the assignment: Regional Operations (RO) Framework Model Review and Analysis for 2015 and 2016 cycles and Development of RO Framework Model Operations Manual Department making the request: ONRI.1 Place of assignment: Abidjan, Cote d’ Ivorie Period of assignment: November 2014 to November 2015 Expected start date of the assignment: 01 November 2015 Last date for expressing interest: 21 October 2014 Expression of interest to be submitted to: [email protected] Any questions/ clarifications needed to be addressed to: [email protected] Applications to be submitted to: Mr. Mamady SOUARE, Division Manager, NEPAD and Infrastructures Division (ONRI.1) - The African Development Bank Group, Immeuble du Centre de Commerce International d’Abidjan Avenue JeanPaul II- 01 BP 1387 - Abidjan 01-Côte d’Ivoire– Email: [email protected]) with copy to Zakhele Mayisa ([email protected]) Any questions and requests for clarifications may be sent to: Mr. Zakhele Mayisa, Principal Infrastructure Finance Officer, ONRI.1. Terms of Reference for the Recruitment of a Junior Consultant for the Regional NEPAD and Infrastructures Division (ONRI. 1) 1. Introduction and background Regional integration is a fundamental element of the African Development Bank Group’s core activities and one of the African Development Fund’s core priorities. This strategic focus on regional integration is well aligned with African countries’ own strong commitment to advancing the regional agenda that is indispensable to their trade, growth and the reduction of poverty. Competitiveness and productivity can be improved—and significant economic and welfare gains achieved—by addressing bottlenecks in both hard, or physical, infrastructure and soft infrastructure such as regulatory frameworks, harmonization of policies and efficient institutions. As described in the ADF-13 Report, and consistent with both the needs of the African continent and ADF’s comparative advantage, the Fund’s strategic and operational priorities are aligned to those of the Bank Group’s Strategy for 2013-2022. The Strategy determines strategic selectivity and operational focus, on infrastructure, regional integration, private sector development, governance and accountability, and skills and technology; with three areas of special emphasis namely fragile states, food security and agriculture, and gender. In the area of regional integration, the Fund has agreed on building upon its regional integration accomplishments and scaling up its engagement in regional infrastructure, regional public goods, and capacity building. The participation of fragile states in ROs could be further strengthened with the use of resources from the Fragile States Facility, and the RO incentive mechanism could be leveraged to better support policy reforms. Within the context of a strong demand for regional operations (ROs), scarce available resources and competing demands, Deputies have specifically called for a stronger focus on performance, results and development impact in the Bank’s regional operations. In this regard, the Bank has a Selection and Prioritization Framework Model. The Framework Model is used for selecting the most relevant operations to be eligible to the RO incentive mechanism based on cost-sharing financing where the countries contribute to a portion of project costs from their PBA and the Bank finances the remaining portion. The RO incentive mechanism is currently limited to ADF funding. There also a specific selection framework for Regional Public Goods (RPGs). The Framework Model for prioritization and selection of Regional Operations is updated annually by ONRI.1 with project financial structuring inputs from sector departments and model variants from the Task Team departments i.e. FRMB, EDRE and ORQR. The outcome of the Framework Model prioritization process is analyzed and documented into a Regional Operations prioritization and selection report to be considered for approval by OpsCom. 2. Assignment objectives The nature of assignment involves full filing the following: (a) Practical application of the RO prioritization framework model for the 2015 RO Selection and Prioritization process; (b) Quality checking and data cleansing of the framework model inputs and outcomes; (c) Development of an operational manual for the RO periodization process for the ONRI.1 division. 3. Activities of the Assignment The consultant will be required to perform the following tasks: a) Analyses current the regional operations prioritization framework template; b) Assist in revising and improving the current RO prioritization template ensuring its compliance to the new RO prioritization framework; c) Assist in producing a Regional Operations Framework Model operations manual to be used by the Task Managers within ONRI and the Bank; d) Support the Task Manager in coordinating the 2015 prioritization process; e) Support the Task Manager in streamlining the framework and developing operational manual for the Department; f) Assist in producing a regional prioritization operations manual to be used by the Task Managers within ONRI; g) Assist in training of ONRI staff in using the revised prioritization template 3. Management/supervision of the consultancy The Consultant will work independently, under the overall guidance of the Division Manager – ONRI.1 and the immediate supervision of the Task Manager for this undertaking. 4. Duration of the Assignment The consultant will work on a fulltime basis for a period of 1 year, starting from 16 October 2014. 5. Required Qualifications and Experience a) At least a Master’s degree in in fields related to project development, Development Studies, or Management Information Science.; b) A minimum of 2 years and a maximum of five years of relevant professional experience; c) Quantitative Analytical background in international, financial or development economics or a related field; e) Strong skills in using and analyzing statistics in excel and econometric software packages; f) Experience in the context of the African continent an advantage; g) Be a national of one of the member countries of the Bank (list of member countries can be obtained from under “about Us”); h) Minimum of two years and a maximum of five years of relevant experience; i) Be under 32 years of age; j) Competent in the use of Bank standard software (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and web tools); k) Fluent in French or English, with preferably a working knowledge of the other language; h) Proven capacity to work in a team, to deliver outputs in a timely manner. 6. Remuneration for the Assignment The Junior Consultant will be hired for a period of 1 year and paid a lump sum per month following the schedule and conditions to be negotiated with the recruiting unit. The consultancy will take place in Abidjan, Cote d’ Ivoire and requires regular full time presence in the Bank’s offices. Please attach an updated Curriculum vitae on the basis of the template attached. 7. Method of Application: Interested experts are required to submit expressions of interests and attach an updated Curriculum Vitae on the basis of the template below: MODEL CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) Title of the Assignment: Department: Surname: Birth Date: Address: Telephone: First Name: Nationality: Country: E-mail: Are any of your family members (spouse/partner, Yes No father/mother, Brother/sister, Son/daughter, etc.° employed If « Yes », the in the African Development Bank? following data must be provided Name Relationship Organisation Unit Place of Assignment Language Level English Read French Other (specify) Written Fair Good Excellent Fair Good Excellent Fair Good Excellent Spoken Fair Good Excellent Fair Good Excellent Fair Good Excellent Fair Good Excellent Fair Good Excellent Fair Good Excellent Key Qualifications: Please provide (i) a summary of your experience and training highlighting the most relevant for the proposed assignment, and (ii) the responsibilities which you exercised. Utilise one half-page maximum. Education (University Level and above only): Name of University - City - Country Period From Diploma Obtained Main Topic / Major To Professional Training: Name of Training Type of Training Institution- City Country Period From Certificates or Diploma Obtained From Employment Record: Begin with your most recent employment. For each job since your Master Degree achievement, please indicate: Name of the Employer Type of Activity/Business of the Employer Title / Function Place of Employment Brief Description (three lines maximum) of main accomplishments and responsibilities Reference: Please indicate the name and address of three persons with no family relationship with yourself, familiar with your character and titles. I hereby certify that the responses which I provided above are all, to the best of my knowledge, true, complete and accurate. I acknowledge that an inaccurate statement or essential omission in a personal declaration or another document required by the African Development Bank might result in the rejection of my application, termination of my Contract or any other administrative sanction by the Bank. The African Development Bank may verify any statements which I made in this application. Date: ____________ Signature :
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