St. Ann’s Mission Statement: “Worship and furthering the Gospel message of Jesus Christ are the central core of our being” 2013 Gilpin Avenue. Wilmington, Delaware 19806-2294 Tel: (302) 654-5519 • Fax: (302) 654-5527 • Website: PARISH STAFF Rev. John J. Mink, Pastor Rev. Daniel Staniskis, Associate Pastor Mr. Joseph A. Marge-Parish Manager October 12, 2014 ~ The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASSES Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM Monday through Friday 6:30 AM, 8:00AM Saturday 8:00 AM CONFESSIONS Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 PM THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE - call the Rectory at least 12 months in advance. Initial meeting with couple & parish priest required before setting wedding date. THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM A Baptism Preparation Class is required for new parents. Please call the Parish office to register. PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Chapel of the Divine Mercy - For info call 668-1819 Openings & Closings 655-1639 FIRST FRIDAY OF MONTH Sacred Heart Novena after 8:00 AM Mass VISITS TO THE SICK & HOMEBOUND We are eager to provide visits to both hospitals and homes. It is advisable to inform the rectory upon entering the hospital to ensure that the parish staff is aware of one’s hospitalization. The Eucharist can be brought to the homebound on a regular basis. Please advise us of your needs by calling the rectory. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Deadline: In writing 10 days prior to the date desired. ST. ANN SCHOOL 2006 Shallcross Ave., Wilmington, DE 19806-2295 Tel: (302) 652-6567 Fax: 652-1241 Website: Sr. Virginia Pfau, IHM, Principal PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM PREP & Adult Faith Formation (RCIA) Tel: (302) 654-8504 Patricia Walker, Director ST. VINCENT DePAUL SOCIETY Tel: (302)658-9876 Provides emergency help and assistance to the needy. PARISH OUTREACH (302) 654-5519 Call Wednesday 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM to schedule assistance to parishioners and others needing a variety of services. CHOIR Music Director: Jordan Irazabal Email [email protected] Rehearsal: Wednesday 7:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. PARISH ADVISORY GROUP Charles Klous, Finance Council Executive Officer WILLS In your Will you can remember your loved ones and the institutions that have been important in your life. We hope St. Ann’s merits your consideration. THE TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 12, 2014 From the Pastor……..The Dialog announced Official Appointments by Bishop Malooly this week: Our previous pastor, Msgr. J. Thomas Cini, VG has been appointed Special Assistant to the Bishop and will now be in residence at St. Joseph on the Brandywine Parish. Msgr. Cini served as our pastor for nine years while continuing his diocesan duties as Vicar General. We are grateful for his faithful service to our parish. We look forward to showing our appreciation to Monsignor at a later date as his schedule allows. We congratulate Very Reverend Steven P. Hurley, VG, STL, our former associate pastor of St. Ann’s. Father Hurley has been appointed Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia succeeding Msgr. Cini by supervising all the departments and secretariats of the Diocese of Wilmington. We send him our prayers and best wishes in this position which he assumes in addition to his duties as pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish. LAST CALL FOR CHRIS HILLMAN TICKETS!!! Our show with the 1991 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee is this Sunday, October 12th at 7pm in the St. Ann’s School Social Hall. Tickets will be available at the door. Free admission for our school children. This is an excellent opportunity to hear, see and a meet a man whose musical contributions have helped to shape the course of American popular music over the last 50 years. Look for yourself on Google or Wikipedia. Don’t miss this chance! We need and appreciate your support. (Fr. Dan’s band will open!) Doors open at 6:30pm. 2015 Mass Intentions - Since the earliest days, Holy Mass has been offered for the dead. Our prayers, but especially Holy Mass, assist those who have passed on to attain heaven. Also since its earliest days, the Church has offered Mass for the intentions of the living, especially the sick. Many of you ask for Masses to be said regularly for deceased loved ones. Some ask that these Masses be offered on specific dates, and we do our best to accommodate your requests. We are now accepting Mass requests for the calendar year 2015. Your special requests will be honored to the extent possible, but we ask your patience and understanding. So that we can accommodate as many families as possible, we ask that requests of multiple Masses be limited to twelve per year. Since scheduling begins in late October, it is important that requests be received by October 15, 2014. If you would like to be informed of the dates and times of your scheduled requests please include a self-addressed stamped envelope, a phone number or email address so that we can contact you. Please note that the scheduling for the 2015 Masses will not be completed until December. Thank you. CAPITAL CAMPAIGN NEWS…….from Fr. Mink Last weekend marked the official start of the Sustaining Hope for the Future campaign. Please prayerfully consider a three-year pledge to the campaign. Our parish goal is $808,167 over three years. The Diocese will receive 60% and our parish 40% of all funds received up to our goal. Campaign proceeds received after our goal is met will be 60% for our parish and 40% for our Diocese. The Sustaining Hope for the Future campaign is a great opportunity for our parish to address our needs and the diocesan needs. Please review the campaign material, pray about your response and continue to spread the positive message about this important effort. Mark your Calendar – The Catholic Charities truck sponsored by St. Ann’s SVDP will be here on the weekend of November 1st and 2nd. All gently used clothing is welcome as well as small furniture and small appliances. No Knick knacks please. Second Collection next weekend is for the World Mission Sunday 302 ann1 Saturday October 11 8:00 A.M. Paul D. Bradley 5:00 P.M. Doris Froning Sunday October 12 7:30 A.M. Shawn & Mary McClafferty 9:30 A.M. Bridie Hennelly 11:30 A.M. Parishioners Monday October 13 – Columbus Day 9:00 A.M. John C. Volk, Jr. Tuesday October 14 6:30 A.M. Mary & Charles Trzuskowski 8:00 A.M. Michele Griffiths Wednesday October 15 6:30 A.M. Mark Wlazlo 8:00 A.M. Helen & Jim Horty Thursday October 16 6:30 A.M. Special Intention 8:00 A.M. Brendan Rosko Friday October 17 6:30 A.M. Lindsay Peltz 8:00 A.M. Libby Conaty Griffith 10:00 A.M. Lena & John Stout - Kentmere Saturday October 18 8:00 A.M. Mary Cunningham 5:00 P.M. Diane Faulkner Sunday October 19 7:30 A.M. Margaret J. Seitz 9:30 A.M. Parishioners 11:30 A.M. Deceased members of the John D. Kelly & Albert S. Azar families Pray for the sick, shut-ins and elderly of our Parish. ST. ANN’S PRAYER LINE – to place a name or special request on the prayer line email Joe/Shirley Ackerman at [email protected] or 384-7513. The Chapel of Divine Mercy is open 24/7 with the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Can you offer an hour regularly? Visit the new website which is and sign up. You can also call Chris at 668-1819 or Nan at 656-8438 or email [email protected]. Join the Padre Pio Prayer Group at the St. Francis Friary – 1901 Prior Road Wilmington on the second Wednesday of each month. Mass begins in the chapel at 7pm followed by the Glorious Mysteries Rosary and discussion time. For more info contact Bill Greto, Jr. at 593-9778. Babysitting is Back for the 9:30am mass - Child care will be available each week for children ages 6 months to 5 years beginning Sunday, November 2nd during the 9:30am mass. Adults and teens will be available to read and play with your child(ren) while you enjoy mass. Babysitting will take place in the Kindergarten room on the lower level of the Franciscan Wing. We would love help! This is also a great opportunity to earn service hours. If you have any questions or would like to help, please email Lynn Klous at [email protected] From Religious Ed…… Paws to Help the Animals! Our parish PREP program is having a drive during the month of October in honor of St. Francis to benefit local animal shelters. We are accepting used towels, small blankets, pet toys, treats, old (but clean!) litter boxes, leashes (new or used) and collars, flea shampoo, tennis balls, stainless steel food and water bowls and monetary donations. You can drop your donations off any day during school hours or Sunday mornings at the school lobby in the big doghouse next to the prayer table. Thank you! Reconciliation Workshop - If your child is already enrolled in the Reconciliation preparation program for this fall mark your calendar for Sunday, October 16th from 1 to 3 p.m. in the social hall. This afternoon of activities is for children only. A small snack will be provided but children should have their lunch before arriving. Hello Parents! Let us help you be the best of teachers of our faith. Introducing Bring It Home, your weekly source for tips for raising faith-filled young people. There are two ways to receive Bring It Home: Via email – to sign up, visit and click “Sign Up Now” at the bottom of the screen OR Via SMS – text @bringhome to 302.778.9746 8th Grade Confirmation Candidates– Remember to set aside Sunday, November 16th for our first large group activity, Chaos, at Padua Academy. More information coming soon! Just a reminder that the Rectory and School are closed Monday, October 13th in observance of Columbus Day. 302ann2 Religious Vocations –In today’s second reading, St. Paul tells the Christians at Philippi how to live so that “the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” A key element in experiencing that peace is seeking out God’s unique plan for one’s life. Where is the Lord trying to lead you? How does He want you to glorify Him? Is He calling you to priesthood or to religious life? If you think so, please call or write Father David Kelly, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations at 5733113 or [email protected]. Be sure to visit the website, Religious Education Classes for Special Needs Children - are available at the Church of the Holy Child or St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. For more info or to register, call Linda Jackson at 573-3130. There is a tremendous need for more volunteers in the Special Needs Program. Many of the activities require one-to-one assistance. The more there are, the more that can be accomplished. If you feel you have the time and desire to help in this ministry, please call Linda Jackson at the above listed phone number. St. John the Beloved Parish Holiday Craft Show- Friday November 7th from 4-8pm and Saturday November 8th from 10-3:30pm. If you design and make crafts by hand, you are invited to participate. Details of the show and application form are at For more info email [email protected] or 998-5994. Delight Night – October 24th from 6-10pm. Benefits the diocesan partnership with San Marcos, Guatemala. Features international food, wine, beer, soft drinks, entertainment and a silent auction. Hosted by Holy Family in Newark Delaware. Tickets are $25/person. For more info email [email protected] or 559-7766. Catholic Charities Help Needed - Catholic Charities is helping families who have taken in unaccompanied minors arriving from Guatemala and other Central America countries by providing the families with distributions from our food program. In order to replenish our supplies, we are asking for donations of nonperishable food items, as well as hygiene items such as soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes and shampoo. Cash donations or donations of grocery store gift cards are also welcomed. Donations can be delivered to any location. To make a cash donation online, visit Little Sisters of the Poor Spaghetti Dinner & Fall Harvest Festival – Sunday, November 2nd from 12noon to 5pm. Games, baked goods, raffles, crafts and more. The Little Sisters are located at 185 Salem Church Road in Newark De. Healing Retreat for Separated & Divorced Catholics (“At the Well”) – October 17 and 18th at St. Michael Catholic Church in Mt. Airy, Maryland. The cost is $45/person and $35/person if paid before October 10th. It will be a weekend of workshops and retreats with info sessions, group sharing & activities and quiet time for prayer. For more info email [email protected]. Junior Board of St. Francis Hospital – is looking for members to support the hospital’s mission and its patients through fundraising and by working as volunteers in the Gift Shop and patient service areas. Those interested in joining, please call Lois Torgerson, membership chair at 764-0292. St. Jude the Apostle – Chance to win Eagles Tickets – Take a chance to win 2 tickets to see the Dallas Cowboys vs the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday, December 14th at the Lincoln Financial Field. The game starts at 8:30pm and the seats are in clubhouse section (C36) Row 16, seats 15 & 16. Chances are $10 each with only 500 sold. The tickets also include a parking pass in parking lot section A-H. The drawing will take place after the 10am Mass in the St. Jude the Apostle Church Parish Life Center on Sunday, November 16th. Tickets are available at the St. Jude Parish office, after all masses at St. Jude on October 18-19 and 25/26 or Diocese of Wilmington Women’s Conference – Saturday November 1st at St. Joseph’s Parish in Middletown Delaware. The price is $30.00 with lunch on your own or $40 with a provided box lunch. The speaker is Johnnette Benkovic, founder and President of “Women of Grace” with a theme of “Be who you are and be that well”. For more info, contact Nancy Burke, Director of the Office for Marriage & Family Life at 295-0667. Coming Up: 10/13 9am Daily Mass (only one) 10/13 Columbus Day – School/Rectory Closed 10/14 6:30pm Bible Study 10/15 7pm Choir 10/15 7pm RCIA 10/16 7:30pm SVDP 302 ann3 M. Constance B. Greeley, D.D.S. John M. Nista, D.M.D. Silverside Professional Park 1405 Silverside Road Wilmington, Delaware 19810 (302) 475-4102 Greeley & Nista Omega Professional Center Suite D-74 Omega Drive Orthodontics, P.A.Newark, Delaware 19713 Patients Love Us, Doctors Trust Us (302) 292-1552 RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. Wedding Invitations & FREE Holiday Cards INSPECTION Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 3705 Kennett Pike Greenville, DE 19807 Direct 302-472-6211 Office 302-429-4500 [email protected] DE Lic. #2008602594 Licensed & Insured Kim Sullivan ® REALTOR Licensed in DE, PA & FL A Parishioner: Who Cares About YOUR Real Estate Needs Gourmet Le Chyvatilleeau Memorial H all Talle CATERING AND HALL RENTAL Weddings, Showers, Funeral Luncheons Business Luncheons Call 654-2585 for information & prices e-mail: [email protected] Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 Join Us For SUNDAY BUFFET BRUNCH 10:00am - 2:00pm 2216 Pennsylvania Ave. Wilmington, DE 19806 302-571-1492 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST (302) 427-2424 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE Check out our reviews on: FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Gift Baskets Floral Arrangements Catering for Every Occasion Sympathy Dinners SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 (302) 421-4100 3801 Kennett Pike Greenville, DE 302 / 654-9941 302 St. Ann - Wilmington, DE (i) John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 ( A World Of Travel. Where In The World Can We Send You? Call today and save $50.00 off your vacation package. 302-838-2568 or email [email protected] MEALEY FUNERAL HOMES 7th & Broom Streets and Limestone & Milltown Rds. Phone: 652-5913 or 654-3005 PARKING IN BOTH LOCATIONS Visit our website at Like us on Facebook HELPING PEOPLE BECOME FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT WITH ESTATE PLANNING OPTIONS TAX FREE BONDS * IRAS preventative • restorative • cosmetic • kid friendly 2215 Pennsylvania Ave. DAVID E. MASTROTA, DMD, PA Wilmington, DE 19806 designing sharp smiles (302) 654-0100 CREMATION SERVICE OF DELAWARE 519 Philadelphia Pike Wilmington, DE 19809 (302) 762-0334 Simple ~ Economical ~ Dignified Mark Quinn, AAMS 1407 Foulk Road, Suite 101 Ph. 302.477.9828 Serving Individual Investors Since 1871 KELLY'S LOGAN HOUSE • New Kitchen • Best Hot Sandwiches in Town Bar Open 11 AM until 1 AM 1701 Delaware Ave. 652-9493 Parishioner Harvey Road Automotive, Inc. COMPLETE IMPORT/DOMESTIC REPAIRS & SERVICE Specializing in HONDA & TOYOTA ASE Certified Master Technicians on duty 1004 West 25th St. (302) 654-7500 Wilmington, DE 19802 "Serving the Wilmington area since 1981" Since 1973 ERNS BROTHERS TREE SERVICE TREE CARE LANDSCAPING Removal Design Pruning Installation Insect and Disease Control Patios • Walks • Ponds (302) 475-0466 (302) 764-8666 Certified Arborists Patrick F. Sweeney, III, DMD 2006 Winner Delaware Better Business Bureau Torch Award Kind Mind Kids Early Learning Center At Immanuel Church Highlands 2400 W. 17th St. * 302.545.0380 FULL TIME* PART TIME* DROP-IN INFANTS* TODDLERS* PRESCHOOL contact Val Martin ~ Parishioner Owned ~ Building Kindness & Bright Minds with Love & Laughter 228 W 9th St 302-300-5368 652-6811 - FINE TEAS & PROVISIONS 302 St. Ann - Wilmington, DE (b) 999-8277 John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 (
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