SINGLE-PILOT AEROPLANE (Non-HPCA) SKILL TEST PROFICIENCY CHECK Licence Endorsement: PIC CO-PILOT VFR IFR Application and report form A. Udfyldes af ansøgeren/To be filled out by the applicant: CPR-nr./Date of Birth: Certifikat nr./Licence no.: (If any) Fornavne/First name(s): Udstedende Stat/State of Licence Issue: Efternavn/Last name: Gade eller vej:/Street: Postnr. og by/Postal code and city: e-mail: Dato for underskrift/Date of signature: Tlf./Telephone: Underskrift/Signature: B: Udfyldes af skolen/To be filled out by ATO: Name of ATO: (Use stamp): Total: Specification of flight time Only Skill Test for the issue of Class/type rating and Instrument Rating PIC: Instrument time:: Flight time during training: Total: Specification of flight time Proficiency check Total on class/type: Route sectors latest validity period: Total: Instrument: ME: If issue or renewal: Flight time during training: I hereby certify that the applicant has passed the required training and that the applicant fulfils all the requirements for the test or check to be taken Date of signature of Head of Training Name and Signature of Head of Training C: To be filled out by the Examiner: Date of test: Licence Endorsement: Name of Examiner or stamp: Type of aircraft: Stamp of Examiner, Authorisation no. of Examiner or stamp: I hereby certify that the applicant has passed the required training and that the applicant fulfils all the requirements for the test or check to be taken Date of signature of Examiner Signature of Examiner Result of the test Section 1: Passed Section 2: Failed Passed Section 3: Failed Passed Final result: Passed Section 4: Failed Passed Section 5: Failed Passed Failed Section 6: Not Applicable Passed Failed Temporary licence issued (copy enclosed): Partial Pass Failed Yes No Valid until: Proficiency check only: I have entered the following details in the applicants licence: Rating Date of check Valid until Rating Date of check Valid until SP(A) Non-HPCA december 2014 Page 1 of 5 Trafikstyrelsen, Edvard Thomsens Vej 14, 2300 Kbh. S., Tlf.: +45 72218800, e-mail: [email protected] For detailed instructions see Commision Regulation 1178/2011 Appendix 9 Use of the aeroplane checklists, airmanship, control of aeroplane by external visual reference, anti-icing/de-icing procedures and principles of threat and error management apply in all sections 1.1 Pre-flight, incl. Documentation, Mass and Balance, Weather briefing, NOTAM 1.2 Pre-start checks. External/internal 1.3 Engine starting: Normal and malfunctions 1.4 Taxiing 1.5 Pre-departure checks. Engine run-up 1.6 Take-off procedures (crosswind if available) P 1.7 Climbing: Vx/Vy, Turns onto headings, Level off P 1.8 ATC liaison - Compliance, R/T procedure P Failed Passed Mandatory M P M P M P M 2.2 Steep turns (360° left and right, 45° bank) P M P M P M Failed P Failed Straight and level flight at various airspeed Passed 2.1 Passed A Mandatory M Instructor initials when training completed FS FTD SECTION 2 Airwork (VMC) A Instructor initials when training completed FS SECTION 1 Departure FTD Name of Applicant: Stalls and recovery i: Clean stall 2.3 iii: Approach to stall landing configuration and power 2.4 iv: Approach to stall, climbing turn take-off flap and climb power (single engine aeroplane only) Handling using autopilot and flight director (may be conducted in section 3) 2.5 ATC liaison - Compliance, R/T procedure 3A.1 Flight plan, dead reckoning and map reading 3A.2 Maintenance of altitude, heading and speed 3A.3 Orientation, timing and revision of ETAs 3A.4 Use of radio navigation aids 3A.5 Flight management(flight log, routine checks including fuel, systems and icing) 3A.6 ATC liaison - Compliance, R/T procedure SP(A) Non-HPCA december 2014 A Instructor initials when training completed FS (See App. 3 to JAR-FCL 1.240 note 3 and 4) FTD SECTION 3A En route procedures VFR Mandatory ii: Approach to stall descending turn approach configuration and power Page 2 of 5 For detailed instructions see Commision Regulation 1178/2011 Appendix 9 Use of the aeroplane checklists, airmanship, control of aeroplane by external visual reference, anti-icing/de-icing procedures and principles of threat and error management apply in all sections 3B.1∗ Departure IFR P M 3B.2∗ En route IFR P M 3B.3∗ Holding procedures P M 3B.4∗ ILS to DH/DA of 200 FT or to procedure minima (Autopilot may be used to glideslope intercept) P M 3B.5∗ Non-precision approach to MDH/A and MAP P M Failed Passed A FS FTD SECTION 3B Instrument flight Instructor initials when training completed Mandatory Name of Applicant: Flight exercises including simulated failure of compass and attitude indicator 3B.6∗ Rate 1 turns P M Recoveries from unusual attitudes Passed Failed Passed Failed SECTION 4 Arrival and landings Instructor initials when training completed Mandatory ATC liaison - Compliance, R/T procedure A 3B.8∗ P FS Failure of localiser or glideslope FTD 3B.7∗ Aerodrome arrival procedure 4.1 P M 4.2 Normal landing P M 4.3 Flapless landing P M 4.4 Crosswind landing (if suitable conditions) P 4.5 Approach and landing with idle power from up to 2000 FT (single engine aeroplane only) P 4.6 Go-around from minimum height P 4.7 Night go-around and landing (if applicable) 4.8 ATC liaison - Compliance, R/T procedure 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Rejected take-off at a reasonable speed Simulated engine failure after take-off (single engine aeroplanes only) Simulated forced landing without power (single engine aeroplanes only) Simulated emergencies i: Fire or smoke in flight ii: Systems malfunctions as appropriate 5.5 Engine shutdown and restart (ME Skill test only) 5.6 ATC liaison - Compliance, R/T procedure SP(A) Non-HPCA december 2014 Mandatory P A Instructor initials when training completed FS FTD SECTION 5 Abnormal and emergency procedures. (This section may be combined with sections 1 through 4) M P M P M P M P P Page 3 of 5 For detailed instructions see Commision Regulation 1178/2011 Appendix 9 Use of the aeroplane checklists, airmanship, control of aeroplane by external visual reference, anti-icing/de-icing procedures and principles of threat and error management apply in all sections 6.1∗ Simulated engine failure during take-off (At as safe altitude unless carried out in FS or FNPT II) P 6.2∗ Asymmetric approach and go-around P M 6.3∗ Asymmetric approach and full stop landing P M 6.4 ATC liaison - Compliance, R/T procedure X Failed Passed ing completed A FS Instructor initials when trainFTD SECTION 6 Simulated asymmetric flight (This section may be combined with sections 1 through 5) Mandatory Name of Applicant: M Details of the flight Destination aerodrome On block On ground Departure aerodrome Off block Airborne Aircraft registration Total block time Total airborne time No. of landings: Remarks/Overall assessment/Reasons for failure (if applicable): Name of instructor present at the Skill Test: Signature of Examiner: SP(A) Non-HPCA december 2014 Signature of Applicant: Page 4 of 5 For detailed instructions see Commision Regulation 1178/2011 Appendix 9 Use of the aeroplane checklists, airmanship, control of aeroplane by external visual reference, anti-icing/de-icing procedures and principles of threat and error management apply in all sections Name of Applicant: In accordance with ARA.GEN.315(a), (b) – (c) Undertegnede bekræfter hermed, at jeg ved ansøgningstidspunktet 1. ikke var ikke i besiddelse af et personligt certifikat, rating, tilladelse eller attestation med samme anvendelsesområde og i samme kategori udstedt i en anden medlemsstat; 2. ikke har ansøgt om et personligt certifikat, rating, tilladelse eller attestation med samme anvendelsesområde og i samme kategori i en anden medlemsstat; og 3. aldrig har haft et personligt certifikat, rating, tilladelse eller attest med samme anvendelsesområde og i samme kategori udstedt i en anden medlemsstat, som er tilbagekaldt eller suspenderet i anden medlemsstat. Note: Ukorrekte oplysninger vedrørende ovenstående, kan være diskvalificerende for udstedelse af certifikat, rating, tilladelse m.v. Undersigned hereby confirm that I at the time of application 1. was not holding any personnel licence, certificate, rating, authorisation or attestation with the same scope and in the same category issued in another Member State; 2. has not applied for any personnel licence, certificate, rating, authorisation or attestation with the same scope and in the same category in another Member State; and 3. has never held any personnel licence, certificate, rating, authorisation or attestation with the same scope and in the same category issued in another Member State which was revoked or suspended in any other Member State. 4. Note: Incorrect information regarding the above can be disqualifying for obtaining a certificate, rating, authorization, etc. Dato:/Date: Underskrift:/Signature: SP(A) Non-HPCA december 2014 Page 5 of 5
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