Document 333232

World class employers and exceptional talents find each other at
Cullinan Academy. We arrange the perfect match between those
two. We can because we work together with the top 100 businesses
as well as leading national and international universities. Because
we stay one step ahead of economical, political and social
developments. Because we continue to develop ourselves, just like
our candidates and clients do. That is why Cullinan Academy has
the right candidate for every organization.
Cullinan Academy polishes,
in close cooperation with her clients,
rough diamonds into the crown jewels
of organizations
Start your career with Cullinan Academy
You start your career at Cullinan Academy because you
constantly want to push your limits. You got your master’s
degree in ICT, Finance, Engineering, IT Security or Logistics
and scored above average. You achieved results in
other areas of life next to your study. You are dynamic
and ambitious. You face problems as chances to search
for innovative solutions. In addition you have the social
skills to work on your own as well as part of a team in any
culture and environment. If you have this profile, then
Cullinan Academy offers you an international career start
with a multinational.
High grads for multinationals anticipating
the future
Top 100 businesses want to be the best in their field. That
is only possible with employees aiming for the same
goal. With young graduates who have more qualities
than just a master’s degree. You do not have to find
those rare candidates. We already did that for you.
Cullinan Academy is well introduced in the national
and international academic world. That gives us the
position to bind to us a select group of high graduates
through a two-year contract. Candidates who can start
immediately at your company. Even the international
ones, because we are officially recognised by the IND to
employ highly skilled migrants. During two years you get
to know each other inside out, we take care of the rest.
A career path without training
and coaching is a dead end. That is why our
candidates follow an extensive training and
coaching program with Cullinan Academy,
which enables them to excel at our clients.
A surplus value for both
Educational Services
Cullinan Academy offers training and coaching for
professionals. Standard and customized training through
open enrolment as well as in-company, both nationally
and internationally. Our offer is broad and deep and aims
at the development of professional as well as personal skills.
Thus matching with organizations and candidates who
know that growth is only possible when you continuously
improve yourself.
Cullinan Academy has the VOI quality mark and is APMG
accredited. This ensures you of a constant high quality of
training, trainers and study material.
Online Learning Program
Most of our trainings are also available online. Your employees
are thus able to take up a training any time they want to and at
every location. The matching exams can also be done online.
Business simulations
•Apollo 13
•Challenge of Egypt
•Taikity Bay
•Change Management
•Service Catalogue
•Lean IT
Cullinan Academy BV
A Science Park 400, 1098 XH Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T +31 85 485 3000
E [email protected]
Business skills trainings
•Advisory Skills
•Conflict Management
•Communicate Effectively
•Effective Meetings
•Organizational Behavior
Management (OBM)
•Project Management Skills
•Time Management
•Become a Better Speaker