. The Parish of St Martin de Porres, Wakefield Weekly St Austin’s Wentworth Terrace, WF1 3QN St Martin Pray for Us Prayer Please pray for the faithful departed, remembering those who have died recently, especially “Wilf” Finch Mary Kilkenny Please pray: -for our Holy Father, Pope Francis and for Benedict, Pope Emeritus; -for our Bishop-elect Mgr Marcus Stock and for Mgr John Wilson, our diocesan administrator; -for Fr Tim Swinglehurst. our parish priest -for the family Synod on the For prisoners and their families -for Elliott Wright, Tim Whitwell and Nicholas Palmer & all who are exploring vocations to the priesthood & religious life; -for The Wednesday Word mission; -for the sick – at home and abroad: -for peace in the world, & for the victims of war & terrorism -for the displaced, asylum seekers & refugees, -for human life & for the vulnerable, particularly the unborn, the sick & elderly; -for our schools: to be academically excellent and passionately Catholic. Prayer of the Church Wk 4 Priests: Fr Timothy Swinglehurst Fr Michael Kelly Deacon: Rev Nick Shields Parish Office: 6 Wentworth Terrace, Wakefield, WF1 3QN 01924 372080 email: [email protected] website: www.stmartinswakefield.org Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity 249404 Bulletin English Martyrs Dewsbury Road, WF2 9DD Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: 12 October 2014 CALENDAR: 28th Week in Ordinary Time “a banquet of rich food”... Sunday Readings: In the First Reading the prophet Isaiah speaks of the Lord’s banquet and his salvation , which we now enjoy. The Psalm is for many, the best loved Psalm of all- here it responds to Isaiah’s prophecy In the Second Reading from Paul’s letter to the Philippians he continues to rejoice and trust in the Lord. The GOSPEL from Matthew is the parable of the wedding feast: the original guests do not honour the invitation, so the king opens it to all: but one guest does not wear the clothes he is given. Another parable about those who have the gift of God’s kingdom: do they reject it, rejoice in it or squander it? The banquet is there for us, if we respond in faith. So we ask ourselves: Do I appreciate the gift I have been given that invites me to this Eucharist today? How can I welcome others here to celebrate as an invited "guest" to the wedding feast? THIS WEEK First readings at Daily Mass continue with St Paul’s letters- to the Galatians and then the Ephesians: we continue our vivid Gospel readings from Luke as Jesus finds himself confronting the religious leaders. FEAST DAYS Saturday is the Feast of St Luke himself (Left), evangelist and author of the “Gospel of compassion” and The Acts of the Apostles. Wednesday is the memorial of the mystic and Doctor of the Church, St Teresa of Avila who died in 1582, and Monday, the much loved English king St Edward the Confessor (+1066) who founded Westminster Abbey and, it is said, was Lord of the Manor of Wakefield. Thursday is the memorial of St Margaret Mary Alocoque (+1690), who brought the devotion of the Sacred Heart to Paray le Monial in Burgundy. Ignatius of Antioch (Friday) wrote seven letters or epistles to the towns he passed on his way to martyrdom in Rome around 107. Fr Tim is unwell and will be away from the parish for a while- possibly a few months. This week we welcome Vicar General Msgr Michael McQuinn to celebrate some of our weekend Masses. There is one daily Mass, at one of our churches. PARISH FINANCES The finance and general purposes team who meet formally every quarter to help and advise Fr Tim will be holding the next meeting on Monday 20 October. During Fr Tim's absence we still need to monitor and maintain all the premises and facilities. No further works or projects are planned for the time being. The repairs in St Austin's are completed and we are very grateful to all parishioners who have given generously to assist the financing of this work. THE PARISH QUESTIONNAIRE Thank you to everyone who participated. Results have to be collated and analysed.. SYNOD ON THE FAMILY: A Synod of Bishops meets in Rome from today until 19 October. Around 150 Synod fathers will take part in the meeting to discuss the “pastoral challenges of the family” We are asked to pray for the Synod in our intercessions, prayers and rosaries. You can follow reports on various Catholic News services including www.news.va/thepopeapp/ OUR NEW BISHOP Pope Francis has appointed Monsignor Marcus Stock, currently the general secretary of the Bishops’ Conference, as 10th Bishop of Leeds. Details on our website, www.stmartinswakefield.org.uk- click “A New Bishop” under Parish News Bishop-elect Marcus announced that he would be ordained Bishop in Leeds Cathedral on Thursday, 13th November, and would move into Bishop's House at the end of October. Right Reverend Monsignor Marcus Stock is 53 years old and was educated at Oxford University (Theology) and the Pontifical Gregorian University (License in Dogmatic Theology), Rome. Ordained Deacon by Cardinal George Basil Hume and Ordained a Priest by Archbishop Couve de Murville in 1988 for the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Parish Priest, Dorchester-on-Thames, Bloxwich and Coleshill. Theology Tutor, Permanent Diaconate Formation: RE Teacher, European School, Culham : Assistant Director of Schools and Director of Schools, Archdiocese of Birmingham (1999-2009): General Secretary, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales (November 2009 to date NEWSLETTER NOTICES: need to arrive at the Presbytery by 1pm on Thursday. Thank you! Holy Mass & Eucharistic Adoration in the Week DAY Sat 11 Oct Sun 12 Oct TIME 5 15 – 5 45 pm 6 15 pm Vigil Mass 8 15 am Mass 9 30 am Mass 11 00 am Mass 3.30 pm Mass 6 00 pm Mass LOCATION St Austin’s St Austin’s St Austin’s English Martyrs St Austin’s St Austin’s St Austin’s INTENTION Confessions Jenny Beverley Bernard Drinkel – anniv November Dead List Thomas Butler – anniv Mon 13 Oct 12 Noon Funeral Mass 7.00 pm St Austin’s St Austin’s “Wilf” Finch RIP– Novena & Exposition St Edward the Confessor Tue 14 Oct 11 30 am 12 noon Mass English Martyrs English Martyrs Exposition Andy Campbell – RIP St Callistus I Pope and Martyr Wed 15 Oct 11 45am Funeral Mass St Austin’s Mary Irene [Renee] Kilkenny RIP St Teresa of Avila Virgin and Doctor Thu 16 Oct 11 30 am 12 noon Mass St Austin’s St Austin’s Exposition Maria Shaw – In Thanksgiving St Margaret Mary Alacoque - Virgin Fri 17 Oct 11 30 am 12 noon English Martyrs English Martyrs Exposition Ian Wensley 9 30 am St Austin’s Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion NO CONFESSIONS 6 15 pm 8 15 am Mass 9 30 am Mass 11 am Mass 6 pm Mass St Austin’s St Austin’s English Martyrs St Austin’s St Austin’s November Dead List Brid Prendergast Phyllis O’Brien – anniv Jean-Saul – anniv November Dead List Sat 18 Oct Sun 19 Oct THE POPE’s INTENTIONS FOR THIS MONTH For the guidance of the Holy Spirit at the Synod on the Family- from 5th-19th October Please pray an Angelus or Rosary for this intention SACRAMENTS Sacrament of Reconciliation St Austin’s: Saturday 10.00 – 11.00 am; Saturday 5:15-5:45 English Martyrs: on request BAPTISMS Parents wanting Baptism for their children are asked to first attend a Saturday afternoon programme: to register for the next on 17th January please contact Deacon Nick or email [email protected] Congratulations to Kitty Maebh Lloyd & Alex Christopher Hill baptised into the Church today FIRST HOLY COMMUNION will take place in June 2015. Our programme starts just before half term. If your child is Year 3 or over, you should enrol. There are programmes at each church, according to choice: If you want to follow the programme & make first Holy Communion at… St Austin’s- come on Wednesday 22nd October 7:30pm at St Austin’s Centre: OR English Martyrs Sunday 19th October after 9:30 Mass If you do not receive a letter/form from school, collect one from church. Parents must attend one of these meetings to enroll. FEAST Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time November Dead List St Ignatius of Antioch Bishop and Martyr St Luke Evangelist Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time NOVEMBER- THE MONTH OF HOLY SOULS – we may remember our deceased friends and relatives in this special month. November Dead List are at both churches for your intentions. Please enclose a note entitled “The Family and Friends of . . . “ or list the names of your loved ones. Lists will then be compiled and displayed in the sanctuary at St Austin’s for November and at English Martyrs ANNUAL PEACE VIGIL THURSDAY 16th October Wakefield Cathedral will be open all day for prayer but there will be a special service from 1-2pm with shared silence and prayers ALL WELCOME ROSARY IN WAKEFIELD CEMETERY TO PRAY FOR THE DEAD OF THIS PARISH AND THE WIDER COMMUNITY Sunday 2ND November in the old cemetery Sugar Lane 2.30pm near the graves of soldiers who died in World War One- Section K to the right of the old gates, beyond the old chapel building. 30 minutes with prayers and hymns.All are welcome to this act of remembrance for the Holy Souls, for those who have died in the past year and especially for our war dead in this 100th anniversary year. GREAT WAR CENTENARY –it is 100 years since war was declared. Along with the rest of the country, the Catholic community here in Wakefield suffered great losses. We intend to honour these young men, who died for our freedom, by remembering them on the centenary anniversary of their death. Details of these will be published in the bulletin. The first of our 84 parishioners was Private George Gollick of KOYLI who died in France on 18 October 1914 aged 28, older brother of Sam Gollick, who was killed in action on 24 April 1918. They lived in Charlotte Street, Wakefield. RIP ST MARTIN’S PARISH NOTICES PARISH DIARY week beginning October 5th Monday Tuesday Players Panto 7:30 SA Wednesday Thursday Prayer & Share Wednesday Friends Scripture Study Prayer & Praise Parents & Toddlers Thursday Club Singing for Pleasure 9:00am EM 2pm SA1 7:30pm SA2 6:30 EM 9-11 SA 12:30 SA 1:30 SA1 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL – the next meeting on Tuesday 14 October is POSTPONED. SVP SPONSORED WALK Walk completed successfully on Sunday 28th September 2014 - Phew! Outstanding sponsorship monies pledged will be gratefully received either direct to Mike Starford or alternatively place in envelope endorsed 'SVP Walk' and post through Presbytery letter box. Many thanks for your support - Mike Starford SVP CHARITY SHOP, KIRKGATE, WAKEFIELD Are you able to spare some time in the week as a volunteer helping out in the SVP Charity Shop on Kirkgate? It would be greatly appreciated. Hours to suit your timetable. Please leave contact details with the manager at the shop premises. UNITED YOUTH EVENT & FIREWORKS Our United Youth Event is back on Saturday November 8th at St George’s Church, Lupset, from 6-8pm -a great chance to make and meet like minded friends, worship God and be encouraged in our faith. We will be playing games, worshipping and hearing a short talk in Church before a Fireworks Display There will be food and refreshments available to buy. Our Group is invited- see Angela Caines OTHER NOTICES PRAISE: Sunday 2nd November 2pm to 5pm (1.30 – 2.00, sign in and coffee). A time of praise, teaching and reflection at the Church of St Mary & St Monica Bradford Old Road, Cottingley, Bingley, BD16 1SA. Speaker: Sr Mary Bernard Potter. For further information call Paddy Spiller 01274 566332 or see website for Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Leeds Diocese, www.ccrleeds.org.uk MUSIC & MUSICIANS! ORGANISTS: Sunday 12 October 2014, 2-4pm St Patrick‚s Church, Huddersfield, HD1 5JY Led by Benjamin Saunders, Diocesan Director of Music- accompanying the chant of the mass, responsorial psalms and hymns. Bring a piece of organ music they would like to work on for the second hour! MUSIC LEADERS/CHOIRS/CANTORS Saturday 1 November 2014, 10am-2pm Wheeler Hall, Leeds Cathedral, LS2 8BE Led by Daniel Justin and Thomas Leech, - leading music in parishes -you will be invited to sing the 12noon Mass in the Cathedral. Musical resources will be available to purchase. A DIARY DATE: The composer MARTY HAUGEN (whose music we use here) is coming to St Benedicts Garforth on Thursday November 20th at 7:30 for a musical evening for all interested in parish music- more soon. BLESSED JOHN ANNE, a Wakefield Martyr. The ancestral home of the Anne family was Burghwallis Hall near Doncaster. Until Tuesday September 30 2014, it was a Catholic Residential Home. Now it has closed, a small group of parishioners, who for several years have held Blessed John Anne prayer meetings, are trying to find ways for this ancient building to retain its Catholic witness and Mission. To join us, or for more information, please contact Cynthia Bressani, tel: 01302 702919, email: [email protected]" Would our COLLECTORS please carry out a COUNT at each Mass as required by the Bishops’ Conference, on each Sunday of OCTOBER. Thanks- sheets at back. PONTIFEX- Words from Pope Francis at the SYNOD To search for that which today the Lord asks of His Church, we must lend our ears to the beat of this time and perceive the “scent” of the people today, so as to remain permeated with their joys and hopes, by their sadness and distress, at which time we will know how to propose the good news of the family with credibility. The secret lies in a gaze: and it is the third gift that we implore with our prayer. Because, if we truly intend to walk among contemporary challenges, the decisive condition is to maintain a fixed gaze on Jesus Christ – Lumen Gentium – (the Light of All) and to pause in contemplation and in adoration of His Face. If we assume his way of thinking, of living and of relating, we will never tire of translating the Synod’s work into guidelines and paths for the pastoral care of the person and of the family. In fact, every time we return to the source of Christian experience, new paths and un-thought of possibilities open up. This is what the Gospel hints at: “Do whatever he tells you.” AN EXHIBITION of Models of Six of Wakefield’s Historic Buildings made in the Day Therapy Unit at Wakefield Hospital there on Wednesday and Thursday 15 and 16 October 11 am to 3 pm. Talks about the buildings by Kate Taylor at 11 30 am on Wednesday and 2 pm on Thursday. Admission free. Tea\coffee and biscuits available. Donations to Wakefield Hospice welcome. Flyers in both churches CHURCHES TOGETHER IN WAKEFIELD CANON MICHAEL RAWSON of Wakefield Cathedral and Vice-Chair of Churches Together has been appointed s Sub Dean and Canon Pastor of Southwark (Anglican) Cathedral and Minister in Charge of St Hugh, Bermondsey. 16th October ANNUAL PEACE VIGIL with a different format: Wakefield Cathedral will be open all day for prayer but there will be a special service from 1-2pm with shared silence and prayers. 23rd December CTW Carol Singing 18th-25th January: Christian Unity Week More information about Churches Together on: www.churches-together-wakefield.org.uk ST AUSTIN’S SCHOOL: Teacher Year 5/6 The Governors are seeking to appoint an excellent classroom teacher – see flyers on notice boards LEEDS TRINITY University – Public Lecture – “Spreading the Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis and missionary Discipleship Today” by Professor Stephen B Bevans on Thursday 16 October 2014 6 30 pm for 7 pm. For more details please see the posters in both churches. PRISONERS: this is a day of prayer allocated by the church for prisoners & their dependents. Prisoners are paying a debt to society, and we pray that they will find new pathsbut please remember their families who suffer in these situations in a number of ways. PACT was formally the Bourne Trust founded by in 1898 under the patronage of Cardinal Bourne. CATHOLIC CARE is having their AGM on Thursday, 6th November 2014 at 2pm in the Little Sisters of the Poor please accept this invitation. See posters in both churches FORTHCOMING DATES FOR YOUR DIARY NOVEMBER Saturday 8th: Lourdes Fund Apple Day 10.00-2.00 EM DECEMBER Saturday 6th Lourdes Craft Day 10am EM Friday 12th Christmas Fayre EM School Sunday 21st Chris tingle Service EM PARISH COLLECTIONS: THANK YOU! Envelopes: Loose: Standing Orders: Total: CAFOD Suzy Fund: £775.90 £725.66 £750.19 £2251.75 £495.90 £151.4
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