The Parish of St Martin de Porres, Wakefield Weekly . St Austin’s Wentworth Terrace, WF1 3QN Prayer St Martin de Porres Pray for us Please pray for the faithful departed, especially those whose anniversaries are at this time. Please pray: -for our Holy Father, Pope Francis and for Benedict, Pope Emeritus; -for our new Bishop, Marcus; -for Elliott Wright, Tim Whitwell and Nicholas Palmer & all who are exploring vocations to the priesthood & religious life; -for peace in the world, especially in the land of Christ’s birth; -for those who died in the Glasgow tragedy, and their families - for the victims of war & terrorism especially those recently killed in Australia and Pakistan; -for immigrants, for the displaced, asylum seekers & refugees; Bulletin English Martyrs Dewsbury Road, WF2 9DD The Holy Family: 28th December 2014 Christmas Time: Week 1 “the Lord is With You!” The Christian season of Christmas is here! The Octaveeight days- of Christmas itself ends next Thursday, New Year’s Day. Christmas decorations may be left up until Epiphany- the following Sunday- or the Baptism of the Lord, the Sunday after, when the season ends. In our first Sunday Reading, from Ecclesiasticus (sometimes called Sirach), there is Wisdom for every Christian family. The response is a a beautiful Psalm of praise for God’s families. In the second reading, Paul has family advice: the beginning of the third paragraph is “of its time”: but overall, there are lessons for today.The GOSPEL from Luke is a family affair: the young Jesus is presented in the temple by his family, with remarkable reaction. These are readings about family life, especially the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Like Simeon and Anna, those who have put their hope in God will recognize the messiah when he comes. Daily readings at Mass continue the Christmas and Epiphany theme taken from John’s first letter, with Gospels relating to the Epiphany or “manifestation” of Jesus as Messiah. The Solemnity of the Epiphany itself is celebrated on 4th January. New Year’s Day is the World Day of Prayer for Peace instituted by Blessed Paul VI: come to Mass on that day and pray for this new year, and for peace in our troubled world. It is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother Of God, whose intercession we seek. Three saints: Monday is the memorial of St Thomas Becket (+1170), patron of our secondary school, who put duty to God’s church before state and was accordingly martyred by his friend the king. On Friday, we remember SS Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, great fourth century doctors of the church, of east and west. Fr Tim, Fr Michael and Dcn Nick thank you for your very kind words and great generosity at Christmas and wish -for all who are homeless at Christmas; everyone the joy and peace of this -for unity Christians; great celebration- amongst -for The Wednesday Word mission; -for the new national “Proclaim” initiative; -for our schools: to be academically excellent and passionately Catholic; -for human life & for the vulnerable, particularly the unborn, the sick & elderly; -for the sick & housebound and those in hospital and the hospice; -for the victims of Ebola and those caring for them; -for the unemployed and the hungry; -for all who have given their lives in wars. Prayer of the Church: Christmas & Wk1 God amongst us. CONGRATULATIONS to Elliott Wright who became a Candidate for the Priesthood on Friday (19th) December. This is a major step towards priesthood for Elliott. Please do continue to keep him in your prayers. Rev Anthony Rosso will be ordained priest by Bishop Stock on 2nd February 2015 at St Agnes, Naples, Florida. Anthony, 29, was brought up in the United States, and will complete his studies in Rome in July. He did a summer pastoral placement in this parish in 2012. DIOCESAN DIRECTORIES are now available- £3 and £4 SUZY FUND: thanks for your contributions throughout the year, which, despite everything, have shown a steady increase. Last week this parish of St Martin de Porres gave the generous total of £259.23 (including £37.62 -half the proceeds of the at the Christingle at English Martyrs). A further £200 was given in memory of Mrs Kathleen Plachinski whom some will remember. Thank you for your generosity this year. Many, many children around the world have benefitted. YOUTH GROUP Friday 2nd January 7 to 8.30pm at English Martyrs. Year 7 and above welcome. Fr Timothy Swinglehurst: Fr Michael Kelly: Dcn Nick Shields Parish Office: 6 Wentworth Terrace, Wakefield, WF1 3QN 01924 372080 email:[email protected] website: Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity 249404 Holy Mass & Devotions in the Week DAY TIME LOCATION INTENTION Sat 27 Dec 10.00 am Mass 10.30 – 11.00 am St Austin’s St Austin’s K. & O.M. – Special Intention Exposition and Confessions 5.15 – 5.45 pm 6.15 pm Vigil Mass St Austin’s St Austin’s Confessions Sick Person 8.15 am Mass 9.30 am Mass St Austin’s English Martyrs 11.00 am Mass 3.30 pm Mass 6.00 pm Mass St Austin’s St Austin’s St Austin’s November Dead List Maureen Griffiths – Anniversary Jim Campbell – Anniversary Charles Hepworth – Anniversary Polish Mass People of the Parish 10.00 am Mass St Austin’s 7.00 pm St Austin’s Donald Dawkins – RIP Mary Wade - RIP Thomas Joyce - Anniversary Novena & Exposition Tue 30 Dec 10.00 am Mass English Martyrs Rebecca Frances - Birthday Wed 31 Dec 10.00 am 10.00 – 11.00 am St Austin’s Liturgy of the Word& Communion Exposition 10.00 pm Mass St Austin’s Mary Elizabeth Aston – Anniv. Winifred McCarthy - Anniversary Thu 1 Jan 10.00 am Mass St Austin’s Joyce Gilroy - Intentions Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God Fri 2 Jan 10.00 am Mass English Martyrs Private Intention Ss Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen, Sat 3 Jan 10.00 am Mass 10.30 am – 11.00 am St Austin’s St Austin’s Sheila Whitworth – Bday Anniv. The Most Holy Name of Jesus 5.15 – 5.45 pm 6.15 pm Vigil Mass St Austin’s St Austin’s Angela Pearson - Anniversary 8.15 am Mass 9.30 am Mass 11.00 am Mass 3.30 pm Mass 6.00 pm Mass St Austin’s English Martyrs St Austin’s St Austin’s St Austin’s Private Intention People of the Parish November Dead List Polish Mass Thomas Steele - RIP Sun 28 Dec Mon 29 Dec Sun 4 Jan SACRAMENTS Sacrament of Reconciliation St Austin’s: Saturday 10.00 – 11.00 am; Saturday 5:15-5:45 English Martyrs: on request BAPTISMSLAST CALL Parents wanting Baptism for their children are asked to first attend a Saturday afternoon programme: to register for the next on 17th January please contact Deacon Nick TODAY or e-mail [email protected] CONFIRMATION GROUP 2015 CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES: next meeting Friday 16th January 7.15 to 8.45. A list of the monthly meeting dates will be emailed to you within the next few weeks. If you require any information contact 01924 360271 or 07740438515 or email [email protected] Angela Caines, Simon Bolton, Dannie Crook & Fr Michael FEAST The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph St Thomas Becket, Bishop & Martyr Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God The Epiphany of the Lord THE POPE’s INTENTIONS FOR THIS MONTH That the Birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope to all people of goodwill Please pray an Angelus or Rosary for this intention PONTIFEX: words for the Holy Family from Pope Francis “Every Christian family – as Mary and Joseph did – must first welcome Jesus, listen to Him, speak with Him, shelter Him, protect Him, grow with Him; and in this way, make the world better. Let us make space in our heart and in our days for the Lord. This is what Mary and Joseph did, and it was not easy: how many difficulties they had to overcome! It was not a false or unreal family. The family of Nazareth calls to us to rediscover the vocation and the mission of the family, of every family. And so what happened in those thirty years in Nazareth can also happen to us: making love, not hate, normal; mutual help common, instead of indifference and hostility. It is not by chance that Nazareth means 'she who preserves', like Mary who, as the Gospel tells us, 'treasured all these things in her heart'. From then on, whenever there is a family that preserves this mystery, even if it should be at the outer reaches of the world, the mystery of the Son of God is at work. And He comes to save the world”. ST MARTIN’S PARISH NOTICES PARISH DIARY Most of our regular groups are having a break over Christmas & New Year. Next meetings which we know of are: Youth Club EM 2nd Jan 7pm UCM: EM: 5th January New Years Party Film Clubs SA 7th January 6:30 Prayer & Share: EM: 7th January Prayer & Praise EM 7th January CWL SA 7thJanuary Singing for Pleasure SA: 8th January The next Monthly Day of Adoration is on 5th February and the next Friday Evening Taize Prayer is on 30th January. PROCLAIM 15: BUILDING MISSIONARY PARISHES is the name of a new national Bishops’ initiative being launched in 2015 to support the development of parish evangelisation. It is inspired by Pope Francis’ writings and has five parts which include: the provision of free parish small group materials; the organization of a National Catholic Evangelisation Conference in Birmingham -11 July; an invitation to parishes to host a parish Prayer Vigil on the night of 11 July 2015; the invitation to dioceses, deaneries and parishes to have their own Proclaim ’15 event in the autumn the publication of new evangelisation resources Please do get involved! Diocesan contact: Bernard Martin [email protected] 01924 785091 0r 07858 257839. REQUIEM MASS for the repose of the soul of Richard, Duke of York who was killed at the Battle of Wakefield on 30th December 1460. Mass in the Extraordinary Form will be sung in the Chantry Chapel on Tuesday 30th December at 7.00p.m. St Austin's Choir will be singing, along with the Leeds Schola. Admission by ticket (free) as numbers are limited. More information on 01924 364135 or from [email protected] 200+ Club: Our Christmas winner of £175 is Ewa Billam, no. 114. Winners of £20 were Michelle Watson 226, Michael Brown 40 and Sarah Kimber 53. I will collect at the end of January. Thanks to all. Bernard TURKEY & CAROLS we had an enjoyable evening carol singing and feasting on Turkey sandwiches at English Martyrs. Thank you to everyone who helped to make the evening a success and also added £87.60 to our Lourdes fund….. CAROLS For CTW Thanks too to all our own singers who supported the event at Trinity Walk on 23rdDecember which raised £233.01 for the homeless and destitute. CHRISTINGLE Thanks to all who supported and prepared this enjoyable pre-Christmas event at English Martyrs- a celebration of light. We were able to send contributions to Suzy and the Children’s Society FILM CLUB – next will be the classic "12 Angry Men" with a superb cast led by Henry Fonda, Lee J Cobb, Ed Begley and Jack Klugman. Wednesday 7 January 2015 - 6 30 pm for a 7 pm start in St Austin's Community Centre. Hot drinks and cash bar plus ice creams available before the film and during the interval. All very welcome. No charge but donations appreciated Don't forget to bring a friend! BEV SICE: many will know Beverley Sice, who works in the Education service at Hinsley Hall, who is ill and having treatment. She writes “Can I thank you all for the emails, cards and flowers but most of all for your prayers and all the Masses and Novenas that have been offered for me. We have been overwhelmed by all the kindness shown to us.” LEPROSY MISSION is still collecting used stamps at either church PLEASE LET US HAVE BULLETIN ITEMS by Thursday Noon - by e-mail or delivery to Parish Office. PASTORAL LETTER : FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY At all Masses celebrated this weekend in the churches and chapels of the Diocese of Leeds, a Pastoral Letter from Bishop Marcus will be read for the Feast of the Holy Family. At the same time, all the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales are inviting you in the year ahead to pray and reflect with them on how the wonderful gift of marriage and family life can be more fully at the heart of the mission of the Church. A document has been produced by the Bishops to help focus that prayer and reflection. It will be available to be read or downloaded from the: Bishops’ Conference website: ( ; or Leeds Diocese website ( or the link on the Parish website: If you wish to share any reflection you make, you are most welcome to do so. This should be sent the Bishop’s Secretary at Bishop’s House, 13 North Grange Road, Leeds, LS6 2BR or Email: [email protected] WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR PEACE- 1st January 2015 “The work of Christmas begins: to find the lostto heal the broken- to feed the hungry- to release the prisoner- to rebuild the nations- to bring peace among people- to make music in the heart. “ PAX CHRISTI Pope Francis’ Message for this day is “No Longer Slaves, but Brothers and Sisters” in which he highlights the issue of human trafficking and modern slavery. Read the full story on OTHER NOTICES CHURCHES TOGETHER IN WAKEFIELD 18th-25th January: Christian Unity Week: The United Service for the city on 18th will be at English Martyrs Church at 6pm. Daily Lunchtime Services Monday-Friday including St Austin’s NEW YEAR 2015 NEW YEAR’s EVE 10pm Mass in St Austin’s Church followed by a bring and share social afterwards in the Community Centre. Hot drinks will be available and there will be a cash bar. All welcome. 10pm at English Martyrs Centre: a social to see in the new year - bring and share. Short vigil for peace before midnight PARISH COLLECTIONS: THANK YOU! Envelopes: Loose: Standing Orders: Total: £707.76 £654.50 £750.19 £2,112.45 Suzy Fund: £259.23 (including £37.62 from the Christingle Service & £32 from the Wednesday Friends: thank you very much).
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