A TIME WITH CHILDREN ORDER OF SERVICE KC Warren *(All who are able, please stand) THE WORD OF GOD READ AND PROCLAIMED Prayer for Illumination: Duncan Bullard WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Scripture: Epistle Reading, Philippians 4:1-9 Responsive Reading, Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23 Gospel Reading, Matthew 22:1-14 PRELUDE CHORAL INTROIT *CALL TO WORSHIP One: You have been called to the banquet. All: This is the feast. One: You have been summoned to the wedding. All: This is the feast of life and light. One: From the streets and the byways, God has invited us. All: We have come to the banquet that has no end. Alleluia! Amen! *HYMN 401, “Here in This Place” GATHER US IN PRAYER OF CONFESSION All: If we have been too busy to notice deeds that are beautiful and good; or too preoccupied to say ‘thank you’ or ‘I love you,’ Lord have mercy. If we have been too stubborn to apologize for our mistakes, too proud to do inconspicuous tasks, or too independent to let others help us, Christ have mercy. If we have been too selfdemanding to enjoy a task well done though not perfectly; or too proudly humble to gracefully accept thanks from a colleague, Lord have mercy. Forgive us for hurts we have inflicted on others, and for the love we have denied them and ourselves. By the grace of Jesus Christ, restore us to the joy of your salvation. (Silent prayer and private confession) Hymnal, 579 KYRIE Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. THE ASSURANCE OF PARDON *GLORY, GLORY, GLORY Hymnal, 584 Glory, glory, glory, glory be to God on high! And on earth peace to all people in whom God is well pleased. *THE PASSING OF THE PEACE One: The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. All: And also with you. Sermon Duncan Bullard Julie Bailey *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Confession of 1967 (9.15) All: We acknowledge that God’s sovereign love is a mystery beyond the reach of human minds. We ascribe to God superlatives of power, wisdom, and goodness. But in Jesus Christ God reveals love by showing power in the form of a servant, wisdom in the folly of the cross, and goodness in receiving sinful people. The power of God’s love in Christ transforms the world and discloses that the Redeemer is the Lord and Creator who made all things to serve the purpose of his love. *HYMN 482, “Baptized in Water” BUNESSAN THE BAPTISM OF JOHN FELIX VANDER LINDE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER OFFERING OFFERTORY “Sing to the Lord” Mollicone Sing to the Lord, sing his praise, all ye peoples, New be your song as new honors ye pay; Sing of his majesty, bless him forever, show his salvation from day to day. Tell of his wondrous works, tell of his glory, Till through the nations his name is revered; Praise and exalt him, he is almighty, God over all: let the Lord be feared. Sing to the Lord, sing his praise, all ye peoples, New be your song as new honors ye pay; Sing of his majesty, bless him forever, Show his salvation from day to day. Vain are the heathen gods, idols and helpless, God made the heavens and his glory they tell; Honor and majesty shine out before him, Beauty and strength in his temple dwell. Sing to the Lord, sing his praise, all ye peoples, New be your song as new honors ye pay; Sing of his majesty, bless him forever, Show his salvation from day to day, show his salvation from day to day. Bless him forever! Bless him forever! Hymnal, 606 *DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING *HYMN 822, “When We Are Living” SOMOS DEL SEÑOR 166 Poplar Avenue • Memphis, Tennessee 38103 • 901-525-5619 Established 1828 *BENEDICTION *CHORAL RESPONSE *POSTLUDE Pastor: The Reverend Julie Bailey Spiritual Director: The Reverend Stephanie Bussey-Spencer Patton Pastor Emeritus: The Reverend C. V. “Bo” Scarborough Director of Music and Organist: Robert Klingbeil Children’s Sermon: KC Warren Lay Reader: Duncan Bullard SERVICE FOR THE LORD’S DAY THE EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2014 SESSION MEMBERS Jan Bullard Su Hartline Tom Priggel KC Warren Chad Dickson Robert Klingbeil Nate Vander Linde Misti Weaver Virgil Griffith Carrie Muldavin Milton Ward Bill York Visit us online at: www.firstpresmemphis.org www.facebook.com/firstpresmemphis First Presbyterian Church is a congregation of The Presbytery of the Mid-South, Synod of Living Waters of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) FOR YOUR INFORMATION AND CONSIDERATION TO OUR VISITORS - We welcome you to this service of worship and extend an invitation to return whenever possible. If you are seeking a church home, we invite you to join the First Pres family! A member of the Welcome Team would love to meet with you and help you to learn more about First Presbyterian Church and about church membership. Stop by the choir room on the first floor after today’s worship service and speak to Robert Klingbeil or Tom Priggel, or contact the church office during the week at 525-5619. THIS MORNING, WE WILL SHARE THE SACRAMENT OF INFANT BAPTISM WITH JOHN FELIX VANDER LINDE, infant son of Nate and Rebecca Vander Linde. Please join us for a reception in the chapel immediately following worship to celebrate with the Vander Linde family! OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY is extended to the family and loved ones of A. G. “Gray” Burkhart, who passed away on September 21, 2014. BECAUSE YOU GIVE… we worship, we grow in faith and we serve God and neighbor in the heart of downtown Memphis. In 2015, we expect to enhance our ministries and much, much more here at First Pres! Stewardship letters were mailed this week; you will receive a pledge card and additional contact from a church member soon as well. This is a time for laying new foundations, renewal, enthusiasm and faith in the future of our church, and we hope you will prayerfully consider a generous pledge for 2015 to help us achieve our mission of bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God. STEWARDSHIP COMMITMENT SUNDAY IS OCTOBER 26. “VOICE YOUR VOTE” - The Session has approved the use of our facility for an early voting event called “Voice Your Vote” on Saturday, October 18, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. This is a family-friendly event with free food, musical entertainment, a bounce house and information on Amendment 1, which is on our ballot this year. Guests will be encouraged to parade across Poplar and vote at the Election Commission office that day. “Voice Your Vote” is being organized across our state on October 18, by Healthy and Free Tennessee, a coalition whose mission is “to promote sexual health and reproductive freedom in Tennessee by advancing policies and practices which recognize these elements as essential to the overall well-being of our citizens.” KC Warren would be happy to answer any questions about the coalition or event, or you can check out their website at http://healthyandfreetn.org. ALL-CHURCH CAMP IS NOVEMBER 14-16 AT PINECREST. Mark your calendars now – the details will be coming soon! MARRIAGE MATTERS – Covenant Network’s Southeast Regional Conference, MARRIAGE MATTERS: Why it Matters to the Church, will be held at Idlewild Presbyterian Church on Saturday, November 8. Join keynote speaker Larry Owens and The Reverend Lucy Catherine Strong to reflect on what marriage means to the lives of God’s children and how we can ensure its blessings to all families. There will be worship, workshops, fellowship and an opportunity to think together about the upcoming Presbytery consideration of Amendment 14-F. Cost for the day, which includes a light breakfast and lunch, is $30. KC Warren would be happy to answer questions about the event. To register, go to: http://covnetpres.org/memphis-tn-regional-conference/ DATES AND MEETINGS Today 12:00 pm 12:15 pm Mon., Oct. 13 Tue., Oct. 14 Wed., Oct. 15 Sat., Oct. 11 Sun., Oct. 12 2:00 2:30 9:00 8:30 6:15 pm pm am am pm 6:45 9:00 7:00 11:00 9:30 10:30 pm am pm am am am 11:00 am 2:00 pm 2:30 pm Reception Celebrating the Baptism of John Felix Vander Linde Outreach Committee Meeting in the Church Parlor Birth Certificates Soup Kitchen Food Stamps Outreach State ID’s Pastor Julie’s Tuesday Bible Study at Republic Coffee Session Meeting Food Stamps Outreach Choir Rehearsal “Voice Your Vote” Event Sunday School Coffee & Fellowship, Choir Rehearsal Worship Birth Certificates Soup Kitchen, Clothes Closet LECTIONARY READINGS FOR SUNDAY, OCT 19, 2014: Exodus 33:12-23 Psalm 99 I Thessalonians 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22 PLEASE PRAY FOR . . . PLEASE PRAY FOR . . . THE PRAYER FAMILY OF THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 12: TERRI, MARK AND ANDREW BROWN. Each person in the congregation is asked to pray for them during the coming week. THE PRAYER FAMILY OF THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 12: TERRI, MARK AND ANDREW BROWN. Each person in the congregation is asked to pray for them during the coming week. THE CONCERNS OF OUR CONGREGATION: • Ruth Bauer • The Family of Gray Burkhart • LeAnn Fowler • Jimmy Loosier • Roberta Miller and Family • Carrie Muldavin and Family • Chuck Polinski • Carol Worthington • Mary Yarbrough’s stepson and his wife • Our shut-in members • Our homeless neighbors THE CONCERNS OF OUR CONGREGATION: • Ruth Bauer • The Family of Gray Burkhart • LeAnn Fowler • Jimmy Loosier • Roberta Miller and Family • Carrie Muldavin and Family • Chuck Polinski • Carol Worthington • Mary Yarbrough’s stepson and his wife • Our shut-in members • Our homeless neighbors THE CONCERNS OF OUR SOUP KITCHEN GUESTS: • Sharon prays for strength. • Gene prays for us all. • Freida prays for her family members, who are grieving following the death of her grandmother. • Rico thanks God for Jesus Christ and prays for financial support, for a job, for his driver’s license, for his situation to get better, for a girlfriend, and for help for those who cannot help themselves. • Chadwick prays for God to bless his family, friends and loved ones. • Tomond prays for someone to call and pray with him. • John prays for God to bless and keep him, in Jesus’ holy name. THE CONCERNS OF OUR SOUP KITCHEN GUESTS: • Sharon prays for strength. • Gene prays for us all. • Freida prays for her family members, who are grieving following the death of her grandmother. • Rico thanks God for Jesus Christ and prays for financial support, for a job, for his driver’s license, for his situation to get better, for a girlfriend, and for help for those who cannot help themselves. • Chadwick prays for God to bless his family, friends and loved ones. • Tomond prays for someone to call and pray with him. • John prays for God to bless and keep him, in Jesus’ holy name.
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