KC Warren A TIME WITH CHILDREN ORDER OF SERVICE *(All who are able, please stand) THE WORD OF GOD READ AND PROCLAIMED Prayer for Illumination: Elizabeth Cooper WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS PRELUDE CHORAL INTROIT *CALL TO WORSHIP One: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you. One: In our gracious God, the widowed find someone who cares, All: the orphaned find a parent, the fearful find a friend. One: In God, the wounded find a healer, All: the penitent find a pardon, the burdened find a counselor. One: And if some have come to say, “Help me,” All: and if some have come to say, “Save me,” One: and if some have come to say, “Hold me,” All: and if some have come to say, “Forgive me,” One: we all come together in confidence to worship a loving God. All: Let us worship God. *HYMN 450, “Be Thou My Vision” SLANE PRAYER OF CONFESSION All: Merciful God, you know that we stumble and fall. Engaged in other pleasures, we forget our calling. We lose sight of that moment when we first met you, that moment when we first recognized you. And yet, again and again, you walk alongside us, guiding with a firm and gentle hand. We know we are forgiven and we know we have been healed. Today we pray again that our hearts and minds and all that we say and do, will reflect your glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Silent prayer and private confession) KYRIE Hymnal, 551 Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy upon us. THE ASSURANCE OF PARDON *ALLELUIA *THE PASSING OF THE PEACE One: The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. All: And also with you. Scripture: Elizabeth Cooper Old Testament Reading, Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Responsive Reading, Psalm 111 Epistle Reading, I Corinthians 8:1-13 Gospel Reading, Mark 1:21-28 One: All: The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Sermon Julie Bailey *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles’ Creed All: I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. *HYMN 436, “God of Compassion, in Mercy Befriend Us” INVITATION TO THE LORD’S TABLE THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER One: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you. One: Lift up your hearts. All: We lift them to the Lord. One: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. All: It is right to give our thanks and praise. Sung response: Hymnal, 587 O QUANTA QUALIA Hymnal, 552 Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest. PRAYER OFFERING OFFERTORY Bach “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” Jesu, joy of man’s desiring, holy wisdom, love most bright, Drawn by thee, our souls aspiring, soar to uncreated light. Word of God our flesh that fashioned with the fire of life impassioned, Striving still to truth unknown, soaring, dying round thy throne. Through the way where hope is guiding, hark what peaceful music rings, Where the flock in thee confiding, drink of joy from deathless springs. Theirs is beauty’s fairest pleasure, theirs is wisdom’s holiest treasure. Thou dost ever lead thine own, in the love of joys unknown. Hymnal, 606 *DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. 166 Poplar Avenue • Memphis, Tennessee 38103 • 901-525-5619 Established 1828 *PRAYER OF DEDICATION *HYMN 65, “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” CWM RHONDDA *BENEDICTION *CHORAL RESPONSE *POSTLUDE SERVICE FOR THE LORD’S DAY Pastor: The Reverend Julie Bailey Spiritual Director: The Reverend Stephanie Bussey-Spencer Patton Pastor Emeritus: The Reverend C. V. “Bo” Scarborough Director of Music and Organist: Robert Klingbeil Children’s Sermon: KC Warren Lay Reader: Elizabeth Cooper FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 SESSION MEMBERS Tony Botto Sally Heinz Martha Shepard KC Warren Vicki Freutel Robert Klingbeil Nate Vander Linde Misti Weaver Virgil Griffith Carol Rakestraw Milton Ward Bill York Visit us online at: www.firstpresmemphis.org www.facebook.com/firstpresmemphis First Presbyterian Church is a congregation of The Presbytery of the Mid-South, Synod of Living Waters of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) FOR YOUR INFORMATION AND CONSIDERATION TO OUR VISITORS - We welcome you to this service of worship and extend an invitation to return whenever possible. If you are seeking a church home, we invite you to join the First Pres family! We would love to meet with you and help you to learn more about First Presbyterian Church and about church membership. Speak to Pastor Julie after today’s worship service or contact the church office during the week at 525-5619. BREAD PICKUP FOR THE SOUP KITCHEN – Panera Bread in Cordova donates bread every week to our Soup Kitchen. The Outreach Committee is looking for one or more volunteers to pick up the bread every Thursday night at Panera Bread and then deliver it to the church on Friday. If you are interested in performing this good deed to help us feed the homeless, please call Mickey Woodham, Outreach Committee Chair at 486-3740, or contact the church office. LUNCH IN THE SOUP KITCHEN TODAY FOR SOUPER BOWL OF CARING SUNDAY - We will meet as a congregation in the fellowship hall immediately following worship and enjoy the soup prepared by our hard-working Soup Kitchen staff. They will make extra just for us, and they enjoy serving us the delicious soup and sharing their stories of helping and ministering to the homeless each week. Please plan to stay, share the meal and meet our Soup Kitchen staff and volunteers. It is a good time to say thank-you for the work they do in the name of Christ each Sunday afternoon. FAT TUESDAY AT PINECREST - Tuesday, February 17 – 11:30am 1:30pm , $10 Featuring singer/musician/native of New Orleans: Karen Schowalter Cooper. Come individually or as a group to enjoy the bounty of Shrove Tuesday, that day before Ash Wednesday when we clean out our pantries to prepare for Lent. Pancakes, egg casserole, beignets, chocolate gravy, and more. Reservations by 2/11/15, 901.878.1247 or [email protected] PRESBYTERIAN YOUTH CONNECTION (PYC) RETREAT AT PINECREST – February 27-March 1 - $105. “Peace b w/ u”, led by The Reverend Jarad Bingham. For middle and high school students and their advisers, PYC retreat is a Presbytery favorite. Come with one or two students or an entire youth group. You’ll find friends, fun, and how to develop inner peace through Jesus Christ. Reservations by 2/13/15, 901.878.1246 or [email protected] SHOE BOXES AND PLASTIC CLOTHES HANGERS NEEDED FOR THE CLOTHES CLOSET - If you have extra shoe boxes and plastic clothes hangers crowding your closet, please bring them to church and put them in the underwear bin in the chapel. No wire hangers, please. SPRING CAMP OUT AT PINECREST – March 20-21 – 6:30pm10:30am - $40/adult, $30/kid. For elementary-aged kids and their favorite adults. Some churches bring entire groups, some come individually. Come for s’mores, fun games, scavenger hunts, arts and crafts, and sleeping in cabins. It’s a great chance to check out camp for the summer, too. Reservations by 3/12/15, 901.878.1247 or [email protected] DATES AND MEETINGS Today 12:00 pm Mon. Feb. 2 Tue., Feb. 3 Wed., Feb. 4 Thu., Feb. 5 Sun., Feb. 8 2:00 2:30 9:00 8:30 6:15 9:00 7:00 12:00 pm pm am am pm am pm pm 9:30 10:30 11:00 2:00 2:30 am am am pm pm Congregational Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall Birth Certificates Soup Kitchen, Clothes Closet Food Stamps Outreach State ID Program Bible Study at Republic Coffee Food Stamps Outreach Choir Rehearsal First Thursday Luncheon at the Holiday Inn-University of Memphis Sunday School Coffee, Choir Rehearsal Worship Birth Certificates Soup Kitchen Valentine’s Day Party, Clothes Closet LECTIONARY READINGS FOR SUNDAY, FEB. 8, 2015: Isaiah 40:21-31 Psalm 147:1-11, 20c I Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39 PLEASE PRAY FOR . . . THE PRAYER FAMILY OF THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 1: ELLA EMERY. Each person in the congregation is asked to pray for her during the coming week. THE CONCERNS OF OUR CONGREGATION: • Ruth Bauer • The granddaughter of Mary Alice Bram • Jim Evans • LeAnn Fowler • Deborah Gardner • Tristan Leggett • Gonzales Martos • Pat Massey • Don Nunlee • Chuck Polinski • Johnny Sanders • Jessica Strong • Paul Walker • Doris Webster • Micah Winkle • Carol Worthington • Mary Yarbrough’s stepson and his wife • Our shut-in members • Our homeless neighbors PLEASE PRAY FOR . . . THE CONCERNS OF OUR SOUP KITCHEN GUESTS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Perry prays that God will bless him with a place to live. Terance prays to get back with his family and closer to God. Antawan prays for a better place to stay, for health, wisdom, and knowledge, and for a better education. Larry prays for his family. Matthew prays to get his house and car. Jennifer prays for herself, her family, and for her boyfriend who is in recovery for drugs. Helen prays for strength in the Lord for her journey. Robbie prays to stay focused on the Lord. Augusta prays to get her apartment and asks God to take care of her family. Tyler prays for health, strength and peace. Keith prays for healing for his friend Cheree and prays also for her family. Ozzie prays for peace. B prays for family. Anthony prays to keep his place to stay, and for good results from his doctor’s visit. Augusta prays to walk with Jesus every day and prays for his family. Lila prays for a house and for good health. Marlon prays to remain on stable ground and to find his meaning in life. DeMario prays to get his friends back in school. Chad prays to get a job. Eddie thanks God for his perfect plan and hopes that the plan is revealed soon. Barbara prays that she and her family will live by the Lord’s light. Yusuf prays for a home and for his wife to get a job. Esther is thankful to be here. Charles prays for himself and for his brother Larry.
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