Judul TIU TIK Materi Modul Penyeleksian Ganjil 2014/2015 Mahasiswa memahami Konsep Penyeleksian 1. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan perintah dalam percabangan 2. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan perintah dalam percabangan bersarang A conditional is a programming statement executed only if a specific condition is met. The most basic conditional in Java is the if keyword. The if conditional uses a Boolean expression to decide whether a statement should be executed. If the expression produces a true value, the statement is executed. Using if, you can include only a single statement as the code to execute if the test expression is true and another statement if the expression is false. Example The if statement in this example contains the test expression temperature > 660. If the temperature variable contains a value higher than 660, the block statement is executed, and two things occur: The status variable is given the value returning home. - The speed variable is set to 5. If the temperature variable is equal to or less than 660, the entire block is skipped, so nothing happens. switch Conditionals A common programming practice is to test a variable against a value, and if it doesn’t match, test it again against a different value, and so on. This approach can become unwieldy if you’re using only if statements, depending on how many different values you have to test. For example, you might end up with a set of if statements something like the following: if (operation == ‘+’) add(object1, object2); else if (operation == ‘-’) subtract(object1, object2); else if (operation == ‘*’) multiply(object1, object2); else if (operation == ‘/’) divide(object1, object2); In Java, you can group actions together with the switch statement. The following example demonstrates switch usage: 1/4 Praktikum Alpro – Modul 2 A switch statement is built on a test variable; in the preceding example, the variable is the value of the grade variable, which holds a char value. The test variable, which can be the primitive types byte, char, short, or int, is compared in turn with each of the case values. If a match is found, the statement or statements after the test are executed. If no match is found, the default statement or statements are executed. Providing a default statement is optional—if it is omitted and there is no match for any of the case statements, the switch statement might complete without executing anything. The Java implementation of switch is limited—tests and values can be only simple primitive types that can be cast to an int. You cannot use larger primitive types such as long or float, strings, or other objects within a switch, nor can you test for any relationship other than equality. These restrictions limit switch to the simplest cases. In contrast, nested if statements can work for any kind of test on any possible type. Another example 2/4 Praktikum Alpro – Modul 2 The break statement included with each case section determines when to stop executing statements in response to a matching case. Without a break statement in a case section, after a match is made, the statements for that match and all the statements further down the switch are executed until a break or the end of the switch is found Tugas 1. Buatlah flowchart/pseudocode dan program dalam java untuk menghitung akar-akar Pendahuluan persamaan Y A* X 2 B * X C Untuk mendapatkan akar-akar persamaan X1, X2, maka perlu dicek terlebih dahulu nilai diskriman persamaan tersebut menggunakan persamaan Disk B 2 4 * A * C X 1, 2 Disk 0 Disk 0 b Disk X1 2* A b Disk * (1) X1 & "i" 2* A 2* A b Disk X2 2* A b Disk * (1) X2 & " i" 2* A 2* A Tanda & menghubungkan nilai yang berada disebelah kiri dan disebelah kanannya 2. Buatlah flowchart/pseudocode dan program dalam java untuk menghasilkan output nilai dalam bentuk karakter dan predikat dari nilai yang dicapainya dengan menggunakan aturan berikut ini No 1 2 3 4 5 Batas Bawah 0 55.0001 65.0001 75.0001 85.0001 Batas Atas 55 65 75 85 100 Nilai Huruf E D C B A Predikat Very bad Bad Fair Good Excellent 3. Sebuah perusahaan menerapkan upah harian terhadap beberapa karyawannya dengan aturan perhitungan gaji berdasarkan jumlah jam Jika dalam satu hari jumlah jam masuknya lebih dari 8 jam, maka kelebihannya dinilai Rp. 100.000 sedangkan yang standart 8 jam dinilai Rp. 75.000 Buatlah flowchart/pseudocode dan program dalam java untuk menghitung gaji dalam perusahaan tersebut. Tugas Praktikum Waktu Praktikum 3/4 Buat program dalam java untuk soal no 1 atau no 2 atau no 3 (di tentukan oleh asisten, setiap kelompok berbeda) 2 x 50 menit Praktikum Alpro – Modul 2 Referensi 4/4 1. Java for Dummies, Barry Burd, Wiley Publishing, Inc, 2007 2. Sam Teach Yourselft, Java 6 in 21 Days, Rogers Cadenhead & Laura Lemay, SAMS, 2007 Praktikum Alpro – Modul 2
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