Boxholder LOCAL Volume 37 Number 41 Brigham City, Utah Wednesday Morning October 8, 2014 8 Pages (435) 723-3471 CAR-RT Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Brigham City, Utah Permit No. 1 Healthy Conversations Informational Healthcare Series Bone-Up on Arthritis Are you one of the 49 million adults that have been diagnosed with arthritis? Did you know there are more than 100 forms of arthritis? What causes arthritis and how can it be treated? How can you know if you have it and what your options are if you suffer from this medical condition? Michael Sumko, M.D., orthopedic surgery, is skilled in treating arthritis. At our next Healthy Conversation he will discuss: • What, exactly, is arthritis? • What are the symptoms? • What causes it? • Will exercise help? • What medications can help my symptoms? • Will changing my diet help? Michael Sumko, M.D. • What are my treatment options? Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. Davis & Bott Building, 50 W. Forest St., Brigham City R.S.V.P. by calling 435.734.4377 Not Bigger. Just Better. Wednesday, October 8, 2014 2 With Allstate life insurance, love wins. I can help you protect your growing family at an affordable price. Do you have enough life insurance? It’s one of the best ways to provide for your family if something happens to you. With the right coverage, love wins. Call me today for affordable options. Christie Juber 435-723-1817 Availability from a particular company varies by product. Subject to availability and qualifications. Life insurance and annuities issued by Allstate Life Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL, Lincoln Benefit Life Company, Lincoln, NE and American Heritage Life Insurance Company, Jacksonville, FL. In New York life insurance and annuities are issued by Allstate Life Insurance Company of New York, Hauppauge, NY. Guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing company. Securities offered by Personal Financial Representatives through Allstate Financial Services, LLC (LSA Securities in LA and PA). Registered BrokerDealer. Member FINRA, SIPC. Main Office: 2920 South 84th Street, Lincoln, NE 68506. 877-525-5727. © 2011 Allstate Insurance Company. One Year Subscription 30 Only $ in B.E. County Call 723-3471 Box Elder News Journal ANSWERS ON : Service “STORMS DON’T KEEP A 9 TO 5 SCHEDULE. NEITHER DO WE.” © 2014 Rocky Mountain Power - Jeremy, Journeyman Lineman We work hard to make sure you have safe, reliable electricity. It is our mission. It means tackling tough jobs and being ready to roll when storms hit. You can help by being prepared for unexpected outages with flashlights, extra batteries, extra blankets and bottled water. Storms can be unpredictable, but our dedication to you will never be. Learn how you can be storm ready at 29399 156 N Main St Brigham City [email protected] Wednesday, October 8, 2014 3 WALKER CINEMAS 8 PHONE 723-6661 CAPITOL A Twin Theatre - 53 So. Main, Brigham - 723-3113. Open Saturday at 11:30 a.m. for Matinees. Open Sunday through Friday at 3:45 p.m. Adults in evenings $7.00. Matinees, Children and Senior Citizens $5.00. ★ Special Engagement: No Passes or Discount Tickets Permitted. TUESDAY BARGAIN SPECIAL ALL SHOWS ONLY $5 ALL DAY ON TUESDAY. Open Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Open Saturday at 11:30 for Matinees. $5.50 All Shows Before 6 p.m. $7.50 Adults in Evenings $5.50 Children and Seniors anytime. H Special Engagement No Passes, Discount Tickets. $2.00 SURCHARGE ON ALL 3-D ENGAGEMENTS. CALL THE RECORDING OR TO THE WEBSITE ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY FOR SHOWTIMES. JOIN US FOR OUR GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2014 AT 1:30 P.M. 989 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BRIGHAM CITY, UT TO BECOME A PART OF USU-BRIGHAM CITY'S NEW CAMPUS, PLEASE VISIT BRIGHAMCITY.USU.EDU/DONATE OR CALL (435) 919-1200 (ADDITIONAL CAMPUS LOCATED IN TREMONTON) 4 Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The general election ballot will contain three constitutional amendments. Below is the text of each of the proposed amendments. Visit VOTE.UTAH.GOV for more information, including arguments FOR and AGAINST these amendments. Election Day: November 4, 2014 Early Voting: October 21 – October 31, 2014 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT A S.J.R. 7, Joint ReSolution RegaRding QualificationS of State tax commiSSion membeRS (2014 geneRal SeSSion) Shall the utah conStitution be amended to modify QualificationS foR membeRS of the State tax commiSSion? be it ReSolved by the legiSlatuRe of the State of utah, two-thiRdS of all membeRS elected to each of the two houSeS voting in favoR theReof: Section 1. it iS pRopoSed to amend utah conStitution, aRticle xiii, Section 6, to Read: Article XIII, Section 6. [State tax commiSSion.] (1) theRe Shall be a State tax commiSSion conSiSting of fouR membeRS, [not moRe than two of whom may belong to the Same political paRty] with QualificationS aS pRovided by Statute. (2) with the conSent of the Senate, the goveRnoR Shall appoint the membeRS of the State tax commiSSion foR Such teRmS aS may be pRovided by Statute. (3) the State tax commiSSion Shall: (a) adminiSteR and SupeRviSe the State’S tax lawS; (b) aSSeSS mineS and public utilitieS and have Such otheR poweRS of oRiginal aSSeSSment aS the legiSlatuRe may pRovide by Statute; (c) adJuSt and eQualize the valuation and aSSeSSment of pRopeRty among the countieS; (d) aS the legiSlatuRe pRovideS by Statute, Review pRopoSed bond iSSueS, ReviSe local tax levieS, and eQualize the aSSeSSment and valuation of pRopeRty within the countieS; and (e) have otheR poweRS aS may be pRovided by Statute. (4) notwithStanding the poweRS gRanted to the State tax commiSSion in thiS onStitution, the legiSlatuRe may by Statute authoRize any couRt eStabliShed undeR aRticle viii to adJudicate, Review, ReconSideR, oR RedeteRmine any matteR decided by the State tax commiSSion Relating to Revenue and taxation. Section 2. Submittal to voteRS. the lieutenant goveRnoR iS diRected to Submit thiS pRopoSed amendment to the voteRS of the State at the next RegulaR geneRal election in the manneR pRovided by law. Section 3. effective date. if the amendment pRopoSed by thiS Joint ReSolution iS appRoved by a maJoRity of thoSe voting on it at the next RegulaR geneRal election, the amendment Shall take effect on JanuaRy 1, 2015. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT B S.J.R. 8, Joint ReSolution on teRm of appointed lieutenant goveRnoR (2014 geneRal SeSSion) Shall the utah conStitution be amended to modify the teRm of office of a peRSon appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of the lieutenant goveRnoR? be it ReSolved by the legiSlatuRe of the State of utah, two-thiRdS of all membeRS elected to each of the two houSeS voting in favoR theReof: Section 1. it iS pRopoSed to amend utah conStitution, aRticle vii, Section 10, to Read: Article VII, Section 10. [goveRnoR’S appointive poweR -- goveRnoR to appoint to fill vacancy in otheR State officeS -- vacancy in the office of the lieutenant goveRnoR.] (1) (a) the goveRnoR Shall nominate, and by and with conSent of the Senate, appoint all State and diStRict officeRS whoSe officeS aRe eStabliShed by thiS conStitution, oR which may be cReated by law, and whoSe appointment oR election iS not otheRwiSe pRovided foR. (b) if, duRing the ReceSS of the Senate, a vacancy occuRS in any State oR diStRict office, the goveRnoR Shall appoint Some Qualified peRSon to diSchaRge the dutieS theReof until the next Senate, when the goveRnoR Shall nominate Some peRSon to fill Such office. (2) if the office of State auditoR, State tReaSuReR, oR attoRney geneRal be vacated by death, ReSignation, oR otheRwiSe, it Shall be the duty of the goveRnoR to fill the Same by appointment, fRom the Same political paRty aS the Removed peRSon; and the appointee Shall hold meeting of the office until a SucceSSoR Shall be elected and Qualified, aS pRovided by law. becauSe the lieutenant goveRnoR becomeS goveRnoR] an election iS held foR goveRnoR and lieutenant goveRnoR undeR aRticle vii, Section 11, SubSection [(2)] (4).(ii) the peRSon appointed aS lieutenant goveRnoR undeR SubSection (3)(c) (i) Shall be fRom the Same political paRty aS the goveRnoR. (iii) neitheR the pReSident of the Senate noR the SpeakeR of the houSe of RepReSentativeS may, while acting aS goveRnoR undeR aRticle vii, Section 11, SubSection [(4)] (5), appoint a peRSon aS lieutenant goveRnoR to fill a vacancy in that office. Section 2. Submittal to voteRS. the lieutenant goveRnoR iS diRected to Submit thiS pRopoSed amendment to the voteRS of the State at the next RegulaR geneRal election in the manneR (3) (a) a vacancy in the office of lieutenant pRovided by law. goveRnoR occuRS when: (i) the lieutenant goveRnoR dieS, ReSignS, iS Removed fRom office Section 3. effective date. following impeachment, becomeS goveRnoR if the amendment pRopoSed by thiS Joint ReSolution undeR aRticle vii, Section 11, ceaSeS to ReSide iS appRoved by a maJoRity of thoSe voting on it at within the State, oR iS deteRmined, aS pRovided in the next RegulaR geneRal election, the amendment SubSection (3)(b), to have a diSability that RendeRS Shall take effect on JanuaRy 1, 2015. the lieutenant goveRnoR unable to diSchaRge the dutieS of office foR the RemaindeR of the CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT C lieutenant goveRnoR’S teRm of office; oR (ii) the lieutenant goveRnoR-elect failS to take h.J.R. 12, Joint ReSolution on appointment of office becauSe of the lieutenant goveRnoRlegal counSel foR executive officeRS elect’S death, failuRe to Qualify foR office, oR (2014 geneRal SeSSion) diSability, deteRmined aS pRovided in SubSection (3) Shall the utah conStitution be amended to authoRize the lieutenant goveRnoR, State (b), that RendeRS the lieutenant goveRnoR-elect unable to diSchaRge the dutieS of office foR the auditoR, and State tReaSuReR each to appoint legal counSel? lieutenant goveRnoR-elect’S full teRm of office. (b) (i) except when the diSability of a lieutenant goveRnoR iS deteRmined undeR aRticle vii, be it ReSolved by the legiSlatuRe of the State of Section 11, SubSection (6) becauSe the lieutenant utah, two-thiRdS of all membeRS elected to each of the two houSeS voting in favoR theReof: goveRnoR iS acting aS goveRnoR undeR aRticle vii, Section 11, SubSection (5) the diSability of Section 1. it iS pRopoSed to amend utah a lieutenant goveRnoR oR lieutenant goveRnoRconStitution, elect Shall be deteRmined by a wRitten declaRation Article VII, Section 14, to read: Stating that the lieutenant goveRnoR oR aRticle vii, Section 14. [dutieS of lieutenant lieutenant goveRnoR-elect iS unable to diSchaRge goveRnoR -- appointment of legal counSel.] the poweRS and dutieS of the office. (1) the lieutenant goveRnoR Shall: (ii) the wRitten declaRation undeR SubSection (3) [(1)] (a) SeRve on all boaRdS and commiSSionS in lieu of the goveRnoR wheneveR So deSignated by (b)(i) Shall be tRanSmitted to the SupReme couRt and Shall be Signed by: the goveRnoR; (a) the goveRnoR; oR [(2)] (b) peRfoRm Such dutieS aS may be delegated (b) (i) the lieutenant goveRnoR, if the lieutenant by the goveRnoR; and [(3)] (c) peRfoRm otheR dutieS aS may be pRovided goveRnoR iS the SubJect of the declaRation; oR (ii) the lieutenant goveRnoR-elect, if the by Statute. lieutenant goveRnoR-elect iS the SubJect of the (2) the lieutenant goveRnoR may appoint legal declaRation. counSel to adviSe the lieutenant goveRnoR. (iii) if the lieutenant goveRnoR oR lieutenant Section 2. it iS pRopoSed to amend utah goveRnoR-elect, aS the caSe may be, diSputeS a conStitution, aRticle vii, Section 15, to Read: declaRation tRanSmitted by the goveRnoR undeR Article VII, Section 15. [dutieS of State SubSection (3)(b)(i), the lieutenant goveRnoR auditoR and State tReaSuReR -- appointment of oR lieutenant goveRnoR-elect may, within ten legal counSel.] dayS afteR the declaRation iS tRanSmitted to the (1) the State auditoR Shall peRfoRm financial poSt auditS of public accountS except aS otheRwiSe SupReme couRt, file a petition ReQueSting the SupReme couRt to deteRmine whetheR a diSability pRovided by thiS conStitution. exiStS aS Stated in the goveRnoR’S declaRation. (2) the State tReaSuReR Shall be the cuStodian of (iv) in deteRmining whetheR a diSability exiStS, the public moneyS. SupReme couRt Shall follow pRoceduReS that (3) each Shall peRfoRm otheR dutieS aS pRovided the couRt eStabliSheS, unleSS the legiSlatuRe by by Statute. Statute eStabliSheS pRoceduReS foR the SupReme (4) the State auditoR may appoint legal counSel to adviSe the State auditoR, and the State couRt to follow in deteRmining whetheR a diSability exiStS. tReaSuReR may appoint legal counSel to adviSe the (v) a deteRmination of diSability undeR thiS State tReaSuReR. SubSection (3)(b) iS final and concluSive. Section 3. Submittal to voteRS. (c) (i) if a vacancy in the office of lieutenant the lieutenant goveRnoR iS diRected to Submit thiS pRopoSed amendment to the voteRS of the State at goveRnoR occuRS, the goveRnoR Shall, with the conSent of the Senate, appoint a peRSon aS the next RegulaR geneRal election in the manneR pRovided by law. lieutenant goveRnoR, to SeRve: (a) except aS pRovided in SubSection (3)(c)(i)(b), Section 4. contingent effective date. the RemaindeR of the unexpiRed teRm; oR if the amendment pRopoSed by thiS Joint ReSolution (b) until the fiRSt monday in JanuaRy of the yeaR iS appRoved by a maJoRity of thoSe voting on it at following the next RegulaR geneRal election the next RegulaR geneRal election, the amendment afteR the vacancy occuRS, if [the vacancy occuRS Shall take effect on JanuaRy 1, 2015. 5 Wednesday, October 8, 2014 To Place an AD just call: 723-3471 Or visit us on the web: Classified ads must be paid for in advance, (cash, check, credit card or money order) WORD CLASSIFIEDS: $7 for 20 words plus 15 cents for each additional word per publication. Discounts may apply. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS: $10.50 per column inch. LEGAL ADS: 90 cents a line. DEADLINE: Monday at noon, unless Monday is a holiday, in which case it’s Friday at noon prior to the holiday. Box Elder News Journal PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 55 S. 100 West, Brigham City UT, 84302 | MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 370, Brigham City UT, 84302 CAXCA MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SERVICES OFFERED SERVICES OFFERED FARM NEEDS A MICROFIBER SOFA/LOVE, NEW still in plastic, $499. Call 435‑753‑1738. BIG CARPET: AT BIG Carpet we can handle all your flooring needs. Why fight the Ogden traffic when you can get great prices & customer service close to home. You will also appreciate our installers who all have decades of experience. 1968 North 2000 West, Farr West 801‑675‑5975. T‑F 12‑6 & Sat 12 ‑ 5. CALL‑A‑PRO PLUMBING! Your Local Plumbing Professionals! Have plumb‑ ing problems? We have the solution! Call us 24/7 800‑862‑0986. (ucan) IF YOU NEED FEED for your animal visit the IFA Country Store in Tremonton. We have it all from horse, dog, lamb, pig, chicken, calf and rabbits. 241 S. 200 W. 435‑257‑5419. BED, QUEEN ORTHOPEDIC MAT TRESS set. New, still in plastic, $169. Will deliver 435‑792‑3133. BED, KING,ORTHOPEDIC MATTRESS and split box set. New, still in plastic, $275. 435‑792‑3133. BRIANS WINDOW WASHING CARPET CLEANING USED AND RECONDITIONED WASHERS, electric and gas dryers, and refrigera‑ tors, used microwave $25 & up, used ranges. All with warranty. Murphy’s Appliance and TV. 38 South Main, Brigham City, Utah, 435‑723‑7705. 3 rooms and a hallway for $95 Over three rooms get 10% OFF (435) 881-5649 (801) 380-4992 Concealed Carry Permit Class ENJOY 100 PERCENT GUARAN TEED, delivered to the door Omaha Steaks! Save 74 percent Plus 4 Free Burgers ‑ The Family Value Combo ‑ ONLY $39.99. Order Today 1‑800‑811‑9127 Use code 48829ZVH or www.Oma‑ (ucan) Just $40 - Includes Fingerprints & Photos Thursday, October 23rd, 6-10 p.m. Dave 435-723-1771 METAL ROOF/WALL PANELS, PRE‑ en‑ gineered Metal Buildings. Mill prices for sheeting coil are at a 4 year low. You get the savings. 17 Colors prime material, cut to your exact length. CO Building Systems 1‑800‑COBLDGS (ucan) Email: info@ Phone: 801-892-6009 Fax: 801-892-6002 5673 S. Redwood Rd., #22 Salt Lake City, Ut. 84123-5322 NEED COMPUTER REPAIRS? FREE di agnostic! Call Air2Data CIS Computer Repair. 435‑723‑2020 720 West 1200 South Suite A, Perry. CARPET AND VINYL INSTALLATION & sales. Repairs & restretches. Call Gary Nebeker 435‑723‑5834. HEALTH PROFESSIONAL PIANO TEACHER WITH masters degree has openings for piano students from beginner to advanced levels. Sharon Smith 435‑553‑5245. SAFE STEP WALK‑IN Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step‑In. Wide Door. Anti‑Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800‑682‑1403 for $750 Off. (ucan) 131 West Forest St - Meeting schedule LIVESTOCK ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Thursday 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Better Business Bureau of Utah TWO DOUBLE PANE SLIDING glass doors. 8 FT wide, 8 FT tall. Excellent shape. $200 OBO. DIRECTV STARTING AT $24.95/mo. Free 3‑Months of HBO, starz, SHOW TIME & CINEMAX FREE RECEIVER Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. Some exclusions ap‑ ply ‑ Call for details 1‑800‑410‑4728. (ucan) THE LANDSCAPE DETAILER. PROPERTY maintenance, trim shrub s /hedges, prune and top trees, mowing and edging, weeding, tilling, raking and hauling. Jobs large or small. Profes sional work. 435‑723‑7829. NEED FENCING? SEE THE IFA Country Store at 241 South 200 West, Trem‑ onton for T‑posts, field fence, corral gates, panels, barb wire and livestock equipment, 435‑257‑5419. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS LEFLER TREE SERVICE Trimming, removal, prunning and stump removal Call 801-690-4093 UGCA GUN SHOW, SATURDAY, October 11, 9‑5; Sunday, October 12, 9‑4, We‑ ber County Fairgrounds, east of I‑15 exit 346 to 1000 North 1200 West. $6 ($5 w/this ad) Info 801‑486‑5174. MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800‑954‑1846. (ucan) DISH TV RETAILER. STARTING at $19.99/ month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95 /month (where available.) Save! Ask About Same Day Installation! Call Now! 1‑800‑611‑1081. (ucan) Pregnant? Wixom Brothers Painting The Pregnancy Care Center 142 South 100 West, Suite 101 Brigham City, Utah 723-6072 435-237-1378 YARD SALES FREE Pregnancy Tests Safe, Caring, confidential information and advice. Bathroom remodeling, specializing in cultured marble GARAGE SALE‑ 640 W. 700 S., Brigham. Friday and Saturday 8AM. 723-0500 YARD SALE‑ SATURDAY, 9‑NOON. All kinds of items. Come see if theres something for you. 444 S. 300 W. Brigham. • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Call 435-225-0550 New Hours of Operation Tuesdays 5-7 p.m. - Wednesdays 10-11 a.m. LOTS OF NEW COSTUMES, bowflex, curio cabinet, juicer, new towel sets and more. 1002 Hickory. One block west of Common Cents. Sat. Oct. 11 and 18, 8AM. MATTING-FRAMING All art work, needle work. WANTED TO BUY NANCI-AYN STUDIO J. McLaughlin 723-8746 BOOKS WANTED! I PAY cash for old LDS and other books, also old pho tographs, papers, letters etc. Call 800‑823‑9124. MULTI‑FAMILY YARD SALE. Estate guns, ammo, antiques, and alot more! 506 S. Main. Behind Quik Check. Fri day and Saturday, 7 a.m. Sewer & Water Replacement Services Over 20 years experience GARAGE SALE‑ MANY ASSORTED items. Oct. 10 8AM‑NOON. 289 Willard Peak Road (2 houses south of the church). Backhoe & Dump truck work: sewer, water lines and tree stump removal! Driveway removal, concrete work. No job too large or small. Call for free estimates BANKRUPTCY ON A $350 BUDGET: ‑ Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, $350. Credit Re‑ pair only $200. Stop Garnishments and Harassing Credit Card Calls. We cater to your Needs to Rebuild Your Credit! 801‑446‑8216. AspireCreditSolutions. com (ucan) New Hope Crisis Center ARE YOU IN BIG trouble with the IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt Fast. Seen on CNN. A BBB. Call 1‑800‑969‑1782. (ucan) 435-734-9598 or 435-720-0237 Val Kotter & Sons, Inc. OCT. 11, 403 W, 700 N. Picnic table, old iron bed, park bench, books, con crete pavers, carpet, oak chair, bike. FINANCES MULTI‑FAMILY YARD SALE‑ Saturday Oct. 11, 8‑5. Friday Oct. 17 & Saturday Oct. 18, 8‑5. Lots of great stuff! All must go. 2617 N. 2400 W. Brigham. Go West on 900 N. Domestic Violence Support Group GARAGE/YARD SALE‑ LOTS OF items. 24 N. Highland, Brigham. Satur day, October 11, 8AM‑NOON. WINDOW CLEANING TAKE OFF hard water, yard work, edging, trim ming, shrubs and bushes. Call 435‑458‑3405. SERVICES OFFERED GENERAL/CARPENTRY CONTRACTOR: RE‑ MODELING, BASEMENTS, repairs, decks, small concrete and drywall work. Call Shaun 435‑730‑7618. Confidential - No Cost Meets 2nd & 4th Monday 6-7 p.m. 435 East 700 South – For more information call 723-5600 Sprinklers Systems & Repairs CHECKETTS LANDSCAPING 4 All Landscaping needs/Spring clean-up office 4 Free estimates on Sprinkling Systems 279-1812 4 Ponds and waterfalls 4 Sod/retaining walls/grading 4 Great referrals IFA COUNTRY STORES Pet Food & Supplies • Men’s Work Clothing Poultry, Horse, Lamb & Calf Feed • Fertilizers Lawn & Garden Supplies • Feeding Equipment Fencing • Batteries • Horse Tack • Animal Health 241 S. 200 W. Tremonton, UT 84337 Phone: 435-257-5419 DO YOU OWE OVER $10,000 to the IRS or State in back taxes? Get tax re l ief now! Call BlueTax, the na‑ tion’s full service tax solution firm. 800‑770‑1752 (ucan) SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied bene fits? We Can Help! Win or Pay Noth ing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1‑800‑871‑7805 to start your appli cation today! (ucan) NEED CASH? I BUY houses or can help make your payment! (435)225‑7070. HELP WANTED LOOKING FOR AN OUTGOING, friendly, hard working, P/T dental hygenist to join an expanding, innovative dental team. Please send resumes to great‑ [email protected]. Fabricators - GEM Buildings is seeking fabricators. Must pass 2G horizontal weld test using GMAW process. Must be able to read and understand fabrication drawings. Wages DOE. For more information go to gembuildings. com or fax resume to 435-7232353. EOE/AAM/F/V/D HELP WANTED NOTICE The advertisements appearing in this column may or may not constitute offers of employment. Persons responding to these advertisement may be required to pay fees in advance for licensing, permits, dues, portfolios, registration, processing, or other services. Opportunities advertised in this column may require training at the expense of the applicant. No guarantee of job availability, implied or direct, is made by the publishers. NOW HIRING! AUTO DETAILER full‑time hourly, if interested contact Jeff at 435‑723‑3456. S&M DIESEL SERVICE HIRING 2 posi tions Heavy Duty Mechanic with Light/ Heavy Duty Towing. Job requires On‑Call Position on 4 day rotating shift. Email resume to smroadservice@ gmail. com Or call Stuart M‑F 8‑5 (435)279‑8124. Production Associate Positions available at Autoliv Brigham, Tremonton, and Promontory. All shifts. Competitive pay. Call 435-723-2450. INTEGRITY HOME HEALTH HAS an immediate opening for CNA. Home health/hospice experience preferred, but not required. Please email resume to [email protected]. APARTMENT MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN SEEKING part time Maintenance Tech‑ nician for an apartment community in Brigham City. Duties in clude per‑ forming preventative maintenance and apartment turns, diagnosing problems and repairs for electrical, plumbing, carpentry, dry walling, exterior struc‑ tural, and appliances. Must participate in company‑provided training and comply with all health and safety rules and regulations. Apply at Foothill Manor Apartments, 650 North Main, Brigham City. 435‑734‑2535. Fraud Alert Be aware of what you are purchasing and to whom you are selling. The Box Elder County Sheriff’s Office suggests that if it is not local, you may want to check with local law enforcement as well as the Better Business Bureau to confirm if the offer is valid. Several Box Elder News Journal classified ad customers have received potentially fraudelent contacts recently for real estate rentals or to purchase vehicles or other items that are listed for sale. Be wise and be aware for fraud in any form. Visit the Federal Trade Commission web page ftc. gov/bizopps HELP WANTED UTAH TRAVEL INFORMATION SPECIALIST needed. Brigham Welcome Center – 72‑150 hours per month. Weekends ie Saturday, Sunday and sometimes Friday or Monday. Needs a working knowledge of Utah’s Na tional Parks, monuments, recreation areas, State Parks and other local attractions. Be willing to aid visitors in finding des‑ tinations and accommoda tions. Pay determinate on experi ence. Please contact Dennis at 435‑744‑5564 for information. QUALITY TRANSPORTATION IN BATTLE Mountain, NV. Hiring CDL‑A Drivers. MUST BE WILLING TO RELOCATE. Call 775‑635‑2443 for application or email request to (ucan) FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED $750‑$2511‑ Micky Barela and her new foster care program, Connec t2Kids, would like to personally invite you join her in making a difference in the lives of children in need, together we will strive to improve the opportu nities for those who need it most. We welcome you to join the team with the knowledge and passion to make a dif ference!!! For more information, Please call 801‑721‑6231. Focus is interested in interviewing candidates for a Food Manufacturing Facility in Ogden, UT! We are looking for qualified individuals that are ready to take a step towards success and have no problem with a challenge!! Job dutie: packing/stacking, assembly, production, palletizing **All Shifts Available** Must be able to work 10-12 HR days Apply at www.workatfocus. com, select the Ogden or Salt Lake Branch, or in person at 1400 West 2700 North Pleasant View, UT 84404 or call 801-786-0710 ext 6655 to schedule a time to come in. Start a career today at Autoliv and save a life tomorrow! Autoliv, the world-wide leader of Automotive Safety Products has immediate openings for career minded individuals at their Brigham City Facility. In addition to having the opportunity to develop a career, Autoliv offers: • Clean, safe working conditions • Competitive wages • Career advancement opportunities for qualified individuals • Tuition Reimbursement • Shift differential for swing and grave shifts • Medical and Dental benefits • 401K with company contribution • Vacation • Paid time off • Paid Holidays • On-site medical clinic • On-site fitness center If you are looking to go to work and start a career, contact us at Shirlene.leavitt@ or come into the Brigham City facility to fill out an application. Autoliv is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 6 Wednesday, October 8, 2014 CAXCA FOR RENT OR LEASE “All real estate advertise herein is subject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limition, or discrimination. “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 2759200. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. OFFICE SPACE IN BRIGHAM‑ 1,200 sq. ft. 3 offices, and meeting room. $475/ MO. 435‑730‑6754. ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments, all utilities included except lights includes cable TV. Call 435‑723‑2605 after 4:30 p.m. LOVELY TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, carport and storage. NS/NP $395/MO. Call 435‑730‑4441. Large 2 bedroom 2 bath starting at $500. Good credit, NO Criminal, NO pets. Phone 734-2094. BRIGHT, TWO BEDROOM, ONE bath house with large front room, disposal, dishwasher, W/D, close to park, no smoking. $645/MO. 435‑512‑5010. 4/BED 2/BATH HOME .25 acre, sprin kling system, extra parking, carport, stove, fridge, dishwasher, disposal. NS/ NP. 1063 Sycamore Brigham City $950/ MO. lease & $950/DEP. 435‑730‑7575 or 435‑452‑8203 owner/agent. Main Street office space. 600-1200 sq. ft. 435-7306044. 756 South Main, Brigham City. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE IN Perry. Quiet country location. Large yard with sprin kler system. New carpet. No smoking, no pets. Landlord pays for water, sewer, and garbage coliection. $700/month plus deposit. 730‑5380. LARGE 3/BED IN BRIGHAM. W/D hookups, includes utilities. References required. NS/NP, $550/MO. 435‑458‑9957 or 435‑730‑6754. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT‑ 900 sq. ft., center of town. $500/MO. Call Don 435‑225‑3778. Need a place to store your treasures? Storage Bay Rentals Call for availability and prices Gary Bywater 720-1941 HELP WANTED DRIVER NEEDED TO HAUL Wal‑Mart freight/Corinne. CDL‑A & two years experience required. Call 702‑236‑1919 ask for Jerry. HOUSE KEEPING POSITION AVAIL ABLE for a dependable individual working in a care center in Brigham City. Come work in a rewarding position. Apply at Willow Glen Heath and Rehab at 775 N 200 E Brigham City or email resume to CDL DRIVERS WANTED– Millcott Energy is looking for Class A CDL drivers w/tanker experience for work in North Dakota. Schedule allows time home & most competitive wages. Oil field driving experience preferred. Call 701‑770‑0440. DRIVERS: OUT/BACK FT SOLO & Team and PT‑1 trip/wk Openings! Great Pay! Quarterly Bonus! Medical/Dental/401k! No‑Forced Dispatch! CDL‑A, 2yrs exp. req. Call Anne, Miller Brothers Express: 1‑855‑975‑3842 PERRY DENTAL IS LOOKING for a part‑time to full‑time dental assistant to work in our growing practice. Days and hours will vary. Must have a flexi ble schedule and enjoy working with children and adults. Requirements: A friendly, energetic, out‑going personal ity is a must, Dental Assisting or Den trix experience is a plus. Please call 435‑723‑4300, bring in or e‑mail your resume to [email protected]. FOR RENT OR LEASE FOR RENT OR LEASE MOVE‑IN SPECIAL EXTRA large apart ment, 3‑bedroom, 3‑bath, $640/ month, NS, 435‑730‑3905. 20 minutes from Brigham, easy access. LARGE TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. W/D hookups, single level, new paint, new windows, air‑cooled, no smoking. $500/month. 435‑512‑5010. TREMONTON 2 bedroom duplex w/ basement, A/C, W/D hookups, N/S, N/P. 435‑458‑3509 435‑230‑2251. HOUSE FOR RENT: LARGE, charming bungalow style, extra large lot. 4 Bed room, 2 bath, no smoking. $1000 per month. available October 16. Call Kelly @ 435‑237‑9459. ONE BEDROOM DUPLEX‑ W/D hookups, full basement with finished family room, lots of storage. NS/NP. $500/MO plus deposit. 435‑723‑8326. RV OUTSIDE STORAGE Locked & Lighted 435-279-6200 2‑BEDROOM HOUSE NEWLY remodeled, insulated walls and windows, tile and pergo floors, ultra high efficient furnace, central air, W/D hookups, dishwasher, NS, $675/month plus deposit. Pets negotiable. 22 E. 500 S. Bob, 435‑720‑1836. TWO EXCELLENT OFFICE SPACES for rent‑ great location, off‑street park ing, 695 S. Main St. $500/MO and $900/ MO. Call Dale 435‑237‑1040 or Noel 435‑730‑4441. SEVERAL APARTMENTS FOR RENT. 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, NO laundry hookups, N/P, N/S. $375‑$425. 435‑723‑8692 or 435‑730‑0824. STORAGE BAY RENTALS New lower prices on small sheds Call for Rates (435) 723-1846 ANDES APARTMENT FOR RENT, Brigham City, $500/month, month to month, $250 deposit. 900 sq ft 2 Bed room 1 Bath, N/S, N/P, Heat/AC, laun dry facilities, carport, storage. 435‑734‑9611. See for pictures. 3‑BR HOME, GARAGE, auto sprinklers, central air, NS/NP, available 11/1. 435‑723‑5509 or 435‑730‑2711. 6/BED 2/BATH, TILE FLOOR. $1100/MO, $1100/DEP. Call 801‑814‑0767. COZY ONE BEDROOM APART MENT‑ $395/MO. Includes heat, trash, water and cable T.V., off‑street parking, NS/NP. 435‑512‑5010. FREE BIG SCREEN TV with move‑in in October! $550/MO. 668 W. 700 S. Two bedrooms, one bath. W/D hookups. Includes water, sewer and garbage. Some pets possible. Please call American Real Estate, Monday‑Fri day 8AM‑6PM, 435‑752‑4056. Storage Space Available 10’x13’ and 10’x27’ 925 West 1075 South 435-720-0911 or 435-723-1152 Event Space Available Corinne Lodge’s 2,000 square foot Banquet Hall is available to rent Other amenities include: •Large, full kitchen •Small dining/serving area •Restrooms To book your event, call 801-941-0489 or email info@ Corinne Masonic Lodge Corporation 4405 West Historic Montana Street PUBLIC NOTICE “BECAUSE THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW” UPAXLP STEPHEN I. ODA, #2446 Attorney at Law 44 North Main Street Layton, Utah 84041 FOR RENT OR LEASE AWESOME FULLY furnished 2 bed room apartment for rent on a weekly basis. Short or long term. N/S N/P 435‑730‑0824. NEWER TOWNHOUSE UNIT 2 bedroom, garage, washer/dryer included, water/ sewer and garbage included. $750/MO. References required. No smoking. For information call 435‑225‑0915. Phone 723-3471 To Place Your CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE ADS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE “All real estate advertised herein is subject to Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limition, or discrimination. “We will not knowlingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.” To complain of discrimination, call HUD Toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 275-9200. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. LOT FOR SALE IN Brigham City .45 acre lot located at 981 South 1000 West. Stubbed for utilities, $60,000. For more information call 435‑730‑4082. 20 ACRES IN WEST Texas. $15,900 $0 Down. Only $99/mo. Special Of fice, Save $2000! No Qualifying‑Owner Financing. Great Property, Great Deal! 800‑343‑9444 (ucan) HOME FOR SALE‑ 5330 W. 17600 N. Garland UT. Just West of Fielding. Too much to list. Call 435‑452‑1000 to walk through. Telephone: (801) 546-1264 IN THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR BOX ELDER COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH NOTICE OF HEARING BY PUBLICATION Probate No. 143100073 Judge Ben H. Hadfield In the matter of the Estate of RENEE BINGHAM LONG, deceased. Notice is hereby given to SHANNA L. KIMOSE and all other persons who are interested in or who claim an interest in the above estate that on August 25, 2014, Laura Piribauer, whose address is 642 N 1420 W, Clinton, Utah, 84015, filed with this Court a Petition for informal probate of will and informal appointment of personal representative of the estate of Renee Bingham Long. The Petition has been set for hearing in First Judicial District Court of Box Elder County at 43 N Main, Brigham City, Utah, on October 28, 2014, at 11:00 o’clock a.m. DATED September 9, 2014. STEPHEN I. ODA Attorney for Laura Piribauer September-24-October-1-8-c NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS PERRY CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that the City Council will hold, in the City Council Chambers at 3005 South 1200 West in Perry, as part of its regular meeting (which starts at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 23, 2014, public hearings to receive public comment regarding Ordinance 14-M Adopting a Transportation Circulation Guide, Ordinance 14-N Adopting a (new) Capital Facilities Plan and Impact Fee for Storm Drains, and Ordinance 14-O Adopting a Driver Qualifications Policy. The public hearings will commence at approximately 7:15 p.m. All interested persons shall be given the opportunity to be heard. Written concerns are welcome. Any individual requiring auxiliary services should contact the City offices at least 3 days in advance (435-723-6461). By: Susan K. Obray, City Recorder. October-8-15-c PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Utah Code, Sections 10-9a-205, 502 and 503, the Brigham City Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing to receive input relevant to amend Brigham City Code, Title 29 Zoning, Chapter 29.27 Sign Regulations, Section 29.27.080 Sign/District Regulations Table, to allow additional sign area for buildings that have a secondary frontage along a major thoroughfare. The Public Hearing will be held Tuesday, October 21, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in the Brigham City Council Chambers, 20 North Main Street, Brigham City, Utah. Pertinent information regarding this matter is available for review during business hours at the Brigham City Community Development Office (435) 7346604. Office Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. APPLICATION # 3580 October-8-c NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS PERRY CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that the City Council will hold, in the City Council Chambers at 3005 South 1200 West in Perry, as part of its regular meeting (which starts at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 9, 2014, a public hearing to receive public comment regarding Resolution 14-03 (A) Establishing Amendments to the Warrant and Expenditure Approval Process. The public hearing will commence at approximately 7:15 p.m. All interested persons shall be given the opportunity to be heard. Written concerns are welcome. Any individual requiring auxiliary services should contact the City offices at least 3 days in advance (435-723-6461). By: Susan K. Obray, City Recorder. October-8-c UPAXLP Wednesday, October 8, 2014 7 One Year Subscription 30 Only $ in B.E. County Call 723-3471 Box Elder News Journal WANTED 31 PEOPLE to try new Digital Technology in Hearing Instruments Are you, or someone you know, struggling with hearing loss? We need 31 people with difficulty hearing, especially in noisy situations, to evaluate the latest in digital technology from Audibel. We will perform thorough Hearing Consultations FREE of charge to ALL callers. We will then choose 31 qualified candidates for this program. Please call immediately to schedule your FREE evaluation!! Huge Savings! Candidates will be selected on a first come, first serve basis. If your evaluation shows hearing improvement with the new instruments, you may choose to retain them for a tremendous savings. Participants who choose to keep the hearing instruments will also receive FREE In-Office maintenance for the life of the hearing aids. FF 40% O ll Ca MSRP! w No ! Don’t Miss THIS Opportunity! • INVISIBLE Deep Canal Aid NEW! When & Where October 8th - 15th! Call Now! • More Natural Sound • No Annoying Whistling/Buzzing • Custom Programmable • Custom Fit Free Caption Call Phone Its large easy-to-read screen quickly displays written captions of what your callers say. *To be eligible for this offer, patients must have a proven hearing loss, a home phone line and a high speed internet connection (wired or wireless). Expires 10/15/14. NEW Invisibel™ Hearing Instrument Start Classic 8 RIC NOW $989 Expires 10/15/14. OGDEN 4033 S Riverdale Rd. 435-363-4543 100% FULL DIGITAL WAS $1,499 BRIGHAM CITY 14 North 100 east Chris Jones, BC - HIS 801-682-1176 LOGAN 95 W. 100 South 435-363-0272 Over 500 Locations Nationwide Life is Worth Hearing TM 8 Wednesday, October 8, 2014
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