Mickael Bech Curriculum Vitae Office address: Institute of Public Health Health Economics University of Southern Denmark J.B.Winsløwsvej 9, 1. DK-5000 Odense C, Denmark Office phone: + 45 6550 4234 Depart. phone: +45 6550 3081 Fax: +45 6550 3880 E-mail: [email protected] 1. BIOGRAPHICAL DATA Born 2 September 1973 (in Grindsted, Denmark); married (Mette Birk-Olsen); two daughters (Amanda 2005; Fransa 2008). Nationality: Danish. 2. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Jan. 2012 – June 2010 – Dec. 2011 Oct. 2009 – March 2008 – Sep. 2009 March 2008 – Sep. 2009 April 2005 – Feb. 2008 Aug. 2004 – Jan. 2005 Aug. 2003 – March 2005 Sept. 2001 – Feb. 2002 May 2000 – July 2003 Feb. 2000 – April 2000 Feb. 1998 - July 1999 Director of COHERE – Centre of Health Economics Research, Department of Business and Economics, University of Southern Denmark Head of research unit, The Health Economics Research Unit, Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark Professor in health economics at University of Southern Denmark Professor in health services research at Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark (20% position) Head of department at Department of Research and HTA, OUH Odense University Hospital and Svendborg Hospital Associate professor in health economics at Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark Visiting Research Associate at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE Health and Social Care) Assistant professor in health economics at Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark Visiting research scholar at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and Stanford University (Center for Health Policy) Ph.D. scholar at Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark Research fellow (post-graduate), Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark Research fellow (pre-graduate), Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark 3. EDUCATION AND ACADEMIC DEGREES: 2008-2010 Various management courses, Situational Leadership, diploma course in management, Research management Course from CBS December 2003 Ph.D. (Economics), University of Southern Denmark January 2000 M.Sc. (Economics), SDU - Odense University, Denmark May 1997 B.A. (Economics), Odense University, Denmark June 1993 High School General Examination, Grindsted Gymnasium, Denmark 1 4. SCIENTIFIC REVIEWER AND EDITORIAL BOARDS: • Journal of Health Economics • Health Economics • Pharmacoeconomics • Journal of Economic Psychology • Health Policy • Health Economics, Policy and Law • Applied Economics • Editorial Advisory Board Member and reviewer for The Open Health Services & Policy Journal • European Journal of Health Economics • Social Science and Medicine • Preventive Medicine • Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research • Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care • Danish Medical Bulletin • Politica • Acta Orthopaedica • Member of the scientific committee for the iHEA 6th world congress, 2007 & iHEA 7th world congress, 2009 • BMC Pulmonary Medicine • BMC Health Services Research • Ugeskrift for Læger • The National Science Foundation, US • Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly • Member of the editorial board for Danish HTA agency at the National Board of Health (2010-2011) • Reviewer for The Board of the Icelandic Research Fund 5. PARTICIPATION IN NATIOANL AND INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH GROUPS AND RESEARCH NEETWORKS: • • • • • • • • • • The Technological Change in Health Care (TECH) project initiated by Stanford University (finished 2006) The International Network of Health Policy and Reform initiated by the Bertelsmann Foundation European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes in a project called AHEAD focusing on the consequences of aging (finished 2007) European Network for European Value of a Quality Adjusted Life Year called EuroVaQ (finished 2010) Nordic Health Economists’ Study group (NHEGS) International Health Economics Association (iHEA) “Sammenhæng for kræftpatienter” financed by Novo Nordisk Fonden, Kræftens Bekæmpelse, Odense Universitetshospital, Region Midtjylland (2008-2010). “Better patient courses through patient-driven innovation” together with Odense University Hospital, Danish Institute for Health Services Research, Mandag Morgen, Odense Municipality, The Danish Heart Foundation, The Danish Diabetic Foundation, The Danish Cancer Society, NeoProces A/S. The project is funded by The Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority’s Programme for user-driven innovation and by The Danish Cancer Society (2008-2011). Organiser and member of scientific workshops on applied discrete choice experiments in health. First meeting held in Odense in 2002 organised by University of Southern Denmark. EU project: Methodology to assess telemedicine applications (Methodtelemed) in corporation with Medcom, Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine, University of Stirling, 2 • • • • • Norwegian Centre for the Health Services. Project period 2009 - 2010. Member of the scientific steering group on a project focusing on screening of osteoporosis. Members of the scientific group include doctors and health services researchers. Member of the Danish National Expert Panel related to the INTERLINKS EU project (Health systems and long-term care for older people in Europe). Project period 2008-2011. Member of scientific steering committee in the project “Analysis of activity-based financing of hospitals in Denmark in 2007-2010” together with KREVI and researchers from Aarhus University. Project period 2010-2011. Member of the steering group and active researcher in the project “Hospital of the Future” funded by the Danish Strategic Research Council. Project period 2010-2013. Member of the expert panel for The TrygFonden Centre for Applied Research in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, based at the National Institute of Public Health in Copenhagen, University of Southern Denmark (2010 - ). 6. SERVICES TO COLLEGIATE BODIES: Ph.d. students • • • • • • • • • • • • • Finished Louise Herbild, cand.scient.san.publ., started December 2005. Title of Ph.D.: “Farmakogenomisk screening for CYP-polyformismer ved behandling af depression: Økonomi og præferencer”. Primary advisor. Completed 2010. Karolina Socha, cand.oecon., started December 2006. Title of Ph.D.: “Doctors’ dual practice”. Primary advisor. Completed 2010. Jakob Kjellberg, cand.scient., M.Sc.Health Econ., started October 2007. Title of Ph.D.: “Systemdelay ved cancer udredning”. Primary advisor. Dropped out June 2009 due to other interests. Current - primary advisor Søren Rud Kristensen, cand.oecon., started May 2009. Title of PhD.: “Performance budgeting – incentives and effects”. Teresa Holmberg, cand.scient.san.publ., started May 2009. Title of Phd.: ”Screening for osteoporose ved hjælp af single X-ray absorptiometry (SXA)”. Merete Munk, cand.pæd., started July 2010. Title of PhD.: “Evidensbaseret kvalitetsudvikling af klinikophold i den prægraduate uddannelse i medicin”. Jeppe Plesner, cand.med., started September 2010. Title of PhD. “Ledelse i Fremtidens Sygehusstrukturer”. Current – secondary project advisor Katrine Hass Rubin, cand.scient.san., started February 2009. Title of Ph.d.: “Risikostratificeret screening for osteoporose i Region Syddanmark.” Anne Dichmann Sorknæss, cand.cur., started September 2009. Title of Ph.d.: “Telemedicinske sygeplejekonsultationer hos kronisk lungesyge patienter i eget hjem – et kvalificeret alternativ til hospitalsindlæggelse“. Mikkel Høiberg, cand.med., started January 2010. Title of Ph.d.: “Screening for postmenopausal osteoporosis using risk-factors combined with osteodensitometry: Feasibility, acceptance and compliance”. Mirja Elisabeth Kløjgaard, cand.scient.san.publ., started April 2010. Title of Ph.d.: “Elicitation of preference for treatment for back pain”. Xenia Brun Hansen, cand.merc. started August 2010. Title of PhD.: “Hospital incentive structures and difference-in-difference models” Tine Hjernø Lesner, cand.oecon., started August 2011. Title of PhD: “Does information about HIV reduce transmission risks?”. 3 • Line Planck Kongstad, cand.oecon. started July 2011. Title of PhD: “Financial management systems in the Danish health care sector - The effect of different reimbursement methods on the incentives of the wards Master’s theses supervisor (specialevejleder) • Trine Kjær & Kristian Hart Hansen (2003); Charlotte Horsted & Monica Sørensen (2003); Margrete Meldgaard (2004); Daisy Kyed (2005, bivejleder); Marie Larsen & Sanne Becker (2005); Mette Bork Hansen (2005); Jonas Björnsson (2005); Birgitte Bennich (2005); Jesper Damgaard Schwartzbach (2005); Kasper Wille (2005); Julie Egebæk (2005); Lene Bjørn (2006); Frank Jensen (2006, CBS); Torben H. Sørensen & Brian Bekker Hansen (2006); Kasper Hjulmann (2006, bivejleder); Phu Nguyen (2007); Jesper Kjær Hansen & Majbritt Jacobsen (2007); Nathja Rudolph & Sanne Frederiksen (2007); Sanne Jeppesen & Lisbeth Blak (2007); Ditlev Granhøj Jensen (2007); Mikkel Ove-Christensen (2007); Mads Berring (2008); Morten Bo Kristensen (2008); Lars Bugge Stentebjerg (2009), Søren Beck (2009), Mads Peter Steensen Jacobsen (2009), Gitte Gundtoft Pasgaard (2010), Line Planck Kongstad (2011), Aake Packness (2011), Niratheba Samaganey Srisgandarajah Aghazamani (2012), Lars Munksgaard (2012), Niels Thorsager (2012). University Committees, etc. • Chairman for a working committee on “Fastholdelse og rekruttering af videnskabelig personale”, Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Southern Denmark (October 2007 – January 2008) • Member of Study Board for the executive Master of Public Quality Management, University of Southern Denmark (2008 - 2010) • Member of steering committee for the Ph.D. Programme for Social Studies in Medicine, University of Southern Denmark (March 2008 – September 2009) • Member of coordination committee for flexible executive Master in Public Management, University of Southern Denmark (2010 - ) Position assessment - and PhD enrolment committees • Committee member, PhD position at the Social Science Faculty, October 2006 • Committee member, PhD position at the Social Science Faculty, February 2007 • Committee chairman, PhD position at The Faculty of Health Science, May 2009 • Committee member, PhD position at the Social Science Faculty, April 2010 • Committee chairman, post.doc. position at the Social Science Faculty, April 2010 • Committee member for full professorship at Aalborg University, July 2010 • Committee member, PhD position at the Social Science Faculty, October 2010. • Committee chairman for full professorship in economic development and health, at Institute of Business and Economics, University of Southern Denmark 2011 • Committee member for full professor in health economics, University of Bergen, January 2012 Ph.d. thesis assessment committees • Committee member, Morten Raun Mørkbak, “Methodological Aspects of Choice Experiments in Relation to Food Satety Valuation”, June 2009, Copenhagen University. • Committee chairman, Loni Ledderer, ”Indførelse af forebyggelsessamtaler i almen praksis. Et organisationssociologisk institutionelt perspektiv på forandring af klinisk praksis”, October 2009, University of Southern Denmark. • Committee chairman, Anne Hvenegaard, ”Exploring important methodological issues related to the validity and usefulness of efficiency analysis”, January 2010. • Committee member, Álvaro Campillo Soto, June 2010, “VALIDACIÓN Y ESTUDIO PROSPECTIVO COMPARATIVO DE LA APPLICABILIDAD DE SEIS ÍNDICES PRONÓSTICO INTERNACIONALES DE MORBILIDAD Y MORTALIDAD EN PACIOENTES INTERVENIDOS DE FORMA PROGRAMADA EN UN SERVICIO DE CIRUGÍA GENERAL Y DIGESTIVA”, Universidad de Mucia, Spain. 4 • • Committee member, Inger Cathrine Kann, March 2012, “The GPs’ behaviour and role in prescribing of medication to home-dwelling elderly. Quality and market”. University of Oslo. Committee chairman, Søren Birkeland, March 2012, “Patient complaint cases in general practice”, University of Southern Denmark. 7. Committees and boards Other Committees • Steering board for Patient-/brugerforum at Odense University Hospital (May 2007 - 2011) • Reference group for Odense Kommune – Development of a guideline for documentation of effect in health care interventions (2007) • Odense University Hospital Research Council (March 2008 – September 2009) • Odense University Hospital – Steering Board for Odense Patient data Exploratory Network (OPEN) (March 2008 – September 2009) • Reference group member in a project titled ‘Citizens’ preferences for municipalities public services’ funded by Det Kommunal og Regionale Evalueringsinstitut (KREVI) (project period April 2009 – September 2010). • Member of corps of censors for business economics (Censorkorps for erhvervsøkonomi) (2005 - ) • Member of corps of censors for political science (Censorkorps for statskundskab) (September 2009 - ) • Member of the Strategic Research Council for the program ‘Strategic research in individuals, disease and society’, The Danish Council for Strategic Research (DSF), (2010 -) Peer-review Committees • Regional Strategic Research Fund review committee, Region South Denmark, April 2008. • Region of Southern Denmark’s HTA grant committee, August 2009. • Member of peer-review committee, Region of Southern Denmark’s HTA grants (October 2010 - ). • Peer-review board for applications for implementation of telemedicine technologies, Region South Denmark, August 2009. 8. Grants and external funding Small research grants • Analysis of the possibilities for application of Private Financing Initiative in Denmark, funded by KREOPS A/S, 2005. • Analysis of the effects of DRG in Danish hospital reimbursement, funded by Vejle County, County of North Jutland, Århus County, County of Funen, Roskilde County, 2005. • Analysis of the possibility to establish a Nephrology department in Greenland, funded by the by the Department of Health, Greenland, 2007. • Co-applicant: project on general practice referral patterns, funded by the Ministry of Health and Interior, 2007. Personal grants • Nordic Academic Exchange Fund co-funding research visits at LSE Health & social Care in 2004/5 • Grant for publishing my PhD thesis from AC’s udvalg til Beskyttelse af Videnskabeligt Arbejde, 2004. • Student Research Scholarship from Odense University, 1998 • Grant from “Direktør Peder Mortensen og hustru Marry Mortensens Fond”, 1998 EU-funded projects • European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes in a project called AHEAD focusing on the consequences of aging (finished 2007) 5 • • European Network for European Value of a Quality Adjusted Life Year called EuroVaQ (finished 2010) Methodology to assess telemedicine applications (Methodtelemed) in corporation with Medcom, Odense University Hospital, Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine, University of Stirling, Norwegian Centre for the Health Services. Project period 2009 - 2010. Larger research grants • Co-applicant: project ‘Novo Nordisk Fonden om sammenhængen i patientforløb’ from Novo Nordisk Fonden, 2007 receiving 15 mio. DKK. • Co-applicant: project ‘Sammenhængende patientforløb gennem brugerdreven innovation’ from Erhvervs- og Byggestyrelsens pulje for brugerdreven innovation and Kræftens Bekæmpelse, 2008 receiving 5.8 mio. DKK. • Co-applicant: project ‘Screening for osteoporosis’, funding from EU Interreg & Region of Southern Denmark. 9. Publications Peer reviewed journal articles 1. Kidholm, K. Pedersen, C.D., Jensen, L.K., Ekeland, A.G., Bowes, A., Flottorp, S., Bech, M. A Model for Assessment of Telemedicine Applications – MAST. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 2012; 28(1): 44-51. 2. Andersen, L.B. Bech, M., Lauridsen, J.T. Political or dental power in private and public service provision – a study of municipal expenditures for child dental care. Health Economics, Policy and Law (Forthcoming). 3. Kjær, T. & Bech, M. Does the use of bias correction approaches influence willingness-to-pay estimates in a discrete choice experiment? An empirical investigation. European Journal of Health Economics (Forthcoming). 4. Holmberg, T. Bech, M., Curtis, T., Juel, K., Grønbæk, M., Brixen, K. Association between passive smoking in adulthood and phalangeal bone mineral density; results from the KRAM study – the Danish Health Examination Survey 2007-2008. Osteoporosis International (Forthcoming). 5. Rubin, K.H., Abrahamsen, B., Hermann, A.P., Bech, M., Gram, J., Brixen, K. Prevalence of risk factors for fractures and use of DXA-scanning in Danish women. A regional populationbased study. Osteoporosis International, 2011; 22(5): 1401-1409. 6. Socha, Karolina S. & Bech, M. Physician dual practice: A review of literature. Health Policy, 2011; 102(1): 1-7. 7. Bech, M. Christiansen, T., Khoman, E., Lauridsen, J., Weale, M. Ageing and health care expenditure in EU-15. European Journal of Health Economics, 2011; 12(5): 469-478. 8. Rubin, K.H., Abrahamsen, B., Hermann, A.P., Bech, M., Gram, J., Brixen, K. Fracture risk assessed by Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX) compared with fracture risk derived from population fracture rates. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2011; 39: 312–318. 9. Herbild L., Bech M., Gyrd-Hansen D., Christensen M., Werge T., Nilsen KA. Assessing the effects of local clinic guidelines of pharmacogenetic testing on treatment costs among psychiatric patients. An application of multilevel modelling in the analysis of observational data from Danish hospitals. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2011, vol 39: 147-155. 10. Bech, M. Kjær, T., Lauridsen, J. Does the Number of Choice Sets Matter? Results from a Web Survey Applying a Discrete Choice Experiment. Health Economics, 2011, vol. 20(3): 273286. 11. Bech, M. Nielsen, J.A., Kronborg, C., Lauridsen, J.T. Djøferne har taget magten i sundhedsvæsenet – eller har de? Ugeskrift for Læger, 2010, vol. 172, no. 50: 3471-3476. 12. Kronborg, C., Kjær, T. Bech, M. Cost analysis of establishing dialysis facilities for the 6 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. treatment of chronic renal failure in Greenland. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 2010, vol. 69, no. 5: 470-479. Lauridsen J., Bech M., Lopez F., Sanchez M. A spatiotemporal analysis of public pharmaceutical expenditure. Annals of Regional Science, 2010, 44(2):299-314. Lauridsen, J., Sánchez, M.M., Bech, M. Public pharmaceutical expenditure: identification of spatial effects. Journal of Geographical Systems, 2010, 12(2): 175-188. Bech, M. Udbud skaber efterspørgsel på sundhedsydelser. Ugeskrift for Læger, 2010, 172(10): 785-787. Bech, M. & Lauridsen, J. Exploring the small area variation and spatial patterns in outpatient treatments. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 2009, vol. 9(3): 177-196. Perelman, J., Shmueli, A., McDonald, K.M., Pilote, L., Saynina, O., Closon, MC, and the TECH investigators (among other Bech, M.). Inequality in treatment use among elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction: USA, Belgium and Quebec. BMC Health Services Research, 2009, 9: 130. Kidholm, K., Ehlers, L., Korsbek, L., Kjærby, R., Bech, M. Assessment of the quality of miniHTA. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2009, 25(1): 42-48. Bech, M., Christiansen, T., Dunham, K., Lauridsen, J., Lyttkens, C.H., McDonald, K., McGuire, A. The influence of economic incentives and regulatory factors on the adoption of treatment technologies: a case study of technologies used to treat heart attacks. Health Economics, 2009, vol. 18 (10): 1114-1132. Bech, M. & Lauridsen, J. Exploring the spatial pattern in GP expenditures. The European Journal of Health Economics, 2009, 10(3): 243-254. Herbild, L., Bech, M. & Gyrd-Hansen, D. Estimating the Danish populations' preferences for pharmacogenetic testing using a discrete choice experiment. The case of depression. Value in Health, 2009, vol. 12(4): 560-567. Bech, M. & Kristensen, M.B. Differential response rates in postal and Web-based surveys among older respondents. Survey Research Methods, 2009, vol. 3(1): 1-6. Bech, M. Hvad ved vi om økonomiske incitamenter? – professortiltrædelsesartikel. Ugeskrift for Læger, 2008, vol. 170 (47): 3874-3875. Lauridsen, J., Bech, M., López, F. & Sánchez, M.M. Geographic and Dynamic Heterogeneity of Public Prescription Pharmaceutical Expenditure in Spain. The Review of Regional Studies, 2008, vol. 38, no. 1: 89-103. Bech, M., Hansen, B.B., Lauridsen, J. & Sørensen, T.H. Udbudspåvirkning af forbruget i almen lægepraksis. Norsk Økonomisk Tidsskrift [in Danish: Supplier induced demand in general practice], 2008, 122 (2): 20-35. Bech, M., Kjær, T. & Kronborg, C. Omstilling i det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen. Afdækning af befolkningens præferencer for hjemtagning af nyresvigtsbehandling [In Danish: Reorganisations in the Greenlandish health care sytem. The population's preferences for establishing nephrology facilities]. Økonomi og Politik, 2008, nr. 4: 55-67. Hjulmann, K., Vondeling, H. & Bech, M. Why did some Danish counties introduce breast cancer screening and others not? An exploratory study of four selected counties. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2008, vol. 24 (3): 326-332. Herbild, L., Gyrd-Hansen, D. & Bech, M. Preferences for Pharmacogenetic Screening in Depression. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2008, vol. 24 (1): 96-103. Bech, Mickael & Lauridsen, Jørgen. Exploring the spatial pattern in hospital admissions. Health Policy, 2008, vol. 87 (1): 50-62. Hansen, Kasper M. & Bech, Mickael. De sociotropiske vælgere: Ønsket om faldende ledighed betyder mere, end hvem der bliver statsminister, og vælgerne kan ikke købes med lønstigninger. Politica, 2007, 39. årgang, nr. 1: 67-86. 7 31. Lauridsen, J., Bech, M., López, F. & Sánchez, M.M. Spatial dynamics of public pharmaceutical expenditures. Case Studies in Business, Government and Industry Statistics (CS-BIGS), 2007, vol. 1(1): 80-90. 32. Bech, M., Gyrd-Hansen, D., Kjær, T., Lauridsen, J., Sørensen, J. Graded Pairs Comparison – does Strength of Preference matter? Analysis of Preferences for Specialized Nurse Home Visits for Pain Management. Health Economics, 2007, 16(5): 513-529. 33. Kjeldsen, H.C., Bech, M., Christensen, B. A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Two Management Strategies for Dyspepsia. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2007, 23(3): 376-384. 34. Bech, M., Christiansen, T. & Gyrd-Hansen, D. Handling VAT in economic evaluations: should prices include VAT? Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 2006, vol. 5(4): 209-213. 35. Bech, M., Lauridsen, J. & Pedersen, K.M. Giver øget brug af takststyring i sygehusvæsenet højere produktivitet? (In Danish: Does activity based reimbursement have an impact on hospital productivity?). Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, 2006, 144(3): 326-342. 36. Kjær, T., Bech, M., Gyrd-Hansen, Hart-Hansen, K. Ordering effect and price sensitivity in discrete choice experiments: Need we worry? Health Economics 2006, 15(11): 1217-1228. 37. Jarbol, D.E., Bech, M., Kragstrup, J., Havelund, T., de Muckadell, O.B.S. Economic evaluation of empirical antisecretory therapy versus Helicobacter pylori test for management of dyspepsia. A randomized trial in primary care. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 2006 22(3): 362-371. 38. Pedersen, K.M., Christiansen, T. & Bech, M. The Danish health-care system: evolution – not revolution – in a decentralized system. Health Economics, 2005, 14(S1): S41-S57. 39. Bech, M. The economics of non-attendance and the expected effect of charging a fine on non-attendees. Health Policy, 2005 74(2): 181-191. 40. Bech, M. & Gyrd-Hansen, D. Effects Coding in Discrete Choice Experiments. Health Economics 2005, 14(10): 1079-1083. 41. Bech, M., Sørensen, J. & Lauridsen, J. Eliciting women's preferences for a training program in breast self-examination: a conjoint ranking experiment. Value in Health, 2005, 8(4): 479487. 42. Bech, M. Takststyring af sygehuse – kan marginalomkostningstakster bruges og hvad er alternativet? [In Danish Activity based reimbursement of hospitals – can marginal DRG charges be used and what is the alternative?] Økonomi & Politik 2005, 78. årgang, nr. 1: 31-39. 43. Bech, Mickael, Dahl, Poul S. & Hansen, Kasper M. Afdækning af plejepersonales præference for job i et conjoint ranking eksperiment: Hvordan vægtes forskellige jobkarakteristika? [In Danish: Home care assistants’ preferences for job characteristics – a conjoint ranking study]. Økonomi & Politik, 2004, no. 4: 38-50. 44. Bech, M., Kjær, T., Lauridsen, J., Gyrd-Hansen, D. Hvad ønsker studerende af deres fremtidige job? Illustration af et diskret valg eksperiment. (In Danish: Which job characteristics are important to university students? A discrete choice experiment) Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, 2004, vol. 142 (1): 48-67. 45. Dyreborg, U., Axelsson, C., Bak, M., Bech, M., Bellstrøm, T., Christensen, S., Grabau, D. Aa., Gyrd-Hansen, D., Jensen, A. B., Rose, C., Schwartz, W., Jørgensen, T., & Bakketeig, L. 2004. Mammografiscreeningen i Fyns Amt 1993-97 - En medicinsk teknologivurdering. Medicinsk Teknologivurdering puljeprojekter, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-315. (Peer reviewed report in Danish – Mammography screening in the County of Funen 1993-97). 46. Vrangbæk, K. & Bech, M. Organizational responses to the introduction of DRG rates for ”extended choice” hospital patients in Denmark. Health Policy, 2004, 67(1): 25-37. 47. Bech, M. County council politicians’ choice of hospital payment scheme: a discrete choice 8 study. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 2003, 2(4): 225-232. 48. Bech, M. Politicians’ and hospital managers’ tradeoffs in the choice of reimbursement scheme: a discrete choice experiment. Health Policy, 2003, 66(3): 261-275. 49. Bech, M. & Gyrd-Hansen, D. Cost implications of routine mammography screening of women 50-69 years in the county of Funen, Denmark, Health Policy, 2000, 54(2): 125-141. Books and book chapters 50. Pedersen, KM., Bech, M., Bek, T. Kvalitetsudvikling og incitamenter. I Mainz, J., Bartels, P., Bek, T., Pedersen, KM., Krøll, V., Rohde, P. (red.) Kvalitetsudvikling i praksis. Munksgaard, København, 2011, pp. 389-404. 51. Bech, M., Pedersen, KM., Bartels, P., Mainz, J., Hansen, AM. Offentliggørelse af information om kvalitet. I Mainz, J., Bartels, P., Bek, T., Pedersen, KM., Krøll, V., Rohde, P. (red.) Kvalitetsudvikling i praksis. Munksgaard, København, 2011, pp. 405-422. 52. Bech, M., Lauridsen, J., López, F. and Sánchez, M.M. Dynamic patterns and small-area variation in public pharmaceutical expenditure. In: Christian Dreger, Reinhold Kosfeld and Matthias Türck (eds.) Emprirische Regionalforscung Heute – Festschrift für Professor Dr. Hans-Friedrich Eckey, page 159-178. Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2010. 53. Andersen, L.B., Bech, M., Lauridsen, J. Political or dental power in private and public service provision – a study of municipal expenditures for child dental care. . In Linde, P. (red.) ”Symposium i Anvendt Statistik” udgivet ved Økonomi Institut, Københavns Universitet & Danmarks Statistik, København, 2010, pp. 120-135. 54. Bech, M., Hansen, B.B., Lauridsen, J., Sørensen, T.H. ”Rationering og udbudsinducering af forbrug i almen lægepraksis.” In Linde, P. (red.). Symposium i Anvendt Statistik udgivet ved IER, Syddansk Universitet & Danmarks Statistik, København, 2009, pp. 31-44. 55. Bech, M. & Lauridsen, J. ”Variationsmønstre i hospitalsindlæggelser - har kommunerne kontrol over hospitalsindlæggelserne?” I Lauridsen, J. & Pedersen, K.M. Sundhedsøkonomi Fra teori til praksis, København: DJØF, 2009 kapital 4: 75-90. 56. Hjulmann, K, Vondeling, H., & Bech, M. ”Hvorfor indførte nogle danske amter mammografiscreening og andre ikke?” I Lauridsen, J. & Pedersen, K.M. Sundhedsøkonomi Fra teori til praksis, København: DJØF, 2009 kapital 7: 133-144. 57. Bech, M., Kjær, T. & Kronborg, C. ”Grønlændernes ønsker til udbygning af sundhedsvæsenet med behandling af patienter med nyresvigt” I Lauridsen, J. & Pedersen, K.M. Sundhedsøkonomi - Fra teori til praksis, København: DJØF, 2009 kapital 11: 193-210. 58. Bech, M. & Kristensen, M.B. Differential response rates in postal and Web-based surveys in older respondents. In Linde, P. (red.). Symposium i Anvendt Statistik udgivet ved Copenhagen Business School & Danmarks Statistik, København, 2008, pp. 82-93. 59. Pedersen, K.M., Bech, M., Hansen, M.B. Incitamentsstyring i sygehusvæsenet: Virkningen af øget takststyring og tilhørende incitamenter. (In Danish). Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, March 2006. 60. Bech, M., Gyrd-Hansen, D., Kjær, T., Lauridsen, J. & Sørensen, J. Stated Preferences for Specialized Nurse Home Visits using Graded Pairs Comparison: How to Analyse Data? I Lauridsen, J. & Andersen-Alstrup, D. (red.) ”Symposium i Anvendt Statistik” udgivet ved Økonomisk Institut, SDU & Danmarks Statistik, København, 2005, pp. 139-160. 61. Bech, M. & Kjær, T. Betydningen af varians i diskret valg studier. I Lauridsen, J. & Andersen-Alstrup, D. (red.) ”Symposium i Anvendt Statistik” udgivet ved Økonomisk Institut, SDU & Danmarks Statistik, København, 2005, pp. 423-447. 62. Bech, Mickael. Choice of Hospital Reimbursement Scheme: Incentives and Tradeoffs. Ph.D. 9 Thesis published by Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, 2004. Other publications 63. Dørken, R., Feilberg, S., Buse, T., Jakobsen, M.L.F., Pallesen, T., Hansen, X.B., Kristensen, S.R., Bech, M. Takster i faste rammer. En analyse af takst- og økonomistyringen på sygehusområdet. KREVI rapport, januar 2012. 64. Bech, M. Politikere må træffe svære valg om sundhed. Kronik i Politiken, specielt indstik om valg 2011, den 28. august, 2011. 65. Søgaard, R. Bech, M. & Olsen J. Effekten af private sundhedsforsikringer på forbruget af offentligt finansierede sygehusydelser. CAST rapport, maj 2011. 66. Pedersen, K.M., Bech, M., Vrangbæk, K. The Danish Health Care System: An Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Consensus Center, February 2011. 67. Pedersen, K.M., Bech, M., Vrangbæk, K. En analyse af udfordringer, muligheder, styrker og svagheder ved det danske sundhedsvæsen og 10 løsningsforslag. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Consensus Center, February 2011. 68. Socha, K. & Bech, M. The relationship between dual practice and physicians’ work behaviour in the public hospitals: Results from the Danish survey. Health Economics Papers 2011:1. Institute of Public Health, Health Economics, University of Southern Denmark. 69. Bech, M, Arendt, J.A., Kronborg, C., Lauridsen, J.T. Skal lægerne, økonomerne eller politikerne have magten i sundhedsvæsenet? Kronik i Politiken, 21. december 2010, 2. sektion, side 9. 70. Bech, M. Nielsen, J.A., Kronborg, C., Lauridsen, J.T. Djøferne har taget magten i sundhedsvæsenet – eller har de? Health Economics Papers 2010:6. Institute of Public Health, Health Economics, University of Southern Denmark. 71. Birk-Olsen, M. & Bech, M. Frokost I børnehuset – Der er ikke fremlagt dokumenterede effekter af en frokostordning. Kronik i Fyens Stiftstidende den 23. November 2010. 72. Strøm T, Bech M, Toft P. Economic Evaluation of A No Sedation Strategy in Critically Ill Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation. Critical Care Medicine 2009;37(12):997. Conference abstract. Society of Critical Care Medicine’s (SCCM) 39th Critical Care Congress, Miami, US, January 2010. 73. Mollerup, M., Martin, H.M., Bech, M. Effektiv brugerinddragelse – foreløbige erfaringer fra projekt PaRIS. Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvæsen, 2010, 86. årgang, nr. 4: 8-11. 74. Pedersen, K.M., Bech, M., Socha, K. Lægers bijobberi stærkt overdrevet. Analyse i Politiken, tirsdag den 20. april 2010. 75. Bech, M. Derfor halter sygehusøkonomien. Analyse I Poliken, søndag den 7. marts 2010. 76. Draborg, E., Kjær, T., Bech, M. & Mollerup, M. Dokumentationsrapport – Spørgeskemaundersøgelse. PaRIS – Patientens Rejse i Sundhedssektoren. Health Economics Papers 2009:5. Institute of Public Health, Health Economics, University of Southern Denmark. 77. Lund, E., Bech, M., Hulbæk, L., Jest, P. ”Tolkning via videokonferenceudstyr i Region Syddanmark – Gevinst for personale, patienter, tolke og ikke mindst økonomien”, Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvæsen, 2009, årgang 85, nr. 9: 246-249. 10 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. Fasterholdt, I, Bech, M. Hulbæk, L. ”Økonomi i teletolkning – traditionel fremmødetolkning contra teletolkning vurderet gennem en business-case”, Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvæsen, 2009, årgang 85, nr. 9: 250-252. Kristensen, S.R. & Bech, M. ”Analyse: Kvalitetsmåling giver skæve resultater.” Kronik i Politiken, 20. august 2009. Kronborg, C., Kjær, T. & Bech, M. ”Hjemtagning af dialysebehandling til grønlandske patienter med kronisk nyresvigt”. Health Economics Papers 2008:14. Institute of Public Health, Health Economics, University of Southern Denmark. Kidholm, K. Korsbek, L., Kjærby, R., Jeppesen, J-O. S, Bech, M. Den nationale mini-MTVdatabase Over 300 MTV’er fra danske sygehuse samlet på Sundhedsdatanettet. Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvæsen, 84. årgang, 2008 nr. 10: 272-275. Vedsted, P., Olsen, K.R., Sørensen, T.H., Bech, M. & Gyrd-Hansen, D. Henvisningsmønstret i almen praksis. En litteraturgennemgang. Ministeriet for Sundhed og Forebyggelse, København 2008. Olsen, K.R., Sørensen, T.H., Vedsted, P., Gyrd-Hansen, D. & Bech, M. Analyse af henvisningsmønstret i dansk almen praksis Delanalyse 2. En registerundersøgelse. Dansk Sundhedsinstitut, Juli 2008. Evald, Majbritt R., Thomsen, Jeanette & Bech, Mickael. ”Visioner og VIP-virkelighed i konflikt.” Samfundsøkonomen, 2008, nr. 5: 31-35. Bech, M. & Clemensen, J. “Stordrift, nærhed og høj kvalitet.” Kronik i Fyens Stiftidende, 18. maj 2008, side 9 i første sektion. Clemensen, J. & Bech, M. ”Fremtidens sundhedsvæsen balancerer nærhed og kvalitet.” Kronik i Herning Folkeblad, 8. maj 2008, side 7 i første sektion. Clemensen, J. & Bech, M. ”Læger vælger faglighed og nærhed”. Kronik i Herning Folkeblad, 7. maj 2008, side 1 i anden sektion. Hansen, B.B., Sørensen, T. H. & Bech, M. Variation in utilization of health care services in general practice in Denmark. Data description report: Data collection and descriptive statistics. Health Economics Papers 2008:1. Institute of Public Health, Health Economics, University of Southern Denmark. Sørensen, J., Gudex, C., Bech, M. & Clausen, I. Inpatient care or day surgery for gynaecological laparoscopy: what do patients prefer? Health Economics Papers 2007:5. Institute of Public Health, Health Economics, University of Southern Denmark. Bech, M. & Socha, K. Bibeskæftigelse – problem eller mulighed? Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvæsen, 83. årgang, 2007 nr. 5: 145-148. Lauridsen, J., Maté, M., López, F. & Bech, M. Public pharmaceutical expenditure: identification of spatial effects. Health Economics Papers 2007:3. Institute of Public Health, Health Economics, University of Southern Denmark. Lauridsen, J., Bech, M., López, F. & Maté, M. Geographic and dynamic heterogeneity of public phamaceutical expenditure. Health Economics Papers 2007:2. Institute of Public Health, Health Economics, University of Southern Denmark. Lauridsen, J. & Bech, M. Dynamic patterns and small-area variation in hospital admissions. I Linde, P. (red.) ”Symposium i Anvendt Statistik” udgivet ved Institut for Økonomi, Århus Universitet & Danmarks Statistik, København, 2007, pp. 168-185. Bech, M., Kjær, T. & Lauridsen, J. Does the number of choice matter? Results form a web survey applying discrete choice experiment. I Linde, P. (red.) ”Symposium i Anvendt Statistik” udgivet ved Institut for Økonomi, Århus Universitet & Danmarks Statistik, 11 København, 2007, pp. 51-73. Christiansen, T., Bech, M., Lauridsen, J., Nielsen, P. Demographic Changes and Aggregate Health-Care Expenditure in Europe. ENEPRI Research Report No. 32/December 2006. 96. Bech, M., Lauridsen, J., López, F., Sánchez, M.M. Time trends and spatial spill-over effects in the Spanish public pharmaceutical expenditure. European Journal of Health Economics, 2006, Suppl. 1, 7: s17. 97. Bech, M. Kontraktstyring af sygehusene: Fra blød til hård kontraktstyring. Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvæsen, 82. årgang, 2006 nr. 10: 343-346. 98. Bech, M., Lauridsen, J. & Pedersen, K.M. Giver øget brug af takststyring i sygehusvæsenet højere produktivitet? Health Economics Papers 2006:4. Institute of Public Health, Health Economics, University of Southern Denmark. 99. Bech, M., Christiansen, T., Dunham, K., Lauridsen, J., Lyttkens, C.H., McDonald, K., McGuire, A. How do economic incentives and regulatory factors influence adoption of cardiac technologies? Result from the TECH project. Working Papers, Department of Economics, Lund University, No 2006:15. 100. Bech, M. & Pedersen, K.M. Not just for the money. Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvæsen, 82. årgang, 2006 nr. 4: 147-150. 101. Pedersen, K.M. & Bech, M. Hvordan flytter man penge på den bedste måde? Mandat, 2006, nr. 3: 44-47. 102. Bech, M., Lauridsen, J., López, F. & Sánchez, M.M. Time trends and spatial spill-over effects in public pharmaceutical expenditures. I Linde, P., Rootzén, H. & Traberg-Borup, EM. (red.) ”Symposium i Anvendt Statistik” udgivet ved Informatik og Matematisk Modellering, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet & Danmarks Statistik, København, 2006, pp. 115-126. 103. Bech, M., Pedersen, K.M. & Hansen, M.B. Privat inddragelse I finansiering, byggeri og drift af offentlige anlægsinvesteringer med særlig vægt på sundhedsområdet: Udenlandske erfaringer og danske muligheder. Health Economics Papers 2005:3. Institute of Public Health, Health Economics, University of Southern Denmark. 104. Bech, M. & Pedersen, K.M. Transaction Costs Theory Applied to the Choice of Reimbursement Scheme in an Integrated Health Care System. Health Economics Papers 2005:2. Institute of Public Health, Health Economics, University of Southern Denmark. 105. Bech, M. Choice in the Danish health care system. Euro Observer, 2004 6(4): 5-6. 106. Bech, Mickael & Birk-Olsen, Mette. Når patienterne bliver væk fra aftalerne: Er det et problem og hvad skal vi i givet fald gøre ved det? (In Danish - Is non-attendance a problem and what can we do about it?) Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvæsen, 2004, 80(9): 292-295. 107. Kjær, T., Bech, M., Gyrd-Hansen, D. & Hart-Hansen, K. Testing for internal consistency ordering effects and dominant preferences in a discrete choice experiment: a study of preferences for psoriasis. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 2004, 4 (supplement): s38. 108. Bech, Mickael & Iversen, Peter B. Politikere og sygehusledelser positive overfor aktivitetsbaseret afregning (In Danish - Politicians and hospital managers are in favour of activity based financing). Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvæsen, 2003, 79. årgang nr. 9: 287290. 109. Iversen, Peter B. & Bech, Mickael. Beslutningstageres brug af sundhedsøkonomiske analyser (In Danish - Policy makers’ use of economics evaluations). Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvæsen, 2003, 79. årgang nr. 9: 291-294. 110. Rasmussen, D.H., Pedersen, M.L., Vondeling, H. & Bech, M. Sundhedspolitiske beslutninger 95. 12 – bliver de implementeret? – et casestudie af gennemførelsen af Sundhedsstyrelsens anbefalinger for hospitalsrehabilitering af svært traumatisk hjerneskadede (in Danish Health policy decisions – are they implemented?). Tidsskrift for Dansk Sundhedsvæsen, 2003, 79. årgang nr. 4: 129-135. 111. Skjoldborg, U.S., Bech, M., Andersen, C.K. Opgørelse af omkostninger i økonomiske evalueringer (in Danish - Measuring costs in economic evaluation). Månedsskrift for Praktisk Lægegerning 2003, 81(3): 441-451. 112. Vrangbæk, K. & Bech, M. Organizational responses to the introduction of DRG rates for ”extended choice” hospital patients in Denmark. Institut for Statskundskab, Arbejdspapir 2002/15. Reports 113. Anne Birgitte Christensen, Jeppe Plesner, Mickael Bech. "Establishing Joint Acute Wards (JAWs)". Health Policy Monitor, Oct 2010. Available at http://www.hpm.org/survey/dk/a16/1 114. Socha, Karolina and Mickael Bech. "Waiting time guarantee - an update". Health Policy Monitor, October 2008. Available at http://www.hpm.org/survey/dk/a12/2 115. Socha, Karolina and Mickael Bech. "Extended free choice of hospital - follow up". Health Policy Monitor, April 2008. Available at http://www.hpm.org/survey/dk/a11/1 116. Bech, M., Berg, R., Christensen, J., Ejersbo, J., Evald, M.R., Fuglsig, M., Kjeldgaard, D., Legind, Nina, N.D., Roth, E. & Thomsen, J. Rekruttering og fastholdelse af videnskabelige medarbejdere. Strategirapport ved det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet, January 2008. 117. Socha, Karolina and Mickael Bech. "Extended free choice of hospital - waiting time". Health Policy Monitor, October 2007. Available at http://www.hpm.org/survey/dk/a10/1 118. Bech, M., Pedersen, K.M. & Hansen, M.B. Privat inddragelse I finansiering, byggeri og drift af offentlige anlægsinvesteringer med særlig vægt på sundhedsområdet: Udenlandske erfaringer og daske muligheder. Udarbejdet til Keops A/S 2005. 119. Mickael Bech & Mette Birk-Olsen. "No-show fees for hospital patients". Health Policy Monitor, 09/10/2004. Available at http://www.hpm.org/survey/dk/a4/3 120. Pedersen, C.S. & Bech, M. Evaluering af Projekt Rygestop for gravide i Fyns Amt. Fyns Amt, 2004. 121. Mickael Bech. "No-show fees for non-attending patients". Health Policy Monitor, 01/04/04. Available at http://www.hpm.org/survey/dk/a3/6 122. Bech, M. & Pedersen, K.M. Kommentarer til Konkurrencestyrelsens udkast til kapitel 7. Udarbejdet til Konkurrencestyrelsen, 2003. 123. Mickael Bech, Kjeld Moeller Pedersen, Terkel Christiansen. "HC Sector Organization". Health Policy Monitor, May 2003. Available at http://www.hpm.org/survey/dk/a1/5 124. Christiansen, I. L. & Bech, M. Evaluering af implementering af aktivitetsbestemt afregning på Middelfart sygehus. (In Danish - Implementation of activity based reimbursement at Middelfart Hospitals). November 2001. 125. Sørensen, J., Bech, M., Nielsen, K. E., Nørgård, G. H., Jacobsen, J., Krogh, C. Koordinationsudvalget I Odense Kommune: Sammenfatning af den gennemførte evaluering. Center for Anvendt Sundhedstjenesteforskning og Teknologivurdering, juni 2001 126. Sørensen, J., Bech, M., Nielsen, K.E. Koordinationsudvalget i Odense Kommune. Delrapport 1: Mål- og procesevaluering. Center for Anvendt Sundhedstjenesteforskning og 13 Teknologivurdering, juni 2001. 127. Bech, M. Koordinationsudvalget i Odense Kommune. Delrapport 2: Virksomhedssurvey. Center for Anvendt Sundhedstjenesteforskning og Teknologivurdering, juni 2001. 128. Bech, M., Dyekjær, K., Hansen, L., Kallestrup, M., Sjuneson, H., Johansen, N., Strømbæk, C. Socialundersøgelse 1998-99. DJØF 1999. 129. Nielsen, M., Bech, M., Mikkelsen, L.B., Hindrichsen, M.L., Thernøe, L., Nielsen, S.W. Socialundersøgelsen 1996-97. DJØF 1997. 10. Conference presentations (presenting author underlined) 1. Kongstad, L.P., Bech, M. Problems associated with reimbursing teaching hospitals – Do 2. highly specialized units comprise systematically higher costs? Presented at the 32nd NHESG meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-19th August 2011. 3. Søgaard, R., Pedersen, M.S., Bech, M. Does private health insurance reduce the use public hospital? Presented at the 32nd NHESG meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-19th August 2011. 4. Hansen, X.B., Bech, M., Socha, K. The Variation of Mixed Reimbursement Systems in Denmark – A review of the choices made across the five regions of Denmark. Presented at the 32nd NHESG meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-19th August 2011. 5. Kristensen, S. R., Sutton, M., Bech, M. What is the empirical basis for holding hospitals financially responsible for emergency readmission rates? Presented at the 32nd NHESG meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-19th August 2011. 6. Nielsen, J.S., Bech, M., Christensen, K., Kiil, A., Hvidt, N.C. Risk aversion, health behaviour and religiosity. Analysis using a sample of Danish twins. Presented at the 32nd NHESG meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-19th August 2011. 7. Bech, M., Lauridsen, J.T., Andersen, L.B., Municipal Expenditures for Child Dental Care: Political or Dental Power in Private and Public Service Provision. Presented at the 8th iHEA congress in Toronto, 9-13 July 2011. 8. Bech, M. ’Betaling for kvalitet og kvalitet som økonomisk incitament’ (In Danish: Payment for Quality and Quantity)”. Presentation at the biannual Danish DRG conference in Ringsted, Denmark, 6 May 2011. 9. Andersen, L.B., Lauridsen, J.T., Bech, M. Political or dental power in private and public service provision – a study of municipal expenditures for child dental care. 8th European conference on Health Economics, July 7-10th July 2010. 10. Kristensen, S.R., Bech, M. Paying for quality in hospital care: Who should be paid? 8th European conference on Health Economics, July 7-10th July 2010. 11. Fasterholdt, I, Bech, M. et al. Economic consequences of home hospitalization of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. 8th European conference on Health Economics, July 7-10th July 2010. 12. Fasterholdt, I., Bech, M., Sorknæs, A. Kidholm, K. Economic consequences of home hospitalization of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Dansk Forum for Sundhedsøkonomi, København, 14. April. 2010. 13. Kristensen, S.R., Bech, M. The Quality Concern: A clarifying review of the economic literature on the potential adverse effects on the quality of health care from activity based funding of hospitals. Dansk Forum for Sundhedsøkonomi, København, 14. April. 2010. 14. Strøm, T., Bech, M. & Toft, P. Economic evaluation of a no sedation strategy in critically ill patients receiving mechanical ventilation. Society of Critical Care Medicine’s (SCCM) 39th 14 Critical Care Congress, Miami, US, January 2010. 15. What dimensions are important to patients in their experience of continuity of care? : A study of patients' preferences using a discrete choice experiment. / Kjær, Trine; Bech, Mickael; Draborg, Eva Ulriksen; Mollerup, Mette. 2009. Konferencen: ISPOR 12th Annual European Congress, Paris, France, 24. oktober 2009 - 27. oktober 2009. 16. Cancerpatienters ønsker og behov til sammenhængende patientforløb - første og udvalgte resultater. / Draborg, Eva Ulriksen; Bech, Mickael; Kjær, Trine. 2009. Konferencen: 15. møde i Dansk Forum for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, nr. 15, Aarhus, Danmark, 11. november 2009. 17. Bech, M., Lauridsen, J. Exploring the spatial pattern in municipal expenditures for dental child care. Presented 30th NHESG Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 2009. 18. Bech, M., Chrisitensen, T., Khoman, E., Lauridsen, J., Weale, M. Ageing and aggregate health care expenditure in Europe. Presented 30th NHESG Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 2009. 19. Bech, M., Hulbæk, L., Fasterholdt, I., Grøn, P., Jørgensen, L.I., Lund, E., Pedersen, C.D. Videoconferenced language interpretation: A national infrastructure in Denmark. At the conference “Infrastructures for Healthcare – Connecting practices across institutional and professional boundaries”, Copenhagen 18-19 June 2009. 20. Bech, M, Hansen, B.B., Lauridsen, J. & Sørensen, T.H. Rationering og udbudsinducering af forbruger i almen lægepraksis. Presented at Symposium i Anvendt Statistik, Kolding, 26-27 January 2009. 21. Bech, M. & Lauridsen, J. Exploring the small area variation and spatial patterns in outpatient treatments. Presented at Third Seminar of Spatial Econometrics in honour of Doctor J.H.P. Paelinck, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, 10-11 October 2008. 22. Bech, M. & Kristensen, M.B. Fremtidens ældreboliger. Presented at Symposium i Anvendt Statistik, Copenhagen, 28-30 January 2008. 23. Bech, M., Hansen, B.B., Lauridsen, T. & Lauridsen, J. Can supplier induced demand and availability effects be identified for Danish general practitioners? Presented 28th NHESG Meeting, Tartu, Estonia, August 2007. 24. Bech, M. & Lauridsen, J. Exploring the spatial pattern in GP expenditures. Presented 28th NHESG Meeting, Tartu, Estonia, August 2007. 25. Kjær, T., Bech, M. & Kronborg, C. Willingness-to-pay for the establishment of nephrology facilities in Greenland: Application of a discrete choice experiment. Presented 28th NHESG Meeting, Tartu, Estonia, August 2007. 26. Hjul, K., Vondeling, H. & Bech, M. Decision making variation on the introduction of breast cancer screening at the county level in Denmark. Presented at the 4th Annual Meeting of Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) in Barcelona June 2007. 27. Bech, M. & Lauridsen, J. Exploring the spatial pattern in hospital admissions. Presented at the 6th iHEA congress in Copenhagen, 8-11 July 2007. 28. Herbild, L. Bech, M. & Gyrd-Hansen, D. Pharmacogenetic screening for CYP-polymorphisms in the treatment of depression – using discrete choice experiments to disclose patients’ and publics’ preferences. Presented at the 6th iHEA congress in Copenhagen, 8-11 July 2007. 29. Bech, M., Kjær, T. & Lauridsen, J. Does the Number of Choice Sets Matter? Results from a Web Survey Applying Discrete Choice Experiment. Presented at the 6th iHEA congress in Copenhagen, 8-11 July 2007. 30. Bech, M. & Lauridsen, J. Dynamic patterns and small-area variation in hospital admissions. 15 Presented at Danish Forum for Health Economics, Århus, 24 May 2007. 31. Bech, M., Hansen, B.B., Lauridsen, Jørgen & Sørensen, T.H. Udbudspåvirkning af forbruget almen praksis. Presented at Danish Forum for Health Economics, Århus, 24 May 2007. 32. Bech, M., Christiansen, T. , Dunham, K. , Lauridsen, J., Lyttkens, C.H., McDonald, K., McGuire, A., Investigators TECH. Adoption and Diffusion of new Technologies for Treatment of Ageing-Related Diseases : A case study of technologies used to treat heart attacks. 2007. Presented at The International Regulation of New Medical Technology; health Technology Adaption in the European Union, North America, East Asia, and in the Developring World., Salchau Schloss, Kiel, Germany, 7-11 may 2007. 33. Lauridsen, J. & Bech, M. Dynamic patterns and small-area variation in hospital admissions. Presented at Symposium i Anvendt Statistik, Århus, 30-31 January 2007. 34. Bech, M., Kjær, T. & Lauridsen, J. Does the number of choice matter? Results form a web survey applying discrete choice experiment. Presented at Symposium i Anvendt Statistik, Århus, 30-31 January 2007. 35. Bech, M. et al. The influence of economic incentives and regulatory factors on the adoption of treatment technologies: a case study of technologies used to treat heart attacks. Presented at Workshop on Health Economics: The design and evaluation of incentives for health care providers. Bergen, 23-24 November 2006. 36. Christiansen, T., Bech, M., Lauridsen, J. & Nielsen, P. Demographic changes and aggregate health care expenditure in Europe. Presented 27th NHESG Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2006. 37. Bech, M., Christiansen, T. & Gyrd-Hansen, D. Handling VAT in economic evaluation: should prices include VAT? Presented 27th NHESG Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2006. 38. Bech, M., Lauridsen, J., López, F., Sánchez, M.M. Time trends and spatial spill-over effects in the Spanish public pharmaceutical expenditure. Presented at the 6th European Conference on Health Economics in Budapest, Hungary, July 2006. 39. Bech, M., Christiansen, T. & Gyrd-Hansen, D. Handling VAT in economic evaluation: should prices include VAT? Presented at the 12th Danish Meeting for Health Economists, April 26th 2006. 40. Bech, M., Lauridsen, L. & Pedersen, KM. Giver øget brug af takststyring I sundhedsvæsenet højere produktivitet? Presented at the 12th Danish Meeting for Health Economists, April 26th 2006. 41. Bech, M. et al. How Do economic and regulatory incentives influence adoption of new medical technologies? Results from the TECH project. Presented at the 5th iHEA congress in Barcelona, 8-13 August 2005. 42. Kjær, T., Bech, M. & Gyrd-Hansen, D. Introducing cheap talk into a discrete choice experiment: an empirical study of hypothetical bias. Presented at the 5th iHEA congress in Barcelona, 8-13 August 2005. 43. Bech, M., Gyrd-Hansen, D., Kjær, T., Lauridsen, J. & Sørensen, J. Stated Preferences for Specialized Nurse Home Visits using Graded Pairs Comparison: How to Analyse Data? Symposium i Anvendt Statistik [Workshop for Applied Statistics], January 24-25 2005. 44. Bech, M. & Kjær, T. Betydningen af varians i diskret valg studier. Symposium i Anvendt Statistik [Workshop for Applied Statistics], January 24-25 2005. 45. Kjær, T., Bech, M., Gyrd-Hansen, D. & Hart-Hansen, K. Testing for internal consistency ordering effects and dominant preferences in a discrete choice experiment: a study of preferences for psoriasis. Presented at the 5th European Conference on Health Economics, 16 London, 2004. 46. Bech, M., Christiansen, T., Nielsen, P. & Lauridsen, J. How do economic and regulatory incentives influence the adoption of new technologies? Presented at the 25th Nordic Health Economists' Study Group Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 2004. 47. Bech M., Christiansen et al. Hvordan påvirker økonomiske incitamenter og regulering spredningen og ibrugtagelsen af nye (dyre) teknologier? (In Danish) Dansk Forum for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, Århus November 18th. 2003. 48. Kjær, T., Bech, M., Gyrd-Hansen, D. & Hart-Hansen, K. Testing for Internal Consistency, Ordering Effects and Dominant Preferences in a Discrete Choice Experiment – A Study of Preferences for Psoriasis Treatment. Presented at a Discrete Choice Workshop September 22-23 2003 in Oxford, UK. 49. Bech, M., Christiansen, T., Lauridsen, J., Nielsen, P. & Kessler, D. How do economic and regulatory incentives influence the adoption of new technologies? Presented at the iHEA 4th world conference, San Francisco, US June 15-18 2003 50. Pedersen, K.M. & Bech, M. Theory of the hospital and the neo-institutional theory of the firm. Presented at the iHEA 4th world conference, San Francisco, US June 15-18 2003. 51. Pedersen, K.M. & Bech, M. The use of transaction cost economics in health economics: A relevant paradigm? Presented at the iHEA 4th world conference, San Francisco, US June 1518 2003. 52. Bech, M. & Pedersen, K.M. Why do we have vertical integration in the health care sector? Interpretations based on 'standard' neo-classical health economics and new institutional economic theory. Presented at the 23rd Nordic Health Economists' Study Group Meeting, Helsinki, Finland 23 - 24 August 2002. 53. Bech, M. Politicians’ preferences and hospital financing in a public integrated system. Presented at a Discrete Choice Workshop April 18-19 2002, Odense, Denmark. 54. Vrangbæk, K. & Bech, M. Organizational responses to the introduction of DRG rates for ”extended choice” hospital patients in Denmark. Presented at the Nordic Health Economist’ Study Group Meeting at University of Southern Denmark, August 24-25, 2001. 55. Bech, M. & Pedersen, K.M. Reimbursement schemes viewed from principal-agent theory and transaction cost economics: which is the better approach. Presented at the Nordic Health Economist’ Study Group Meeting at University of Southern Denmark, August 24-25, 2001. 56. Iversen, P. & Bech, M. The use of conjoint analysis for eliciting the preferences of Danish county politicians and senior hospital administrators. Presented at the Nordic Health Economist’ Study Group Meeting at University of Southern Denmark, August 24-25, 2001. 57. Bech, M. & Pederesen, K.M. How can we explain hospital reimbursement schemes from a principal-agent theory and is it sufficient to explain the existence of different schemes? Presented at the iHEA 3rd world conference in York in July, 2001. 58. Slothuus, U., Bech, M., Andersen, C.K. Opgørelse af omkostninger i økonomiske evalueringer. Presented at the ‘Dansk Forum for Sundhedsøkonomi’, Copenhagen, May 2001. 59. Bech, M. Review and evaluation of economic models of hospitals addressing reimbursement questions. Presented at the 21th NHESG Meeting, Lund, Sweden, August 2000. 60. Bech, M. & Gyrd-Hansen, D. Cost-effectiveness analyse af mammografiscreening i Fyns Ams, Danmark. Presented at the 20th NHESG Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 1999. 61. Bech, M., Gyrd-Hansen, D., Rose, C., Grabau, D., Schwartz, W. Cost Analysis of Mammography Screening in Denmark. Presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the 17 International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care, June, 1999. Conference organiser • Co-organiser of Dansk Forum for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, held in Odense 29 November 2005. Co-organiser Helle Møller Jensen. • Organiser of Brush-up course for all candidates graduated from the Faculty of Social Science, University of Southern Denmark, held 9 November 2002. Co-organiser Terkel Christiansen. • Co-organiser of the Discrete Choice Workshop held 18-19 April 2002, Odense, University of Southern Denmark. Co-organisers Jan Sørensen, Peter Iversen and Dorte Gyrd-Hansen • Co-organiser of the Nordic Health Economist Study Group Meeting, held in August 2001 in Odense. Co-organisers Terkel Christiansen and Peter Bo Poulsen. 11. Teaching notes 1. Bech, M. Introduktion til statistiske analyser i SPSS version 10. 2000 2. Bech, M., Birk-Olsen, M. & Gundgaard, J. Introduktion til statistiske analyser i SPSS version 13. 2007 3. Bech, M. Introduktion til statistiske analyser i SAS version 6.12. 2000 4. Bech, M., Birk-Olsen, M. & Gundgaard, J. Introduktion til statistiske analyser i SAS version 9.1. 2007 12. Presentations and guest lectures (mostly in Danish) 2003 1. Ekspertpaneldeltager ved Bløderforeningens temamøde ”Bløder i år 2010” den 1. februar. 2. Gæsteforelæsning ”Design og estimation af discrete choice experimenter” den 31. marts på Den Kongelige Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole. 2004 3. Oplæg på temamøde i Dansk Selskab for Medicinsk Prioritering ”Borgerinddragelse”, på Skejby Sygehus, Århus, 26. januar. 4. Oplæg på Esbjerg Statsgymnasium ”Hvad kan vi lære af udenlandske reformer”, 4. marts. 5. Seminar at LSE Health & Social Care, London “How does economic and regulatory incentives influence adoption of new medical technologies? Results from the TECH project”, 14 October. 2005 6. Forelæsning om Sundhedsøkonomisk evaluering på Nordiska Högskolan för folkhälsovetenskap den 16-17. maj (8 timer) samt den 30.november-1. december (8 timer). 7. Forelæser og medarrangør af kursus i ”Anvendt sundhedsøkonomi og sundhedspolitik” ved Peqqissaanermik Illinarfik (Center for Health Educations), Grønland, Nuuk, 21-25. november. 8. Gæsteforelæser på DSI – Institut for Sundhedsvæsen’s kursus i Sundhedsøkonomi den 12. oktober. 9. Gæsteforelæser på temadag på Bornholms Sygehus den 12. maj med titlen ”Hvad kan sundhedsøkonomi bidrage med?”. 10. Gæsteforelæser på OLAU kurserne den 11. februar. 2006 18 11. Gæsteforelæsning på DSI’s kursus i sundhedsøkonomi, 9. maj samt 2. november 12. Gæsteforelæsninger ved Nordiskae högskolan för folkhälsovenskap, Göteborg, 10-11. maj 13. Gæsteforelæsninger ved Capacent om discrete choice experiments, Island, 4-6. september 14. Oplæg ved symposiet ”Fremtidens tandlæge”, København, 15. september 15. Oplæg i Regionsforeningen med titlen ”Hvad kan et DRG system medføre på længere sigt?”, København, 29. september 16. Gæsteforelæsning på Odense Universitetshospital med titlen ” Økonomiske incitamenter: Betydning og virkning”, Odense, 6. oktober 17. Gæsteforelæsning på faget ”Meningsdannelse i et demokratisk perspektiv” ved Institut for Statskundskab, København, 13. oktober 2007 18. Oplæg ved AKF med titlen ” Økonomiske incitamenter, forbrug af sundhedsydelser og kommunalreformen”, København, 17. januar 19. Oplæg med titlen ”Teknologiske bidrag til løsningen af sundhedssektorens udfordringer” ved workshoppen ”Automation i sundhedssektoren” på De Tekniske Fakultet, Odense, 18. januar. 20. Oplæg ved symposiet ”Fremtidens tandlæge”, Fredericia, 2. februar. 21. Oplæg ved Eksklusivmøde for Danske lungespecialister i Korsør 2. marts med titel ”Lægers bibeskæftigelse – Er det et problem eller snarere en løsning?” 22. Kursus i sundhedsøkonomi for tillidsrepræsentanter ved FTF den 6. marts. 23. Oplæg med titlen ”Teknologiske bidrag til løsningen af sundhedssektorens udfordringer” ved seminar med titlen ”Den intelligente operationsstue” arrangeret af Dansk Medicoteknisk Selskab den 20. marts ved Odense Universitetshospital. 24. Oplæg med titlen ”Kvalitetsindikatorer i det danske sundhedsvæsen” ved Den Nationale Casemix (DRG) Konference 2007 den 19-20. april i Aalborg. 25. Oplæg med titlen ”Can supplier induced demand and availability effects be identified for Danish general practitioners?" ved DSI seminar, den 16. maj I København 26. Oplæg med titlen ”Kvalitetssikring ved de danske tandlæger” ved Augustenborg Tandlægeforening, Sønderborg den 30. maj. 27. Gæsteforelæsning på DSI’s kursus i sundhedsøkonomi, 30. maj & 25. oktober. 28. Oplæg ved Teknologirådets workshop om prioritering i sundhedssystemet afholdt den 7. juni i Middelfart. 29. Oplæg med titlen ”Hvordan flytter man penge på den bedste måde inden for sundhedsvæsenet?” ved Odense Universitetshospital den 7. september. 30. Oplæg med titlen ” P4P & offentliggørelse af information om kvalitet” for Danske Regioners Sundhedsøkonomisk kontor den 4. december. 2008 31. Oplæg med titlen ”P4P & offentliggørelse af information om kvalitet” ved seminar arrangeret af Danske Regioner og Syddansk Universitet afholdt i København 20. maj. 32. Oplæg med titlen ”Frit valg på sundhedsområdet” ved seminar hos Forbrugerrådet, København den 8. oktober. 33. Gæsteforelæsning på DSI’s kursus i sundhedsøkonomi, 29. oktober. 34. Oplæg med titlen ”Private supplerende sundhedsforsikringer – mulighed eller trussel?” ved seminar hos Danske Fysioterapeuter, København den 18. december. 19 2009 35. Oplæg med titlen ”Private supplerende sundhedsforsikringer – mulighed eller trussel?” ved seminar hos Danske Fysioterapeuters hovedbestyrelsesmøde, Middelfart den 6. januar. 36. Oplæg ved årsmødet for Dansk Selskab for Kvalitet i Sundhedsvæsenet (DSKS) med titlen ”Selvom økonomien strammer til i sundhedsvæsenet – behøver det så at gå ud over kvaliteten?”, Nyborg 9. januar. 37. Oplæg ved årsmødet for Dansk Selskab for Kvalitet i Sundhedsvæsenet (DSKS) med titlen ”Patientens rejse i sundhedssektoren - projekt PaRIS”, Nyborg 10. januar. 38. Oplæg ved FTF kursus for fælles tillidsrepræsentanter med titlen ”Sundhedsøkonomiske styringsinstrumenter”, Nyborg 3. februar. 39. Oplæg ved Danske Regioners økonomikonference med titlen ”Økonomisk styring af sygehusene - Erkendelser og provokationer”, Vejle 3. marts. 40. Oplæg ved Medcom opstartsmøde for projekt om tolkning ved videokonference med titlen ”Business case for National udbredelse af tolkning via videokonference udstyr”, Odense, 22. maj. 41. Gæsteforelæsning på DSI’s kursus i sundhedsøkonomi, 5. maj. 42. Oplæg på KREVI med titlen ”Økonomiske incitamenter, præferencer og forbrug af sundhedsydelser” den 4. juni, Århus. 43. Oplæg på Region Syddanmarks kursus om personlig lederskab med titlen ”God ledelse”, den 16. juni, Middelfart. 44. Oplæg for Rigsrevisionen med titlen ”Regionernes økonomistyringsmodeller”, 22. juni, København. 45. Oplæg i Ministeriet for Sundhed og Forebyggelse med titlen ”Fremtidens DRG-system – Erkendelser, problemer og provokationer”, 7. oktober, København. 46. Oplæg på DRG-konference med titlen ”Fremtidens DRG-system – Erkendelser, problemer og provokationer”, 23. oktober, Vejle. 47. Oplæg på diplomkurset ”Ledelse i Region Syddanmark” med titlen ”Kvalitet og økonomi Kan vi påvirke adfærd med (økonomiske) incitamenter?”, 17. november, Fredericia. 48. Oplæg på NPI forum for brugere, Nationalt Patientindeks med titlen ”Nytteværdi af Nationalt Patientindeks & deling af sundhedsoplysninger”, 24. november, Odense. 2010 49. Oplæg på Region Syddanmarks lederudviklingskursus med titlen ”Kvalitetsstyring Kan vi påvirke adfærd med (økonomiske) incitamenter?”, 14. januar, Fredericia 50. Oplæg ved KMD seminar med titlen ”Kontrakter, marked og konkurrence - Nobelprisen i økonomi 2009”, 17. marts, Odense. 51. Oplæg på Region Syddanmarks lederudviklingskursus med titlen ”Kvalitetsstyring Kan vi påvirke adfærd med (økonomiske) incitamenter?”, 15. april, Fredericia. 52. Oplæg ved Dansk Evalueringsselskabs seminar med titlen ” Konsekvenser af offentliggørelse af information om kvalitet”, 17. maj, Odense. 53. Gæsteforelæsning på DSI’s kursus i sundhedsøkonomi, 26. maj & 3. november, Middelfart. 54. Oplæg på det 15. medlemsmøde i Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Ledelse med titlen ” Krydspresset mellem pligt, etik og økonomiske incitamentsstrukturer. Afholdt den 29. oktober i Odense. 55. Oplægsholder og ordstyrer på Region Syddanmarks kvalitetsdag den 4. november i Fredericia. 56. Forelæsning på Ph.d.-kursus i Sundhedsøkonomi og økonomisk evaluering, Aalborg 20 Universitet. Afholdt den 15-16. & 22. november. 2011 57. Oplægsholder på seminar om kronikerforløb i Region Nordjylland, Aalborg, den 21. januar. 58. Oplæg på årlige MTV konference den 24. marts, København. 59. Oplæg i Sundhedsstyrelsen for Sundhedsstyrelsens udvalg for kommunal sundhed og forebyggelse den 31. marts. 60. Oplæg for Odense Kommunes kommunalråd den 5. april, Odense. 61. Oplæg for National Samarbejdsforum for Sundhedsforsknings årsmøde i København den 5. maj. 62. Oplæg og paneldebat på Sund By Netværks Årsmøde, 8. juni, Christiansborg, København. 63. Oplæg på Region Syddanmarks lederudviklingskursus med titlen ”Kvalitetsstyring Kan vi påvirke adfærd med (økonomiske) incitamenter?”, 9. juni, Fredericia. 64. Præsentation til forskningsseminar ved Center for Health Economics, Hamburg den 20. juni med titlen ’Does private health insurance reduce the use of public hospitals?’. 65. Oplæg på Dansk Evalueringsselskabs gå-hjem-møde i Odense med titlen ’Økonomisk evaluering’, Odense, 23. juni. 66. Oplæg på OUH’s Hospitalskonference i Odense tirsdag den 20. september med titlen ’Produktivitet og trivsel’. 67. Oplæg på tema dag for ’Sår-i-Syd’ i Kolding den 10. oktober med titlen ”Sundhedsøkonomi og Telemedicin: Økonomi i fremtidens sårbehandling – en udfordring” 68. Oplæg ved Aberdeen University, Health Economics Research Unit med titlen “Regional variation in mixed hospital reimbursement schemes”, 11. November. 69. Keynote speaker på ambassaden i Wien ved uformelt debatmøde, 16. november 70. Oplæg ved LIF ekspertmøde ’Betydningen af patienters beslutninger om brug af medicin’ med titlen ”Betydningen af økonomiske forhold - gulerødder og barrierer”, 7. december, København 21
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