ST. ANGELA MERICI Catholic Church Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston October 12th, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekday Mass Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: 12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. Rosary Friday following Mass Weekend Mass Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Parish Life Center 9009 Sienna Ranch Rd. All Masses celebrated in our Parish Life Center Parish Office 6210 Sienna Parkway, Ste. 300 Office Hours Reconciliation Parish Life Center Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. ~12:00 p.m. Office will close for daily Mass. Thursdays 6:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. Office Phone: 281-778-0400 Parish Life Center Phone: 281-778-7031 Fax: 281-778-0401 Saturdays 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Parish Life Center Thursdays 9:00 a.m. - 6:45 p.m. Mailing address 6140 Hwy. 6 PMB 99 Missouri City, Texas 77459 Email: [email protected] Bulletin announcements must be print ready & submitted to [email protected] no later than noon on Friday (9 days) before the Sunday of publication. Parish mission statement “St. Angela Merici Catholic Church in Missouri City, TX is a diverse community, united in the Mission of Christ through the Eucharist, proclamation of the Gospel and service to the people of God.” Directory and stewardship Pastor: Rev. John Cahoon [email protected] Parish Administrator: Margaret Myers [email protected] Dir. of Music & Liturgy: Dr. Sandra Derby [email protected] Dir. of Faith Formation: Karen Ann Martin [email protected] Parish Secretary: Peggy Nice [email protected] Receptionist: Linda Cruz [email protected] Ministry Scheduler: Colin Kiernan [email protected] Spiritual Life Ministry: Kathleen Messina [email protected] Parish Council Chair: Chris Agostinelli [email protected] Finance Council Chair: Kelley Sauer [email protected] Welcome Visitors! Please visit our website at: Parish registration forms are located on our website, at the parish office, or at the Parish Life Center. Our community—1338 households Parish Stewardship Report - October 5th Weekly Budget Weekend Collection Auto Pay (18) Total Contributions Over / Under $19,221.02 $17,290.81 $3,709.00 $20,999.81 +$1,778.79 Registered Households Envelopes Used Loose Checks 1338 218 65 Land & Start Up Loan Beginning Balance Monthly Payment Current Loan Balance $1,489,068.35 $8,176.27 $1,343,796.83 Continue the Vision Total Pledged Total Collected Households making pledge $2,870,953.02 $1,523,215.50 485 DIOCESAN SERVICES FUND 2014 GOAL Pledged Collected Number of Pledges Percentage of Goal Paid Rebate to Parish $22,990.00 $56,866.00 $52,125.01 188 226.73% $14,567.51 Our Goal 3.9 Million *Please u lize the offertory envelopes you receive in the mail, especially for cash. This insures accurate accoun ng of your contribu ons. To set up monthly contribu ons through your bank bill pay, please contact Margaret Myers at 281.778.0400. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! You are invited to the Installation Mass for Ytà{xÜ ]É{Ç XA Vt{ÉÉÇ as Pastor of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church by Most Reverend George A Sheltz, Auxillar Bishop, Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Sunday, October 19, 2014 10:45 am Reception following Youth ministry and faith formation True joy only comes from God and realizing our deepest dependence on Him (CCC 301). LIFE TEEN: Sunday, October 12th 6-8 PM Topic: Poor Me Preferential Option for the Poor SCRIPTURE CATECHISM Matthew 5:42, 25:40 Luke 12:48, 21:1-4 Hebrews 13:5 CCC # 2402-2406 CCC # 2535 CCC # 2443-2449 GOAL OF THIS NIGHT: Based off of Christ’s own ministry, The Church teaches a preferential option and love for the poor. Using the 10th commandment as a foundation, this Life Night will help the teens understand the true purpose of wealth and material goods. This Life Night will also help humanize the plight of the poor and the homeless. EDGE Wednesday, October 15th 6-8pm Topic: COLOR MY WORLD A Social Night GOAL OF THIS NIGHT: The goal of this Edge Night is to help the youth grow in fellowship and community. This night is intended to be an opportunity to meet and spend time getting to know their small groups for the rest of the semester. IMPORTANT EDGE NOTICE: Trunk or Treat Needs YOU! LIFE TEEN & EDGE Teens looking to volunteer? Sign-up NOW to volunteer for Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 25th, 6-8pm How can I help? Volunteer - Stop by the registration table after all masses to sign up for a one hour shift or go to Click on “find a sign up” and type in the event email address: [email protected]. This WEEK it is important that all EDGE Youth wear clothes that they can get stained. Wear a white or light colored shirt. BRING IT ON !!! For more information about SAM Youth Ministry, please contact Karen Ann Martin or email at [email protected] Children’s Faith formation Adult formation KIDs Club Monday & Tuesday October 13th & 14th Family Theme: THE HOLY SPIRIT This week our children will be looking at the HOLY SPIRIT, the third person of the Trinity and who the Holy Spirit is within the Trinity. St. Angela Merici Parish will be offering Symbolon™ Our Parish has a great Opportunity to Grow in Our Understanding of Our Faith Together It’s HERE! An Immersion in the Faith for the Whole Parish Using state-of-the-art technology, and stunning video catechesis, Symbolon is designed to deliver A dynamic and compelling presentation of the faith to every parishioner 24/7! Every Parishioner Has Access! With the Symbolon digital platform, parishioners can create a login that allows you to access Symbolon on your own, wherever and whenever you want, using smart phones, tablets or computers TIME FOR LEARNING MORE PRAYERS!! Over the next couple weeks we will be challenging our children to continue learning the prayers which Cardinal Daniel DiNardo has asked us to ensure they memorize. Our Prayer Lady, Melinda Reckers will be visiting and providing each child with a private prayer book for their age group. To Create Your Personal Account for Access, click on the SYMBOLON: Register NOW link on the Home Page of the Parish Website: This week we will be meeting on Tuesday, at 7:30 at the PLC to view and discuss Session 3 1st Reconciliation Parent Meeting For all children who will be preparing to receive 1st Reconciliation and 1st Eucharist this year. (also called, 1st Confession & 1st Communion) The meetings were Thursday, October 9th & Saturday, October 11th IF YOU MISSED THEM, CONTACT KarenAnn at [email protected] for a make up appointment. (You don’t have to view along with us, you have access to all sessions once you create an account) Need More Information : Contact: Karen Ann Martin at [email protected] or call 281-778-0400 PARISH LIFE Scripture Readings Mass Intentions for the Week SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sat 11th 5:00 pm LindaCruz Sun 12th 9:00 am PeopleoftheParish 10:45 am †DarioLorenzetti 12:30 pm †StephanieKirkpatrick Tues 14th 12:00 pm †BobGalbraith Wed 15th 9:00 am Thur 16th 7:00 pm Fri 17th 9:00 am Sat 18th Sun 19th Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon 13th Tue 14th 5:00 pm †Juan&†FelipaVillegas Wed 15th 9:00 am †FedericoMakayanII Thu 16th 10:45 am PeopleoftheParish 12:30 pm †StephanieKirkpatrick Fri 17th Sat 18th Sun 19th †Deceased Please stop by the parish office to schedule a Mass intention. St. Callistus I St. Teresa of Jesus St. Margaret Mary Alacoque St. Ignatius of Antioch St. Luke Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1; Ps 113: 1b-2, 3-4, 5a And 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48; Lk 11:37-41 Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 And 6; Lk 11:42-46 Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4, 5-6; Lk 11:47-54 Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-11, 12-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 PLEASE PRAY FOR Our Sick Rand Doane, Corey Soule, Tony Yasilli, Linda Browne, Gretchen Foresman, Glen Nice, Natalia Rijos, Michael Saladino, Brooks Dremely, Betty Kohle, Kourosh Vahedi, Jaime Castano, Mpoki Tenende, Michael Robbins, Maria Santos, Ski Kryszewski *Names will be removed after 3 months. Please notify the parish office if you wish to keep your name on the list. * Our Military LCDR Shawn Kiernan, US Navy PFC Jonathon Rivas, US Army Major Jose Carrejo, Army Reserve Spec. Nicholas Watts USN Air Corps Robert Mangan Col. James Romero, US Army Major Jonathan Esparza, US Air Force BU3 Matthew Roche Capt. Michael Steward, US Air Force SPC John-Benedict Odukwe SAINT OF THE WEEK — St. Teresa of Avila (Wednesday, October 15th) A towering figure of her time, St. Teresa is known as a mystic, religious reformer, founder of seventeen convents, and outstanding master of Christian prayer. Born in 1515, Teresa was the daughter of a wealthy merchant in Spain. She became a nun at age twenty, though her early life and vocation initially had little to do with the love of God. The Carmelite convent in Avila, like many in that time, was quite lax—more a boardinghouse for wealthy maidens than a house of prayer. At the age of thirty-nine however, following a health crisis that nearly killed her, Teresa experienced a powerful conversion. She determined to devote herself more seriously to prayer and to establish a new reformed Carmelite community. Teresa’s activities entailed considerable risk and resulted in an investigation by the Inquisition. Nevertheless, she surmounted all obstacles through an extraordinarily intense communion with God. Teresa died in 1582 and was canonized forty years later. In 1970 she was the first woman named a Doctor of the Church. (Adapted from “Give Us This Day, October 2014) 4th Annual St. angela Merici trunk or treat & fall festival Saturday, October 25th 6:00 – 8:00 PM plc parking lot Join us for a night of “trunk or treating” with games & activities for all ages. What is trunk or treating? Participants will park their car in the east side parking lot, decorate their car/parking spot with family-friendly Halloween décor and pass out candy to all the trick or treaters. Think of it as Halloween tailgating! Families are welcome to bring food & beverages to enjoy (no alcohol, BBQ Grills or Pets are allowed). Reserve a parking spot for the trunk or treat event by registering after all masses in the foyer of the plc or by sending an email to [email protected]. What if I don’t want to decorate my car? Those families that would like to just go trick or treating and/or participate in the other activities will park in the west side parking lot. you will not need to register. How can I help? Volunteer - Stop by the registration table after all masses to sign up for a one hour shift or go to click on “find a sign up” and type in the event email address: [email protected]. Donate - We will gladly accept store-bought bags of single wrapped candy & 2-liter bottles of soda. Brought to you by: The knights of Columbus #14617, women of the vine & youth groups of st. angela merici NEW MASS TIME FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE FOR PICK UP AT THE PARISH OFFICE Beginning November 1st we will be adding a weekday Mass on Saturdays at 9:00 AM MONDAY - THURSDAY 9 am - 5 pm Friday 9 am - 12 pm Submissions to the bulletin are due by noon on Friday (9 days) before the Sunday of publication. For example, for the bulletin on Sunday, October 26th ALL announcements must be submitted by noon on Friday, October 17th. Send bulletin notices to [email protected]. If the announcement is received after the deadline it will go into the following week’s bulletin. Spiritual Life I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly. John 10:10 Living WORD — The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Weddings are glorious events. Grand or modest, they capture a significant moment that is both the culmination of much that has gone before and the promise of all that is to come. A great deal of love-filled effort goes into preparing a wedding feast because the couple wants to share their joy. Isn’t it true that the weddings we have rejoiced at most are the ones where we had the closest relationship with the couple? It is because we experience the wedding differently than those more removed, perhaps like the last minute date of the second cousin. Those who have already shared life with the couple hear the nuance in the wedding vows, know the fervor behind particular prayers in the intercessions, grasp the depth of the song the groom and his mother are dancing to, and appreciate the care and concern that went into choosing food to please all the guests. Those in closest relationship are able to celebrate, truly sharing in the joy most completely. The king in today’s Gospel also wanted to share the joy of his son’s wedding and invited many to the feast. It is the fourth, in as many weeks in a series of parables about the Kingdom of God; what it is like, who is included and what is demanded of them. Workers in the vineyard, two sons, and wicked tenants revealed God’s ordering of values and requirement that we be obedient and fruitful. The parables showed us God’s anger, frustration and disappointment, but also God’s constant invitation, generosity and abundant love. Jesus’ central point in each is that to enter and enjoy the kingdom of heaven we must know and live faithfully in who we are before God. The king in today’s parable, invited everyone near and far to the wedding feast. Those that incurred his anger were those who ignored the invitation or who came to the feast improperly attired; in other words those who failed to respect their king. Notice that in each parable we heard that the kingdom of heaven IS LIKE, not WILL BE LIKE. Throughout His ministry Jesus insisted that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Jesus initiated the Kingdom of God for us to join in, not wait idly by. Just as the guests with the closest relationship to the wedding couple rejoice most because they see and experience most deeply the mutual love being poured out in that celebration, so too those in closest relationship with the Lord see and experience most deeply God’s love poured out in and among us in each moment of our lives. When we accept and participate in God’s invitation to relationship, we rejoice more deeply at the wedding supper of the Lamb that we celebrate at each Mass, we notice and dwell in the exchange of mutual love that occurs at our own dinner tables, we are granted peace in our Christian service for others, we are moved to pure joy in moments of loving friendship, we savor our unnoticed generosity of spirit as a participation in the life of Christ. To be sure, what we experience now is veiled, a foretaste; pure grace that cannot be produced or captured. Imagine though the experience of God’s glory for those closest to the Lord when what was promised has come to be in eternity! Spiritual Direction at St. Angela Merici If you would like to become better at recognizing and telling your family and life story, as part of the one story of God, consider the gift of spiritual direction. It provides a privileged time and place to confidentially reflect upon, in the company of a trusted person, your relationship with God and how it is lived out with others. St. Angela Merici has trained and experienced Spiritual Directors to help you discern God’s active presence and invitation for more love and life in every moment, awakening you to the abundance God desires for you. For more information about the privileged and confidential experience of Spiritual Direction contact: Kathleen Messina at [email protected] or (281)778-9178. ABUNDANT Living Viewing: Skip the lure of TV trash one night each week and tune in through your computer to Symbolon. Follow the link from St. Angela’s Faith FormaƟon page on the parish website and learn more about your Catholic faith on your own Ɵme from the comfort of your couch! Holy Rosary: The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. Consider introducing your family to devoƟon to the Blessed Virgin Mary by praying even just one decade each night. Christian spirituality is not one dimension of the Christian life, it IS Christian life. For more information contact Kathleen Messina at [email protected] Parish and community Life SCRIPTURE REFLECTION & COMMUNAL PRAYER ~~~~~~~~~ St. Angela Merici Catholic Church ANOINTING OF THE SICK MASS Saturday, November 8th at 9:00 AM Monday Scripture Reflection 6:30 PM In the Parish Office MORE INFO: [email protected] Thursday Scripture Reflection 10:00 AM in the PLC Fr. John Cahoon & Fr. Bob Duggan will celebrate an Anointing of the Sick Mass at St. Angela’s. Those who are seriously or chronically ill, facing surgery, or suffering from the physical losses of old age are invited to be anointed. Men’s Friday Scripture Reflection Family, loved ones, and all parishioners are invited to pray with the Church for the sick as their ills are commended to the suffering of the glorified Lord. Hospitality and refreshments will be offered in the Gathering Space of the PLC following the Mass. 6:30 AM In the PLC MORE INFO: John Hopkins (713)429-5004 Tuesday Meditation Groups While it is helpful for planning, it is not necessary to register in advance. Please don’t hesitate to call the parish office if you will need assistance or with any questions at 281-778-0400 or email Kathleen Messina at [email protected]. 10:30 AM In the PLC 7:00 PM In the Parish Office MORE INFO: [email protected] Friday Rosary Last Things: Death, Dying and Eternal Life In the PLC following SAVE THE DATES: Wednesday November 5, 12 and 19, 2014 9:00 AM Mass Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 6:45 PM Thursdays In the PLC MORE INFO: Paula Flowers (713)962-6128 On three successive Wednesday evenings Fr. John Cahoon will offer a series that explores Last Things. Among the topics to be covered are: Reconciliation Thursdays 6:00 PM ~ 6:45 PM In the PLC Saturdays 4:00 PM ~ 4:45 PM In the PLC • • • Church teaching about death and eternal life Sacraments and pastoral care for those who are ill and/or preparing for death Catholic funerals and burial More to follow… Knights of Columbus #14617 Special Olympics Our Council had an absolute blast at the Special Olympics Swim Meet on September 27th. We had 11 Knights and family members and we were joined by 10 more from St. Thomas Aquinas. The Special Olympics committee assigned us the task of handing out the awards after every heat. At the far end of the Natatorium we set up shop and started having fun handing out medals and ribbons to the swimmers. We handed out hundreds of them. The participants all got to stand on the podium and have their name announced and medals draped on their necks just like the Summer Olympics. We had cheering, photographers, and all the excitement of the Olympics. All of the Knights had a great time and we are excited to help out again next year. Parish Life Pope Francis invites us to continue to pray for families and for the Bishops and participants attending the Synod on the Family which closes on October 15. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendor of true love, to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth, may the work of the Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God's plan. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. Welcome to the newest member of our Catholic community... Emmanuel Chidera Ichoku Whoever welcomes a child in My name, welcomes Me. ~~Luke 9:46-48 Become a Knight We currently have 154 members and would love to have more good Catholic gentlemen from our parish join our fraternal organization. If you want to know more about the Knights of Columbus, visit our website at or contact Ken Stilling at [email protected] or call 281-437-2216. Our regular meetings are at the PLC the first Thursday of every month immediately after the 7:00 p.m. Mass. Second Collection October 18th & 19th Catholics of the world unite at Mass to recommit ourselves to our vocation, through Baptism, to be missionaries. As we pray and respond on World Mission Sunday here at home, we are sharing in those celebrations taking place in every parish all over the world. Please pray and give generously to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. “One Family in Mission” Barrett Health Centers Chiropractic • Nutrition • Physical Therapy • Massage 4642 Riverstone Blvd. • Missouri City Rockin’ Robin Henry Delclos, D.D.S. Susan Delclos, D.M.D. Orthodontics Pediatric Dentistry Music Lessons Who chooses us: M.D.’s, Nurses, Clergy, 9029 Hwy. 6, Ste. 160 Police and Fire Personnel, EMS and More Missouri City Insurance Accepted Dr. R.F. Barrett, D.C. 281.778.2378 Emergency Hours “For the Chiropractor you wish you had in the family” Author 281-499-4810 2869 Dulles Ave. 281-265-4177 281-261-2504 3619 S. Shepherd Houston Public Speaker 2225 Williams Trace #106 Medical Missionary 713.520.8383 Rodeo Chiropractor DOUG TURNER PLUMBING CO. 24 Hour Emergency Service MASTER PLUMBER M-15354 4777 S. Main, Stafford 281-201-4709 SPACE AVAILABLE Your ad To Advertise Here... Contact PEDRO (PETE) VASQUEZ today at (800) 833-5941 [email protected] could be in this space! ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................... 24/7 HELP ................... Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 989667 St Angela Merici Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941 Air Condition & Heating Parishioner Pat Gross, President Office 281-431-6400 Texas Lic # TACLB020136E David M Stegall, Agent Parishioner Honest, Reliable, Affordable Service “30 years experience” PAINTING BY TOD Fully Insured “Where Quality Counts!” Since 1981 Interior • Exterior • Sheetrock Repairs Tod Griffin 281-265-7134 9029 Hwy 6, Ste. 170 @ Sienna Pkwy (281) 778-0841 Good Neighbor Agent since 1981 PROFESSIONAL HOUSE CLEANING SERVICES 281-261-1064 Residential and Commercial Affordable Service Highly Referenced Available FREE ESTIMATES Served in greater Houston since 1986 PATRICIA CISNEROS Cell: 713-799-3780 “Family Owned and Operated For Generations to Come” William G. Richey, O.D. 6701 Hwy 6, Suite 140 Missouri City, TX 77459 Melissa C. Moeller, O.D. 281-208-5999 Thomas P. Arnold, O.D. 15337 Southwest Frwy. (At Williams Trace) Sugar Land Mon-Fri: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM “Parishioner” 281-499-0377 Home • Auto • Life • Commercial 3550 FM 1092 (Murphy Rd.) 281-242-2020 MICHAEL W. ROSE Certified Public Accountant Business Set-ups • Tax Services • Financial Planning Email: [email protected] Visit us at 614 Texas Parkway, Ste. 300 HD Video • Editing • Dubbing • Titles Wedding • Anniversary • Baptism Graduation...etc. TONY KALLADANTHYIL Tel: 281-799-4518 [email protected] 281-403-0730 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. THE CATHOLIC STORE BAPTISMAL GOWNS & SUITS FIRST COMMUNION • CONFIRMATION BAPTISM & LENTEN GIFTS - BOOKS 281-313-8282 3615 HWY. 6 • SUGAR LAND BY KROGER @ SETTLERS WAY AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING Sales & Service • 24 Hour Emergency Service • Service All Brands Commercial & Residential • Retail Credit Available Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA EARTHMAN SOUTH WEST 281-499-3511 Apollonia Dental, P.A. Family Dentistr y 4427 Hwy 6, #A Sugar Land Funerals • Cremations At Colony Wellcare Center 12555 S. Kirkwood, Stafford Between Dulles & Frost Pass 281-240-3300 Glenn E. Bulan, M.D. Pediatric Ophthalmology Adult Strabismus parishioner Texas Eye Institute 4977 Sweetwater Blvd. 281-242-8841 989667 St Angela Merici Church (A) Isabel Vahedi, D.D.S. 281-565-4321 Parishioner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941
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