ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE Orleans Parish School Board 3520 General DeGaulle Drive, Suite 4050 New Orleans, LA 70114 October 9, 2014 3:00 PM (Notice: This meeting may be convened up to 30 minutes prior to the posted schedule to facilitate the orderly conduct of business) Committee Members: Ms. Leslie Ellison, Chair Mr. Woody Koppel Ms. Sarah Usdin Mr. Nolan Marshall, Jr., Ex-Officio Mr. Seth Bloom Ms. Cynthia Cade AGENDA Call to Order Ms. Leslie Ellison Adoption of the Agenda Additions/Deletions/Modifications FINANCE ACTION ITEM(S) Action Item No. 1: Approval of the New Grant, Innovative Approaches to Literacy Rationale: (Information provided on Agenda Submission Form) Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) approve the acceptance of the Innovative Approaches to Literacy Grant in the amount of $750,000 for the 1st year (October 2014- September 2015) to improve literacy for young children at Audubon Charter, Einstein Charter, McMain Secondary School, Plessy Community School, McDonogh 35 Academy, and New Orleans Science and Math High School. Action Item No. 2: Approval of the New Grant, School Climate Transformation Rationale: (Information provided on Agenda Submission Form) Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board approve the acceptance of the School Climate Transformation Grant in the amount of $525,000 for the 1st year (October 2014- September 2015) to improve the student behavior and learning conditions at Alice Harte, Edna Karr, Einstein Charter, Encore Academy, and McDonogh 35 Schools. PURCHASING ACTION ITEMS 1. Technical Support for Information Technology Department (Request for Proposal No. 15-0012) In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance at a public meeting of the Orleans Parish School Board, please contact the Board Office at 504-304-5678, or by email at [email protected] , describing the assistance that is necessary. Rationale: (Information provided on Agenda Submission Form) Recommendation: That the Orleans Parish School Board approve the Proposal meeting the specifications and recommended by the evaluation committee for Technical Support Services for the Information Technology Department from Ultimate Technical Solutions, Incorporated in the not to exceed amount of $135,000.00 for one (1) year with the option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year periods; and authorize General Counsel to prepare the contract for signatures of the Board President and the Service Provider. DISCUSSION/INFORMATION ITEM(S) (No items submitted) RECESS TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Discussion of the character, professional competence, and/or physical or mental health of Interim Superintendent, Stanley C. Smith. RECONVENE FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION/ROLL CALL: EXECUTIVE SESSION REPORT/ACTION ITEMS Discussion of the character, professional competence, and/or physical or mental health of Interim Superintendent, Stanley C. Smith. No recommendation. Discussion only. ADJOURNMENT In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance at a public meeting of the Orleans Parish School Board, please contact the Board Office at 504-304-5678, or by email at [email protected] , describing the assistance that is necessary. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION X Receive & Refer Action Information Consent Agenda Executive Session 09/03/2014 (MO/DY/YR) Requesting Administrator/Presenter: Lindsay Carter Executive Cabinet Contact: Wayne DeLarge, Comptroller BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE AGENDA Item # Title: School Climate Transformation Grant RECOMMENDATION: That the Orleans Parish School Board approve the acceptance of the School Climate Transformation Grant in the amount of $525,000 for the 1st year (October 2014- September 2015) to improve the student behavior and learning conditions at Alice Harte, Edna Karr, Einstein Charter, Encore Academy, and McDonogh 35 Schools. Summary of recommendation or proposed changes: See attached Implications of recommendation -- benefits and problematic areas: Requesting Administrator General Counsel Review (if required) Executive Cabinet Reviewer Superintendent Page 3 of 12 Orleans Parish School Board Fiscal Year 2015 Federal Grants Announcement October 2014 OPSB Accountability Committee Meeting The Orleans Parish School Board recently applied for, and was granted, two (2) federal grants under the United States Department of Education. Those grants and details are: School Climate Transformation Grant Purpose: Length: Amount Awarded Each Year: Schools Participating: The School Climate Transformation Grant provides competitive grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) to develop, enhance, or expand systems of support for, and technical assistance to, schools implementing an evidence-based multitiered behavioral framework for improving behavioral outcomes and learning conditions for all students. 5 years $525,000 ($2.625M total) Alice M. Harte Elementary Charter School Edna Karr Charter High School Einstein Charter School Encore Academy Charter School McDonogh #35 Academy Major Budget Items: Four (4) Mental Health Professionals to serve as PBIS School-site Team Leaders and Mental Health Services Providers. Einstein, Harte, and Karr will each receive one (1) MHP, and Encore and McDonogh #35 Academy will each receive .5 MHP; One (1) Part-time Project Director to administer and oversee the grant program; Attendance for the Project Director and one (1) staff member to attend the PBIS National Leadership forum each year; Hiring of an independent evaluation team; Professional Development training; Fringe benefits, substitute teachers, curriculum and office supplies, and technology upgrades. US DOE Information: http://www2.ed.gov/programs/schoolclimatelea/index.html Page 4 of 12 ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD CLIMATE TRANSFORMATION GRANT EXPENSE BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2015 OBJECT DESCRIPTION TOTAL 511100 511300 512300 521000 522000 522500 523100 525000 526000 532000 558200 561000 561100 561200 561500 593300 OFFICIALS/ADMINISTRATORS/MANAG THERAPISTS/SPECIALISTS/COUNSEL SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEE GROUP INSURANCE SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE/MEDICAID CONTRIBUTION TEACHERS' RETIREMENT UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION PURCHASED EDUCATIONAL SERVICES TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES INDIRECT COSTS TOTAL Page 5 of 12 $ 37,500 242,000 2,400 19,565 17,295 4,088 78,260 846 1,410 55,600 6,040 8,000 3,133 15,200 1,600 32,064 $ 525,000 That NEW GRANT AWARDS THROUGH THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 1) School Climate Transformation Grant Purpose: To improve student behavior and learning conditions o The program will engage school administrators, staff, students, parents/caregivers and community partners to improve schools’ climates for teaching and learning. o As part of the program, school-site Mental Health Professionals will be hired to support students and staff at participating schools and enhance schools’ Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiatives. Participating Schools: o Alice M. Harte Charter School o Edna Karr High School o Einstein Charter Schools o Encore Academy o McDonogh 35 Academy Projected Duration of Grant: 5 years (Oct. 2014 – Sept. 2019) Award Amount: o Year 1 (Oct. 2014-Sept. 2015): $525,000 o Years 2-5: Estimated at $525,000 per year o Projected Total: $2,625,000 over 5 years 2) Innovative Approaches to Literacy Grant Purpose: To improve literacy o The program promotes early literacy for young children, motivates older children to read, and increases student achievement by offering high-quality literacy activities and using school libraries as partners to improve literacy. o As part of the program, schools will utilize differentiated literacy interventions, supported by intensive job-embedded teacher professional development, parental involvement, rigorous texts, technology integration and connections with library resources to improve literacy outcomes and student ELA achievement for students in Pre-K through Grade 10 at participating schools. Participating Schools: o Audubon Charter School o Einstein Charter Schools o Eleanor McMain Secondary School o Homer A. Plessy Community School o McDonogh 35 Academy o New Orleans Charter Science and Mathematics High School Projected Duration of Grant: 2 years (Oct 2014 – Sept 2016) Award Amount: o Year 1 (Oct 2014-Sept 2015): $750,000 o Years 2: Estimated at $750,000 per year o Projected Total: $1,500,000 over 2 years Page 6 of 12 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION X Receive & Refer Action Information Consent Agenda Executive Session 09/03/2014 (MO/DY/YR) Requesting Administrator/Presenter: Lindsay Carter Executive Cabinet Contact: Wayne DeLarge, Comptroller BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE AGENDA Item # Title: Innovative Approaches to Literacy Grant RECOMMENDATION: That the Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) approve the acceptance of the Innovative Approaches to Literacy Grant in the amount of $750,000 for the 1st year (October 2014- September 2015) to improve literacy for young children at Audubon Charter, Einstein Charter, McMain Secondary School, Plessy Community School, McDonogh 35 Academy, and New Orleans Science and Math High School. Summary of recommendation or proposed changes: See attached Implications of recommendation -- benefits and problematic areas: Requesting Administrator General Counsel Review (if required) Executive Cabinet Reviewer Superintendent Page 7 of 12 Orleans Parish School Board Fiscal Year 2015 Federal Grants Announcement October 2014 OPSB Accountability Committee Meeting Innovative Approaches to Literacy Grant Purpose: Length: Amount Awarded Each Year: Schools Participating: The IAL program supports high-quality programs designed to develop and improve literacy skills for children and students from birth through 12th grade in high-need local educational agencies and schools. The Department intends to support innovative programs that promote early literacy for young children, motivate older children to read, and increase student achievement by using school libraries as partners to improve literacy, distributing free books to children and their families, and offering high-quality literacy activities. 2 years $750,000 ($1.5M total) Audubon Charter School Einstein Charter School Eleanor McMain Secondary School Homer A. Plessy Community Charter School McDonogh #35 Academy New Orleans Charter Science & Mathematics High School Major Budget Items: Hiring of Library Media Specialists (1 full-time & 1 half-time) and Literacy Interventionists (2 full-time); One (1) Part-time Project Director to administer and oversee the grant program; Additional stipends to librarians, teachers, and support staff for afterschool activities and events; Hiring of an independent evaluation team; Professional Development training; Purchasing of books/texts; Fringe benefits, substitute teachers, and technology upgrades. US DOE Information: http://www2.ed.gov/programs/innovapproaches-literacy/index.html Page 8 of 12 ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO LITERACY EXPENSE BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2015 OBJECT DESCRIPTION TOTAL 511100 511200 512300 515000 521000 522000 522500 523100 525000 526000 532000 553000 558200 561100 561500 564100 593300 OFFICIALS/ADMINISTRATORS/MANAG TEACHERS SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEE STIPEND PAY GROUP INSURANCE SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE/MEDICAID CONTRIBUTION TEACHERS' RETIREMENT UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION PURCHASED EDUCATIONAL SERVICES TELEPHONE AND POSTAGE TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIES LIBRARY BOOKS INDIRECT COSTS Page 9 of 12 $ 37,500 188,750 1,400 39,200 15,838 16,545 3,869 76,964 801 1,334 80,500 36,395 2,590 1,290 85,800 115,420 45,805 $ 750,000 That NEW GRANT AWARDS THROUGH THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 1) School Climate Transformation Grant Purpose: To improve student behavior and learning conditions o The program will engage school administrators, staff, students, parents/caregivers and community partners to improve schools’ climates for teaching and learning. o As part of the program, school-site Mental Health Professionals will be hired to support students and staff at participating schools and enhance schools’ Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiatives. Participating Schools: o Alice M. Harte Charter School o Edna Karr High School o Einstein Charter Schools o Encore Academy o McDonogh 35 Academy Projected Duration of Grant: 5 years (Oct. 2014 – Sept. 2019) Award Amount: o Year 1 (Oct. 2014-Sept. 2015): $525,000 o Years 2-5: Estimated at $525,000 per year o Projected Total: $2,625,000 over 5 years 2) Innovative Approaches to Literacy Grant Purpose: To improve literacy o The program promotes early literacy for young children, motivates older children to read, and increases student achievement by offering high-quality literacy activities and using school libraries as partners to improve literacy. o As part of the program, schools will utilize differentiated literacy interventions, supported by intensive job-embedded teacher professional development, parental involvement, rigorous texts, technology integration and connections with library resources to improve literacy outcomes and student ELA achievement for students in Pre-K through Grade 10 at participating schools. Participating Schools: o Audubon Charter School o Einstein Charter Schools o Eleanor McMain Secondary School o Homer A. Plessy Community School o McDonogh 35 Academy o New Orleans Charter Science and Mathematics High School Projected Duration of Grant: 2 years (Oct 2014 – Sept 2016) Award Amount: o Year 1 (Oct 2014-Sept 2015): $750,000 o Years 2: Estimated at $750,000 per year o Projected Total: $1,500,000 over 2 years Page 10 of 12 Page 11 of 12 October 6, 2014 TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT (REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 15-0012) Requestor: Peggy Abadie, Executive Director Information Technology Advertisement Dates: The Times Picayune August 29, 2014 and September 5, 2014 OPSB website-ongoing from August 29 to September 15, 2014 Publicly Opened: September 15, 2014 Vendors Responding: 3 Principals of the Company: ULTIMATE TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, INCORPORATED (HARVEY, LA.) President: David St. Etienne BACKGROUND INFORMATION: OPSB direct run schools are now well down the road in using a technology rich model for instruction in all courses. The need to have resource available for teachers and staffers to support the technical maintenance of this technology is impossible to overstate. For many years the technology in classrooms was little more than an add-on or an option in learning centers. This is no longer the case as the demands to provide richer more rigorous instruction requires advanced tools. The provision of these tools requires the provision of resource to support the functionality of them. OPSB considered the option of hiring on staff trained to support technology help desk functions. During the consideration of the budget for such a move the decision was made to approach the marketplace to determine what the budget might be to provide these services. An RFP was done and the district is pleased to discover there is an option to provide these services at a cost substantially lower than the cost to hire the staff in house. On August 29, 2014 the OPSB Purchasing Department released Request for Proposal (RFP) no. 15-0012 for technical support services for the OPSB Information Technology department. The RFP was advertised in the Times-Picayune and posted to the OPSB website. Three proposals were received by the deadline of September 15, 2014 at 4:00 P.M. They were reviewed by an evaluation committee who scored Ultimate Technical Solutions, Incorporated (UTSI) the highest. UTSI is a DBE certified company and therefore this requirement has 100% DBE participation. RECOMMENDATION: That the Orleans Parish School Board approve the Proposal meeting the specifications and recommended by the evaluation committee for Technical Support Services for the Information Technology Department from Ultimate Technical Solutions, Incorporated in the not to exceed amount of $135,000.00 for one (1) year with the option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year periods; and authorize General Counsel to prepare the contract for signatures of the Board President and the Service Provider. Page 12 of 12
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