GSE leadership & Execution Grundfos a/s • Kaj Ørndrup, director UP plant and Director SCM (GBJ) • Our new way implementing LEAN. GSE Leadership & Execution Sådan ser vi på det spm; Du kan ikke have execution uden godt GSE leadership. Hvis ikke execution er baseret på facts og vi ikke arbejder ud fra det rette fundament, så har vi intet grundlag at udvikle os fra. Du kan ikke have et godt GSE Leadership uden god execution. Hvis ikke du udfordrer dig selv i fastlæggelse af målsætninger (KPI’er) med høje mål, og arbejder konsekvent med organisationen for at nå disse, så skaber dit GSE leadership ikke blivende forandringer. GSE Leadership is Execution through people. Lean in GBJ 1996-2001 2002 The years with focus on Lean as a toolbox 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 The years with focus on Lean/GSE through leadership Grundfos Shop floor excellence is disseminated Strategic Lean/GSE projects Alpha2 projects 2008 2009 2010 Lighthouse in UP plant with focus on shop floor managemen t Lighthouse in CR plant with focus on shop floor managemen t Lighthouse in RF plant with focus on shop floor managemen t Lighthouse projects at RF + SP GSE Ready design Lean in DE. Green Lean. 2011 2012 2013 2014 Lean since 1996 – but improving practice more than performance To increase the deployment and impact of lean in factories, more focus is needed on leadership and workforce behaviour rather than on lean tools EuP regulation means circulator transformations. ALPHA2 ALPHA2L From: X mio units over the coming years UPM2/3 UPS2 UP chains challenge 2011/12 Globally 10,5 mio UP15 pumps Lighthouse Purpose: Purpose: Sparta Purpose: 3 primary reasons: Succesfully be ready for Sparta Prepare organisation for ramp up. SPARTA ramp up and speed Prepare next lines together with in problemsolving. PGF – less automated - more flexib Show the way for Grundfos lines for many variants with LEAN produktion (showcase for GBJ and the Group). Ramp UP i 2012/13 will be the fastest ramp up ever seen in Grund Lighthouse primary enabler +3. UP competiveness up and And will continue with the new lines utilizing global capacity. achieve, That UP becomes Challenging do to: the best UP production in •New products Group Can/will influence working •ALL NEW components Goal: capital •New productionequipments Productivity: 15 % year 1 •New supply chain and suppliers w + additional 10 % year 2 has to be equal ready. Meet recordhigh demands 1. with as few investments possible. Decide how to deal with 20122. demands. Line returns: <100 ppm 2011 and below 75 ppm in 2012 From 0 – > 1,00 mio in 1 year 1 mio the first full year (2013) Lære fra tidligere Toyota ansatte: 4 fulltime coach 1 helt år 1 fulltime coach år 2 I første omgang var det shopfloor ledelse – kun begrænset supportfunktioner. INVESTERING i LEDELSE. Produktionsleder: Gennemsnitligt 2 timer coaching hver dag i et helt år. I perioder lidt mindre og i et stepchange projekt mere. Der blev kørt typisk 3 stepchange projekter af gangen. Produktionschefer: Også tæt på 2 timer coaching hver dag i et helt år. Leanprojektledere/lean eksperter: Koblet ind i projekterne for at lære og senere kunne køre projekter selv. Manning board meeting – before each shift Clear overview over processes >< manning Manpower is visualised - > instant confirmation that all processes are carried out by the correct number of skilled operators. Advantage: •Number of processes under control •Visual gabs between processes and manning •Manning board meeting run by OM – no suboptimization •OM Knowledge of individual employees Visual Management - Plant board meeting every day at 9:30 Coaching: Concern – cause - countermeasure 10 departments boards and 1 plant board in the plant + boards in supportdepartments All employees participate in a board meeting every day Purpose: Creating visibility for everyone so they can eliminate everything that disrupts the flow Learnings: •Do not give solutions – coach! •Allow no ”long explanations” •Go-look-see •Discipline – and fun! Standard work on all 105 processes in UP plant Learnings from all abnormalities are written into standards • Driven by facilitator together with production team • Operators sign off that they are instructed in standard work • All processes are audited by facilitator, supervisor and manager – following same audit template Manufacturing dairy 22 hourly count sheets on each shift Being visible on shopfloor Shopfloor time: 7:00-7:15: Checking manning 7:15-7:30: Manning board meeting 7:30-9:30: Morning walk, signing hourly count sheets , checking prioritization, understanding problems, coaching supervisors 9:30-9:45: Plant board meeting Shopfloor meetings: 10:00-13:00: E.g. quality meetings, safety meetings Process confirmation: 13:00-14:00: T-cards – e.g. check if standard is followed Other activities: 14:00-16:00: Mails, monthly meetings with supervisors, EDD, meetings with other functions Some times a day is used to participate in challenge days Process Confirmation sustain change Process confirmation is the way by which managers/employees ’go and see’ that the process is delivering as expected - and where it isn’t, understand and act on root causes. Employee Key processes/Standardized work Safety walks/ house keeping Supervisor Manager Problem Countermeasure follow-up Performance Board Meetings Facilitator Minimum Job Role Challenge: To prioritize process confirmation 13 ”UP GBJ no. 1” Resultater i UP fabrik efter 2012. 23% nået. Anchoring GSE in existing production Prod>25% 75 ppm 1. februar Implement LEAN SPARTA from day 1 LEAN in support = reinforce foundation 80%OPR 300k Til tiden OPR + 5% >10% prod Effekt i support lidt forsinket resultat. Create and visualize the ability to react. (Step 1) Supervisor with operators on shop floor “From a gut feeling, to clear facts” GSE Leadership is to react based on facts Implementing systems that clearly indicate losses of quality and delivery Registration of all time losses of delivery by using Losses are broken down into causes Causes are broken down into actions Use your ability and understanding to set directions. (Step 2) Establish daily action meetings on all levels in the organization. Track and understand relevant KPI’s trend and actions C O M P A N Y Management can set clear direction P L A N T D E P A R T M E N T Create an organisation that can react to solve problems quickly. (Step 3) Supervisor & facilitator solving problems GSE leadership support on all shifts Systematic problem solving on the shop floor on all shifts Clearly defined roles and responsibilities Create a learning platform to involve and train the 80 % of all employees in GBJ have minimum 3 days of GSE/Lean traini organization. (Step 4) All shop floor employees are trained in GSE/Lean systems and tools Managers are trained and assessed according to a structured plan Expert training to develop Lean project managers Expert training for Lean project managers (Higest level in Denmark Coach and develop the desired behaviours among Coaching of a supervisor managers. (Step 5) Change and improvement of leadership Be present and coach with direct reports to empower them 70% of time on shop floor Manufacturing Diary Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:15 08:30 SHOP FLOOR Go, Look, See Quality Gate and Handover item Confirmation 08:45 09:00 09:15 Production and Planning Mtg 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:30 Sho Floor Reviews / Area Audits 10:15 Machining / Post Machining Review 10:45 Final Assembly Review 11:00 Ctr Section / HSB Review 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 Workshop & CI Activity Review Mtgs 12:15 Lunch 12:30 12:45 13:00 Logistics Mtg 13:45 Cost Mtg 14:00 Project Review 14:15 Quality Mtg 14:30 15:00 Management Mtg 15:15 15:30 Change Management Mtg Inventory Mtg A3 PPS T‐Card / Kamishibai 15:45 16:00 Quality Gate and Handover item Confirmation 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 TIP Review Mtg Reporting, Handover, Admin 14:45 Process Conf' 13:30 Team / Shift / Dept Meetings 13:15 Sustain and demand more. (Step 6) Vision Strategy Blue Sky Clear link from the top management vision, all the way down to the shop floor (A3 & TIP) Objectives & KPIs Plant Manager TIP Managers ability to improve in a structured way Operations TIP Dept. TIP Continue with setting high targets One of the TIP rooms in GBJ (RF plant) Results by working with GSE/Lean Baseline 2010 – 150 PPM Result 2014 – 39 PPM Customer complaints reduced with 33 % in one year Perfect orders has increased 10% since 2013 Delivery quality has improve from 150 PPM to 39 PPM sins 2010 Productivity has increased 46% since 2009 Rejsen stopper aldrig. Der er altid et næste step. Hvad så, hvad kan vi gøre mere: • Fuld udbredelse i alle fabrikker • Lean i alle funktioner/support • Flow Efficiency projekt “Define a Flow/JIT concept” (ændre balance imellem flow effektivitet og ressource effektivitet) • Green Lean • Frontrunners ”Next step of GSE systems/tools” • SHINGO ”Next step of GSE behavior” Hvis nogen af jer tænker på at gå ombord – så forstå: Dette er ikke et projekt – det er en vej til at skabe en organisation, der effektivt forbedrer sig altidEn sådan organisation skal udfordres, følges op på, coaches til nye højder. Kræver meget struktur, disciplin, systematik, alles involvering kombineret med puls i forbedringer, prøv noget – stå ikke stille (Pragmatisk) på alle skift (organisationen skal virke lige godt døgnet rundt)! Vil komme til at gælde ALLE. DET KRÆVER TYDELIGT LEDERSKAB. God rejse . Grundfos Shop floor Excellence > GBJ Initiatives 2014 2015 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 EL prepare RF Lighthouse Q3 Q4 EL Lighthouse SP Lighthouse KF/TR Lighthouse ? EL Jishuken/Kaizen CR support KF/TR support/prepare RF support Jishuken/Kaizen Jishuken/Kaizen Jishuken/Kaizen Jishuken/Kaizen SP; Quality, PT, Maintenance Jishuken/Kaizen KF/TR; Quality, PT, Maintenance ? RF; Quality, PT, Maintenance EL; Quality, PT, Maintenance ? CR Flow Efficiency RF Green Lean Jishuken/Kaizen RF Flow Efficiency ? RF Green Lean Green Lean ? Flow Efficiency Green Lean Green Lean Green Lean Development of GSE production system “Frontrunners” Development of GSE competences Implement facilitators in GBJ Alignment and documentation workshop GMA Deep dive workshop GMA Deep dive workshop workshop GMA GMA Deep dive Deep dive workshop GMA GSE Image 2017 implementation in GBJ + Shingo price (silver medal) Active support to develop global GSE strategy and input to Image 2017 SBM/April. 2014 Deep dive workshop GMA Deep dive
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