OCTOBER 2014 - SENIOR NOTES Arlington Senior Center 27 Maple Street Arlington, MA 02476 Arlington Council on Aging 781-316-3400 www.arlingtonma.gov/COA A rlington Seniors A ssociation 781-316-3420 www.arlingtonseniorsassociation.org Minuteman Senior Services Congregate Dining 781-316-3423 The Arlington Council on Aging values the diversity of our participants, staff, volunteers, and the Arlington community. We strive to model and promote a welcoming environment by embracing our aging community including differences in race, socioeconomic status, cultural background, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, and other forms of uniqueness. Ubuntu ~ September was full of purpose and connection! The 5K Annual Running with Friends and Town Day were full of fun, success, community, and intergenerational participation. We extend heartfelt gratitude for all of the volunteers that made both days a tremendous success. Congratulations to Paul Hargreaves for winning the Tom Brady Football! We also extend heartfelt gratitude to the Friends of the Council on Aging for organizing another successful 5K and for their commitment to improving the quality of life of our seniors. 5th Annual Running with Friends of the Arlington COA Winners 2014! (Left) Winners posing, (Center) Ken Greenly (FACOA), Bill Murphy (COA) and Art Budnik (FCOA) holding the Tom Brady Football, (Right) Patrick Hargreaves/Winner MEDICARE CHANGES –OPEN ENROLLMENT FROM OCTOBER 15– DECEMBER 7 The SHINE Program (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) is a state health insurance program that provides free health insurance information, counseling and assistance to Massachusetts residents with Medicare and their caregivers. The SHINE Program is administered by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs in partnership with various senior service agencies, including Councils on Aging. Call the COA for a free appointment with a SHINE counselor to help you think through your options this year at 781-316-3400. BE AWARE: October is Fire Prevention Month—change batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide monitors. Make certain paths to doors and windows are clear. BE AWARE: The Fuel Assistance Program begins November 1. Program information will be available in the November newsletter 2 ARLINGTON SENIOR DAY TRIPS FOR REGISTRATION, MAIL CHECK TO: Lorraine Accardi at 14 Grandview Road, Arlington, MA 02476. Please make sure you specify which trip(s) you will be registering for. Please contact Lorraine if you have questions @ 781-643-8158. Day Trips: Tuesday October 7 New Hampshire & Vermont Fall Foliage Day Trip. Stops include King Arthur Flour Shop in Norwich, VT and luncheon at Jesse’s Steakhouse in Hanover N.H. Cost: $79. Departure Time: 7:30am, Hurd Field. FULL Jamie Wyeth, fashion, jewelry, photography, Jasper Johns and lots more to see at the MFA! Date: Monday October 20th, 2014 Transportation: 13 person bus, leaves 9:30 am leaves MFA 2:00 pm. Lunch on your own at the MFA. Cost: $30.00 New York City. Sightseeing and shopping tour. September 27. Cost: $59. Departure Time 6:00am, 201 Call the Center or sign up at the Center. 781.316.3420 Bedford St Lexington Public Facilities. Call Lorraine. Overnight trips: Tues., Nov.18-Wed., Nov. 19: Beacon Resorts, Lincoln, NH. Three meals, lunch, dinner, breakfast. Free turkey to take home. $199/dbl., $229/single, plus taxes. Plan Ahead Day Trips Wednesday, December 31: “New Years at Noon” on board the Odyssey cruise ship. $81. Call Lorraine at 781-643-8158. Let’s go some where! Field Trip to the Museum of Fine Arts! Please complete the form below for trips. Checks are payable to: Arlington Seniors Association, Inc., Mail to: Lorraine Accardi 14 Grandview Road Arlington MA 02476. Thank you. NAME............................................................. PHONE3333................................. ADDRESS .................................................... EMAIL33.......................................... TRIP3333333333333333...... MENU CHOICE 3333..333333.333..... *Information subject to change without notice; all information correct at the time of printing. 3 Ongoing MONDAYS: Exercise/9-10 Location: 1st Floor Cost: $3.00 class—drop in. Progressive Bridge/12:30-3:00, Location: 1st Floor Cost: $2 - drop in. TAI CHI/1-2 , Location: 1st Floor, Cost: $25/8-Week Session, Minimum: 10. See Page 9, Cribbage/1-3 Location: Arts & Crafts Room, Free TUESDAYS: Yoga /10:15-11:30 Location: 1st Floor Cost: $5 per class, drop in. Blood Pressure/12:30-1:30 Location: COA Cost: Free. Sing–Along /1pm Second Tuesday Location: 1st Floor Cost: Free. 2-4 Intermediate Computer Class Cost: $60 for 6 weeks starting Oct 7 WEDNESDAYS: Exercise/9-10 Location: 1st Floor. Cost: $3.00 per drop in class, Contract Bridge/12-3:30pm. Location: 1st Floor. Cost: $1.50—drop in. Bingo/1-3 Location: 1st Floor. Cost: $1.50 for 3 games, drop in. 2-4 Microsoft Excel Computer Class Cost: $40 for 4 weeks Begins Oct 1st. THURSDAYS: Tai Chi/8:30-9:30 Location: 1st Floor. Cost: $3 drop in. Yoga (Gentle)/10-11:15.Location: 1st Floor Cost: $5 per class, drop in . Movies/1st & 3rd/ See Page 6. 1st Floor, Cost: Free. Chair Yoga/2-3 Location: Mural Room, Cost:$3 drop in. 2-4 Basic Computer Class Cost: $60 for 6 weeks starting Oct 2. 1:30-3:30 Reading Shakespeare Arts & Crafts Room FRIDAYS: Exercise/9-10, Location: 1st Floor ,Cost: $3.00 per class, drop Yoga/10:15-11:30, Location: 1st Floor, Cost: $5 per class, drop in, Contract Bridge/12-3:30, Location: Arts & Crafts Room, cost: $1.50, drop in Book Club/1:00/ Third Friday, Game Day 1-2 Friday/Oct 24 Location: First Floor. Board Games and Wii bowling. Free. NEW ASA and COA ~ More on Page 9 ASA: BACK! Line Dancing: Tuesdays except second Tuesday at 1:00pm 8 weeks $25.00 Starting October 21st. ASA: October 1: Wednesday — Excel Computer Class: Wednesday 2 4pm 4 Weeks $40.00. Learn the basics of Excel and do spreadsheets, lists, databases, invoices and membership lists and more. ASA October 2: Thursday — Basic Computer Class: Thursday 2 - 4pm 6 Weeks $60.00. Learn the basics of computer usage. Get started now doing letters, emails and searching the internet. No Experience needed! ASA: October 7: Tuesday, Intermediate Computer Class: Tuesday 2 4pm. 6 Weeks $60.00 Polish your computer skills with this more advanced computer usage class. COA: October 9/Thursday: 1-2 pm, Stitch and Chat, Free, in the Lower Level conference room, with refreshments. Bring your knitting, crochet, or needlework projects. New stitchers welcome, women and men welcome. Crafting is more fun while socializing; call COA to register at 781-3163400. Maximum: 15 people. COA: October 14/Tuesday: 1-2:15 pm, Play Trivia! Free. Mural Room. Trivia questions can jog the memory and give you the opportunity to take a walk down memory lane. Enjoy playing trivia on teams. We’ll focus on all aspects of culture from 1950 to the present. Snacks and prizes. Stop by the COA or call to register at 781-316-3400. COA SERVICES AND SUPPORT Podiatry/8:30-11 1st Monday, Unless Holiday Call COA 781-316-3400 for appointment Grandparent’s Raising Grandchildren Support Group 2nd Tuesday/12-1:30pm Call COA 781-316-3400 Immigrant Support Group 3rd Tuesday/2-3:30pm Low Vision Support Group 4TH Tuesday/1:15-2:30 Caregiver Support Group 2nd Thursday/10:15-11am Call COA 781-316-3400 Financial Planner Rick Fentin 2nd/4th Fridays/9:30-11:00am Call COA for appointment Elder Law Attorney Noreen Murphy 2nd Tuesday/10-12noon Call COA for appointment Long Term Care Insurance Counseling Sean Condon 3rd Wednesday/9-10:30 Call COA 781-316-3400 SHINE COUNSELOR Senior Health Information Needs Free, Call COA for appointment 781-316-3400 SEN KENNETH DONNELLY 2nd Wednesday/9:30-10:30 Location: First Floor REP SEAN GARBALLEY 2nd Friday/9-10am Location: Ground Floor Come out and be heard! CONGRESSWOMAN KATHERINE CLARK 4th Wednesday/10-noon Location: Ground Floor Conference Room 4 Mark Waksmonski, Geriatric Nurse Clinician Let the leaves do the falling * Take Control of Your Health: 6 Steps to Prevent a Fall. (n.d.). Take Control of Your Health: 6 Steps to Prevent a Fall. Retrieved August 26, 2014, from http:// www.ncoa.org/improve-health/falls-prevention/takecontrol-of-your-health.html I am sorry, I know I am a little late, but the message is equally important despite its timing. I learned recently that this past September 23rd was National Falls Prevention Awareness Day. It is one day (though should be more than one day per year) where extra effort is given to promote fall prevention activities. We know why we go to great lengths to prevent seniors from fall- A word from Bill Murphy— ing, because falls are a leading contributor for hospital Transportation Coordinator visits for seniors. And, we know that a vast majority of these falls can be prevented by simple and effective and interventions. There are 6 interventions* I want you to Supervisor of Volunteers know about: Find a good balance and exercise program. That is easy, the COA has Muscle Strengthening classes, Chair Yoga, and Tai Chi, all of which can promote better balance and strength. Look in the subsequent pages for times and days for these programs. Talk to your health care provider. Your provider knows your level of risk for falling. Ask to share their thoughts. Let them know about your fall history and your fear of falling. Regularly review your medications with your provider or pharmacist. Medications can increase your risk of falls because of side effects and even because of its intended purpose. Inform your provider or pharmacist about how you are feeling when you take your medications. Get your vision and hearing checked annually and update your eyeglasses. Seeing and hearing help us to maintain our balance and prevents against tripping hazards. Keep your home safe. Remove tripping hazards, increase lighting, make stairs safe, and install grab bars in key areas. Talk to your family members. Let them help you stay safe! Ask them for help if there are barriers preventing you from engaging in the aforementioned steps. You’re in control regarding your level of risk for falling. Decrease that risk and take control. Stay well. Mark Reminder: The new Arlington Council on Aging Transportation Program cost schedule went into effect September, 2014 and is as follows: COA Van Tickets to the Senior Center, $1.50 – one way Van Ride for Medical within Town of Arlington – NEW lower rate, $7 – round trip Out of town Medical Van Rides (Burlington, Cambridge, Medford, etc.) $20 – round trip Medical Escorts Arlington (when available) $7 – round trip Medical Escorts outside of Arlington, including Boston (when available) $20 – round trip Dial A Ride Taxi ton (per ticket) $5 (DART) – only Arling- Kind-hearted Volunteers Needed Thanksgiving meal delivery Holiday stocking delivery Senior Center Ambassadors/Greeters Call Bill Murphy at 781-316-3403 5 Lourie August, LICSW SHARING WITH OTHERS HELPS LIGHTEN THE LOAD Sometimes when we are faced with challenges in our lives, we find it helpful to meet with others experiencing the same issue. SUPPORT GROUPS are a great way to share with others who are in the ‘same boat’, fellow ‘passengers’ who truly understand what we are going through. Members share their experiences and share strategies and resources that have been helpful to them. Leaders of the group also offer resources and help keep the group on track. Meeting with others who are going through challenges similar to us can help relieve feelings of stress and isolation and help us appreciate what positives we do have in our lives. And by the way, support groups are committed to the principle of confidentiality. Here are some Support Groups that may be of interest to you: STILL PARENTING – A group for seniors with mentally ill adult children: six sessions offered by Minuteman Senior Services on various Friday afternoons in Bedford from September to December. Call Mary Jo Boynton at 978-337-5357 for details. LOW-VISION SUPPORT GROUP: offered by Arlington Council on Aging on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 1:15 to 2:30. A group for seniors who have lost some or most of their vision as an adult. People who are legally blind and those who are not are welcome. Call Lourie August at 781-316-3410 for details. ARLINGTON FIRST STEP - Domestic Violence Support Group: a weekly support group for Arlington women leaving violent home situations. Call 781-316-3219 for information and resources. PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP: held at Youville House in Cambridge on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 3:00 pm. This group is open to people with Parkinson’s Disease and their family and friends. In addition, there is a Parkinson’s dance class being offered. For more information, contact the leader Mary Napoli, RN at or [email protected] or 781-396-2633x255. CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP: for caregivers of a loved one who is living at home or in a long-term care facility with concerns related to any chronic condition, including dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The group meets the second Thursday of each month at 10:15 am on the ground floor of the Arlington Senior Center. Questions? Call Lourie August at the Council on Aging at 781-316-3410. ARLINGTON CHRONIC PAIN SUPPORT GROUP: offered by the American Chronic Pain Association, this group meets at the Robbins Library on the 2nd Friday of each month at 11 am. The group provides support, validation, and education in basic pain management and life skills for those living with chronic pain. Contact [email protected] or call 781-652-0146 for details. GRANDPARENTS RAISING GRANDCHILDREN SUPPORT GROUP: offered by the Council on Aging for people who have primary responsibility for raising grandchildren. The group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month from noon to 1:30. Contact Lourie August at [email protected] or 781-316-3410. BEREAVEMENT GROUPS: when we are grieving for someone we have been close to, it is often very helpful to meet with others who are experiencing the same situation. Contact Lourie August at the Council on Aging at 781-316-3410 if you are interested in such a group. The Council on Aging is always available to help Arlington seniors and their families with social service-related issues. Call us at 781-316-3400 and we will answer questions over the phone or meet with you in-person. Issues include referrals and information, assistance at home, housing options, caregiver resources, help with forms, applications and public benefits such as food stamps and fuel assistance. 6 Tuscan Rosemary Chicken and White Beans Sing-Along With Ingredients: 1/3 cup Italian dressing 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts (about 1 ¼ lb.) Larry And Friend Tuesday October 14th at 1:00pm. Fall in with singing! ¼ cup water 2 medium carrots, sliced (1 cup) 2 medium stalks celery, sliced (1 cup) Book Club News: October is favorite ¼ cup coarsely chopped drained sun-dried tomatoes in oil Mystery Month! 1 teaspoon dried rosemary leaves, crushed 1 can (19 oz.) cannellini beans, drained and rinsed In 12-inch skillet, heat dressing over medium-high heat. Cook chicken in dressing 2 to 3 minutes on each side or until lightly browned. Reduce heat to medium-low. Add water, carrots, celery, tomatoes, and rosemary to skillet. Cover; simmer about 10 minutes or until carrots are crisp-tender and juice of chicken is clear when center of thickest part is cut (170 degrees F). Stir in beans. Cover; cook 5 to 6 minutes or until beans are thoroughly heated. Serves 4. Bring your favorite mystery book to share with the other members. Lively discussion to follow! 1 P.M. Movies: Thursday, Oct. 2: “Philomena” with Judi Dench, Steve Coogan. Thursday, Oct. 16: “The Invisible Woman” with Ralph Fiennes, Felicity Jones, Kristin Scott Thomas. Bargain Corner News: The Bargain Center will be closed until further notice. Support your Senior Association! 7 Senior Center agencies do not endorse any seminar or presentation. Presentations are for informational use only. COA NEWS AND EVENTS Harry Barber Community Service The goal of the Harry Barber Community Service Program is to employ qualified seniors to enhance municipal service by utilizing their skills and abilities and to increase senior citizen involvement in local government. Eligibility: A minimum age of 60, retired Arlington resident, homeowner or renter, and an application accompanied by required verifications. The maximum allowable income for program participation is $44,950 for a senior living in a single-person household, and $51,400 for a married senior couple residing together. Application forms are available at the Council on Aging. For more information about participating in this program, contact Susan Carp, Executive Director of the COA at 781-316-3400. Property Tax Exemptions For Arlington Property Owners: Applications for real estate abatements may be filed from now until mid March. You must file each year to receive your exemption. When your application is submitted, supporting documents to substantiate your information must be included. These documents are kept private. Elderly Exemption: Age 65 as of July 1. For a single person, gross income for the previous year cannot exceed $24,447 (includes Social Security). Assets cannot exceed $40,000 (excluding primary residence). For a married couple, gross income for the previous year cannot exceed $36,671 (including Social Security). Assets cannot exceed $55,000 (excluding primary residence). Other exemption categories include: Surviving Spouse, Financial Hardship, Veterans, Blindness, and the Property Tax Deferral. To schedule an appointment to apply for an exemption, or to get additional information, please call Joyce Killingsworth at 781-316-3404. LINKS Program Linking Neighborhood Kids with Seniors: Middle school students provide leaf raking, snow shoveling, yard cleanup, trash to curb, garage clean up, planting and weeding for just $7 per student hour. Seniors must supply their own equipment, such as shovels, rakes, leaf bags, and trash containers. No power tools may be used. All work is performed outdoors. It takes one week between a request for service and a link to a student. Call before the snow comes! Requests should be made to Joyce Killingsworth, 781-316-3404. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Senior Corner Thursday October 30, 5:30-7 pm, Join us for Halloween -themed entertainment with light seasonal refreshments. Reach out and invite a friend who hasn’t been to one of our events, because as they say, the more, the merrier! For more details and to register, call Marci Shapiro-Ide at 781-316-3419. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 9-10 Exercise 10:15-11 Muscle Strengthening 12-3 Contract Bridge 12:30-2:30 Bingo 2 8:30 Tai Chi 10-11:15 Gentle Yoga 1:30-3:30 Shakespeare 2-3 Chair Yoga 2-3 Poetry 3 9-10- Exercise9:30-11 Financial Planner by Appt. 9-11 SHINE By Appt. 10:15-11:30 Yoga 12-3 Contract Bridge 6 9-10 Exercise 12:30-3 Progressive Bridge 11:30-3 Cribbage 1-2 Tai Chi 7 10-12 Elder LawAppt. 10:15-11:30 Yoga 12-1:30 Grandparent’s Raising Grandchildren support Group 12:30-1:30 COA Blood Pressure 1-3 Sing-Along 1-3 Creative Writing 8 9-10 Exercise 9:30-10:30 Senator Donnelly 10:15-11 Muscle Strengthening 12-3 Contract Bridge 12:30-2:30 Bingo 9 8:30 Tai Chi 10:15-11 Caregiver Support Group 10-11:15 Gentle Yoga 1-2 Stitch and Chat Group 1:30-3:30 Shakespeare 2-3 Chair Yoga 10 9-10- Exercise9-10 Rep Garballey 9:30-11 Financial Planner by Appt. 9-11 SHINE By Appt. 10:15-11:30 Yoga 12-3 Contract Bridge 13 Columbus Day Closed 14 10:15-11:30 Yoga 12:30-1:30 COA Blood Pressure 1-2:15: Trivia, Mural Room 15 9-10 Exercise 9-10:30 Long-Term Care Counseling by Appt. 10:15-11 Muscle Strengthening 12-3 Contract Bridge 12:30-2:30 Bingo 16 8:30 Tai Chi 10-11:15 Gentle Yoga 1-2 Evelyn Smith Demille—Sanborn Fdn 1:30-3:30 Shakespeare 2-3 Chair Yoga 2-3:15 Immigrant Support Group 5:45 COA Board Meeting 17 9-10 Exercise 9-11 SHINE By Appt 9:30-11 Financial Planner by appointment 10:15-11:30 Yoga 12-3 Contract Bridge 1 Book Club 20 9-10 Exercise 12:30-3 Progressive Bridge 11:30-3 Cribbage 1-2 Tai Chi 21 10:15-11:30 Yoga 12:30-1:30 COA Blood Pressure 1:15 Low Vision Support 1-2 Line Dancing 22 9-10 Exercise 10-12 Congresswoman Katherine Clark 10:15-11 Muscle Strengthening 12-3 Contract Bridge 12:30-2:30 Bingo 23 8:30 Tai Chi 10-11:15 Gentle Yoga 12-1:15 Name that Tune, pizza, with Laura Blair 1:30-2:15 Presentation/discussion Community Preservation Act 1:30-3:30 Shakespeare 2-3 Chair Yoga 24 9-10 Exercise 9-11 SHINE By Appt. 9:30-11 Financial Planner by Appt. 10:15-11:30 Yoga 12-3 Contract Bridge 1-2 Game Day 27 9-10 Exercise 10-11:30 Coffee and Conversation 12:30-3 Progressive Bridge 11:30-3 Cribbage 1-2 Tai Chi 28 10:15-11:30 Yoga 12:30-1:30 COA Blood Pressure 1-2 Line Dancing 1-2:30 Boundary Setting for Seniors— 29 9-10 Exercise 10:15-11 Muscle Strengthening 12-3 Contract Bridge 12:30-2:30 Bingo 30 8:30 Tai Chi 10-11:15 Gentle Yoga 11:30 Medicare Changes talk by SHINE 1:30-3:30 Shakespeare 2-3 Chair Yoga 5:30-7 LGBT Senior Halloween Event 31 9-10 Exercise 9-11 SHINE By Appt. 9:30-11 Financial Planner by Appt. 10:15-11:30 Yoga 12-3 Contract Bridge 1 ASA Halloween Movie with festivities Whether you are looking for someone to help you or a loved one a few hours a week, or need more comprehensive assistance, Home Instead Senior Care® can help. Services Include: • Companionship • Incidental Transportation • Meal Preparation • Shopping & Errands • Light Housekeeping • Medication Reminders • Personal Care Each Home Instead Home Care franchise office is independently owned and operated. ©2011 Home Instead, Inc. 781.402-0060 5 Militia Drive • Lexington www.homeinstead.com/404 [email protected] MONEY MATTERS MONEY SAVING LOW COST COA PROGRAMS: TAI CHI: Mondays, The next 8-week session begins November 17. Cost: $25. Register at the COA and pay by the first class. Minimum participants: 10. Fun guaranteed. Preregister by October 21 at the latest at COA or call 781-316-3400. COA: October 23/Thursday: 1:30-2:15 pm. Free. Presentation and discussion by seniors of the Community Preservation Act by Susan Stamps of the CPA committee with Joe Curro and Clarissa Rowe. Refreshments. Register at COA or call 781316-3400. COA: October 28/Tuesday: 1-2:30 pm: Bounda- MUSCLE STRENGTHENING Wednesdays—8-Week ry Setting for Seniors, with Erik Kondo of Not Me! Sessions for $28. New session begins October 22. Call Inc, Arlington. Cost: Free. Mural Room. The Arthe COA 781-316-3400 for details. lington Elder Abuse Task Force continues to carry TAI CHI: Every Thursday morning from 8:30-9:30 with their message through this prevention program Bill Barron. First Floor. Next 8-week session will begin specifically for seniors. We urge you to take advantage of this free opportunity to learn skills that October 30. Cost: $25. Register and pay prior to the will empower you. first class. Boundary setting is a fundamental element of individual and societal safety and security, yet most individuals are unaware of the concepts for impleDAILY HOT LUNCHES. $2 suggested donamenting effective boundary setting. This workshop tion for each meal. Call Minuteman “Chateau can give you options to take while faced with any Café on Maple St. Congregate Meals at the unwanted behaviors by others in all areas of your Arlington Senior Center @ 781- 316-3423. 48 hour ad- life. CHAIR YOGA: Thursdays from 2-3pm. Ground Floor—Mural Room. Drop in: $3. vance notice. ASA and COA COA: October 16/Thursday: 1-2 pm, Main Hall, Free, Refreshments. Evelyn Smith DeMille, Executive Administrator of the Elisabeth and George L. Sanborn Foundation for the Treatment and Cure of Cancer, Inc. is our guest speaker. Evelyn will speak about the foundation’s work which provides much needed transportation to cancer-related medical appointments for Arlington residents. Call the COA at 781-316-3400 to register. COA: October 23/Thursday: Noon-1:30 pm, Free! Name That Tune, A little trivia, Sing-a-long to familiar tunes, enjoy a pizza lunch, and socialize in the Main Hall. Presented by Laura Blair from HealthBridge Management (Lexington Health Care Center/Concord Health Care Center). Win prizes! While most people fear “attacks” from strangers, it is more likely to be violated by people you know. This 90-minute workshop teaches the three interrelated concepts of Respect, Communication, and Enforcement. Preregister at the COA; tell those you love about this class and to preregister and learn these empowering skills with you, or call 781-316-3400 to preregister. COA: October 30/Thursday: 11:30-12:30 pm, Free! Main Hall. Medicare Changes and Open Enrollment October 15-December 7. SHINE hosts this lecture on Medicare changes to know about for open enrollment. Seniors Are Proud to Call Us Home ASSISTED LIVING AND MEMORY CARE Mention this ad to receive $500 off your move-in fee! Sunrise ofArlington 781-643-2100 SunriseArlingtonMA.com This Space Available For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Representative Lisa Templeton at 800-732-8070 x3450 or Email: [email protected] Free In-Home Consultation 781-721-5522 Comforting Solutions for In-Home Care Companionship • Personal Care • Errands 24-Hour Care • Dementia/Alzheimer’s Care Improved p Health while at Home ome 781-396-2633 www.gmvna.com Serving your Community since 1900 *Skilled Nursing *Home Care Aides *Rehabilitation Therapies Private Pay Services *Homemakers *Companions *Medical Escort *Personal Care Assistance Please call Elizabeth or David to schedule a convenient time to visit. 781-646-0837 1 Symmes Road • Arlington, MA • BrightviewArlington.com FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. JULY 16, 2014 11:04 AM Arlington Senior Center, Arlington, MA 06-5053 Keefe Funeral Homes FREDERIC C. HARRIS ATTORNEY AT LAW WILLS • ESTATE PLANS REAL ESTATE CONDO CONVERSIONS Modern banking services provided with old-fashioned good service 62 Years of Caring Charles D. Keefe • Chad and Timothy Keefe 5 CHESTNUT STREET, ARLINGTON 781-648-5544 781-641-4800 9 Court Street Arlington, MA 617-928-9000 Member FDIC Member DIF The Gables of Winchester CELEBRATING OVER 23 YEARS OF ASSISTED AND INDEPENDENT LIVING 299 Cambridge Street • Winchester, MA 01890 781-756-1026 www.TheGablesAtWinchester.com Up to 24 Hour Care Meal Preparation Light Housekeeping Errands/Shopping Respite Care for Families Rewarding Companionship Remain Comfortable in your Own Home! Short Term Orthopedic Rehabilitation Unit • Guaranteed private room availability with pre-scheduling • Deficiency-Free Survey • 5-Star Rated Center • Pre-admission insurance verification • Collaboration with your orthopedic surgeon 178 Lowell Street, Lexington, MA 02420 www.lexingtonhcc.com Please Call Today for Your Tour! 781-778-3624 ~ Ortho Reservation FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. JULY 16, 2014 11:04 AM Arlington Senior Center, Arlington, MA 06-5053 10 ARLINGTON SENIORS ASSOCIATION 27 MAPLE STREET ARLINGTON, MA 02476 PRESORTED STD U. S. POSTAGE PAID ARLINGTON, MA PERMIT NO. 58391 Return service requested ASA : Great Trips—Let’s Go Somewhere! See page 2. ASA: Line Dancing is BACK! See page 3. COA: Medicare Changes/Open Enrollment Thursday/ October 30. See page 9. COA: CPA Community Preservation Act presentation, October 23, 1:30 pm. See page 9. COA: Boston Postal Inspector Bernadette Lundbohm, CPP guest speaker for seniors on mail fraud and scams. Coming soon! COA: Save the date! Tuesday/November 4. 9-9:45 am. Breakfast with Jeff Chunglo, who will talk about his role in helping Arlington Veterans. COA: Fire safety talk and discussion coming in November. Council on Aging Susan Carp, Executive Director Lourie August, Social Worker Marci Shapiro-Ide, Social Worker Mark Waksmonski—Nurse Joyce Killingsworth, Information and Referral Bill Murphy, Volunteer Coordinator &Transportation Donald Boudreau, Van Driver Laura Munsey, Admin Asst. Location: 27 Maple Street, Arlington, MA Hours: M-W: 8-4pm, Th: 8-7pm, F: 8-12noon Phone: 781-316-3400 Chateau Café on Maple Street at the Senior Ctr Contact: Minuteman Meals Office Phone: 781-316-3423 Congregate Meal at Arlington Heights Phone: 781-221-7081 Arlington Seniors Association Malcolm Hamilton, President Frank Tadley Coordinator Phone: 781-316-3421 Richard Townsend, Asst. Coordinator Phone: 781316-3420 FRIENDS OF THE ARLINGTON COUNCIL ON AGING, Inc. 27 Maple Street, Arlington, MA 02476 We are a 501(c)3 all volunteer public charity and dedicated to helping Arlington’s senior citizens. Through all of the volunteer efforts we contributed $7,500 to the Council on Aging to support programs. This year we hope to donate more! Board of Directors: Arthur Budnik, Vicky Giannakas, Russell Gallini, Jim Munsey, Ken Greenly, Heather Riley, Robert McInnes, and Lois Shannon Get Involved. We need your help in organizing and managing events and projects. If you have a skill that you want to use, contact us and volunteer! Visit us at: www.FriendsArlingtonCOA.org , email us at [email protected], or call 781-3163400.
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