J & S WILBRAHAM CATALOGUE ONE HUNDRED & THIRTY 1 WISE LANE MILL HILL LONDON NW7 2RL 0208 9593709 077 2599 44 46 E-mail address: [email protected] www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 1 JOHN & SHAHIN WILBRAHAM October 2014 1 WISE LANE, MILL HILL, LONDON, NW7 2RL ENGLAND TEL. +44 (0) 20 89593709 MOB. 077 2599 44 46 E-mail: [email protected] PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE A POSTAL BUSINESS ONLY. Orders may be placed by email or by telephone or post. We are available during business hours and some evenings at this number. At other times please leave your message on our answerphone and we will confirm your order as soon as possible. Books will be sent in the United Kingdom by letter, parcel post or courier and postage will be charged at the current rates. . Overseas orders will be sent by Royal Mail airmail or courier or surface if requested, and the cost added to invoices. We charge for insurance and registration services, which will be given at point of order. Payment may be made by credit/debit card, PayPal or cheque in Sterling made payable to J. & S. WILBRAHAM. Cheques in currencies other than sterling may be subject to bank charges which we must pass on to customers. Any books found not to be as described should be returned as soon as possible, and within two weeks. WE EXHIBIT AT THE NATIONAL HOTEL, LONDON, EACH MONTH AND CAN DELIVER ORDERS THERE UPON REQUEST. CONTENTS LITERATURE PRINTED BEFORE 1800 1-56 LITERATURE PRINTED AFTER 1800 57-92 ILLUSTRATED ART ARCHITECTURE 93-107 CHILDREN'S BOOKS 108-124 TOPOGRAPHY, BRITISH AND FOREIGN 125-141 SCIENCE 142-150 PLEASE NOTE: ALL PRICES ARE STRICTLY NET PAYMENT MAY BE MADE BY CHEQUE CREDIT CARD OR PAYPAL Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 2 LITERATURE PRINTED BEFORE 1800 1. ALMON, JOHN.: A Letter Concerning Libels, Warrants, the Seizure of Papers, and Sureties for the Peace of Behavior; with a View of some late Proceedings and the Defense of Them by the Majority. [bound with four other similar pamphlets]. London, J Almon, 1765. 5 pamphlets in one volume, 8vo, Comprising: 1. As Above. London, J Almon, 1765, pp 112. THIRD EDITION. 2. Considerations On the Legality of General Warrants, and the Propriety of a Parliamentary Regulation of the Same. W Nicholl, 1765. Pp 48. FIRST EDITION. 3. A Postscript the Letter, on Libels, Warrents. J Almon, 1765, Pp 7, [3, adverts]. FIRST EDITION. 4. [Drop Head Title]. Additions to the Second Edition. Pp 16. FIRST EDITION. 5. A Letter from Candour to the Public Advertiser. J Almon, 1764. Pp 54, [1, adverts]. SECOND EDITION. Bound in contemporary calf backed marbled boards, minor foxing, a very good copy. The first item is usually ascribed to the publisher John Almon, friend and defender of John Wilkes. The constitutional issues raised by the prosecution of John Wilkes for publishing No 45 of the North Briton in 1764 would draw forth a huge pamphlet war, during which John Almon was summoned to appear before the King's Bench for contempt in publishing his pamphlet on the subject. £200.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 3 2. BAILEY, NATHANIEL.: The Universal Etymological English dictionary: containing an Additional Collection of Words [not in the first Volume] with their Explications and Etymologies...technical words or terms in all Arts and Sciences... Vol. II. London, T. Cox, 1737. 3 parts in one volume, 8vo, 4 leaves of prelims, unpaginated double column English dictionary of about 900 pages, circa 500 small wood engravings in text, bound in contemporary calf, some time rebacked, spine rubbed and chipped at foot, edges of boards worn through in places, rubbed but holding well, light browning and signs of use, occasional dust soiling, some creased pages towards the end, else internally sound, THIRD EDITION, the scarce supplement to Bailey's English dictionary, & despite stating volume II on the title page a quite separate work in two alphabetical parts, the first an additional collection of mostly specialized words not in the original dictionary, and the second an orthographical dictionary of English 'Useful for such as would speak what the mean in a proper and pure dictionary; and write true English.', both parts, unlike the first volume, illustrated with woodcuts in the text. The first edition of 1727 included only two parts, this third having added at the end the highly important 'Collection of the Canting Words and Terms, both ancient and modern, used by Beggars, Gypsies, Cheats, House-breakers, Shop-Lifters, Foot-pads, Highway-men etc...'. This section at the end could presumably be removed if felt inappropriate for the dictionary's designated user. £150.00 3. BRANTOME, PIERRE DE BOURDEILLE, SEIGNEUR DE.: Memoires de Messire Pierre du Bourdeille, Seigneur de Brantome, contenans Les Vies des Dames Illustres de France de son temps. . Leyden, jean Sambix le jeune, 'a la Shere', 1665. 12mo, pp [8], 407, bound in contemporary yapped vellum, a little marked and soiled to upper board, else a sound clean and tight copy, FIRST EDITION ; the publication of the first collected edition of Brantome by Stucker Brothers of the Hague is discussed in Willems; but the present volume, he asserts is not an Elzevir production, but by Foppens [vide 2010]; 'Vie de Dames' remains one of the most famous classics of female biography. £100.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 4 4. BUONAMICI, CASTRUCCIO.: De Rebus ad Velitras Gestis Anno MDCCXLIV Commentarius. 'Lugduni Batavorum', 1749. 4to, pp xx, 110, well bound in 19th Century half brown morocco, gilt lettered to the spine, text uncut, a little rubbed at joints else a fine copy, EDITIO ALTERA, the original Latin version of part of Bonamici's History of the Wars of the Austrian Succession, this being the Battle of Velletri [1744], first published in 1746. Some editions bearing this imprint were printed by James Brindley in London but we have no evidence that this one was; the BL supposes it might have been printed in Lucca in Italy. An attractive copy from the library of Earl Fitzwilliam [William Charles de Meuron]. £75.00 5. BURNEY, FANNY [FRANCIS D'ARBLEY].: Camilla; or a Picture of Youth....in Five Volumes. London, T Payne [and 2 others], 1796. 5 volumes, 12mo, list of subscribers, bound without the half titles, but with advert leaf at end of volume one, and 24 page publisher's catalogue dated 1796 at the end of volume five, bound in contemporary calf, sometime rebacked, the spines rubbed, one volume with both boards detached, a few minor stains but internally a clean sound set, FIRST EDITION, an Eighteenth century classic of the early novel genre, and Fanny Burney's greatest commercial success. The 1796 Cadell and Davies catalogue at the end of volume five is an unusual feature of this set. £150.00 6. BURSCOUGH, ROBERT.: A Treatise of Church-Government Occasion'd by some Letters Lately Printed concerning the same Subject. London, Samuel Smith, 1692. 8vo, pp [4], xxxvii, [1], [6], 270, imprimatur before title, contemporary calf, spine lacking, upper board detached, title page with Law society stamp,. else a clean copy for rebinding, FIRST EDITION. £35.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 5 7. BUTLER, SAMUEL.: The Genuine Remains in Verse and Prose...Published from the Original Manuscripts...With Notes by R Thyer. London, J & R Tonson, 1759. 2 volumes, 8vo, pp [29, subscribers], [10], 429: [6], 512, bound in contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt ruled with raised bands and red labels, light cracks to joints and rear to spine ends, but a good sound clean set, FIRST EDITION, the most important and reliable of posthumous collections of Butler's writings, Grolier Wither to Prior. 139. £100.00 8. CALONNE, CHARLES A. DE.: Reponse de M de Calone a l'Ecrit de M Necker, Publie en Avril 1787; contenant l'Examen des Comptes de la Situation des Finances...avec des Observations sur les Resultats de l'Assemblee des Notables. A Londres, T. Spilsbury, January 1788. 8vo , pp xvi, 424, bound in contemporary French mottled sheep, spine gilt with red label, the sides wormed to the surface leather, else a very good clean copy, EARLY COUNTERFEIT EDITION; all of the editions of this detailed defense by Calonne of his economic policy in France that led up to the French Revolution carry the spurious Spilsbury imprint, though they were probably issued in Paris. The accepted first was printed in quarto in 1787 and includes a set of tables not reprinted in these counterfeit editions. As a justification for spendthrift right wing economic policy Calonne's books were influential in their time. £60.00 9. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD.: An Enquiry into the Original of Moral Virtue wherin is shewn... That Virtue is founded in the Nature of Things, is unalterable, and eternal. Edinburgh, Gavin Hamilton and R Fleming, 1733. 8vo, pp [4], xxxii, [24], 546, [1, errata], engraved vignette dedication leaf, rebound, and not very elegantly, in modern unlettered quarter calf, a very good clean copy in no more than a serviceable binding, FIRST AUTHORIZED EDITION, an early and important Scottish enlightenment text by Professor of Ecclesiastical History at St Andrews. The unfortunate Campbell had found his text extensively plagiarized without acknowledgment and under a different title by one Alexander Innys in London a few years earlier. The work was written in opposition to the ideas of Mandeville and Hutchinson. 'A radical reappraisal of ethical standards for many of his countrymen.' £120.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 6 10. CAMPBELL, DUNCAN.: Secret Memoirs of the late Mr Duncan Campbel, the famous deaf and dumb gentleman. Written by himself, who ordered they should be publish'd after his decease. To whcih is added an appendix, by way of vindication...against the groundless aspersion ... London, J Millan, 1732. 8vo, [6, including leaf of subscribers], 239, [1], engraved portrait frontispiece, bound in contemporary speckled calf, spine gilt with red label, an old and hardly noticeable reback with the original spine laid down, corners a little worn, light marginal waterstains towards the end, but overall a very good copy, FIRST EDITION; the original life of Campbell by Daniel Defoe was first published in 1720, though written in 1717 when Campbell was still alive. Various printings followed including one by Curll in 1728 which typically united two quite separate works under the title 'The Supernatural Philosopher.' Campbell, a deaf and dumb charlatan fortune-teller, in an interesting character in the history of Scottish so-called 'second-sight' the present posthumously published volume purporting to be his own memoirs, and is accepted by most authorities now to be authentic. Attributions in ESTC to Eliza Heywood or Defoe himself are considered unlikely or contentious. £200.00 11. CHARLES II.: His Majesties Gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament At their Prorogation On Wednesday the 9th of June, 1675. London, Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, 1675. Small olio, pp 4, disbound, trimmed close without loss, FIRST EDITION, Charles's dissolution of Parliament speech 'And those unhappy differences between Mt Two Houses are grown to such a height, that I find no possible means of putting an end to them, but by a Prorogation.' £20.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 7 12. COMENSIS, BERNARD.: Lucerna Inquisitorum Haereticae Pravitatis..et eiusdem Tractatus De Strigibus. Cum annotationibus Francisci Pegnae...additi...dup Tractatus Joannis Gersoni. Rome, Bartholomaei Grassi, 1584. Small 4to, pp [8], 184, [28, including colophon on final verso], bound in contemporary limp vellum, lightly soiled, title and first four leaves with old restorations at upper blank margins, very light stains or spots, but generally a good copy with Law Society bookplate, SECOND EDITION; much quoted text on the early Inquisition, a kind of legal guide to the subject, with the addition of the 1508 tract De Strigibus. The Lucerna was originally published on its own in 1566, and is of importance for its view of 16th century witchcraft in relation to the Catholic Church. This edition also includes the commentary of Pegna and 2 other treatises by John Gerson. £350.00 13. COTTON, CHARLES.: Poems on Several Occasions. London, Tho Basset, Will Hensman and Tho Fox, 1689. Small 8vo, pp [8], 729, [1, adverts], with a later inserted frontispiece of Dove-Dale, title page also inserted from a slightly small copy, bound in 19th Century half morocco, matched to an earlier style, spine gilt ruled with raised bands and black label, rubbed, light soiling or browning to text but generally a good copy, FIRST COLLECTED EDITION, a posthumous collection of the works of one of the most notable court wits among the Cavalier poets. Cotton was much admired by the romantics; Coleridge in particular praised the 'excellence of thought, image, and passion' in his Biographia Literaria. £185.00 14. DODD, WILLIAM ET AL.: An Account of the Rise , Progress, and Present State of the Society for the Discharge and Relief of Persons Imprisoned for Small Debts, containing the Original Sermon by Dr Dodd; the Rules and Orders of the Society; Exhortation to the Debtor Released London, S Leacroft and E & C Dilly, 1774. Small 8vo, pp [6], lxvi, [8], 119, [1], half title and title page both detached, the latter with internal perforation stamp, chipped and brittle at inner margin where detached, the leaf requiring to be laid down, contemporary calf, very ineptly rebacked with the upper board again detached, the rest of the text quiet sound, a copy in obvious need of restoration, FIRST EDITION; a book that has suffered at the now notorious hands of the LA Law Library Binder, and one of the worst we have encountered, though not beyond redemption at the hands of a skilled craftsman. A fairly rare account that would pass through many editions of this organization pleading for a relaxation in the law regarding debtors; whether this would have benefited the unfortunate Dodd, who was executed for forgery is open to doubt, but his sermon on the subject, originally printed in 1772, is given here in full. £60.00 15. DRAMA. BULLOCK, CHIRSTOPHER.: A Woman's Revenge: or, Match in Newgate. A Comedy. London, W Feales, 1735. 12mo, pp [10], 48, title in red and black, neat later wrappers, a very good copy, THIRD EDITION, a rare printing. £20.00 16. DRAMA. CROWNE, JOHN.: Sir Courtly Nice: or, It Cannot Be. A Comedy. London, G Strahan [and others], 1750. 12mo, pp [12], 81, [3, adverts], neat later wrappers, title browned else good. First printed in 1703, a rare reprint. £25.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 8 17. DRAMA. NABBES, THOMAS.: The Merry Milkmaid of Islington: or, the Rambling Gallants Defeated. Acted at Newmarket. . London, W Mears, 1735. 12mo, pp 50, engraved frontispiece , neat later wrappers, a very good copy, FIRST SEPARATE EDITION, an anonymous adaptation of 'Totenham Court' by Thomas Nabbes, previously printed as part of 'The Muse of Newmarket' of 1680, where it is described as one of three 'drolls'. Both that and the present one are fairly rare. £25.00 18. DRAMA. RAVENSCROFT, EDWARD.: The London-Cuckolds. A Comedy; as it now acted at both Theatres. London, W Field's, 1729. 12mo, pp 96, neat later wrappers, a good copy; first published in 1682, this is a rare printing. £30.00 19. DRAMA. SHADWELL, CHARLES.: The Fair Quaker of Deal: or, the Humours of the Navy. A Comedy. London, W Feales, 1737. 12mo, pp 72, engraved frontispiece, title in red and black, later neat wrappers, a very good copy, a rare printing of this popular play. £20.00 20. DRAMA. SHIRLEY, JAMES.: St Patrick for Ireland. A Tragi-Comedy first acted...in the year 1639. Dublin Printed, London reprinted, W Reeve [and others], 1751. 12mo, pp 72, neat later wrappers, a very good copy; originally printed as a quarto in London in 1640, then again in Dublin in 1750, a year before this rare London printing, with additional historical material on St Patrick by Chetwood. £30.00 21. DRAMA.CUNNINGHAM, JOHN.: Love in a Mist. A Farce Now Acting in the City Theatre in Dublin with Great Applause. Dublin Printed, London Reprinted by W Reeve, 1747. 12mo, pp 34, [2], neat later wrappers, a very good copy, FIRST LONDON EDITION. The Dublin printing is, however, very rare. £25.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 9 22. ELZEVIR PRINTING.: Recueil de Diverses Pieces Curieuses pour Servir a l'Histoire 'A Cologne, par Jean de Castel', 1664. Small 12mo, pp 21, bound in contemporary yapped vellum, an excellent clean tight copy, FIRST EDITION, a collection of essays on contemporary European history. Willems 2006. £75.00 23. EPICTETUS.: Epicteti Enchiridion. The Morals of Epictetus Made English in a Poetical Paraphrase. By Ellis Walker. London, W Bowyer for S Keble and R Gosling, 1716. 12mo, pp [28], 63, [3, table and adverts], engraved frontispiece, bound in contemporary speckled sheep, sometime neatly rebacked with red label, a fine clean copy, FOURTH EDITION of this popular philosophical poem, first printed in 1691. £50.00 24. ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS.: Enchiridion Militis Christiani, saluberrimis praeceptis resertum...Ejusdem de \praeparatione ad Mortem. Cambridge, John Hayes, 1685. Small 12mo, pp 400, [4], engraved frontispiece, inserted leaf of errata, bound in contemporary paneled calf, rubbed, a bit chipped to head of spine, joints cracked, internally a clean sound crisp copy, FIRST CAMBRIDGE EDITION; Erasmus' famous plea for a return to the primitive simplicity of Christianity, a key text in Reformation theology, probably its first printing in England since the Reformation itself. £45.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 10 25. FIELDING, HENRY.: The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. London, A Millar, 1755. 12mo, pp [4], iv, 228, with mispaginations, half title present, bound in contemporary calf, sometime rebacked with inferior leather, the lower board again detached, a sound clean copy internally , FIRST PUBLISHED EDITION, issued shortly after Fielding's death in Lisbon in 1754. Publication of this edited version, altered by the author's family, preceded that of the unexpurgated version, though that one was actually in the press earlier. The same publisher issued both in the same year; nice copy of a travel classic. £175.00 26. FINCH, HENEAGE, EARL OF NOTTINGHAM.: An exact and most impartial accompt of the indictment, arraignment, trial, and judgment (according to law) of twenty nine regicides, the murtherers of His late sacred Majesty of most glorious memory: begun at Hicks-Hall on Tuesday...1660. London, Andrew Crook and Edward Powel [1660]. Small 4to, pp[2], 287, [1], modern wrappers, foot of title page trimmed with loss of date, else a good sound copy , perhaps for rebinding, FIRST EDITION; the standard account of the retribution heaped upon the contemners or Charles I in a series of show trials with entirely predictable consequences. Finch was at this time Solicitor General immediately after the Restoration, and as prosecuting council at the trials served as the mouthpiece of the Court. This present account, printed by John Berkenhead, was the official popular one, and was subsequently often reprinted. £120.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 11 27. FOWNS, RICHARD.: Trisagionor, The Three Hoy Offices of Jesus Christ, The Sonne of God, Priestly, Propheticall, and Regall; how they ought of all the Church be received. With a Declaration of the violence and injuries offered unto the same, by the....Romish Babylon. London, Jumphrey Lownes for Matthew Lownes, 1619. Small thick 4to, pp [40], 782, a few woodcut diagrams in text, with separate title pages to the second and third books dated 1618, bound in contemporary limp yapped vellum, title slightly dust soiled, light marginal waterstains at end, else a very good sound copy, FIRST EDITION, variant with title dated 1619 rather than 1618 as in some copies; the preface dated Nov 6 1618. Fowns' major work of doctrinal learning dedicated to the young Prince Charles, Fowns having been chaplain to the late Prince Henry. Fowns appropriately deals with the Catholic issue in a scholarly way, emphasizing the Regal justifications of the Church of England. With 1655 signature of William Henry Havergal, English churchman and hymn writer, on the title page where he has written ' One of the Noblest works written in Worcestershire.' £185.00 28. FRENCH NOVEL. CHABANNES, M.A.J.R DE.AND MOUFLE D'ANGERVILE.: Les Cannevas de Paris, ou Memoirs Pour servir a l'Histoire de l'hotel du Roulle, publiee par un etranger avec des notes critiques ...pour l'intelligence du Texte. 'A La Porte de Chaillot' [i.e. ?Paris], [?1750]. 2 parts in one volume, 12mo, with engraved frontispiece and engraved title page within border, pp 138, 158, bound in contemporary neat French mottled calf, spine gilt with raised bands and red label, a very nice copy, FIRST EDITION, a cheap copy lacking the supplement at the end, which was possibly suppressed. This satire on the French court, supposedly written by the two authors above, is not dated but seems to have appeared about 1750. AN erotic work it was reprinted with this above date in Bruxelles in about 1875, though this first printing is easily distinguished. '... le démon de l écriture ne le quitte pas et avec un de ses compatriotes Rochon de Chabannes, il publie clandestinement un petit ouvrage licencieux Les Cannevas de la Pâris qui leur vaut, malgré l'anonymat, un bref séjour à la Bastille (1750).' Despite the suppression of the supplement at the end, this is nevertheless a very charming copy of a most amusing book. £75.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 12 29. FRENCH REVOLUTION. DES ESSARTS, NICOLAS T LE MOYNE.: Les Crimes de Robespierre, et de ses Principaux Complices; leur supplice, la mort de Marat...et le supplice de Charlotte Corday. Paris, Des Esarts, An V [1797]. 3 volumes bound in one, small 12mo, pp [4], 126, 120, 99, [3], [6, adverts], 4 oval stipple engraved portraits, bound in contemporary sheep, black label, rubbed and worn at spine ends, upper joint cracked through and held only on cords, now detaching, light internal foxing due to paper quality, else good, FIRST EDITION, a populist account of the reign of terror and principle victims, written by the publisher Ds Essarts, and author of the famous 'Causes Celbres' to bolster up the regime. Confusingly there is another single volume similar title by Des Essarts from the same year. £45.00 30. HUME, HUGH, EARL OF MARCHMONT.: A Serious Exhortation to the Electors of Great Britain wherein The Importance of the approaching Elections is particularly proved from our present Situation both at Home and Abroad. London, T Cooper, 1740. 8vo, pp 60, half title, uncut, sewn as issued, a good copy, FIRST EDITION; an election tract by the Scottish politician also known as Lord Polworth; he would lose his seat at Berwick Upon Tweed in that year. £15.00 31. JUNKER, CARL LUDWIG.: Erste Grundlage zu einer ausgesuchten Sammlung neuer Kupferstiche. Bern, 1776 Small 8vo, pp [28], 82, engraved vignette title page, original gray flush wrappers, spine chipped else a sound copy, FIRST EDITION. Junker was a minor but interesting musician and music critic of the period. This short work describes a series of contemporary engravings after various artists, and is an interesting commentary on the art aesthetic in Germany of the period. £85.00 32. KEATE, GEORGE.: Sketches from Nature, Taken and Coloured, in a Journey to Margate. London, J Dodsley, 1783. 2 volumes, small 8vo, pp viii, 207: [3], 224, engraved frontispieces, bound in contemporary calf, spine gilt ruled with red labels, slightly worn or chipped at spine ends, but a very good clean set, THIRD EDITION, with a postscript to the preface. Influenced by Sterne's Sentimental Journey, Keate provides a rambling adventure in Kent, with an interesting picture of Margate in the 18th century. £90.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 13 33. LAW, WILLIAM.: A Practical Treatise upon Christian Perfection. London, William and John Innys, 1726. 8vo, pp [6], 546, [2, adverts], bound in contemporary paneled calf, lacking label, upper joint lightly cracked else a fine crisp copy, FIRST EDITION, Law's first and perhaps most celebrated devotional treatise, only overshadowed by his 'Serious Call' of two years later. An excellent copy with contemporary bookplate of Felltham Parochial Library on title verso. £150.00 34. LAW. BLOUNT, THOMAS.: Fragmenta Antiquitatis. Antient Tenures of Land, And Jocular Customs of some Manors. Made publick for the diversion of some, and instruction of others. London, Printed for the Assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, for Abel Roper, Tho Basset and Christopher Wilkinson, 1679. Small 8vo, pp [8], 175, [1], [14, index], [1, errata], with preliminary imprimatur leaf, bound in 18th Century half calf, rubbed, spine half missing, internally sound and clean, FIRST EDITION; scarce in this printing, perhaps the first general popular work on English legal history. Blount collected together these 'remarkable tenures of land and unusual customs'. The title is familiar from its commoner 1784 printing. £100.00 35. LESLIE, CHARLES.: The New Association. Part. II. With farther improvements. ... An answer to some objections in the pretended D. Foe s explication, in the reflections upon the shortest way. .. London, the Bookseller, 1705. Small 4to, pp [4], 62, [2, adverts], bound in modern cloth, light browning else very good, SECOND EDITION, ' with additions.' A separate tract from part one, and one of Leslie' many controversial writings on the issue of dissenters in England, based upon supposed plots and conspiracies. £25.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 14 36. LEVESQUE DE POUILLY.: The Theory of Agreeable Sensations: in which the Laws observed by Nature in the distribution of pleasure are investigated; and the principles of natural theology and moral philosophy are established. Including likewise, relative to the same Subject, London, W Owen, 1774. 12mo, pp x, [6], 216, bound without final advert leaves in contemporary calf, spine gilt with red label, slightly rubbed but a very good clean copy, NEW EDITION; first published in English in 1749, an anonymous translation of Levesque which went through several editions; the author was an eminent French philosopher who wrote little; he was friend of Newton and Hume. A pretty copy. £65.00 37. MILTON, JOHN.: The History of Britain, That Part especially now call'd England. From the first Traditional Beginning, Continu'd to the Norman Conquest, Collected out of the Ancientest and Best Authors thereof by John Milton. London, R E for R Scot [and 3 others], 1695. 8vo, pp [2], 5-357, [1], [54], bound in contemporary calf, sometime neatly but plainly rebacked with raised bands, corners restored, a very good sound copy, THIRD EDITION, usually so described after the two earlier folio printings. Despite the odd pagination at the front, complete as issued and fairly scarce. £175.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 15 38. MUSICAL PSALMS.: A Small Collection of Psalms To the Old Tunes, sung By the Charity Children of The City of Chichester. Published for General Use. London, W Faden, sold at Chichester, 1761. Small 8vo, pp 77, [1], engraved title page and music, letterpress text, lacking the second leaf of index at end [probably just a few lines], interleaved with later [?early 19th Century] manuscript hymns with the music, several leaves worn or chipped at edges through use, the title page soiled and frayed, in later plain black cloth, FIRST EDITION, very much a working copy and clearly a copy that has worked for some early church musician from its earliest days, interspersed with his own manuscript collections. These hymns were prepared for the children of the Charity School in Chichester, and the majority of copies were used to pieces -this one not quite but getting there. This volume is mentioned in Clark's [ed] Small Towns in Early Modern Europe with reference to public music making. £100.00 39. OWEN, JOHN.: Exercitations on the Epistle to the Hebrews. Also concerning the Messiah...With an Exposition and Discourses on the Two First Chapters of the said Epistle to the Hebrews. London, Robert White, for Nathaniel Ponder, 1668. 2 parts in one volume, folio, with separate title pages and pagination, but continuous signatures, pp [14, including errata leaf], 318, [8], 294, bound in contemporary calf, worn at corners and spine ends, upper board detached, a clean crisp copy internally, FIRST EDITION; Owen's major undertaking as a Biblical commentator, this was the first of four volumes of commentaries published between 1668 and 1680, representing a cornerstone of English Puritan literature. £200.00 40. OXFORD LITANY: Liber precum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Christi Oxon. Litania Ordo Administrandae Coenae Domini Catechismus etc. Oxford, Sheldonian, 1726. 8vo, pp [2], 228, bound in neat 19th Century full calf, lasy leaf largely missing and laid down, else a nice copy, FIRST EDITION. A cheap working copy of the Christ Church Oxford Latin Liturgy. £20.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 16 41. PHILLIPS, CATHERINE.: Memoirs of the Life of Catherine Phillips; to which are added some of her Epistles. London, Printed and sold by James Phillips and son, 1797. 8vo, pp [2], 382, [2, adverts], bound in contemporary tree calf, red label, a very good clean copy, FIRST EDITION, posthumously published memoirs of a female Quaker minister, who travelled widely in Britain, Europe and North America; she became famous for her anti slavery views and writings, and these memoirs have been widely read since their first publication here. £100.00 42. RICHARD, JEAN.: Discours et Reflexions Morales sur le Jubile, ou l'on traite de son institution, des dispositions ncecssaires pour le gagner.. Paris, Louis Guernin, 1722. 12mo, pp [10, including advert leaf], 206, [20, bound in contemporary plain calf, rubbed, leather of upper board chipped, minor faults but internally sound and clean, SECOND EDITION, originally printed in 1702. The 'Jubile' was a Roman Catholic festival of penance and prayer celebrated every fifty years since 1300. A rare title. £35.00 43. ROUSSEAU, J.J.: Les Confessions...suivies des Reveries du Promeneur Solitaire. WITH: Seconde Partie des Confessions. 'A Geneve', 1782-89. 4 volumes 8vo, pp [4], 322: [4], 401: [4], 399: [4], 379, with half title in each volume, bound in contemporary or original black continental boards, spines double red label, one slightly chipped, rubbing and slight wear at joints and spine ends, but a very sound clean set in original state, EARLY SEPARATE EDITION. The Geneva first printings of the classic 'Confession' may well have been as part of Tousseau's 'Oeuvres' the two two-column parts being dated 1782 and 1789 respectively. This well preserved set bears these dates and the Geneva imprint, but is clearly a piracy of which where were many, not necessarily printed in Geneva. This pagination is not listed by Senelier. £125.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 17 44. SHAW, PETER.: The Reflector: Representing Human Affairs, As they are; and my be improved. London, T Longman, 1750. 8vo, pp xx, 371, [1, adverts], bound in contemporary calf, sometime neatly rebacked with red label and raised bands, a little rubbed but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, a scarce and curious work on moral philosophy by the popular London physician, author of several medical works, and editor of Francis Bacon and Robert Boyle; the work, which covers most aspects of education and learned life is interesting as representing the view of the scientific community in mid 18th Century England, especially the medical one. 'Many Diseases arise from a perverted Imagination; and some of them are cured by affecting the Imagination only.' Shaw was a broader mind however and comments upon poetry and literature also, most memorable being his remarks upon Richardson's Pamela, which, reflecting the view of the times, created a split of opinion between the 'Pamelists' and 'Anti-Pamelists'. £175.00 45. SHENSTONE, WILLIAM.: The Works in Verse and Prose...most of which were never before printed. In Two Volumes. London, R & J Dodsley, 1764. 2 volumes, 8vo, pp [2], viii, 345, [7]: [6], 392, frontispieces in each volume, folding plan, engraved vignettes in text, bound in contemporary calf, spine gilt with raised bands, three of four labels missing, a little worn at spine ends and cracked at joints, but a good sound set, FIRST COLLECTED EDITION. A third supplementary volume was issued five years after in 1769, but is usually missing from sets. £45.00 46. SKINNER, THOMAS.: The Life of General Monk: late Duke of Albermarle. From an original manuscript of Thomas Skinner...to which is added a Preface...by William Webster. London, J Graves, I Isted and J Hooke, 1724. 8vo, pp [10], lxvii, [1], 385, [7, including Epitaphium at the end], engraved portrait frontispiece, bound in modern half calf, spine with raised bands and red label, a good sound copy, SECOND EDITION. £60.00 47. SPELMAN, SIR HENRY.: The History and Fate of Sacrilege, Discover'd by Examples of Scripture of Heathens, and of Christians...now published for the Terror of Evil Doers. To which is added, The Beginners of a Monastick Life...By Sir Roger Twisden. London, John Hartley, 1698. 8vo, pp [4, bifolium advert leaf and title], [6], 292, 40, bound in contemporary paneled calf, boards detached, text lightly browned, else a good copy for rebacking, FIRST EDITION, SECOND ISSUE, with the cancel bifolium title at the beginning. Spelman's curious work was written, according to the title page, in 1632; the work was re-edited, from an early manuscript, in 1853 by Charles Frere and Stopford Warren, who remarked that this 1698 printing was now rare, and conjectured that the anonymous editor might be a member of the Twisden family, hence the unrelated final tract by Sir Roger Twisden which appears at the end of some copies, including ours. £120.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 18 48. SPENCER, JOHN.: De Legibus Hebraeorum Ritualibus, et Earum Rationibus, Libri Quatuor...Editos, MSS cum Testimoniis Auctorum...Leonardus Chappelow. . Cambridge, C Crownfield, 1727. 2 volumes, tall folio, pp [20, including subscribers], 1232, [28], fine engraved portrait frontispiece, bound in modern calf backed boards, a strong job for LA Law Library, title page with perforation but no other stamps, a very good clean tight set, SECOND AND BEST [FIRST CHAPPELOW] EDITION; Spencer, master of Corpus Christi, was perhaps the leading Hebraist in England during the later 17th Century, and De Legibus, first published in Cambridge in 1685, is his most important work, derived from original sources, and providing the basis for future studies on comparative religions, despite considerably hostility at the time. 'John Spencer...stood between the world of the theological tradition of the 17th Century and the world of freethought i.e. deism and freemasonry, of the 18th Century ' [Jan Assmann]. This second and best edition was edited and revised from Spencer's original manuscript by Leonard Chappelow, Professor of Arabic at Cambridge. £150.00 49. STERNE, LAURENCE.: Sermons by the Late Laurence Sterne, A.M. Prebendary of York, and Vicar of Sutton on the Forest and of Stillington near York. London, J James, 1787. 8vo, pp xiv, [2], 643, portrait frontispiece, bound in contemporary polished calf, spine gilt with red label, a little rubbed and worn at spine ends and corners, with light joint cracks, but still a good sound copy, NEW EDITION, one of the earliest, if the not the earliest, of single volume editions. £35.00 50. STRYPE, JOHN.: The Life of the Learned Sir John Cheke, Kt. First Instructor, afterwards Secretary of State to King Edward VI...to which is added, A Treatise of Superstition...now first published. London, John Wyat, 1705. Small 8vo, pp [16], 276, engraved portrat frontispiece, bound in unpleasant red library rexine, one or two old stamps, small corner torn from title chipping the date, else internally sound, a good working copy, FIRST EDITION; one of Strype's more interesting biographical efforts. £60.00 51. TITHES.: Tithes Politically, Judicially, and Justly Considered. Addressed to the clergy of the university of Cambridge; with strictures upon the Farnham Hop-Bill...by Pluralist. London, Printed for the author, 1794. 8vo, pp [24], 185, [15], half title, uncut in modenr boards, a clean neat copy, FIRST EDITION; a very scarce anonymous tract on the principles of finincial support for the clergy. £35.00 52. TOUSSAINT, FRANCOIS VINCENT.: Manners. Translated from the French. The Fourth Edition. London, J Rivington, W Owen and W Johnston, 1765. 12mo, pp [18], vi, 251, [1], engraved vignette on title page, bound in modern two tone boards, paper label, one marginal chip without loss, a good clean copy, FOURTH ENGLISH EDITION, a celebrated treatise which went through many editions, first published in English in 1749, this fourth edition is rare; ESTC records 2 copies, both US libraries. £65.00 53. TOUSSAINT, FRANCOIS.: Eclaircissement sur les Moers, par l'auteur des Moeurs. Amsterdam, Marc Muchel Rey, 1762. 12mo, pp lx, 333, [4], title in red and black, bound in contemporary French mottled calf, spine gilt with raised bands and red label, lightly rubbed but a fine clean copy, FIRST EDITION, a text written in justification and clarification of the author's earlier 1748 treatise. £60.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 19 54. TRIAL OF THE SEVEN BISHOPS.: The Proceedings and Tryal in the case of the Most Reverend Father in God William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Right Reverend Fathers in God, William Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, Francis Lord Bishop of Ely, John Lord Bishop of Chichester.... London, Thomas Basset and Thomas Fox, 1689. Folio, pp [6], 140, engraved frontispiece portraits by White showing the seven bishops, bound in contemporary calf, early reback, the spine now rubbed, upper joint cracked and weak, else a good sound copy, FIRST EDITION; this account of James II's in vain attempts to prosecute the famous Seven Bishop's for sedition was not published until after the King's abdication and the Glorious Revolution, and is dedicated to William of Orange; curiously no less than five of the bishops stayed loyal to James after the Revolution and lost their positions. It is said that Judge Jeffreys, finding the King obstinate on the matter of abandoning the trial ' asked caustically if the King needed advisers or whether " the Virgin Mary is to do all". £95.00 55. WEBB, DANIEL.: Observations on the Correspondence Between Poetry and Music. London, J Dodsley, 1769. Small 8vo, pp vii, [1], 155, [3, adverts], half title, attractively bound in modern half calf, spine with raised bands and red label, a very neat job, two tiny erasure holes in the title page, light foxing but very good internally, FIRST EDITION, an interesting treatise on poetical aesthetics and its musical influences by this Irish born Oxford trained author who lived at Bath, companion to his similar collection on art of 1760. His writings were popular and influential, this present treatise being translated into German two years after. Interestingly Web described music as 'an art of impression' and was critical of what he say as the artificiality of Purcell and Handel. £125.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 20 56. WHITBY PERIODICAL.: The Whitby Spy. Whitby, C Webster, 1784. Small 8vo, pp [2], v, [1], 240, [8, including the final blank], half title, bound in modern cloth, lightly browned at edges back and front, else a sound copy, FIRST COLLECTED EDITION, the thirty issues complete of this local periodical, as issued with title, prelims and index. ESTC lists 3 locations UK and 2 USA. A curious provincial literary production, in verse and prose. £165.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 21 LITERATURE PRINTED AFTER 1800 57. ARAM, EUGENE. MICHAEL FRYER.: The Trial and Life of Eugene Aram; several of his Letters and Poems; and his Plan and Specimens of an Anglo-Celtic Lexicon. Richmond, by and for M Bell, 1842. 12mo, pp iv, 124, [2], engraved frontispiece of facsimile hand-writing, slightly later half morocco, spine with raised bands, rubbed but a very good sound copy, SECOND EDITION, first issued from the same press in 1832. The sensation trail of Aram for murder of William Clark in 1759 had attracted the recent attention of the novelist Lytton, hence this new historical account. £25.00 58. BARNARD, SIR JOHN: Some Rules for the Conduct of Life. London, Field & Tuer, 1877. 8vo, pp [4], 37, original paper backed printed boards, spine worn else good, FIRST EDITION THIS, printed for presentation in honour of Caxton's 400th anniversary. These were the rules presented to each apprentice in the City of London, and attributed to Sir John Barnard. £12.00 59. BATTLE OF WATERLOO.: A Relation of the facts of the Last Campaign of Buonaparte, which ended in the Battle of Mont-Saint-Jean, called likewise of Waterloo or of La Belle Alliance. Faithfully detailed by an eye-witness...translated from the French. Edinburgh, for William Laing, 1815. Small 8vo, pp [2], 126, uncut, 2 folding maps with colouring, neatly bound in later half morocco by Hains of London, light soiling, but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION. Delbare's account of the battle, rushed out soon after it had taken place, and very scarce. A nice copy. £120.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 22 60. CHARLES II. HERON, G ALLAN.: Lucy Walter. [Eastbourne, Privately printed at the Lyric Press, 1929]. 8vo, pp 50, original cloth, a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, with short ALs from the author enclosed. An attempt to prove through circumstantial evidence that Lucy Walter, mother of the Duke of Monmouth, was in fact married to Charles II. £10.00 61. ETIQUETTE. BUTCHER, JOHN.: Instructions in Etiquette, for the Use of All; Five Letters on Important Subjects, Exclusively for Ladies; and conversational hints to whom concerned. London, Simpkin Marshall/ Nottingham, Dearden, 1847. Small 12mo, pp 120, bound in original flush cloth with paper label on upper board, in the original cardboard slip-case with printed advertisement on each side, the slipcase rubbed and soiled but sound, the book in very good state, THIRD EDITION, apparently the earliest edition recorded, COPAC lists BL and Oxford only, a Nottingham printing of considerable rarity. £75.00 62. FIRST WORLD WAR POETRY. GRAVES, ARNOLD.: The Long Retreat and other Doggerel. London, John Murray, 1915. Small 8vo, pp 50, [2, adverts], original pictorial stiff gray wrappers, a very good clean copy, FIRST EDITION, a typical patriotic production designed for trench reading, recounting an incident from the War; with an introduction by the publisher. This copy has obviously never been near the front. £20.00 63. FIRST WORLD WAR POETRY. HASKINS, M.L.: The Potter. London, Erskine Macdonald, Ltd, 1918. Small 8vo, pp 29, [1], original printed wrappers, a very good copy, FIRST EDITION; Minnie Haskins went on to write other collections of verse; one of her poems was quoted by George VI in a Christmas broadcast. and the poem 'God Knows' became popular afterwards. £20.00 64. FRANSHAM, JOHN. SAINT, W.: Memoirs of the Life, Character, Opinions, and Writings, of that Learned and Eccentric Man, the late John Fransham of Norwich. Norwich, C Berry, [1811]. Small 8vo, pp viii, 158, bound without half title in modern cloth backed boards, a very good clean copy, FIRST EDITION. Saint was a teacher of mathematics in Norwich, and the friend of Fransham to whom he left his collection of mathematical books. A freethinker, Fransham from humble origins rose to become a well known tutor and teacher of many subject including mathematics. Saint's scarce biography is a very curious tribute to his learning and teaching abilites. £90.00 65. GIPSIES. CRABB, JAMES.: The Gipsies' Advocate; or Observations on the Origin, Character, Manners, and Habits, of the English Gipsies: to which are added many interesting anecdotes. London, sold by Lindsay, 1831. Small 8vo, pp 167, [1], bound in slightly later tree calf, neatly rebacked, spine gilt, text lightly browned and with slight leather staining to out edges of first leaves, else a good sound copy, SECOND EDITION. £65.00 66. GWILT, CHARLES PERKINS.: Notices Relating to Thomas Smith, of Campden, and to Henry Smith sometime Alderman of London. London, George Woodfall, 1836. Large 8vo, pp vi, [2], 80, 4 engraved plates, original patterned cloth, neatly recased, a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, privately printed family history with genealogies. £45.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 23 67. HAMILTON, JAMES.: A Memoir of Lady Colquhoun. London, James Nisbet, 1851, Square 8vo, pp 313, [, adverts], , frontispiece, extra engraved title & 1 plate, original cloth, stamped in blind & gilt, a little rubbed & faded to spine, , else a very good copy of THIRD EDITION, ENLARGED,. Lady Colquhoun was instrumental in giving the Gaelic Bible to the highlanders of Scotland. £10.00 68. HAZLITT, WILLIAM.: A View of the English Stage; or, A Series of Dramatic Criticisms. London, Robert Stodart, 1818. 8vo, pp xix, [1], 461, [3, adverts], half title, contemporary calf, uncut in original drab boards, rebacked in green cloth, slight foxing at the beginning. else a good sound copy, FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE; the unsold sheets were reissued with a new title page and publisher [John Warren] in 1821, but Keynes' assertion that this first issue is 'an uncommon book' is unfounded, as it is no more uncommon than any other Hazlitt volume of criticism. Its value as a collection of dramatic criticisms of the contemporary English stage is another matter, and hardly in doubt. . £65.00 69. HONE, WILLIAM.: Ancient Mysteries Described, Especially the English Miracle Plays...Notices of ecclesiastical Shows, The Festivals of Fools and Asses-The English Boy Bishop-The Descent into Hell-The Lord Mayor's Show-The Guildhall Giants-Christmas Carols etc. London, William Hone, 1823. 8vo, pp 298, title in red and black, 4 engraved plates, including one folding, 2 by George Cruikshank, bound in later neat quarter calf, cloth sides, slightly marked, plates lightly browned and with offsetting, else a goods sound copy, FIRST EDITION, second issue, with the 'giants' plate uncolored. This hugely popular work put early English drama on the map; it still retains a considerable charm, despite its dubious scholarship. £35.00 70. HORACE.: The Epodes, Satires, and Epistles of Horace translated by the late Rev Francis Howes, M.A. minor canon of Norwich Cathedral. London, William Pickering, 1845. Small 8vo, pp xiv, 288, pleasantly bound by Fazakerley in contemporary half brown morocco, spine gilt ruled with raised bands, a little rubbed but a nice clean attractive copy, FIRST EDITION; this is a rather pleasant piece of Pickering book design, though not a very familiar one, and not in Keynes check-list. £45.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 24 71. HUMBOLDT, WILHELM.: The Sphere and Duties of Government. Translated from the German...by Joseph Coulthard, Jun. London, John Chapman, 1854. 8vo, pp xv, [1], 203, original leather backed blind stamped cloth, a very good copy, FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Though written in 1791 this treatise on government was not published until 1852 posthumously by the author's brother. As a radical take on contemporary politics, especially with regard to the rights of the individual within the state, it would surely have drawn the sword of the German censor had it been published, as Schiller amongst others at the time wished. £60.00 72. IRELAND. EMERSON, JOHN SWIFT.: One Year of the Administration of his Excellency The Marquess of Wellesley in Ireland. London, J Hatchard [and Neary Marhon, Dublin], 1823. 8vo, pp 137, disbound , a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, inscribed 'From the Author' on the title page; though anonymous, ascribed by H & L to John Swift Emerson, who published a number of short tracts upon contemporary Irish events, this being by far the most popular, passing through several editions in the same year. This was an important record of Wellesley's abortive attempts, as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to achieve Catholic emancipation in Ireland, though his efforts would later bear fruit in the subsequent administration of his brother, Duke of Wellington. £35.00 73. LAW. GRANT, JAMES.: The Bench and the Bar. London, Henry Colburn, 1837. 2 vols, 8vo, uncut in original cloth backed drab boards, with paper labels now browned and soiled, else a very good sound unsophisticated set, FIRST EDITION, a collection of biographical sketches of English legal personages of the time. The Eaton Hall copy with the bookplates of the Marquis of Westminster [Richard Grosvenor]; a man of property and horses he almost certainly never read it. £45.00 74. MARITIME. DIXON, W HEPWORTH.: Robert Blake. Admiral and General at Sea. Based on Family and State Papers. London, Chapman and Hall, 1852. 8vo, pp xv, [1], 366, [ 2, 54, adverts], frontispiece portrait, uncut in original blind stamped cloth, spine gilt, slightly chaffed at spine ends, but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, a valuable contribution to the maritime history of the Commonwealth period. £15.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 25 75. MARSH, ANNE. [MRS MARSH-CALDWELL].: Mount Sorel or the Heiress of the De Veres. London, Chapman and Hall, 1845. 2 volumes, 8vo, pp 319, [1]: 330, bound without half titles, in contemporary half tan calf, spines gilt with raised bands, double maroon and blue labels, minor rubbing, but a fine bright set, FIRST EDITION, a significant novel of the period by this popular female novelist, dealing with the family trials and tribulations over the ownership of Mount Sorel, set in the 1790's and dealing with contemporary political issues of the period. A handsome and beautifully bound set of this very scarce first edition novel. £150.00 76. MARTIME. MARKS, RICHARD. 'ALIQUIS' [PSEUDONYM].: The Retrospect; or Review of Providential Mercies: with anecdotes of various characters, and an Address to Naval Officers. London, J Nisbet, 1816. 12mo, pp vi, 239, bound in contemporary half calf, spine gilt ruled, a little rubbed and faded to spine, a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, a popular work of moral story telling for sailors by Richard Marks, scarce in first edition. £45.00 77. METROPOLITAN POLICE FORCE.: Report from the Committee on the State of the Police of the Metropolis; with The Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee, and an Appendix of Sundry Papers. London, Ordered by the House of Commons, 1 July 1816. Folio, pp 388, [4], bound in early 20th Century fawn library buckram, leather labels slightly chipped, text unstamped, rubbed but a good copy, FIRST EDITION, only the second Parliamentary report on the advisability of a newly established police force for London. At that time the so called 'Bow Street Runners' were few in number and subject to corruption, if not outright criminality; their work and practices are minutely examined in this report which remains an important document on crime detection and process of the period. £85.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 26 78. MILITARY. LABAUME, EUGENE.: A Circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in Russia, embellished with plans of the Battles of the Moskwa and Mal-Jaroslavitz. Containing a Faithful Description of the affecting and interesting scenes of which the author was an eye-witness. London, Samuel Leigh, 1815. 8vo, pp viii, 416 [including adverts at the end], with large folding hand-coloured map, and 2 folding battle plans [both with small repairs at folds, bound in contemporary half calf, spine gilt ruled and blind with raised bands, joints cracked but still sound, light spotting only, a very good copy, SECOND AND BEST EDITION, translated from the French, slightly enlarged and with the addition of the large folding coloured map of Russia from the first edition of the previous year. One of the most valuable first hand account of the Russian Campaign. £145.00 79. MORE, HANNAH. ROBERTS, WILLIAM.: Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Mrs Hannah More: London, R B Seeley and W Burnside, 1834. 4 volumes, 8vo, portrait frontispiece in volume one, finely bound in contemporary half brown calf, spines richly gilt with raised bands and double brown labels, a little rubbed at joints but an excellent clean fine set FIRST EDITION. The standard biography of More; 'its hagiographic tone and editorial inaccuracy drew the scorn of John Gibson Lockhart in the Quarterly but the inclusion of extended extracts from More's letters has ensured its enduring interest to those interested in More.' £100.00 80. MUSIC. DIEHL, A.M. [ALICE MANGOLD].: Musical Memories. London, Richard Bentley, 1897. 8vo, pp xii, 319, a very good sound copy, FIRST EDITION of this interesting volume of nineteenth century reminiscences, somewhat gossipy, but revealing on performers of the mid century. Methuen-Campbell, in 'Chopin Playing' refers to Diehl-Mangold as 'a good Chopin player' and quotes her opinions on Arabella Goddard, Princess Czartoryska and Francis Plante. £20.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 27 81. PEERAGE. FOX-DAVIES, A.C.: The Earliest Peerage Annual. An Exact List of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal being a facsimile reprint of the First Peerage Directory for 1734, in which occur many Names of Historical and Political Interest. London, Elliot Stock, 1902. Small 8vo, pp unpaginated photographic facsimile, original cloth in imitation of early gilt paneled speckled boards, a fine copy, FIRST EDITION; a very charming facsimile. £15.00 82. PEREIRA, FATHER ANTONIO.: Tentativa Theologica. Episcopal Rights and Ultra-Montane Usurpations...translated...by the Rev E H Landon. London, Joseph Masters, 1847. 8vo, pp xxxii, 246, [10, adverts], original cloth, paper label, spine rubbed and faded, bookplate of the Law Society, the text unstamped and sound, FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH, from the Portuguese original of 1766. '...it created an extraordinary sensation throughout the whole of the Roman Communion...regarded as the death blow to Ultra-montanism in Spain and Portugal; and,, though burnt at Rome, was never effectually answered...' £15.00 83. ROGERS, SAMUEL.: Human Life, A Poem. London, John Murray, 1819. 8vo, pp 100, uncut in original boards, lacking spine else good, FIRST EDITION, C.V. LE GRICE'S COPY, inscribed on the half title and title page 'C.V. Le Grice to his sister Harriet Hoste Le Grice Trereife October 20th 1821.' Grice had inherited the estates of Trereife from the |Nichols family some years earlier; he is remembered as a minor poet and translator but also a friend of Charles Lamb and Coleridge, both of whom he left reminiscences. An interesting association copy. £15.00 84. ROSSETTI, WILLIAM MICHAEL.: Shelley Adonais edited with introduction and notes by William Michael Rossetti. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1891. Small 8vo, pp viii, 154, [20, publisher's catalogue], bound in original bevel edged gilt decorated cloth, green and gilt floral patterned endpapers, a fine copy, FIRST EDITION; this is, of course, largely speaking, a critical work on Shelley, the poem itself occupying only a small portion of the text, and was much criticized at the time for its lack of scholarship and excess of speculation. £15.00 85. SANSKRIT TEXT.: Hitopadesa. The Sanscrit Text of The First Book, or Mitra-Labha; with a Grammatical Analysis, Alphabetically Arranged. Prepared for the use of the East-India College, by Francis Johnson. London, James Madden & Co, 1840. 4to, pp [8], 153, [5], the Sanscrit text followed by English translation, and a glossary, contemporary half calf, spine plainly cloth covered at an early period, small chip to one blank margin but internally sound and clean, FIRST EDITION, very scarce and prepared for use in India; only the preface to this important collection of oriental fables is translated into English, but the vocabulary at the end is quite extensive. Usually known as 'The Book of Good Counsels' it was a familiar and popular teaching text. £85.00 86. SCHLUMBERGER, JEAN.: Epigrammes Romaines. Paris, Bibliotheque de l'Occident, 1910. Oblong 8vo, pp [6], 66, [2], frontispiece lithograph by Maurice Denis, uncut in contemporary plain calf, original wrappers bound in, fine in slip case, FIRST EDITION, presentation copy from the author to Eduard Dolleard, an eminent historian. Though not remembered as a poet, Schlumberger was eminent in French literary circles during the first thirty years of the Twentieth Century. A very attractively presented presentation copy. £45.00 87. STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS & W.E.HENLEY.: Three Plays...Deacon Brodie, Beau Austin Admiral Guinea. London, David Nutt, 1892. 8vo, pp 250, [2], uncut in original two tone green cloth, spine with one string mark, else a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, LARGE PAPER ISSUE, limited to 100 copies signed by the publisher. £35.00 88. STRYPE, JOHN.: Historical Collections of the Life and Acts of the Right Reverend Father of God, John Aylmer, Lord Bp of London in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1821. 8vo, pp xviii, 219, [3], engraved portrait frontispiece, uncut in original boards, a little rubbed, minor faults only, essentially fine, NEW EDITION, an important Reformation history reprinted here from the original edition of 1701. £35.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 28 89. TRIAL OF MADELEINE SMITH. IRVINE, ALEXANDER FORBES.: Report of the Trial of Medeleine Smith before The High Court of Judiciary at Edinburgh June 30th to July 9th 1857 for the alleged poisoning of Pierre Emile l'Angelier. Edinburgh, T & T Clark, 1857. 8vo, pp xi, [1], 307, 2 partially hand coloured plans, original cloth with paper label, rubbed and slightly worn at joints, but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION; the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty or not proven to the three charges against Madeleine Smith for poisoning, somewhat surprising considering the evidence against her. This original account of the trial is a valuable and a professional one; it would form the basis for Tennyson's Jesse's volume in the Notable British Trials series. £60.00 90. TRIAL OF ROBERT SAWLE DONNALL.: The Trial of Robert Sawle Donnall, surgeon and apothecary, late of Falmouth, in the county of Cornwallfor the wilful murder, by poison of Mrs. Elizabeth Downing, widow, his mother-in-law, at the Assize at Launceston,...March 31, 1817. Falmouth, James Lake, 1817. 8vo, pp xiv, [2], 179, [1], with engraved plan of the tea room, disbound from a collection, title and final leaf a little soiled, last 3 leaves detached, else a good sound binding copy, FIRST EDITION; a rare provincially printed trial in which the defendant was found no guilty of murdering his mother in law by poisoning. Much depended upon the postmortem tests to ascertain the cause of death, which were at this time quite unsatisfactory. The case was heard before Sir Charles Abbott and taken down in shorthand by Alexander Frazer. £100.00 91. VICTORIAN MINOR POETRY. CHOLMONDLEY-PENNELL, H.: Crescent? And Other Lyrics. London, Edward Moxon, 1864. Small 8vo, pp 88, with 8 page publisher's catalogue dated September 1864, bound in original olive blind-stamped ribbed cloth, lightly discolored to spine, but a fine copy, FIRST EDITION; a minor but charming volume of verse, this copy distinguished by its wonderful condition. £45.00 92. WHEATLEY, HENRY B [EDITOR].: The History of Patient Grisel. 1619. Edited , with an introduction by Henry B Wheatley. London, for the Villon Society, 1885. Square 8vo, pp xvi, 46, uncut in original paper vellum boards, lightly dust spotted, else very good, FIRST EDITION THUS, no 4 of Gomme and Wheatley's 'Chap-Books and Folk-Lore Tracts' reprinting the rare London edition of 1619, at the time the earliest English version known to exist. £35.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 29 ILLUSTRATED, ART AND ARCHITECTURE. 93. CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE [ILLUSTRATOR].: The Bee and the Wasp. A Fable -In Verse. With Designs and Etchings by G Cruikshank. London, Charles Tilt, 1832. Small 8vo, pp 16, with 4 etched vignette plates by Cruikshank, uncut in pleasant later half green calf, spine gilt lettered, original printed yellow wrappers bound in, a fine copy, FIRST EDITION. £60.00 94. CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE.: Tom Thumb. A Burletta, altered from Henry Fielding by Kane O'Hara, with designs of George Cruikshank. London, Thomas Rodd, 1830. Small 8vo, pp 34, [2, 4, adverts plus 2 inserted advert slips at end], with 5 full page and 2 vignette illustrations by George Cruikshank, original cream pictorial wrappers, neatly bound in contemporary half maroon polished calf, minor soiling to title, a fine clean copy, FIRST EDITION, first issue, with pages 29-30 incorrectly numbered. Very scarce in this state and with all advert slips. A very pretty copy also. £60.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 30 95. DAUMIER, HONORE [ILLUSTRATOR].: Les Cent et Un Robert-Macaire composes et dessins par M H Daumier, sur les Idees et les Legendes de M Ch Philipon erduits et lithographies par MM.""", texte par MM. Maurice Alhoy et Louis Huart. Paris, chez Aubert et Co, 1839. 2 volumes, 4to, unpaginated parts, comprising 101 uncoloured lithograph plates by Daumier, each within a decorative surround, with text a leaf facing and versos of plates, both half titles present, general title and wood-engraved vignette title pages to each, as well as table of contents and colophon leaf at the ends, but without the wrappers or publisher's adverts if required, uncut in contemporary 'romantic style' French quarter calf, spine gilt, sides marbled, matching endpapers, slight wear to corners, as few restorations, including the title page mounted on a stub, still an excellent clean set, FIRST EDITION, of this reduction of the plates from 'Caricaturana' of 1837-38. Macaire of course from the French equivalent of the legendary 'villain of the peace', proved a rich mine of satirical social comment from Daumier in this famous part publication. later adapted into 'Physiologie de Robert-Macaire' [1842]; the work as whole depicts the middle class corruption and decadence of French society hovering on the point of revolution. The usual reduced uncoloured issue, the full size coloured one being quite rare and valuable. A very pleasing copy, unusually clean and in original state. £200.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 31 96. FOUGASSE.: E. and O.E. A Book of Drawings by Fougasse. London, Methuen and co, 1928. Large 4to, pp [8], 79, [1], black and white cartoon illustrations throughout, colour frontispiece and 7 plates, bound in original colour pictorial boards, a fine copy in slightly faded dust-wrapper with a few tiny chips, FIRST EDITION, Fougasse's third such collection of cartoons originally published in Punch. A highly popular artist, including poster artist of the time Fougasse's previous collections had introductions by A A Milne; the title of this one would have made more sense at the time. It is in any case a title that is quite rare in this condition with the dust-wrapper. £45.00 97. FRANCE, ANATOLE.: Johann Gutenberg suivi Traitte des Phantosmes de Nicole Langelier. Paris, Editions d'Art Edouard Pelletan, 1900. 4to, pp viii, 14, [5], 738-742, [8], 3 title pages in red and black, various page decorations, illustrations etc, uncut in contemporary full vellum by Zaehensdorf, inner gilt dentelles, sides with triple gilt fillet borders, slightly soiled, small stain on lower board, else a very nice copy, FIRST EDITION, rare. A typographic celebration of Gutenberg's 500th anniversary by the eminent Paris publisher of art editions Edouard Pelletan, issued in 113 copies only. With printed presentation page 'Examplaire de Present imprime pour Monsieur Frederic Harrison' and with pen inscription also 'Frederic Harrison presented by Author & Publisher 1902.' Listed in Mahr's bibliography of 'Livres de Luxe.' £75.00 98. GILL, ERIC.: The Monotype Recorder Commemorating an Exhibition of Lettering and Type Designs by Eric Gill held at Monotype House, London, in October 1958. London, Monotype Corporation, 1958. 4to, pp 21, [1], frontispiece, illustrations throughout, original coloured wrappers lightly foxed, else a very good copy, FIRST EDITION. £10.00 99. GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. MILLER, PATRICK.: Ana The Runner. A Treatise for Princes & Generals Attributed to Prince Mahmoud Abdul. London, Golden Cockerel Press, 1937. 8vo, pp 108, [2], frontispiece and 5 wood-engraved plates by Clifford Webb, original pictorial orange wrappers, spine a little faded as usual, but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION. £12.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 32 100. HUMPHREYS, H NOEL [ILLUMINATOR].: Parables of our Lord. London, Longman and co, 1847. Small square 8vo, 32 pages printed on 16 heavy card leaves, 2 pages of letterpress description at the end, printed in colour illuminated lithography throughout, in the original papier-mache ornate black binding, spine leather with blind stamped title in archaic lettering, original gutter percha decayed and replaced, spine a little rubbed, else a very good clean perfect example, FIRST EDITION; this notable and charming illuminated book of the period was printed by Engelmann of Paris, and is more often than not found in damaged state, either to the spine or to the brittle papier-mache binding which was intended to replicate the appearance of a carved ebony one of the Middle Ages. This example has both features in very good state, although the weakening of the gutta percha is endemic to this series of publications. Mclean, in Victorian Book Design, describes this as one of the earliest examples of this kind of production , describes how it was made, and goes to some lengths to illustrated and enumerate the virtues of Humphrey's work. £220.00 101. IRELAND, WILLIAM HENRY.: Stultifera Navis; the Modern Ship of Fools. Aere Perennius. London, William Miller, 1807. Small 8vo, pp xxiv, 295, [1], [8, adverts], half title, with title page woodcut and folding hand coloured aquatint frontispiece by John Augustus Atkinson, bound neatly in contemporary tree sheep, spine gilt with red label, a little rubbed, one small marginal tear and one small marginal stain, but a very nice copy, FIRST EDITION, Ireland's satire in imitation of Brandt on contemporary Regency society in England; the delightful frontispiece in imitation of Rowlandson is delightful. £75.00 102. LITHOGRAPHY. WATERLOW, ALBERT.: Every Man his Own Printed or Lithography Made easy being an essay upon lithography in all its branches, showing more particularly the advantages of the 'Patent Autographic Press.' London, Waterlow and Sons, [circa 1875]. 4to, pp 65, [4, adverts], portrait, text wood-engravings, 9 lithographed plates, original green blind stamped cloth lettered in gilt, a fine copy, FOURTH EDITION; the third edition of this popular account of the autographic press for lithography was issued in 1871, basically unchanged from the first of 1854 and second of 1859, this final edition expanded and from a few years after. With 2 loose 4 page illustrated flyers for the press. Despite its fine condition a surprisingly scarce printing; we have not traced any institutional copy of this fourth edition. £150.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 33 103. MAC ORLAND, PIERRE.: Malice...eaux-fortes de Chas Laborde. Paris, Henri Jonquieres, 1924. Small 4to, pp 145, [1], with 31 etchings of which 10 are full page by Charles Laborde, all hand-coloured or stencilled, uncut in contemporary three quarter green morocco by Bernasconim marbled endpapers and sides, top edge gilt, spine evenly faded to light tan, else a fine copy, FIRST EDITION THUS; NO 661 OF 650 COPIES ON RIVES BLANC; first published two years earlier this was one of the major French novels of the decade, dealing with the social consequences and financial exploitation or rampant inflation in Germany following the end of the First World War. This first illustrated edition by Laborde is remarkable for its delicately coloured etchings depicting the decadent society of the early days of the Weimar Republic. An attractive copy of this important example of French book illustration. £150.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 34 104. MONTESQUIEU, CHARLES DE.: Le Temple de Gnide. revu corrige et augmente. 'Londres', n.d. [but Paris, Huart, 1742]. Small 8vo, pp [4], viii, 85, [1[, engraved frontispiece, title page vignette, 8 text vingettes, unsigned but attributed to Seve, bound in 19th century half morocco, upper joint cracked but holding, a good clean copy internally, FIRST ILLUSTRATED EDITION, an early isssue. From its first appearance in 1724 Montesquieu's little spoof novel from ancient Greece proved popular in both illustrated unillustrated editions. The false imprint of 'Londres' [for Paris] is found on many of them perhaps because of the mildly licentious content of the book , which was in any case intended as a satire on the French court. The illustrated edition of 1742, of which this is one issue, have numerous issue points which we have been unable to determine. £185.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 35 105. REGLI, FRANCESCO.: Il Primo di Novembre del 1755. Racconto Storico. Milan, Guglielmini, 1845. 4to, pp 124, [4], decorative typographic title page in several colours, all pages with blue typographic border, gilt decorative initials and tailpieces, original orange stamped paper boards, gilt borders to sides, gilt to spine, a little rubbed t extremities, but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, a typographical showpiece, and a fictionalized story based on the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, dedicated to the Queen of Portugal. It is likely that this beautiful first printing was for presentation issue; the story was reprinted the following yera in standard small format. £85.00 106. RICHARDSON, C.J.: The Englishman's House from a Cottage to a Mansion. A Practical Guide to Members of Building Societies, and all Interested in Selecting or Building a House. London, James Camden Hotten, [1871]. 8vo, pp viii, 504, [32, publisher's catalogue for 1871], coloured frontispiece, text illustrations throughout, bound in original decorated green cloth, spine gilt, a little rubbed but a very good bright sound and clean copy, SECOND EDITION 'Corrected and Enlarged' and the definitive version of this classic of Victorian architectural practice in the age immediately preceding the Art and Crafts movement. Though several times reprinted this Hotten edition is generally considered the best, and difficult to find in nice condition such as this, most copies being more or less shaken and battered by use. Still a much Bible of High Victorianism. £45.00 107. ROWLANDSON [ILLUSTRATOR]. BRITTON, JOHN.: The Pleasures of Human Life: InvestigatedCheerfully; Elucidated -Satirically...in a Dozen Dissertations on Male, Female and Neuter Pleasures...by Hilaris Benevolus. London, Longman etc, 1807. Small 8vo, pp xvi, 223, [1], [24, publishers' catalogue dated Jan 1807], with 2 extra engraved title pages with hand-coloured vignette 'heads', 5 handcoloured etched plates by Rowlandson, pleasantly bound in 20th century quarter dark blue calf, spine gilt with raised bands, marbled sides, slightly rubbed at edges, but a nice clean copy, SECOND EDITION, from the same year, and in same format, at the first, one of the best humorous satires of the period. £125.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 36 CHILDREN'S BOOKS. 108. ANON.: The Traveller; or, An entertaining journey round the habitable globe : being a novel and easy method of studying geography. London, J Harris and son, [1820]. 12mo, pp viii, 204, with 2 maps and 44 world views on 22 plates, original roan backed printed boards, spine ends and joints worn, inner joint reinforced, but a sound clean copy, FIRST EDITION; the uncoloured issue, but both issues of this first edition are scarce. £90.00 109. ANON.: A Tour Through England: Described in a Series of Letters from a Young Gentleman to his sister. London, William Darton, 1821. Small 12mo, iv, 212, with engraved presentation plate at the front, and Darton's advert plate at the back, 6 engraved plates of views, including a frontispiece, folding map, original roan backed boards, rubbed but sound, a good copy, FOURTH EDITION; first published in 1804 the work was radically altered for this new printing, 'revised and corrected by T.H.' £65.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 37 110. BELLOC, HILLAIRE.: A Moral Alphabet in Words from One to Seven Syllables. By H.B. and B.T.B. London, Edward Arnold, 1899. Small 4to, pp 63, [1], illustrated alphabet with verses, original cloth backed pictorial coloured boards, slightly soiled and marked, but still a very good copy of a title hard to find in this condition, FIRST EDITION. £30.00 111. BROWN, SIBYL D CREAGH.: The Story of Epaminondas. Designed by Sibyl D Creagh Brown. London, George G Harrap, [1918]. 4to, pp 8 leaves, illustrated throughout by Creagh Brown, printed in colour on thick fawn-grey paper, rectos only, including wrappers, sewn as issued, slightly creased to lower wrapper, but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION THIS, the English adaptation by Sybyl Brown of a classic Negro story for children that appeared first in S C Bryant's 'Stories to tell Children' as 'The Story of Epiminondas and his Auntie.' in 1907. A scarce title; the Opie copy is incorrectly described as having 7 leaves. £45.00 112. BUSCH, WILHEM.: Buzz a Buzz or the Bees done freely into English...from the German of Wilhelm Busch. London, Griffith & Farran, [1872]. 8vo, pp iv, 72 leaves, [8], illustrated throughout by Wilhelm Busch, original pictorial boards, both boards detached, housed in a very neat modern slip case, FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH, from the German of 1869. and translated by W C Cotton. £20.00 113. CHAPBOOK.: The Year that's Awa. Glasgow, 'Printed for the Booksellers', 1829. Small 8vo, pp 8, vignette on title page, folded and uncut as issued, lightly dust-soiled, but good, FIRST EDITION; a collection of seven Scots songs, without music, the second being 'Waes me for Prince Charlie.' £20.00 114. DODSLEY, ROBERT.: The Chronicle of the Kings of England from the Norman Conquest unto the Present Time. Huddersfield, Printed and sold by J Brook, circa 1820. 12mo, pp 84, small woodcut vignette on title page, bound in contemporary or original half roan, rubbed and a bit worn but sound, title page soiled and stained, text lightly soiled, else good. This satirical history of England written in Biblical language and style was the work of the publisher and author Robert Dodsley and first published in the 1740's as by one Nathan Ben Saddi 'a servant of God in the House of Israel'. It was not of course intended as a children's chapbook as apparently presented here. A very rare provincial printing, COPAC recording only the BL copy. £45.00 115. ELLIOTT, MARY.: The Two Edwards; or Pride and Prejudice Unmasked. London, Darton, 1823. Small 12mo, pp 180, 3 engraved plates including frontispiece, original roan backed boards, spine worn away, rubbed, but internally sound, FIRST EDITION. £35.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 38 116. HALE, KATHLEEN.: Orlando [The Marmalade Cat] A Seaside Holiday. London, Country Life, 1952. Folio, pp 32, printed by Cowell in colour plastic lithography throughout, original cloth backed boards, light wear to corners, a few small signs of use, but a good copy, certainly better than usual but without the dust-wrapper, FIRST EDITION; a title particularly redolent of the English seaside of the 1950's. £60.00 117. HARVEY, WILLIAM [ILLUSTRATOR].: The children in the wood with engravings by J. Thompson, Nesbit, S. Williams, Jackson, and Branston and Wright; drawn by William Harvey. London, Jennings and Chaplin, 1831. 8vo, pp 15, [1], 6 vignette wood-engraved plates after Harvey, 2 text vignettes, edges gilt, neat later wraps restoring the original printed upper wrapper which is present, slight spotting else good, FIRST EDITION THUS, a popular illustrated ballad of the period presented here in superior chapbook form. £25.00 118. KNOTT, REV. ROBERT ROWE.: The New Aid to Memory: containing the Most Remarkable Events of the History of Rome. Illustrated with Eighty Symbolical Engravings. London, J Field, circa 1845. 12mo, pp xxiv, 71, [1], 80 symbolic 'Memory' engravings on 8 plates, ALL COLOURED BY HAND, edges gilt, original cloth stamped in gilt & blind, small chip to head of spine, but a very good clean bright copy, FIFTH EDITION, the scarce companion to 'Events in the History of England The author was a teacher at Rye Grammar School and was famous for these memory aids, available in both coloured and uncoloured states, this the former being very scarce. COPAC lists no such examples. £60.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 39 119. MUSIC. FARJEON, ELEANOR.: Nursery Rhymes of London Town. Book One. London, Anglo-French Music Co, [1919]. Small 4to, pp 16 of music, original fawn pictorial wrappers by N M Livens, slight wear to spine else very good, FIRST EDITION; Farjeon was both poet and composer of this set of 13 London location songs for children, with charming Livens cover depicting a busy London street scene at Holborn Viaduct and not used for the later OUP issue. £10.00 120. PARR, HARRIET [PSUED HOLME LEE].: Legends from Fairyland. London, Frederick Warne and co, [circa 1870]. Small 8vo, pp vi, [2], 239, [1], [8, adverts], 8 wood-engraved plates including frontispiece and extra title page, bound in original red pictorial cloth, gilt, a little rubbed, minor soiling only, a very good copy, EARLY EDITION. The Legends form Fairyland were first published in 1860 and generated many further fairy stories from this author that became enormously popular in the Victorian era. This edition is in Warne's Illustrated Fairy Library series, and includes 8 interesting fantasy illustrations by an untraced artist, presumed to be H Sanderson from the original edition of 1860. No copy of this printing listed in COPAC. £15.00 121. PINCHARD, ELIZABETH S.: The Two Cousins, a Moral Story, for the use of young persons. London, E Newbery, 1798. 12mo, pp vii, [1], 144, engraved frontispiece, bound without half title or adverts in contemporary tree sheep, spine rubbed, joints cracked but holding, free endpapers removed, one leaf with clean tear and no loss, else a good copy, SECOND EDITION, though not so stated on the title; previously issued in 1794, but both editions are rare. £45.00 122. STEPHEN, A CONDIE: Fairy Tales of a Parrot. Adapted from the Persian...illustrated by Tristram Ellis. London, Ernest Nister, [1892]. 4to, text unpaginated, with 6 mounted chromolithographed plates and numerous text illustrations by Tristram Ellis, original cloth backed pictorial glazed boards, slight loss to paper at corners, small inscription at the front, but a very good clean tight copy, FIRST EDITION; a translation of a series of fairy tales taken from the Persian of Kadiri, adapted for children by Stephen Condie. An attractive title that is scarce in good condition. £25.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 40 123. TAYLOR, JEFFERYS.: Ralph Richards, The Miser. London, Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, 1821. Small 12mo, pp [2], 159, [1], bound in original roan backed marbled boards, rubbed and a bit worn at corners and head of spine, free endpaper removed at front, else internally good, FIRST EDITION; scarce children's tale by one of the Taylors of Ongar, the dramatic frontispiece by the author's brother Isaac. Harris, p. 50. £60.00 124. WATTS, ISAAC: Divine and Moral Songs for Children..a New Edition Printed from Copper Plates with Beautiful Vignettes. London, R Miller, circa 1815. Small 12mo, with 2 engraved vignette title pages, 4o leaves engraved throughout, printed on rectos only, each with a small vignette and text beneath, bound in original roan backed marbled boards, rubbed and worn to head of spine, minor spotting, but internally sound and clean, FIRST EDITION, the rare companion volume to Miller's Twenty Choice Poetical Extracts, which is in similar format. A charming example of this kind of engraved children's book. £95.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 41 TOPOGRAPHY, BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 125. ABYSSINIA. HOTTEN, JOHN CAMDEN.: Abyssinia and Its People. Or Life in the Land of Prester John. London, John Camden Hotten 1868. 8vo, pp vi, 384, with hand coloured frontispiece and 7 hand coloured plates, finely bound in contemporary half maroon morocco, spine gilt with raised bands, an excellent clean tight and attractive copy, FIRST EDITION, an interesting popular account of the history, customs and folk lore, including music, and recent explorations in Abyssinia. £100.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 42 126. AFRICA. MACLEAN, COLONEL JOHN.: A Compendium of Kafir Laws and Customs, including Genealogical Tables of Kafir Chiefs and Various Tribal Census Returns compiled by Direction of Colonel Maclean, C.B. Chief Commissioner In British Kaffraria. Mount Coke [Cape Colony], Wesleyan Mission Press, 1858. 8vo, pp vii, [1], 168, with folding genealogical tables, bound in original ribbed green cloth, paper label worn and illegible, a little rubbed and marked externally but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, PRESENTATION COPY FROM COLONEL MACLEAN TO ROBERT VIGNE, with a few pencil notes, presumably by the latter, including, on the title page 'not altogether for for the ladies.' Maclean would soon after become the first Governor General of the short lived state of British Kaffraria, an economically disastrous outpost of the British Empire in South Africa. This pioneering anthropological study of the so called Kaffir population, who suffered desperate hardship under British rule and were devastated by famine, was the first and most important of its kind, and evidently circulated widely within official circles. The Quinten Keyes copy, also a presentation one, but annotated and lacking one table, made a staggering £1300 at Christies in 2004. £185.00 127. KENT.: Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica. No VI. Part I. Containing Mr Thorpe's Illustration of several Antiquities in Kent, which have hitherto remained undescribed. London, J Nichols, for the Society of Antiquaries, 1783. 4to, pp [4], 28, with an engraved pan and 4 engraved plates, bound in near contemporary half calf, spine gilt ruled with raised bands and black label, light foxing of plates, but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, the first of two such fascicles of the society devoted to Thorpe's notes on Kent; a nice copy with Thorpe's 1766 printed signature pasted in, 4 pages of additional manuscript notes by an early owner bound at the rear. Purchased at Hodgsons Rooms in 1955 by Hilip Rogers from the library sale E P Boys Richardson. £45.00 128. KENT.: W.J. Cox's Guide to Whitstable and Its Surroundings. Whitstable, W J Cox, 1876. 8vo, pp 61, [24, adverts], plain white wrappers, a fine copy, FIRST EDITION, the first guide the town, part of a remainder issue without printed wrappers. £15.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 43 129. KENT. NEWTON, WILLIAM.: The History and Antiquities of Maidstone, The County-Town of Kent. From the Manuscript Collection of William Newton. London, Printed for the Author, sold by J & P Knapton [and booksellers in Maidstone, Canterbury and Sandwich], 1741. 8vo, pp xvii, [3], 168, nicely rebound in later full calf, spine gilt ruled with raised bands, inner floral gilt dentelles initialed 'V.A.B.', a little rubbed at joints, light waterstains but internally sound and clean, a very good copy, FIRST EDITION; a cheap copy, lacking the frontispiece, but otherwise rather attractive, and the important first history of the town. £75.00 130. LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL.: London Housing. London, County Hall, May 1937. 8vo, pp xiii, [1], 273, frontispiece and photographic illustrations throughout, folding map in pocket at rear, original cloth, ex reference library markings and bookplate but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION; the second such report, but perhaps the more significant one, as it signals the suburban development of London housing that would continue after the War's interruption, detailing the original planning behind the London housing schemes which have shaped London to this day. £30.00 131. MEDITERRANEAN. WELLS, EDWARD.: An Historical Geography of the New Testament: In Two Parts. Part 1. The Journeyings of...Jesus Christ. Part II. The Travels and Voyages of St Paul. London, for James Knapton, 1712. 2 parts in 1 volume, 8vo, pp [18], 160; [16], 178, 2 folding engraved maps [one split at fold], frontispiece, 15 engraved views, including Greek islands, contemporary paneled calf, rebacked with red label, a good clean copy, SECOND EDITION, scarce. £100.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 44 132. MUSIC OF AFRICA. JUNOD, HENRI A.: Les Chants et les Contes des Ba-Ronga de la Baie de Delagoa. Lausanne, George Bridel & Co, 1897. Small 8vo, pp 327, [1], text wood-engravings mainly of artifacts, including musical instruments, and musical examples throughout, contemporary patterned boards, paper label, a very good sound copy, FIRST EDITION, a rare groundbreaking ethnographic study concentrating on the music and folklore of the Baronga Tribe of Africa, one of the Thonga [i.e.Tsonga] peoples closely related to the Zulus. Junod was amongst the leading anthropologists of the end of the 19th Century. £50.00 133. NOTTINGHAM. VON TRUMP [PSEUD].: Corporation Jeu D'Esprits, by Von Trump, A.B.R.I.C.K. BOUND WITH: Nuts to Crack. BOUND WITH: An Oriignal...Classical Burlesque...November 1st 1860. [?Nottingham, circa 1860]. 3 works bound in one volume, small 8vo, pp 16, 12, 54, I text wood-engraving, bound in contemporary hilt paneled and bevel-edged cloth, upper bord with overlay ?repair to upper panel, else a very good copy, FIRST EDITIONS; three very rare Nottingham satires by an unknown author who used the pseudonym 'Von Trump'. The last and most substantial item is a theatrical satire, perhaps never intended to be staged, which is recorded in the BL copy only, although it also appears in Pickering and Chatto list 124. The first two items seem to be unrecorded, at least in our sources. The satires are, naturally local in nature, and lampoon characters of the city at the time. £60.00 134. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. RODGERS, JOSEPH.: The Scenery of Sherwood Forest with an Account of Some Eminent People once Resident There. London, T Fisher Unwin, 1908. 4to, pp xiii, [1], 445, uncut, frontispiece, pictorial title page in red and black, 48 plates, original pictorial cloth, gilt, a very good sound copy, FIRST EDITION; this once very popular and well produced survey and history of the forest remains useful background material on the Robin Hood legend. A modern facsimile reprint was issued in 1994. £25.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 45 135. RAUTHMELL, RICHARD.: Antiquitates Bremetonacenses: or, the Roman Antiquities of Overborough. Wherein Overborough is proved the Bremetonacae of Antoninus..To which is added, A Description of as many Monuments of Antiquity as have been dug up or discovered there lately. London, Henry Woodfall, 1746. 4to, pp xv, [1], 111, [1], 4 folding plates [illustrating 5 subjects, as in Upcott], bound in contemporary calf, later label, joints cracked through and weak, light spotting else internally sound, FIRST EDITION, scarce, also reprinted by subscription in 1824; an account of the much disputed original excavations of the this Cambrian Roman fort. £100.00 136. ROME. BUONAPARTE, JACOPO.: Ragguaglio Storico Di tutto l'occorso gionrn per gionrno nel Sacco di Roma dell' anno MDXXVII...Trascritto dall' Autografo di esso, ed ora per la prima volta dato in luce. 'In Colonia' 1756. Small 4to, pp [8], 138, 24, with separate title page to the 'Appendice Storica alla Prefazione in Colonia.' bound in later paper boards, spine slightly discolored, light browning, but a very good clean copy, FIRST EDITION. Jacopo Buonaparte was an early member of the illustrious family, and a friend and advisor to the Medicis. The present work, published here for the first time, comprises his eye-witness account of the sacking of Rome in 1527 when the Pope was captured and ransomed. 'one of the most important surviving historical documents of that time.' The appendix, which is not always present, but included in this copy, contains information on the history of the Buonaparte family. £125.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 46 137. SWEDEN. CATTEAU-CALLEVILLE, J.P.: A General View of Sweden: containing besides a Geographical Description of the Country, an account of its Constitution, Religion, Civil and Criminal Laws...Manners and Customs of its Inhabitants...Arts and Sciences... London, G G J and J Robinson, 1790. 8vo, pp xx, 410, bound in contemporary half calf, neatly rebacked, spine gilt ruled with red label, a very good sound clean copy, FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH, translated from the French, the best description of Sweden in the late 18th Century, both from a statistical and social viewpoint. Catteau was a Calvinist minister in Stockholm. £85.00 138. TURKEY, GAUTIER, THEOPHILE.: Constantinople of Today...Translated from the French by Robert Howe Gould. London, David Bogue, 1854. 8vo, pp 368, extra title page with vignette, 7 tinted plate of views after photographs, finely bound in contemporary half red calf, spine gilt with raised bands, a little rubbed at joints but a fine copy, FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH, from the French of the previous year, one of Gautier's later volumes of travels, and a classic romantic travelogue despite which Gautier was the self proclaimed leader of a movement towards more accurate and informative travel writing for the general reader. A nice copy of this well-illustrated volume. £75.00 139. WALES. BATTY, CAPTAIN ROBERT.: Welsh Scenery. London, John Murray, 1823. 8vo, pp viii, 35 small engraved plates with facing letterpress descriptions, well bound in contemporary straight grained dark green morocco, sides elaborately decorated in gilt and blind paneling with central blind ornament, spine gilt paneled within flat bands, rubbed, slight wear to corners and spine ends, a little offsetting and foxing as usual, but gnarly a very good neat attractive copy, FIRST EDITION. The small format and printing of this Batty collection make it a more charming and pleasing publication than many of his larger quarto format productions, especially when so pleasantly bound as this. £45.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 47 140. WHITBY & PICKERING RAILWAY. BELCHER, HENRY.: Illustrations of the Scenery on the Line of the Whitby and Pickering Railway, in the North Eastern Part of Yorkshire. From Drawings by G Dodgson. With a short Description of the District and Undertaking. London, Longman, Rees, etc, 1836. Large 8vo, pp viii, 115, [1], engraved vignette extra title page, 12 engraved plates, a few further engraved vignettes in text, complete with the errata slip at the end, bound in original rubbed cloth stamped in blind and lettered in gilt, very slight fraying to head of spine, minor spotting only, a very good copy indeed, FIRST EDITION; a famous and attractive visual and textual account of railway scenery of a line intended to put Whitby back on the map. Until 1845 the line was comprised of horse-drawn carriages. An attractive unrestored copy of a book that is hard to find in nice clean condition. £120.00 141. WORDSWORTH, DOROTHY.: Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland A.D. 1803...edited by J C Sharp. Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1874. 8vo, pp xliv, 316, [2], bound in neat later buckram cloth, a nice copy, FIRST EDITION, memoir of a six week tour through the Highlands with her brother and Coleridge. 'An undoubted masterpiece' and a best selling travelogue since. £30.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 48 SCIENCE AND NATURAL HISTORY. 142. ASTRONOMY. LALANDE, J .J. DE.: Abrege d'Astonomie. Paris, chez les Libraires Associes, 1775. 8vo, pp xxxvi, 507, 16 folding engraved plates, bound in contemporary calf, spine gilt with raised bands, red label, lightly rubbed, corners neatly restored, a very good clean sound copy, SECOND EDITION, dated 1775 rather than 1774 on the title, an important and widely-used text book of astronomy, by France's leading astronomer of the age. A very nice copy of an important work. £125.00 143. AXFORD, JOHN.: Hidden Things Brought to Light, for the Increase of Knowledge in Reading the Bible. Being an Explanation of the Coyns, Money, Weights, Measures, mentioned in the Bible...and what they are in value...according to English current money... London, Printed for the author, sold by B Bragge, 1707. 8vo, pp 16, disbound, cut slightly unevenly at margins, but complete, SIXTH EDITION. All editions of this handy little guide to Biblical accounting are rare. World cat records editions from 1697 onwards, including 'sixth edition' dated 1701 and printed in Glasgow; ESTC lists single locations for this printing in UK and USA. £50.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 49 144. COOKERY. COLE, MRS MARY.: The Lady's Complete Guide; or Cookery and Confectionary in all their Branches....to which is added...The Complete Brewer...also The Family Physician. London, G Kearsley, 1789. 8vo, pp xx, xxvii, [1], 564, bound in contemporary sheep, neatly rebacked in calf, spine with raised bands, light stains to inner gutters of some leaves, but a very good sound well restored copy, NEW EDITION. One of the standard English cookery titles of the 18th Century written by the cook to the Earl of Drogheda. First published the previous year, this new edition was revised and enlarged following the huge success of the first printing which sold out in six weeks, according to author's new preface. Strangely both editions [there was a third which is quite common] are scarce according to library listings, ESTC listing only 3 locations for this one UK and 3 USA. £250.00 145. GARDENING, WHATELEY, THOMAS.: Observations on Modern Gardening, illustrated by Descriptions. London, T Payne, 1770. 8vo, pp [8], 257, neatly bound in 19th Century binder's cloth, black leather label, a little rubbed and faded but a very good copy, SECOND EDITION, apparently unchanged from the first printing of the same year, an important and influential treatise on the aesthetics of landscape gardening. £160.00 146. GRAMOPHONE DISC CATALOGUE.: Pathe Freres, London. Catalogue of Disc Records. A Special Catalogue of Pathe 8 1/2 in Double-sided Discs. London, January 1908. Tall 8vo, pp 76, unbound as issued and ?without wrappers if issued, the first and last leaves rather torn and chipped but with little loss, a restorable copy, FIRST OR EARLY EDITION, one of the first English catalogues of double-sided discs, these Pathe ones playing from the center out, vertical cut, and in production from 1905 onwards. Pathe had a strong showing in French artistic representation, but the English catalogue rather pales in comparison, though some of the English singers represented here will be of collectors. interest. Extremely rare in any condition; the 1915-16 catalogue has been reprinted but not, so far as we are aware, this one, and we are not aware of any private collection that has a copy. £45.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 50 147. HOME ECONOMICS. FLINDALL, J.M. AND COBBETT, WILLIAM.: The Complete Family Assistant; including economical hints...list of London schools...Advice to Tradesmen...Domestic Economy. BOUND WITH: Cottage Economy. London, J M Flindall, 1813/ William Cobbett, 1826. 2 volumes bound in one, small 8vo, pp v, [1], 350; [unpaginated 2nd work], a full page illustration in second work, finely bound in contemporary half black calf, spine richly gilt decorated with raised bands and double brown labels, light spotting or soiling to texts, but a very good and attractive copy, FIRST EDITION OF FIRST WORK, NEW EDITION OF SECOND WORK. At time of publication in 1813 Flindall claimed to be the only such book on general domestic economy, or running a household according to economic budgeting means. Cobbett's work, published first in 1822, would prove far more popular, however, whilst Flindall seems only to have enjoyed a single printing. A pretty copy of two interesting works. £125.00 148. JAMES, ROBERT.: Pharmacopaeia Universalis: or a New Universal English Dispensatory. London, T Osborne [and others], 1764. 8vo, pp viii, 668, [25], bound in contemporary calf, spine gilt ruled with raised bands and red label, a little worn or chipped at spine ends, but a very good copy, THIRD AND BEST EDITION, much improved and altered from the second. James aimed to update the pharmacology profession in England; of his predecessors in the field he says 'they tend to promote quackery, to cover ignorance, and veil the dirty craft of the designing and ungenerous...' £175.00 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 51 149. MEDICINE. WHYTT, ROBERT.: Observation son the Nature, Causes and Cure of those Disorders which have been commonly called Nervous, Hypochondriac or Hysteric. Edinburgh, for T Becket and P A de Hondt [London] and J Balfour [Edinburgh], 1767. 8vo, pp xiii, [3, including blank], 507, [25], bound in contemporary polished calf, spine gilt ruled with red label, spine rubbed and slightly worn and chipped at ends, joints cracked but holding OK, else a very good copy, THIRD EDITION; Whytt was Professor of Medicine at Edinburgh University and this was his most important work, first published in 1764. In relation to this subject, the study of which Whytt was a ground braking pioneer, it is interesting to note that Whytt was physician to King George III in Scotland till his death in 1766. £160.00 150. SNELLING, THOMAS.: The Doctrine of Gold and Silver Computations; In which is included, That of the Par of Money: the Proportion in Value between Gold and Silver; and the Valuation of Gold, Silver and Parting Assays. London, T Snelling, 1766. 8vo, pp [8], 144, 10 engraved plates of coins, bound in contemporary calf, spine part chipped away, lightly browned else good, FIRST EDITION; Snelling whose shop was next to the Horn Tavern in Fleet Street was a coin and medal dealer, who wrote several valuable studies of numismatics. In this work he studies assaying the mixing of metals to produce differing standards. £60.00 END OF CATALOGUE 130 Catalogue 130 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 52
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