J & S WILBRAHAM CATALOGUE ONE HUNDRED & THIRTY THREE 1 WISE LANE MILL HILL LONDON NW7 2RL 0208 9593709 077 2599 44 46 E-mail address: [email protected] www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 1 JOHN & SHAHIN WILBRAHAM January 2015 1 WISE LANE, MILL HILL, LONDON, NW7 2RL ENGLAND TEL. +44 (0) 20 89593709 MOB. 077 2599 44 46 E-mail: [email protected] PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE A POSTAL BUSINESS ONLY. Orders may be placed by email or by telephone or post. We are available during business hours and some evenings at this number. At other times please leave your message on our answerphone and we will confirm your order as soon as possible. Books will be sent in the United Kingdom by letter, parcel post or courier and postage will be charged at the current rates. . Overseas orders will be sent by Royal Mail airmail or courier or surface if requested, and the cost added to invoices. We charge for insurance and registration services, which will be given at point of order. Payment may be made by credit/debit card, PayPal or cheque in Sterling made payable to J. & S. WILBRAHAM. Cheques in currencies other than sterling may be subject to bank charges which we must pass on to customers. Any books found not to be as described should be returned as soon as possible, and within two weeks. WE EXHIBIT AT THE NATIONAL HOTEL, LONDON, EACH MONTH AND CAN DELIVER ORDERS THERE UPON REQUEST. CONTENTS LITERATURE PRINTED BEFORE 1800 1-51 LITERATURE PRINTED AFTER 1800 52-109 ILLUSTRATED ART ARCHITECTURE 110-123 CHILDREN'S BOOKS 124-132 TOPOGRAPHY, BRITISH AND FOREIGN 133-146 SCIENCE 147-150 PLEASE NOTE: ALL PRICES ARE STRICTLY NET PAYMENT MAY BE MADE BY CHEQUE CREDIT CARD OR PAYPAL Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 2 LITERATURE PRINTED BEFORE 1800. 1. BANCK, LORENZ.: Taxa S Cancellariae Romanae. In lucem emissa, & notis illustrata. Franeker, Idzard Alberti, 1651. 8vo, pp [16], 410, [30], fine engraved extra title page, bound in contemporary yapped vellum, a very good clean crisp copy, FIRST EDITION; the Papal State was of course paid for by the raising of texts throughout Christendom; Banck's work describes and annotates taxation within the Church of Rome. This excellent copy has a curious provenance, inscribed on the paste-down ' A Perle 1776. Nov, Eborac, in America.' £100.00 2. BAYLE, PIERRE. DES MAIZEAUX, PIERRE.: La Vie de Mr Bayle.. Nouvelle Edition. A La Haye, P Gosse & J Neaulme, 1732. 2 volumes, 12mo, pp [12], 345: [2], 407, title pages in red and black, bound in contemporary mottled calf, spines gilt with raised bands and double red/olive labels, small wormhole to one joint, but a fine bright set throughout, NEW EDITION. Bayle was the central figure of Des Mauzeaux' literary career. An early defender of Bayle especially in England, he had a hand in the second edition of the dictionary. The present work, originally published 1730 as part of the edition of the dictionary published that year in Amsterdam is the second of his two studies of Bayle and is considered his best biographical writing portraying Bayle 'less as a systematic skeptic and more as a free thinker acutely aware of the limits of human reason.' This is a particularly attractive copy of the first separate edition. £90.00 3. BAYLE, PIERRE. MONNOYE, BERNARD DE LA.: Histoire de Mr Bayle et de ses Ouvrages...Nouvelle Edition augmentee... Amsterdam, Jaques Desbordes, 1716. 12mo, pp [14], 576, title in red and black, bound in contemporary unlettered calf backed marbled boards, head of spine chipped, text a little browned, else a food copy, FIRST SEPARATE EDITION, the life by Monnoye, who had been a contributor to the Dictionaire, was originally added to the Geneva edition of that publication, but revised for separate publication here, and with new unpublished material added. £50.00 4. BEAUMARCHAIS, CARON DE.: La Folle Journee, ou Le Marriage de Figaro, Comedie en Cinq Actes en Prose. [Kehl]. L'Imprimerie de la Societe Litteraire-Typographique... Chez Roult, 1785. 8vo, 2 parts in one volume, pp li, [1], 199, [1], bound in slightly later quarter calf, spine gilt ruled with red label,, rubbed, internally with light spotting and few light stains, but generally a very good copy, ?SECOND AUTHORIZED EDITION; there were many printings of the play after its first performance in Paris in 1784, many of them spurious. Ignoring the manifestly inaccurate Amsterdam printings which were based upon verbatim performance notes, the Paris first edition is an illustrated volume issued shortly before by Roult, with 237 pages; after that,. this is the most significant of the early editions. £125.00 5. BRILLON, PIERRE JACQUES.: Suite des Caracteres de Theophraste et de Pensees de Pascal. Amsterdam, Pierre Marteau, 1701. 8vo, pp [8], 272, title page in red and black, uncut in orignal milled boards, a fine unsophisticated copy, FIRST AMSTERDAM EDITION; Brillon's contemporary enlargement of his own Theophraste Moderne' which was first published at Paris in 1699 and subsequently became quite popular. Format from the original was unchanged here, but the 'Avis au Lecteur' details the many corrections from the edition 'faire....a Luxembourg sous le nom de Paris en 1700.' £45.00 6. BUNYAN, JOHN: The Holy War, made by Shaddai upon Diabolus; For the Regaining the Metropolis of the World: or, The Losing and Taking again of the Town of Mansoul. London, W Johnston, 1752. Small 12mo, pp [8], 280, woodcut frontispiece with 'Advertisment to the Reader' on verso, title within woodcut border, crude woodcuts in text, some repeated, bound in 19th Century paneled calf, upper board detached, light browning as usual, but a sound complete copy, EARLY EDITION, scarce in complete state. £85.00 7. CESARE, BONAVNET. AMADAEO: De Critices In Re praesertium Sacra; Recto Pravoque Usu. Napoli, Joseph Severini, 1741. 12mo, pp [12], 164, title page in red and black, contemporary limp vellum, which is slightly discolored or soiled, but a good sound copy, FIRST EDITION; the critic here in the scholastic sense. Scarce survey of critical texts. £60.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 3 8. CIVIL WAR. CHRISTOPHER CARTWRIGHT AND THOMAS BAYLY.: Certamen Religiosum: or, A Conference Between The late King of England and the late Lord Marquesse of Worcester, concerning Religion. Together with a Vindication of the Protestant Cause. London, W Lee [and R Royston], 1652. Small 4to, pp [14], 366, 84, , engraved portrait of Charles I, bound in contemporary calf, sometime at an early date rebacked, the spine again surface chipped and cracked at joints but holding well, Law Society bookplate, internally a sound clean copy, FIRST EDITION, SECOND ISSUE; the Certamen Religiosum, the work of Thomas Bayly, was first published in 1649; it is reprinted here in what is virtually a new work, together for the first time with reply and vindication by Christopher Cartwright, who felt the original was too favorable to the Catholic Church, and so pleads here the Protestant case; the original 'conference' between the King and Marquis of Worcester, was no-doubt apocryphal, but served to inflame the religious sentiments of the time after the King's execution. The first printing of Cartwright's text was in 1651, and the present edition is a reissue with an inserted leaf after the title page 'The Book-seller to the Reader', drawing attention to Cartwright's name for the firts time on the title page and giving a curious critique of Bayley's original work. Very scarce when complete with the portrait of a seated Charles I pointing to Scotland on a globe of the World. £250.00 9. COATS, JAMES [EDITOR].: A New Dictionary of Heraldry, explaining the Terms us'd in that Science...Containing al the Rules of Blazon. London, Jer Batley, 1725. 8vo, pp [14], 352, 7 folding engraved plates showing 196 heraldic devices, bound in contemporary calf, lacking label, slightly rubbed, but a good clean tight copy, FIRST EDITION THUS, with contemporary ownership of Mary Peckham. £95.00 10. COMBER, THOMAS.: A Companion to the Temple: or a Help to Devotion in the Use of Common Prayer. In Four Parts. London, Robert Clavell, 1701. Folio, pp [20], 8585, title in red and black, bound in contemporary paneled calf, a bit chipped at spine ends, joints cracked but holding, a very good sound fresh copy, FOURTH EDITION. Comber's major work on the Litany, originally published in separate parts in 8vo; 'the most complete work extant on the Common Prayer, abounding in learned references'- Darling. A second volume was published the year following this one, collecting together six of Comber's tracts, though it not usually found with this one which is quite complete in itself. £75.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 4 11. COTTON, SIR ROBERT.: Cottoni Posthuma: Divers Choice Pieces of that Renowned Antiquary Sir Robert Cotton, Knight and Baronet, Preserved from the injury of Time, and Exposed to Publick Light, for the benefit of Posterity. London, Richard Lowndes and Matthew Gilliflower, 1672. 8vo, pp [8], 351, 16 tracts, each except the first with separate title page, bound in 19th century paneled calf, worn to corners, lacking spine, boards detached, occasional light browning else internally sound, a good copy for rebacking, SECOND EDITION of this interesting collection of essays speeches and tracts which also includes Francis Walsingham's 'Anatomizing' and Sidney's 'Valour Anatomized in a Fancie'. One of the tracts by Cotton is a substitute, as in all copies, for The Life and Reign of Henry the Third listed in the contents; this was later published as a separate work. The collection as edited by James Howell was first published in 1651. £120.00 12. COWLEY, ABRAHAM.: The Third and Last Volume of the Works being the Second and Third Parts thereof...Part III. His Six Books of Plants. London, Charles Harper, 1708. 8vo, pp [16, 495, [9], frontispiece and 3 plates, separate title pages, bound in contemporary calf, spine with raised bands, FIRST EDITION OF VOLUME THREE, comprising eighth and third editions of the two parts respectively, with a separate entry in ESTC. Very useful of collectors requiring only the English translation of the History of Plants. A very pleasant copy with bookplate of Patrick Hume, Lord Polworth [1641-1724] dated 1702 as well as his ?son Sir Alexander Campbell, 2nd Earl Marchmont. £60.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 5 13. DODSLEY, JOHN [EDITOR].: A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes by Several Hands. London, J Hughes for R & J Dodsley, 1768. 6 volumes, 8vo, engraved vignette titles and headpieces, with the half titles, engraved plate of music in volume 4, plate in volume 3, bound in contemporary tree calf, spines gilt but rubbed and with the labels chipped internally fine, clean and tight, but a good sound set, FOURTH EDITION; originally published between 1748 and 1758, this is one of the earliest of complete 6 volume editions of this important and influential anthology of contemporary verse. £90.00 14. DRAMA. BANKS, JOHN.: The Unhappy Favourite: or the Earl of Essex. A Tragedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal, By Their Majesties Servants. London, R Wellington, 1704. Small 4to, pp [8], 62, [2], bound in 20th Century buckram cloth, title trimmed close at head but generally a clean well margined copy, LATER EDITION, one of the most popular of Restoration Dramas, and including a prologue by Dryden. £75.00 15. DRAMA. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER.: Rule a Wife and Have a Wife. A Comedy. London, Tonson and Draper, 1753. 12mo, pp 83, [1], title in red and black, frontispiece, disbound, good. £15.00 16. DRAMA. CENTLIVRE, SUSANA.: The Humours of Elections. By the Author of the Gamester. London, W Feales, 1737. 12mo, pp 48, title in red and black, disbound, a good copy, FIRST EDITION UNDER THIS TITLE. Scarce. When the play ridiculing electoral corruption was first written in 1714 under the title 'The Gotham Election' it was declined by the theater management, but it was later produced in 1724. £15.00 17. DRAMA. CROWNE, JOHN.: Sir Courtly Nice: or, It Cannot Be. A Comedy. London, W Feales, 1735. 12mo, pp 108, frontispiece, title in red and black, disbound, good. £15.00 18. DUNTON, JOHN [EDITOR].: The Phenix: or, a revival of Scarce and Valuable Pieces From the Remotest Antiquity down to the Present Times. being a Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Tracts, no where to be found but in the Closets of the Curious. London, for J Morphew, 1707. 8vo, pp vi, 570, bound in contemporary calf, disbound with one board only, spine broken, a good working copy, FIRST EDITION; interesting selection of historical tracts, mainly of the late 16th and early 17th Century, which had been collected by the famous London bookseller John Dunton. The success of this publication led him to published a second volume of tracts in the following year. £30.00 19. DUNTON, JOHN [EDITOR].: The Athenian Oracle: Being an Entire Collection Of all the Valuable Questions and Answers in the Old Athenian Mercuries...To which is prefix'd, The History of the Athenian Society...Vol IV. London, Knapton etc, 1728. 8vo, pp [1], 487, [16, including adverts], contemporary calf, lightly rubbed and chipped at spine ends, but a very good copy, THIRD EDITION, volume 4 only, a supplementary volume, with history of the society. £60.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 6 20. FERGUSON, JAMES.: A Brief Refutation of the Errors of Tolleration, Erastianism, Independency and Separation. Delivered in some Sermons...Preach'd in the Year 1652. To which are Added Four Sermons preach'd on several Occasions. Edinburgh, George Mosman, 1692. Small 8vo, pp [20], 365, bound in early 19th Century calf, spine with raised bands and black label, rubbed, worn at head, a little soiled, but a good sound copy, FIRST EDITION, a rare Scottish Presbyterian work against toleration, published long after the author's death, presumably edited by the author's son. Ferguson was minister at Kilwinning in Ayreshire, and died there in 1667. He was a very learned Presbyterian, forced to turn down the Chair of Divinity at Glasgow when his patron, the Earl of Eglington, refused permission, an astonishing instance of aristocratic influence. £150.00 21. FONTENELLE, BERNARD DE.: Fontenelle's Dialogues of the Dead in Three Parts...Translated from the French. With...The Judgment of Pluto etc and Two Original Dialogues. London, Jacob Tonson, 1730. 12mo, pp [2], lxvi, 256, contemporary sheep, spine gilt ruled with raised bands and red label, a little rubbed and worn at spine ends, light crack to upper joint, but a neat clean sound copy, SECOND EDITION IN ENGLISH OF THIS TRANSLATION, A celebrated and much imitated work., translated by John Hughes, who adds 2 dialogues of his own at the end. £75.00 22. HABINGTON, WILLIAM.: The Historie of Edward the Fourth, King of England. London, Tho Cotes for William Cooke, 1640. Small folio, pp [4], 232, bound in later library buckram, light library stamp on title verso, a few marginal page repairs, a few stains, title page torn at one corner without loss of text and laid down, a sound working copy, FIRST EDITION, a cheap copy of this scarce historical study, lacking the portrait that is only sometimes present. The work itself was said to have been written at the request of Charles I to whom it is dedicated, and whilst it appeared under the name of William Habington, largely remembered as a minor poet, it is though to be mainly based upon the writings of his historian father Sir Thomas Habington. £100.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 7 23. HALL, THOMAS.: The Pulpit Guarded with XVII Arguments Proving The Unlawfulness, Sinfulness and Danger of suffering Private persons to take upon them Publicke Preaching, and expounding the Scriptures without a Call...Occasioned by a Dispute at Henly in Arden. London, J Cottrel for E Blackmore, 1651. Small 4to, pp [24], 70, uncut in late 19th Century half calf, spine rubbed and chipped at ends, joints cracked but sound, and internally a very good copy, FIRST EDITION; a scarce and important Puritan attack upon the multiplicity of religious sects in England immediately following the Civil War. These sects included the Quakers, mentioned twice in the text, the use of the word here two years before that quoted in OED. £150.00 24. HAYLEY, WILLIAM.: The Life of John Milton, in Three Parts. To which is added, Conjecture on the Origin of Paradise Lost: with an Appendix. London, T Cadell jun. and W Davies, 1796. 4to, pp xxiii, [1], 328, uncut in original boards which are worn and with boards detached, but internally sound and clean, a very good copy for rebinding, SECOND EDITION; Hayley's life of Milton had originally been published as part of his edition of the poetical works but with many passages suppressed and omitted; this present edition was the first to restore all the original cuts and present it as originally intended. £60.00 25. HERODOTUS. BOUHIER, JEAN.: Recherches et Dissertations sur Herodote...Avec des Memoires sur la vie de l'Auteur. Dijon, Pierre de Saint, 1746. 4to, pp [2], viii, [2, approbation], 259, [1], 48, well bound in contemporary French polished sheep, spine gilt with raised bands and coronet and fleur de lys decoration between, light wear to head of spine, a fine bright copy throughout, FIRST EDITION; posthumous collection of studies on ancient geography and history by the great French jurist and book collector Jean Bouhier [1673-1746], his work as a scholar honored in various pieces and orations printed at the end of the volume. A very nice example of French binding of the period. £60.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 8 26. HOADLY, BENJAMIN.: The Original and Institution of Civil Government Discuss'd. Viz. I. An Examination of the Patriarchal Scheme of Government. II. A Defense of Mr Hooker's Judgment, etc against the Objections of several late Writers...a Large Answer to Dr F Atterbury. London, James Knapton, 1710. 8vo, pp [2], xiv, 200, 204, 11, [1, adverts], bound in contemporary paneled calf, spine richly gilt with raised bands and red label, minor rubbing but an excellent bright copy with the Antrobus bookplate, SECOND EDITION, a reissue of the first of the same year, Hoadly's most important excursion into constitutional issues, regarding the limitations of the powers of monarchy and the defense of civil liberties, in part at least in reaction to Atterbury's doctrine of 'non-resistance'. £100.00 27. JAMES I.: Basilikon doron. Or His Maiesties instructions to his dearest sonne, Henry the prince. London, Felix Kyngston for John Norton, 1603. Small 80, pp [32], 128, 149-154, lacking the initial blank, and first 2 leaves of 'To the reader', the following 2 leaves of 'To the Reader' defective at upper corners with loss of text, leaf I defective with loss, title page cut and restored at head with loss of the Latin portion of the title, some light soiling and tears, early 19th century plain calf, upper board detached, FIRST LONDON EDITION, following the hardly extent Edinburgh printing of 1599, an important Stuart text of kinship that circulated widely in 1603 in many printings and issues. In this issue the title page bears a large woodcut Royal Coat of Arms. A poor copy of this significant text £100.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 9 28. JONSON, BEN.: Part of the Kings Entertainment in Passing to his Coronation. WITH: A Panagyre on the Happie Entrance of James. WITH: A Particular Entertainment...at Althorpe, at the...Lord Spencers. London, [William Stanseby], 1616. 3 works, small folio, pp [841]- 890, extracted from the 1616 first folio, disbound, one or two margins stuck but in good clean well margined state. The complete festival texts written Jonson for the coronation of James I in 1603, and published as a collection in a 1604 quarto, then here in the first folio. £120.00 29. KETTLEWELL, JOHN.: A Companion for the Penitent, and for persons Troubled in Mind. London, John Rivinton, 1768. 3 parts in one volumes [as issued], 12mo, pp 59, [1]; 32, [4]; 35, [1], with general title pages and separate title pages to the parts, bound in contemporary sheep., spine a little worn and cracked at joints, but a very good clean copy, FIRST EDITION THUS; these 3 devotional tracts, reprinted under the auspices of the SPCK, may also have been issued separately, as each has its own collation. In this form the edition is rare - ESTC and COPAC both suggest that recorded copies, other than the one in Chetham's Library Manchester, which accords with ours, include the first part only. £25.00 30. LAW. WYNNE, EDWARD.: Eunomus: or Dialogues Concerning the Law and Constitution of England. With an Essay on Dialogue. Dublin, James Moore, 1791. 8vo, pp xli, [3], 444, [8], bound in contemporary half calf, slightly rubbed, early stamp of Carlow College on title, paper flaw to Ee3 affecting a few letters only, else a very good clean tight copy, THIRD EDITION, but the first Dublin printing and scarce. A significant collection of essays on legal theory. £85.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 10 31. LE CROIX, CLAUDE DE.: Le Parfaict Ecclesiastique ou Diverses instructions sur toutes les fonctions cléricales. Cy-devant disposées en Tables par Mre Claude de la Croix Lyons, Antoine Cellier, 1676. 4to, pp [16], 696, [16], title in red and black, engraved dedication, 2 large folding plates, these with short tears, bound in contemporary calf, worn at spine ends and corners, joints cracked but sound, internally lightly browned throughout else good. First published in Paris in 1665, this standard guide for Roman Catholic priests was most comprehensive. £60.00 32. MARINE SOCIETY [JONAS HANWAY].: The Bye-Laws, and Regulations of the Marine Society, incorporated in MDCCLXXII; with the several instructions forms of indentures & other instruments used by it... an Historical Account of this Institution with remarks on the usefulness of it. London, J March and son, 1792. 12mo, pp [4], ix-xxi, [1], 149, half title, engraved frontispiece, bound in contemporary tree sheep, spine gilt, spine rubbed, else a very nice clean copy, FOURTH EDITION, first published in 1772, though all editions are scarce, the rules of Jonas Hanway's Marine Society, formed by him with the philanthropic intent of educating and preparing youth for the Navy; he himself wrote the historical introduction. This copy collates according to ESTC although the Oxford copy has an explanation of the frontispiece within the prelims. £125.00 33. MOLLINEUX, MARY.: Fruits of Retirement; or, Miscellaneous Poems Moral and Divine: being Contemplations, Letters etc written on Variety of Subjects and Occasions...to which is prefix'd, Some Account of the Author. London, Mary Hinde, 1772. 8vo, pp [40], 174, without the final advert leaf, contemporary sheep, worn and with board detached, a few early pen inscriptions, but generally sound for a rebind, SIXTH EDITION; the poems of the female Quaker Mary Mollineux, who died in 1696, were first published after her death in 1702, compiled by her cousin Frances Owen, this sixth edition being the last. This somewhat dilapidated copy belonged originally to the Quaker community at Waterford in Ireland and bears the barely literate inscriptions of Benjamin and Sussana Moore. Apparently Moore was the builder of the Quaker meeting house in the city. £85.00 34. MORE, HENRY. WARD, RICHARD.: The Life of the Learned and Pious Dr Henry More, Late Fellow of Christ's College in Cambridge. To which are annex'd Divers of his Useful and Excellent Letters. London, John Downing, 1710. 8vo, pp [24], 362, [4], [2, adverts], engraved portrait frontispiece, separate title page to the letters, bound in contemporary paneled calf, red label, old reback, the upper board now detached, else a good sound copy for rebacking, FIRST EDITION, 'the only biographical account of him by one of his contemporaries. Ward's almost hagiographical tone is ample testimony to the high regard in which More was held by his admirers. Ward's Life is an important document of intellectual and cultural history which testifies to the continuing impact of More's ideas in the Enlightenment'. [Sarah Hutton, editor of the modern reprint of this title]. £125.00 35. MORE, SIR THOMAS.: Utopia: Containing an Impartial History of the Manners, Customs, Polity, Government etc of that Island...Translated into English by Gilbert Burnet...revis'd, corrected...by Thomas Williamson. Oxford, for J Newbery, London, 1751. 12mo, pp xxiv, viii, 168, [8, adverts], bound in contemporary calf, spine gilt ruled, upper joint worn through but sound, label lacking, light marginal foxing in places else sound and tight, FIRST EDITION THUS, the Burnet translation revised by Williamson, and with 'A Short Account of Sir Thomas More's Life and Trial; and a prayer made by him while he was a prisoner in the Tower.' £160.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 11 36. MORGAN, SYLVANUS.: The Sphere of Gentry: Deduced from the Principles of Nature, Historical and Genealogical Work, of Arms and Blazon in Four Books. London, William Leybourn, for the Author 'Living at the City Coat.' 1661. Folio, pp [16], 120, [2], 118, 119, [1], 116, [20], with fine engraved frontispiece, plates, text engravings, apparently made up from two copies of slightly differing sizes, the gatherings alternately bound up to produce a balanced effect, the title page and its verso coat of arms carefully window mounted and restored, the dedication leaf in good old pen and ink facsimile, the first few plates likewise in good pen facsimile, probably from the early 19th Century, otherwise apparently complete text wise, bound in probably 17th Century morocco, the sides ornately gilt decorated, neatly rebacked to style, gilt with raised bands, pen facsimile bookplate of George Booth, Baron Delamer, though no other evidence for it being his copy, FIRST EDITION; this copy of Morgan's strangely mystical take on heraldry has more charm than credibility, rather like the text itself. But the making up from two copies and pen restoration has been done with great skill and together with the binding gives this copy a rather nice period feel. £200.00 37. MURALT, BEAT LOUIS DE.: Letters Describing The Character and Customs of the English and French Nations. With a curious Essay on Travelling; And a Criticism on Boileau's Description of Paris. Translated from the French. London, Tho Edlin, 1726. 2 parts in one volume, 8vo, pp viii, 312; 74, [8], [16], with 2 separate title pages [the first a cancel of the first edition title page], to each part, bound in contemporary calf, a bit rubbed and worn at spine ends, joints cracked but sound, red label, internally sound and clean, FIRST COLLECTED EDITION IN ENGLISH, combining the second edition of the English translation with the separate 'Remarks' and 'Essay on Travelling'. Muralt's original French edition first appeared the previous year and seems to have been an immediate success all over Europe. Beat de Muralt, [1665-1749], Swiss scholar and author, wrote his series of letters soon after visiting England in 1694; they paint a vivid picture of English society and have become his most famous work, described by Voltaire as a 'livre tres sage et tres ingenieux..' With contemporary signature of Annabella Craufurd [later Countess Lockhart, 1727-90], £145.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 12 38. NEVILLE, ALEXANDER.: De Furoribus Norfolcensium Ketto Duce. Eiusdem Norvicus. London, Henrici Binnemani Typographi, 1575. Small 4to, pp [16, including blank], 156; [10] 207 [13], two parts in one volume, title page within ornate typographical border, full page arms of Archbishop Parker on verso, bound in 17th Century calf, rubbed, spine worn, upper board detached, a few damp patches to prelims, a few clean tears, else generally sound and clean internally, FIRST EDITION, a cheap copy lacking the title page to the second part and the two leaves pages 131-134, which according to ESTC were sometimes suppressed because of the offense they gave to the Welsh. This important account of Kett's rebellion of 1549, together with a history of Norwich, was written by Neville at the behest of his mentor Matthew Parker whose coat of arms is finely displayed on the title page verso; naturally the account favors the establishment line though it includes a valuable first hand account of the event. £175.00 39. NIEUPOORT, G.H.: Ritum qui Olim Apud Romanos Obtinuerunt, Succcincta Explicatio...emendatior et recensione Gul Ottonis et Jo Fred Reitzii. Amstedam, Sumptibus Societatis, 1779. 8vo, pp xvi, 591, half title, frontispiece, 7 engraved plates, some folding, bound in contemporary paper vellum backed patterned boards, upper joint a little split but sound, text generally rather browned and in places foxed due to poor paper quality, else a sound copy, NEW EDITION; the most popular of 18th Century textbooks on Roman rites and customs. £25.00 40. POPE, ALEXANDER.: [Of the Knowledge and Characters of Men]. An Epistle to the Right Honourable Richard Lord Visct. Cobham. London, for Lawton Gulliver, 1733. Tall folio, pp [4], 13, [1], [2, advert leaf], half title, neatly bound in cloth backed boards, labelled to upper board, small hole in advert leaf where folded, else in very good state, FIRST EDITION. £75.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 13 41. PUFENDORF, SAMUEL VON.: Les Devoirs des Hommes et des Citoyens, suivant La Loi Naturelle. Ouvrage compose en Latin...et mis en Francois Par Antoine Teissier. Berlin, Robert Roger, 1696. 12mo, pp [8], 374, disbound, a binding copy, FIRST EDITION IN FRENCH, translation of Pufendorf's highly influential 'De officio hominis et civis ("On the Duty of Man and Citizen")' of 1673 which, among other topics, gave his analysis of just war theory. £60.00 42. RAY, JOHN.: A Compleat Collection of English Proverbs; Also the most celebrated Proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish And other Languages...To which is added...A Collection of English Words Not Generally Used. London, J Hughs, for J Torbuck, 1737. 8vo, pp viii, 319; [1],150, [2, adverts], the two parts with separate title pages here bound in reverse order, contemporary calf, spine gilt ruled with raised bands and red label, joints cracked but sound, spine ends chipped, a fine clean copy internally, THIRD EDITION, 'Augmented with many Hundred Words, Observations, Letters etc.' This edition combines, for the first time, two celebrated works by the great 17th Century scholar and writer on natural history, including editorial material [but by another hand] not in the previous editions. Ray's in the largest and most complete of early collections English proverbs, and was published in second edition in 1670; his 'English Words not Generally Used', first published separately in 1674, includes Northern and Southern dialect words, as well as 'an Account of the preparing and refining such Metals and Minerals as are found in England.' This is the first issue with title page in black, rather with the red/black cancel title of the second. With bookplate of the Earl of Roden. £150.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 14 43. RICHARDSON, WILLIAM.: A Philosophical Analysis and Illustration of some of Shakespeare's Remarkable Characters. London, J Murray, 1784. Small 8vo, pp 207, [1, adverts], bound in contemporary unlettered tree calf, spine rubbed, joints cracked but sound, a very good clean copy, THIRD EDITION, in fact a reissue of the 'New Edition' of 1780 with cancel title page. First published in 1774 shortly after its author had taken up the post of Professor of Humanity at the University of Glasgow, and he saw his work very much in the sphere of the scientific Scottish enlightenment of the period rather than a work of literary criticism. £60.00 44. SECUNDUS, JOANNES.: Kisses: A Poetical Translation of the Basia...With the Original Latin, and an Essay on his Life & Writings. London, J.Bew, 1790. 8vo, pp [4], iv, 252, engraved frontispiece & extra engraved title page, both after Bartolozzi from the edition 1779, parallel Latin & English text, bound in contemporary calf, lacking label and with short cracks to joints, a little rubbed and chipped at spine ends, but a good copy, FOURTH EDITION, translated by John Nott. £60.00 45. STRADA, FAMIANO.: Prolusiones Academicae. Oxford, Theatro Sheldoniano, 1745. Small 8vo, pp [12], 325, [23], engraved vignette on title, contemporary calf, spine attractively gilt with raised bands and red label, slightly rubbed but a clean attractive copy. Famianus Strada (1572-1649), FIRST EDITION THUS; Italian Jesuit poet and historian' these essays were first published in 1617 and in Oxford in 1631; the book was an established Oxford text and this new edition was attractively printed by Jacob Fletcher. £65.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 15 46. TERENTIUS.: Publii Terentii Comoediae. Paris, Typographia Regia, 1642. Folio, pp [4], 286, half title, fine engraved title page, engraved vignette head and tailpieces, bound in neat contemporary paneled calf, rubbed and worn at corners, upper board detached, else good, FIRST EDITION THUS, a magnificent example of printing from the Royal printer. £125.00 47. TIBULLUS.: A Poetical Translation of the Elegies of Tibullus; and the Poems of Sulpicia. With the original text, and Notes Critical and Explanatory...by James Grainger. London, A Millar, 1759. 2 volumes, 12mo, pp xlvi, 165: [2], 263, parallel English/Latin texts, bound in contemporary calf, spines gilt with raised bands, lacking labels but a very good sound clean and attractive set, FIRST EDITION of Grainger's classic translation, famously ridiculed by Smollett, and successor to Dart's version of 1720, beside which it is considered in every way superior. A recent study of Grainger's translation by John Gilmore has raised interesting questions about the sensibilities of the English reading public of the time to Roman love poetry with its explicit erotic content; Gilmore also raises the issue of patronage of Grainger by a West Indian slave owner, suggesting that the revival of Roman cultural values may have bolstered up the pro slavery lobby. This seems to have been the only 18th Century printing. £50.00 48. TOPHAM, GEORGE.: Romes tradition, the law and Gospel's destruction: being a sober defense of the Church of England from the faction of the Romanists, and canons of the conventicle of Trent ... London, Thomas Fox, 1682. Small 8vo, pp [8, including advert leaf], 232, contemporary calf, plainly rebacked with raised bands, title page lightly soiled and first leaves a little stained, minor browning and spotting to the rest, a tract removed from the rear, else good, FIRST EDITION, a rare anti Catholic tract by the rector of Boston in Lincolnshire. Topham's only publication other than two sermons. £60.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 16 49. WATSON, RICHARD / ARCHIBLAD MACLAINE.: An Apology for Christianity, in a series of letters addressed to Edward Gibbon. BOUND WITH: A Series of Letters Addressed to Soame Jenyns Esq; on occasion of his view of the Internal Evidence of Christianity. Cambridge, for T & J Merrill [and others], 1776/ London, Bathurst, 1777. 2 works bound in one volume, small think 8vo, pp [4], 295, [1], including half title: [6], 274, neatly bound in contemporary half calf, spine with raised bands and red label, a little rubbed, internally fine, FIRST EDITIONS OF BOTH WORKS; united by size and subject, the two authors were quite different. Watson's early attack upon Gibbon's treatment of the rise of Christianity in the two final chapters of the 'Roman Empire' published in the same year became a classic of theological argument and apologetics. Archibald Maclaine on the other hand was a Scottish Presbyterian, brother of a highwayman, and fellow student of Adam Smith at Glasgow. As a pastor in the Hague from 1747 he entertained Boswell to dinner in 1763, and they subsequently became friends. Of the present work Hannah More wrote after reading it 'There is a good deal of wit and learning...the Deists's will triumph at Maclaine's book...' £135.00 50. WHITAKER, REV JOHN.: The Genuine History of the Britons Asserted. In a Full and Candid Refutation of Mr Macpherson's Introduction to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. [London], sold by Dodsley [and others], 1772. 8vo, pp [4], 308, bound in contemporary olive calf, sides with ornate floral gilt borders, early reback with gilt and raised bands, rubbed and a little worn at head of spine, a good sound copy, FIRST EDITION. James Macpherson, better known for his Gaelic 'recreations' published in 1771 'Introduction to the History of Great Britain', to which John Whitaker, author of the History of Manchester, published this scathing reply the following year- vis a vis the 'Scottish Enlightenment' he writes 'Accustomed as the Scotch have for ages been to believe implicitly in a fantastical history, they have lately emancipated their minds from the bondage.' He does not, however credit Macpherson with such an enlightenment, quite the reverse. Whitaker's work is particularly interesting with regard to the early histories of Ireland and Scotland as the 18th Century perceived them. Printed by Bower and Nichols in an edition of 251 copies. £120.00 51. WHITING, JOHN.: Persecution Exposed in some Memoirs relating to the sufferings of John Whiting, and Many others of the People called Quakers, For Conscience sake, in the West of England, &c. London, James Philips, 1791. 8vo, pp [2], xvii, [1], 520, [16], bound in contemporary calf, lacking label, rubbed and cracked to upper joint, internally sound and clean, SECOND EDITION; an important Quaker memoir detailing events in the West of England during and following Monmouth's rebellion and the subsequent 'Bloody Assizes.'. First published in 1715. £45.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 17 LITERATURE PRINTED AFTER 1800 52. AGG, JOHN [PSUED HUMPHREY HEDGHOG].: The General-Post Bag; or News! Foreign and Domestic. To which is added, La Bagatelle. London, J Johnston, 1814. Small 8vo, pp [8], [13]-123, uncut in original boards, sometime early rebacked in paper which is now somewhat chipped, internally sound and clean, FIRST EDITION; Agg was a Bristol printed who tried his hand at authorship, especially poetry, before reverting to his own profession. This volumes of contemporary satires on figures of the time was most likely the one that ran Agg into legal trouble for libel in the same year, and may account for the book passing through several editions. It includes a highly facetious dedication to Lord Byron. £35.00 53. ARMENIAN LITURGY.: Liturgie de la Mess Armenienne Traduite en Francaise de la Version Italienne par Monseigneur Lapostolest. Venice, Saint Lazare, 1851. 8vo, pp [16], 60, 8 engraved plates depicting scenes from the mass, original printed wrappers, a little frayed and lacking spine, else good, plates are clean, FIRST EDITION IN FRENCH. £25.00 54. BAILEY, PHILIP JAMES.: Festus A Poem. London, William Pickering, 1848. Small 8vo, pp xvi, 367, [1], [1, single line erratum, enlarged with long pencil list or errata], bound in original cloth, decorated in blind to sides and gilt to spine, a little rubbed but a very good copy, THIRD EDITION, PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR TO EDWIN ATHERTONE. Based upon the Faust legend, this was a celebrated mystical poem that became highly popular in mid Victorian England, and enlarged, as here, by the author several times. It was Bailey's only success as a poet. £75.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 18 55. BLUNT, WILFRED SCAWEN.: The Love Sonnets of Proteus. London, Kegan Paul, 1881. Small 8vo, pp x, [2], 120, frontispiece by the author, uncut in original bevel-edged decorated creamy gray cloth, gilt, a very good tight clean copy, FIRST EDITION, based upon Blunt's first and rather scarce 'Sonnets and Songs by Proteus' this is his most enduring and popular volume of love poetry, later enlarged in several further printings. £45.00 56. BRADDON, M.E.: Ishmael. A Novel. Stereotyped Edition. London, John and Robert Maxwell, circa 1885. 8vo, pp iv, 445, bound in contemporary half red roan calf, rubbed but sound, a good copy, FIRST SINGLE VOLUME EDITION, first published by Maxwell in three volumes in 1884, this printing later transferred to Simpkin Marshall. £15.00 57. BYRON, LORD GEORGE.: Fare Thee Well! A Sketch etc. Napoleon's Farewell. On the Star of the Legion of Honour. And an Ode. London, Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1816. 8vo, pp 23, [1], disbound, very good, FIRST EDITION, a pirated collection of genuine Byron poems. Scarce. £75.00 58. CHENEVIX, RICHARD.: Two Plays: Mantuan Revels, a comedy in Five Acts; Henry the Seventh, an Historical Tragedy in Five Acts. London, J Johnson and co, 1812. 8vo, pp [8], 319, bound in contemporary full tan calf, spine gilt with raised bands, rubbed, chipped at spine ends, joints cracked but sound, a fine clean copy internally, FIRST EDITION, PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR, one of the few literary works from the pen of the famous Irish chemist who discovered the element Palladium, although he did not identify it as such. The two plays printed here are in imitation of Shakespeare and were apparently never performed but form part of the Irish literature of the early Romantic period. The recipient of this copy was 'Professor Playfair', presumably the Scottish scientist John Playfair who died in 1819. £85.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 19 59. COOPER, THOMAS.: The Purgatory of Suicides. A Prison-Rhyme. In Ten Books. London, Jeremiah How, 1845. Small 8vo, pp viii, 344, original blind stamped cloth, contemporary stamp of William Salt Library, Stafford to title and last leaf, a very good copy indeed, FIRST EDITION, a celebrated Chartist poem by this self-educated shoemaker. The provenance is telling Cooper was imprisoned for tow years at Stafford jail from 1842 and where he wrote this poem; the speech for which he was imprisoned for seditious libel, in verse form commences the volume. The poem concludes with a dream vision of a peaceful republican revolution. £85.00 60. DAVIDSON, JOHN.: Plays by John Davidson. London, Elkin Mattews and John Lane, 1894. Small 4to, pp [8], 294, [16, publisher's catalogue dated 1894], frontispiece by Aubrey Beardsley, original bevel-edged cloth, pictorial gilt, uncut, lightly rubbed, but a good copy, FIRST COLLECTED EDITION , LIMITED TO 500 COPIES. The rather fine and famous frontispiece by Beardsley depicts -irrelevantly to Davison's plays -a group that includes Oscar Wilde dressed as Bacchus and his own sister Mabel in the nude. This must have gone down well at the family Christmas. £45.00 61. DE VERE, AUBREY.: Poems. London, Bruns & Lambert, 1855. Small 8vo, pp xii, 319, [1], [4, adverts], bound in original cream blind stamped cloth, which is just a little dust soiled and necessarily discolored to spine, else a fine clean copy, FIRST COLLECTED EDITION, which though usually held a such, is in fact, as the author points out, largely original and previously unpublished, comprising mainly shorter lyrics, religious poems and sonnets that constitute a major part of De Vere's early poetical output. Very scarce in this condition. £50.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 20 62. DE VERE, AUBREY.: The Search after Prosperine, Recolletcions of Greece, and other Poems. Oxford, Henry Parker, 1843. Small 8vo, pp xii, 308, complete with both errata slip and advertisement slip at the rear, original blind stamped deep lilac cloth, paper label which is rubbed but still in part legible, cloth slightly discolored in places, with early library paper label at foot of spine and early stamps of St Patrick's College, Maynooth to endpapers and dedication leaf, else a good sound tight copy, FIRST EDITION, PRESENTATION COPY , inscribed ' Eleanor Ashworth Taylor from A de V. De Vere's second volume of verse, following the Waldenses of the precious year, and somewhat scarcer than that volume. This collection id dedicated to the poet dramatist Henry Taylor, and the presentation is apparently to his daughter Eleanor. [1847-1911], who under her married name of Towle would go on to write a number novels, as well as memoirs of the Coleridge children. An important inscribed copy of a scarce work of Irish poetry. £75.00 63. DE VERE, AUBREY.: May Carols. London, Longman etc, 1857. Small 8vo, pp xii, [4], 126, [2], [24, publishers' catalogue], original blind stamped sage green cloth, spine rubbed and faded, worn and frayed at head, but still a good sound copy, FIRST EDITION, PRESENTATION COPY, 'J M Herbert esq from the Author July 10.60.' One of the most important of De Vere's early collections of devotional verse. Scarce. £60.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 21 64. DRAMA. DUNLAP WILLIAM.: Memoirs of George Fred Cooke, Esq. Late of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden...composed from the personal knowledge of the author, and from the manuscript journals left ny Mr Cooke. London, Henry Colburn, 1813. 2 volumes, 8vo, pp xiv, 344: vi, 362, with portrait frontispiece in volume one, bound in contemporary half calf, rubbed and lacking labels, boards of first volume detached, else a sound clean set for rebacking, FIRST EDITION, a highly significant theatrical memoir based upon original material. Cooke was an influential figure in the theatrical profession; he died of alcoholism in New York and has been described as 'the first fully romantic actor in England.' £60.00 65. DRAMA. SERLE, THOMAS JAMES.: Tender Precautions; or the Romanc eof Marriage. A New and Original Comedy in One Act. London, Thomas Hailes Lacy, [1851]. 12mo, pp 28, bound in contemporary half red roan calf, slightly rubbed but sound, a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR TO HIS WIFE, Cecilia, nee Novello, sister of Cowden Clarke who had fond and detailed memoirs of Serle and the literary and theatrical circle who met together in his house. Clarke quotes also from a similar inscribed copy of Serle's first drama 'The Shadow on the Wall' of 1835. A very charming association copy of a rare Victorian play £45.00 66. EDUCATION. THIERSCH, FRIEDRICH.: Aphorismen in der Schrift...uber gelehrte Schulen mit besonderer ruchsischt auf Bauern. Frankfurt, Ludwig Reinberg, 1827. Small 8vo, pp 94, contemporary flush boards, old library bookplate but no stamps, a fine copy, FIRST EDITION, an important account of Thiersch's important education reforms in the schools of Bavaria. £25.00 67. GARNETT, RICHARD.: Poems from the German. London, Bell and Daldy, 1862. Small 8vo, pp vi, 119, [1], with advert leaf and half title, bound in original blind stamped cloth, occasional light foxing, but a very good bright copy, FIRST EDITION. A scarce collection of translations, Garnett's second publication after 'Primula' / '10 in Egypt.'; since 1851 he had been an assistant in the reading room of the British Museum, rising eventually to become Keeper of Printed Books. A scarce volume that was poorly received at the time. £35.00 68. GREENWELL, DORA.: Carmina Crucis. London, Bell and Daldy, 1869. Small 8vo, pp xii, 136, [4], a few small illustrations as head or tailpieces, bound in original decorated bevel edged cloth, gilt, faded to spine, else fine, FIRST EDITION; a religious mystical poet in the same vein as Christina Rossetti and George Macdonald. This volumes is said to shoe her at her best. £45.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 22 69. HOWARD, PHILIP, [OF CORBY CASTLE].: A Paraphrase on the Lord's Prayer. By Philip Howard of Corby Castle, 1808. Carlisle, Printed by Charles Thurnam, 1845. Small 8vo, pp 10, printed in red and black within lined borders, bound in contemporary full calf, a fine copy, FIRST EDITION; possibly unique; at least apparently unrecorded. Philip Howard, prominent English Catholic of Corby Castle [1730 -1810] apparently wrote this paraphrase in 1808. His widow has inscribed this copy to her son Philip H Howard thus: '...from his loving mother Catherine Mary Howard who had this paraphrase printed Jan 18 '46.' Bound at the end of this copy is a neatly calligraphically written manuscript of the Latin Dies Irae with English translation beneath, 12 pages, this not attributed but one assumes by Philip Howard also. £85.00 70. IRELAND, WILLIAM HENRY.: All the Blocks! or an Antidote to 'All the Talents' A Satirical Poem. In Three Dialogues. By Flagellum. London, for Matthews and Leigh, 1807, 8vo, pp xix, [1], 76, [4, adverts], half title, uncut in later wrappers, a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, a political satire. £35.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 23 71. IRISH POETRY. FERGUSON, SAMUEL.: Lays of the Western Gael, and other Poems. London, Bell and Daldy, 1865. Small 8vo, pp vi, 248, bound in original cloth, decorative gilt, spine a little faded and with small nick to upper joint, else a very good clean bright copy, FIRST EDITION; this first collection of Ferguson's verse represents an important landmark in the Gaelic revival that W B Yeats would come to represent slightly later in the century; Ferguson gad long been a distinguished Irish antiquarian and scholar, but this publication led to his honorary doctorate from Trinity. £75.00 72. JAMESON, ANNA.: Memoirs and Essays Illustrative of Art, Literature and Social Morals. London, Richard Bentley, 1846. 8vo, pp [6], 298, well bound in contemporary half calf, spine gilt decorated with raised bands, slightly rubbing but an excellent attractive copy, FIRST EDITION, Mrs Jameson's collection of essays includes her most famous essay 'The House of Titian' as well as a valuable study of Adelaide Kemble. £35.00 73. JESUITS. MORSE, SAMUEL B.: The Proscribed German Student: being a sketch of the some interesting incidents in the life and melancholy death of the late Lewis Clausing...to which is added a Treatise on the Jesuits. New-York, Van Nostrand & Dwight, 1836. Small 12mo, pp 244, original blind stamped cloth, joints in places worn through, else a good clean copy, FIRST EDITION; the curious story of the paranoid Clausing who, believing himself to be pursued by Jesuit spies, shot himself in New York in 1836, despite the ministrations of Samuel Morse, who published this tract afterwards - an early tribute to conspiracy theory. £10.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 24 74. LE FANU, JOSEPH SHERIDAN.: The Poems of Joseph Sheridan le Fanu edited by Alfred Perceval Graves. London, Downey and co, 1896. Small 8vo, pp xxviii, 165, [3], portrait frontispiece, uncut in original decorated sage green cloth, gilt, endpapers lightly browned, minor rubbing, but a very good copy, FIRST COLLECTED EDITION, including le Fanu's early and uncollected periodical work. Though hardy know in the field of poetry Le Fanu did make a minor contribution to the romantic poetry of Ireland, all of it contained within this small posthumous publication. £85.00 75. LEVY, JOHN [ATTRIB].: Bob Norberry or Sketches from the Note Book of an Irish Reporter. Dublin, James Duffy, 1844 [engraved title dated 1846]. 8vo, pp viii, 360, with frontispiece, extra vignette title an 16 etched plates, by Henry Macmanus [and others], original blind stamped green cloth, rubbed and with worn patches to lower joint, one gather slightly pulled, but a nice clean copy, FIRST EDITION, said to be edited by 'Captain Prout' probably a pseudonym for John Levy. £25.00 76. LEWIS, M.G.: Tales of Wonder; Written and Collected by M G Lewis. Dublin, P Wogan, 1805. 8vo, pp [6], 376, bound in contemporary half calf, spine gilt with black label, a little rubbed and chipped at foot of spine, joints cracked but sound, a good copy, SECOND DUBLIN EDITION, the first edition having been in two volumes; A collection of Gothic ballads, many of them translations from continental sources by Lewis himself, as well as Robert Southey and Walter Scott. £25.00 77. LILLY, WILLIAM [AND ELIAS ASHMOLE].: Mr William Lilly's History of His Life and Times, From the Year 1602, to 1681. Writtne by himself in the 66th Year of his Age, to his worthy Friend Elias Ashmole, Esq. Published from the Original Manuscript. London, reprinted by Charles Baldwyn, 1822. 8vo, pp [4], 260, with frontispiece portrait, [lightly foxed] and 11 engraved portrait plates, bound in contemporary half calf, spine gilt paneled with black label, top panel of spine chipped away, else a good sound clean copy, FIRST EDITION of this reprint, which includes a good series of portraits; Ashmole's tribute to his old friend comprised editing the manuscript of his autobiography [now in the Bodleian] and completing it down to Lilly's death. Though not much of a literary effort it throws much light on the life of this 17th Century astrologer, who by some was blamed for the Great Fire of London [which supposedly he predicted]. first printed in 1715 it was reprinted as part of Ashmole's autobiography in 1771. £25.00 78. LORD DUNDREARY.: Lord Dundreary and His Brother Sam: The Strange Story of their Adventures and Family History. London, J B Thomson, 1862. 8vo, pp 95, half title with dedication, 15 plates, including frontispiece bound in contemporary binders cloth, spine slightly faded, but a very good copy, SIXTH EDITION; Lord Dundreary was the creation of Thomas Taylor in a play acted by the comedian actor Edward Sothern, to whom this short novella is dedicated and who appears in the illustrations. Apparently based upon Sothern's monologues from the play this is a spin off of a spin off by an anonymous hand. Dundreary is the prototype of all upper class idiots in comic portrayal to the present day, and his brother Sam matched his idiocy. Dundreary also gave his name to a kind of profuse side whiskers popular in Victorian times as well as a species of malapropism, making him at least historically of interest. The present novella passed through several editions in the same year though none are common. £20.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 25 79. MAURICE, THOMAS.: Brahminical Fraud Detected; or the Attempts of the Sacerdopal Tribe of India to invent their fabulous deities and heroes with the honors and attributes of the Christian Messiah, Examined, Exposed, and Defeated. I n a series of letters. London, for the Author, 1812. 8vo, pp [4], viii, 140, [4, adverts], uncut in original boards, upper board detached, Law Society Bookplates , the Mendham copy inscribed 'From the Author', FIRST EDITION. Maurice was an eminent oriental scholar but somewhat narrow minded in his religious beliefs. He gives a detailed and knowledgeable argument here for presenting the Brahmin religion as having derived directly from Christianity, and against 'a new pretender, Salivahana, to the honors of the Christian Messiah.' £20.00 80. MAXWELL, W.H.: The Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran, and his man Mark Anthony O'Toole. London, William Tegg, circa 1870. 8vo, pp [4], 412, with 8 etched plates by John Leech, well bound by Whitelaw and Fensham in contemporary half green calf, spine gilt ruled with raised bands and red label, A fine bright copy of this later printing. £35.00 81. MELVILLE, HERMAN.: Typee. A Peep at Polynesian Life, during a Four Months' Residence in a Valley of the Marquesas...the revised edition, with a sequel. New York, Wiley and Putnam, 1847. 8vo, pp xiv, 307, [4], xvi-xxiii, frontispiece map, original slate gray blind-stamped cloth, lightly faded to spine, one leaf with small brown stain, else a fine copy, FOURTH PRINTING; the revised version with The Story of Toby added. A common enough book that was first published the previous year, but not so common in this condition. £75.00 82. MIFORD, JOHN.: The Suppressed Poem. A Peep into W______r Castle, after the Lost Mutton. With Additions and Notes by Mr J Mitford of Mitford Castle. London, W Benbow, 1820. 8vo, pp 24, disbound, very good, FIRST EDITION, a satire on George IV. £35.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 26 83. MINOR POETRY. JOHNSTON, CHARLES OF DANSON.: Sonnets, Original and Translated, by the late Charles Johnston, Esq of Danson, Kent, and formerly of Trinity College, Cambridge. London, John Murray, 1823. 8vo, pp [12], 173, [7], with lithographed portrait frontispiece, well bound in contemporary calf, side with gilt panelling, spine gilt with raised bands and olive label, slightly rubbed, but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION; the sonnets of this poet who died in 1823 at the age of 31 and which were edited for publication by his uncle are either translated from, or in imitation of, the Italian, and the former have printed their original Italian texts facing. £45.00 84. MINSTREL SONG BOOK.: Christy's Panorama Songster; containing the Songs sung by The Christy, Campbell, Pierce's Minstrels, and Sable Brothers. New York, William B Murphy, circa 1850. Small 12mo, pp [4], 71-137, 36-37, wood-engraved frontispiece and text wood-engravings, original printed pale yellow wrappers, a little rubbed and used but a very good copy, ?FIRST EDITION, certainly the only edition we have been able to trace, all copies having the same peculiar pagination. A standard and well known collection of early American minstrel songs with amusing woodcut illustrations. Scarce in good complete state. £75.00 85. MOIR, DAVID MACBEATH.: The Life of Mansie Wauch, Tailor in Dalkeith. Written by Himself. Edinburgh, William Blackwood, 1828. Small 8vo, pp [2], 374, [2], nicely bound in contemporary half black calf, spine gilt with dark green label, lightly rubbed but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION; parts of this classic of Scottish fiction had appeared in Blackwood's magazine. £25.00 86. MONTAGU, LADY MARY WORTLEY [EDITED MARY ASTELL].: The Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Edited by Her Great Grandson Lord Wharncliffe. London, Richard Bentley, 1837. 3 volumes, 8vo, 5 engraved portraits, bound in contemporary half calf, spines gilt and blind, rubbed, and with labels chipped or missing, else a sound set, SECOND EDITION; the first printing of the famous letters by this female traveler to the East to be edited from the originals, with a valuable account of her life. £30.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 27 87. MOORE, THOMAS.: Irish Melodies...with an Appendix, containing the original advertisements, and the prefatory letter on music. London, J Power, 1821. Small 8vo, pp xii, 259, vignette text woodengravings, uncut in original boards, paper label, spine rubbed and surface chipped in parts, but a sound clean and tight copy, scarce in this original state, FIRST EDITION THUS, with the words alone printed for the first time without the music, a great classic or Irish romantic poetry, almost always found rebound, here in good original boards, uncut. £25.00 88. MORALITY PLAYS.: The Digby Plays with an incomplete 'Morality' of Wisdom, who is Christ [Part of one of the Macro Moralies]....edited by F J Furnivall. London, Kegan Paul, 1896. 8vo, pp xxxii, 239, uncut, well bound in contemporary prize half red morocco for Manchester Grammar School, a very good copy, SECOND EDITION, reissued from the plates of the first issued in 1882. An Early English Text Society publication; With supreme scholarly obfuscation Furnival places a note at the front explaining how and why the 'Morality of Wisdom' is not printed here though mentioned on the title page!. £35.00 89. MUSIC. CUSINS, WILLIAM G. [EDITOR].: Songs from the Published Writings of Alfred Tennyson Poet Laureate set to music by various composers. London, C Kegan Paul and co, 1880. 4tp, pp viii, 356, music throughout, finely bound in contemporary full dark green morocco, sides and spine gilt, raised bands, a little rubbed at joints and edges, head of spine with a very small chip, still a very good copy, FIRST EDITION; this collection of 45 song settings to words by the Poet Laureate was appropriately enough edited by the William Cusins, a long forgotten Master of the Queen's Music. Whilst most of the contributions were original it is noticeable that the more prominent English composers represented -Sullivan, Stanford, Parry - all provided old material from their voluminous stables. Not a possibility for the foreign contributors we find original English song contributions by international figures like Joseph Joachim [one wonders if Brahms was first approached], Raff, Saint Saens and Massenet, who contributed a now neglected version of 'Come into the Garden Maud.' Remarkably perhaps the aged Franz Liszt was induced to write his only English song setting - 'Go not, happy day.' - one of the simplest settings in the whole collection. £50.00 90. NAPOLEONIC WARS.: Memoirs of the Marchioness de Larochejaquelein. With a Map of the Theatre of War in La Vendee. Translated from the French. Edinburgh, Archibald Constable, 1816. 8vo, pp viii, 535, folding hand-coloured map, bound in contemporary half roan calf, spine gilt ruled, but worn and cracked at joints, internally slightly browned but sound, FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH, a significant Napoleonic memoir. £15.00 91. NICOLAS, SIR HARRIS.: The History of the Battle of Agincourt, and of the Expedition of Henry the Fifth into France, in 1415; to Which is Added, the Roll of the Men at Arms, in the English Army. London, Johnson & Co, 1832. 8vo, pp xvi, 404, [2], 106, wood-engraved colour frontispiece, 1 plate on India paper, 2 hand coloured plans, 3 folding maps, original blindstamped cloth with paper label, label and joints a little rubbed, but an excellent clean bright copy, SECOND AND BEST EDITION; first published in 1827, a classic account of this battle, much enlarged and rewritten here. £60.00 92. PIOZZI, HESTER. HAYWARD, A. [EDITOR].: Autobiography Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs Piozzi [Thrale]. Edited with notes...by A Hayward. London, Longmans, 1861. 2 volumes, 8vo, pp [8], 358: [8], 407, [1], 2 frontispieces, bound in contemporary half calf, spines richly gilt with raised bands and double red/black labels, three of which are neat replacements, a little rubbed but a very good attractive set, FIRST EDITION; from the library of Joseph Morant with his bookplates. £40.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 28 93. RADICALS.: The North of England Magazine, a Monthly Journal of Politics, Literature, Science and Art. Vol I. Manchester, Simpson and Gillett, 1842. 8vo, pp [8], 576, with several etched plates, bound in contemporary half calf, light foxing to plates else a very good clean tight copy, FIRST EDITION, comprising the first nine numbers of this rather high brow Manchester periodical with many radical contributors which ran to only one further volume before changing its name and format. The six etched illustrations are by Charles Allan Du Val and include his own etching from his popular painting 'The Ruined Gamester.' £35.00 94. REEVE, CLARA.: The Old English Baron: A Gothic Story. London, J Mawman, 1802. 12mo, pp xi, [1], 264, engraved frontispiece and 7 plates, bound in contemporary half red roan with black label, rubbed and worn to head of spine, light spotting and stains, but a sound tight copy, SEVENTH EDITION, a seminal Gothic novel, first published in 1777 as 'The Champion of Virtue', and under this title the following year. The set of plates, described as 'new designs' was evidently added to the sixth edition of 1799. £60.00 95. RUNCIMAN, JAMES.: The Chequers: being the Natural History of a Public-House, set forth in a Loafer's Diary edited by James Runciman. London, Ward and Downey, [1888]. 8vo, pp [8], 232, well bound in contemporary half maroon smooth calf, spine gilt ruled with raised bands and olive green label, slightly rubbed but a nice copy, FIRST EDITION, PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR TO HIS NEPHEW, Walter Runciman. Coming from a Methodist background it is hardly surprising to find that Runciman's pub tales have a certain temperance advocacy about them, but he writes with a curiously appealing wit that may not always be quite intentional. Runciman died of over-work a few years later. £60.00 96. RUSSELL, GEORGE. 'A.E.': Deidre A Drama in Three Acts by A.E. Dublin, Mansel and co, 1907. Square 12mo, pp 53, [1], uncut in original printed yapped wrappers, last leaf foxed, else a very good copy, FIRST EDITION THUS, in the series of Tower Press Booklets, previously published in magazine form. An Irish mythological subject also commandeered by Yeats. £25.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 29 97. SCOTT, WILLIAM BELL. .: A Poet's Harvest Home. being One Hundred Short Poems. London, Elliot Stock, 1882. Small 8vo, pp xi, [1], 155, [1], with wood-engraved title vignette and colophon vignette by the author, uncut in original pictorial vellum stamped in orange brown, lightly soiled but a very good tight sound copy, FIRST EDITION, INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR 'J H Shorthouse with kindest compliments from WBS May 1882.' Scott was a minor poet and artist of the Pre-Raphaelite movement, and closely associated with D G Rossetti in his later years. This neatly printed volume of late verse is dedicated to W M Rossetti, 'in memory of the friendship of half a lifetime.' £50.00 98. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM.: Mr William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories & Tragedies. Published according to the True Originall Copies. London, Isaac Jaggard and Ed Blount 1623 [reprinted by J Wright, 1807]. Tall large folio, Shakespeare portrait on title page with 'To the Reader' facing, type facsimile text, bound in contemporary diced morocco, sides gilt paneled, boards detached, internally a clean fine copy for rebacking. The first attempt to reproduce the great First Folio for the benefit of Shakespeare scholars and fans, of whom Keats apparently was one. Unfortunately the text, attractively presented as it is, proved not very accurate typographically speaking. Upcott who went to some lengths to enumerate the corrections was rewarded with no more than a 5 guinea copy of the original faulty text. Nevertheless is it is a breathtaking production in terms of size, later to be excelled by the Victorians, and possibly the first attempt to put Shakespeare back into folio since the 17th Century. £200.00 99. SHARP, WILLIAM [PSEUD FIONA MACLEOD].: The Immortal Hour. A Drama in Two Acts. Edinburgh, T N Foulis, 1908. 8vo, pp xi, [3], 53, [1], title in red and black, original hessian backed boards, gilt, paper label, spine and edges a bit rubbed as usual, else a good copy, FIRST EDITION, LIMITED TO 500 COPIES. This Celtic based supernatural drama would form the basis for Rutland' Boughton's highly successful 1914 opera of the same name. £25.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 30 100. SASSOON, SIEGFRIED [ASSOCIATION COPY].: The Amulet, a Christian and Literary Remembrancer. Edited by S C Hall. London, Frederick Westley and A H Davis, 1832. Small 8vo, pp318, [6], 12 engraved plates, original dark green morocco, slightly rubbed but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, PRESENTATION INSCRIPTION FROM SIEGFRIED SASSOON, 'To P Morrell accompanied by the most Christian & Literary sentiments of Cyprian Oyde. Dec 25 1922.' Sassoon was evidently in the habit of giving these kind of small offerings to the Philip and Lady Ottoline Morrell as Christmas presents. The light hearted inscription mocks the book's title and reflects Sassoon's Garsington nickname 'Cyprian Oyde' -always 'carping' on about small matters. See lot 136 Christies sale of Books from the Library of Lady Ottoline Morrell, Nov 1st 2006. £120.00 101. SOUTHEY, ROBERT.: A Letter to William Smith, Esq. M.P. from Robert Southey. London, John Murray, 1817. 8vo, pp [2], 45, disbound, corners a little dog-earred, the last with a short tear, else good, FIRST EDITION. 'Southey addresses the attacks of William Smith against him. Rising to speak during the debate on the Seditious Meetings Bill on 14 March 1817, Smith had theatrically produced from one pocket a copy of Wat Tyler; from his other pocket, he pulled out the October 1816 Quarterly Review, with the page marked at Southey's article on parliamentary reform. After reading an excerpt from each, Smith then magisterially concluded: "It must remain with the government, and their legal advisers, to take what steps they might deem most advisable to repress this seditious work, and punish its author." £35.00 102. SPAIN, DENNIS, GEORGE.: The Cid: A Short Chronicle founded on the Early Poetry of Spain. London, Charles Knight, 1845. 12mo, pp 220, with wood-engraved frontispiece and 15 full-page illustrations, pleasantly bound in contemporary full red calf, sides with gilt borders, spine gilt with raised bands and slightly chipped olive label, a little rubbed, but a nice copy, FIRST EDITION, a popular but scholarly contribution to the knowledge of Spanish literature fashionable at the time in England. £25.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 31 103. SPAIN. LLORENTE, JEAN ANTOINE.: The History of the Inquisition of Spain, from the time of its establishment to the Reign of Ferdinand VII, composed from the original documents of the archives of the Supreme Council...abridged and translated. London, G B Whittaker, 1826. 8vo, pp xx, 583, [1], uncut in original pink boards, upper board detached, spine chipped, else a very good copy for rebacking, FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH, a standard study, translated from the Spanish original, 'a free translation of a complex and voluminous history', its author 'formerly secretary of the inquisition'. Scarce. £35.00 104. SPENCE, JOSEPH.: Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters, of Books and Men. Collected from the Conversation of Mr.Pope, and other Eminent Persons of his Time...Now First Published from the Original Papers. London, W.H. Carpenter, 1820. 8vo, pp xxxix, [1], 501, [1, errata], engraved portrait frontispiece, well bound in contemporary half straight grained morocco, a little rubbed to the sides but sound, frontispiece a little waterstained and offset onto title, but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION; this is in fact one of two editions which appeared about the same time, this edited by Samuel Weller Singer being greatly superior to the other by Edmund Malone. A valuable source on early 18th Century literature in England. £45.00 105. STONESTREET, GEORGE [ATTRIB].: Bodiam Castle. A Poem in Six Cantos. With Notes. London, Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, 1818. 8vo, pp [4], 300, with half title, well bound in contemporary full tan calf, sides with triple gilt fillet borders and inner panelling, spine gilt with raised bands and black label, a little rubbed but a very pleasant copy, FIRST EDITION; the attribution to this historical poem in the style of Scott to Stonestreet seems likely as he wrote similar poetry about this locality in Sussex. £75.00 106. STRICKLAND, AGNES.: The Seven Ages of Woman, and Other Poems. London, Hurst, Chance and co, 1827. Small 8vo, pp viii, 152, half title, uncut in original boards, sometime early respined in paper, rubbed, else a good copy, FIRST EDITION, INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR, 'To J B Kirby Esq from the Author.'. The second of this author's three volumes of verse, written before she turned towards historical writing. £60.00 107. TENNYSON, ALFRED, LORD.: Maud and other Poems. London, Moxon, 1855. Small 8vo, pp [5], 154, [1, adverts], 8 page publisher's catalogue inserted at front, dated August 1855, uncut in original blind stamped cloth, slight faded and chaffing to spine at head, else a very nice bright clean copy, FIRST EDITION, second issue adverts. £20.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 32 108. TIN MINING. SMITH, GEORGE.: The Cassiterides: an inquiry into the Commercial Operations of the Phoenicians in Western Europe, with particular reference to the British tin trade. London, Longman etc, 1863. 8vo, pp vii, [1], 154, [2, adverts], original cloth, gilt, uncut and unopened, spine slightly faded else fine, FIRST EDITION; scarce; the work of a West Country historian and industrialist who had a particular interest in the Cornish tin trade, believing it to be the original site of the 'Cassiterides' in opposition to other historians such as W D Cooley. Scarce. £35.00 109. TROLLOPE, ANTHONY [ET AL].: The Cornhill Magazine. Vol I [-Vol IV]. London, Smith, Elder and Co, Jan 1860- Dec 1861. 4 volumes, stout 8vo, with plates, including some by Millais, folding plates by Richard Doyle, finely bound in contemporary half tan calf, spines gilt with raised bands and black labels, a fine bright set throughout, FIRST EDITION of the first four volumes, cover two years of publication of this, the most important English literary periodicla of the period with contributions by , amongst others Thackeray and George Macdonald, and most notably in the present run, the complete serialization of Trollope's Framley Parsonage, with the original illustrations. Though quite commonly met with, this is an unusually fine and attractively bound set free from foxing, and with the original folding plates of Richard Doyle, as well as other illustrations intact, some still with their original loose tissue guards. £75.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 33 ILLUSTRATED, ART AND ARCHITECTURE. 110. BELLAMY, DANIEL.: Ethic Amusements. By Mr Bellamy. Revised by his son D Bellamy, M.A. Chaplain of Petersham and Kew, in Surry. London, Printed by W Faden for the Author, 1768. 4to, pp [6], iii-ix, [3], 260 with 50 engraved plates by George Bickham, including 5 in text, including frontispiece, bound in contemporary half calf, spine gilt ruled with raised bands, rubbed at corners and edges and to the marbled sides, light offsetting from the plates, minor faults only, generally a sound clean tight copy, FIRST EDITION; "The two chief sections of the book are: 1. pp. 1-150. The comforts of philosophy ... from the Latin of ... Boetius. By William Causton and Mr. Bellamy. -- 2. pp. 209-251. Aesop at Court; or, the Labyrinth of Versailles. The Fables of Aesop translated into French verse by Isaac de Benserade and inscribed on the fountains in the Labyrinth at Versailles, with notes and an English translation by D. Bellamy." £150.00 111. CLAXTON, FLORENCE [ILLUSTRATOR].: 'Married Off' A Satirical Poem by H.B. London, Ward and Lock, 1860. 8vo, pp 75, [1], 8 wood-engraved plates by Florence Claxton, original blind-stamped cloth, lettered in gilt, minor rubbing only, a fine clean copy, FIRST EDITION, very scarce and likely to be Florence Claxton's only excursion in book illustration [as opposed to collections of illustrations]. The subject of this pseudonymous poem would of course suit the feminist interests displayed elsewhere in her work, although her satire on the Pre-Raphaelites 'The Choice of Paris', from about the same period as this book, remains her most famous piece. This title is scarce, especially in such a nice copy. £60.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 34 112. COBBOLD, RICHARD.: Valentine Verses; or, Lines of Truth, Love and Virtue. Ipswich, printed and sold by E Shalders, 1827. 8vo, pp xv, [1], 262, etched frontispiece, 2 portraits and a colophon leaf, 99 etchings by the author illustrating 99 poems, errata slip at the end, uncut, bound in later buckram cloth backed marbled boards, rubbed and a little worn at edges, paper label, occasional light soiling, but generally sound and clean internally, FIRST EDITION; PRESENTATION COPY, inscribed 'Miss Haworth from the Author.'; the work of an Ipswich curate, now largely remembered for his novel 'The History of Margaret Catchpole', but at this stage of his career evidently torn between art and poetry, at neither of which did he excel, although the imaginative range and treatment of subjects displayed in his early Valentine Verses is quite remarkable, suggesting a man with a great deal of times, as well as funds, on his hands. 'Never without a pen, pencil or paint-brush in his hand' says DNB, which describes the illustrations here as 'spirited pen and ink etchings.' COPAC describes copies as having 104 plates, although there are only 103 here, but the book appears to be complete. One of the plates a hunting scene -is folding. £125.00 113. COLLIER, JOHN.: The Miscellaneous Works of Tim Bobbin, Esq; Containing his View of the Lancashire Dialect; with large additions and Improvements. Also...the Flying Dragon and the Man of Heaton. Together with other his Whimsical Amusements in Prose and Verse. Manchester, Printed for the Author and Mr Hastingden, 1775. 12mo [in '6's], pp 69, [1], [44], 115-201, [1], 33, without the final errata leaf found in some copies, with engraved frontispiece portrait of 'Tim Bobbin' and 10 engraved plates [as called for on the title page], bound in slightly later half calf, neatly rebacked with original gilt spine laid down, lightly browned but a good copy, FIRST COLLECTED EDITION THUS, the first of several early collective editions, preceded by Tim Bobin's Toy Shop, a collection with differing content; this dialect poetry and humor in the form of various pieces originally printed in the 1730's onwards by 'Tim Bobin', i.e. John Collier, whose popularity continued well into the 18th century. The frontispiece of this edition is dated 1773. Collier was as much a humorous artist in the style of Hogarth as he was a poet, and the illustrations for all the editions are charming and lively. As with all popular literature of the period decent copies such as this are hard to find. £75.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 35 114. COX, EDWARD YOUNG.: The Art of Garnishing Churches at Christmas and other Times. A Manuel of Directions. Edited and re-written by the Rev Ernest Geldart. London, Cox sons, Buckley and co, 1884. Large 8vo, pp 70, with frontispiece and 25 lithographed plates, plus 14 leaf illustrated catalogue of materials supplied by Cox at the end, original decorated black on cream cloth, a little soiled, a couple of ex library stamps, else a good clean copy, SECOND EDITION, NEW ISSUE; a useful guide to the Victorian art of church festival decoration. £25.00 115. FAIRHOLT, F.W.: Costume in England: A History of Dress from the Earliest Period Till the Close of the Eighteenth Century. To Which is Appended an Illustrated Glossary of Terms for all Articles of Use of Ornament Worn About the Person. London, Chapman & Hall, 1846. 8vo, pp xv, 618, C. 600 wood engravings in text by the author, bound in slightly later half calf, spine with raised bands, edges gilt, minor rubbing to joints else a fine clean copy, FIRST EDITION, the worthy successor to Planche as the authority on English costume. £50.00 116. GOOD, ARTHUR 'TOM TIT'.: Caricatures. London, New Age Press, 1913. Tall folio, title page, index and 61 full page caricature plates printed by off-set litho, orignal buckram cloth, a very good copy, with a colour Tom Tit plate extracted from the Sphere mounted at the end, FIRST EDITION. Despite the very English nature of his subjects in this book the author was in fact French and largely know for his French illustrated publications of a scientific nature that were later taken up by the surrealists for purposes of collage. This present collection includes political social and artist celebrities of the day and is not common. £45.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 36 117. HONE, WILLIAM.: The Queen's Matrimonial Ladder, a National Toy, with Fourteen Step Scenes, and Illustrations in Verse with eighteen other cuts. London, William Hone, 1820. 8vo, pp 22, [2, adverts], 18 wood-engraved text illustrations by George Cruikshank, bound in later neat half calf, gilt lettered, corner of one leaf torn without loss of text, else a good copy, EIGHTEEN EDITION; as often without the cardboard toy ladder referred to in the title. £35.00 118. MACDOUGALL, W.B. [ILLUSTRATOR].: The Blessed Damozel by D.G. Rossetti Introduction by W M Rossetti Decorations by W B Macdougall. London, Duckworth and Co, 1898. Small 4to, pp xvii, [1], [36], with photogravure frontispiece after D G Rossetti, page decorations in wood engraved wide borders throughout by W B MacDougall, uncut in original linen backed cloth, with gilt decoration to upper board, minor rubbing to spine, minor spotting, but a very good to near fine copy, FIRST EDITION, a very desirable Art Nouveau title, with a profusion of plant inspired decorations to the page borders. One of a series of illustrated poems by Macdougall from this period, all somewhat hard to find in this kind of condition. £45.00 119. NERSIS CLAJENSIS, ST.: Preces Niersis Clajensis Armeniorum Patriarchae: Viginti quatuor linguis editae. Venice, In Insula S Lazari, 1823. Small 12mo, pp [6], 422, [2], engraved title page, portrait frontispiece of St Nerses IV, his prayer printed in 24 different languages as edited by P Aucher including many different typefaces, bound in contemporary calf, spine gilt with raised bands and black label, slightly rubbed, short splits to upper joints, but a clean tight copy, SECOND EDITION of this beautifully printed collection of typographical specimens of the prayer of St Nersis, in 24 languages, printed by the Mechitharist monks at the Armenian island monastery of St Lazzaro, Venice. The island was a favorite destination for tourists at this time, Byron included, and it is likely that visitors were offered [for sale] copies of this book as a demonstration of the quality and versatility of the monastery's printing presses which produced many fine Armenian books. The original printing of 1818 displayed only 16 languages in mainly European typefaces, but this second edition, enlarged by almost as much again, includes 24 languages, with several non European typefaces including Turkish, Persian, Arabic, Russian and Syriac. £85.00 120. SEYMOUR, ROBERT [ILLUSTRATOR].: Comic Readings of Byron and Shakespear. Designed and Drawn on Stone by the Late Robert Seymour. London, David Bogue, circa 1845. 5 parts in one volume with general title page to the parts, each part with letter-press title page and adverts on the verso, followed by 10 lithographed humorous plates by Seymour, bound in slightly later half calf with black label, several plates damaged at an early period by probably glue adherence in inner gutter and restored, some damage impinging upon the plates, but most in good state throughout and with just minor marginal foxing, FIRST EDITION THUS, the collective form of five of Seymour's 'New Readings of Old Authors' issued as a monthly publication in the early 1830's each devoted to a different play by Shakespeare [and exceptionally the Giaour by Byon, included here] and with 10 lithographed plates. These charming and witty collections are quite rare, but the Bodleian possess a set of 15 of them with the plates hand-coloured, a set which does not feature 'Pericles' included here. The other numbers apart from this and the Byron are: Tit Andronicus, Anthony & Cleopatra and King Lear. £50.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 37 121. SOLOMON, FREDERICK [ILLUSTRATOR].: Leider und Balladen aus dem Harz mit Zeichnungen von Fritz Salomonski. [?Berlin, 1917]. Square 8vo, pp 21, [3], recto typescript, with 3 full page pencil drawings by Fritz Salmononski [i.e. Fredreick Solomon] dated June 1917, bound in contemporary cloth gilt lettered on the upper board. The poems in this unique copy are by Georg Salomonski, who we surmise, with no other evidence to go on, to have been the artist's brother. The three original drawings of densely wooded German landscapes are by the German Expressionist artist, later Rabbi, Frederick Salomon, as he was known when he later emigrated to America, having escaped Nazi persecution as a refugee coming to England in 1938. Berlin based he was a distinguished singer as well as pupil of Max Liebermann and whose style can be observed in these very early examples of his art. He later became a Rabbi and leading member of the Jewish community; he died in 1980 at the age of 81 and his papers are now housed in the Milen Special Collections Library at New Hampshire University. £35.00 122. SPANISH CIVIL WAR. CREIXAMS, PERE.: Infants. Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya, circa 1936. Set of 12 lithographed plates with 1 page of letterpress introduction, scenes of chidren in the Spanish Civil War, enclosed in original printed pictorial folder, slightly torn and chipped at yapped edges, else in very good state, FIRST EDITION; the regular edition -there was also a limited one, which was sold, apparently quite widely, to supporters of the Republican cause in England and elsewhere, naively propagandist and left wing in its sentiments, the work of a Catalan illustrator of the period. £35.00 123. TYPOGRAPHY. THIBAUDEAU, F.: Manuel Francais de Typographie Moderne faisant suite a La Lettre d'Imprimerie. Paris, au Beaureau de l'Edition, [1924]. Thick small 4to, pp xvi, 583, [7], illustrated throughout with type specimens, printers ornaments, specimen pages including some in colour, uncut in original printed wrappers, minor rubbing only, a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, a popular manual for the French jobbing printer of the period, illustrating the many decorative styles prevalent in French commercial printing at this period. £45.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 38 CHILDREN'S BOOKS. 124. HANWAY, JONAS.: Advice from Farmer Trueman, to his Daughter Mary, upon her going to service. In a series of Discourses, designed to promote the welfare and true interest of servants...abridged by consent of the Author, from the works of Jonas Hanway. Pontefract, B Bookthroyd, 1805. 12mo, pp [4], 208, disbound, a good sound copy. Numerous editions of this abridgment for servants of Hanway's 'Advice from a Farmer to his Daughter' [or 'Virtue in Private Life '] appeared towards the end of the 18th century, the earliest recorded in COPAC being the Edinburgh edition of 1789. All editions are rare, however and this Pontefract is not recorded in COPAC, although Stanford, US, appear to have a copy. The title page state 'A New Edition with Corrections and Attempts towards further Improvements.' Hanway had died in 1789 but this tract continued to be put out by the Unitarians well into the 19th Century. £60.00 125. HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL.: A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys. London, Henry G Bohn, 1852 [i.e.1851]. Small 8vo, pp vi, 213, wood engraved frontispiece and 7 plates, edges gilt, original decorated red cloth, blocked in gilt and blind, a little rubbed and frayed at spine ends, light corner rubbing, light occasional foxing to plates, but a very good bright copy, FIRST LONDON EDITION, from one month after the first American. A classic collection of children's tales based upon Greek mythology. Scarce in this condition. £75.00 126. HOOD, THOMAS.: The Headlong Career and Woful Ending of Precocious Piggy. By the Late Thomas Hood. Illustrated by his son. London, Griffith and Farran, 1864. 4to, 20 leaves, including final advert leaf, hand coloured illustrations throughout, original cloth backed pictorial pink boards, a little marked, slight corner wear, internally with minor soiling only but generally bright and clean, a good copy, FOURTH EDITION; a popular hand-coloured picture book that went through several printings from its first appearance in 1859. £80.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 39 127. HUGHES, THOMAS.: The Scouring of the White Horse; or, the Long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk. Cambridge, Macmillan, 1859. Square 8vo, pp xi, [1], 228, [16, adverts, dated 1858], edges gilt, double-page extra pictorial title, wood-engraved illustrations by Richard Doyle, original pictorial cloth, gilt to upper board, blind to lower, minor rubbing only else a fine copy, FIRST EDITION; a particularly bright example of Doyle's remarkable binding design. This copy was presented on Han 6th 1859 by Professor [Adam] Sedgwick, who is considered to be one of the father figures of British geology and guide to the young Darwin. Whether he had a hand or an interest in the scouring of White Horse Hill in 1857, which gave rise to this story, one cannot know. The recipient was one Edward Francis Miller, who was perhaps the son of Sedgwick's fellow professor -William Hallowes Miller, [Minerology]; the boy would have been eleven years old at the time. £45.00 128. MURRY, ANN.: Mentoria: or, the Young Ladies Instructor, in Familiar Conversations on Moral and Entertaining Subjects: Calculated to improve Young Minds In the Essential, as well as Ornamental Parts of Female Education. London, C Dilly, 1794. 12mo, pp [14], 282, without the half title, 2 engraved plates, contemporary tree calf, boards detached, spine chipped, contents leaves misbound, a good copy for rebacking, SEVENTH EDITION, early edition of this influential educational work for girls; ESTC records 2 copies UK and 3 copies North America. £45.00 129. NORTON, HON MRS. CAROLINE.: Aunt Carry's Ballads for Children...Adventures of a Wood Sprite. The Story of Blanche and Brutikin. With Illustrations by John Absolon. London, Joseph Cundall, 1847. Small 4to, pp 53, [1], 8 tinted chalk lithograph plates by John Absolon, bound in contemporary half calf, spine chipped at top portion, else very good internally, FIRST EDITION; although rebound and in a slightly damaged contemporary binding, this is still a scarce children's fairy tale title [in verse] by Mrs Norton. This is perhaps John Abolun's earliest and best work as book illustrator. £15.00 130. PENNY DREADFUL.: Tyburn Dick, the Prince of the Highwaymen. BOUND WITH: Will Dudley; or the Scarlet Riders of Hounslow Heath. By W L Emmett. London, Hogarth House, circa 1880. 2 works in one volume, bound from parts, pp 622; 210, numerous text wood-engravings, bound in contemporary binders cloth, a bit worn and split to upper joint, spine faded, but internally sound and clean, EARLY EDITIONS from the parts of two of the most popular Victorian highwayman penny dreadfuls. £50.00 131. POLLOCK'S JUVENILE DRAMA.: A collection of 6 Pantomimes, including Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Forty Thieves, Whittington etc. London, B Pollock, 73 Hoxton Steet , 20th Century. 6 texts of 16 pages each, sewn as issued, in fine state, together with 13 miscellaneous sheets of scenery from various productions, these a little tattered and torn, some in colour. These libretti for children was sold from Hoxton Street over a long period of time, Opie suggests 1873-1937, but these look to be 20th century. £25.00 132. W., S.: A Visit to a Farm House; or, an Introduction to Various Subjects connected with Rural Economy...by S.W. ..revised and corrected by T.H. London, William Darton, 1820. Small 12mo, pp iv, 168, [169-176, adverts], with 10 engraved plates dated 1815, original roan backed marbled bards, rubbed and with a little corner wear, text a little spotted and shaken, but a good copy, SEVENTH EDITION; the author of this popular little work is unrecorded, but she wrote it originally in 1804 as a companion to 'A Visit to London'; the significance of the revisions to this edition by 'T.H.' is not clear. £25.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 40 TOPOGRAPHY, BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 133. CENSUS OF 1811.: Abstract of the Answers and Returns Made pursuant to...'An Act for taking an Account of the Population of Great Britain, and the Increase or Diminution thereof.' Preliminary Observations. Enumeration Abstract. Parish-Register Abstract. MDCCCXI. [London, Luke Handsard], 'Ordered to be printed 2 July 1812.' Folio, pp xxxi, [3], 511, [3], 200, printed in tabular form throughout, uncut in original printed boards, the boards detached, the paper of the sides and spine chipped at edges, internally a fine copy, FIRST EDITION; the early census enumerations, from 1801 onwards, are valuable largely for their detailed parish records which give valuable information of the social conditions of the time. £30.00 134. ESSEX. NORDEN, JOHN.: Speculi Britanniae Pars: an Historical and Chorographical Description of the County of Essex, by John Norden, 1594. Edited from the Original manuscript in the marquess of Salisbury's library at Hatfield by Sir Henry Ellis. London, Camden Society, 1840. Small 4to, pp xliv, 42, plus report, folding engraved map, original blind stamped cloth, slightly rubbed but a very good copy of the FIRST EDITION; the map appears here for the first time. £15.00 135. ETHIOPIA. JUNCKER, CHRISTIAN.: Commentarius de vita, scriptisqve ac meritis illustris viri Iobi Ludolfi, . adjectae sunt epistolae aliquot clarorum viorum, tum etiam specimen linguae Hottentotticae. Leipzig & Frankfurt, 1710. 8vo, pp [14[, 228, [20, including errata leaf at end], engraved portrait, folding genealogical table, bound in later cats'-paw calf, spine gilt with red label, upper board detached else a fine copy, FIRST EDITION, the very scarce life of Ludolph the great linguist of Ethiopian, including a vocabulary of Hottentot translated to Latin and Dutch. £175.00 136. HEREFORDSHIRE. LEWIS, SIR GEORGE CORNEWALL.: A Glossary of Provincial Words used in Herefordshire and some of the Adjoining Counties. London, John Murray, 1839. 12mo, pp x, 132, disbound, duplicate stamp of London Library, a good binding copy, FIRST EDITION, presentation copy to the London Library from the author. £30.00 137. LEWIS, SAMUEL.: A Topographical Dictionary of England...a Supplementary volume, comprising a Representative History of England, with plans describing the Electoral Divisions of the Several Counties, and the Former and Present Boundaries of the Cities and Boroughs. London, S Lewis, 1835. Volume 5 [only, of 5], large 4to, pp viii, 81, [2], 5, with 116 full page maps of the county and borough electoral boundaries as redrawn by the Act, the latter often with multiple maps per page, each hand-coloured in outline, engraved borders, uncut in original silked cloth, neatly rebacked with original label laid down, title page slightly creased and frayed but a very good sound clean copy, FIRST EDITION of this specially produced atlas, required in the wake of the Great Reform Act of 1832, with its redrawn boundaries; it formed volume five of Lewis's Topographical Dictionary, third edition, the four volumes of which contained the usual series of county maps, plan of London etc which occur in all editions. On its own, however, this volume constitutes a quite separate and historically valuable work, here well preserved as a complete atlas. £200.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 41 138. LONDON ILLUMINATION CONGRESS.: A London Symphony...Prepared and Published by the London Committee of the International Illumination Congress, London, 1931. London, 1931. 8vo, pp 123, plates and text illustrations by Walter James throughout, folding map at end, bound in original smooth red calf, with gilt design on upper board, light foxing but a very good copy, FIRST EDITION, a rare private production guide book to London for visitors to the 1931 Congress, in specially designed binding. For the event the major historical buildings of London were temporarily illuminated to show off the technical abilities of British electrical engineering. £35.00 139. NORFOLK. ROOD-SCREENS. WINTER, C.J.W.: Illustrations of the Rood-Screen at Randworth published under the direction of the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society. [ -Barton Turf Fritton]. Norwich, Miller and Leavens, 1867, 69, 72. 3 works bound in one volume, each with title page and letterpress introductory descriptions, first work with 23 plates [29 images, some 2 to a plate] including one chromolithograph, the second with 9 plates, the third with 4 plates, all lithographed by C J W Winter, bound in later 19th Century binders' cloth, lettered in gilt to upper board, fore edge of boards slightly damp spotted, slight spotting and creasing to one or two plates, but generally a good copy, FIRST EDITIONS of all three of Winter's important studies of Norfolk rood-screens, and a valuable contribution to the iconography of the mediaeval English church. £25.00 140. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. BAKER, ANNE ELIZABETH.: Glossary of Northamptonshire Words and Phrases, with Examples of Their Colloquial Use...to which are added, The Customs of the County. London, John Russell Smith, 1854. 2 volumes, 8vo, pp xviii, [2, errata], 410, [2]: [2], 439, [1], bound in original blind stamped cloth, very slightly faded and chaffed to spine ends, but a fine tight set, FIRST EDITION, based on the author's notes and researches when accompanying her brother, George Baker, on his antiquarian travels around Northamptonshire. The resulting dictionary is one of the most complete dialect lexicons of the period; and although a common enough title, is rarely met with in this condition. £85.00 141. RUSSIA. LACOMBE, JACQUES.: Histoire des Revolutions de l'Empire de Russie. Paris, Herissant, 1760. 12mo, pp viii, 412, bound in contemporary sheep, corners and spine worn, spine partly missing, internally sound and clean, a good working or binding copy, FIRST EDITION. £45.00 142. RUSSIA. MRS VIGOR.: Letters from a Lady, who resided some years in Russia, to her friend in England. With Historical Notes. London, J Dodsley, 1775. Small 8vo, pp viii, 207, [1], folding genealogical chart of the Romanov family at the end, bound in contemporary calf, spine gilt with raised bands and red label, but several chipped and flaking, internally lightly browned with light waterstains to lower margins, else a good copy for rebacking, FIRST EDITION; a scarce and curious female memoir, by the wife of an English merchant who traveled in Russia during the 1730's and who recounts many interesting anecdotes of the court of the Empress Anne. A second edition appeared in 177 and a supplement of further letters at a later date. This is not a brilliant copy, and would benefit from restoration. It does however bear the bookplate of Sir William Jerningham, a family with strong literary connections. £125.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 42 143. SOMERSET DIALECT. JENNINGS, JAMES.: The Dialect of the West of England. Particularly Somersetshire; with a glossary of words now in use there; also with poems and other pieces exemplifying the dialect. London, John Russell Smith, 1869. Small 8vo, pp xxiv, 167, original blind stamped cloth, a little faded but a very good copy indeed, SECOND EDITION, based on the earlier work of 1825, much revised. £45.00 144. SOMERSET DIALECT. JENNINGS, JAMES.: Observations on Some of the Dialects in the West of England, particularly Somersetshire: with a Glossary of Words now in use there; and poems and other pieces exemplifying the dialect. London, Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, 1825. Small 8vo, pp xxiv, 191, original cloth with paper label, upper joint split and repaired, a good clean copy, FIRST EDITION; an important early contribution to dialect studies of the West of England. £50.00 145. WALES. BATTY, CAPTAIN ROBERT.: Welsh Scenery. London, John Murray, 1823. 8vo, pp viii, 35 small engraved plates with facing letterpress descriptions, well bound in contemporary straight grained dark green morocco, sides elaborately decorated in gilt and blind paneling with central blind ornament, spine gilt paneled within flat bands, rubbed, slight wear to corners and spine ends, a little offsetting and foxing as usual, but generally a very good neat attractive copy, FIRST EDITION. The small format and printing of this Batty collection make it a more charming and pleasing publication than many of his larger quarto format productions, especially when so pleasantly bound as this. £35.00 146. YORKSHIRE PERIODICAL.: The Northern Star, or Monthly Magazine...of the Statistics, Literature, Biography, Arts, Commerce, and Manufactures of Yorkshire and the Adjoining Counties. July -December 1818. London, Baldwin Cradock and Joy [and John Ray, Sheffield], 1818. 8vo, pp [4], 472, [4], advert leaf at front, 6 engraved plates of views including frontispiece, bound in contemporary half black calf, spine gilt paneled, a little rubbed, front endpaper a little stained but a good sound copy, FIRST EDITION, volume three only, of a Sheffield printed Yorkshire periodical that apparently ran to only three volumes under this title. It contains a great deal of topographical interest. £35.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 43 SCIENCE AND NATURAL HISTORY. 147. BERKENHOUT, JOHN.: Clavis Anglica Linguae Botanicae; or, a Botanical Lexicon; in which The Terms of Botany, particularly those occuring in the Works of Linnaeus, and other modern writers, are applied, derived, explained, contrasted and exemplified. London, Printed for the Author, Soldd by T Becket and A de Hondt etc, 1764. Small 8vo, pp xii, [216], bound in contemporary unlettered calf, spine with raised bands, joints part cracked but sound, spine ends chipped, a good sound copy internally, FIRST EDITION, the fruits of Berkhout's early medical studies at Edinburgh, and the first such lexicon of Linnaean based botany in the English language. £120.00 148. BEVERIDGE, WILLIAM.: Institutionum Chronologicarum Libri II. Una cum totidem Arithmetices Chronologicae Libellis. London, Samuel Roycroft for Walter Kettilby, 1705. 4to, pp [8], 259, [5], tables of different oriental types, disbound, early Patent Office stamps, else a clean crisp copy for rebinding, SECOND EDITION, Beveridge's most interesting mathematical work, an account of chronologies and arithmetical systems of calculation of various nations of the world, including accounts of the systems of the Romans, Hebrews, Sumarians, Greeks, Arabs, Persians etc and employing some curious typeface examples of their numbering systems. First published in 1669, this edition corrected, but apparently otherwise the same as the first. £85.00 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 44 149. MEDICINE. STORER, JOHN.: Hints On the Constitution of Dispensaries, with the View of Their Being Rendered of More Extensive Benefit to the Labouring Population [bound with 2 other works]. London, J Hartchard, 1832. Small 8vo, pp [4], 92, bound with: On Blood Letter. By James Wardop. London 1835. Pp 148. and: Philip. The Influence of Minute Does of Mercury. Combined with the treatment of various diseases. London, 1834. Pp [6], 112. Bound together in contemporary half calf, maroon label, early stamps of Edinburgh Medical Society, a very good copy, FIRST EDITIONS OF ALL THREE WORKS, of which the tract above seems the more interesting, the work of a Nottingham physician doubting the effectiveness of the current Poor Laws to deal with the provision of medicines for the poor. £85.00 150. MEDICINE. WHYTT, ROBERT.: Observation son the Nature, Causes and Cure of those Disorders which have been commonly called Nervouse, Hypochondriac or Hysteric. Edinburgh, for T Becket and P A de Hondt [London] and J Balfour [Edinburgh], 1767. 8vo, pp xiii, [3, including blank], 507, [25], bound in contemporary polished calf, spine gilt ruled with red label, spine rubbed and slightly worn and chipped at ends, joints cracked but holding OK, else a very good copy, THIRD EDITION; Whytt was Professor of Medicine at Edinburgh University and this was his most important work, first published in 1764. In relation to this subject, the study of which Whytt was a ground braking pioneer, it is interesting to note that Whytt was physician to King George III in Scotland till his death in 1766. £150.00 END OF CATALOGUE 133 Catalogue 133 www.wilbrahambooks.co.uk Page 45
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