The Communicator First United Methodist Church 702 Avenue A Opelika, AL 36801 334-745-7604 Sunday Services 8:30am – Traditional Worship 9:00am – Imagine Contemporary Worship 9:50am – Sunday School 11:00am – Traditional Worship FUMC Staff: Rev. Randy Woodham Senior Pastor [email protected] FUMC has WIFI!!! Password is: fumcwifi Friday, October 10, 2014 Fall Festival @ Sandy’s Stables This Sunday, October 12th from 3:30pm – 6:30pm We’re gonna have fun!!! Horseback Riding; Face Painting; Inflatable Games; Playground Fun; Bingo; Cake Walks; Hotdogs. Fun for all ages. Bring your lawn chairs. Admission to the festival is canned food items. Rev. Scott Kaak Executive Pastor [email protected] Rev. Rick Lane Associate Pastor, Student Ministries [email protected] Rev. Ric Smith Associate Pastor [email protected] Ms. Nicole Agostino Pianist Opelika High School Football Supper Thursday, October 16th @ 4:30pm If you would like to help please email Beverly ([email protected]) or call the church office (745-7604). Areas where help is needed: prayers; financial gifts; set up; drink servers; kitchen help; clean up; dish washers. JOY Fellowship Thursday, October 16th @ 11:00am Program will be Village Friends Village Values Mrs. Laura Boggs Administrative Assistant [email protected] Ms. Maudie Evans Church Maid Mrs. Sunny Hahn Bake Sale & Rada Cutlery The evening group of UMW will host its annual sale on Sunday, October 26th. A Rada catalog is available in the church office. Organist [email protected] Mr. Bruce Heath Sexton [email protected] Mr. Don Lawrence Facilities Supervisor [email protected] Ms. Beverly Marlett Church Secretary [email protected] The Servants In Christ Sunday School Class is having a Fish Fry! Orders must be made by Monday, October 20th, and can be picked up at the church between 11:00 am to 2:00 pm on Sunday, October 26th. The price is $10 a plate. Tickets can be purchased from any member of the Servants In Christ Sunday School class or in the church office. All proceeds will go to the Exodus Ranch, located in Opelika, AL. If you have any questions, please contact our Sunday School class at [email protected] or visit our Facebook page for more information. Ms. Sharon McKinnon Director of Hospitality [email protected] Ms. Mary Virginia Norris Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Mrs. Tina Roberts Financial Secretary [email protected] Mr. Andy Snyder Sound Technician Mrs. Drew Speakman Director of Sonshine Preschool Asst. Director of Children’s Ministries [email protected] Mrs. Julia Stutts Director of Children’s Ministries [email protected] Mr. John Vedder College Ministries [email protected] October 15th DEADLINES Christmas Container for Orphanage Emmanuel If you are sending packages to specific individuals please know that there have been changes this year on the way these items are to be packaged. You may ask in the church office if you have any questions. If you would like to send some very much needed items to the missionaries they could use the following: Diapers (all sizes); Baby Wipes; Bisquick; Laundry Detergent Pods; Tylenol; Ibuprofen; over the counter medicines; Bath & Personal Hygiene Products; etc. All boxes must be at the church by 7:00pm on Wednesday, October 15th! Orphanage Emmanuel December 2014 Mission Trip We are once again planning a mission trip to Orphanage Emmanuel this December. The dates for this trip will be December 15 – 22. If you are planning to go on this trip, please let Ellen Canada know by October 15th. Ellen can be reached at (334) 750-8804 or [email protected]. FUMC CALENDAR Sunday, October 12 8:30am – Traditional Worship 9:00am – Imagine Contemporary Worship 9:50am – Sunday School 10:00am – College Sunday School 11:00am – Traditional Worship 2:15pm – 3:15pm - One Accord 3:30pm – 6:30pm – Fall Festival 5:00pm – Disciple III (#308) Monday, October 13 8:45am – 1:00pm - Sonshine Preschool 7:00pm – Worship Team (Library) Tuesday, October 14 8:45am – 1:00pm Sonshine Preschool 1:00pm – 3:00pm – Prison Ministry 7:00pm – Methodist Women (Library) Wednesday, October 15 7:00am – Men’s Devotion Wednesday Connection 4:30pm – 5:30pm – Children’s Choir 4:45pm – M.A.T.T. 5:00pm - Dinner 6:00pm – 7:00pm – Programs 6:00pm – 7:30pm – Chancel Choir Thursday, October 16 8:45am – 1:00pm - Sonshine Preschool 11:00 – JOY Fellowship 4:30pm – OHS Football Supper 6:30pm – College Bible Study YOUTH NEWS SM Youth every Sunday at 10am up on the 4th floor! SN Youth (10/12) is Fall Festival at Sandy's Stables from 3:30 - 6:30pm! One Accord from 2:15 - 3:15pm On Line Giving Is Here! Simply follow these easy steps: 1. Visit the church website at 2. Click on the Online Giving button, 3. Click on the Create Profile button, then 4. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions. Save your Campbell's labels! OUR LIFE TOGETHER October 5, 2014 Attendance: Sunday School – 168 Worship – 339 (84/57/198) GENEROUS GIVING Designated Funds Given this week: $ 3,489 Given this YTD: $187,479 General Fund Given this week: $ 23,452 Given YTD: $827,113 Need YTD: $934,600 Total Debt: $720,473 PRISON MINISTRY - Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Volunteers: Danielle Goff, Margaret Rogers, Sara Nan Levins, Veronica Inmates ministered to: 35 females, 26 males Bibles given: 25 English, 4 Adult Bible Studies, 3 Discipleship Resources Message by Rev. Scott Kaak: “The Solution for Slumps” Inmates were asked how they manage their dark days when they are in a slump. Sometimes an active patience and/or doing something different is the answer. Scripture Card: Matthew 11:28; Philippians 4:6-7 (The weekly ministry to the inmates at Lee County Detention Center that provides prayer, stationery, greeting cards, used paperback books, word games, two pieces of hard candy and a devotion -- all delivered unconditionally with a smile and the love of Christ!) First United Methodist Charge Conference WN Youth (10/15 and 10/22) is MATT from 4:30 - 6pm. J Groups from 6 7pm. Sunday, November 16th 12:15pm in the Sanctuary (The weekly ministry to the inmates at Lee County Detention Center that provides prayer, Robbins Simsgames, two pieces of hard candy stationery, greeting cards, usedDr. paperback books, word SN Youth next week (10/19) is a special night outdoors! Jr Hi and Sr Hi come at 6pm and leave at 8pm. Surprise!!! and a devotion -- all delivered unconditionally with a smile and the love of Christ!) Youth Fall Cookout is October 26th from 5 - 8pm! MEMORIALS: A gift has been given in loving memory of: Clint Hurd by Susan & Peter Elliott. Nancy Thomas Morris by Mary Carol Hitchcock. Crawford Tatum by PéPé & Curt Cope; Jo & Lamar Guthrie. Frank Waldrop by Mary Wade Bell; Elois Duncan. College Ministry Small group on Thursdays at Ellen & Eric Canada’s home for the month of October. We are finishing a series called AHA. Bible study every Sunday morning at 10am in the Outreach Building. Worship every Sunday morning at 9am in the Fellowship Hall and 11am for the traditional service in the sanctuary. Fast is this coming Friday and Saturday the 10th - 11th Fall Festival this Sunday at 3:30 Mission Day in Opelika this Saturday the 11th at 9am Servants in Christ + + + Sunday, October 12, 2014 Greeters: 8:30 – Phoebe & Keith Branch; 9:00 – Loretta Lowery & Tucker Eiland; 11:00 – Sarah Bush; Emily Gaberlavage; Susan Gaston; Rebekah-Grace Guthrie; Shirley Pugh Pre-Service Music: Jim Warman Crucifer: 11:00 – Patrick Royal Acolytes: 8:30 – Julia Bush & Sarah Bush; 11:00 – AlliAnne Blythe & Lola Grossman Children’s Church: 8:30 & 11:00 – Meagan Wade Ushers: 8:30 – Shey Knight (Captain); Blake Epperson (Co-Captain); Andy Jordan; Isaac Robertson; Michael Vance 11:00 – Jim Levins (Captain; George Walker (Co-Captain); Mike McKee; Kyle Epperson; John Thomas Gaberlavage; Barrett Galimore; Jackson Rainey; Baker Rowton; Joullian Rowton; Myles Tatum, Jr.; Jackson Welsh Sound: 8:30 – Andy Snyder; 9:00 – Kenneth Boggs; 11:00 – Andy Snyder Media: 9:00 – Laura Fuller; 11:00 – Peter Elliott Transportation: April Halverson; Betty Lawrence Nurturing Notes: Jo Lovell Welcome Notes: Kathryn Cooper Monday Visitation: Barbara & Bob Merrill; Lynn & Joe Harrington Flower Team: Claud Brown; Nell & Bill Samford Tuesday Office Volunteer: Barbara Sims Prison Ministry: Ellen Canada; Carol Powers; Margaret Rogers; Danielle Goff; Scott Kaak Hospital Visitor: Mon., Oct. 13th – Lynn Harrington; Tue., Oct. 14th – Becky Bailey; Wed., Oct 15th – Chona Lane; Thu., Oct. 16th – Sherry Freeman; Fri., Oct. 17th – Arden Snyder Wednesday Connection Helpers: Lorene & Wallace Paschal; Jim Warman; Joyce Windsor Music Ministry News If You Think You Don’t Qualify to Be a Part of Wesley Ringers, You’re Wrong! You think you know what is required to be in a handbell ensemble: white hair, age, being a woman, music reading abilities, previous experience... Let me burst your bubble! The Wesley Ringers is a handbell ensemble that breaks the stereotypes. We are open to girls and guys from 16 years of age and older. There are seasoned handbell musicians and players who never learned to read music prior to stepping into the ensemble. We have a spot for you, too. Rehearsals are on Sunday afternoons from 5:15 to 6:15 in the Handbell Room (behind the Bridal Parlor). If you are interested in playing with the Wesley Ringers, contact Mary Virginia Norris ([email protected]). Also you can find out more about all our ensembles by going to the website: This Week’s Choral Music All Things Bright and Beautiful (8:30) by John Rutter Chancel Choir; Nicole Agostino, piano Living in the Light (11:00) by Ruth Elaine Schram Cherub Choir; Nicole Agostino, piano Goliath (11:00) Joseph M. Martin It’s A BOY!!! Congratulations toAgape Kyle Burdette and Amber Worley upon the birth of their son, Kade Choir; Nicole Agostino, piano th Matthew Burdette. Kade was born Sunday, October 5 , weighing 10 lbs., 9 oz., and 22½ inches long. Grandparents are Mary Kay Burdette, Jimmy Burdette, and Mr. & Mrs. John Worley. WEDNESDAY CONNECTION – October 15th MENU: Poppy Seed Chicken; Vegetable; Rolls; Dessert Kid’s Menu: French Bread Pizza; Fruit; Dessert Reservations for dinner are expected by 10:00am on Mondays. Please know that Sharon and her helpers need a count so they can prepare enough food for everyone that intends to eat. Please fill out the green card & place it in the offering plate on Sundays or call the church office (745-7604) or email Laura at [email protected] FUMC Mission Days!!! This Saturday, October 11th & next Saturday, October 18th As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace… in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:10-11 It is our desire that every person in our church who is passionate about helping other people to find the right opportunities to successfully use their gifts to serve the body of Christ and increase God’s Kingdom. Mission Days 2014 is your opportunity to join with your Sunday School Class, your Methodist Men group, your Women’s Mission groups, your choir, or any other group in our church that you are affiliated with to serve others around us. There are many different ways you can make a difference in our community. The key is for your group to decide on a project based on your gifts, your passions and what God has put on your heart to do. We want our church to go into our community and show the love of Christ in real and tangible ways. We encourage every group to choose a project of their own and be the hands and feet of Jesus on Mission Days 2014. Your group can begin by asking the following questions. Hopefully, the answers will help your group decide on a project around your God-given purpose. What are you good at doing and love to do? What individuals, ministries or organizations around you could benefit from your skills? What needs in our community seem to stand out to you above others? These are just a few ideas you can consider: 1. Nursing home visits (prayer, worship, crafts) 2. Shut-in ministry 3. Cooking for a cause (homeless, sick, etc.) 4. Care packages for hospitalized, sick children, foster kids 5. Home repairs or cleaning services for the elderly or disabled 6. Yard work for the elderly or disabled 7. Arts & music for underprivileged kids 8. Coffee & prayer for police and firemen 9. Support local ministries-Food Bank, His Place, Hosanna Home, etc… 10. “No More Shacks” – (Alabama Rural Ministries) Keep it simple, make it fun, and invite others who have similar interests and skills to join your group. There is no bigger blessing than to bless others!! Please let the church office know what your mission project will be. (745-7604) Repairing WALLS . . .restoring PEOPLE Saturday, October 11th Contact Shane Kyles at PRAYER CONCERNS (as of October 10 ) th EAMC: Paul Knight (Shey Knight’s father); Inez Lane (Don Lawrence’s sister); Don Lawrence; Merle Walton; Alice Williams Regional Rehabilitation Hospital (Phenix City, AL): Quinton Walton Children’s Hospital (B’ham): Morgan Hasty (friend of Ginny Gaberlavage); Sarah Kate Kempfer; Fisher Martin (4yr. old son of Chris & Kerriann Martin) Home: Lisa Abercrombie; David Alexander (Marcia Alexander’s husband); Barbara Allen; Don Allen (friend of Tori Beth Thompson); Suzie Bush; Genevieve Canonica (friend of Leigh & Michael Bass); Denise Carlson (friend of Ana Lowery); Tanner Campbell; Rossie Culley; Judy Dorris (friend of Corinne & Jimmy Hurst); Mary Ann Drake; Elois Duncan (Susan Elliott’s mother); David Eastridge, Jr. (Rhonda Boothe’s nephew); Shirley Flora; B J Horn; Charles Huling; Malcolm Humphries; Joan King; David Orrick (Beverly Marlett’s uncle); Carly Parker; Tammy Samford (friend of Patty Allen); Celia Satterwhite (Ruth Meadows’ mother); Gunter Seibert (friend of Sam Bailey); Joy Shipman; Katherine Shipman (daughter of Joy & Todd Shipman); Doris & Bill Southers (Laurie Williams’ parents); Travis Spraggins (friend of Kate Larkin); Ileta Sumners (Arbor Springs); Charlotte Ward; Peggy Williams (PePe Cope’s mother) Out of Town: Bob Bowen (Julia Moreman’s brother-in-law); Jan Cumbie (Virginia Cumbie’s daughter-in-law); Sharon Dennis (Sandra Holloway’s sister); Joe Engel (friend of Joy Shipman); Vernice Hart (Pam Hope’s step-mother); Bryan Hoch (Sue Bentley’s nephew); Ruby Juan (friend of Wei Beach); Sam Lowery (friend of Nell & Bill Samford); Donna Martin (Becky Bailey’s sister in law); Frieda & Anthony Meacham (Emily Finck’s parents); Bob Miller (Sam Bailey’s brother-in-law); Robert Mills (Becky Bailey’s son); Ray Ramage (friend of Joyce Windsor); Kenny Reding (friend of Allen Blythe); Willie Mae Roberts (Lybbi Epperson’s grandmother); Marian Rogers (Emily Finck’s grandmother); Carolyn Sell (Jo Vaughan’s daughter); Jeff Shipman (Todd Shipman’s brother); Jim Short (friend of Jerrell Askew); Greg & Skip Wheelus (Ginny Gaberlavage’s father & brother); Grover Worth (Bobby Worth’s father) Military: Josh Beasley (Ann & David Canon’s grandson); Lindsey Cooper (Mary Rose & Albert Smith’s granddaughter); John Dukes (Trinchua & Keith Dukes’ son); Michael Fischer & T J Fischer (friends of Phyllis & Jim Mayfield); Robert Groszmann (Bob Ingram’s nephew); Garrett Guess (Becky Mills’ nephew); Samuel Hayes (Sharon & Ron Rooks’ son-in-law); Drew Hill (friend of Kate Larkin); Trey Long (Becky Mills’ nephew); Harry & Jake Meadows (Tamara & Bill Meadows’ sons); Erik Norrell (Dot Norrell’s grandson); Steven Olaveson; Alex Pendergraph (Janet Taylor’s grandson); Jacob Ramus (Phyllis & Jim Mayfield’s son-in-law); Frank Rielly (friend of Phyllis & Jim Mayfield); Kennard R. Smith (friend of Anne & Sheldon Whittelsey); Ronnie Snyder (Arden & Dave Snyder’s grandson); Cliff Stewart (Jane & Jerry Coughlin’s nephew); Patrick Thompson (Laura Boggs’ nephew); Jim Whaley (Beverly Collins’ grandson) Missionaries: Orphanage Emmanuel: Burrows family Africa: Adam Lofton (Sherri Rowton’s brother-in-law) Adam works for the CDC and will be helping contain the Ebola outbreak.
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