Pastor’s Paragraphs Join me in expressing appreciation to those who serve with me on our Ministry Leadership Team. It is a privilege to serve with them throughout the year and to know their heart for the Lord and our church. Please remember to pray for Keith, Ricky, Dan, Greg and Mark as they serve us. EHBC, Montgomery, AL “CONNECTED” is off to an excellent begin- Vol. 58 No. 40 / Friday, October 10, 2014 ning. This six week Sunday Night study draws us together as a church family. We are the “body of Christ” but sometimes need reminders to help us appreciate the unique roles each person is called to fulfill. Again this time we are blessed by an interactive experience and intergenerational work groups. What begins in worship in the Sanctuary concludes with amazing insights, testimonies and unity around the tables. I urge each member to make the rest of the Sunday nights in this study a priority for attendance. Pastors like me, have noted through the years that people will come to something which is controversial but often fail to take advantage of some of the most important issues in building the Lord’s Thursday, October 23, 2014 work. Don’t let that be said of you. We’re 6:00 - 8:00 pm • in the Reception Room counting on seeing you this Sunday evening. Also remember that there is child care for Tickets $10.00, Pay at time of Registration preschoolers and that Greg has planned excellent companion materials for school-age children. Tickets may be Purchased “Online” at In addition to the theology of the church, or at these locations: “CONNECTED” also speaks to the broader Sunday Mornings, Green Ridge Welcome Center, issue of “how we do church” in this postWednesday Night, Gymnasium modern culture. It is clear that those who are doing this best are “people driven more than Deadline for Ticket Sales is Sunday, October 19th program driven.” Another way to explain it is to see that the church of the future is not so Childcare will be provided only when requested to Susan Sessions in the Church much event driven, which can feed our own Office by Monday, October 20th. No meal will be provided for the children. interests and needs more than the lost, but as a church which is relational driven. Another reminder of how connected we are as a congregation is the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. I trust you will want to be in worship Sunday morning as we come to this meaningful observance instituted by our Lord with His disciples. Enclosed you will find a copy of the proposed Church Budget for 2015. I trust you will note it carefully and will plan to be in the Quarterly Business Meeting next Wednesday evening when it will be presented for discussion. L. Rick Marshall IN THE PULPIT A.M. “Eternally the Lord’s” A Lord’s Supper Meditation Romans 14:7-9 P.M. “Connected” Combined Discipleship Event Up-coming Events SENIOR ACTIVITIES CELEBRaTiON SiNGERS October 9, 16, & 30 at 9:30 am GaME Day October 21, 9:00 am Council Meeting after lunch ChaPPy’S BREaKfaST BuNCh October 27 at 8: 00 am STUDENT NEWS PaRENT’S MEETiNG October 19, immediately following the 10:45 worship service in the Choir Suite. This will be an informative meeting to hand out calendars and go over the upcoming events for the 2014-2015 year. Sunday Nights in December December 7 • 3:00 & 6:00 pm Hanging of the Green December 14 • 6:00 pm EHBC Celebration Singers and Heritages Choir presents “Hope Has Hands” December 21 • 6:00 pm Children’s Choirs (3 yrs. through 6th grade) presents “The Light of the World” A Traditional Christmas Pageant, written by Greg Gosselin Mondays • 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm in Room 150 We are studying the Pastoral of Epistles (1 & 2 Timothy & Titus) WELCOME New Member! Eastern Hills rejoices with Brittany Necaise who joined on September 28 by Profession of Faith for Baptism. 762 Forestdale Road Montgomery, AL 36109 Homebound Lord’s Supper Observance This Sunday, October 12, 2014 If you are willing to help, please meet at 2:00 pm in Room 139. Sunday, December 7th • 3:00 & 6:00 pm FEATURING: Eastern Hills Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra ALSO FEATURING: Youth Choir, Celebration Singers, Celebration Ringers (handbells), Ensembles, Soloists, Narration, Interpretive Movement, Visual Arts and more. Come help us ring in the Christmas Season exploring the rich traditions of the holiday and celebrate the hope we find in the Christ Child! EASTERN HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH • (334) 272-0604 Ext. 210 or 214 Childcare available for birth through 5 years old • FREE ADMISSION C h i l d re n ’s M i n i s t r y B I RT H DAY B O A R D Meghan Pope Jared Robertson October 11 October 11 (12) (9) COLLEGE HIGHLIGHT Please be praying for these students this week. College is a pivotal time, pray for the spiritual growth of our students. If you know them, write a note encouraging them with Bible verses or just a note that says the church is thinking of them and praying for them! ISABELLA ROBLES 1119 Barganier Road Cecil, AL 36013 JESSICA BAKER 5440 West Glenn Avenue, Apt 101 Auburn, AL 36849 Family Dedication RA’S CANNED FOOD DRIVE Thank you to everyone who helped fill the Forest Park Ministry Food BEFORE Pantry. As you can see from the pictures, the shelves were nearly empty. Your donations helped make it full again. What a blessing to be able to help a AFTER community in need. MUSIC NOTES CHILDREN’S CHOIR SING IN 6:00 pm WORSHIP Grades 4-6, October 19 Grades 2-3, October 26 Preschool 2, November 2 Preschoo1 1, November 9 First Grade Choir, November 16 FALL FESTIVAL ANNOUNCEMENT Brody Alexander Hilliard was dedicated Sunday, October 5, 2014. Pictured above are Senior Pastor, Dr. Rick Marshall, Jeff, Morgan, Kloe, Adelyn, Lily & Brody Hilliard. ALL SENIORS... It is approaching that time of the year when you may consider changing your Part D Drug Plan or your Medicare Advantage Plan. The open enrollment period will be October 15 through December 7. If you are interested in seeing if there is a better plan or cheaper plan or if you otherwise need a plan, please contact Ed Melton at 272-1833 and make an appointment. Look forward to hearing from some of you. Since October 31 falls on a Friday night this year and because so many of our church families are involved in High School Football, including our parents and teenagers, we will not have a Fall Festival this year. We began to realize that a large part of our “workforce” for this event in the past would be unable to help make this year’s Fall Festival a success. We regret not being able to provide this event for our community this year and will consider it in ministry planning for 2015. 2015 Ministry Budget Proposal Our 2015 budget has been completed and is included in this edition of the Messenger. Our total budget of $1,901,817.00 represents a reduction of $11,244.00 from the 2014 budget. Our weekly requirements for 2015 will be $36,573.40. Our Stewardship Committee has worked hard at putting together this budget and it represents a 5% reduction in all of our ministry areas. I hope you will prayerfully consider this budget for the coming year. I also hope you will pray about your part in meeting the needs of our church through this budget. On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 during our Quarterly Business Meeting, we will discuss the budget. You will have an opportunity to hear from our Stewardship Committee and they will answer any questions you might have. We will vote to adopt this budget at the conclusion of both morning worship services on October 19, 2014. Early-bird tickets $20, on sale NOW. W E D N E S D AY N I G H T MENU October 15, 2014 Family Night Meal 4:45 - 6:00 p.m. Spaghetti Salad Green Beans Garlic Toast Italian Cream Cake Drink The Messenger (USPS No. 591-420) is published weekly by Eastern Hills Baptist Church. Rev. Ricky Solar, Editor. Periodicals postage paid at Montgomery Alabama. Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Messenger, 3604 Pleasant Ridge Road, Montgomery Alabama 36109 CHILDREN’S MENU Spaghetti, Green Beans, Garlic Toast Cookie, Drink SALAD/SOUP BAR Taco Salad Please note that you must CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE BY12:00 pm ON MONDAY to make or change your reservation. FA M I LY ChRiSTiaN SyMPaThy To family and friends in the death of Lucile Brawner. MEN’S Prayer Group Tuesdays at 6:45 am in the Reception Room We gratefully acknowledge gifts to the church in memory of: Linda Milton Given by: Bob & Jo Ann Yates Mary Claire Sellers helen Cain Given by: Edna Davis L. G. Norsworthy Given by: Bob & Jo Ann Yates Betty McGraw MINISTERIAL STAFF Dr. Rick Marshall ..............................Senior Pastor Dan Harrison............................Associate Pastor of ................Senior Adult Ministries & Administration Ricky Solar...............................Associate Pastor of ...............................................Education & Families Keith Pate ...................................Minister of Music Greg Gosselin ..........................Minister of Children Mark McLendon ..Minister of Students & Activities Debbie Farthing .........................Pastor’s Secretary Donna Brown ............................Financial Secretary Melissa Steward...........Education/Youth Secretary Joy Priester...................................Music Secretary Susan Sessions...............................Staff Secretary ......................................................and Receptionist Chad Royal .......................Building Superintendent Stacy Royal ..................................Daycare Director THIS SUNDAY Counting Committee Morris Kendrick, Robert Barnes Deacon Offering Chairman 8:15 am - Jim Gouge 10:45 am - Harry Brash Deacons of the Week October 12 - Raymond Bryan, Jim Handey Security Team 10/12 - Allen Watson, Steve McDaniel 10/15 - John Morgan, Steve Sprayberry Golf Cart Drivers John Messick, Jim Tanner Wednesday Night Servers Lillian Antes, Faye Spivey, Helen Lankford, Mary Claire Sellers, John & Mirenda Tatum Extended Session Workers October 12 Captain: Stacy Royal Please be in place by 8:00 am. 8:15 Bed Babies: Ken & Pam Freeman Toddlers: Chad & Stacy Royal Please be in place by 10:30 am. 10:45 Bed Babies: Carol Handey, Jimmie Winsett Toddlers: Trish & Matthew Peterson 2’s: Keith & Kristie Cantley 3’s: Blanche Culpepper, Elea Peppers 4’s: Cindy Nummy, Trish Thompson ON THE GROW Sunday School Attendance for October 5, 2014 Att. G.O. 8 Preschool 42 Children 58 Youth 62 Adults 449 Spanish Ministry 13 Total 632 BUDGET REPORT Year to Date Budget Requirements Budget Receipts Under Budget $1,471,585.20 1,364,574.27 107,010.93 Weekly Budget Report October 5, 2014 Budget Requirements Budget Receipts Over Budget Designated Continue the Dream Designated $36,789.63 49,513.25 12,723.62 $4,140.00 4,070.00
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