The North Pacific Conference 124th Annual Mee ng The mission of the NPC is to see churches making an impact in people’s lives, their communities, and the world through the transforming love of Christ. Important information from the PacNW Conference 2014 Annual Meeting: We are changing our name!! The North Pacific Conference will now be named and known as The Pacific Northwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church. We are affec onately calling ourselves the PacNW Conference. Our new website URL is Five churches were voted as recommended for membership in the ECC/PacNWC and the recommenda on will go to the Evangelical Covenant Church Annual Mee ng in Chicago, June 26‐28th : Headwaters Covenant Church (Helena, MT) Seth Dombach, Pastor; City of Rain Covenant Church (Kent, WA) Andrey Khilchenko, Pastor; Hope Covenant Church (Lake Stevens, WA) Bill Walles, Pastor. Emmanuel Bible Church (Sea le, WA) and Yakima Covenant Church (WA) Duncan McLeod, Pastor, were added by adop on. Two churches closed this past year and were dropped from the roster: Minnehaha Covenant Church (Spokane, WA) and Pathway Covenant Church (Boise, ID). Three church planters were introduced. David Aaron Johnson— TriWorship Covenant Church (Federal Way, WA). Michael Thomas — Radiant Covenant Church (Renton, WA). Adam Phillips — Christ Church (Portland, OR). Delegates are asked to present the ECC proposed resolu on on Immigra on to their congrega ons. Church delegates to the ECC Annual Mee ng will vote on the proposed resolu on at the Annual Mee ng June 26‐28, 2014. The resolu on can be found at ons/2013‐immigra on Please share the NPC Annual Report 2014 magazine, #AllTogether, with your congrega on. PacNW Covenant churches are asked to increase their giving to the Conference and the Denomina on by 0.5%. Your generous partnership is so greatly appreciated in our ministry #AllTogether. October 12, 2014 will be “Raise a Barn Sunday.” All PacNW‐ers will be invited to donate via text towards CHIC 2015. Highlights of the Annual Meeting events Friday, May 2nd : NPC Ministerial Association met for the Minister ium Annual Meeting and worship. The Minister ium is an association whose purpose is to support NPC pastors and their families through networking, support, accountability, and continuing education. Twelve Candidates for Ordination wer e intr oduced. (See names listed on p. 2) Lunch was pr ovided for pastor s by Covenant Trust Company. A Continuing Education session was taught by Rev. Dr. Andrew Larsen. Andrew taught a session on “Engaging Our Muslim Neighbors: From Belligerence to Embrace.” A Dinner Banquet kicked off the NPC Annual Meeting officially with a delicious dinner of Chicken Kiev, with Chef Mike and the dining crew at Cascades. Many thanks to all Cascades staff for such amazing, gracious and warm hospitality. Annual Meeting Worship Service was held in the Rainier Center and we shar ed together in the Lor d’s Supper . Rev. Efr em Smith preached on “Together Providing an Unfair Disadvantage to the Disadvantaged.” Worship was led by Jelani Greenidge, along with Mark and Anna Carlson, Tori Rask, Jasiel West and Darien West. Our worship concluded with a service of Holy Communion. Saturday, May 3rd : Covenant Men had a pancake br eakfast with devotional speaker , Rev. J ames Amadon, pastor of Highland Covenant Chur ch (Bellevue, Wa.). Annual Meeting Highlights The NPC Annual Mee ng was a ended by 123 delegates from 40 PacNWC churches. Including advisory members, the total number of a endees was 157. Jelani Greenidge (Kaleo Covenant Church) led the worship team. Guests from Covenant Offices in Chicago included: Doreen Olson, Execu ve Minister, Department of Chris an Forma on; Ann Wiesbrock, President, Covenant Trust Company, Amy Oxendale, North Park University, . The PacNWC staff reported on ministries in the areas of Church Plan ng, Church Development, and Outreach/Compassion, Mercy, and Jus ce ministries. An Annual Mee ng offering of $2,088.90 was received for the PacNWC pastoral care fund. Rev. Doreen Olson, ECC Execu ve Minister of Chris an Forma on, gave the gree ng and report from the denomina on. See link. Ann Wiesbrock, President of Covenant Trust Company, shared with delegates the benefits of CTC resources, and the financial gi s that have resulted in legacy giving to ECC and PacNWC ministries. PacNWC congrega ons are invited to join “Sharing the Harvest”. Order 10 lbs of fresh Yakima Valley apples for $1/# and sup‐ port Covenant mssion in Central Africa Republic. Contact Wiley Heights Covenant to get signed up. Rob Mohrweis gave an update on ministry at Cascades Camp and Conference Center. He thanked the PacNW Conference for 25 great years of ministry at Cascades. PacNW Conference Youth Ministry Commission Chair, Ruby Varghese (Kent Covenant) encouraged PacNWC congrega ons to begin now to plan for and raise funds for CHIC, the ECC triennial youth conference. CHIC will be July 12‐17, 2015 at University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Mark Nelson, delegate from Kent Covenant Church extended the invita on for the 125th PacNW Conference Annual Mee ng. KCC will host the mee ng April 24‐25, 2015. Vo ng: MSP to separate Cascades Camp and Conference Center to a separate 501(c)(3) non profit corpora on. MSP to change the Conference name from North Pacific Conference to “Pacific Northwest Conference.” Budgets for the NPC were adopted, including the 2014 revised budget of $1,168,909 and the 2015 proposed budget of $1,037,109. Several new members were elected to the NPC Execu ve Board/Treasurer, the Youth Commission, and the NPC Nomina ng Commission. Thanks to all who are comple ng their service on these commissions. Superintendent Greg Yee, Associate Superintendent Don Robinson, and Execu ve Board member Paul Peterson were elected to serve as delegates to the Evangelical Covenant Church Annual Mee ng June 26‐28, 2014 in Rosemont, IL. Director of Church Plan ng, Kurt Carlson, is the alternate. The following people were recommended for Ordina on to Word and Sacrament at the Evangelical Covenant Church Annual Mee ng, June 26 ‐28th in Rosemont, IL.: Rev. Sharon Anderson, Pine Lake Covenant, Sammamish, WA • Rev. Dick Gordon, River Ridge Covenant, Olympia, WA Rev. Carmen Bensink‐Lewis, Bridge Covenant, Salem, OR • Rev. Chris Gothold, Harbor Covenant, Gig Harbor, WA Rev. Sco Bensink‐Lewis, Bridge Covenant, Salem, OR • Rev. Mary Hendrickson Rev. Seth Dombach, Headwater Covenant, Helena, MT • Rev. Doug Humphreys, Creekside Covenant, Redmond, WA Rev. Allan Folmar, Renton Police and Fire Chaplain, WA • Rev. Abraham Kim, Compass, Federal Way, WA Rev. Jason Mohn, First Covenant, Evere , WA • Rev. David Robinson, Cannon Beach Community Cov, OR Addi onal Resources available online: Pacific Northwest Conference Cascades Camp & Conference Center Evangelical Covenant Church CHIC 2015 Covenant Trust Company Covenant Re rement Communi es North Park University & Theological Seminary Compassion, Mercy and Jus ce resources ECC Church Vitality resources ECC Evangelism Resources Sharing The Harvest h p:// www.covenan www.covenantre ce h p://www.sharing‐the‐
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