This Week at Covenant Today 12:00—PUMPKINS ARRIVE 3:30-5:30—Youth Monday 5:30—Zumba 5:30 - Men’s Bible Discussion 7:00—F.U.E.L. Holley Bldg. Tuesday 6:00—Hand bells 6:30—Sudie Lewis Circle Wednesday 9:30—Explorers Bible Study 5:30—Dinner 6:15—NEW STUDY BEGINS 6:30—Praise Team Thursday 9:00—Women’s Bible Study 6:30—Chancel Choir Daily Living—John Hines, Holley, rm 4 Fellowship—Marie Smith, Holley, rm 5 Searchers—Kay Chadick, Holley, rm 2 Seekers—Annette and Strand Martin, Preschool, rm 3 Wesleyan—Gene Blevins, Holley, rm 9 Serendipity—Les Stratton, Holley, rm 7 F.U.E.L.—Jennifer Blanchard, Preschool, rm 9 The Gift—Jennifer Manuel, Sanctuary United Methodist Church Can meet Jesus Hear the Message of Jesus Serve the Mission of Jesus 300 East Martial Ave., Lafayette, LA 70508 • Church 981-2088 • Preschool 988-3962 NEWEST ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS COME ! “GIFT” is now meeting in the Sanctuary! US N I O J Jennifer Manuel, Facilitator Stay Connected Please provide us with your email address, find us on Facebook and Twitter. You will always know what’s happening at Covenant! New Wednesday Night Study Begins October 15 Today’s Flowers are in honor of the marriage of Candace Mello and Patrick Pattum on October 18. Effectiveness Through Biblical Truths The Sudie Lewis Circle is continuing the study of re “Prayer”. The a u Yo ited! meeting will be held October 14th at n I v the home of Sarah Angel. For more information, please call Kathy Lewis at 298-0168. October 5 Worship Sunday School Covenant Covenant is a place where people: 353 143 If you were here, THANKS, if not, we missed you! based on Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People will be led by Covenant’s Staci Henry, a certified “7 Habits“ teacher also Youth & kids program Join us Wednesday, October 15 at 6:15pm following supper! Stephen Ministry Our Christ-centered goal is to help someone going through a crisis (serious illness, job loss, death of a family member or friend, divorce, difficulty adjusting to a recent move, etc.) Contact Shari Mirgon (337-371-1014) if you or a friend is in need of a Stephen Minister. Come join the youth as we discuss: “Carving out our Godly Character” 6th-12th grade 3:30-5:30 in the Youth Room Bring a friend! GREAT PUMPKIN RIDE Saturday, November 1 Covenant UMC All proceeds benefits St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital Early Registration Forms available in Narthex and CCC Foyer. Contact: Carlena Clause and Lesley Nutter: Registration and Sponsorship Margo Harkreader: Food Donations PUMPKINS ARRIVE TODAY AT NOON!!! Come help unload and we’ll provide lunch! Mondays 5:30pm “Building the Wall” October 12, 2014 In His Service: Rev. Chris Blanchard, Pastor Ken Cheshire, Director of Music & Worship Ministries Melissa Bowen, Pastoral Assistant Lindsay Perry, Director of Children’s Ministries Craig and Melissa Hartwell, Youth Directors Amy Rizzuto, Preschool/MDO Director Pat Battaglia, Organist - 9:00am Jennifer Tassin, Pianist - 9:00am Jay Nugent and Bryanna Naquin, Acolytes—9:0am Worship Times: Traditional Service - 9:00am Sunday School - 10:10am Contemporary Service - 11:10am A NURSERY is available for children from 6 weeks of age through 4 years old in Room 2 in the Preschool building. An usher will be happy to direct you in placing your child there before the worship service begins. As a courtesy to others, please turn off or mute all cell phones and pagers. Hymnals are available from an usher ORDER OF WORSHIP 9:00 AM WELCOME AND OPENING PRAYER . PRELUDE Jennifer Tassin CALL TO WORSHIP *HYMN Rev. Chris Blanchard Jenny Best, Pumpkin Patch Craft Show Stand Up and Bless the Lord UMH 662 (1-3) *WORDS OF AFFIRMATION *GLORIA PATRIA JOYS AND CONCERNS OFFERING/ANTHEM PRAISE: ROD ROWAN BEVERLY WALSON RICE PUMPKIN PATCH NEW CONCERNS: BARBARA MALLETTE CHUCK MCMASTER JANICE MCGUFFEE GIL LEBLANC ALEX MARTIN RON REITZ JERRY RICHESON SHARI MIRGON EMMA HOOVER ONGOING CONCERNS: ALLISON MULLINS SIDNEY DUBOSE JIM SNYDER PAUL DAVIS MIRIAM SUMMERS MAGGIE LEA GRACE TURNER JOHNNY BROUSSARD BOB GUILBEAU LINDA BRAUSE DONNA JONES ROY BRYAN BOBBY HORN JOYCE MARTIN Christians around the World Our Military and their Families Our Wounded Warriors and their Caregivers Our loved ones living with Alzheimer’s Our Church Family members seeking employment Joyful, Joyful CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Joyful Sounds MESSAGE *HYMN As a member of the church body, you will be the light of God to your community. The Haiti mission team will be selling specially designed t-shirts to promote the church-side mission work that Covenant is able to do year round. The shirts remind us to PRAY, SERVE, LOVE and we will be selling them at the Pumpkin Patch each weekend for $20. Kim. St. Germaine I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go C 142 (1-2) Nehemiah 3 “Building the Wall” Here I Am, Lord Melissa Bowen UMH 593 (1) *BENEDICTION (* The Congregation will please stand.) W F * Sales * Tours * Puppet Show * Family Fun Day *Greeters for Craft Show *Hayride Drivers & Loaders and more! Prayer cards are available in Narthex and registration pads or email Marie Smith at [email protected]. Children, PK-4 through 2nd grade, may leave for Children’s Worship immediately following. Please register 1st timers. Parents, please pick up your children in the Holley Building following the service.) *SCRIPTURE Consider the Patch your local mission trip and find a place to serve. See bulletin board for opportunities in: SISTER CONGREGATIONS: Oak Grove-Effie, Marksville & Simmesport UMC and Sacred Heart-Broussard *DOXOLOGY *HYMN Pumpkin Patch 2014 e welcome our guests who worship with us today. We invite you to consider making Covenant the church where you worship and serve God. or those with hearing disabilities an Assisted Listening unit is available from the media desk in the back of the church. We studying the Explorers book of Ruth. Join Inter us as we denomination discover how God worked through Ruth Bible Study to allow her to be bold in her faith and Wednesdays, to help us understand where to at 9:30 am in turn when life gets the Holley tough. Building. Bring your Bible! For more Child care is information, available. Thursdays at 9 am in Room 4 in the Holley Building. please contact Donna Guidry. Pecans will be here the first week of November—plenty of time for your Thanksgiving baking! So whether you’re baking, snacking, or gift giving, the freshest, the meatiest, the tastiest pecans will be available: halves, pieces, chocolate covered, cinnamon glazed, and caramel! Pecans are only $10 a bag. You will be able to sign up as soon as the pecans arrive. Help support our Fellowship Sunday School class as they support so many missions! The Wesleyan Sunday School class wants to thank every one for supporting their Pretzel Ministry. A NURSERY is available for children from 6 weeks of age through 4 years old in Room 2 in the Preschool building. An usher will be happy to direct you in placing your child there before the worship service begins. As a courtesy to others, please turn off or mute all cell phones and pagers. ORDER OF WORSHIP 11:10AM WELCOME SONG S OF PRAISE Rev. Chris Blanchard Hands and Feet Redeemed If We Are the Body All Over the World OFFERTORY Joyful, Joyful CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Joyful Sounds Kim St. Germaine Children, PK-4 through 2nd grade, may leave for Children’s Worship immediately following. Please register 1st timers. Parents, please pick up your children in the Holley Building following the service.) PRAISE: ROD ROWAN BEVERLY WALSON RICE PUMPKIN PATCH NEW CONCERNS: BARBARA MALLETTE CHUCK MCMASTER JANICE MCGUFFEE GIL LEBLANC ALEX MARTIN RON REITZ JERRY RICHESON SHARI MIRGON EMMA HOOVER ONGOING CONCERNS: ALLISON MULLINS SIDNEY DUBOSE JIM SNYDER PAUL DAVIS MIRIAM SUMMERS MAGGIE LEA GRACE TURNER JOHNNY BROUSSARD BOB GUILBEAU LINDA BRAUSE DONNA JONES ROY BRYAN BOBBY HORN JOYCE MARTIN Christians around the World Our Military and their Families Our Wounded Warriors and their Caregivers Our loved ones living with Alzheimer’s Our Church Family members seeking employment MESSAGE *INVITATION Here I Am, Lord We receive members by profession of faith and baptism, by transfer of membership from another United Methodist Church or other Christian denomination. Please come forward during singing of last hymn. *BENEDICTION (* The Congregation will please stand.) W F e welcome our guests who worship with us today. We invite you to consider making Covenant the church where you worship and serve God. or those with hearing disabilities an Assisted Listening unit is available from the media desk in the back of the church. As a member of the church body, you will be the light of God to your community. The Haiti mission team will be selling specially designed t-shirts to promote the church-side mission work that Covenant is able to do year round. The shirts remind us to PRAY, SERVE, LOVE and we will be selling them at the Pumpkin Patch each weekend for $20. Melissa Bowen Redeemed * Sales * Tours * Puppet Show * Family Fun Day *Greeters for Craft Show *Hayride Drivers & Loaders and more! Prayer cards are available in Narthex and registration pads or email Marie Smith at [email protected]. Nehemiah 3 “Building the Wall” Consider the Patch your local mission trip and find a place to serve. See bulletin board for opportunities in: SISTER CONGREGATIONS: Oak Grove-Effie, Marksville & Simmesport UMC and Sacred Heart-Broussard JOYS AND CONCERNS SCRIPTURE Pumpkin Patch 2014 We studying the Explorers book of Ruth. Join Inter us as we discover how God denomination worked through Ruth Bible Study to allow her to be bold in her faith and Wednesdays, to help us understand where to at 9:30 am in turn when life gets the Holley tough. Building. Bring your Bible! For more Child care is information, available. Thursdays at 9 am in Room 4 in the Holley Building. please contact Donna Guidry. Pecans will be here the first week of November—plenty of time for your Thanksgiving baking! So whether you’re baking, snacking, or gift giving, the freshest, the meatiest, the tastiest pecans will be available: halves, pieces, chocolate covered, cinnamon glazed, and caramel! Pecans are only $10 a bag. You will be able to sign up as soon as the pecans arrive. Help support our Fellowship Sunday School class as they support so many missions! The Wesleyan Sunday School class wants to thank every one for supporting their Pretzel Ministry. A NURSERY is available for children from 6 weeks of age through 4 years old in Room 2 in the Preschool building. An usher will be happy to direct you in placing your child there before the worship service begins. As a courtesy to others, please turn off or mute all cell phones and pagers. ORDER OF WORSHIP 11:10AM WELCOME SONG S OF PRAISE Rev. Chris Blanchard Hands and Feet Redeemed If We Are the Body All Over the World OFFERTORY Joyful, Joyful CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Joyful Sounds Kim St. Germaine Children, PK-4 through 2nd grade, may leave for Children’s Worship immediately following. Please register 1st timers. Parents, please pick up your children in the Holley Building following the service.) PRAISE: ROD ROWAN BEVERLY WALSON RICE PUMPKIN PATCH NEW CONCERNS: BARBARA MALLETTE CHUCK MCMASTER JANICE MCGUFFEE GIL LEBLANC ALEX MARTIN RON REITZ JERRY RICHESON SHARI MIRGON EMMA HOOVER ONGOING CONCERNS: ALLISON MULLINS SIDNEY DUBOSE JIM SNYDER PAUL DAVIS MIRIAM SUMMERS MAGGIE LEA GRACE TURNER JOHNNY BROUSSARD BOB GUILBEAU LINDA BRAUSE DONNA JONES ROY BRYAN BOBBY HORN JOYCE MARTIN Christians around the World Our Military and their Families Our Wounded Warriors and their Caregivers Our loved ones living with Alzheimer’s Our Church Family members seeking employment MESSAGE *INVITATION Here I Am, Lord We receive members by profession of faith and baptism, by transfer of membership from another United Methodist Church or other Christian denomination. Please come forward during singing of last hymn. *BENEDICTION (* The Congregation will please stand.) W F e welcome our guests who worship with us today. We invite you to consider making Covenant the church where you worship and serve God. or those with hearing disabilities an Assisted Listening unit is available from the media desk in the back of the church. As a member of the church body, you will be the light of God to your community. The Haiti mission team will be selling specially designed t-shirts to promote the church-side mission work that Covenant is able to do year round. The shirts remind us to PRAY, SERVE, LOVE and we will be selling them at the Pumpkin Patch each weekend for $20. Melissa Bowen Redeemed * Sales * Tours * Puppet Show * Family Fun Day *Greeters for Craft Show *Hayride Drivers & Loaders and more! Prayer cards are available in Narthex and registration pads or email Marie Smith at [email protected]. Nehemiah 3 “Building the Wall” Consider the Patch your local mission trip and find a place to serve. See bulletin board for opportunities in: SISTER CONGREGATIONS: Oak Grove-Effie, Marksville & Simmesport UMC and Sacred Heart-Broussard JOYS AND CONCERNS SCRIPTURE Pumpkin Patch 2014 We studying the Explorers book of Ruth. Join Inter us as we discover how God denomination worked through Ruth Bible Study to allow her to be bold in her faith and Wednesdays, to help us understand where to at 9:30 am in turn when life gets the Holley tough. Building. Bring your Bible! For more Child care is information, available. Thursdays at 9 am in Room 4 in the Holley Building. please contact Donna Guidry. Pecans will be here the first week of November—plenty of time for your Thanksgiving baking! So whether you’re baking, snacking, or gift giving, the freshest, the meatiest, the tastiest pecans will be available: halves, pieces, chocolate covered, cinnamon glazed, and caramel! Pecans are only $10 a bag. You will be able to sign up as soon as the pecans arrive. Help support our Fellowship Sunday School class as they support so many missions! The Wesleyan Sunday School class wants to thank every one for supporting their Pretzel Ministry. This Week at Covenant Today 12:00—PUMPKINS ARRIVE 3:30-5:30—Youth Monday 5:30—Zumba 5:30 - Men’s Bible Discussion 7:00—F.U.E.L. Holley Bldg. Tuesday 6:00—Hand bells 6:30—Sudie Lewis Circle Wednesday 9:30—Explorers Bible Study 5:30—Dinner 6:15—NEW STUDY BEGINS 6:30—Praise Team Thursday 9:00—Women’s Bible Study 6:30—Chancel Choir Daily Living—John Hines, Holley, rm 4 Fellowship—Marie Smith, Holley, rm 5 Searchers—Kay Chadick, Holley, rm 2 Seekers—Annette and Strand Martin, Preschool, rm 3 Wesleyan—Gene Blevins, Holley, rm 9 Serendipity—Les Stratton, Holley, rm 7 F.U.E.L.—Jennifer Blanchard, Preschool, rm 9 The Gift—Jennifer Manuel, Sanctuary United Methodist Church Can meet Jesus Hear the Message of Jesus Serve the Mission of Jesus 300 East Martial Ave., Lafayette, LA 70508 • Church 981-2088 • Preschool 988-3962 NEWEST ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS COME ! “GIFT” is now meeting in the Sanctuary! US N I O J Jennifer Manuel, Facilitator Stay Connected Please provide us with your email address, find us on Facebook and Twitter. You will always know what’s happening at Covenant! New Wednesday Night Study Begins October 15 Today’s Flowers are in honor of the marriage of Candace Mello and Patrick Pattum on October 18. Effectiveness Through Biblical Truths The Sudie Lewis Circle is continuing the study of re “Prayer”. The a u Yo ited! meeting will be held October 14th at n I v the home of Sarah Angel. For more information, please call Kathy Lewis at 298-0168. October 5 Worship Sunday School Covenant Covenant is a place where people: 353 143 If you were here, THANKS, if not, we missed you! based on Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People will be led by Covenant’s Staci Henry, a certified “7 Habits“ teacher also Youth & kids program Join us Wednesday, October 15 at 6:15pm following supper! Stephen Ministry Our Christ-centered goal is to help someone going through a crisis (serious illness, job loss, death of a family member or friend, divorce, difficulty adjusting to a recent move, etc.) Contact Shari Mirgon (337-371-1014) if you or a friend is in need of a Stephen Minister. Come join the youth as we discuss: “Carving out our Godly Character” 6th-12th grade 3:30-5:30 in the Youth Room Bring a friend! GREAT PUMPKIN RIDE Saturday, November 1 Covenant UMC All proceeds benefits St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital Early Registration Forms available in Narthex and CCC Foyer. Contact: Carlena Clause and Lesley Nutter: Registration and Sponsorship Margo Harkreader: Food Donations PUMPKINS ARRIVE TODAY AT NOON!!! Come help unload and we’ll provide lunch! Mondays 5:30pm “Building the Wall” October 12, 2014 In His Service: Rev. Chris Blanchard, Pastor Ken Cheshire, Director of Music & Worship Ministries Melissa Bowen, Pastoral Assistant Lindsay Perry, Director of Children’s Ministries Craig and Melissa Hartwell, Youth Directors Amy Rizzuto, Preschool/MDO Director Pat Battaglia, Organist - 9:00am Jennifer Tassin, Pianist - 9:00am Jay Nugent and Bryanna Naquin, Acolytes—9:0am Worship Times: Traditional Service - 9:00am Sunday School - 10:10am Contemporary Service - 11:10am
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