Volume 7 Issue 10 October 2014 We are a Christ-centered church committed to making disciples by witnessing God’s grace, mercy and love to all people. FOLLOWING JESUS TOGETHER www.OtterbeinumcSpry.com E-Mail: [email protected] Traditional Worship 9:00 am Sunday School for All Ages 10:10 am Contemporary Worship 11:00 am Church Office: 717- 741-1429 Parsonage: 717- 741-0579 Otterbein UMC of Spry 50 School Street, York, PA 17402 Rev. Dr. Ken Loyer, Pastor / Rev. Dave McCullough, Associate Pastor A People of Prayer church, and on it sits a Bible with the following inscription: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give This Bible was presented to the thanks in all circumstances; for this is Otterbein United Brethren in God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Christ Church at Spry, PA [that —1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 was the name of our congregation at the time] by the “Loyal Dear Otterbein Church Family, Workers” Class of the Sunday God’s house is a house of School, December 23, 1928. J. prayer. God calls us to be a people of Lower Grimm, Pastor prayer. We can pray anywhere, and Members of the Class God is always—always!—ready to comMrs. J. Lower Grimm, Mrs. municate with us through prayer. In a Mary Weitcamp, Mrs. Lillian special way, we gather together at Grim, Mrs. Ada Foust, Mrs. Carchurch to pray. Praying is one of the rie Kockenour, Mrs. Mamie most important things that we do in our Coneway, Mrs. Mabel Neff, life together. Mrs. Iva Butcher, Mrs. Mary snyder, Mrs. Iva Slenker, Mrs. That’s why I’m particularly exViola Ferree, Mrs. Jennie cited to share this news with you. On Stoner, Mrs. Rebecca BarOctober 5th, we are going to celebrate shinger, Mrs. Elsie Bupp, Mrs. the dedication of our newly renovated Estella Krout, Mrs. Flora Pifer, Prayer Chapel. A number of people Mrs. Irene Slenker, Mrs. Mary have helped with this project. Thanks to Ferree, Mrs. Ida Barshinger, Nadine Goodwin and family, who deMrs. Pauline Stabley, Mrs. Marsigned and oversaw the renovation of tha Barshinger, Mrs. Bertha this space, which is now marked with a Hawkins, Mrs. Alice Wineka, plaque to honor the memory of Bill Mrs. Virgie Spangler, Mrs. Goodwin. Also, thanks to Ed Anderson Mabel McCleary, Miss Blanche for hanging the pictures and plaque; Stabley, Mrs. Ida Hengst, Mrs. John Shue, Harry Becker, and Joe Mary Lehigh, Mrs. Laura BarMowery, who helped with the ceiling, shinger. lighting, and painting; Warren Adams, Chairman of the Trustees, for his assisWhen I look at the painting of tance in a number of ways; and David Jesus, the altar, and that Bible, I am Hamberger for his beautiful restoration reminded that we stand in a long tradiof the painting of Jesus, the painting tion of people who have faithfully folthat for many years appeared in the old lowed Christ, people dedicated to seeksanctuary of our church. ing God through Scripture, worship, and prayer. Now it is our turn, our time. My The Prayer Chapel also inhope is that by God’s grace we, too, will cludes the altar used for years by our be such people, and that we will (continued on page 5) WEEKLY BIBLE STUDIES SUNDAY SCHOOL Every Sunday Morning at 10:10 The Bright Promise Class meets in the Meeting Room. Leaders: Scott and Doris Snyder. We are studying the book “Read the Bible for Life - Listen, Understand, Respond.” All are welcome. Come join us! The Monday Morning Bible Study meets in the Meeting Room at 9:45. We are back into the Old Testament to study Ezra. All are invited to join this wonderful group to study God’s word. Contact Joe Mowery, 757-7068 or [email protected] for more information. The Ole Faithful Class meets in the library located behind the Sanctuary. Leaders (Alternate): Joe Mowery and Nadine Goodwin. The class is using ‘Christian Living in the Mature Years’ Bible study. The Wednesday Evening Bible Study is using Adam Hamilton's 'Revival, Faith as Wesley Lived It' as our study during "Wednesdays Together" at 6:15 in Room 101. John Wesley's message and his faith continue to speak to 21st century Christians. Through this study and the DVD, Adam Hamilton takes us on a pilgrimage to the places where the Methodist revival began and it becomes a journey into the heart and soul of what it means to follow Christ in the Wesley tradition. Everyone is welcome, bring your Bible and join us! For more information, contact Nadine Goodwin 2254820 or [email protected]. The Seekers meet in the lower level in Room 100 (the classroom right across from the church office). It is a Bible study based class. Bring your Bible, and come and grow in the faith with us! The Practical Christianity Class meets in Room 101 and is led by a team of teachers who rotate. We study the Bible and issues related to faith and everyday life. The Young Women's Group meets at the church every 1st and 3rd Monday at 7 pm. We are a group of women in our late twenties to early forties who meet to have fellowship, discuss life issues, and study the Bible. Many of us are moms but you don't have to be a mom to come! Come and be blessed! We would love to have you join us! Childcare is provided. Our youth and children’s classes meet on the Upper Level. Children’s Department teachers: Bev Castriota, Jen Coppage, Missy Howard, and Molly Loyer. Junior and Senior High youth teachers: Virginia Houser and Rusty Coppage. We now have a new children’s Sunday School class for 4-6th graders. Join us for learning, discussion, and fun at 10:10 am every Sunday in Room 402. The Men’s Group, Iron Men, meets on the first and third Monday of each month from 7 to 8:15 pm in the Sanctuary. All men, regardless of age or stage in life, are invited to join us. Child care is provided. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another”.(Proverbs 27:17) 2 Nursery ages 0-2 yrs. Room 401 3 yrs. - kindergarten Room 403 1st - 3rd grade Room 404 4th - 6th grade Room 402 Youth ages 12 - 18 Room 406 Join us for fun and Bible teaching! Kids' Club All children 4 - 12 years old are welcome! Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month 2 - 4 pm Games, Snacks, Crafts, Bible Lessons, Music & More! Free of charge Adult Supervision (We are a Safe Sanctuary Church) Kids’ Club 2014-2015 Secret Agents in Action Calling all Secret Agents in kindergarten through age 12… Join us this year at Kids’ Club to learn how to live courageously as God’s disciples. Receive your own special agent passport to collect information, decode secret messages, and complete daily challenges. Games, crafts, and snacks are included in each mission! Christmas Play 2014 Parts for the children’s Christmas play will be handed out at Kids’ Club on November 2. There will be performances at both the 9:00 am and the 11:00 am services on December 21st. Your child must be able to attend the performances and at least one other play practice to participate. See the following schedule for practice dates. January 4- Agents in Action Mission 6 and Popcorn and a Movie- The Great Mouse Detective January 18- Agents in Action Mission 7 February 1- Agents in Action Mission 8 February 15- Agents in Action Mission 9 and Kids’ Club Annual Olympics! March 1- Agents in Action Mission 10 March 15- Agents in Action Mission 11 April 19- Agents in Action Mission 12 May 3- Agents in Action Mission 13 May 17- VBS Sneak Peak! Growing in God We are blessed to offer Children's Worship during both the Traditional and Contemporary Services. To help grow the children's faith and foster family conversation, we will begin sending home weekly key Bible points the children learned, a Scripture reading for the family, and a few questions to discuss. Hopefully, this will help reinforce the teaching during that time as well as inform parents what the children learned. Additionally, we would like to challenge the children (and parents!) to learn one Bible verse or passage a month that we will work on during Children's WorOctober 5- Agents in Action Mission 3 ship as well. October's Lessons October 19- Agents in Action Mission 4 5th- Tower of Babel 12th- Abram follows God November 2- Agents in Action Mission 19th- Lot and Abram 5 and Initial Play Practice 26th- God's Covenant with Abram November 16- Play Practice December 7- Play Practice Saturday, Dec. 20- Play Practice (time TBA) October's Bible verses- Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. " Sunday, Dec. 21- Christmas Play Performances Younger kids version, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart." at 9:00 and 11:00 services 3 Youth Schedule October 2014 All youth ages 12 to 18 are welcome Sunday October 12, 5 to 7 pm Join us at the parsonage—2714 Whitney Dr., York—for food, games (both indoor and outdoor options), football on TV, a Bible lesson, and fun! SERVE THE CITY: We as a church have signed up to assist Compassion York a local ministry by serving food to those in downtown York on Sunday, November 23, 2014 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Friday October 24, 7 to 9 pm We are accepting donations of money, food and Trunk-or-Treat: A Trick-or-Treat volunteers (see sign-up sheets on table in Narthex). event for the community. Come in Volunteers are needed in the following ways: (1) to costume, and team up with your prepare food for main meal, (2) make and pack the family or friends to decorate your lunches, (3) assembly the main meal bags, (4) to car and distribute candy to kids. serve or drive (vans & trucks are needed) the main We’ll also have hot chocolate, a meal on-site and (5) to clean-up after the run. “If bonfire, hayrides, and more. you or a class would like to take charge of any Prizes for the best-decorated cars! parts of this ministry please contact me”. We will be making the bag lunches and main meal bags YOU’RE INVITED to accompany during the Sunday school time downstairs. So any Meg Mylet to the Servants Ministry SS classes that wish to assist us may do so during Center Open House and Volunteer Appreciation Event on October 26th this time. This is a great opportunity for us to do from 1-4pm. Join Servants for a tour what Christ commands us-serve him by serving others. As our Lord says, “…for I was hungry, and of their new office and warehouse you gave me food…” (Matthew 25:35). If interested, space and help them celebrate all that God has done through their vol- please contact Charlie Brown at 887-1063 or [email protected]. Thank you! unteers this year! The volunteers are the key to their ministry and they want to take the opportunity to say thanks! The Servants Ministry Center is loThis year the annual Church cated at 100 Redco Ave. Suite C-0, Red Lion, PA Conference will be on Sunday, 17356. (It is the old Yorktowne Cabinet building November 9 at 5:00 pm at our behind Broadway Transmission). RSVP to Meg at church. It will begin with [email protected] or 347-7774. ship in the Sanctuary with other churches of the DallasAll Saints Sunday will be obtown Cluster. After worship, served November 2nd. We will celebrate the lives of those mem- each church will have its own bers who have departed from us individual meeting to conduct since November 2013 at the 9 am the necessary business of Church Conference. This format places a greater worship service. emphasis on worship and will keep the business portion to a minimum. All church members are welTime to turn back the clock. Daylight savings time ends on Sun- come, and church officers are especially encouraged to attend this meeting which will include a reday, November 2. Remember to turn back your clocks 1 hour on the view of the previous year’s ministries as well as the setting of ministry goals for 2015. evening of Saturday, November 1. 4 Special Christmas Music Cantata Keith Andrew Grim will be present“Worship the Lord with ing “Child Of Bethlehem – A Christgladness; come before mas Music Cantata” at Otterbein him with joyful songs” Spry at both the traditional 9 am Psalm 100.2 service and the 11 am contemporary service on November 30, 2014. The concert is a musical journey through the events of the birth of Children’s Music Opportunities Jesus Christ through scripture readLord’s Lil’ Singers, our children’s ings, acoustic guitar instrumental Christmas Carols, choir plans to sing this fall (date to original Christmas songs written by Keith, and mube announced). All children are sic presented by the congregation. welcome and we encourage them to A People of Prayer come to Sunday School at 10:10 am in the Music Room #400 when (continued from page 1) we sing and practice our songs. continually commit ourselves to make the most of We also sing at the start of Kids’ our time in the service of Jesus Christ. My hope is Club the 1st and 3rd Sunday each month at 2:00 pm. that we, too, will strive with renewed dedication to seeking God through Scripture, worship, and Joyful Lil’ Ringers prayer. Children 1st grade through 5th grade are invited to ring I invite you to check out our newly renobells and be creative with vated Prayer Chapel. It is a beautiful, peaceful music (Kids’ Music Room space. We hold various services there, such as our #400). No experience or Wednesday Prayer Service and our Services of music reading required. In addition to ringing bells, Prayer for Healing on the fifth Sunday of each the group also performed a liturgical dance in June! month. But the Prayer Chapel is also ideal for perRehearsals are ½ hour 1 evening a week, Tuessonal prayer, so please use it for that purpose as days 5:15—5:45. If your child is interested, please well. The door is always unlocked, and anyone can contact Laurie Snyder 309-1678 or access it anytime the church is open. This space [email protected]. deserves to be used often, not simply because it has been attractively renovated, but most of all beChristmas is Coming… cause it is a place of prayer. May God help us to an invitation is extended be, more and more, a people of prayer. to YOU to sing with the choir during the Advent See you in worship! and Christmas SeaKen son. We will begin working on Christmas music in October, so please join us for rehearsals Thursdays at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary. For more info when we will start contact Laurie Snyder. We are also in contact with the Dallastown Middle School String Ensemble for our annual Sounds of the Season concert. More details to come. 5 THE ALTAR CIRCLE TEAM (TAC TEAM) SUNDAY MORNING MINISTRY—October ~ 9 am Scripture Reader 5 - Claire Nicholson 12 - Joe Mowery 19 - Dodie Stabley 26 - Virginia Houser Children’s Church 5 - Erin Hammons, Doris Snyder 12 - Martha Brown, Dina Ferree 19 - Heather Beavers, Dodie Stabley 26 - Linda Noll, Scott Snyder Greeters 5 - Karen Overrein, Cathy Smith 12 - Karen Overrein, Cathy Smith 19 - Tonya and Olivia Firman 26 - Matt and Dina Ferree Ushers - Ed Anderson, Carl Lentz, Cathy and Ellee Smith f interested or for more information in volunteering for these ministries, please call the church office (741-1429). Nursery Helpers - Angela Smith, Sarah Weikert Communion Servers 5 - Jim and Missy Howard, Deb Keech SUNDAY MORNING MINISTRY—October ~ 11 am Greeters 5 - Meg and Ethan Mylet 12 - Scott and Michelle Schreckengast 19 - Mitch and Clare Hescox 26 - Steve, Stephanie, Emily, and Erin Perago Children’s Church 5 - Lindsay Barshinger, Pam Brandt 12 - Michelle Schreckengast, Scott Snyder 19 - Molly Loyer 26 - Clare Hescox, Doris Snyder Ushers - Warren Adams, Bob Becker Nursery Helpers - Angela Smith, Sarah Weikert During the month of August our Food Bank helped 101 families consisting of 147 adults, 159 children and 43 seniors. Food items are collected the first Sunday morning of every month or food may be dropped off during normal office hours, Tuesday through Friday, 8:30 am—4:00 pm. We have a small freezer in our Food Pantry so we are able to accept meats and frozen items. Fresh eggs and veggies can be stored in the fridge in the kitchen. Monetary donations are appreciated also. The Food Bank Committee is very thankful for ALL the support. If you are in need of assistance from the Food Bank, contact the church office, 741-1429 by Wednesday each week. Food pick up is Thursdays between 11 am and noon. Any questions see Virginia Houser or Denise Harlacker. The Food Bank currently needs paper and plastic grocery bags. The Singles’ Group will resume their monthly meetings starting October 20, 5:30 PM in Fellowship Hall. It will Fun for Singles be an evening with food, games and fellowship. Please contact Lucreta Clark, 741-2621 for details. “Piggies” will be arriving soon! Be sure to pick one up in the Narthex. The filled piggy banks are to be returned November 23rd at the Faith Harvest Services at 9 and 11 am. The money will go to our Food Bank, so fatten your pigs by stuffing them with coins. Dear Crafters, Thanks for your gift to us! They always cross fingers in hopes of being a recipient of a fine handcrafted lap robe! They are treasures. Thank you for remembering us. Sincerely, Melissa Markel, Autumn 6 House East Activity Director Ashley is a babysitter. She lives in York and enjoys singing, writing, and drawing. Lisa is a caregiver. She lives in York and enjoys spending time with her grandchildren. Lisa Miller Ashley Haldeman Charles lives in Jacobus and enjoys reading and watching tv. Doris is retired and lives in York. Charles Thomas Doris Witta Dan is an electrical engineer, owner of Moxley Electronics Corp. He enjoys karate, working out and collecting cars. Denise is an ophthalmologist at Elmwood Eye Center. She enjoys tennis, reading, and spending time with family and friends. Dan and Denise Kerchner Claudia Claudia Kerchner daughter of Dan and Denise Kerchner was baptized on September 14. Kane Schnars son of Sarah Schnars and grandson of Lisa Miller was baptized on September 21. Both children received handmade christening blankets created by Phyllis Beyer and Joan Holloway given in love from the church. 7 Directory Updates The Seniors’ Group luncheon will be held at noon Wednesday, October 15 at Perkins Family Restaurant, 2500 E. Market St., York. For more information contact Pat Shue, 741-2203. Ashley Haldeman 523 Ridgeview Dr. York, PA 17402 741-3408 Cell-715-7218 [email protected] Date of Birth - Dec. 7 SHARE Good Food For a Good Price For a Good Deed Dan & Denise Kerchner 114 Belmont St. York, PA 17403 His-818-8011, Hers-309-4224 [email protected] [email protected] Anniversary - May 9 Date of Birth Dan - Nov. 14 Denise - Jan. 3 Claudia - June 27 SHARE is a program that empowers people to be self-sufficient and strengthens relationships and communities by encouraging volunteer service. Through SHARE, people can purchase food packages worth $35-$40 for $21 or less. SHARE offers a wide variety of meat packages, a veggie package, holiday packages, and during the summer and fall months, Farm Fresh Packages. Farm Fresh Packages offer fresh fruits and veggies from family farmers in Lancaster County. All this for only 2 hours of volunteer service such as church work, babysitting, calling a neighbor daily, picking up trash while on a walk, working at a food bank, library, school, etc. If you eat, you’re in! Everyone can participate in SHARE. Any questions call Virginia Houser, 741-3462 or Lois Roth, 741-2302. October Sign Up Date October 11 — 10 am - noon Lisa Miller 1055 Village Way York, PA 17404 885-3633 Date of Birth - Nov. 28 Charles Thomas 109 Valley Rd. Jacobus, PA 17407 747-9392 Date of Birth - Nov. 17 Food Distribution Day October 25 — 10 am - noon Dear Crafters, Thank you for the donation of booties, blankets, and baby bottles to the Pregnancy and Family Resource Center. We, and the families we serve, are appreciative of your thoughtfulness! Thank you for your continued generosity and support. We wish you many blessings throughout the year. Sincerely, Melinda Waterbury, Assistant Director Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness of the crocheted lap robes for Autumn House East. I really appreciate getting one. Thanks again, Catherine Miller Doris Witta 1055 Village Way York, PA 17404 852-8949 Date of Birth - Mar. 30 Paul and Thelma Foust 1700 Normandie Drive, Apt 313 York, PA 17408 718-7673 8 Chicken Pot Pie Supper PLEASE JOIN US for two special events during the Sunday School hour on October 5 (all Sunday School Saturday, October 25 classes will be cancelled that 3 - 6 pm day): first, a Ministry Fair will be held in rooms 100 and Meal includes beverage, rolls, homemade apple101. This is a great time to sauce, pepper slaw, dessert and all you can eat celebrate the many ministries chicken pot pie. of our church and to learn more about how YOU can get Adults~$9.00 Children ages 6-10~$6.00 involved in serving Jesus and Under 5 free others! Representatives of various ministries within Tickets available at the door. Carry outs available. our church will be present, and refreshments will be On Friday, October 24 from 7 to served. Second, we will also celebrate the dedica9 pm we will host our annual tion of our newly renovated Prayer Chapel. Thanks to Nadine Goodwin and family, who deTrunk-or-Treat in the church parking lot. Come in signed and oversaw the renovation of this space, costume, and team up with which is now marked with a plaque to honor the memory of Bill Goodwin. Also, thanks to Ed Anderyour family or friends to son for hanging the pictures and plaque; John decorate your car and hand out candy to kids—or just go Shue, Harry Becker, and Joe Mowery, who helped with the ceiling, lighting, and painting; Warren Adthrough the line of vehicles ams, Chairman of the Trustees, for his assistance and get candy. We’ll also have hot chocolate and in a number of ways; and David Hamberger for his apple cider, a bonfire, prizes for best-decorated trunks, and more. Fun for the whole family! Every- beautiful restoration of the painting of Jesus, the one is welcome from the church and community. If painting that for many years appeared in the old you plan to decorate your vehicle or help distribute sanctuary of our church. drinks, please sign notify the church office. Donations of individually-wrapped candy can be dropped With our firm foundation off at the church office from now until October 22. we have already started building to a most hopeful QUARTERLY MISSIONS future with our giving to OFFERING: Our next misdate totaling $150,114 and sions offering, to take place our commitments at $400, on October 5, will go to 867. This is an exciting support Val Ludwig, a misstart to what will be a great sionary through Servants ongoing campaign. We are who works for community in the process of getting the CORNER transformation through edunecessary permits and finalcation in Guatemala. Val izing the plans for our church elevator. We will prowill be with us in worship to share about her work. ceed as quickly as possible, and we look forward to Your offering in Christ’s name will promote educathe completion of this project in the fall. Stay tuned tion that allows both children and adults to access for more updates as we carry out the work funded and grow from the Bible as well as participate fully by your generous support of our capital campaign. in their own lives, spiritually and physically, and in the life of their community. A portion of our October 5 offering will be set aside along with any designated gifts to support this cause. 9 Songbird Café A Midweek Opportunity for Everyone September 10—November 12 5:30 p.m. • Dinner 6:15 – 7:20 p.m. • Classes/Activities 7:30 p.m. • Prayer Service “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Acts 2:42 Wednesdays Together is an opportunity for folks of all ages to gather for one evening a week of fun, fellowship, and growing in faith. We will share a meal together (one you won’t have to cook or clean up after!) and nourish our minds and souls through a variety of classes and activities. This fall, in addition to activities for children and youth as well as nursery coverage for our little ones, we will offer three classes for adults: The Crafters (crocheting and knitting group) let by Joan Holloway which will meet in Room 100, Wednesday Night Bible Study led by Nadine Goodwin which will meet in Room 101 and Key Christian Beliefs led by Pastor Ken in the Sanctuary. Stay for some or all! A place where you can relax, listen to music, meet new friends, play games, and savor the simple things. Join us October 17! An evening filled with: *Music *Games *Refreshments *Fun The third Friday of every month 7:00 - 10:00 pm Songbirdcafe Oumc Dear Crafters of Otterbein Spry, Just a note to thank you for the blue and white afghan. I am confident that it will keep me cozy on cold winter nights this winter. Sincerely, Ron Beckmeyer P.S. I have been a crazy Penn State fan since 1964. Thanks, Ron EVERYONE IS WELCOME to join us for a time of snacks and fellowship at 10:50 in Fellowship Hall each Sunday. 10 Sunday Morning Schedule October 2014 9:00 am Traditional Worship 10:10 am Sunday School for all ages 11:00 am Contemporary Worship Sun Mon Tue Brownie Troop 474, Wed. 6:30 Cub Scout Pk. 50, Tues. 7 pm Junior Troop 1698 & Cadette Troop 1699, Friday 6 pm Ministry Fair, 10:10 am Kids’ Club 2 - 4 pm Wed 1 Scouts Boy Scout Troop 50, Mon. 7 pm 5 6 Bible Study 9:45 am AA - 6 pm Young Women’s Group, 7 pm Iron Men, 7 pm Choirs Sunday 10:10 am Lord’s Lil’ Singers Tuesday 5:15 pm Joyful Lil’ Ringers Wed. 6:30 pm Contemporary Worship Team Thursday 6:30 pm Choir Thursday 7:30 pm Glory Bells 7 8 AA - 6 pm Wednesdays Together AA - 6 pm Wednesdays Together Thu 2 16 19 Together 26 3 4 Newsletter Deadline 17 Songbird Café 7 pm 20 21 22 23 24 Administrative Trunk or Council, 7:30 pm Treat 7 –9 27 28 29 AA - 6 pm Wednesdays Together 30 Bible Study 9:45 am Cemetery Committee Singles’ Group 5:30 7 pm AA - 6 pm Finance Committee, Young Women’s 7:30 pm Group, 7 pm Iron Men, 7 pm Bible Study 9:45 am AA - 6 pm OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 2 - Janeen Hershey 3 - Joey Castriota 9 - Lucreta Clark Keith Grim Sandy Stough Jean Wambaugh 16 - Maddison Childs Kenn Man Lisa Stambaugh 18 - Richard Kehler AA - 6 pm Wednesdays Together 19 - Timothy Foust Jaclyn Talbert 20 - Lloyd Deardorff 21 - Sue Starliper 23 - Diane Dennis Danelle Goodwin Molly Loyer Laura Suggs 30 - Cherilyn Walsh 31 - Stephanie Anderson Harry Becker Sat 10 9 11 Game Nite / SPRC, 7:30 pm Share Sign Up Covered Dish 10 - noon 6 pm 13 12 14 15 Seniors’ Group Bible Study 9:45 am Youth at parsonCrafters 9:30 am Luncheon - noon AA - 6 pm AA - 6 pm Staff Meeting 7 pm age 5-7 pm Wednesdays Trustees, 7 pm Kids’ Club 2 - 4 pm Fri 18 25 Share Distribution 10 - noon OCTOBER ANNIVERSARIES 1 - Harry & Jackie Becker 8 - Randy & Patricia Forry Nelson & Laurie Snyder 11 - Bud & Lois Roth 20 - Charles & Martha Brown 23 - Warren & Nicole Adams 11 Otterbein United Methodist Church of Spry 50 School Street York, PA 17402 Visit us at: www.OtterbeinumcSpry.com Phone: 717-741-1429 Parsonage: 717-741-0579 E-Mail: [email protected] Otterbein UMC Spry October 2014 November Upcoming Events November 30 9 and 11 am Nov. 8, Share Sign Up, 10 am - Noon Nov. 9, Church Conference, 5 pm Nov. 11, Trustees, 7 pm Nov. 14, Game Nite / Covered Dish, 6 pm If you no longer wish to receive these publications, please contact the church office at 717-741-1429 or via e-mail at spryumc@verizon. net. Would you like to receive The Otterbein Messenger by e-mail? Contact the church office. Nov. 17, Singles’ Group, 5:30 pm Nov. 21, Songbird Café, 7 pm Nov. 22, Share Distribution, 10 am - Noon Nov. 23, Faith Harvest, 9 and 11 am Nov. 23, Food Run, 5 pm
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