ERTMS Specific Objectives Judit Bertrand DG MOVE

ERTMS Specific Objectives
Judit Bertrand
2014 CEF Transport Calls Info Days, ERTMS Workshop
Brussels, 10 October 2014
Indicative budget &
specific objectives
€200 million (general envelope) and €100 million
(Cohesion envelope) support actions in the following Specific
ERTMS track-side deployment - HIGH Priority
ERTMS on-board deployment - HIGH Priority
Simplification and facilitation of placing in operation
ERTMS training
ERTMS specifications maintenance
Operational rules
EU grant:
ERTMS: maximum 50%/85% (CF) of the eligible costs
Infrastructure works (Sp. Priority 1): 20-40%/85% (CF) of the
eligible costs
1. ERTMS track-side deployment
1. ETCS deployment:
Eligible Baseline: B2 (230d) and B3
Focus on Core Network Corridors sections
Upgrade: B3 is the priority
Infrastructure works (for L2): eligible
Pilot actions for complex situations, incl. radio
communication system
2. Preparatory actions (e.g. studies, ToR): followed
by deployment!
1. ERTMS track-side deployment
• Eligible costs of:
• ETCS deployment: ceiling of €260k/km of doubletrack line. Adaptation possible for complex
• ETCS upgrade: actual (no ceiling)
• Infrastructure works (for L2): actual (no ceiling)
• Preparatory actions: actual (no ceiling)
• Preparatory actions/ ERTMS deployment: separate
2. ERTMS on-board deployment
ETCS deployment:
- Eligible Baseline: B3
- Existing vehicles only
- GSM-R interference issues: eligible for vehicles
to be equipped with ETCS
2. ERTMS on-board deployment
• Eligible costs of:
• ETCS retrofit: ceiling of €250k/ERTMS OBU (HW,
SW and GSM-R, if applicable)
• ETCS upgrade: actual (no ceiling)
• Equipped vehicles to remain/operate in EU/EEA for
minimum 5 years following the completion of an
3. Simplification and facilitation of
placing in operation
• Studies on authorisation procedure aiming at:
- Simplifying/facilitating the procedure
- Harmonising the procedure among Member
- Reducing time and costs
• More than 1 Member States involved
• NoBO(s) and NSA(s) involved
• On-board and track-side APIS eligible!
3. Simplification and facilitation of
placing in operation
• Eligible costs: actual (no ceiling)
• Results: made public
• Results: compliant with TSI CCS
4. ERTMS training
• Eligible trainings for:
- ERTMS experts
- ERTMS project managers (ToR, contract/project
- Train dispatchers
- Train drivers (operating OBU/lines), etc.
• Priority for Railway Undertakings and Infrastructure
• Drivers simulators: eligible
• Results available by the end of a project
• Eligible costs: actual (no ceiling)
5. ERTMS specifications
• Focus on stability of specifications
• Test cases, sequences, scenarios
• Feedback from completed/on-going deployment
• Backward compatibility analysis
• Stakeholders from more than 1 Member State
• Eligible costs: actual (no ceiling)
• Results available to ERA
6. Operational rules
• Focus: cross-border issues
• Goal: finding coordinated solutions
• Involvement of IMs and RFC essential
• Eligible costs: actual (no ceiling)
• Results available to ERA