V I S I T U S O N T H E W E B A T: w w w. e w h . i e e e . o r g / s o c / c p m t / t c 1 / FIRST CLASS U.S. Postage PAID IEEE New Brunswick, NJ Permit No. 654 IEEE HOLM CONFERENCE IEEE Meeting & Conference Management 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 Final Program 60TH IEEE HOLM CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL CONTACTS 12 - 15 October 2014 Hilton New Orleans Riverside New Orleans, LA USA Sponsored By: The Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 2014 HOLM Co nference Officers OPERATING COMMITTEE CHAIR Brett Rickett, MOLEX, INC OPERATING COMMITTEE VICE CHAIR Z.K. Chen, ELECTRICAL CONTACTS PLUS, LLC FINANCE CHAIR Henry Czajkowski, ROCKWELL AUTOMATION/ALLEN-BRADLEY TECHNICAL PROGRAM CHAIR George T. Flowers, AUBURN UNIVERSITY TECHNICAL PROGRAM VICE CHAIR Daniel Gagnon, HYDRO QUEBEC IREQ CPMT TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 1 ELECTRICAL CONTACTS CHAIR Gerald Witter, ELECTRICAL CONTACTS PLUS, LLC CPMT TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 1 ELECTRICAL CONTACTS VICE CHAIR Robert Malucci, R.D. MALUCCI CONSULTING PUBLICITY CHAIR John J. Shea, EATON CORPORATION INTENSIVE COURSE DIRECTOR, AND US REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Paul Slade, CONSULTANT 2014 HO LM Technical Program Committee TECHNICAL PROGRAM CHAIR George T. Flowers, AUBURN UNIVERSITY TECHNICAL PROGRAM VICE CHAIR Daniel Gagnon, HYDRO QUEBEC IREQ Milenko Braunovic, MB INTERFACE Z.K. Chen, ELECTRICAL CONTACTS PLUS, LLC Bella Chudnovsky, BHC CONSULTING Ronald Coutu, AIR FORCE INST. OF TECHNOLOGY Henry Czajkowski, ROCKWELL AUTOMATION/ALLEN-BRADLEY George Drew, DELPHI PACKARD ELECTRIC SYSTEMS Peter Hale, DERINGER NEY, INC. Gary Haupt, CHECON CORPORATION Guenther Horn, ELCONMAT CONSULTING ASSOCIATES Robert Jackson, AUBURN UNIVERSITY Chi Leung, METALOR ELECTROTECHNICS Richard Moore, C&K COMPONENTS Timo Muetzel, UMICORE AG & CO. KG Marjorie Myers, TE CONNECTIVITY Brett Rickett, MOLEX INC. John J. Shea, EATON Ed Smith III, DERINGER NEY, INC. Philip Wingert Gerald Witter, ELECTRICAL CONTACTS PLUS, LLC Xin Zhou, EATON 2014 Ope rating Com m itte e Brett Rickett, Chair Z.K. Chen, Vice Chair George T. Flowers, Technical Program Chair Daniel Gagnon, Technical Program Vice Chair Henry Czajkowski, Finance Chair John Shea, Publicity Chair Paul Slade, Course Instructor/International Rep. Thomas Schoepf Gerald J. Witter 2 0 1 4 Aw a r ds C o m m i t t e e Gerald Witter Robert Malucci Sophie Noel 2 0 1 4 Pr iz e Pa p e r Aw a r d C o m m i t t e e Gary Haupt Timo Muetzel Peter Hale 1 Purpo se To provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest developments in the field of electrical contacts, as well as the application of recent advances in materials and processes in electrical, electronic and telecommunications equipment. For Wh o m Practicing designers, engineers, physicists, and research scientists-those new to the field and those experienced. The 2014 IEEE Holm Conference will include excellent papers authored by outstanding technical people in this field. The international contributors come from the USA, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. These papers will provide the attendees with up-to-date information on a wide range of subjects that makes this conference so attractive to the practicing engineer. Additionally, the 2014 IEEE Holm Conference will make it possible for any attendee to discuss personally, with any author, either additional details concerning the work presented by the author at the conference or any subject related to the author’s field of expertise. Backg round The Holm Conference began in 1953 as a forum for the discussion of electrical contact phenomena and related fields. In 1968, the conference was named the Holm Seminar in honor of Dr. Ragnar Holm, whose contributions to the field of electrical contacts spanned 50 years and form the foundation of the electrical contacts field. Dr. Holm inspired and guided the conference from its inception until his death in 1970. In addition to the Annual Conference, the Conference Organization regularly conducts an intensive course on contacts and participates in the biannual International Conference on Electrical Contacts. 2 Re g is tr a tio n All participants are encouraged to pre-register to avoid lines at conference and to obtain the discounted fee. CONFERENCE REGISTRATON On/Before Aug. 29 IEEE Member US$750 Non Member US$825 Student/Life Member US$300 After Aug. 29 US$825 US$900 US$350 INTENSIVE COURSE REGISTRATON IEEE Member Non Member US$1600 US$1675 US$1800 US$1875 CONFERENCE & INTENSIVE COURSE REGISTRATION IEEE Member Non Member US$2100 US$2250 US$2375 US$2525 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION HOURS Sunday, 12 October 4:00PM – 6:00PM Monday, 13 October 7:00AM – 5:00PM Tuesday, 14 October 8:00AM – 4:30PM Wednesday, 15 October 8:00AM – 4:00PM Registration can be completed online: http://www.cvent.com/d/54q2kc Registration payments: Checks are to be made out to the IEEE HOLM in US$. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted. For additional information please contact Holm Registrar, at: US and Canada: +1 800 810 4333 Elsewhere: +1 732 465 7810 Email: [email protected] WELCOME RECEPTION All conference attendees are invited to register early and to attend our welcome reception on Sunday, 12 October from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside in New Orleans, Louisiana. 3 H o te l Ac c o m m o d a tio n s 60th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts The 2014 conference meets in New Orleans, Louisiana at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside, where meeting facilities are well suited to the conference sessions and other activities. The hotel is offering special rates of US$199* single/double occupancy to conference attendees. Rates are subject to 13% tax and $3.00 per night occupancy tax. To make a reservation please use the Holm Conference link https://aws.passkey.com/g/21041167 or call the Hilton Reservations 1-800-HILTONS and reference the “IEEE HOLM Conference” in order to receive the group rate. The rate is valid until 12 September 2014 at 5:00PM CST. Reservations received after this date will be subject to space and availability. Check in time: 3:00PM Check out time: 12:00PM Hilton New Orleans Riverside Two Poydras Street New Orleans, Louisiana, 70130 USA +1 504 561 0500 or 1-800-HILTONS *IEEE MCM receives 10% commission from the hotel on sleeping rooms acquired during the conference. Commission helps to offset expenses that IEEE Holm Conference incurs when selecting and booking a conference venue. Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n Airport and Driving Directions http://www3.hilton.com/en/hotels/louisiana/hilton-new-orleansriverside-MSYNHHH/maps-directions/index.html New Orleans Int’l (Moisant Field): Distance From Hotel: 13 miles Limousine $115.00 USD Super Shuttle $20.00 USD Taxi $33.00 USD Lakefront Airport Distance From Hotel: 10 miles Limousine $70.00 USD Taxi $15.00 USD Driving: If you are arriving by your own transportation, parking fees at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside are as follows: Daily Self-Parking: Valet Parking: $31.25/day USD $39.29/day USD For specific driving directions from the New Orleans Int’l Airport or Lakefront Airport, consult Map Quest at www.mapquest.com or call the hotel directly at +1 504.561.0500. 4 So c ia l Eve n t Conference Banquet Audubon Aquarium of the Americas Monday, 13 October 2014 6:00PM Located on the Mississippi River adjacent to the French Quarter Audubon Aquarium of the Americas immerses you in an underwater world. The colors of a Caribbean reef come alive in our walk-through tunnel, while our penguins and Southern sea otters enchant you with their antics. Touch a stingray, feed a parakeet, and marvel at our gigantic sharks, tarpon, and rays in the 400,000 gallon Gulf of Mexico Exhibit. Watch for sea turtles throughout the Aquarium—as coordinator of the Louisiana Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Rescue Program, we prepare many of them for release to the wild. The Aquarium is located at 1 Canal Street Street, New Orleans, LA 70130. Each conference attendee will receive a ticket to attend the social event at the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas. Additional tickets may be purchased for the rate of $80 USD. IE E E H o l m IE E E 5 H o lm Co n f e r e n c e Ra g n a r H o lm Sc ie n tif ic A c h i e v e m e n t Aw a r d No m in a tio n G u id e lin e s History: The Ragnar Holm Scientific Achievement Award was created by the 1971 Holm Conference Steering Committee in honor of the memory of Dr. Ragnar Holm, the founder of the modern science of electrical contacts. This award is to be granted to the living scientist or engineer who has made significant contributions to the theory or practice of electrical contacts, or for work in related technologies which is directly applicable to contacts. In considering a person’s work and selecting a recipient preference will be given for: a.) Nominees that have made contributions to the technology over many years, b.) the originality and scientific importance of contributions, and c.) achievements that have found a high degree of practice. Provided worthy candidates are found, the Award will be granted annually. Eligibility: Any person may be nominated for this award regardless of IEEE membership. Members of IEEE Holm Awards Committee are not eligible to be considered for the award while serving on this committee. Nominations are not accepted for persons deceased. Candidates must have made contributions to the electrical contact field for a period spanning at least ten years. Nominator Eligibility: Any person may nominate a candidate for this award, with the following exception: members of the award committee. Nomination Support Materials Endorsers: At least two letters of endorsement are required. One is from the nominator and the others are from the endorsers selected by the nominator. Endorsers should be in a position to substantiate the candidate’s contributions by providing explicit detail from personal knowledge. The nominator is responsible for submission of the letters of endorsement. 6 Candidate Personal Data/Education/Work: “Name”, provide complete name of candidate, not initials. “Personal”, provide date of birth, and citizenship. “Education”, list year and exact degree of institute. “Society Membership”, list various professional society affiliations. Under society activities list officers and major committee work. “Professional History”, list present occupation followed by previous career experiences. Indicate positions held, years, and briefly explain each responsibility. Technical Accomplishments: “Technical Publications”, such as books, papers, reports, and standards are to be listed in chronological order giving author’s names, title, book, journal, or proceedings. “Patents”, should be listed by date, number, title, and country of origin. Documentation authentication “Development of Products or processes”, may be listed for items not covered by patents. “Technical Presentations”, such as keynote addresses or courses developed by the candidate should also be listed. Significant Contributions: Describe the candidate’s outstanding contributions in terms of specific items. Provide a short paragraph to each one including a general description of the item, the degree of originality and creativity, and importance of the work to the electrical contact field and the time period over which the contribution was made. Also, state cases of examples of practices which were developed or modified through contributions of the candidate. Forward Nominations To: IEEE Holm Nominations Committee, c/o IEEE Holm Conference Planner, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA 2015 Nominations Deadline: 17 January 2015 7 H o lm 2 0 1 5 THE 61ST IEEE HOLM CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL CONTACTS (2015) The 61st IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts will be held October 11-14, 2015 in San Diego, California, USA. Prospective authors should submit a brief abstract (200 words maximum) online before February 3, 2015. Authors will be notified concerning acceptance of abstracts by February 23, 2015. Please include complete contact information for all correspondence to be sent. Abstract information will be located on the Holm Conference Website http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/cpmt/tc1/h2015/h2015top.html February 3, 2015 February 23, 2015 April 24, 2015 October 11, 2015 Important Dates Abstract Deadline Notification of Acceptance Paper Submission Due Date Conference Begins Correspondence Address IEEE Meeting & Conference Management IEEE Holm Conference (2015) 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 US and Canada: +1 800 810 4333 Elsewhere: +1 732 465 7810 Fax: +1 732 465 6447 Email: [email protected] Holm Website: www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/cpmt/tc1/ 8 M o r to n An tle r Le c tu r e The Morton Antler Lecture is an annual technical presentation given at the IEEE Holm Conference on a topic of special interest to the electrical contact community. The lecture series was established in honor of Dr. Morton Antler, a long time member of the Holm Steering Committee and participant in the Holm Conference. Dr. Antler was a distiguished scientist and lecturer in the fields of electrical contacts, tribology, corrorsion, and electrodeposition. So …. What's All This Wireless Power Transfer Stuff About Anyway?? John Yurtin Delphi Connection Systems Abstract: The technology of wireless power transfer has been around for over 100 years, and has been applied in various industries. In the automotive industry, wireless charging has been effectively applied to electric and hybrid vehicles. The present reliance on personal mobile devices has opened up a quickly expanding desire for wireless power transfer to eliminate charge cords and the associated charging adaptors necessary to keep our phones charged. Wireless charging of cell phones in the vehicle is not only a safety issue by eliminating the distraction of fumbling for charge cords while driving, but also a customer driven convenience similar to the convenience offered for vehicle charging. This movement of applying wireless power transfer has many additional applications in both the automotive and consumer industries. With technology developments, it is expected that wireless power transfer may effectively be applied in vehicles to power devices, sensors, control modules, and illumination eliminating wiring and connections. Stretching our imaginations, it may eventually lead to non-contact connection systems. As with other industry wide technologies, wireless power transfer will be driven by standards. Multiple standards organizations are presently competing for their positions, and will be a major significance to wide scale implementation. John Yurtin is a Product Specialist with Delphi Connection Systems in Warren Ohio. John has over 47 years of experience in components and inter-connect technology develop- 9 ment, including global overseas assignments as well as various Engineering positions. He is the major technical resource to Delphi’s global customers and leads an activity of communicating connection system technology to those customers, personnel and organizations. John’s present responsibilities also include Global Product Management of Data Connectivity Systems including Wireless Device Charging for automobiles. Holding 16 patents, John is a member of the Delphi Innovation Hall of Fame, and is a major Delphi Packard Electric representative to the outside industry. John is a key participant in the standards industry, particularly with SAE, USCAR, IEEE, 1394TA and ISO, for which he is the U.S. representative on several ISO committees as well as chairman of the US Technical Advisory Group to ISO. John is an SAE “Fellow”, and was awarded the SAE Outstanding Achievement Award in 2012 for his significant technical contributions. 10 Er le Sh o b e r t Pr iz e Pa p e r The Holm Conference Prize Paper Award was established in 1970. At that time, the Conference Steering Committee recognized that at each Conference there was at least one paper that stood out from the others in its technical content and quality of presentation. Therefore, the Prize Paper Award Committee was established. The Committee’s purpose is to review each paper, listen to each presentation and then judge which paper should receive the Prize Paper Award. The award is presented to the authors of the Prize Paper at the following year’s Holm Conference. 2 0 1 3 IE E E E r l e S h o b e r t Pr iz e Pa p e r Characterization of EMI/RFI in Commercial and Industrial Electrical Systems Xin Zhou, Eaton Corporation, United States, John Shea, Eaton Corporation, United States; and Birger Pahl, Eaton Corporation, United States 11 The Arm ington Re cognition Award 2014 ARMINGTON RECOGNITION AWARDEE XIN ZHOU Dr. Xin Zhou (M’96-SM’03) received his B.S. degree in Engineering Mechanics from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 1987, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis in 1991 and 1995, respectively. From 1995 to 1996, he was with Phoenix Solutions Company as a plasma technology specialist responsible for developing and designing plasma torch systems for waste remediation. He joined Eaton Corporate Research and Technology in Milwaukee as a research engineer in 1996. His research projects include arc interruption, arc fault /arc flash detection and mitigation, next generation product development in power control and distribution, optical emission spectroscopy and plasma enhanced material processing. He is currently the research & technology manager of the Arc Physics and Switching Devices team with Eaton Corporate Research and Technology. Dr. Zhou is the recipient of the Eaton Innovation Award for both 2008 and 2010, and the Eaton Engineer of the Year Award for 2011. He has 56 patents issued or pending and published 39 Journal and conference papers. He is a senior IEEE member since 2003. He has been actively participating and contributing to the IEEE Holm Conference since 1991 as an author and a member of various committees of the Holm conference. He served as chair of the technical committee of the IEEE Holm Conference from 2005 to 2007. He is a recipient of the IEEECHMT Graduate Fellowship Award for Research on Electric Contacts for 1991-1992. He is also the recipient of the 1993, 2003, 2011, and 2013 IEEE Erle Shobert Prize Paper Award. 12 Su p p o r te r s o f T h e 6 0 t h IE E E H o l m Co nf e re nce o n Ele c tr ic a l Co n ta c ts Platinum Level Checon Corporation Heraeus Materials Technology GmbH & Co. KG Hindustan Platinum Multi-Contact Umicore Technical Materials N.A. Gold Level Applied Relay Testing Ltd Electrical Contacts Plus, LLC NAECO TECHNIC Inc. TE Connectivity Silver Level Deringer Ney, Inc. Eaton Metalor Technologies Americas Bronze Level Molex, Inc. 13 Te c h n i c a l P r o g r a m MONDAY, 13 OCTOBER 2014 8:00AM INTRODUCTION AND OPENING REMARKS Brett Rickett, 2014 IEEE Holm Conference Chair 8:10AM – 9:10AM ARCING CONTACTS I CHAIR: GERALD WITTER CO-CHAIR: GUENTHER HORN 1.1 Reduction of AgSnO2 Contact Resistance by Changing the Brazing Method and Corresponding Improvement of an 18.5kW Contactor Jean-Luc Wintz, Metalor; Sebastien Hardy, Metalor Technologies SAS France 1.2 The Threshold Welding Current for Large Area Closed Contacts with ‘n’ Points of Contact for Short Duration, High Fault Currents Paul Slade, Consultant 1.3 Influences of Contact Opening Speeds in the Range of 0.5 to 200mm/s on Break Arc Behaviors of Ag and AgSnO2 Contacts in DC14V Inductive Load Circuits of 1 to 5A Makoto Hasegawa, Chitose Institute of Science and Technology; Hiroya Sonobe, Chitose Institute of Science and Technology; Yuki Ohmae, Chitose Institute of Science and Technology 9:10AM – 9:25AM BREAK 9:25AM– 11:05AM YOUNG INVESTIGATOR CHAIR: ED SMITH CO-CHAIR: DANIEL GAGNON 2.1 Arc Fault Detection Based on Temporal Analysis Jinmi Gregory Lezama Calvo, Université de Lorraine - Hager Electro SAS; Patrick Schweitzer, Université de Lorraine; Serge Weber, Université de Lorraine; Etienne Tisserand, Université de Lorraine; Patrice Joyeux, Hager Electro SAS 14 2.2 A Third Body Contact Model for Particle Contaminated Electrical Contacts Hamed Ghaednia, Auburn University; Robert L. Jackson, Auburn University; Jinchun Gao, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 2.3 Diagnostics of the Transmission Properties of the Slip Ring System in Doubly Fed Induction Generators Hermann Houenouvo, Elektrotechnisches Institut, Technische Universität Dresden; Wilfried Hofmann, Elektrotechnisches Institut, Technische Universität Dresden 2.4 Impact of Thermal Cycling and Background Gas Environment on Tin Whiskering Erica Snipes, Auburn University; George Flowers, Auburn University; Pradeep Lall, Auburn University; Michael Bozack, Auburn University 2.5 Research on Storage Degradation Testing and Life Prediction Based on ARMA and Wavelet Transform Model for Aerospace Electromagnetic Relay Zhaobin Wang, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology; Shang Shang, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology; Guofu Zhai, Harbin Institute of Technology; Wanbin Ren, Harbin Institute of Technology 11:05AM – 11:20AM BREAK 11:20AM – 12:20PM POWER CHAIR: CHI LEUNG CO-CHAIR: RICHARD MOORE 3.1 Electric-Thermal Performance of Contact Elements in High Power Plug-In Connections Michael Gatzsche, Technische Universität Dresden; Nils Lücke, Technische Universität Dresden; Steffen Großmann, Technische Universität Dresden; Tom Kufner, Multi-Contact AG; Benjamin Hagen, MultiContact AG; George Freudiger, Multi-Contact AG 15 3.2 Contact Voltage Analysis for Degraded Contact Surface by Power Arcing Phenomenon Elsa Yee Kin Choi, University of Rennes 1, Metalor Technologies SAS France; Erwann Carvou, University of Rennes 1, Christine Bourda, Metalor Technologies SAS France; Alexandre Vassa, Metalor Technologies SAS France; Nourredine Ben Jemaa, Contelec Company; James Brian Mitchell, University of Rennes 1 3.3 Passive RFID Tags for Monitoring Electrical Connection mV Drop John Shea, Eaton; Jason Carrodus, Eaton; Robert Spears, Eaton 12:20PM – 1:50PM LUNCH ON OWN 1:50PM – 2:50PM MODELING CHAIR: MARJORIE MYERS CO-CHAIR: GEORGE DREW 4.1 An Analysis of Relationship between Contact Resistance and Fracture of Oxide Film for Connector Contacts Using a Finite Element Method Takaya Kondo, Yazaki Parts CO., LTD; Hirohito Nakata, Yazaki Parts CO., LTD; Junya Sekikawa, Shizuoka University; Yoshihiro Kubota Kubota, Shizuoka University; Kunio Hayakawa, Shizuoka University; Tamotsu Nakamura, Shizuoka University 4.2 A Comparison of the Predictions of a Multiscale Model and Optical Real Area of Contact Measurements Robert L. Jackson, Auburn University; Michael P. Down, University of Southampton; Hong Liu, University of Southampton Malaysia Campus; John W. McBride, University of Southampton Malaysia Campus 4.3 Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to Predict the Temperature-Rise of Low Voltage Switchgear Compartment Jianyu Qu, Xi'an Jiaotong University; Feng Chong, Xi'an Jiaotong University; Gang Wu, Xi'an Jiaotong University; Xingwen Li, Xi'an Jiaotong University; Qian Wang, Xi'an University of Technology 16 2:50PM – 3:05PM BREAK 3:05PM – 4:05PM SLIDING CONTACTS CHAIR: PETER HALE CO-CHAIR: HENRY CZAJKOWSKI 5.1 Contact Surfaces for Sliding Electrical Contacts Christian Holzapfel, Schleifring und Apparatebau GmbH 5.2 Mechanically-Induced Degradation of Metallic Sliding Electrical Contacts in Silicone Fluid at Room Temperature Michael Dugger, Sandia National Laboratories; David Groysman, Sandia National Laboratories; Mathias C. Celina, Sandia National Laboratories; Todd M. Alam, Sandia; Nicolas Argibay, Sandia National Laboratories; Brendan L. Nation, Sandia National Laboratories; Somuri V. Prasad, Sandia National Laboratories 5.3 Effect of Lubricant on Sliding Conditions in Auplated Slip-ring System for Small Electric Power Transfer Koichiro Sawa, Nippon Institute of Technology; Yoshitada Watanabe, Nippon Institute of Technology; Takahiro Veno, Nippon Institute of Technology 4:05PM – 4:20PM BREAK 4:20PM – 5:20PM CONTACT MATERIALS I CHAIR: ROLAND TIMSIT CO-CHAIR: BRETT RICKETT 6.1 Evaluation of Corrosion Films on Cu and Ag Reactive Monitors Deployed in Data Center Server Environments Anil Kurella, Intel Corporation; Balu Pathangey, Intel Corporation; Karumbu Meyyappan, Intel Corporation; Ravindra Pukale, Intel Corporation; Andrew Proctor, Intel Corporation 17 6.2 Electrical Characterization of Graphene Like Films at Microscopic and Macroscopic Scale Kevin Dalla Francesca, Sophie Noel, Aymeric Vecchiola, F. Houzé, P. Chretien, D. Alamarguy and A. Jaffré - Supelec-LGEP, UPMC and Paris-Sud Universities 6.3 Contact Resistance Evaluation of Micro-Contacts with Upper Hemisphere and Lower Planar or Engineered Surfaces Christopher Stilson, Air Force Institue of Technology; Tod Laurvick, Air Force Institute of Technology; Ronald Coutu, Air Force Institute of Technology 6:00PM SOCIAL EVENT 18 TUESDAY, 14 OCTOBER 2014 8:00AM – 9:40AM ARCING CONTACTS II CHAIR: JOHN SHEA CO-CHAIR: GARY HAUPT 7.1 Three-dimensional Observation and Comparison of Damage Shapes on Ag and AgSnO2 Contact Surfaces Caused by Break Operations in DC Inductive Load Currents Makoto Hasegawa, Chitose Institute of Science and Technology; Daichi Kawamura, Chitose Institute of Science and Technology 7.2 Research on an Intelligent Operating Mechanism of High Voltage Circuit Breaker Yulong Huang, Tsinghua University; Wijie Wen, Tsinghua University; Cheng Lin, Tsinghua University; Guangyao Jin, Pinggao Group Co., Ltd.; Liucheng Hao, Pinggao Group Co., Ltd.; Gangling Tian, Pinggao Group Co., Ltd.; Jianying Zhong, Pinggao Group Co., Ltd. 7.3 Fundamental Characteristics of Arc Extinction by Magnetic Blow-out at DC Voltages (<500V ) Koichiro Sawa, Nippon Electric Control Equipment Industries Association (NECA); Masatoshi Tsuruoka, Nippon Electric Control Equipment Industries Association (NECA); Makito Morii, Nippon Electric Control Equipment Industries Association (NECA) 7.4 The Effect of Electrode Temperature and Heat Capacity on the Electrical Erosion and Material Transfer for DC Switching of Electrical Contacts Gerald Witter, Electrical Contacts Plus LLC; Z.K. Chen, Electrical Contacts Plus LLC; Chris Anderson, Electrical Contacts Plus LLC 7.5 Arc Analysis to the CID of Li-ion Battery Cells in High-Current Applications Amaury Augeard, SAFT, France; Tchapo Singo, SAFT, France; Philippe Desprez, SAFT; Frederic Perisse, Clermont Université; Sébastien Menecier, Clermont Université; M'hammed Abbaoui, Clermont Université 9:40AM – 9:55AM BREAK 19 9:55AM – 10:55AM MORTON ANTLER LECTURE “SO...WHAT’S ALL THIS WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER STUFF ABOUT ANYWAY??” JOHN YURTIN, DELPHI INTRODUCTION BY GERALD WITTER 10:55AM – 11:10AM BREAK 11:10AM – 12:10PM POSTER SESSION CHAIR: GEORGE FLOWERS CO-CHAIR: BRETT RICKETT 8.1 Effects of Electrodeposited Matte Tin Crystal Orientation and Grain Structure on Tin Whisker Growth Propensity Using Stress-Inducing Test Methods Rob Schetty, Technic Inc. 8.2 A Comparison of Contact Erosion for Two Types Arcing Contact of SF6 Circuit Breakers in Making Process Can Ding, Huazhong University of Science & Technology; Junjia He, Huazhong University of Science & Technology; Xichao Yuan, Huazhong University of Science & Technology; Zhao Yuan, Huazhong University of Science & Technology; Yuan Pan, Huazhong University of Science & Technology 8.3 Mechanical Characterization of a Au Coated Carbon Nanotube Multi-layered Structure Hong Liu, University of Southampton Malaysia Campus; Michael P. Down, University of Southampton; John W. McBride, University of Southampton Malaysia Campus; Suan Hui Pu, University of Southampton Malaysia Campus; Liudi Jiang, University of Southampton 8.4 Melting Phenomena of Electric Contacts During Current Interruption Noboru Wakatsuki, Ishinomaki-Senshu University; Takayuki Kudo Ishinomaki-Senshu University 20 8.5 Influence of the Electrical Resistance and Wire Size on the Current Carrying Capacity of Connectors Michael Blauth, Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences; Frank Berger, Ilmenau University of Technology; Jian Song, Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences 8.6 Vibration Induced at Contact Point of a Tighten Up Connector System Julien Labbé, Université de Rennes 1; Rochdi El Aabdi. Université de Rennes 1; Florence Le Strat, Renault; Erwann Carvou, Université de Rennes 1; Cécile Plouzeau, Renault 8.7 Control Program of AC Contactor Based on Energy Control Lin Shuyi, Fuzhou University; Xu Zhihong, Fuzhou University 8.8 Energy Analysis of the Closing Process of an AC Contactor Xu Zhihong, Fuzhou University; Lin Shuyi, Fuzhou University 8.9 Constriction Resistance of Physical Simulated Electrical Contacts with Nanofabrication Yasuhiro Fukuyama, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Norihiko Sakamoto, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Nobu-hisa Kaneko, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Takaya Kondo, Yazaki Parts CO., LTD; Masanori Onuma, Yazaki Parts CO., LTD 8.10 A Comparative Study of Arc Erosion at Frequencies Ranging 50-1000 Hz Stanislaw Kharin, Kazakh-British Technical University; Hassan Nouri, University of the West of England, Bristol; Bogdan Miedzinsky, Wroclaw University of Technology 12:10PM – 1:30PM AWARDS LUNCHEON 21 1:30PM – 3:10PM CONTACT MATERIALS II CHAIR: ROD MARTENS CO-CHAIR: SOPHIE NOEL 9.1 Degradation of Contact Materials - Effects of Time, Temperature and Wear Jian Song, OWL University of Applied Sciences; Eugen Silbernagel, OWL University of Applied Sciences; Liangliang Wang, OWL University of Applied Sciences 9.2 Investigations on Stationary Electrical Joints with a Bare and a Silver or Nickel Coated Contact Partner Regarding the Permissible Temperature Limit According to ANSI IEEE and IEC Torsten Fuhrmann, Technische Universität Dresden; Stephan Schlegel, Technische Universität Dresden; Steffen Großmann, Technische Universität Dresden; Markus Hoidis, ABB Corporate Research 9.3 Performance Testing and Evaluation of a Ag-W Nano-Crystalline Silver Alloy as a Gold Replacement in Electrical Connectors Trevor Goodrich, Xtalic Corporation; Kathy Bui, Xtalic Corporation; Andreas Athans , Xtalic Corporation; Matthew C. Osborne, Amphenol TCS; Phil Stokoe, Amphenol TCS; John Cahalen, Xtalic Corporation 9.4 Relationship between Electrical-Tribological Behavior and Properties of Sliding Surfaces of Copper Containing Diamond-like Carbon Nanocomposite Coated Plate and Brass Ball Ryoichi Hombo, Denso Corporation; Naoki Kato, Denso Corporation; Takahiro Nozu, Denso Corporation; Naruhiko Inayoshi, Denso Corporation; Takanori Takeno, Tohoku University; Julien Fontaine, École Centrale de Lyon; Michel Belin, École Centrale de Lyon; Hiroyuki Miki, Tohoku University; Toshiuki Takagi, Tohoku University 9.5 Influence of Nickel Content on Various Characteristics of AgNi Contacts for Electromagnetic Contactors Kiyoshi Yoshida, Nippon Institute of Technology; Koichiro Sawa, Nippon Institute of Technology; Kenji Suzuki, Fuji Electric FA Components & Systems Co., Ltd.; Koetsu Takaya, Fuji Electric FA Components & Systems Co., Ltd. 22 3:10PM – 3:25PM BREAK 3:25PM – 5:05PM FRETTING CHAIR: ROBERT MALUCCI CO-CHAIR: Z.K. CHEN 10.1 Degradation Phenomenon of Electrical Contacts by Using a Micro-Sliding Mechanism - The Comparison with Input Waveforms Concerning Minimal Sliding Amplitudes Under Some Conditions Shin-ichi Wada, TMC System Co. Ltd.; Koichiro Sawa, Nippon Institute of Thechnology 10.2 Fretting Corrosion in Electric Connectors Induced by Axial Vibration Fuxi Zhang , Auburn University; George T. Flowers, Auburn University 10.3 Fretting Analysis of Tin-coated Terminals Under Rotational Motion Keiji Mashimo, Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.; Yasuyuki Ishimaru, FITEC Corp.; Hiroyasu Nishikubo, FITEC Corp.; Yoshikazu Okuno, Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.; Shingo Kawata, Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. 10.4 Influence of Vibration on Connector Sliding Mode and Amplitude Keiji Mashimo, Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.; Hiroyuki Katayama, FITEC Corp.; Hiroyasu Nishikubo, FITEC Corp.; Yasuyuki Ishimaru, FITEC Corp. 10.5 Fretting Corrosion in Power Contacts: Electrical and Thermal Analysis Sofiane El Mossouess, Physics Institute of Rennes/ Valeo Company; Erwann Carvou, Physics Institute of Rennes; Rochdi El Abdi, Physics Institute of Rennes; Nourredine Ben Jemaa, Contelec Company; Laurent Doublet, Valeo Company; L. Benmamas, Physics Institute of Rennes 5:05PM TC1 MEETING 23 WEDNESDAY, 15 OCTOBER 2014 8:00AM – 9:20AM APPLICATIONS CHAIR: JOHN MCBRIDE CO-CHAIR: GEORGE DREW 11.1 Silver Tungsten Carbide Contacts for Circuit Breaker Applications Timo Mützel, Umicore AG & Co. KG; Bernd Kempf, Umicore AG 11.2 High Power Hybrid Contactor for Electrical Test Application Rajesh Kumar Panda, Larsen and Toubro; Jitendar Veeramalla, Larsen and Toubro 11.3 A Fault Diagnosis Method of Communication Connectors in Wireless Receiver Front-end Circuits Rui Ji, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications; Jinchun Gao, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications; Gang Xie, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications; George Flowers, Auburn University; Chen Chen, Schlumberger 11.4 Electric Vehicle Conductive Charge Couplers Paul Reid, Schneider Electric; Chad Mittelstadt, Schneider Electric; Tim Faber, Schneider Electric 9:20AM – 9:35AM BREAK 9:35AM – 10:35AM ARCING CONTACTS III CHAIR: PAUL SLADE CO-CHAIR: TIMO MÜTZEL 12.1 Comparison of Experimental Results About the Influence of Gassing Walls of Different Plastic Compounds on Arcs Confined Both in Tubes and in MCBs Diego Gonzalez, TU Ilmenau; Frank Berger, TU Illmenau; Frank Gerdinand, E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH; Stefan Holbe, E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH; Peter Meckler, ET-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH 24 12.2 Simulation of Relay Contact Bouncing Including a Short Arc Model Roman Haase, TU Illmenau; Frank Berger, TU Ilmenau 12.3 Experimental Study on Arc Behaviors of a Bridge-type Contact When Opening a Resistive Load in the Range of from 280VDC to 730 VDC Xue Zhou, Harbin Institute of Technology; Xinglei Cui, Harbin Institute of Technology; Mo Chen, Harbin Institute of Technology; Guofu Zhai, Harbin Institute of Technology 10:35AM – 10:50AM BREAK 10:50AM – 11:50AM SWITCHES AND RELAYS CHAIR: KOICHIRO SAWA CO-CHAIR: XIN ZHOU 13.1 A Practical Study on Electrical Contact Resistance and Temperature Rise at the Connections of the Copper Busbars in Wwitchgears Sung Won Park, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.; Hyunsu Cho, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. 13.2 Structure Classification of Electromagnetic Relays and Comparison of Typical Magnetic System Containing Permanent Magnet Huimin Liang, Harbin Institute of Technology; Jiaxin You, Harbin Institute of Technology; Xie Yong, G&A Technologies Co., Ltd.; Guangcheng Ma, Harbin Institute of Technology, China; Guofu Zhai, Harbin Institute of Technology 13.3 Experimental Research on Direct Current Switchgear Hendrik Köpf, University of Technology Braunschweig; Ernst-Dieter Wilkening, University of Technology Braunschweig; Christoph Klosinski, University of Technology Braunschweig; Michael Kurrat, University of Technology Braunschweig 11:50AM – 1:00PM LUNCH ON OWN 25 1:00PM – 2:00PM CONNECTOR SYSTEMS CHAIR: BRETT RICKETT CO-CHAIR: FRANK RUFFINO 14.1 Mass Parametric Acquisition of Relay Contact Data During High-Speed Life Test Brian Frost, Applied Relay Testing Ltd. 14.2 Optimizing Gold Thickness of Land Grid Array Pads for Cost, Performance and Reliability of Connectors Karumbu Meyyappan, Intel Corporation; Alan McAllister, Intel Corporation; Amit Abraham, Intel Corporation; Anil Kurella, Intel Corporation; Balu Pathangey, Intel Corporation; Gregorio Murtagian, Intel Corporation 14.3 Fundamentals Based Approach to Predict Socket Stack Performance Karumbu Meyyappan, Intel Corporation; Alan McAllister, Intel Corporation; Vijaykumar Krithivasan, Intel Corporation; Amit Abraham, Intel Corporation; Gregorio Murtagian, Intel Corporation 2:00PM – 2:15PM BREAK 2:15PM – 3:35PM TESTING CHAIR: RONALD COUTU CO-CHAIR: RICHARD MOORE 15.1 A Novel Test Rig for In Situ and Real Time Measurement of Welding Force and Impact Force of Contacts Within Electromagnetic Relay Wanbin Ren, Harbin Institute of Technology; Jianbing Jin, Harbin Institute of Technology; Yinghua Fu, G&A Technology Co. Ltd; Cheng Chang, Harbin Institute of Technology 15.2 Accelerated Testing for Electro-Migration Robert Malucci, RD Malucci Consulting 26 15.3 The Investigation of Electrical Contacts Using Newly Designed Nano-indentation Manipulator in Scanning Electron Microscope Tetsuo Shimizu, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Tomoyuki Horie, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Norimichi Watanabe, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Jun Miyawaki, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Shunjiro Fujii, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Yoshinori Yamagata, Yazaki Corporation; Takaya Kondo, Yazaki Parts CO., LTD; Masanori Onuma, Yazaki Parts CO., LTD 15.4 Dominant Factor of Contact Resistance Analyzed by Conductive-AFM Ayako Omura, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Megumi Fukuta, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Koji Miyake, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Takaya Kondo, Yazaki Parts CO., LTD; Masanori Onuma, Yazaki Parts CO., LTD 3:35PM – 3:50PM BREAK 3:50PM – 5:10PM MICRO CONTACTS CHAIR: ROBERT JACKSON CO-CHAIR: GEORGE FLOWERS 16.1 Experimental Investigation of Thin Film Spreading Resistance in Micro-Contacts Tod Laurvick, Air Force Institute of Technology; Ronald Coutu Jr., Air Force Institute of Technology; Christopher Stilson, Air Force Institute of Technology 16.2 Electroless Silver Plating and In-Situ SEM Characterization of CNT-Metal Hybrid Contactors Onnik Yaglioglu, FormFactor Inc.; Rod Martens, Tyco Electronics, Ben Eldridge, FormFactor Inc.; Treliant Fang, Consultant 27 16.3 Evolution of Contact Bounces in MEMS Switches Under Cycling Alexis Peschot, CEA LETI; Christophe Poulain, CEA LETI; Clarissa Valadares, CEA LETI; Bruno Reig, CEA LETI; Nelly Bonifaci. CNRS G2Elab; Olivier Lesaint, CNRS G2Elab 16.4 Reducing Contact Resistance of Macro-Scale Separable Electrical Contacts with Single-Layer Graphene Coatings Emil Sandoz-Rosado, Columbia University; Yuanda Gao, Columbia University; Aleksander Navratil, Columbia University; James Hone, Columbia University; Elon J. Terrell, Columbia University; Rodney Martens, TE Connectivity 5:10PM CLOSING REMARKS BRETT RICKETT 28 A u t h o r In d e x Abbaoui, M'hammed Abraham, Amit Alam, Todd M. Alamarguy, D. Anderson, Chris Argibay, Nicolas Athans, Andreas Augeard, Amaury 19 26 (2) 17 18 19 17 22 19 Belin, Michel 22 Ben Jemaa, Nourredine 16, 23 Benmamas, L. 23 Berger, Frank 21, 24, 25 Blauth, Michael 21 Bonifaci, Nelly 28 Bozack, Michael 15 Bui, Kathy 22 Cahalen, John 22 Calvo, Jinmi Gregory Lezama 14 Carrodus, Jason 16 Carvou, Erwann 16, 21, 23 Celina, Mathias C. 17 Chang, Cheng 26 Chen, Chen 24 Chen, Mo 25 Chen, Z.K. 19 Cho, Hyunsu 25 Choi, Elsa Yee Kin 16 Chong, Feng 16 Chretien, P. 18 Coutu, Ronald 18 Coutu Jr., Ronald 27 Cui, Xinglei 25 Desprez, Philippe Ding, Can Doublet, Laurent Down, Michael P. Dugger, Michael El Aabdi, Rochdi 19 20 23 16, 20 17 21 El Abdi, Rochdi El Mossouess, Sofiane Eldridge, Ben 23 23 27 Faber, Tim Fang, Treliant Flowers, George 15, Flowers, George T. Fontaine, Julien Francesca, Kevin Dalla Freudiger, George Frost, Brian Fu, Yinghua Fuhrmann, Torsten Fujii, Shunjiro Fukuta, Megumi Fukuyama, Yasuhiro 24 27 24 23 22 18 15 26 26 22 27 27 21 Gao, Jinchun Gao, Yuanda Gatzsche, Michael Gerdinand, Frank Ghaednia, Hamed Gonzalez, Diego Goodrich, Trevor Großmann, Steffen Groysman, David 15, 24 28 15 24 15 24 22 15, 22 17 Haase, Roman Hagen, Benjamin Hao, Liucheng Hardy, Sebastien Hasegawa, Makoto Hayakawa, Kunio He, Junjia Hofmann, Wilfried Hoidis, Markus Holbe, Stefan Holzapfel, Christian Hombo, Ryoichi Hone, James Horie, Tomoyuki 25 15 19 14 14, 19 16 20 15 22 24 17 22 28 27 29 A u t h o r In d e x Houenouvo, Hermann Houzé, F. Huang, Yulong 15 18 19 Inayoshi, Naruhiko Ishimaru, Yasuyuki 22 23 (2) Jackson, Robert L. Jaffré, A. Ji, Rui Jiang, Liudi Jin, Guangyao Jin, Jianbing Joyeux, Patrice 15,16 18 24 20 19 26 14 Kaneko, Nobu-hisa 21 Katayama, Hiroyuki 23 Kato, Naoki 22 Kawamura, Daichi 19 Kawata, Shingo 23 Kempf, Bernd 24 Kharin, Stanislaw 21 Klosinski, Christoph 25 Kondo, Takaya 16, 21, 27 (2) Köpf, Hendrik 25 Krithivasan, Vijaykumar 26 Kubota Kubota, Yoshihiro 16 Kudo, Takayuki 20 Kufner, Tom 15 Kurella, Anil 17, 26 Kurrat, Michael 25 Labbé, Julien Lall, Pradeep Laurvick, Tod Le Strat, Florence Lesaint, Olivier Li, Xingwen Liang, Huimin Lin, Cheng Liu, Hong Lücke, Nils 21 15 18, 27 21 28 16 25 19 16, 20 15 Ma, Guangcheng 25 Malucci, Robert 26 Martens, Rod 27 Martens, Rodney 28 Mashimo, Keiji 23 (2) McAllister, Alan 26 (2) McBride, John W. 16, 20 Meckler, Peter 24 Menecier, Sébastien 19 Meyyappan, Karumbu 17, 26 (2) Miedzinsky, Bogdan 21 Miki, Hiroyuki 22 Mitchell, James Brian 16 Mittelstadt, Chad 24 Miyake, Koji 27 Miyawaki, Jun 27 Morii, Makito 19 Murtagian, Gregorio 26 (2) Mützel, Timo 24 Nakamura, Tamotsu Nakata, Hirohito Nation, Brendan L. Navratil, Aleksander Nishikubo, Hiroyasu Noel, Sophie Nouri, Hassan Nozu, Takahiro 16 16 17 28 23 (2) 18 21 22 Ohmae, Yuki 14 Okuno, Yoshikazu 23 Omura, Ayako 27 Onuma, Masanori 21, 27 (2) Osborne, Matthew C. 22 Qu, Jianyu 16 Pan, Yuan Panda, Rajesh Kumar Park, Sung Won Pathangey, Balu 17, Perisse, Frederic 20 24 25 26 19 30 A u t h o r In d e x Peschot, Alexis Plouzeau, Cécile Poulain, Christophe Prasad, Somuri V. Proctor, Andrew Pu, Suan Hui Pukale, Ravindra Reid, Paul Reig, Bruno Ren, Wanbin 28 21 28 17 17 20 17 24 28 15, 26 Sakamoto, Norihiko 21 Sandoz-Rosado, Emil 28 Sawa, Koichiro 17, 19, 22, 23 Schetty, Rob 20 Schlegel, Stephan 22 Schweitzer, Patrick 14 Sekikawa, Junya 16 Shang, Shang 15 Shea, John 16 Shimizu, Tetsuo 27 Shuyi, Lin 21 (2) Silbernagel, Eugen 22 Singo, Tchapo 19 Slade, Paul 14 Snipes, Erica 15 Song, Jian 21, 22 Sonobe, Hiroya 14 Spears, Robert 16 Stilson, Christopher 18, 27 Stokoe, Phil 22 Suzuki, Kenji 22 Takagi, Toshiuki Takaya, Koetsu Takeno, Takanori Terrell, Elon J. Tian, Gangling Tisserand, Etienne Tsuruoka, Masatoshi 22 22 22 28 19 14 19 Valadares, Clarissa Vassa, Alexandre Vecchiola, Aymeric Veeramalla, Jitendar Veno, Takahiro 28 16 18 24 17 Wada, Shin-ichi Wakatsuki, Noboru Wang, Liangliang Wang, Qian Wang, Zhaobin Watanabe, Norimichi Watanabe, Yoshitada Weber, Serge Wen, Wijie Wilkening, Ernst-Dieter Wintz, Jean-Luc Witter, Gerald Wu, Gang 23 20 22 16 15 27 17 14 19 25 14 19 16 Xie, Gang 24 Yaglioglu, Onnik Yamagata, Yoshinori Yong, Xie Yoshida, Kiyoshi You, Jiaxin Yuan, Xichao Yuan, Zhao 27 27 25 22 25 20 20 Zhai, Guofu Zhang, Fuxi Zhihong, Xu Zhong, Jianying Zhou, Xue 31 15, 25 (2) 23 21 (2) 19 25 32
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