Georgia Optometric Fall Education Conference October 17-19, 2014 At The University of Georgia Hotel and Conference Center at the Georgia Center Athens, Georgia Dear Exhibitor: Registration is now open and you are invited to exhibit at the Georgia Optometric Association Fall Education Conference, October 17-19, 2014 being held at the University of Georgia Hotel and Conference Center. For your reference, additional exhibit information and a registration form are included with this invitation. Following are items of note to assist you in your planning: Exhibits may be set up on Saturday, October 18th, 2014 starting at 7:00am, doors to the center will be open earlier, but conference center staff will not be available until 7am. Representatives may pick up their name tag(s) at the Conference Registration Desk between the hours of 7:30am-4:15pm on Saturday, October 18th, 2014 Attached is a schedule of events. All breakfast events, breaks and Lunch on Saturday will be in the exhibit area. After each class ends the attendees will be also given a small window to stretch and receive their credit certificates and walk through the exhibits. Security, We have arranged through the University of Georgia a Security Guard for the Exhibit Area from the time the Exhibits close on Saturday and re-open on Sunday. Exhibits must be dismantled at the conclusion of the Sunday program. Please plan to dismantle your exhibit by Sunday, October 19th, by 7:00pm. Conference sessions end at 5:50pm. Attached is a map and directions to the UGA Hotel and Conference Center. If you require housing, call 706.542.2134 or 1.800.884.1381 to make a reservation at the Georgia Center Hotel under the GOA Optometric Fall Education Group Room Block (#82785) Questions? Please call Vanessa at the GOA at 770-961-9866 ext. 1 ([email protected]) or for questions concerning the UGA Hotel and Conference Center please contact Pam McNair at 706-542-1740 ([email protected]). Thank you, Vanessa Vanessa Grosso Director of Meetings & Operations Manager Phone: 770-961-9866 ext. 1 FAX: 770-961-9965 E-mail: [email protected] The University of Georgia Hotel and Conference Center Exhibitor Information Exhibit Space Amenities: 1. 5’ x 8’ space All spaces include the following amenities: pipe and black and silver drape backdrop and sides one 3' x 6' draped and skirted table 2 chairs 1 sign hanging from top of the backdrop one nametag per representative Electrical will be arranged if ordered on your registration form. If you require Wireless Internet please mark where indicated on you registration form and an account will be provided for you and given to you at registration. Guidelines: All exhibits and displays must be directly related to and supportive of the conference and appropriate to the overall mission of the UGA Conference Center. The UGA Conference Center reserves the right to refuse space to any organization or activity deemed inappropriate for the conference or the Center. Any activity involving an open flame or heat is prohibited. The UGA Conference Center follows the State of Georgia statutes (GA Code Section 16-11-127.1) which prohibits the possession of weapons (including: firearms whether operable or inoperable, swords, knives with blades over 2 inches in length, etc...) on University property." Organizations may advertise and sell products or services in the exhibit/display area to participants attending the host event. Unloading your exhibit: Please unload your exhibit at the UGA Hotel and Conference Center’s Lumpkin Street entrance which faces the South Campus Parking Deck. Use of the Hotel Guest Services entrance circle for exhibit loading/unloading is not allowed. Attached is a map to the UGA Hotel and Conference Center. Receiving, Storage & Shipping: The UGA Conference Center does not have permanent reserved, secure space for storing exhibits and displays. Representatives should plan to bring all items with them. If it is necessary to ship items to the UGA Hotel and Conference Center, please ship at such a date that items arrive no earlier than one business day (Monday – Friday) prior to the event. Clearly Mark Your Label To Read: GOA Fall Conference/Attn: Pam McNair/Your Company Name 1197 South Lumpkin Street, Suite 289 Athens, GA 30602 If Return Shipping is necessary, representatives must sufficiently arrange these details so that items can be picked up from the UGA Hotel and Conference Center as soon as feasible upon conclusion of the event. The Conference Center assumes no liability for items and materials that are lost or damaged while at the Center. Directions: Directions for the UGA Hotel and Conference Center are available online at . Parking: The University of Georgia Parking Services coordinates all parking on campus. You may be ticketed or towed if you park illegally. The UGA Hotel and Conference Center is not responsible for any ticketing or towing charges assessed. For more information, contact UGA Parking Services at 706.542.7275 or the Hotel Desk at 706.548.1311. EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION GEORGIA OPTOMETRIC ASSOCIATION Fall Education Meeting October 17-19, 2014 University of Georgia Hotel & Conference Center at the Georgia Center Athens, GA Exhibitor Hours - Saturday, October 18th Sunday, October 19th Set Up: 7:00am - 9:30am Exhibits Open: 9:30am - 5:50pm Exhibits Open: 7:30am - 4:10pm PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY OR TYPE INFORMATION : Exhibitor Registration Fees Company Name: Item Quantity Registration Exhibit Booth (5'x8') $1000/Booth Total $ 1,000.00 Company Address: Will You Be Requiring 110V/60Hz Electricity? City: State: Company Representative: Title: Zip: METHOD OF PAYMENT VISA Phone: Fax: Yes / No Will You Be Requiring Free Wireless Internet? Yes / No If yes,an account will be provided for you and given to you at regisration Total Due $ 1,000.00 MASTERCARD CARD #: CHECK EXP DATE: Email: Web Site URL: Booth Representative(s) Limit 3: NAME ON CARD: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: 1. Rep. Phone: Rep. Email: CHECK ENCLOSED CHECK NUMBER: The undersigned agrees to the guidelines and rates listed above and in all enclosed material. 2. Rep. Phone: Signature: Rep. Email: Date: 3. Rep. Phone: Rep. Email: Mail /Fax or Email To: Georgia Optometric Association 400 West Peachtree Street, Suite 201 Atlanta, GA 30308 Fax: 770-961-9965 [email protected] For Questions Call: 770.961.9866
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