Council 2 Music 3 RLS 3 Finance 4-‐5 25th pictures 8-‐9 Events 11-‐12 Prayers 13 Calendar 14 WA Schedule 15 Birthdays 16 Resurrecti n Lutheran Church and School A Congregation of the ELCA October 2014 Newsletter SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2014 — A LANDMARK DAY IN THE LIFE OF RLC Lutheran Church Resurrection 6170 Plank Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Office email: [email protected] Website: Pastors Jim Kniseley c)540-‐845-‐2427 Carol Haynes Kniseley c)540-‐845-‐3516 Sabbath) (Monday is Pastors’ Church Office Staff Donna Roberts 540-‐786-‐7778 Music Ministries Leader Amy Burcher 540-‐368-‐2557 Youth Activity Director Kasey Worman 540-‐645-‐3185 Parish Nurse Betty Parde 540-‐654-‐5510 Preschool Director Carrol Martin 540-‐735-‐4160 Preschool Staff Janie Smith, Megan Snell, Joanne Dunn Like Us on Facebook!!!! Re surr ection P eopl e Re surr ection L utheran Scho ol With the joyous memories of last Sunday’s anniversary celebration still playing in our minds, we want to share some early reflections on that day— one that we anticipate will be viewed as an important event in the history of RLC. The significance of the day became evident even before the special worship service began. Arriving members—present and former—were greeted and embraced as the growing assemblage gathered in the narthex. The glow of friendship continued as people entered the sanctuary where they were met by the beautiful music of an extended prelude. While all worship services are special, Sunday’s was extraordinary. There was no question but that the Holy Spirit was present in the Word—both spoken and sung—and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Pastor Jeff Ruby, RLC’s founding pastor and special guest, delivered a moving sermon. He spoke of God’s faithfulness— past, present, and future—and of us, the “living stones” of Jesus Christ, called to be God’s people here at Resurrection Lutheran. After the worship service, the celebration continued with a splendid reception and brunch in the Fellowship Hall. Here, greetings resumed and memories were shared. The day’s events ended with a program that featured Pastor Jim as Master of Ceremonies. Included were a slideshow recounting our 25-‐year history; a warm and personal message from Bishop Jim Mauney; congratulations from both Pastor Bill Stewart, Dean of the Germanna Conference, and, by letter, from Pastor Richard Carbaugh of Christ Lutheran Church; words of God’s grace from former RLC pastors Jeff Ruby and Paul Conradt-‐Eberlin; and remembrances from Pastor David Drebes, as well as a video greeting from Pastor Dan Kuckuck, both sons of RLC. This wonderful program concluded with a prayer offered by Pastor 1 Carol. Continued on pg 2 Sunday was a day of joy, of memories, of reconciliation, and of renewal. The inspiring underlying story of this amazing day was that so many gave so much to make this event happen. There is not enough space here to identify all who contributed. So, we just say, “thank you” for all that you did. And, as always, “Thanks be to God”! Nancy and Tom Evans, editors of ANNIVERSARY MOMENT Summary & Highlights Of Council Meeting (September 30, 2014) Interim Council Members were approved until the next Congregational Meeting. Brenda Scheel is filling the vacant seat on the council and Kevin Johnson is filling the seat vacated by John Blanchard. The Youth Group is off to a fantastic start. Brenda Scheel will continue to work with Kasey Worman in youth programming and other youth group agendas. Dee Tillman will continue to work with RLS and its new director Carrol Martin to help answer any questions regarding the school and how to strengthen the ties between RLC and RLS. Oktoberfest is right around the corner and all Council Members will continue to coordinate the activities for this upcoming event. The new Endowment Chair is Barry Thompson and Jeff Sohlke and Dave Howe will be liaisons to this committee. An audit was discussed and it will encompass the July 2013-‐June 2014 fiscal year. It will also include an audit of RLS. Repairs to the parking lot were discussed and may come for a vote before the next meeting. These highlights are not official until approved by Congregation Council. Respectfully Submitted, Missy Arp Congregation/Council Secretary 2 M us ic No te s f ro m A m y Bu rche r Dear RLC Family, This year is such an important milestone for our church with the celebration of our 25th Anniversary. I remember like it was yesterday when I was invited to play "Open Our Eyes Lord" and "We Are An Offering" for Julie, a previous director, to sing in 1998 which led me to this church that I call "home." That was my introduction to a new type of Christian music that opened my eyes to a style of music that continues to touch and warm my heart. One of those songs has been added to our newest ELW Lutheran hymnal. I have been fortunate enough to attend some workshops and join with other churches to learn ideas for music worship preparation. Although there have been times when musical challenges have weighed heavily on my heart, there is no doubt God has called me to worship Him through song and to want to share that with others. Choir rehearsals can be worship too! I believe our rehearsal time is more than just learning notes and preparing music. When we gather together to have fellowship, sing the Word of God, and pray together, we create an even greater purpose and meaning for our music. We are approaching a very busy season as we prepare for the Christmas Cantata, and still not too late for newcomers to join us. We are just starting rehearsals, and they are at 6:30pm it is on Wednesday nights. The cantata is on December 14th. An added bonus; listening CDs are available for you to enjoy and practice on your own. As always, I consider it a privilege and blessing to be the director and caretaker of our music ministry. Happy Fall and Blessings to you all! Love, Amy It has been a wonderful start to our school year! Over the past few weeks our students are settling in and getting used to new routines and making new friends! Please join us for a Trunk or Treat event. It will be held on October 26th from 5 – 7 p.m. at RLC. It is for our RLS children (and families) as well as any of the RLC children (and their families). Please look for more information on the October Happenings page! We have a few remaining spots in our 4 year old class and our Super 5 class. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT CARROL MARTIN, DIRECTOR (540) 735-‐4160 OR EMAIL [email protected] 3 Treasurer’s Corner Offerings Received for the Month of August M&M Dedicated Capital Total Offerings Received $39,798 $ 5,366 $ 1,450 $46,614 August Budget and Actual Expenses Income needed for Budget Requirement Infrastructure Fixed Expenses Program and Dedicated Payback Expenses Total Expenditures Cash Flow for August: (RLC Checking acct balance – Dedicated acct total) Mission Endowment Fund (MEF) Balance $41,635 $35,951 $ 8,078 $44,029 -‐($21,330) $30,584 Mission Support Benevolence 5% Goal to be paid by 6/30/2015 5% Goal Amount of Budget Monthly Average Required to reach Goal Amount Received this Month towards the Goal FY Cumulative Amount Received towards the Goal Amount Remaining to Reach Goal Amount ahead/behind year end payment Goal $24,138 $ 2,011 $ 3,850 $ 7,311 $16,827 $ 3,288 Ahead Dedicated Fund Loan to be repaid by 6/30/2015 Amount Borrowed from Dedicated Funds Monthly Amount Repaid to Dedicated Fund FY Cumulative Amount Repaid to Dedicated Fund Amount Remaining Towards Dedicated Fund Loan Amount ahead/behind year end repayment Goal $24,263 $ 2,022 $ 4,044 $20,219 On Track (Treasurer’s letter on page 5) 4 Dear Friends in Christ, August was a positive month for RLC financially as Income exceeded Expenses. This is particularly noteworthy as August is traditionally a vacation month when many members are out of the area. Although we still have a negative cash flow, the overall effect of a positive income month serves to further reduce the amount that we now owe to our dedicated accounts over previous months balances. The monthly donations for Synod Benevolence continue to be very positive with your contributions for August even exceeding the Benevolence contributions for July. This combined monthly effort continues to outpace our monthly goal and places us well ahead of track. Hopefully everyone has had a chance to see the Synod Benevolence thermometer in the Narthex that Pastor Carol developed showing the results of your contributions. It’s very good indeed! Blessings, Jeff Sohlke FALL HOPE HOUSE PROJECT It’s that time of year again when we help Hope House stock their pantry. Located in downtown Fredericksburg, Hope House, is a window of opportunity for homeless women and children. It provides them with services needed and a place to stay and then transitions them back into the community and independent living. Starting Sunday, October 5th, in the Narthex next to the information board stuck to the windows we will have leaves that you can pull off of the window and bring the item back and place the item in the bin below the window. We will be collecting items through the last Sunday in October. Monetary donations may also be made just mark on your check in the memo section for Hope House and the check should be made payable to RLC. Thrivent has also allocated money for this worthy cause and we thank them for their contribution. If you have any questions, please contact Joy Bushman – 540-786-0442, Colleen Butler – 540-847-7799 or Marti Martin – 540-972-3416. Thank you for your generosity! 5 Children’s Church / ‘I Love to Tell the Story…of Jesus and His Love’ For kids: age 2 – Grade 5: the fun begins in worship at 10:00 Sunday morning. The month of October is filled with wonderful opportunities for our children to learn more about Jesus and his teaching. Several parables are brought into play…alongside stories (told by Jesus) about things we’ve all seen or heard about before. A rejected “stone” becomes the all-‐important “cornerstone” to a building. A wedding banquet is announced…and yet, the “invited guests” refuse to come. People try to trick Jesus by handing him a coin imprinted with Caesar’s picture before asking him, ‘to whom’ does the coin belong? And then, to round out Reformation Sunday…Jesus speaks of the Greatest Commandment. So, how does Children’s Church work….and how do you get your child involved? Excellent question! Children’s Church is for kids age 2 through Grade 5…and takes place during a portion of the worship service. All children begin worship seated by their parent’s side. Just before the reading of the Lessons, the children will be “invited” by the Pastor to come to the Fellowship Hall where the real fun begins. Children’s Church is all about “telling the Story” in an engaging and age appropriate way that will not only keep your child’s interest…but will leave them wanting to learn more about Jesus...and His love. All children will return to worship during the Sharing of the Peace in order to receive Holy Communion or a Blessing from Jesus. Here is a listing of the stories being taught in Children’s Church during the month of October: Oct. 5 Matthew 21: 33 – 46 (Rejected stone becomes “the cornerstone” a building?) Oct. 12 Matthew 22: 1 – 14 (The wedding banquet where “invited guests” refuse to come) Oct. 19 Matthew 22: 15 – 22 (Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar...but what about God?) Oct. 26 Matthew 22: 34 – 46 (Jesus speaks of the Greatest of all the Commandments) *On October 26, during the 8:45 a.m. Adult Forum presentation about ‘Children and Grief’, Pastor Carol will be offering a fun activity for the children to participate in: creating and “stuffing” scarecrows…and fashioning them to look like a few of our favorite saints. (Hint: Martin and Katie Luther just might make an appearance!) It all happens on Reformation Sunday. Just look for Pastor Carol…and the bales of hay! 6 The Adult Forum program includes: • Understanding and Coping with Grief • Supporting Those Who Grieve • Grief and Divorce • Children and Grief • Grief and the Holidays Parents, grandparents, family members, teachers, and friends -‐ All are invited to attend this 4-‐session learning opportunity for those who grieve and for those who want to support them. Sunday Mornings 8:45 – 9:45 a.m. 12 October – 2 November 2014 RLC Fellowship Hall Presented by Resurrection Lutheran Church Grief Ministry Team. Special guest presenters are from • The Center for Family Counseling of Fredericksburg • Mary Washington Healthcare Hospice – Bereavement Services COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 2014 9AM TILL 1 PM Resurrection Lutheran Church Learn more about your health and your family’s health Free health screenings, demos, consultations, adult flu shots (while supplies last), and more. The event is sponsored by Resurrection Lutheran Church Health Ministry 7 8 Thank you to Gracie Scheel for the wonderful pictures of the 25th Anniversary. Also thank you to Dee Tillman for creating these collages! 9 The Mission Endowment Fund Of Resurrection Lutheran Church God calls us to be generous, to share with others. We know generosity begets generosity; and because of it, we know lives are changed. As ambassadors for Christ we are to be about this work each day of our lives; and, because we are able, we can make a difference with resources through generous acts of giving and planning. Members of Resurrection Lutheran Church (RLC) have the privilege and duty to support the work of this congregation, the Virginia Synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) through contributions of time, abilities, and financial support as stewards of God’s gifts. The Mission Endowment Fund of Resurrection Lutheran Church (Fund) has been created to promote, encourage, and enable RLC to carry out its mission work at home and around the world, above and beyond the programs supported by regular offerings. The purpose of the Fund, created through constitutional amendment, and governing by-law is to provide a mechanism for establishing a permanent and perpetual source of funding for the ministry of RLC beyond the programs of regular giving. The Fund, though maintained in a separate account, is still owned by the congregation and is subject to all applicable constitutional amendments, by-laws, and fiduciary practices. The fund is managed by a board of seven voting members including a representative from the Congregation Council and a pastor of the Congregation. Members elected to the Board serve three years. The Board is responsible for encouraging members of the congregation to support the Fund and to recommend the beneficiaries of the annual distribution. The Fund grows through gifts, donations, and bequests. Gifts may be in the form of cash, securities, real estate/tangible properties, or assignments of life insurance policies. Annual distributions from the Fund may occur once the Fund value reaches a minimum balance of $50K. Percentages have been established to determine how much money will go toward outreach in the local community, ELCA church-wide ministries, and extraordinary program/capital improvements or other ministries initiatives within the congregation. The Fund is well on its way to meeting the minimum distribution amount. If you would like to contribute to Fund look for the Endowment Fund brochures in the Narthex or see a member of the Fund Board. 10 Theology Pub Events/Fellowsh New ministry and fellowship opportunity available to adults 21 and over!!!! Join us for open conversation, share your thoughts, participate in devotion, a nd then the sky is the limit for the conversations!! Capital Ale House on the 3rd Sunday of t he month at 6pm. Join us October 19th @ 6pm RSVP (but you can come without) [email protected] ip BLOOD PRESSURE SUNDAY 10/5 Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays @ 9:30am in the Conference Room. We are finishing “The Heart of Jesus” and looking for a new one. Any suggestions? Do you know what your blood pressure is? Do you keep track of it regularly? If not please stop by and have it checked after worship. Men’s Piecemakers Breakfast and Tuesday October 14th and 28th at 10:00. Bible Study 1st Saturday of each month. Join us October 4th from 8:00-‐9:00am Lutheran Revival Sunday October 5, 2014 th 4 Annual Revival with great workshops, meal, worship and fellowship for all ages. Takes place at Our Savior Lutheran, Warrenton. Workshops start at 2:30 and Worship starts at 5:00 Reformation Sunday October 2 6 th Please wear the color red and participate in this Festival of the Reformation. We thank God for the gift of grace that is revealed in the Holy Scriptures. We remember Martin Luther’s bold action in posting 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, in 1517. Trunk or Treat This is the 11th Annual Trunk or Treat for Resurrection. Our Church and School partner to host this family-‐friendly event. There will be costumes galore, worn by young and old. We’ll have good food and games and a great time of walking though decorated hallways and classrooms to get candy. Last year we had 200+ folks in attendance. 11 All Saints Sunday Oktoberfest November 2 This most meaningful Sunday is a time t o remember our loved ones who have entered life eternal. We’ll light candles in their memory and sing hymns of faith and h ear words of promise and assurance from scripture. Nov 2nd Held this year in November after the 10:00 worship service. We will hold the event on the lawn(Fellowship Hall in case of rain). This is a family-‐friendly event. Expect beer, brats, hot dogs, sauerkraut, potato salad and desserts. We’ll have music and games. BRISBEN CENTER “I was hungry and you fed me.” Team 1 will be cooking at Brisben Center on October 26th. Please sign up for food items and have them at the church by 10:00AM on Sunday October 26th. Thank you for making this ministry possible. The opportunity to serve is a blessing for those who serve as well as for those being served. Thank you for providing the food for this ministry. SEPTEMBER FOOD OF THE MONTH: Canned Meat (Donated food is for Christ Lutheran’s Food Pantry) ELECTRONIC GIVING DOESN'T TAKE VACATIONS During the year if you can't make it to church due to travel or other commitments, we encourage you to automate your regular donations. The church relies on the consistent financial support of the congregation and electronic giving offers an easy way to give on a recurring basis. Pick up an authorization form on the credenza in the narthex. We thank you for your continued support! 12 PRAYERS Baer Rose Doris Howe Laurel Blanchard Ken Tillman RLC Congregation Members Myra Bannon Bill Bushman Carol Capozzi Frank Jacobeen Sue Perdue Dickerson Family Elva Fillipone Chris Sefchick Betty Parde Danalu Kerr Dan Burcher Ken&Marti M artin Jim&Beth WRLC inters Riedl Serving Our CPaul &Mary Grace Niemi Family aFred nd Friends ountry SERVICE MEMBERS Tony Schlund Lucas Nassef Christian Jenkins Peter Tinchtcnenko Greg McIntire Chris Griffiths George Winters Nick McIntire Tim Griffiths Tony Jenkins Terri Piekosz Savannah Gall Brittany Patterson Friends and Relatives in Need of Long Term Prayers (will remain on the list for one month) Friends or Relatives RLC Relationship Jean Haynes Pastor Carol Bill Thorpe Vicki&Bill Gellerman Bernie&Betsy Patton Jane Sahley Marion Jacobeen Frank Jacobeen Jonathan Martin Bob Martin Sherry Fuller Sue Schmidt Bill Riedl Hazel Riedl & Fred Riedl Church Office Requests Please call the Church Office at 540-‐786-‐7778 when: • You are in the hospital or prior to going to the hospital (A relative may call for you. In order for the pastor to visit the hospital permission must be given for the church to be notified; • You are confined to your home for an extended period of time because of illness or accident; • You are going to a rehab center or a nursing home; • There is a change in your family status (birth, death, marriage, or divorce); • You move to a new home, move out of the area, or go away to college, graduate school, or the military; • You would like to schedule a meeting or event at the church. For communication with everyone all scheduled gatherings must be included on the church calendar and in the weekly bulletin. 13 Tues, October 21, 2014 Wed, October 1, 201 4 6:00PMTeam Captains Mtg & 9:30AM Women’s Bible Study Meal 12:30PM Devotion and Holy 7:15PM Praz Team Communion 7:00PM All-‐Teams Ministry 6:30PM Cantata Practice Meetings 7:00PM Boy Scouts Sun, October 12, 2 014 Wed, October 22, 2014 7:00PM Chancel Choir Thrivent Financial Water Park Event 8:45AM Young Adult & Youth 9:30AM Women’s Bible Study Sat, October 4, 2 014 12:30PM Devotion and Holy 8:00AM Men’s Breakfast/Bible Bible Study 8:45AM Adult Forum – Grief Communion Study 1:15PM Staff Meeting 9:00AM Seventh Day Adventists Session Sun, October 5, 21 04 8:45AM Confirmation 6:30PM Cantata Practice 10:00AM Worship with Blood Pressure 7:00PM Boy Scouts Communion/Children’s Church 7:00PM Chancel Choir Sunday Sat, October 25, 2014 8:45AM Young Adult & Youth 6:00PM Rappahannock Pops Tues, October 14, 2014 9:00AM Seventh Day Study Bible 10:00AM Piecemakers Adventists 8:45AM Adult Forum 12:30PM Pre-‐School Board Sun, October 26, 2014 8:45AM Confirmation REFORMATION Meeting 10:00AM Worship with SU NDAY Communion/Children’s Church 7:00 Praz Team 8:45AM Young Adult & Youth Wed, October 15, 2014 2:30PM Revival-‐ Warrenton Bible Study 9:30AM Women’s Bible Study Revival Service – 5:30PM 8:45AM Adult Forum – Grief 12:30PM Devotion and Holy Warrenton Session Communion 6:00PM Rappahannock Pops 8:45AM Confirmation 6:30PM – Cantata Practice Chapter of Thrivent Financial invites Thrivent T ues, October 7, 201 4The Fredericksburg 1Water 0:00AM Worship with 7and :00PM Scouts guests to the YMCA members theirBoy personal Park. 7:00 Praz Team Communion/Children’s Church 7:00PM Chancel Choir Wed, October 8, 2014 Tickets will be given out for a FREE Hot Dog or Nachos, bag of chips and 5:00 TRUNK or TREAT water. Fri, October 17, 2 014 9:30AM Women’s Bible Study Fun for the Entire Family 12:30PM Devotion and Holy Health Fair Set up T ues, October 28 , 2014 Sat, October 18, 2014 Communion 10:00AM Piecemakers 9:00AM HEALTH 1:15 Staff Meeting 7:00PM Council meeting FAIR 6:30PM – Cantata Practice 7:00 Praz Team Sun, October 19, 2014 7:00PM Boy Scouts Wed, October 29, 2014 8:45AM Young Adult & Youth 7:00PM Chancel Choir 9:30AM Women’s Bible Study Thurs, October 9 , 2 014 Bible Study 12:30PM Devotion and Holy 8:45AM Adult Forum – Grief 12:00PM Faith in Action Communion Session 7:00 Personnel Committee 6:30PM – Cantata Practice 8:45AM Confirmation Sat, October 11, 2014 7:00PM Boy Scouts 10:00AM Worship with 9:00AM Seventh Day 7:00PM Chancel Choir Communion & Baptism Adventists Communion Children’s Church Fri, October 31, 2014 6:00PM Rappahannock Pops 14 10:00AM Preschool Halloween 6:00PM Theology Pub at Capital Party Ale House October 2014 October 2014 WORSHIP ASSISTANT ALL WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS: Please let the Council Person of the Day know you are present for the service. This is especially important if you are a SUBSTITUTE! October 5 Altar Guild Acolytes Greeters Ushers Assisting Minister Lector Communion Assistant Council Person October 12 Altar Guild Acolytes Greeters Ushers Assisting Minister Lector Communion Assistant Council Person October 19 Altar Guild Acolytes Greeters Ushers Assisting Minister Lector Communion Assistant Council Person October 26 Altar Guild Acolytes Greeters Ushers Assisting Minister Lector Communion Assistant Council Person 10:00 Tammy Campbell Bryce Arp Missy Arp/Sue Merna Rod Lyman/Tom Bannon Nancy Hamlin Matthew Arp Judy Wertz John Blanchard 10:00 June Jenkins Ben Scheel Shelley Lee/Jason&Ben Tritle Jim Kerley/Warren Lee Ken Tillman Norm Sahley Shelley Lee Dee Tillman 10:00 Debbie Carlson Calista Rieken Warren&Barb Lee Bill&Vicki Gellerman Emily Slunt Chris Campbell 10:00 Eric Carlson Hannah Embrey Carol&Dave Capozzi Jim Kerley/Tom Bannon Colleen Butler Brenda Scheel 2014 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER The schedules are open through December. The sheets for anyone to sign up to fill the vacant spots are in the narthex. 15 Coffee Hour Altar Flowers October 5th – Brenda Scheel’s Shepherd Flock October 26th – Tammy Campbell in honor of her dad’s birthday Communion Elements With praise and thanksgiving to God, BIRTHDAYS our Christ Lutheran Church family invites you to a Jared Blanchard 10/2 Howe 10/6 Dave Bailey 10/7 Kathy Ken Redding 10/7 Linda Wyman 10/8 Rachel Romano 10/11 Brianna D’Ablis 10/13 Diane Blanchard 10/18 Putsie Abernathy 10/20 ushman 10/21 Joy B Gaye Lauderback 10/23 Eli Irving 10/25 Marti Martin 10/31 Finn Irving 10/3 Rob Schuhl 10/6 Donna Roberts 10/7 Abigail Sefchick 10/8 Ben Scheel 10/10 Janine Liebau 10/13 Kurt Schadewald 10/15 Brandy Miodus 10/20 David Irby 10/21 Kelsey Truong 10/23 Doris Howe 10/23 Vicki Gellerman 10/25 Service of Dedication for our new building SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014, 5 PM Our preacher will be Bishop James F. Mauney Virginia Synod, ELCA Reception to follow + 1300 Augustine Avenue Fredericksburg, VA 22401-5306 Phone 540-373-5087 16
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