Ministry Connections New Hope Ministry News and Events

August 10, 2014
New Hope Ministry News and Events
Ministry Connections
All are welcome at New Hope whether you are a life-long Lutheran, a Christian from another tradition, or a person searching for a spiritual
home, and wanting to learn more about the Christian faith. Know that our doors and hearts are open to you and that God unconditionally
loves you.
God’s Work. Our Hands.
(Sat & Sun. 9/6 & 7)
A Weekend to help our neighbors
and work alongside neighbors
in our neighborhood.
What we are doing...
Route 1 Anniversary Potluck Cookout
Food Drive at a local Grocery store.
Malaria Campaign Concert
Clean up Day
Making greeting cards
Picking up trash
Greeting our neighbors
Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God and in honor of Jada Garrett’s parent’s 45th wedding anniversary. .
Available Altar Flower dates: Sept. 21 and Oct 19.
Next Weeks Scripture: .Isa 56:1, 6-8; Ps 67; Rom 11:1-2a, 29-32; Matt 15:10-28.
Prayer Wall: Please add your prayers to the bulletin board next to the coat rack. The staff will include your petitions in their weekly prayers.
After they have been prayed for they will be sealed and then placed back into the net.
Children's Activity Bags: Cindy Ranker is seeking volunteers to help keep the children's activity bags filled and ready to be used by our
children who attend worship. We have ample supplies, we just need helpers to check the bags periodically. If you are able to help out,
please contact Cindy (410-381-4673 or [email protected]).
Hymn Sing Fundraiser for Baltimore Campus Ministry (Sun. 9/14, 4pm, First Lutheran Ellicott City): Make a joyful noise to raise money
for Campus Ministry in celebration of The Rev. Joseph Lettrich's 75th birthday. In lieu of gifts, Joe asks that donations be made to the Baltimore Campus Ministry.
We welcome Pastor Mike Louia, from St. Paul’s LC, Funkstown, MD, who is preaching today.
Staff on Vacation: We thank Tom Punte for subbing for Sue Pumplin while she and Dave are on vacation.
Great Expectations Articles Due today for the next edition. Please send articles and pictures to Carol Henderson, Co-Editor
([email protected]). Please remember to include your name. For those without internet access, please drop off your article in Sharon
Punte’s Parish Admin. mailbox in the Volunteer Room by this Tuesday.
Acolyte Schedule: Remember to check the schedule. Duties continue through out the summer.
Remember to keep writing and turning in your sermon notes, even over the summer months.
[email protected]
Blood Pressure Screening (today, between services, Chapel): Check your blood pressure or medication or just learn more about your
August 10, 2014
New Hope Ministry News and Events
DivorceCare and DC4K (DivorceCare for Kids) (Wed, 9/3): Stephen Ministry at First Lutheran LC will begin DivorceCare and
DC4K (DivorceCare for Kids).
Seeking musicians: Looking for an opportunity to share your
musical gift during Sunday morning worship? Opening spots: additional guitarist for 8:30am service and Special Music for 10 &
11:30am services. Contact Sharon Punte.
Marriage Enrichment Retreat (9/5-6, Glen Mar UM): $95 per couple: covers snack and meals. Contact by
8/17. Additional info contact Betsy & Dale Bucks
([email protected]).
Mustard Seeds
Mustard Seeds Puppet Ministry Rehearsals begin Sun. August
24, 4:30-6p, in the Music & Arts Room (MAR).
[email protected]
Adult Sunday School (Sun. 10am, in the Conference Room): We
continue an exciting new study of other faiths and denominations.
What are their core beliefs? What is the significance of their
holidays? What is the life of a Jew like today? Please join us for
Bible study, guest speakers, music, videos, and discussion All are
Invitation to Mustard Seeds: If you are in Middle or High School
(6th-12th grade), a member of NHLC (or will be joining soon), want
to be part of an amazing and fun youth group, and love to make
people smile using our fuzzy puppet friends, the Mustard Seeds
Puppet Ministry is the perfect place for you. We rehearse every
Sunday afternoon, 4:30-6pm; perform for special events, worship
services, other churches, Augsburg Lutheran home, and the annual
puppet festival competition. We also have at least two celebrations
where we enjoy food, fun, games, movies, and fellowship! Because
of our performance schedule, we offer two open house dates
where prospective members may visit to see what we're about or
join us as a new "Seed." Those two dates are August 24, 2014 or
January 4, 2015. For more information, please contact Juanita
Walker ([email protected]).
Children’s Sunday School: Registration begins next week, 8/17.
We invite children in Pre-K through High School to attend Sunday
School each Sunday at 10am. Forgot to register? Not a problem You may contact the church office, Cindy Ranker, or Lois Bailey
throughout the year.
Sunday School Teachers/Helpers: Please join the teaching team
who provides an important ministry of christian education at New
Hope. Come to the information meeting on Tues, 8/26, at 7pm. For
additional information contact Lois Bailey
([email protected]).
[email protected]
Route 1 Daycenter Breakfast (Sat. 7/26). Questions & Pans for
food? contact Kathy Piet ([email protected]).
Young Adult Bible Study (YABS) (Mon. 8/18, 7p, in the Conference Room): All young adults are welcome to join in the discussion. For more information about this group contact Cindy Ranker
or Dana Douglas ([email protected]).
School Supplies for Lutheran Campus Ministry – College Park:
Back to School supplies are already in stores and sales are starting!! Please help Lutheran Campus Ministry – College Park help
the students in Langley Park. All donations can be placed in the
bin marked school supplies near the Outreach table by August 17.
Adult Mid-Week Bible Study (Wed, 10am, in the Conference
Room): In August we will begin studying Reading the Bible Again
for the First Time by Marcus Borg, Professor of Religion at Oregon
State University. All are welcome - come as your schedule allows.
Supplies: Backpacks, pens (blue, black or red ink), #2 pencils,
“fat” pencils for kindergarten students, Pink wedge erasers, cap
erasers, hand held pencil sharpeners, glue sticks (no bottles of
glue), rulers, student scissors (ages 5+), clear pencil pouches, 3ring 1 ½ inch binder, dividers, crayons, “fat” crayons for kindergartners, composition books, colored pencils, markers, 2 pocket
folders, wide rule paper, highlighters, index cards
[email protected]
Income versus Expenses for New Hope January through July
2014: New Hope’s income through July 2014 is $295,344 which is
53.7% of the annual budget for income. Our expenses through
June are $323,227, which is 59.87% of the annual budget. Expenses exceed income by $27,883.
Bean Soup Time: The seasoning packets are prepared. The recipe cards are ready. Amazing Grace Lutheran Church in Baltimore
is waiting to stock its pantry shelves with our donations. Now all we
need are quart canning jars and lids and bags of dry beans, any
color or type. All donations can be placed in the bin near the Outreach table. The jars will be assembled as part of GOD’S WORK
OUR HANDS weekend, September 6 and 7.
[email protected]
Handbells Choir Rehearsals resume Thurs, 8/28, 6:30pm. 7th
grade and up are welcome to play. Dont’ know how to? We will
instruct along the way.
3 Pantries and a DayCenter: We service the needs of the
community. Here is how you can get involved.
Choir Rehearsals resume Thurs, 8/28, 7:30pm. 7th grade and up
are welcome to sing. Dont’ know how to? We will instruct along the
Benefit Concert to raise money for ELCA Malaria Campaign
(Sun, 9/7, 7p): All are welcome. Invite family, friends and neighbors. Let’s make an impact!
Seeking Medical and Prescription Support for Rt 1 Daycenter:
You can write a check to New Hope and in the memo line
write: Rt. 1 Medical Clinic.
Non-Perishable Food Items for 3 Pantries: Lists on the Sign-Up
bulletin board in the Narthex. Drop off items in designated boxes.
August 10, 2014
New Hope Ministry News and Events
Our Faith Community in Prayer
Please contact the church office to add names.(410-381-4673 / [email protected]).
Hoping to stay current with prayer needs, names remain on the lists for one month unless asked to remain longer.
Terry Albright (Sharon Punte - mother)
Jimmy Batchik
Bernice Biermann (Paul Biermann - mother)
Blumberg family (John Adams - family)
Susan Boyle (Chris Fleming - mother)
Carolyn Bublitz
Darleen Butler
Campagna family (Sandra & Donand Payne friends)
John Carr (Cathy Dadin - father)
Steve Charnigo (Josie Zayac - brother)
Yolanda Clinton (Art Patterson - co-worker)
Ramona Cooper (Rona Green - mother)
Natalie Deffenbaugh (International Committee
of the Red Cross - Fiji)
Carolyn DiMaria Le
Don Donatelli (Cindy Ranker - brother in law)
Debbie Doyle (Donna Adams - friend)
June Elliott
Larry Fawber (Carol Henderson - father)
Cynthia Gilmore (Patty Cutchis - aunt)
Dorothea Goodlin (Dick Goodlin - mother)
Melissa Hafner (Sangeetha Struck - friend)
Steve Hansen
Rita Harringan (Kim Thomas & Kathy Boschulte
- grandmother)
Luann Iannatono (Donna Adams - cousin)
Annetta Jones
Mike Keiser & family (Donna & John Adams friends)
Pastor Jerry Knoche
Rose Kolodiej (Mike Kolodiej - mother)
Mary Kutcher (Donna Adams - mother)
Meagan Lamothe
Sue Mathias (Jerry Knoche - neighbor)
Robert McKeon & family (Rebecca Henry friend)
Dany Merhy (International Committee of the
Red Cross - Yemen)
Cora and Sandy Mott (Julie Riddler - aunt and
Ursel Meyer (Erna Bunn - sister in law)
Mary Myer-Rizzo
Jim Myers (John Madden - uncle)
William Netherland (Peggy Johnson - father)
David Nix (Susie Jordan - friend)
Carolyn O’Donnell
George O’Donnell
Tom Osterman (Linda Osterman - husband)
Paul Phillips (Chris Phillips - brother)
Grace Planalp (Pat Ploeger - friend)
Elin Schilling (Fred Schilling - daughter - foreign
services, Ukraine)
Wilbur Smith (Gail Smith - father)
Karen Summers Sprague and family (Marla
Stahl - friend)
Stout family (Sandra & Donand Payne - friends)
Frank Wheatley (Penny Otte - father)
The White Family (Julie Riddler - friends)
Tim Wolfe (Susie Jordan - friend)
Keith Yates (Karen Waters - brother)
Friends Helping Friends - For additional information contact: Linda Yergey ([email protected] - 410-992-0492)
Gracious God, support us all the day long until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes,
the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over and our work is done.
Then, by Thy mercy, grant us a safe lodging, a holy rest and peace at the last. Amen.
Route 1 Daycenter Breakfast
Sign-up in Advance
Sing up to volunteer on line at Sign Up Genius
( To find the sign
up type in [email protected], then
type in the special word and then click
 provide the food
 serve the meal
Questions & Pans for food?
contact Kathy Piet ([email protected]).
Fellowship Time
between Services
in the Entryway
sponsored by the
Men’s Shelter Meal Sign-up in Advance
Join us as we serve dinner at South Baltimore Station
Men’s Shelter. This shelter operates a
long term drug rehabilitation program for
military veterans. Donations for the
dinner and servers are needed.
Please use this QR code to sign up
( click on
“find a sign up” and enter [email protected], then
type in the special word and then click search.
August 10, 2014
New Hope Ministry News and Events
Worship Assistant and Task Schedule
August 10
Assisting Min
Comm Assts
Sound Tech
Fellowship Time
Altar Guild
Mowing this Week
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
Art Patterson
Gary Mechtel
Joyful Noise
Ina O’Ryan
Paul Biermann
Mary Thomas
Gail Smith
Debbie Crabtree
Paul Biermann
Robyn Mayo
Kevin Lentz
Ceili Thomas
Tom Berkheimer
Per Struck
Sharon Nickolaus
Brian Aker
Seeking Volunteer
Seeking Volunteer
Jackson Bailey
Ben Punte
Seeking Volunteer
Gail Smith
Jada Garrett
Janice Nicholas & Gary Schlueter
Kevin Ailinger
August 17
Assisting Min
Comm Assts
Sound Tech
Fellowship Time
Altar Guild
Mowing this Week
Hand Mower
Lance Ernst
Ame Henry & Megan Schimming
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
Julie Riddler
David Doty
Joyful Noise
David Doty
David Riddler
Chris Phillips
Art Patterson
Laurie McFee
Griffin Riddler
Ron Kolessar
Alan Madden
Colin Willard
Chris Winslow
David Sgambellone
Fred Kurrle
Gary Mechtel
Seeking Volunteer
Seeking Volunteer
Jacob Rettig
Craig Bublitz
Seeking Volunteer
Art Patterson
Rona & Larry Green
Gail & Stan Fleming
Hand Mower
David Bowman
John Madden
Ame Henry & Megan Schimming
View Worship Task Schedule at
Seeking Worship Volunteers!You do not need to be a member of New Hope to volunteer. Sign up using the schedule posted in the hallway
between the restrooms or contact Sharon Punte ([email protected] 410-381-4673)
[email protected]
Clean-Up Day (Sat, 9/6, 9am): We will tidy up the church inside and out on God’s Work. Our Hands. weekend. Bring work gloves.
[email protected]
Share your gift of Hospitality! Be the first person that welcomes a visitor at the front door on a Sunday morning. We’re looking for greeters
who will actively seek out visitors at New Hope. For more information about this important ministry opportunity, please contact Pastor Ginny.
Youth Task Force (This Wed, 8/13, 7pm, Conference Room): Anyone who is interested in planning this year’s youth activities is invited to
attend. If you have any questions, contact Cindy Ranker ([email protected]).
Come and Hangout (Tues. 8/19, 7-8:30p): All youth are invited to "Hanging out" at New Hope. You never know what might be happening,
so drop on by! Lizzy is a member of New Hope and was active in the youth group several years ago. She just graduated from college and
moved back to the area. Come and meet her!
“Like” our Youth Group on Facebook:
Be a part of the Ministries of New Hope (all meeting at the church)
Congregational Care Team:
Mon. 8/25 @ 7:30p (Linda Yergey, Chair)
Sunday School Teachers Meeting:
Tue. 8/26 @ 7p (Lois Bailey)
Tech Team
Wed. 8/27 @ 7p (Cindy Ranker)
Handbell Choir Rehearsal
Thurs. 8/28 @ 6:30p (Sharon Punte)
Choir Rehearsal
Thurs 8/28 @ 7:30p (Sharon Punte)