October 2014 Tishrei / Cheshvan 5775 Volume XXXIV / Number 1 www.ti-stl.org See page 9 Congregation Temple Israel is a caring, inclusive community committed to living Reform Judaism and participating in the sacred destiny of the Jewish people and Israel through education, worship, and repair of the world. SHABBAT WORSHIP SCHEDULE Friday, October 10, 2014 6:00 p.m. Sukkot Picnic and Service Torah Portion: Chol Hamoed Saturday, October 11, 2014 9:45 a.m. Bible Study 11:00 a.m. Shabbat Worship Bat Mitzvah of Ellie Cearley Daughter of Lauri Cearley Welcome Home! HIGH HOLY DAYS WORSHIP SCHEDULE EREV YOM KIPPUR - KOL NIDRE Friday, October 17, 2014 6:00 p.m. Pre-Oneg 6:30 p.m. Simchat Torah and Consecration with HaShemesh Torah Portion: B’reishit Friday, October 3 7:30 p.m. Classical Reform-Style Service Location: Gall Family Sanctuary Saturday, October 18, 2014 9:45 a.m. Bible Study 11:00 a.m. Shabbat Worship Bat Mitzvah of Julia Smotkin Daughter of Howard and Barbara Smotkin Saturday, October 4 9:00 a.m. Tot Service (Pre-K and younger) Location: Gall Family Sanctuary Friday, October 24, 2014 6:00 p.m. Pre-Oneg 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Worship Torah Portion: Noach 10:00 a.m. Intergenerational Service Location: Gall Family Sanctuary Saturday, October 25, 2014 9:45 a.m. Bible Study Friday, October 31, 2014 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Worship (Note earlier start time) Torah Portion: Lech L’Cha Saturday, November 1, 2014 9:45 a.m. Bible Study YOM KIPPUR MORNING 10:00 a.m. Children’s Service (Grades K - 3) Location: May Chapel YOM KIPPUR AFTERNOON 12:15 p.m. Body and Soul - Yoga with Lisi Weinstein Location: The Edison Bridge 1:00 p.m. “Jonah: A Whale of a Story” with Jed Filler, RJE, Director of Youth Education Location: May Chapel 1:45 p.m - “Opening our Hearts to the Blessings of Yom Kippur” with Jan Offenbach Nykin, M.Ed., LCSW Location: May Chapel 2:30 p.m. - “The Delicate Balance of Jewish Guilt: How Should I Really Feel About Israel?” with Rabbi Emeritus Mark L. Shook Location: May Chapel 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. Afternoon Torah and Haftarah Service followed by Yizkor (Memorial) and Concluding Services Location: Gall Family Sanctuary 2 page / October 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE ata GLANCE ANNUAL HIGH HOLY DAY PERSONAL CARE ITEM DRIVE CONTINUES THRU OCTOBER 17 We will be collecting personal care items throughout the High Holy Days to benefit the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry. ALL PERSONAL CARE ITEMS NEEDED Toilet paper, soaps, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, body lotion, disposable razors, shaving cream, diapers, feminine protection products, and bandages. The need for personal care items is great, as these products generally cannot be purchased with food stamps. We’ll have volunteers and special collection barrels available at Yom Kippur services. Items can also be brought to the Temple at any time and placed in the collection barrels by the May Chapel building entrance through Friday, October 17. MORE HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS AT TEMPLE ISRAEL “RAISE THE ROOF” SUKKAH BUILDING SHOFAR SOCIETY SUKKOT OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 5, at 9:00 a.m. On the lawn (by the Brodsky Circle) at Temple Israel. Sunday, October 12, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. At the home of Rabbis Feder and Alper We’ll provide the bagels; you bring your screwdriver and help us build a new Temple Israel sukkah. No need to be handy; lend a hand and enjoy the fun! Open to all Shofar Society members. Want to join the Shofar Society? RSVP to Jed Filler, [email protected] or 314-432-8050. Contact Amanda Radman, [email protected] or 314-432-8050. SIMCHAT TORAH AND CONSECRATION DECORATE THE HUT Wednesday, October 8, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Free pizza dinner and sukkah decorating for families with children preschool-age through 2nd grade. Try your hand at shaking the lulov and etrog! Family fun for all! RSVP to Amanda Radman, [email protected] or 314-432-8050. CONGREGATIONAL SUKKOT/SHABBAT CELEBRATION Friday, October 10 6:00 p.m. Family Sukkot Service 6:30 p.m. Bring-Your-Own Picnic Dinner 7:00 p.m. Special Dessert Outdoors in the TI Sukkah (weather permitting) Bring a picnic dinner and join us in the TI sukkah as we celebrate Sukkot and Shabbat with food, worship, and fun! No RSVP necessary. www.ti-stl.org / October 2014 / 3 page Friday, October 17 6:00 p.m. Pre-Oneg 6:30 p.m. Family Service and Consecration Installation of Jed Filler, MAJCS, RJE Desserts and special treats to follow Bring the whole family and join us for festive celebration of Shabbat, Simchat Torah, the Consecration of our newest Religious School students, and the installation of Jed Filler as our new Director of Youth Education. We will celebrate with singing, dancing, parading with the Torah scrolls, and unrolling an entire Torah scroll for all to see as we start the annual cycle of Torah reading anew. Be sure to stick around for special desserts and treats for all ages. IF NOT NOW, WHEN? Rabbi Amy Feder A few weeks ago my grandfather, Al Melman, passed In so many ways, he was correct. My grandfather away. His death was not a surprise to our family; he identified very closely with Judaism. Growing up, he and was 90 and had been living with Alzheimer’s and other his father walked to shul every week on Shabbat, and as illnesses for several years, and we all truly knew that it an adult, he was a Board member and a Shabbat regular was a blessing for his suffering to have ended. He lived at TI for many years. Yet his Judaism, like so many a full, meaningful, and purposeful life, and we all of ours, was in the end about community more than admired him and the example he set. anything else. It was about the people he saw here each What did surprise me, however, was the feeling that I had being a mourner. I have lost loved ones before, and I have sat with many of you in your time of loss. This, though, was my first time sitting in the front row of the May Chapel and accepting condolences, looking out from the bimah to see the faces of so many people there who were sharing my family’s sadness and supporting us. I felt so overwhelmed with gratitude, both for everyone who reached out in even the smallest ways, and for a tradition that helped put context to the sense of loss. week who would ask after his well-being any time he and my grandmother didn’t make it to services. It was about the Board meetings when people would refer back to the way they did accounting at the Temple “back when Al Melman was the treasurer,” which would remind me that being a leader in this community really does have a lasting impact. It was the way that when he died, even after having not really been himself for years, so many people came forward to express their fondness for him. It was Temple Israel and our shared faith that gave us all a context, a place to gather together in community, and to have a way to say goodbye with dignity, with It was my cousin, David, who expressed the sentiment tradition, and with holiness. It was perfect, and he best. David is in his 20s and from Seattle, and though would have loved it. he is a deeply spiritual and meditative person, he probably has not identified closely with Judaism since his bar mitzvah. Following the funeral he said, “I learned so much about Judaism today when I saw all of those Thank you for being such a wonderful community; I am so proud and grateful to call this my home. [email protected] people coming out to say goodbye to Grandpa. Judaism is about community, isn’t it? It’s not about rules and rites; it’s about all of these people coming together and sharing the same tradition and words so that they can feel a connection at these times when there’s really nothing you can say that feels right.” 4 page / October 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE temple NEWS CHUTZPAH Rabbi Michael Alper Each day this summer, I came into TI and It’s the idea that transformation is a slow and powerful watched the transformation of our building take place. process, not just within a home or a building, but within The painting of the walls, the installation of the fixtures, ourselves. When we change just one aspect of our lives the shining of the floors, the construction on the roof — for the better, it helps us to see what else could be each step was more exciting than the last. Each step improved and to discover how tremendous the benefits was also rather terrifying. On nearly a daily basis, of making a positive change truly are. the head of the construction crew came into my office to reassure me that we would be ready for the High Holidays. Once we get past the High Holidays, yet another project awaits completion; the even more dramatic renovation of the Gall Family Sanctuary in its everyday layout, replete with new bimah, new ritual objects, a new ark and more. A strange thing has happened, though. With each wonderful new change in the building, I find myself discovering something else that needs to be done. Our worship space is complete; what about our school, the bridge, accessible entrances? It can be truly overwhelming! I have heard that this is a phenomenon that many people experience when remodeling their homes. Once you make one change, you see everything else that could be done to make it even better. I’d like to think that there is a real lesson to be learned here, and it’s not about insatiability. It’s about spiritual growth. www.ti-stl.org / October 2014 / 5 page We start a weekly exercise regimen and realize that we might feel even better if we also changed our eating habits. We find one old friend on Facebook and reach out to more, seeing how fun it is to reconnect with old friends. We come to Shabbat services or Torah study and realize how much calmer and more at peace we seem during the week, and that perhaps we should attend more often! Sometimes it only takes a little change to help us see what we are lacking in our lives and what we could do to make it all a bit better. May this be a year when we improve ourselves, one step, one brick at a time, and find ourselves beginning each day with a renewed vision of who we are and what our true potential is. [email protected] PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dee A. Mogerman Welcome home! We return to Temple Israel to worship together in our beautiful new sanctuary for this High Holy Day season. We began with the repair of our roof and have renovated the Gall Family Sanctuary, Isserman Auditorium, Kriegshaber and Shoenberg foyers and surrounding areas to fit our current and future needs. After the High Holy Day season our sanctuary will be transformed into an intimate, flexible space we will be proud to use during the rest of the year. These renovations were completely paid for with the Livnot pledges from our generous donors. We still have much work to do as we reinvigorate the Livnot Campaign to fund future improvements to the rest of our campus, and we are excited about the possibilities. The year 5775 will be a rededication year for Congregation Temple Israel. Events are planned throughout the year which will allow each of us to celebrate and rededicate ourselves to our TI community. Our Time to Shine Gala on November 16; tikkun olam projects such as Pies with a Purpose and our Thanksgiving Dinner for those in need; and educational, social, and worship opportunities will focus on this theme throughout the year. I look forward to being together as we celebrate our future. Wherever you may be along your Jewish journey, there is a place for you in our Temple Israel community. May you find your place at Temple Israel during the year 5775. SUPPORT OUR TI HIGH HOLY DAY APPEAL “I am so very fortunate to have a spiritual community where there is very little difference between friends and family. Where I know, no matter how much time has passed, I have a place to call home and a family to love and be loved in return.” Charlie Cook We hope that you, like Charlie, feel that Temple Israel THE NACHSHON CHALLENGE: A small group of young is a place that you can call “home.” congregants has pledged to match, dollar-for-dollar, Our goal for this year’s appeal is $50,000. This represents just $54 (triple chai) per household High Holy Day Appeal gifts from fellow members ages 25 to 45, up to a maximum of $10,000. if every member were to contribute. No gift is too big Thank you for your generosity. You can donate now or too small, and every contribution makes a difference. online at www.ti-stl.org/appeal. For more information, Please join us at a level that is most comfortable for you. contact Carol Wolf Solomon, [email protected] or 314-432-8050. 6 page / October 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE temple NEWS ThankYou NATALIE AN D NEIL HAND ELMAN ENDOWMENT FUND FOR T EMPLE LIFE We are delight ed to announ ce the establ ishment of a new endo wment fund at T em ple Israel. The Natalie an d Neil Handelm an Endowment Fund for Tem ple Life will su pport the dive immediate ne rse and eds of our co ngregation, in cluding but not limited to special educ ational progra operational ne ms, eds, new lear ning technolo and other fina gies, ncial priorities . When we refe providing “A r to our cong Voice for All regation as Generations,” the ional Handelm an fa m ily is a shining example. Nat alie and Neil Handelman ha ve been members of T emple Israel fo r m or e th an In every gene 50 years. ration, the Han de lm an fa m ily has been involved in all aspects of T em pl e lif e. Neil is a past President of the congrega ti continues to on and serve on our Board of Trust Both Neil and ees. Natalie have served as com and event ch mitee airs. multi-generat www.ti-stl.org / October 2014 / 7 page Members of th serve on our eir immediate and extended family ees, teach in preschool an our d religious sc hool, and are leaders in our youth group. With the esta Board of Trust blishment of the Natalie an d Neil ndowment Fu nd for Templ e Life, they have created an enduring le ga cy at Temple Isra ensuring that el, our congrega tional commun continue to pr ity will ovide meaning ful programs paths of Jew an d ish engagemen t for many ge to come. nerations Handelman E We are gratef ul for their ge nerosity and welcome ons by others to th e N at al ie Handelman E and Neil ndowment Fu nd for Templ e Life. tribute donati WOMEN’S connecTIon Join Us at these Women’s ConnecTIon Events PAINTING WITH A TWIST AN AFTERNOON WITH JOANNE CARAS Thursday, October 23 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Painting with a Twist 12623 Olive Blvd. Author of the Holocaust Survivor Cookbook Unleash your inner artist with an evening of fun, friends, food, and PAINTING. Almost as easy as paint by number! Cost: $35 per person Half of the proceeds will be donated to the Temple Israel Thanksgiving dinner for those in need. RSVP online at www.paintingwithatwist.com/crevecoeur. Select the TI Women’s ConnecTIon party on the event calendar and enter the passcode: PARTY. For more information, contact Debbie Schultz, 314-330-9940 or Jennifer Patchin, 314-307-9940. and Miracles & Meals and cooking show host on Jewish Living Television (JLTV). Sunday, November 9 (The anniversary of Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass) 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Isserman Auditorium Admission: $18 per person (Proceeds will be donated to the St. Louis Holocaust Museum and Learning Center.) Dessert reception to follow featuring recipes from Joanne’s cookbooks. Bring guests and let them be part of this special experience featuring recipes your family will enjoy and stories they will never forget. Books may be pre-ordered or purchased at the event. RSVP by Monday, November 3, to Amanda Radman [email protected] or 314-432-8050. AND SAVE THESE DATES! December TBD – Senior Member Luncheon • Thursday, February 5 – Fortune Telling Event Thursday, April 9 – Women’s Passover Seder WOMEN’S CONNECTION PINTEREST IN PERSON EVENT The Women’s ConnecTIon Committee extends its heartfelt thanks to the following individuals for making the first Women’s ConnecTIon “Pinterest In Person” event so successful: Suzanne Epstein Lang - Festive and creative table scape and challah napkins rings. Jody Chassin - Starry starry stars creative art project. Diane Packman - Scrumptious holiday meal from appetizers to salmon and everything in between. Evie Bernstein - Soup and sweets from the heart. Nancy Nix Rice - Traveling in style clothing and packing advice. Martina Stern - Fabulous place cards, illuminating table inspirations and individual desserts. Kari Vincent - Our e-news maven, for her ability to take our words and turn them into the message we want to convey. Sugar Fire Smoke House - For providing a sumptuous dinner, complete with a few “extras” (at a significant discount), which was delivered to the dedicated Creve Coeur Fire and Police Departments as we remembered the anniversary of September 11, 2001. 8 page / October 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE worth NOTING TIME TO SHINE Congregation Temple Israel’s Fundraising Gala, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014 5:30 P.M. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL, ST. LOUIS Invitations to Illuminate the Night Gala, Congregation Temple Israel’s annual Time to Shine Fundraiser are on their way! If you have friends or relatives who are not TI members and would like to attend, let us know! We’re happy to send them an invitation. JOIN US FOR A SHINING EVENING! Enjoy fine dining, dancing to the incredible sounds of The Fabulous Motown Revue, opportunities to purchase fabulous live auction and raffle items, and much more! RSVP deadline is Friday, October 31. Sponsorship opportunities are available. See your invitation for details or contact Marisa Reby, [email protected] or 314-432-8050. www.ti-stl.org / October 2014 / 9 page DEUTSCH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER OF TEMPLE ISRAEL Leslie Wolf, Director We are making some exciting changes to our Parent/ incredible job providing our more mobile toddlers with Child program at the Deutsch Early Childhood Center an amazing introductory preschool experience that (DECC). Our Thursday morning Parent/Child class has includes art, music, snack and even some time in our always been a very popular offering. Typically, this class muscle room! Parents and care-givers love taking part is geared toward parents and care-givers of children in all class activities with their little ones. who are mobile; either walking or on the verge! We recognize that there is also a great need for a program geared to parents and care-givers of infants. In addition to facilitating our new Club Baby group, I have been teaching our preschool cooking class on Wednesday afternoons. I love being back in New parents with infants are looking for opportunities the classroom with the kids! So far we have made to connect with other new parents. They can often feel homemade ranch dressing, pita pizza, and cheese so secluded at home. I want to offer them a chance to scrambled eggs. I am a teacher at heart, and believe get together with other parents of infants to discuss that having a presence in the classroom helps me be what is going on with them and their babies. an even better DECC Director. Cooking with the kids So beginning Tuesday, October 7, I am going to facilitate a group called Club Baby. This new group will meet from 11:15 a.m. to about 12:30 p.m., timed to fit right between morning and afternoon naps. has brought me back to my two loves; cooking and teaching! Club Baby will give me the opportunity to build relationships with new parents and keep attuned to their ever changing needs. We will enjoy snacks and chat about babies, lack of If you know anyone who might be interested in Club sleep, feedings, and any topics that our parents or Baby, Parent/Child class or our DECC preschool program, care-givers want to talk about. Rabbi Amy will join us please have them give me a call at 314-432-8076 or on occasion, and I will line up guest speakers, depending e-mail me at [email protected]. upon the needs of the parents. This will be a time for parents and care-givers to relax with their babies, meet [email protected] lw new friends, and help one another get acclimated to the issues surrounding parenthood. Club Baby will be offered in addition to our very popular Parent/Child class taught by Jane Weinhaus and Lisa Cohen. As always, Jane and Lisa are doing an 10 page / October 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE RELIGIOUS SCHOOL HAPPENINGS school NEWS Jed Filler, RJE, Director of Youth Education Shalom Chaverim! The year has begun — as you read this, we are in the middle of our High Holy Days, and our TIRS (Temple Israel Religious School) is in full swing! Our first weeks were full of fun and activity, and all of us here want you to “see yourselves at TI” – so here are a few pictures of our first two weeks – enjoy! L’Shanah Tovah U’metukah! [email protected] CROP HUNGER WALK SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 Eden Theological Seminary 475 East Lockwood Ave. in Webster Groves Registration/Check-in at 12:30 p.m. Walk steps off at 1:30 p.m. www.ti-stl.org / October 2014 / 11 page Youth and adults of all ages are invited to join our Temple Israel team and participate in this tikkun olam activity. There are both 1- and 3-mile routes. To participate, contact Loren Ludmerer, 314-993-1811 or [email protected]. Last year’s Pies with a Purpose effort produced more than 500 delicious, homemade pumpkin pies for clients of the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry and was such a success, we’re doing it again this year! In addition to resuming our annual Thanksgiving dinner for those in need, we’ll be back in the TI kitchen baking pies for our dinner guests and for the Jewish Food Pantry. We welcome your participation as we strive to brighten the lives and create the holiday spirit for as many people in need as possible. We hope you can join us in the Temple kitchen at one or more of the following baking sessions. Space at each baking session is limited, so register early to Sydney Masin, [email protected] or 314-432-8050! Sunday, November 9, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Friday, November 21, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. There’s no religious school this Sunday, so round up the We’ll bake pies from 4:00 - 6:00, have a nosh at the entire family and join us for a morning of baking. pre-oneg, and attend the 6:30 Shabbat service together. Friday, November 14, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Sunday, November 23, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We’ll bake pies from 4:00 - 6:00, have a nosh at the Spend the morning baking pies with us while the kids are pre-oneg, and attend the 6:30 Shabbat service together. in Religious School. Tuesday, November 18, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. For questions, RSVPs, or to arrange to donate supplies, Baking is great way to unwind after a long day. contact Sydney Masin at [email protected] or 314-432-8050. VOLUNTEER FOR OUR THANKSGIVING DINNER OUR ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DINNER FOR THOSE IN NEED RETURNS! We had to take last year off due to our building renovation project. Our Thanksgiving dinner will take place this year on Wednesday, November 26, at 6:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed to assist with set-up, check-in, and preparing and serving food, and should plan to arrive at the Temple by 5:30 p.m. We expect to serve more than 500 guests this year. Your help is greatly appreciated! Adults and children in grades 6 and above are encouraged to volunteer. teer. Please RSVP to Sydney Masin, [email protected], or 314-432-8050. 12 page / October 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE youth NEWS ENGAGING OUR YOUTH Stephanie Rhea, Youth Groups Advisor All teens are invited to participate in these October youth group activities. JOIN IN THE HUNT! For more information, contact Youth Groups Advisor TEMPLE ISRAEL’S FIRST Stephanie Rhea, [email protected] or 314-432-8050 or SCAVENGER HUNT visit www.facebook.com/nfty.tifty. The Youth Activities Committee (YAC) YOM KIPPUR SERVICES invites TI members of all ages to scour the St. Louis area for items and team photo opps from the unusual to the wacky. Friday - Saturday, October 3 - 4 For Erev Yom Kippur it is a tradition for all post-B’nai Mitzvah youth to sit together. Come find us in the middle Saturday, October 25, from 12:30 - 5:30 p.m. of the back rows. In the morning, TIFTY will be assisting Entry Fee: with the 9:00 a.m. Tot service. - $125 per team in advance - $150 at the door CLUB 56 PIZZA IN THE HUT (All proceeds will benefit our TIFTY youth group Tuesday, October 14, 6:15 - 8:00 p.m and Camp Rainbow) All 5th and 6th graders are invited to a special Sukkot Teams are comprised of 6 people (with at least one person 21 or older). Get your team together and get ready for fun! pizza dinner in the Temple Israel sukkah. Cost is $8. NFTY-MV SLIID FALL AT CAMP SABRA Friday - Sunday, October 17 - 19 Download the registration form and liability waiver High school youth are invited to spend a fall weekend at www.ti-stl.org/scavengerhunt. at Camp Sabra with other youth from St. Louis, Illinois, Questions? Call Jennifer Culp, 314-853-7873 and Iowa. TEMPLE ISRAEL COLLEGE CONNECTION Our college connection program provides students with special holiday care packages, notes from our rabbis, and other surprises to help students continue to feel a part of our Temple Israel community. Send student e-mail and school addresses to Sydney Masin, [email protected] or 314-432-8050. www.ti-stl.org / October 2014 / 13 page FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Saturday, November 1, 5:00 p.m. at the Temple Our TIFTY high school youth group is hosting a Movie Night for families with young children. Volunteers are needed to help with face painting, balloon twisting, and serving snacks. TIFTY LOUNGE NIGHT Tuesday, November 4, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Take a break from homework and chill with friends in the Temple’s Beaumont Youth Lounge FEED THE MIND... NOURISH THE SOUL PleaseJoinUs Judaism For Beginners (and we’re all beginners) Crafting for Community Mondays, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Sundays, October 12 and 26, 9:30 - 11:45 a.m. Join Rabbi Feder for a casual introduction to Judaism class. We discuss everything from life cycle to theology to holidays, and everything in between! This class is perfect for Jews, those considering conversion, and those in interfaith families. All are welcome to come and learn; no question is too basic or too tough. Babysitting will be available. in the Gathering Place at the Temple. Join Jody Chassin in learning fun and easy crafts to make and donate to organizations that serve people in need. For details, contact Jody at 314-566-1274. Food for Thought (formerly Rabbi’s Roundtable) Thursday, October 2, 12:30 p.m. Seniors, empty nesters, and all with mid-day time to spare are invited to join our rabbis for lunch and conversation on the first Thursday of each month. We provide the lunch; you get to pick the discussion topics! Cost for lunch: $10. RSVP needed to Evie Bernstein, 314-434-3937. Torah Tuesdays with Rabbi Alper Tuesdays, 12:15 - 1:15 p.m. Bring your lunch and a Bible and join our discussion of the week’s Torah portion. Bible Study with Rabbi Shook Saturdays, 9:45 - 11:00 a.m. All are welcome to attend Rabbi Emeritus Mark L. Shook’s popular Shabbat morning Bible Study class. For more information on adult education programs, contact Rabbi Alper, [email protected] or 314-432-8050. NEW • NEW • NEW • NEW • NEW TI University Sundays, 9:45 - 11:45 a.m. Join the rabbis on Sunday mornings as we explore the questions and issues YOU want to learn about to increase your Jewish knowledge and strengthen your own Jewish identity. Think of it as Sunday School for grownups! Babysitting is available and must be requested by the Tuesday before each session. RSVP to Sydney Masin, [email protected]. Torah and Takeout Thursday, November 13, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Join Rabbi Michael Alper to talk Torah while eating delicious takeout from some of the best restaurants in St. Louis, right here at Temple Israel! Gather your friends for a night of learning, laughs, food, and fun. Torah and Takeout will be held monthly. Dinner this month will be from Crushed Red. Babysitting is available; advance reservations needed to Sydney Masin by Monday, November 10, at 314-432-8050 or [email protected]. Dinner RSVPs are appreciated, but not required. URJ Introduction to Judaism Class Tuesdays, October 7, 2014 - February 24, 2015, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at Temple Emanuel This 16-week course taught by area rabbis covers a variety of topics including Jewish practice and observance, beliefs, creating a Jewish home, life cycle observances, synagogue and prayer, history, Shabbat and holidays, basic Hebrew, and choosing Judaism. Contact Rabbi Feder or Rabbi Alper if you are interested in participating. 14 page / October 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE SUN MON 2014 TUES For the most up-to-date news on TI programs and events, subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter, connecTI ons. E-mail [email protected] or visit www.ti-stl.org. WED OCTOBER THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 3:30 pm Homework Club 12:30 pm Food for Thought Erev Yom Kippur 2 pm - Offices Close 3 pm - DECC Closes Yom Kippur (See worship schedule) 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab 7:30 pm Kol Nidre Service 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 No Religious School 10 am Judaism for Beginners 12:15 pm Torah Tuesday 9 am Study Group 9:45 am Bible Study 3:30 pm Homework Club 4 pm Temple Offices Close 6 pm Sukkot Temple Offices Closed Sukkot Picnic and Service DECC Dynamite Days 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab 5:30 pm Decorate the Hut 9 am Raise the Roof Sukkah Building 6 pm DECC Open House for Bumblebees 11 am Shabbat Worship Bat Mitzvah of Ellie Cearley 6:30 pm Executive Committee Meeting 7 pm Boy Scout Troop 11 Court of Honor 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9:30 am Religious School 9:15 am DECC Parent Board Meeting 12:15 pm Torah Tuesday Erev Simchat Torah Simchat Torah Temple Offices Closed 6 pm Pre-Oneg 9:45 am Bible Study DECC Dynamite Days 6:30 pm Shabbat/Simchat Torah Service & Consecration 11 am Shabbat Worship Bat Mitzvah of Julia Smotkin 9:30 am Crafting for Community 9:45 am TI University 11 am Confirmation 1 pm TIFTY Board Mtg 2:30 pm Shofar Society Event 10 am Judaism for Beginners 3:30 pm Homework Club 4 pm Temple Offices Close 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab 6 pm DECC Open House for Froggies 6 pm DECC Open House for Tadpoles 7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop 11 Committee Meeting 6:15 pm Club 56 Pizza in the Hut 7:00 pm Board of Trustees 7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop 11 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9:30 am Religious School 10 am Judaism for Beginners 12:15 pm Torah Tuesday 9 am Study Group 6 pm Pre-Oneg 9:45 am Bible Study 3:30 pm Homework Club 3:30 pm Homework Club 7 pm Women’s ConnecTIon Painting with a Twist 6:30 pm Shabbat Worship 12:30 pm TIFTY Scavenger Hunt 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab 30 31 1 6 pm Shabbat Worship (Note early start time) 9:45 am Bible Study 9:45 am TI University 11:30 am Confirmation Class 6 pm DECC Open House for Lizards 7 pm Helping Our Seniors, Helping Ourselves 26 27 28 29 9:30 am Religious School 10 am Judaism for Beginners 12:15 pm Torah Tuesday 3:30 pm Homework Club 3:30 pm Homework Club 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab 9:30 am Crafting for Community 9:45 am TI University 11:30 am Confirmation Class 1 pm TIFTY Board Meeting www.ti-stl.org / October 2014 / 15 page 4:30 pm Hebrew Lab 6:30 pm Executive Meeting 7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop 11 5 pm Family Movie Night IN OUR TEMPLE FAMILY Mazal Tov to Sarah and Tom Eidelman and Rachel and David Eidelman on the birth of their son and grandson, Max Jay Eidelman, born August 18, 2014. Mazal Tov to Erin Wolfman May and Matthew May on the arrival of their daughter, Zoe Wolfman May. Mazal Tov to Irina and Boris Baazov and Bella and Yuriy Moskalets on the birth of their daughter and granddaughter, Vivian Elizabeth Baazov born August 26, 2014. Mazal Tov to Judy and Jerry Levy on the marriage of their daughter, Rebecca, to Seth Williams and to Jerry Levy on his 80th birthday. Mazal Tov to Judy and Richard Glassman on the marriage of their son, Robert, to Layla Ilbak of Los Angeles, CA. Mazal Tov to Diane and Michael Weiss and Marlita and Stuart Weiss on the engagement of their daughter and granddaughter, Allison, to William Waits of Evansville, IN, Mazal Tov to Patty Bloom, Burt Garland, Jr. and Tom Eidelman, who were among the 2013 Class of Millstone Fellows, an initiative of the Millstone Institute for emerging and established leaders in the St. Louis Jewish community. Todah Rabah to our Board of Trustees members who served as Shabbat Greeters for August and September. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Zach and Jenny Abeles Sam and Tucker Rivalie Cohn Marshall and Erin Edelman Ben and Taryn Goldstein Aiden, Sam, Roland and Hudson Jo-Ann Goldstein Ken Hirsch David and Debbie Kramer Catherine and James Frank and Laura Robbins Freddy, Tommy and Eli John & Erin Schneider Naomi & Noah Mike Vredenburgh and Rebecca Rubin-Schlansky 16 page / October 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE worth NOTING TEMPLE ISRAEL THANKSGIVING DINNER WISH LIST GRANT A WISH FOR OUR PRE-THANKSGIVING DINNER FOR PEOPLE IN NEED A generous annual gift from an anonymous donor covers most, but not, all costs for our Thanksgiving Dinner for People in Need. At this event, we provide a complete Thanksgiving feast, with entertainment, for more than 500 guests who come to us from senior adult centers and social service agencies from throughout the St. Louis area. Granting any of the following Wish List items will enable us to continue to provide this valuable resource to the community in need. WISH GRANTED! Thank you to Joseph Silverman for his generous contribution to fund a bus for transporting guests. $500 Sponsors entertainment $200 Sponsors a table of 10 $20 $300 $80 $200 To fulfill a wish list item, mail a check payable to Temple Israel: Sponsors one guest TEMPLE ISRAEL THANKSGIVING WISH LIST Transports one bus of guests P.O. Box 790379, St. Louis, MO 63179 Furnishes one food warming cabinet Provides table linens and napkins Donate online by credit card: www.ti-stl.org/Thanksgivingwishlist. Please specify the item you are funding. Contributions will be recognized in future issues of the Dateline, so please let us know if you prefer to donate anonymously. For more information, contact Carol Wolf Solomon, Director of Development and Communications, [email protected] or 314-432-8050. WELCOME NEW STAFF! Be sure to introduce yourself to Melanie and Becky the next time you’re at the Temple. We extend a warm welcome to Melanie Thiede, who has joined our Temple staff as administrative assistant to the Executive Director and Board of Trustees. Melanie was previously an accounting clerk with Jewish Family and Children’s Service. She received her bachelor’s degree in accounting from Webster University. When not at TI, you can usually find Melanie shuttling teenage daughters Kaitlyn and Hannah to before and after school activities. We also welcome Becky Wientge as our new Education Office manager. She is providing administrative support to both our Deutsch Early Childhood Center and our Religious and Hebrew School programs. While Becky is new to the position, she is no stranger to Temple Israel! She previously was our kitchen manager and last year taught at DECC. Becky has a bachelor’s degree in elementary and early childhood education from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, and a master’s degree in education from Lindenwood University, with certification in reading. Becky and Joe Wientge are the parents of DECC students Karolyn and Gabriella, and are expecting their third child in December. www.ti-stl.org / October 2014 / 17 page We gratefully acknowledge these tributes received as of September 10. ALENE & MEYER KOPOLOW MUSIC FUND In memory of Elinor and Melvin Strassner Victor C. Weisskopf ALLAN & GLORIA MOLALSKY/BARRY & MARTI SIMON CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING FUND In memory of Flossie Biernbaum Marti and Barry Simon In honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Claymon’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Marti and Barry Simon BUILDING FUND In honor of the birthday of David Boxer Barbara and David Smith TEMPLE ISRAEL ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of Mahlon Rubin Adele and Arthur Litz Beverly Faber In honor of Temple Israel Sanda Greenberg FRIEDA AND LESTER HANDELMAN EARLY CHILDHOOD ART FUND In memory of Frieda Handelman Audrey and Leonard Adreon Karen and Jim Barker Susie and Bob Bernstein Barbara and David Boxer Carol and Ed Cohen Lee and Gene Deutsch Ellen and Henry Dubinsky Ann and Marty Epstein Marcia and Steven Feit Lois Friedman Mickey Gelber and Teddi Baumgarten Judy and Richard Glassman Linda and Bob Gellman Judy and Harvey Harris Phyllis and Steve Kamenetsky Essie and Earl Kessler Linda, Benjamin and Emily Kline Sally and Jonathan King Carol Margolis Ricki and Neil Marglous Dee and Cary Mogerman Mary and Morris Joftus Loren and Ken Ludmerer Judy and Jeff Pass Betty and Buddy Rosenbaum Judy and Ken Rosenthal and Children Audrey Rothbarth Carole Simon Susan Saxe and Gary Morris Helen and Julian Seeherman The Staff of Craft Alliance Center of Art + Design In memory of Mahlon Rubin Ellen and Bob Brin Natalie and Neil Handelman Wishing a speedy recovery for Carol Shook Natalie and Neil Handelman In honor of David Boxer’s 85th birthday Natalie and Neil Handelman GERSHMAN SENIOR CITIZENS’ FUND In memory of Mahlon Rubin Noma Simon HARVEY M. GILLERMAN BOOK AND MUSIC FUND In memory of Beverly Tober Jeanie and Don Bassman In honor of the 100th birthday of Jay Strauss Jeanie and Don Bassman HELEN AND MYRON SCHWARTZ ARK AND PRAYER BOOK FUND A new Mishkan T’filah prayer book has been dedicated: In Loving Memory of Sandy Breadman By Max Breadman TEMPLE ISRAEL GENERAL FUND In memory of Jean Mecham Barker The Levy-Thomeczek Family In memory of Meta Feist Barbara and Ira Kodner Dee and Cary Mogerman 18 page / October 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE october TRIBUTES In memory of Semon Frelich Janice and Stanley Gitt Oscar Goldberg In memory of S. Michael Freiman Dee and Cary Mogerman In memory of Dr. Robert Cohen Liz and Larry Linkon In memory of Frieda Handelman The Levy-Thomeczek Family Liz and Larry Linkon In memory of Mahlon Rubin Gloria Cotlar In honor of David Boxer’s 85th Birthday Elaine and Jeffrey Korn In honor of Milton Fry’s special birthday Harvey Harris The Levy-Thomeczek Family Dee and Cary Mogerman Barbara and Harry Schukar In honor of the engagement of Michael Goldsticker and Sarah Boyce Joni and Bob Kaiser RABBIS’ DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Dr. Michael Freiman Eve and Ken Wilde SILVERSTEIN FUND Wishing a speedy recovery for Merle Silverstein Essie and Earl Kessler Lois and Robert Friedman YAHRZEIT FUND In memory of Jerold L. Axelbaum Sid Axelbaum In memory of Arthur Bierman June R. Bierman In memory of Allen J. Bloom Jeanne Bloom and Family In memory of Geraldine Chod Steve and Toby Chod and Family In memory of Ruth Lesser Goldman Howard N. Lesser In memory of Doris Herman Linda Zoller In honor of Rob Aronson’s engagement The Levy-Thomeczek Family In memory of Carolyn Lippmann KIRK NACKMAN GARDEN FUND In memory of Dr. Herschel and Anita Medalie In memory of Semon Frelich Audrey and Leonard Adreon In memory of Daniel Spielberg Linda, Phil, Taylor, Ali and Spencer Horwitz NATHN KAHN - ERNESTINE KAHN CHARLES KAHN FOUNDATION In memory of Raymond Samuel Davidson, Sidney Aaron Davidson and Marvin Abraham Davidson Thelma Davidson OFFENBACH INTERFAITH EDUCATION FUND OF TEMPLE ISRAEL In memory of Jean Mecham Barker Temple Israel Education Center Jan Offenbach Nykin Lynne and Michael Lippmann Rose Malt and Family In memory of Pierce H. Moonshine Merilyn Moonshine In memory of Bert Nachman Les Nackman In memory of Hedwig Reichenberg Margot Richards In memory of Bernard Ritzer Caryn Sandweis In memory of Leonard J. ‘“Bud” Schermer Esther and Ted Berger In memory of Sarah Singer Barbara and Edward Weiss In memory of Bella Zucker Helen Stolar www.ti-stl.org / October 2014 / 19 page SHABBAT SPONSORS CONDOLENCES PRE-ONEG SHABBAT We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of: September 5 Sponsored by Marla and Tim Ruff In honor of their son, Eric, becoming a Bar Mitzvah Dr. Robert Cohen husband of Kay Cohen BIMAH FOOD BASKETS September 5 - 6 Sponsored by Marla and Tim Ruff In honor of their son, Eric, becoming a Bar Mitzvah ROSH HASHANAH BIMAH FLOWERS Thank you to following donors for sponsoring our Rosh Hashanah bimah flowers: Berger Memorial Chapel Rindskopf-Roth Chapel Norman and Michele Roth and Family Marge Fenster, Jeff, Amy, Davis and Leo Brown, and Susan, Mike, Nathan and Freddie Mayer In memory of Ronald Fenster Carol Lasker and Family In memory of Thomas Lasker Fran and Steve Zamler and Family In memory of Martha Gelber and Scott Zamler Greg Eveloff son-in-law of Nancy and Herbert Bronska Meta Feist aunt of Carol (Rabbi Mark) Shook Frieda Handelman mother of Neil (Natalie), Howard (Alice), and Gary (the late Ronni) Handelman, and grandmother of Ellen (Bob) Brin, Mary (Robert) Rosenblum, Karen Handelman (Marc Hirshman), Jane (Eric) Spirtas, Patty (Jonathan) Bloom, Amy (Burt) Garland, Michael (Karen) Handelman, Sara (Jeffrey) Bernstein, Marjorie Handelman, and David Handelman Louis Jacks son of Sidney Jacks and brother of Andy (Judy) Jacks Al Melman husband of Joy Melman; dear father of Robin (Gary) Feder and grandfather of Rabbi Amy (Rabbi Michael Alper) Feder and Jessica (Jeremy) Gamlin Mahlon Rubin husband of Maurine Rubin Lawrence Weenick brother of Lois Sloofman This issue of the Dateline went to press before HELPING OUR SENIORS... HELPING OURSELVES Rosh Hashanah. Yom Kippur bimah flower donations Tuesday, October 21, 7:00 p.m. at Temple Israel will be acknowledged in our November edition. HOW CAN WE BETTER SERVE THE OLDER ADULTS IN OUR COMMUNITY? Join Rabbi Micah Buck-Yael of Jewish Family and Children’s Service’s Chaplaincy Program in exploring ways you can feel more comfortable and successful in visiting and connecting with seniors within our Temple and in the greater community. 20 page / October 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE we September 28 - October 4 Samuel C. Brasch Anne Kohlenbrener Brenner Louis Brown Therese Budwig Clein Abraham Cohen Rubin Cohen Geraldine Seidel Coppersmith Steven Alan Dern Isidor Enoch Eli Losos Esserman Manuel S. Faber Evelyn W. Fireside REMEMBER Jacob Flegel Jennie Michael Frank Rose Fremder Eugene A. Freund Melville D. Friedman Walter M. Glaser Ida Glazer Esther Golstein M. Harold Grober Augusta Haimann Ruth G. Haimann Fabische Heldenstein Gitel Yetta Heldenstein Lea Heldenstein 1st Lt. Jack H. Herman Libby Beatrice Jacobs David Isaaac Kalischer Mendel David Kalischer Melvin Kohn Flora Korngold Karol A. Korngold Lillian Koslow Minette Laba Milton J. Ladney Alfred Lappeman Anita Medalie Nathaniel Mendelson Betty Missler Charles Polsky Michelle Sheryl Rich Samuel Rothman Jennie Rothschild Julius Sanger Betty Jean Schneider Harry D. Schneider Ben Shanfeld Bess Finke Donald Gellman Elkan W. Glauber Louis Greenfield Morris A. Heimann Clarence M. Hirsch Bernard L. Isaacs Rose Cutter Kaplan Selma Kaufmann Alvin Sidney Kelter Sol Klein Etta Lazerwitz Sylvia G. Liberman Paul Robert Litt Dr. Sidney Marshall Massie Dr. Herschel Medalie Fannie Neuman Sadie Rosenblatt Leon Harrison Rosenbloom Rebecca Rubin Helen Friedman Schermer Harry Shapiro Mariane V. Silverman Louis Silverstein Bernard P. Singer Edith Susman Myrtle Goldwasser Weaver Josie Weil Dora Soffer Yanow Salem Yellen Edwin Frank Ruth Hirsch Friedman Doris Glassman Harry “Pete” Glovinsky Florence Kay Gram Esther Greeble Joseph Israel Green Conrad Hailparn Ella Harris Helen Rose Hoffman Ilma R. Isaac Harry Kamil Ethel Ammie Knisonsky Lillian L. Landis Renee Levine VJ Mancuso Charlie Medalie Samuel E. Mendelson Lillian F. Milius Aimee Glaser Moss Israel “Buddy” Newmark Shalon Offenbach Edith Pitler Morris Rubin Ruben Shapiro Fred Sobel Harry Leon Soffer Roger S. Freed Sophia Sigan Gillerman Sam Goldman Lillian Grand Emil Green Irvin S. (Sonny) Harris Hanne Bromet Hartmann Helen Arbesman Kerner Myra Tuholske Kopolow Louis Landau Eva Schear Lazaroff Ralph Scott Lynford Joyce Mohr Clara Rubin Newmark Andrew C. Scallet Esther Schermer Herbert B. Simon Joseph Smissman Mark C. Steinberg Carrie L. Steiner Ann B. Swier Ida Weneck Tranin Jennie Wagner Benjamin J. Weil Herman S. Wolfheim Jr. Lucille Strauss Wolfort Jay M. Lawton Irene E. Lowy Marvin Gene Marshall Dorothy Hartmann Meyerson William Stix Milius Sol Mogerman David Rickensohl Dr. Marvin Rosecan Adolph A. Samuel Joe Schneiderman Benjamin Miller Schulein Shirley Cohen Schweig Lottie Sherman Mary Siegfried Harry S. Smith Dr. Harry M. Sorkin Dr. Samuel David Soule Dina Reuss Stix Rabbi Solomon H. Sonneschein Louis Steinbaum Florence Rosenkranz Steiner Sidney Svarin Dr. Robert W. Tatkow Kelly Susan Weil Bernice M. Wilkerson Dr. Samuel U. Wolff October 5 - 11 William Bensinger Harold Bosse Charlotte Brodsky Ben H. Cohen Dudley J. Cohen Margaret Voorheis Cohen Raymond Samuel Davidson Sidney Aaron Davidson Thressa Meyers Epstein Abraham R. Feld October 12 - 18 Margaret E. (Honey) Altman Joseph M. Berger Jr. Ruth Blum M. Erwin Bry Irene Cohn Marvin Abraham Davidson Ira Daniel Deutsch Oscar A. Feldman Hyman Fogel Lee Soffer Harry Steiner Jr. Lena Harris Tucker Blanche Weil Maurice Wise Mary R. Wolff Harold M. Zager Norman Zimmerman October 19 - 25 Beatrice Alschuler Morton B. Anfenger Rosalind Bry Apple Hannah Littmann Auer Gottlieb Barken Sarah Mark Berman Bess Brown Millard S. Cohen Farrell Fox October 26 - November 1 Louis Berkowitz David M. Blumberg Michael Cutter Beatrice Edison Ida Pocras Goldberg Melville Greeble Rose Greenberg Edith Liss Grober Rose Gross Adele Obermeyer Hirschberg Lilly Holtzman Dora Hykins Pauline Schuchat Jacks Susan Jacobs Dr. Jack Kayes Gladys Miriam Krisman Kate H. Ladney www.ti-stl.org / October 2014 / 21 page Myron Wally Waldman Henry Weil Aladar Wildman Bernard Yawitz Louis G. Zelson GIVE-A-MEAL-A-MONTH MEDICAL EQUIPMENT DRIVE FOR ST. LOUIS HELP For the month of October, the Sunday, October 12, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry is looking for these specific items in order to assist the community in need: Canned Tuna Fish, Healthy Cereals, Kosher Foods, Canned Red or Black Beans, Any Type of Canned Vegetables, Dry Pasta, Healthy Soup, Canned Fruit, Toothpaste, Shampoo, Hand Soap and Detergent Items should be brought to our collection site by the May Chapel. For further information, please contact Louise Levine, 636-227-1259. AT CONGREGATION B'NAI AMOONA 324 S. MASON RD. IN CREVE COEUR Temple Israel is one of the co-sponsors of this area-wide medical equipment drive to benefit the St. Louis Health Equipment Lending Program (HELP). This organization lends health equipment to individuals in need, at no cost. Items accepted include wheelchairs, scooters, canes, crutches, walkers, shower chairs/benches/stools, etc. Equipment donations are tax deductible. For information, call 314-567-4700 or e-mail [email protected]. TEMPLE ISRAEL DATELINE TEMPLE ISRAEL DATELINE October 2014 Tishrei / Cheshvan 5775 Volume XXXIV / Number 1 www.ti-stl.org #1 Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin Drive St. Louis, MO 63141-7670 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT ST. LOUIS MISSOURI STAFF Amy Feder, Rabbi Michael Alper, Rabbi Mark L. Shook, Rabbi Emeritus Eli K. Montague, F.T.A., Executive Director Leslie Wolf, Director, Deutsch Early Childhood Center Jed Filler, R.J.E., Director of Youth Education Carol Wolf Solomon, Director of Development and Communications Amanda Radman, Director of Membership and Special Events Marisa Reby, Special Events Coordinator OFFICERS Dee Mogerman, President David Chassin, Vice President Carol Cohen, Vice President Harvey Harris, Vice President Jeremy Shook, Vice President Michael Weiss, Vice President Neil Marglous, Secretary Pamela Dern, Assistant Secretary Debbie Schultz, Treasurer Jeffrey Stern, Assistant Treasurer MORE HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS... Join in on the fun! “RAISE THE ROOF” SUKKAH BUILDING DECORATE THE HUT CONGREGATIONAL SUKKOT/SHABBAT CELEBRATION SHOFAR SOCIETY SUKKOT OPEN HOUSE SIMCHAT TORAH AND CONSECRATION See page 3 for times, dates, and details. OFFICE HOURS CONTACT US Monday - Tuesday, 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Phone: 314-432-8050 Fax: 314-432-8053 www.ti-stl.org NOTE: Temple Israel Dateline (USPS: 128-700) is published monthly except bi-monthly June-July by Congregation Temple Israel. Periodicals postage paid at St. Louis, MO. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Temple Israel Dateline, #1 Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141-7670
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