October 2014 | Vol. 60, No. 10
Rolling Hills Presbyterian Church
A Community of Grace
Growing in Faith, Relevance & Numbers
Rev. Norwood V. Brown, III
Pastor/Head of Staff
[email protected]
Rev. Dr. Ted M. Pierce
Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Stewardship 2015
For more than 55 years, Rolling Hills has laid the foundation for
growth. Since our very beginning, we have been committed to grow
the ministry and life of our congregation. We do not stress growth
simply for growth’s sake. Rather, because our Community of Grace
can and does make a difference in people’s lives and in the world, we
strive to grow the ministry of Rolling Hills.
Growing in Faith: First and foremost, we are a faith community. If faith is dynamic and alive,
it grows and matures. If faith is stagnate and lifeless, it diminishes and atrophies. Because our
expression of faith is so important, we are life long learners. One life principal holds true, we
cannot stand still. Either we move forward or we move backward.
Growing in Relevance: I am thankful for our congregation’s strong history and voice of
speaking to the current events and aspects in our contemporary world. With our most thoughtful
efforts, we must never shy away from speaking the truth in love. Our community, nation and
world need to hear the church’s voice as much now as they ever have.
Growing in Numbers: Recently a friend commented, “Healthy organisms grow.” In thinking
about this and Rolling Hills, I see so much life and vitality within our church.
• Children’s Ministries led by Amy Hopkins, Jessie Burkhalter, Becky Lloyd, Barb Meyer
and amazing Church School teachers.
Worship Schedule
9:00 & 10:15 AM
Traditional Worship
Adult Education
Nursery and Preschool classes
9:30 AM
Celebration Choir for
Grades K-5
Youth Choir for Grades 6-12
10:15 AM
Youth Church School
* Children start in the Sanctuary
and go to Church School
following A Time for Children
Nursery available both hours.
• Youth Ministry led by Bobby Morgan (our newest staff member) is already expanding the
ministry to intentionally reach out to the entire family.
• Adult Ministry led by Ted Pierce, Tom Young and Gene Augustine are guiding us to better
reach across the sanctuary, street and sea.
• Music Ministry directed by Charles Bruffy and Patrice Sollenberger with the
accompaniment of Steven McDonald is growing in numbers and providing fabulous music
for worship.
• Administrative Ministry is staffed with Margaret Nichols, Andrea Edgeller, Susan Spence
Patrice Sollenberger, Melina Bland, Kelli Kaufman, Randy Payne and Rob O’Keefe helping
do the work of the church better, more effectively and more lovingly.
Please prayerfully consider your support for our 2015 Ministry Budget. Your gift of time,
talents and treasures really do make a difference in the life of your church.
Thankfully yours,
Rev. Ted Said...
“Do You Know?”
People come up to me and ask, “What is next for Rolling Hills Church and our Guatemala
partnership?” I say, “The ‘next’ is now,” and they give me a funny look, What does that mean?
The leadership (your elders) voted this week to officially continue a partnership with Kapeh Utz,
“Good Coffee,” and a Guatemala coffee co-op. This partnership will help assist coffee farmers and
families have a successful global business and enhance their quality of life. We can help them
accomplish this goal by buying coffee. How did this partnership begin? Let me tell you:
Rev Ted Pierce
On our five service trips to Guatemala we visited a coffee co-op, San Miguel Tzampetey Cooperative. They
have a partnership with Candace Caster our Transformational
Journeys leader. Candace created a coffee business, Kapeh
Utz, to help assist the co-op through a ‘direct trade’
agreement. Rolling Hills Church, working with Kapah Utz,
developed our own brand of coffee, Rolling Hills Blend. We
buy the coffee from Kapeh Utz, both ground and whole bean,
and you and your friends buy a 12oz bag of superb tasting
coffee for a $10 donation. It is simple. Our money flows down
to hard working Guatemala farmers. Thus, continuing our
partnership with our friends in Guatemala!
There is another project approved by your elders to help the children of San Gregorio continue their
education after the 6th grade. We will be selling “scholarship cards” starting this Christmas. Our card
ministry will make beautiful Christmas cards and you will have the opportunity to purchase the cards
with the proceeds going to a children’s scholarship fund. This enables the children who are able to
move on to middle school, march towards a high school degree, and God willing a college degree!
You also might hear more about other service trips to Guatemala. Could we help the protestant church in San
Gregorio build and enhance their ministry? Chicken Church here we come?
Now you know about two projects that are continuing our partnership now!
(and more possibilities for the future)
Reverend Ted Pierce
Recycling Tidbit
In the United States, over 100,000 aluminum cans are recycled each minute.
That amounts to 53 billion cans recycled in 2010. However, over $1.1 billion in
aluminum cans were wasted the same year. If stacked one on top of the other
these cans would be 1,454 times taller than the Empire State Building.
Coffee Talk
Have you tasted the Guatemalan coffee, Kapeh Utz? It means “good coffee” in
Mayan. This coffee is directly traded from small farm cooperatives, imported to
Kansas City and roasted locally. Direct trade means the farmers are paid a price
beyond fair trade. Fair-trade coffee pays growers a negotiated, pre-harvest price
that is above the “street” price of coffee. In turn, consumers may pay a slightly
higher price for coffee that is certified fair trade, but they do so knowing that the
farmers who produced it are more fairly compensated for their coffee than they
previously had been.
Bee Corner
In a “normal” year, honey harvest usually takes place
around Labor Day. This year the plentiful rains and mild
temperatures have extended the season. On a walk in mid
September many honey bees were spotted on
sunflowers, lavender and moss rose. Each bee had white
pollen packed in the pockets on their legs and you could
see them sucking nectar from the flowers. Back at the
hive other worker bees take the pollen and nectar from the
foragers and store it and begin the honey making process.
We will get the honey supers off the hive before it gets too
cold or the honey will crystallize and
become impossible to extract from the
comb. Next month we’ll let you know
how many pounds our sweet
bees produced.
Thanksgiving Outreach
A Rolling Hills tradition will soon be upon us! Food Basket Sundays will start Sunday, November 2 and continue
for most of the month. These baskets will feed over 2,000 families in the Kansas City area. Last year, our church
donated over 500 bags of groceries to the following local food pantries: Della Lamb, Operation Breakthrough and the
Village Food Pantry.
Della Lamb Community Services is a non-profit that helps many of their clients, most of whom are immigrants and
refugees, with immediate and long-term needs.
Operation Breakthrough assists children living in poverty to develop in their utmost potential by providing services to
these children and families. The food pantry welcomes all and needs constant restocking.
The Village Food Pantry is the closest food pantry to our church based on Mission Road in Overland Park. We
sometimes forget that close neighbors are lacking life’s basic needs, food and clothing. Rolling Hills gives food
and supplies year round to this organization and is proud to say we have church members who regularly volunteer
at the pantry.
Beginning November 2, food bags will be placed in the Narthex and throughout the church.
What can you do to help make a Thanksgiving special for a less fortunate family?
1. Please take a bag home and fill it with suggested items, plastic not glass, that are on the supply list.
Bring the filled bag back to church the following Sunday and volunteers will start sorting out the items.
2. Volunteer to assist in sorting the food and placing them in a bag that will then be taken to the local
food banks.Volunteer to assist in driving the bags to each pantry location.
3. Volunteer to assist the local food pantries to hand out the food. The church office will have sign-up sheets
with the dates and times that volunteers are needed.
4. Donations can be given monetarily.
Watch for more information on the Food Basket Sundays in the bulletin.
Dedication Sunday is October 12
Spiritual Nurture
Stewardship is in full swing. Thank you for your pledges
which help Rolling Hills Grow in Faith, Relevance and
Numbers. Remember that we will dedicate our pledges on
Sunday, October 12. Thank you again for your support of
Rolling Hills. You help us truly be A Community of Grace.
Join us on Wednesday, October 15 and 22 at 5:30 p.m.
for fellowship, fun, food and always a great speaker.
Silver Singles
Silver Singles will meet on Thursday, October 16,
11 a.m. at Santa Fe Cafe.
Coffee Hour Ministry Team
A Sunday Morning Coffee Hour Ministry Team is forming
and needs your help! Please contact Margaret Nichols,
[email protected] if you are interested in helping with
this important ministry. Expanding the coffee hour will allow
us to have more fellowship time with our Rolling Hill friends.
Explore Your Future
A Gathering of Men!
This hands-on learning experience focuses on the
individual exploring possibilities to mesh their talents
and experience with their interests and passions to create
a vision for their future.
Join us for breakfast on Saturday, October 11 from
7:30 to 8:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall and listen to Mike
Meyer talk about "Salute the Heroes".
On October 4 and 11 from 9 1 p.m, Steve Hermes
will be teaching a two session workshop giving
participants ages 50+ an opportunity to consider "what's
next" in their life.
RSVP to the church office 913-642-9100.
Christmas Bureau
Rolling Hills will continue to collect gently used winter coats
for children and adults for the Johnson County Christmas
Bureau during October. Donation receipts are available.
Shalom House
Thank you to the Garden Angels for providing the
September dinner for the men at Shalom House. Not only did
they provide a wonderful ham dinner, they also donated socks
and t-shirts.
Grandview Park Presbyterian
Church 125th Anniversary Fiesta
Sunday, October 19
Join Grandview Park for their Anniversary Fiesta in the
street. There will be food, music, dancing and games.
The festivities begin at 11 a.m. and end with worhip at
2:30 p.m. Grandview Park is part of the Presbyterian
Urban & Immigrant Mission Network supported by
Rolling Hills.
Welcome New Members!
Bev Hanson
Jan and Jay Frankenberg
Rich and Allison Frankenberg
Congregational care
Deacons Reach Across the Sanctuary
September marked the beginning of the Deacons plan to Reach Across the
Sanctuary. By the end of the month, a Deacon will have contacted you by:
conversation on Sunday morning, a phone call, a card, or a personal visit.
Each Deacon has a care community of approximately 20 families. We
always have room for the community to grow, so each new Rolling Hills
family will receive a Deacon. We want to make sure everyone is included
in our circles of caring. As with any big, new endeavor, there will be
inadvertent gaps, so please let us know if you are still waiting to be
contacted. If your Deacon has not made contact with you by October 13,
please let Tom Young (913-642-9100) know and we will make sure that
happens. As we Reach Across the Sanctuary, we will discover
opportunities to strengthen our community of grace.
Kick-Off Sunday!
Family Fun Fall Event
Mom Squad
Please join us on Sunday, October 19 at
Louisburg Cider Mill for a hayride and bonfire. Meet at the Corn Maze at 4 p.m. After finding
our way through the maze, we will go on a
hayride and then cook hot dogs and s’mores at
the bonfire. Please RSVP and pay your $4
donation per person in the office by October 12. This fee will allow you into the corn maze,
hayride, bonfire, play area,
Sunflower Hill Slide, kiddie pallet maze and
farm animals (goats and pigs).
Mark your calendars Mom Squad (Moms of
preschoolers and elementary children of Rolling
Hills)! Plan on these dates to meet up with other
moms. Evites will still be sent to remind you, (if
you don’t receive them, call or email Amy in the
office). We are going to try to meet the 15th of
each month. Hope to see you there!
Oct. 15: Unforked (7337 W. 119th) at 6:30 p.m.
Nov. 15: Panera (College and Metcalf) at 9 a.m.
4th and 5th Grade Fellowship
Please join us on October 5 from 11:15 a.m. to
12:30 p.m. for a Pumpkin Party (lunch included)! A $2 donation would be greatly
appreciated! RSVP to [email protected].
Rosebud Sunday
Sunday, October 12. If you’ve recently had a baby
born into your family, let us honor this momentous
occasion with you! Please contact Jessie,
[email protected], if you would like to be
recognized during this special Sunday.
KiDs Celebrate Kick-Off Sunday
Hot Off the Griddle – It’s Pancake
Breakfast Time! (All Ages Welcome)
Senior High Lock-In (Grades 8-12)
“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part
of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27, NIV
Calling all Senior High to unite in community and service to
our church on Saturday, October 11 – Sunday, October 12,
2014, for our annual Lock-In! This super-packed event
includes fun with friends, food, games, and Pancake Breakfast
Fundraiser preparation, plus the top-secret reveal of our
upcoming summer service trip location. This lock-in event is
mandatory for all students planning to attend the annual
summer service trip. Stay tuned for more details coming soon!
RHPC Youth will be serving up food and fellowship at their
annual Pancake Breakfast fundraising event on Sunday, October
12, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.. Bring your family, friends,
and neighbors to enjoy pancakes, bacon, sausage, coffee and
juice. Gluten free pancakes will be available, as well as sugarfree syrup. Tickets are available at $8 for adults and $5 for
children fifth grade and younger. Purchase tickets at the RHPC
front office or at the door on Sunday, October 12. Proceeds will
benefit the RHPC Youth’s annual summer service trip. Plus,
check out this link to brush up on your pancake history and
share a fact with a friend as you invite them to join us in this
RHPC tasty tradition!
Looking Ahead:
November 2: Apple Pie Night: 5:30 – 7:00pm
November 9: Chiefs Watch Party 11:30 – half
time. Parents Party Details TBD
November 21– 23: Senior Retreat in Parkville
OCTOBER Youth Fellowship (Grades 6-12)
October 5: Scary Movie Night, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
October 19: Haunted House, 6 – 8 p.m. (Parent drivers needed to meet at church and caravan to haunted house.
Email Bobby at [email protected] if you can help!)
October 26: Trunk-or-Treat, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
The Spire*
Rolling Hills
Shawnee Mission, KS
9300 Nall Avenue
Overland Park, KS
* The Spire: UPSP 006-649.
Published monthly by
Rolling Hills Presbyterian Church.
Send address changes to
Rolling Hills Church, 9300 Nall Ave.
Overland Park, KS 66207-2565
Norwood V. Brown, III,
Pastor/Head of Staff
[email protected]
[email protected]
Charles Bruffy
Margaret Nichols
Gene Augustine
Steven McDonald
Business Director
[email protected]
Theologian In Residence
Randy Payne
Facilities Manager
Parish Associate
[email protected]
Kelli Kaufman, CPA
Bobby Morgan
Tom Young
Director, Youth Ministries
[email protected]
Jessie Burkhalter
Financial Assistant
[email protected]
Co-Director,Children’s Ministries
[email protected]
Patrice Sollenberger
Amy Hopkins
Office Coordinator
[email protected]
M-Th: 8:00-4:30p
F: 8:00-12:00n
Su: 8:00-12:00n
[email protected]
Melina Bland
Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Andrea Edgeller
Arlys Tarwater
Clergy Assistant
[email protected]
Ted M. Pierce,
[email protected]
Visit Us
Susan Spence
Find Us
9300 Nall Avenue
Overland Park, KS
Co-Director,Children’s Ministries
[email protected]
Call Us
Director of Music
[email protected]
Patrice Sollenberger
Associate Director of Music,
Youth Choir Director
[email protected]
Rebecca Lloyd
Barbara Meyer
Celebration Choir
Jessie Burkhalter
Cherub Choir
Email & Facebook
913 642-9100 main
913 642-1732 fax
913 642-8525
[email protected]
(preschool MDO)
(general mailbox)
Rolling Hills
Presbyterian Church