News Letter Working Men of Christ Ministry, inc.

News Letter
Working Men of Christ Ministry,
Working Men of Christ Ministry, inc.
October 2014
5th Issue
1017 S. Market Wichita, KS 67211
PHONE/ FAX: 316-440-0141
[email protected]
WMOC Mission Statement
In likeliness is the man who looks into the Word of God and who habitually reduces
it to practice. His contemplative, meditative gazing has practical results in his life. To him or
her the Bible is the perfect law of liberty. Its precepts are what his new nature loves to do. As
he obeys, he finds true freedom from human traditions and carnal reasoning's. knowing the
truth makes you free. This is the man or woman who benefits from the Bible. They do not
forget what they have read. Rather they seek to live it out in daily practice. There simple
childlike obedience brings incalculable blessing to their soul. This one will be blessed in what
they do.
WMOC Mission
Our Mission is to help those incarcerated to practice becoming faithful doers of
Gods Word through a Bible Correspondence Incentive Course. As they obey the Word and
learn what caused their incarceration and what to do while incarcerated they will find true
freedom from human traditions and carnal reasoning's while earning an incentive for their
childlike obedience that brings incalculable blessing to their soul. Our objective is to bring the
movements of God through His disciples of Jesus Christ into the jails, prisons, and institutions
Exec. Director)
Spencer Lindsay
(Ministry/Housing Director)
Royce Montgomery
(Vice President)
Wendy McFarland
Harvey McFarland
Bob Christiansen
(Legal Co.)
Ray Dempsey
Bob Smith (Dir. Inmate
Robin Longstreet
(Dir. Women’s Ministry)
A WORD from Founder Spencer Lindsay
The Bible says in Nehemiah 4:6 (amp), “so we built the wall and all of it was
joined together to half its height, for the people had a heart and mind to work.” The
Lord gave me that scripture this morning and I believe God is saying that He is sending
this ministry men and women who have a heart and mind to do the Lord’s work and
most of those men and women will come from prisons. In fact several months ago the
Lord told me to look for those who want to be Directors and Mentors in our Discipleship homes. This ministry has been walking in favor and our weekend in Phoenix,
with Katie and her staff gave me a fresh anointing to prepare me for the days ahead.
Speaking of favor; we were just blessed to purchase $50,000 dollars in property for the
use of House of Joshua and House of Ruth. We have been offered a property in Arkansas City to house and operate a coffee shop, a restaurant and a discipleship home all in
one building and much more are in the works. So I can see and hear what the Lord is
saying about people with a heart and mind to work. God is so, so good and greatly to
be praised, if we would just take the time to listen to Him our lives will never be the
same! I personally thank all of you who are a part of building the wall of this ministry for the Kingdom of God and His purposes. I love you! Be blessed,
Foundational Scripture
“But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a
doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.”
(James 1:25 NKJV)
Arlen Flora (President/
Victor Hercules (Dir.
Spanish Ministry)
Gloria Montgomery
Billie Bridgers
Marshall Madill
Don Alley
Dr. Larry Anderson
Karla Werth
Bob and Spencer with Genie
(Director of EEM) in Phoenix
Ministry News Cont.
A WORD from House of Joshua President Marshall Madill
The big news from Topeka is that WMOC has purchased
two different properties that will be used for Discipleship Homes.
This is a huge step for the ministry and a major departure from simply leasing property; as we have been doing up to this point. However, we truly believe that these properties have been sent to us and
ultimately allow us to be much better stewards of the funds God has
provided and continues to provide to operate these very important
Discipleship homes. For example, for the House of Joshua, our current location can
accommodate 7 residents. When we complete the renovations on the new property,
we will be able to accommodate 11 residents. At the same time our “rent” expense
will be reduced by $300-$500/ month, based on the ultimate structure of the financing
package and the total cost of the renovations. We are in the process of compiling materials lists of everything we need in the renovation process. We have already had sup- •
pliers step up with donations of some needed materials. We are also soliciting volunteers to help with the work of demoing and rebuilding the walls, redoing the plumbing,
electrical and the heating and cooling. We will be redoing the floors and applying lots of
paint. We believe that God will supply most all of the materials and equipment we need
including hot water tanks, furnaces, air conditioners, light fixtures, electrical panels,
wire, toilets, tub/shower, carpet. Etc. if you are aware of these items sitting in a warehouse somewhere and needing to be removed that inventory, please let us know. God
has blessed this ministry from the beginning and we know he will continue to bless it
mightily. Please continue to lift the ministry and these projects in your prayers and seek
whatever way God would have you serve– then go forth!
A WORD from Director of Women's Ministry Robin Longstreet
What an awesome God we serve! He is worthy to be praised!
1025 Western in Topeka, KS. is now the appointed and anointed location for
the new house for women. WMOC has taken ownership of this property and now we
can begin the process of preparing the house for women to come when they are released from incarceration. Much prayer, time and effort has gone into getting to this
point. It has been an amazing journey so far and I cant wait to see all that God will do in
this endeavor! In order to continue progress and get the house open there are many
services as well as servants needed. AMEN? While God is in control of the outcome,
He of course desires our committed participation in this part of building His Kingdom.
HOR needs repairs done both inside and outside of the house. Any amount of time,
skills, and materials that can be donated would be a blessing.
The women will need food, personal hygiene, activities and toys for the children when they visit, bedding, etc. God willing we hope to have the repairs completed
soon, cleanup done, curtains hanging and a welcome sign on the door. Our ladies our
coming home soon!! There are several women that have completed the course, they
will be releasing within the next several months and they are on fire the Lord! They are
all testifying in there correspondence about how differently they think, feel and act
since they have turned there lives over to God.
Keep these women in your prayers and know that your support is going towards the further training and building up of mighty women of God who have already
begun to experience the power of Jesus.
Be a blessing to this mission; and we thank you!
Working Men of
Christ Ministry
To assist each person
who is willing to relocate from the county
they are familiar with to
start to build a new relationship with Jesus
Christ in a new environment.
To assist each person
into a discipleship housing program, House of
Jeremiah, House of
Joshua, House of
Ruth that will help
them with transportation, stability, identification, employment, as
they reintegrate back
into society with a mentor.
To assist each person in
connecting with a local
body of believers so
that they may maintain
renewing the mind,
strengthened and encouraged in their walk
with Jesus Christ.
To encourage and help
each person stay connected through support
and accountability.
WMOC Sponsors of the Captivity Series Bible Correspondence Incentive Course
The Bible Study course is available FREE to any person in a correctional institution. Working Men of Christ (WMOC) jail ministry will send you “The Captivity Series
Workbook”, by Katie Souza, upon receiving you're completed and signed application
form. Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. Upon completion of the course, those who meet
the requirements, will get a certificate, Bible translation of their choice and $160 upon
release. There are currently 515 Inmates enrolled in the course in Kansas, Texas,
Lousianana and Washington.
I have been trying to do things my own way, and now I can see that I cant do it
my way. I have to put everything in Gods Hands. (Inmate Voth LCF)
Reading the “Captivity Series” was very thought provoking, it made me read as
well as think. (Inmate Yarbrough NCF)
PG. 2
Captivity Series by Katie
PG. 3
Discipleship Home Program
Discipleship Homes
Designed for men and women being released from jails, prisons, and institutions, who have found Jesus Christ while inside and desire to have a relationship with
him on the outside, but do not want to or can not return to the county of conviction, or are homeless and desire to start over on good ground in a new environment.
We currently have two houses open and are seeking several others around
the state of Kansas. The first house opened in Wichita, KS in February of 2014, and a
second one opened in Topeka, KS in May of 2014. Coming Soon House of Ruth (For
These homes provide structured, loving, Family Christian environments and
fellowship for the men and women being released from jails, prisons, and institutions.
(For more information or application please write the ministry.)
House of Jeremiah
House of Joshua
House of Ruth
House of Jeremiah
The House of Jeremiah is the flagship house of WMOC’s discipleship home
program. It was opened in February of 2014. It is located at 1017 S. Market in Wichita, KS. It is a house for men. It is directed by Spencer Lindsay, with Bob Smith as
house mentor.
The House of Jeremiah is currently full with several on the waiting list. The
residents are Robert, Raymond, Zachery, Paul, Blake, Courtland, and Jeremy. New
carpet is in and the rooms are ready to be filled, Praise God! Thank you Arlen Flora,
Dr, Anderson, Craig, Craig, Raymond and Paul for your hard work and dedication
New video for HOJ is on the website please go check it out!
House of Jeremiah at 1017
S. Market in Wichita, KS.
House of Joshua
The House of Joshua opened in Topeka, KS, just a couple months after the
House of Jeremiah. The House of Joshua is also a house for men. It is located at
1220 NW VanBuren in Topeka, KS. It is directed by Andy Crook and Allen Randol.
The House of Joshua has 7 residents; Matt, Allen, Derrick, Michael, Taurus,
and Aaron. We would like to thank our home church, Grace Community Church in
Overbrook Kansas, for including us in all of there celebrations and services.
We have purchased a new site in Topeka for the House of Joshua at 1175
SW Clay.
House of Joshua at 1220 NW
VanBuren in Topeka, KS.
Housing Updates
Coming soon House of Mary. (Home for teen moms), WMOC and several people in
Topeka, KS and Wichita, KS, are in the planning stages of a new discipleship home for teen
mothers and there children. Please look for information concerning this new project at
www, House of Ruth has completed the new applica-
tions for housing and will be in circulation soon! Call Robin for details on placement.
New House of Ruth (For
Women) at 1025 SW Western in Topeka, KS.
We need your help and support to continue these works. Please send donations to WMOC, inc, P.O, box 47491 Wichita, Kansas 67201, or donate online at
“Now the Lord said to Abram
Get out of your country from your family, from your fathers house to a land that I will show you.”
(Mark 6:4)
Events and Partners
Upcoming Events
WMOC ministry team will be holding services at:
• Oct. 3-5 BIB weekend at Ellsworth Correctional
• Oct. 8 Transition house meeting at Wichita Parole
• Oct. 10-12 BIB Weekend at Lansing Correctional
• Oct. 13 Day of Fasting
• Oct. 17-19 Siafu retreat at Morning Star Ranch
• Oct. 19– Ellsworth Correctional Facility.
• Oct. 24 Norton Correctional Facility
• Oct. 25 WMOC benefit event in Topeka, KS
• Katie Souza being scheduled for February 2015
Special Shout Outs
Thank you to Katie Souza and Expected End
Ministries for hosting the ministry and taking care of us
in Phoenix, Arizona.
Thank you Linda Zwickl and Special T’s
Screen Printing for printing our ministry t-shirts.
Thank you Michael Newmont and A1 Media
for the work you did on the video for House of
Thank you to Dr. Larry and Loretta Anderson for your continued support and love for our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ.
Word of Life South, Wichita, KS
Second Baptist Church, Winfield,
Impact Design, Lansing, KS
The Urban Ministry Institute,
Wichita, KS
Brothers in Blue organization,
Winfield, Ks
Expected End Ministries, Maricopa, AZ
First Baptist Church Burden, KS
Grace Community Church,
Overbrook, KS
Topeka Bible Church, Topeka,
Topeka Baptist Church, Topeka,
First Baptist Church, Holton, KS
Elvin/ Connie Dillard
Debra Boss
Dan/ Tami Lightfoot
Church of The Lord Jesus Christ,
Horton, KS
Nu Heart Nu Start Wichita, KS
Jay “Big Dog” Grubb and family
PG. 4
Spencer and Bob in Phoenix
President Arlen Flora speaking about Working Men of
Zach, Bob, Spencer with
Katie Souza’s Personal
Assistant in Phoenix.
House of Jeremiah Visits My Friends House
in Sabetha, KS
Interior of
the new
(House of
Ruth) in
Topeka, KS.
Spencer Lindsay being
ordained as a pastor
through Word of Life
church by Pastor Cliff Snell
This Scripture is for our sponsors and partners
“For wherever two or three are gathered (drawn together as My followers) in (into) My name, there I Am in the midst
of them.”
(Matt. 18:20 AMP.)
Created by: Director of Newsletter, Raymond Perret, Through the Holy Spirit.
Zachery Tague, Web Director