Sunday Schedule at BPEFC Why Getting Connected Matters 9:00 AM

Why Getting Connected Matters
The world has never been more connected. Companies are laying millions of
miles of fiber optics and shooting satellites into space. Kids all around the world
are texting each other on cell phones—even in the midst of jungles. Yet I talk
to people all the time who feel more and more disconnected. They feel like
they’re out of it. In fact, I believe loneliness is a pandemic in America. Our fastmoving lives have wreaked havoc on our relationships. We don’t feel nearly as
connected to each other as people did a generation ago. These days we can close
our electronic garage door and step into our house without even greeting our
neighbors. Yet we were created for relationship. In fact, the first thing God said
was, “It’s not good for man to be alone.” We were made for connection. Why?
We were created in the image of God. The Bible says God is love. And to love,
you’ve got to have somebody to love.
So why is it important to get connected? These four Biblical metaphors tell us
a lot about why God wants us to connect with one another. They give us a
picture of what the church should be—and how it should alleviate the plague
of disconnection in our society.
1. We’re built like a building. “In Christ you are built together spiritually
into a dwelling place for God” (Ephesians 2:22 NRSV). We are meant to fit
together like bricks in a new building. It’s essential that the parts of a building
fit together. You aren’t safe otherwise because there’s no support. Likewise, those
who aren’t connected to a church family in any meaningful way have no support.
Life is tough. We all need the support of people who care about us.
2. We’re joined in a body. “Just as there are many parts to our bodies, so it
is with Christ’s Body. We are all parts of it, and it takes every one of us to make
it complete, for we each have different work to do. So we belong to each other,
and each of us needs all the others” (Romans 12: 4—5 TLB). What Jesus Christ
did when He was here in His physical body, He wants to do today through the
Church. We are the Body of Christ on earth. We are His hands and feet. Being
part of the Body of Christ means we all are a part of something bigger than
ourselves, and if we don’t play our specific part, the mission of the Church is
3. We’re born into a family. “I want you to know how people who are
members of God’s family must live. God’s family is the church…” (1 Timothy 3:15
GW). Most people think that Christianity is a belief system. But Christianity is
a belong system. The Bible says we were born again into God’s family when we
became a follower of Jesus. It also says that we’ve been adopted into God’s
family. Both are great metaphors for what it should mean to be a part of the
church. Because those of us who follow Christ are part of God’s family, we
should accept one another and love one another. Now let me be very clear here.
We don’t approve of everyone’s behavior. That’s not love. If someone is doing
something hurtful, approval is the opposite of love. But we must accept and love
one another.
4. We’re attached to a vine. “Live in me, and I will live in you. A branch
cannot produce any fruit by itself. It has to stay attached to the vine. In the
same way, you cannot produce fruit unless you live in me” (John 15:4 GW).
Being connected isn’t just a horizontal issue. It’s a vertical one, as well. Jesus
says when we are connected to Him it’s like being attached to a vine. Fruit not
connected to a vine dies. It’s that simple.
Connection is going to be a major focus of BPEFC over the next year. We’re
going to make every effort to connect people, based on our four biblical values:
Seeking God, Loving One Another, Sharing the Gospel and Serving Others.
You think about that now. Amen.
Pastor Rick
September 13, 2009
Sunday Schedule at BPEFC
Worship Service
9:00 AM
Nursery (Birth to two years)
Chicks (Birth date in 2007)
Lambs (Birth date in 2006)
Giraffes (Birth date in 2005)
5’s and K (Birth date in 2003 & 2004)
Adult Bible Fellowships
Young Marrieds (and Committed Couples)
Mosaic (Multi-generational, singles/marrieds)
Worship Service
10:30 AM
Nursery (Birth to two years)
Chicks (Birth date in 2007)
Lambs (Birth date in 2006)
Giraffes (Birth date in 2005)
5’s and K (Birth date in 2003 & 2004)
5’s and K (Birth date in 2003 & 2004)
K.Z. & Company (Grades 1—6)
Youth Worship Service (Grades 7—12)
Room 100
Room 100
Fellowship Hall
Youth Room
Adult Bible Fellowships
Salt (Elem. & Youth Parents)
In-Betweeners (Singles/Marrieds, 50+)
Prime Timers (Senior Adults)
BPEFC Pastoral Staff
Rick Ensrud, Senior Pastor - ext. 11
Dan Carlson, Adult Ministry Pastor - ext. 12
David Durey, Executive Adult Ministry Pastor - ext. 13
Jeff Gagnon, Executive Ministries/Missions Pastor - ext. 22
Leane Gondek, Children’s Ministries Director - ext. 27
Josh Major, Young Adult Ministries Pastor - ext. 14
David Myles, Community Outreach Pastor - ext. 29
Jena Pietari, Student Ministries Director - ext. 15
Luke Turner, Worship Ministries Director - ext. 37
7849 West Broadway
Brooklyn Park, MN 55445
Emergency: 763-315-0906
Fax: 763-391-6401
Welcome to
Brooklyn Park Evangelical Free Church!
We’re so glad you have joined us today. Our goal is to help you connect with God
in worship and connect with others in meaningful relationships. Please let us
know if we can help you in any way.
Worship Services Offered:
9:00 AM: Traditions
10:30 AM: Multi-cultural
10:30 AM: Youth Worship Service (Grades 7—12)
Guests . . . after the service, you are invited to the Guest Reception Area (in the
West Foyer) to meet with staff and learn more about our church.
All-Church News
• Fall Kickoff TODAY: Stay after the second service for a lunch with friends!
• Seniors Luncheon: Wednesday, September 16 (DATE CHANGE), 12:00 PM.
Cost: $5.00. If you plan on attending, sign up at the Information Desk today.
• Let’s Go Loafing: Thursday, September 17, 6:30 PM. Welcome new neighbors
to the community. Deliver a loaf of bread and church literature. It’s an easy,
effective way to show that we care. Contact the Office if you are interested.
• Friends Day with a Guest Speaker: Next Sunday, September 20, 9:00 &
10:30 AM. Invite a friend to hear a sneak peek of our upcoming prophecy
series, with guest Chris Heeb, Director of Good News for Israel.
• Alpha, Freedom in Christ, Bible Overview, Marriage Course:
Sunday, September 20, 5:30 PM. See News & Notes for details. Sign up today!
• Second Harvest Food Distribution: Friday, September 25, 6:00-8:00 PM.
Volunteers are needed in the afternoon and evening (especially in
the parking lot, beginning at 3:30 PM). To sign up, go to the church’s
web site: Volunteers must sign up
each month if they are available. First-time volunteers: please contact Dean
at 612-386-8395 or [email protected].
• Waffle Breakfast: Saturday, September 26, 8:00 AM—Noon. Enjoy all-youcan-eat Belgian waffles and sausages for only $4.00! Special Deal: 10 tickets
for $25! Get your tickets TODAY at the Info. Desk. Invite your friends!
• Fall Preaching Series: On September 27, we will begin a prophetic series,
What in the World is Going On? Learn ten prophetic clues you can’t afford to
ignore. Plan to invite a friend to join you. Use the enclosed door hanger
as an invitation for a neighbor. Pick up extras at the Info Desk.
• Young Marrieds & Young Adults Study: See the enclosed yellow postcard
for complete details about an exciting new topic for ABF on September 27.
• Band of Brothers Men’s Retreat: October 2—3, at Camp Shamineau.
Cost: $59. Don’t miss an awesome time of male-bonding and God-bonding!
Pick up a flyer and registration form at the Adult Ministry Kiosk.
• Important Note: To respect our worship time together on Sundays, please
turn off all electronic equipment (cell phones, pagers, etc.). Thank you!
For more information on other church news, see News & Notes.
Kickoff Sunday Message
Weekly Calendar
Pastors Rick, David M. and Josh
Jesus Christ, Disciple-maker
(For more details, visit
Sunday, September 13
12:00 PM
A. For those in the “Come and See Phase” – The Curious
(Acts 2:42—46 & John 1:35—42)
1. Acts 2:46a and John 1:39
2. What would I learn in this phase?
Who Jesus Christ is.
How His word fits into your life.
A model of simple communication with God in prayer.
How brothers and sisters in the Christian faith are to
fellowship in the church—and why.
To appreciate unbelieving friends and recognize their lostness
outside of Christ so that you might begin to love them and lead
them toward the Savior.
To experience the meeting of personal needs and healing in a
positive group setting.
3. Opportunities for going through this phase:
Celebrate Recovery
Home Groups
C. For those in the “Be/Remain with Me Phase” – The Committed
(Matthew 9:35—10:1; 28:18—20; Luke 10:1)
1. Jesus revealed the great need for ministry. (Matthew 9:35—36)
Ministry is foremost about meeting the needs of people.
2. Jesus cast the great vision of ministry. (Matthew 9:37; 28:18—20)
Ministry is for ordinary people, not “the elite.”
3. Jesus organized His disciples for ministry. (Luke 10:1)
Ministry is done best in teams.
4. Jesus empowered His disciples for ministry (Matthew 10:1; 28:20; Acts 2)
Ministry is accomplished by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
5. What would I learn in this phase?
People really matter to God.
Ministry is for everyone, not just some.
The importance of working together.
Complete dependence on the Holy Spirit.
6. Opportunities for going through this phase:
Join an impact group to experience ongoing accountability.
Be a part of a ministry huddle where leaders pray and plan ministry
Be a part of the quarterly leadership community.
Be a part of our glocal mission teams.
Monday, September 14
7:00 PM
Community Bible Study
Tuesday, September 15
5:45—7:00 AM
5:15 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
Intercessors’ Prayer Time
Prayer Time
Support Group Meal and Worship
Quilters’ Fellowship
Support Group Meetings
Wednesday, September 16
5:45—7:00 AM
12:00 PM
6:30 PM
B. For those in the “Follow Me Phase” – The Convinced
(Ephesians 4:15, 16; Mark 1:17-18; Acts 5:42)
1. Jesus calls us all to maturity.
Ephesians 4:13, 15
2. Jesus invites us into a deeper relationship with Himself.
Mark 1:16—18
3. Jesus models and teaches us values and habits of the Christian life.
4. What would I learn in this phrase?
To read and study the Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:14—17)
How to pray. (Luke 11:1—2)
How to witness. (1 Peter 3:15)
Regular and consistent church attendance. (Hebrews 10:25)
Deeper fellowship with Christ and other believers. (Acts 5:42)
5. Opportunities for going through this phase:
Adult Bible Fellowships
Basic Accountability Small Groups
All-Church Lunch
Thursday, September 17
9:15 AM
6:30 PM
Intercessors’ Prayer Time
Seniors Luncheon
Grades 7—12 Kickoff Night
Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study
Let’s Go Loafing!
Friday, September 18
Saturday, September 19
Stewardship Matters
2009—2010 Annual Budget:
Budget needed fiscal year-to-date:
Giving/Revenue year-to-date:
Difference in budget needed and giving YTD:
Weekly budget needed:
Amount received September 6:
4 Our Future (Capital Campaign) Commitments:
4 Our Future Giving:
Next Step Class
You are invited to attend the Next Step Class on Wednesday, September 23,
6:00—9:00 PM, to explore ministry and membership at BPEFC. We highlight
our Core Values, Beliefs, Missions, Local Ministries, Steps to Membership, and
create a Personal Ministry Profile based on your personality, possessions (gifts
and abilities) and passion (to help you select a place of service). After attending
the class, you have the opportunity to join the church.
Yes! I’m interested in attending the class on September 23.
(Place form in the Offering or turn in at the Information Desk.)