rotarizonian paul harris corner calendar Continued from page 1 Each week we feature an excerpt from “Paul Harris, Selections from My Road to Rotary.” Paul has gone to visit his uncle in Vermont. friday, October 3, 2014 | volume XC | no. 13 | October 11 – St. Luke’s at the Mountain Please help distribute food on the second (6 a.m.) and fourth (noon) Saturdays of every PHXROTARY100 month at 848 E. Dobbins Rd., Phoenix. Contact Bob Withers with any questions, 480.607.3348. increases the virulence of the foodborne pathogen Salmonella laid the foundation for use of the microgravity research platform for modern microbiological research in spaceflight and spaceflight vaccine development initiatives. A Shingle is Hung Up today’s program Cousin Mattie and I drove to Wallingford the October 16 – Project C.U.R.E. day following my arrival in Rutland. We took the Your help is needed packing medical supplies Creek Road and every turn of it was reminiscent on the third Thursday of every month from of days of long ago. We passed the Jay Newton, the Robert Marsh and the Hudson farms, the fork 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at 2100 W. 14th St. T3, Tempe. factory, the fair grounds, the Catholic church, the Contact Jim Soudriette if you have any questions, 602.544.8587. Hull farm house, the Stafford house, and finally drew up before the old home, the beloved home November 1 – Diamonds Are Forever Gala of my boyhood. Of course we visited the cemOur annual fundraiser will take place at etery next and spent reverential moments by the PROGRAM INTRODUCTION: Andrea Moseley The Venue Scottsdale, 7117 E. 3rd Avenue, graves of our grandparents. Scottsdale, beginning at 5:30 p.m. with a James Within a day or two I had taken up quarters Bond theme. We’ll have silent and live aucin the Inn atA.Wallingford was renewing Dr. Cheryl Nickerson isand a professor in the School of Life as well as a casino, music, aerialists and, tions, my acquaintance with old friends familiarState University Sciences, at the Biodesign Instituteand at Arizona of course, food and drink. Please donate auction in the Center for Infectious DiseasesAnna and Vaccinology. places. My Sabbath School teacher, Laurie items or consider becoming a sponsor. Our goal Cole, was my most efficient and available assisis to raise at least $100,000 for Phoenix Rotary She in is internationally recognized her pioneering research tant my efforts to build a bridgefor between the Club Charities. Some items received so far are: in utilizing the microgravity environment of spaceflight as a pulsating present and the dreamy past; happily Three-night stay at Atlantis in Reno, Nevada; unique to provide insight into how she stillresearch lives andplatform still constitutes mynovel connecting Sunday brunch for two at Scottsdale Resort; physical forces the outcome of host-pathogen interaclink between thedictate two periods. Wine class and five-course dinner for two; tions that lead to infectious disease. One after another I visited favorite spots. Taliesin West tour for two; The swimming hole in Otter Creek near the Nickerson’s landmark spaceflight experiments aboard the One-night and breakfast at Scottsdale Marriott; covered bridge where naked youngsters had disNASA Space Shuttle and International Space Station Tucson (ISS), golf getaway for four; ported themselves within plain sight of passing microgravity along with use of NASA designed ground-based Lots of dining packages; vehicles, plunging fromher thework rocksatinto the creek,of the analogues, have placed the forefront field Gainey Village Health Club & Spa memberships; not so muchBiomechanics. from a modestHer desire to cover theirthat spaceflight of Cellular team’s discovery nakedness as from a more to in andA Danish dinner for eight; uniquely alters global geneimmodest expressiondesire profiles Two years of internet website hosting; impress passing home folks with the belief that Disneyland they were imps of Satan turned loose. Continued on page 3 passes, and more! Dr. Cheryl Nickerson Disease in Space: When Astronauts Get Sick 6 PHXROTARY100 Her multidisciplinary research focuses on microbial and human cellular responses to the physical forces of fluid shear and gravity, which are relevant to those encountered during their natural lifecycles on Earth. Nickerson discovered that cellular and molecular responses to these forces are relevant to infectious disease processes in novel ways that cannot be observed using traditional experimental approaches. Her discoveries of unique changes in the diseasecausing potential of microbial pathogens and bioengineering of advanced three-dimensional (3-D) organotypic models of human tissues to study infectious disease and drug/therapeutic development, have resulted in a paradigm shift in how we view the infection process from the host-pathogen perspective. She is also actively engaged in multidisciplinary collaborations for the practical application of 3-D tissue constructs for regenerative medicine and transplant surgery. Thank you to Ken Young and Phoenix Flower Shops for the beautiful flowers at our meetings each week. Phoenix Flower Shops: (602) 393-5053 Nickerson’s research is recognized internationally and she is a pioneer in spaceflight biosciences. She has received several prestigious awards for her research, including the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal and was selected as a NASA astronaut candidate finalist. She has also testified before Congress regarding the potential of the microgravity research platform for next generation advances in biomedical research. Her research has flown on NASA Shuttle missions and the International Space Station, and continues on upcoming SpaceX flight experiments. In addition, Nickerson’s spaceflight biomedical research enabled the establishment of a rare Space Act Agreement between ASU and NASA to use the ISS National Laboratory for commercially-funded biomedical research. Nickerson obtained a B.S. in biology at Tulane University/Newcomb College, a M.S. degree in genetics from the University of Missouri, and a Ph.D. in microbiology from Louisiana State University. Her postdoctoral internship in microbial pathogenesis was done at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Nickerson can be reached at [email protected] ATTENDANCE REPORT — September 26, 2014 Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Membership Absent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 Membership Present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Guests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Total Present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 3 paul harris corner calendar Weekly Programs Disclaimer: Each week we feature an excerpt from “Paul Harris,of Procedures Octoberstates: 11 – St. Luke’s the Mountain RI Manual reflectsat Rotary’s principle of Selections from My Road to Rotary.” Paul has gone to Please help distribute food tolerance. on the second Rotary International does and not fourth (noon) Saturdays of every visit his uncle in Vermont. (6 a.m.) endorse political candidates andE. Dobbins month at 848 Rd.,Rotary Phoenix. Contact The 4-way test of the things For Phoenix 100 Article A Shingle is Hung Up prohibits clubs from endorsingwith XII, we think, say or do Bob Withers any Community, questions, 480.607.3348. National and political candidates. However, Is itMattie the truth? International Affairs, please see Cousin and I drove to Wallingford the this should not prohibit Octobercan16 – Project pageC.U.R.E. 55 of the roster pertaining Is following it fair to my all arrival concerned? day in Rutland. We took the didates from speaking at club Your help is needed packing to: Section 1medical – Propersupplies Subjects; Will it build goodwill Creek Road and every turn of it was reminiscent meetings. It is the responsibiland better friendships? Section 2 – Nomonth Endorsements; on the third Thursday of every from of days of long ago. We passed the Jay Newton, ity of Rotarians to be informed Section 3 – Non-Political; Will it be beneficial 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at 2100 W. 14th St. T3, Tempe. the Robert Marsh and the Hudson farms, aboutthe thefork issues Contact affectingJim theirSoudriette to all concerned? Section 4you – Recognizing Rotary’s if have any questions, factory, the fair grounds, the Catholiclocal church, the community, state and naBeginning. 602.544.8587. Hull farm house, the Stafford house, and finally tion. Editor drew up before the old home, the beloved home Beth Baldacchino Phoenix Rotary 100 is not November Are Forever Gala Rotary clubs throughout the 1 – Diamonds of my boyhood. Of course we visited the cemresponsible for any speaker’s Our annual fundraiser will take place at worldby include eteryRotarizonian next and spent reverential moments the members who The final presentation. Members The religious Venue Scottsdale, 7117 E. 3rd Avenue, have many different graves of our grandparents. Published weekly by: are requested to contact Scottsdale, at 5:30 p.m. with athe James beliefs and values and yet arebeginning Within a day Phoenix Rotary 100or two I had taken up quarters speaker(s) directly at the Bond theme. united by their service to hu- We’ll have silent and live aucin the Inn at Wallingford and was renewing 501 East Osborn Road information provided in theand, tions, asuses well as a casino, music, aerialists manity. Each Rotary club my acquaintance Phoenix, AZ 85012 with old friends and familiar Rotarizonian. food and drink. Please donate auction its own judgmentofincourse, conducting 602.604.8221 places. My Sabbath School teacher, Anna Laurie orthat consider becoming a sponsor. Our goal its meetings in aitems manner E-mail: [email protected] Cole, was my most efficient and available assis- tant in my efforts to build a bridge between the Phoenix 100and Officers 2014-2015 pulsatingRotary present the dreamy past; happily President: Carl F. Petersen she still lives and still constitutes my connecting Vice Rajesh “Tony” Kakar link President: between the two periods. Secretary: Allister Adel One after another I visited favorite spots. Treasurer: Nicole Pudney The swimming hole in Otter Creek near the Sergeant-at-Arms: Greg Pafford covered bridge where naked youngsters had disImmediate Past President: Jerry A. Oliver, Sr. ported themselves within plain sight of passing Executive Director: Beth Baldacchino vehicles, plunging from the rocks into the creek, not so much from a modest desire to cover their Directors nakedness as from more immodest desire to Lori Cameron, Terry aGilberg, Clay Janson, impress passing home folks with the belief that Randy Long, Ken Mangum, Jay Murphy, they were imps Satan turned loose. Garry Walters, JoeofWolfe 26 PHXROTARY100 PHXROTARY100 is to raise at least $100,000 for Phoenix Rotary Club Charities. Some items received so far are: 2014-2015 Governor District 5490 Three-night stay at Atlantis in Reno, Nevada; Chuck Fitzgerald Sunday brunch for two at Scottsdale Resort; Home: 623.229.7674 Wine class and five-course dinner for two; E-mail: [email protected] Taliesin West tour for two; 2014-2015 and President Rotary International One-night breakfast at Scottsdale Marriott; Gary C.K. Huang Tucson golf getaway for four; Rotary International Lots of dining packages; 1560 Sherman Avenue Gainey Village Health Club & Spa memberships; Evanston, IL 60201.3698 A Danish dinner for eight; Phone 847.866.3000 Two years of internet website hosting; Disneyland passes, and more! program previews Nickerson’s research is recognized internationally and she is a pioneer in spaceflight biosciences. increases the2014 virulence of the foodborne pathogen She has received several prestigious October 10, November 28, 2014 January 23, 2015 awards for her research, including the Presidential Early CaSalmonella laid the foundation for use of the miDark for Thanksgiving Attorney General Debate Diane McCarthy, Citizen Insider reer Award for Scientists and Engineers, NASA’s crogravity research platform for modern microProgram Introducer/Moderator: Glendale’s Got the Super Bowl, Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal and biological research in spaceflight and spaceflight December 5, 2014 Ed Phillips So Why Does She Need Fixing? vaccine development initiatives. To Be Confirmed was selected as a NASA astronaut candidate finalA Look at Glendale’s Issues ist. She has also testified before Congress regardOctober 17, 2014 Her multidisciplinary research focuses on micro- ing the potential of the microgravity research December 12, 2014 Comedy Impressionist 30,advances 2015 in biomedplatform for next January generation bial and human cellular responses to the physiDon Henninger, former Brad Zinnof– fluid A One Manand Play: King’nhas Trio ical research. HerThe research flown on NASA cal forces shear gravity, which are Publisher, Phoenix Business The Great (likethe “The Kingston Trio”) relevant to Comedians those encountered during their natural Shuttle missions and International Space Journal, A Look Back at on upcoming SpaceX flight lifecycles on Earth. Nickerson discovered that cel- Station, and continues Program Introduction: Entertainment: 5-member out 40 Years of Business Stories experiments. In addition, Nickerson’s spaceflight lular and molecular responses to these forces are April Miller of state singing/instrumental relevant to infectious disease processes in novel biomedical research enabled the establishment group December 19, 2014 of a rare Space Act Agreement between ASU and ways that 24, cannot be observed using traditional October 2014 Scottsdale (All Women’s) NASA to use the ISS National for experimental approaches. Fred DuVal’s Perspective on February 6,Laboratory 2015 Chorus – Holiday Program: commercially-funded biomedical research. Arizona’s Top-20 Issues Jos Anshell, PR Professional A the Barbershop-style Christmas Her discoveries of unique changes in diseaseProgram Introduction: “Armchair Quarterbacking the Nickerson obtained a B.S. in biology at Tulane causing potential of microbial pathogens and Mike King 2015College, Super Bowl Commercials,” December 26, 2014 University/Newcomb a M.S. degree in bioengineering of advanced three-dimensional Dark: Christmas A Debrief on Which Adsand Worked genetics from the University of Missouri, a (3-D) organotypic models of human tissues to October 31, 2014 and Which Bombed State UniPh.D. in microbiology from Louisiana study infectious disease and drug/therapeutic Januaryshift 2, 2014 versity. Her postdoctoral internship in microbial Dark due to our Diamonds development, have resulted in a paradigm Dark: New Are Forever Gala Nov. 1 process from the Year’s weekend 13, 2015 University pathogenesis wasFebruary done at Washington in how we view theoninfection in St. Louis, Missouri. host-pathogen perspective. She is also actively Valentine’s Day: O’Connor January 9, engaged in multidisciplinary collaborations for2015 November 7, 2014 Comedy Day Dr.constructs Paul Valbuena,Dr. Medical Nickerson can be reached at the application of 3-D tissue Carlpractical F. Petersen Director, Start Fresh Southwest [email protected] for regenerative medicine and transplant surgery. PHX 100 Club Assembly Pellets: New Frontier in the Treatment against Alcoholism November 14, 2014 Thank you to ATTENDANCE REPORT — September 26, 2014 Bob Solis Ken Young and January 16, 2015Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Open Arms Africa Phoenix Flower ChrisShops Herstram,Membership Absent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 for the beautiful flowers Ch-12 Political Analyst Membership Present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 at our meetings February 8, 2015 • 2-5 p.m. November 21, 2014 Previewing the New LegislaGuests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irish . . . . Cultural . . . . . . .Center . . . . . . 16 each week. Mike Nealy tive Session - What to Expect in Total Present . . . . . .1106 . . . .N. . .Central . . . . . .Ave., . . . . Phoenix . . . 102 RoadPhoenix to the Fiesta Bowl under a new Governor Flower Shops: (602) Arizona 393-5053 Continued from page 1 37 it happened at phoenix rotary 100 REPORTED BY CINDIE HUBIAK • PHOTOS BY RUTH HOWE President Clef Petersen called the 12th meeting of our 101st year to order. Somers White gave the invocation, encouraging us to nourish others with a smile, and he asked that we pledge allegiance to our flag with gusto. Barry Shemer led us in singing “God Bless America,” and Mo Bronson introduced our visitors. Secretary Allister Adel gave her report and asked table ambassadors to discuss upcoming events. PP Jerry Oliver introduced new member LeBertha Umbreit. PP Jerry let us know about her passion for community service and fun. We then welcomed her with a standing ovation. Scott Rose, aka Rosenac, collected rooster fines from Marc Cavness, Joe Prewitt and PP Dick Potts with the assistance of Brooks Hilliard. Steve Bretschneider encouraged happy hour attendance at Crudo, 5-7 p.m. on October 2nd. 4PHXROTARY100 PHXROTARY100 Sean Connery (impersonated perfectly by Dennis Keogh) shared insights into the Gala, encouraging attendance and the spending of money on November 1st. President Clef gave his report, recognizing several members for their service above self. Terry Gilberg provided what was referred to as shocking news about our program on October 24th. The program committee had this commitment from all major Republican Party gubernatorial candidates: if the candidate were to win the primary, the candidate committed to attend our meeting for a debate. Fred DuVal also made this commitment. Despite repeated pleas, Ducey’s campaign office indicates that he will not be part of our program. The program committee agreed to honor their commitment to DuVal by changing the program to a forum where Rotarians will ask him questions on top issues. Imagine bamboo towers costing about $800 each, assembled by local people and designed to collect condensation to bring fresh water to Africa. The towers, designed by world-renowned Italian architect and industrial designer Arturo Vittori, look like a giant basket. The Namib beetle, which generates its own water, was used as a model for the creation of the towers. Future plans include attaching solar panels to the towers to create LED lighting that can be used to educate children at night. Svejda reported that 140-170 gallons of water are used per person each day in the U.S. In Africa, people use about five gallons of water per person each day. Some women in Ethiopia walk up to six hours a day to obtain water, often carrying this precious resource on their heads. Our speaker, a well-known expert on crowdfunding, hopes the Project can raise at least $300,000 via Kickstarter. See the YouTube video at: President Clef adjourned the 5,042nd meeting of Phoenix Rotary 100. Terry then introduced our program speaker, Mark Svejda, a local attorney who spoke about the Warka Water Project. His passion for this project came from growing up on a dry land farm in Iowa, where he learned about the importance of water. Warka is the name of a large fig tree found in Africa that provides shade for outdoor schools, etc. 5 rotarizonian Weekly Programs Disclaimer: RI Manual of Procedures states: Rotary International does not endorse political candidates and prohibits clubs from endorsing political candidates. However, this should not prohibit candidates from speaking at club meetings. It is the responsibility of Rotarians to be informed about the issues affecting their local community, state and nation. friday, October 3, 2014 | volume XC | no. 13 | The 4-way test of the things we think, say or do today’s program Is it the truth? Diamonds Are Forever Gala sponsored by Dr. Tony Kakar & Systems Solutions November 1 • 5:30-11:30 p.m. The Venue Scottsdale 7117 E. Third Ave., Scottsdale Please donate silent and live auction items! Check your closets and storage for those valuable items you no longer need. Or perhaps jewelry you no longer wear? Think outside the box ... last year we had a circular saw that did well. The more variety we can have the better! Bring items to a meeting, drop them off at the Rotary office, 501 E. Osborn Road, Phoenix, or call Joe and Patricia Wolfe at 480.585.0587 for pickup. PHXROTARY100 Is it fair to all concerned? reflects Rotary’s principle of tolerance. PHXROTARY100 For Phoenix Rotary 100 Article XII, Community, National and International Affairs, please see page 55 of the roster pertaining to: Section 1 – Proper Subjects; Section 2 – No Endorsements; Section 3 – Non-Political; Section 4 – Recognizing Rotary’s Beginning. Dr. Cheryl Nickerson Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Editor Beth Baldacchino Disease in Space: When Astronauts Get Sick Phoenix Rotary 100 is not Rotary clubs throughout the responsible for any speaker’s world include members who The Rotarizonian PROGRAM INTRODUCTION: Andrea Moseleyfinal presentation. Members have many different religious Published weekly by: are requested to contact the beliefs and values and yet are Phoenix Rotary 100 speaker(s) directly at the united by their service to huDr. East Cheryl A. Nickerson is a professor in the School of Life 501 Osborn Road information provided in the manity. Each Rotary club uses Sciences,AZ at85012 the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University Phoenix, Rotarizonian. its own judgment in conducting in the Center for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology. 602.604.8221 its meetings in a manner that E-mail: [email protected] She is internationally recognized for her pioneering research in utilizing the microgravity environment of spaceflight as a Phoenix Rotary 100 Officers 2014-2015 2014-2015 Governor District 5490 unique research platform to provide novel insight into how President: Carl F. Petersen Chuck Fitzgerald physical forcesRajesh dictate“Tony” the outcome interacVice President: Kakar of host-pathogen Home: 623.229.7674 tions that Allister lead to infectious disease. Secretary: Adel E-mail: [email protected] Treasurer: Nicole Pudney Nickerson’s landmark the Sergeant-at-Arms: Gregspaceflight Pafford experiments aboard2014-2015 President Rotary International NASA Space Shuttle and International Space Immediate Past President: Jerry A. Oliver, Sr. Station (ISS), Gary C.K. Huang along withDirector: use of NASA designed ground-based microgravity Executive Beth Baldacchino Rotary International analogues, have placed her work at the forefront of the1560 fieldSherman Avenue of Cellular Biomechanics. Her team’s discovery that spaceflight Directors Evanston, IL 60201.3698 uniquely altersTerry global gene expression Lori Cameron, Gilberg, Clay Janson,profiles in andPhone 847.866.3000 Randy Long, Ken Mangum, Jay Murphy, Continued on page 3 Garry Walters, Joe Wolfe phoenix rotary 100 corporate sponsors ADELANTE HEALTHCARE ARIZONA BRAKE & CLUTCH ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE MOLINA FINE JEWELERS ORCUTT | WINSLOW “Sustainable healthcare for all.” “Where customer service ALWAYS comes first.” “The power to make it happen.” “Changing the world one jewel at a time.” Architecture Planning & Interior Design Avein Saaty-Tafoya CEO Eric Battis COO Mark Johnson President Brinton Johnson Secretary/Treasurer Daniel Froetscher VP, Energy Distribution Alfredo J. Molina Chairman & CEO Connie Wilson Sr. Vice President Herman Orcutt Partner Vispi Karanjia Education Studio Director PENN & WHARTON CLUB OF AZ Mike Spector President Steve Bretschneider BEATITUDES CAMPUS BBVA COMPASS BSA – GRAND CANYON COUNCIL SW COLLEGE/NATUROPATHIC MED SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION TRAVEK, INC. “... It’s about living.” “Just a little better.” “Be prepared.” “The science of healing, the art of medicine.” “Natural gas, right from the start.” “Fullfilling dreams.” Rev. David Ragan Sr. VP of Resident Services Tim Coffey Sr. VP, Corporate Banking Larry Abbott CEO Brett Bybee Field Director Paul Mittman CEO GOODWILL OF CENTRAL ARIZONA KS STATE BANK ROBERT S. LYNCH & ASSOCIATES UPWARD FOR CHILDREN & FAMILIES “We put people to work.” “Live for today – bank for tomorrow.” “Water—a property right worth protecting.” “Serving Arizona for more than 50 years.” Tim O’Neal COO PHXROTARY100 Frank Coumides Sr. Vice President, Regional Manager Robert S. Lynch Attorney Todd Dillard Attorney Doug Carter CEO Luis F. Frisby Division Vice President Garry Walters Consumer & Community Affairs Randy Raisanen Owner Todd Raisanen President
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