CJHS Indian Letter 24917 W. Sioux Drive, Channahon, IL 60410 Absence hotline: 815/521-3031 Fax: 815/467-2188 October 9, 2014 815/467-4314 www.csd17.org Important Dates Fri., 10/10 Sat., 10/11 & Sun., 10/12 Teachers Institute NO SCHOOL Washington DC Trip Washington DC Trip Mon., 10/13 NO SCHOOL Columbus Day Sat., 10/18 Music Booster Forte 5K Fri., 10/24 End of 1st Qtr. Mon., 10/27 Meeting School Board Week of October 13 Theme: Community Service Community Service means doing something helpful for one’s community or neighborhood. “You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give .” 7pm @ District ~Kahlil Gibran Office Fri., 10/31 School Improvement Day - Early Dismiss 11am Report cards sent Home Thurs., 11/6 Early Dismissal 1:40pm; Fri., 11/7 No School RESPECT (1st Quarter Trait) *Act in a way that shows you care about others feelings and well-being. *Showing respect includes things like not calling others names, treating people with courtesy, and caring enough about yourself that you don’t do things you know can hurt you. People who have Respect Integrity Determination Empathy Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners. Laurence Sterne PAGE 2 Sports Results The IESA Sectional cross country meet will take place this Saturday, October 11th at 10am at Dellwood Park in Lockport. Good luck to all of our runners! Upcoming Events Saturday, 10/11 Cross country sectionals @ Dellwood Park in Lockport— 10am Our 7th and 8th grade girls’ basketball teams continue their winning ways. Both teams have a 5-2 record and are 1-0 in conference, recording wins this week against JJ Lukancic and Wilmington. Boys’ basketball tryout sign-ups are on the bulletin board by the trophy cases. Tryouts will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (10/20; 21; and 22). Boys must have a current athletic physical on file to participate in tryouts. The next Athletic Boosters meeting will be on Monday, November 10th at 7pm in the CJHS Library. Tuesday, 10/14 7/8 g bkb v. Shabbona— 4:30pm Thursday, 10/15 7/8 g bkb @ Reed-Custer— 4:30pm Saturday, 10/18 XC State Meet—Normal Parkside—11am After the huge success of the Kicking Cancer to the Curb Kickball Tournament (K.C.T.T.C.K.T.) last year the student council of CJHS, led by President Casey Klover and advised by Mr. Ted Martin, is proud to announce K.C.T.T.C.K.T. 2 on October 24th starting at 2:35 Last year’s fundraiser raised just over $3,000 to help support families of the Channahon community that are currently fighting cancer. This year student council has set a goal of $4,000! The Kickball Tournament will be open to CSD 17 students in grades 5 through 8. Team signups will begin on Monday, October 6th and end on Tuesday, October 21st. This year it is required that all 10 team members must be from the same school and once a team's roster has been submitted it is final. The cost to participate will be $3 per person. The winners of the Three Rivers and Junior High brackets will match up against each other for the championship. Last year’s winners were a group of sixth graders who came out of nowhere to win the championship and upset a team of 8th graders. Besides the kickball tournament there will be plenty to do for the whole family including pumpkin decorations, raffles, games, concessions, CJHS staff vs TRS staff game and more! Those interested in donating a raffle prize may drop it off at CJHS starting on October 15th. This is one of the biggest events student council puts on each year and we would love to see everyone come out and help us kick cancer to the curb! If you have any questions please feel free to email Mr. Ted Martin at [email protected]. Sign-up sheets for kickball teams are in the main office. CJHS INDIAN LETTER PAGE Developed by the student crew… The teachers and staff at CJHS would like to “catch” students reading. To get ready for the It’s a Crime Not to Read book fair (Nov. 3-Nov.7), the staff at CJHS are going to be looking for students reading in their down time. Students earn raffle tickets. They turn them into the library for daily prizes. Students can earn raffle tickets this long weekend by having a parent or guardian signature saying that they read. The book fair will be open to students during the school day November 3 through November 6 and to the public November 6, 4-8 pm and November 7 8:30-11:00 am 3 A HUGE thank you to all the Beta members who came to help out at the Cross Country Track Meet on Sat, Oct. 4th! The cold and rain didn't stop you from coming out and helping! Be certain to get in your school service hour forms for your time completed if you haven't already done so. Also, another HUGE shout out to the Beta members who joined the community this weekend for the Crop Walk! The funds raised by the Crop Walk are used to benefit local food banks as well as to support other programs around the world that help to develop sustained agricultural programs. The final totals are not in yet, but at last count the Beta members had raised over $600.00! Reminder: Any students that help out with the Student Council-led K.C.T.T.C.K. (Kickball Event) on Friday, October 24, 2014 will receive school hours. Please have your red school form with you to get signed by the adult who supervises you. Beta students who will be volunteering at the Forte 5K Race on Saturday, October 18th: don't forget to bring service hour slips with you to be signed. Time can count as community OR school service hours-your choice. Next Beta meeting will be on Tuesday, October 21st 7:30 AM in the gym OR until 3:00 pm in room 204. Channahon Music Boosters News Did you know…on the Channahon School District 17 website there is a Music tab. By clicking on this, you will find a list of upcoming dates for the entire school year. Take a moment to check it out! rd Time is RUNNING out! Register for the 3 annual Forte 5k Run/Walk by October 5th to guarantee your hoodie sweatshirt! You can register online at www.forte5k.com or choose to print out the mail-in form. Please help spread the word – your support helps make this fun event a success! Get ready to race on Saturday, October 18th! Don’t forget you can “like” us on Facebook for both Channahon Music Boosters and Forte 5k! OUR DRUG-FREE PLEDGE The faculty and staff at CJHS are committed to promoting the safety and well-being of our students through our ongoing anti-drug efforts. We believe that we are blessed with some great students and an outstanding community, however, the impact of drug abuse can be felt in all areas. Students are aware that the possession, distribution, or use of drugs at school or any school related function is absolutely prohibited. The school reserves the right to search school property and equipment owned or controlled by the school (such as lockers, desks and parking lots). Although we believe that our students make good choices in regards to drug usage, we also believe in being diligent in the deterrence of any and all drug abuse. We also intend to allow local law enforcement to conduct drug-dog searches to help ensure a safe and drugfree environment at least once every school year. This year there are some basic guidelines that MCHS is asking visiting Junior High students to observe when attending home games. Junior High students will only be permitted entrance to the game when accompanied by a parent/adult. This parent/adult must remain at the game—if the parent/adult leaves, so too must the Junior High student. Junior High students may sit with their parent. If the student chooses not to sit with their parent, he/she must remain in the designated area for Junior High students. Junior High students must be in possession of their Junior High School student IDs. Junior High students should be aware that disciplinary infractions that occur at the football game may be referred back to the home school for further review and possible consequences. If you child uses social media -- like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat to name a few – your child also runs the risk of being bullied on social media. Cyberbullying can look very different from traditional bullying. The link below takes you to an article called “10 Examples of Social Media Bullying to Watch For.” This can help you identify potential cyberbullying and protect your child. Read the article here: http://www.internetserviceproviders.org/blog/2011/10examples-of-social-media-bullying-to-watch-for/ BE OPEN MINDED. A new mindset. Whether it is between peers, husbands and wives, siblings, parents and children, we all fight and know how to push each other’s buttons. If they are pushing our buttons, we are all making the same mistake. It is a difficult task to take a step back and realize that by getting mad, you are pushing the other person to do the very thing you cannot stand. By fighting back, you are encouraging your bullies and even friends and family members to make fun of you or drive you crazy. To make the teasing stop, it takes a change of attitude. All you have to do is change the way you think about the teasing and everything else will follow after you correct your mindset. Up until now, the attitude on bullying is, “Oh no! They are making fun of me! Someone must stop them!” This is the attitude that caused the problem to exist. The reason you were getting teased is because you were hurt by it and they want that reaction out of you. From now on, your new attitude should be, “If they want to tease me, it is perfectly okay. They can do it all day and it does not bother me in the least.” Do not call them names back or tell the teacher on them, unless the bullying is physical. Do not even be angry with them, there is no reason to be if you have a change in attitude. Letting them tease you does not mean you will be the loser, it will make you the winner. If they call you names or call out a rumor and you do not care, it will make them look bad. Open your mind and take on this new attitude. Treat everything your tormentor says as the words of your best friend. Tell yourself that the only reason they are talking to you like this is because they care about you and want to help you, no matter how nasty or angry they sound. This does not mean you have to treat them as if they are right, or that you have to do whatever they tell you. All it means is that you consider them to have nothing but good intentions. Parents: Review the new mindset with your child. Next week: Explanation of what might appear controversial. PAGE 4 PAGE 10 Tips for Healthy Snacking Snacks can help children get the nutrients needed to grow and maintain a healthy weight. Prepare single-serving snacks for younger children to help them get just enough to satisfy their hunger. Let older kids make their own snacks by keeping healthy foods in the kitchen. Visit ChooseMyPlate.gov to help you and your kids select a satisfying snack. 1. Save time by slicing veggies – Store sliced vegetables in the refrigerator and serve with dips like hummus or low-fat dressing. Top half a whole-wheat English muffin with spaghetti sauce, chopped vegetables, and low-fat shredded mozzarella and melt in the microwave. 2. Mix it up- For older school-age kids mix dried fruit, unsalted nuts, and popcorn in a snack size bag for a quick trail mix. Blend plain fat-free or low-fat yogurt with 100% fruit juice and frozen peaches for a tasty smoothie. 3. Grab a glass of milk- A cup of low-fat or fat-free milk or mild alternative (soy, coconut, almond, etc.) is an easy way to drink a healthy snack, 4. Go for great whole grains- Offer whole-wheat breads, popcorn, and whole-oat cereals that are high in fiber and low in added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium. Limit refined-grain products such as snack bars, cakes, and sweetened cereals. 5. Nibble on lean protein- Choose lean protein foods such as low-sodium deli meats, unsalted nuts or eggs. Wrap sliced, lowsodium deli turkey or ham around an apple wedge. Store unsalted nuts in the pantry or peeled, hard boiled eggs in the refrigerator for kids to enjoy later. 6. Keep an eye on the size- Snacks shouldn’t replace a meal, so look for ways to help your kid understand how much enough is. Store snack-size bags in the cabinet and use them to control serving sizes. 7. Fruits are quick and easy- Fresh, frozen, dried, or canned fruits can be easy “grab-and-go” options that need little preparation. Offer whole fruit and limit the amount of 100% juice served. 8. Consider convenience- A single-serving container of low-fat or fat-free yogurt or individually wrapped string cheese can be just enough for an after-school snack. 9. Swap out the sugar- Keep healthier foods handy so kids avoid cookies, pastries or candies between meals. Add seltzer water to a ½ cup of 100% fruit juice instead of offering soda. Prepare homemade goodies- For homemade sweets, add dried fruits like apricots or raisins and reduce the amount of sugar. Adjust recipes that include fats like butter or shortening by using unsweetened applesauce or prune puree for half the amount of fat. http://www.choosemyplate.gov/food-groups/downloads/TenTips/ DGTipsheet24MyPlateSnackTipsforParents.pdf Did you know we collect Kellogg's Rewards labels along with Box Tops and Campbell's? Just send them in with your child to school! We'll get them to the right person October events! PTO Monthly Mtg. Thursday, 10-9 from 7-8pm Galloway School Childcare provided! Find out how to earn a free school kit this year! Haunted Trails Family Fun Night Friday, 1010 check in from 3-5:30pm ($9.95 per child and $3 for adults eating pizza. Send in your money today :)) Fall Fundraiser Pick-up will be on Tuesday, October 14th at Galloway from 5—7pm. Market Day Pick Up Wednesday, 10-22 from 5:30-6:30pm Galloway School 5 PAGE 6 Northern Illinois Food Bank delivering food assistance to your community Northern Illinois Food Bank' s Mobile Pantry is a "traveling food pantry" that delivers nutritious food directly to people in need of food assistance. This truck delivers meat, produce, and nonperishable food to sites where people need food. Equipped with six refrigerated bins, the Mobile Pantry is a critical way to get nutritious foods to hungry neighbors in northern Illinois! NIFB's Mobile Pantry is coming to your community! THUR SDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2014 5:00 - 7:00 PM Sponsored by Channahon Township 25124 S. Fryer St, Channahon Individuals are asked to bring photo identification and bags or boxes for food. 2 FAMILIES PER VEHICLE MUST HAVE IDENTIFICATION HALLOWEEN SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS Costume Safety: • Use make-up or face paint instead of mask, but if mask are used, make sure that they fit properly and have hole large enough for mouth and eyes. • Wear brightly colored clothing/or put on glow-in-dark patched or strips on your costume so vehicles can see you. Clothing should be short enough and shoes should fit properly to prevent tripping. • Choose costumes that are marked flame retardant • Make props such as magic wands and swords out of cardboard rather than metal or wood Trick-or-Treat Safety: • Give and accept wrapped or packaged candy only. • Children should bring home treats for adult inspection before they are eaten. • Accompany small and elementary school age children when they are trick-or-treating and send older children in groups. • Go out in daylight and carry a flashlight in case of delay. • Stay within your neighborhood; only visit homes you know • Make sure you cross streets at corners • Have your parents check Illinois State Police Sex Offender registry website for addresses of known child sex offenders in the neighborhood www.isp.state.il.us/sor/ TRICK OR TREAT HOURS: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014 4:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. (Channahon) 5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. (Shorewood) 3:00 P.M.- 6:00 P.M. (Joliet) 8th Grade Step-Up Day at Joliet Catholic Academy Experience what it’s like to be part of an awesome high school. Meet JCA students and teachers to get a taste of the high school life. Friday, November 7, 2014 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. WHO should attend? All 8th Grade Students! WHY should you attend? Eighth grade students will be assigned to a JCA homeroom and move through the day by attending mini classes that will offer fun demonstrations, games or performances in such areas as Fine Arts and Science. The students will have an opportunity to experience the state-of-the-art JCA Computer Lab and receive a free lunch served by the famous “Captain Bob” and cafeteria staff. The day’s agenda will also allow 8th grade students to meet up with almost 50 clubs, organizations, honor societies and sports teams to ask questions of the moderators, coaches and JCA students. Their day will end with an official High School Pep Assembly! HOW do I sign up! This invitation is extended to ALL area 8th grade classes. Check with your school to see if they are sending the 8th grade class or if you will need to independently RSVP to JCA. If the school is sending the class, JCA will coordinate with the principal. Your school will send home a traditional field trip permission slip. If your 8th grade class is not participating as a group, you will need to RSVP to JCA’sAdmissions Office by Friday, October 24, 2014. You can be dropped off at the main office at 9:15 a.m. and picked up at 1:30 p.m. at the south doors outside the Student Activity Center. JCA Admissions Office Mary Ragusa, Holly Scordo, and Joe Gura 1200 N. Larkin Avenue, Joliet, IL 60435 815-741-0500 [email protected] JCA OPEN HOUSE JCA PLACEMENT EXAM 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. November 23, 2014 December 3, 2014 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. January 10, 2015 www.jca-online.org Fun! Free! Live Demonstrations! Raffles and Prizes! OCTOBER 11, 2014 Kid’s Games! Channahon Fire Protection District Open House 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Join us for a fun-filled afternoon of live demonstrations, games and great learning. CHANNAHON FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT STATION #1 24929 S. Center St. Channahon, Il www.channahonfire.com October 11, 2014 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
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