CJHS Indian Letter 24917 W. Sioux Drive, Channahon, IL 60410 Absence hotline: 815/521-3031 Fax: 815/467-2188 815/467-4314 www.csd17.org November 6, 2014 Important Dates Thurs., 11/6 Fri., 11/7 Mon., 11/24 Early Dismissal 1:40pm; Parent/ Teacher conferences 4—8pm by appt. only. Sign up using SignUp Genius (See P. 3) No School Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:30—11am By appt. only Week of November 9 Theme: Honesty Honesty means being truthful in thoughts, words, and actions. “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” --Thomas Jefferson School Board Mtg. 7pm—Pioneer Path Wed., 11/25; Thurs., 11/26; Fri., 11/28 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Mon., 12/1 School Improvement Day—Early Dismissal 11am dismissal Mon., 12/8 Holiday Concert Mon., 12/15 School Board Meeting 7pm Pioneer Path Fri., 12/19 Early Dismisal— 1:40pm December 22—January 2 Winter Break Mon., 1/5 School Resumes “Be good to your work, your word, and your friend.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson “Living with integrity means: Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships. Asking for what you want and need from others. Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension. Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values. Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe.” ― Barbara De Angelis PAGE 2 Sports Results Upcoming Events Thursday, 11/5 Game against Mokena has been postponed until Monday, 12/8. Monday, 11/10 7th g bkb IVC’s at Coal City— BYE IVC Basketball tournaments begin next week for our girls’ teams. Both teams have a BYE in the first round of play. 7th grade will play in Coal City on Wednesday , 11/12, at 5:30 pm and will face either Reed-Custer or Shabbona. CJHS hosts the 8th grade tournament which begins Saturday. Their first game will be on Tuesday, 11/11, at 5:30pm against either Coal City or Shabbona. Boys’ basketball began this week with games against Shepherd and Jane Addams. Both teams lost their games, but are hoping to rebound against Humphrey next Thursday afternoon. Please note that the tonight’s (11/6) game against Mokena has been postponed to Monday, 12/8. Wrestling sign-ups are up on the bulletin board next to the trophy cases. Please note that a current athletic physical is needed to participate. Wrestling open gym will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays in November, beginning November 4th. This is only for the month of November. Students will take a bus from TRS or CJHS to Pioneer Path. Athletes will need to be picked up at 4:15pm. Tuesday, 11/11 8th g bkb IVC’s v. winner of Coal City/Shabbona game - 5:30pm Congratulations to our Speech Club on their great performances last weekend at the IESA State Speech Tournament. Wednesday 11/12 7 g bkb @ Coal City 3rd place game @ 4:30; Championship game @ 5:30pm Thursday, 11/13 8 g bkb IVC’s - 3rd place game 4:30; Championship game— 5:30pm; 7/8 bbkb # Hufford— 4:30pm XC Awards Night— Wednesday, 11/19 @ 6pm @ CJHS The following students/teams received 1st place finishes: Improv Duet: Morgan Franzen and Camden Nedelsky; Abbey Pursell and Abby Uphoff; McKenna Anderson and Emily Maruszak; Marissa Billie and Mary Kavanagh; Team Improv: McKenna Anderson, Morgan Franzen, Abbey Pursell, Camden Nedelsky; and Abby Uphoff. Small Group: Cassie Crenshaw; Morgan Franzen, McKenzie Frost and Genevieve McPartlin; Mary Kavanagh Dylan Norton and Abby Pursell; McKenna Anderson, Marissa Billie, Emily Maruszak, Camden Nedelsky and Abby Uphoff Poetry: Calvin Sabo Monologue: Calvin Sabo The next Athletic Booster meeting will be on Monday, November 10, at 7pm in the library. Regular Duet: McKenzie Frost and Genevieve McPartlin; Marissa Billie and Emily Maruszak A second place finish went to Cassie Crenshaw and Kylie Macikas in Improv Duet. Speech Club has received a Judge’s Choice Award for Team Improv in the state contest: Congratulations to McKenna Anderson, Abby Uphoff, Abbey Pursell, Camden Nedelsky and Morgan Franzen! CJHS INDIAN LETTER Geography Bee Preliminary Results Last Friday, October 31st, all 7th & 8th grade students participated in the preliminary round for the National Geography Bee during their social studies classes as a way to promote the importance of general geography knowledge. The following students scored an 8 out of 10 or higher and have been invited to participate in the school Geography Bee after school on Monday, November 10th, in the CJHS multi-purpose room: (Scoring 8/10) Megan Robson, Hannah Thompson, Bri Brenner, Nick Beck, Mary Claire Walsh, Max Briscoe, Griffin Shaw, Connor Colbert, Adrian Blopleh, Sam Reick, Olivia Valentino, Michael Fink, Kayla Gurnitz, Jared Butts, Maddy Cichon, Carson Heglund, Eddie Lesczynski, Emily Slocum, William Maurice, Carter Appleton, Dylan Moy, Tyler Mirabal, Matt Kostbade, Allie Messer, Andrew Allen, Connor Zarzecki, Salvatore Cesario, Cassidy Stewart, McKenna Anderson, Aaron Rader, Camden Nedelsky (Scoring 9/10) Mason Neri, Cameron Lowe, Ellis Kennedy, Will Patterson, Grace McClimon, Riley Hebert (Scoring a PERFECT 10/10) Emily Maruszak and Paul Jones The school winner will get to take a state-qualifying test in January to be considered for the Illinois State Geography Bee competition in the spring. The last time a student from CJHS made it to the state competition was the 2009-2010 school year. The Illinois state winner will take part in the National Geography Bee competition in Washington, D.C. in May. The National Bee is typically televised. Prizes include $10,000-$25,000 college scholarships for national winners. The last time a student from CJHS made it to the national competition was the 1995-1996 school year. Additional information about the National Geography Bee can be found online at: www.nationalgeographic.com/geobee Developed by the student crew… Congratulations to Ms. Braem and Ms. Yonker’s study hall classes who won the coin war battle. Mr. Lange’s class was a mere 65 points behind. Even more, our library and children less fortunate benefit from the $300+ earned during this activity. According to Steven Layne, author of Igniting a Passion for Reading, “The way money is spent provides a window into our priorities”. Everyone is invited to the Scholastic Book Fair November 7 4:00-8:00 pm, November 8 8:30-11:00 am. If you can’t make the fair, you can help our school by ordering online: http://onlinebookfairs.scholastic.com PAGE Channahon Music Boosters News Want to be a part of the Channahon Music Boosters? Our membership is free! Meetings are held in the Art room at Three Rivers School at 7:00 p.m. We will look forward to seeing you! Spirit Wear forms will be coming home very soon! Orders should be ready for delivery before Thanksgiving. Beta Club Updates! Students will continue to have weekly opportunities to recycle, help with teachers, and earn hours assisting with concessions. They will also be helping Shane O’Brien with a food drive collecting non-perishable and canned goods. Collection boxes will be available at all the schools to collect. At the Channahon Village Hall on Friday, Nov. 14th from 6—9 pm and on Saturday, Nov. 15th from 8am to noon. Registration is open to boys and girls between 4 and 14 years old. 4 Cool App Alert! When you come to parent-teacher conferences this week, definitely make a stop at the book fair being held in each school! There are lots of terrific books for kids and adults of all ages! Making a purchase at the book fair also helps the school’s library! One thing you can do to make shopping easier and more enjoyable is to download the free Scholastic Book Fair app! Use the app to scan a book cover at the book fair and pull up all sorts of really helpful information about the book, including Reading level Age and grade level Summary Price Videos and podcasts about the book Recommended or similar titles Ability to create a wish list Ability to purchase online through the app Learn more about the app and get links to download the app here: http://www.scholastic.com/bookfairs/ experience/articles/2013/oct/bfc-mobile-app.asp Renee Bogacz Instructional Technology Resource Teacher PAGE Add more Vegetables to your Day It’s easy to eat more vegetables! Eating vegetables is important because they provide vitamins and minerals and most are low in calories. To fit more vegetables in your meals, follow these simple tips. It is easier than you may think. Discover fast ways to cook. Cook fresh or frozen vegetables in the microwave for a quick-and-easy dish to add to any meal. Steam green beans, carrots, or broccoli in a bowl with a small amount of water in the microwave for a quick side dish. Be ahead of the game. Cut up a batch of bell peppers, carrots, or broccoli. Pre-package them to use when time is limited. You can enjoy them on a salad, with hummus, or in a veggie wrap. Choose vegetables rich in color. Brighten your plate with vegetables that are red, orange, or dark green. They are full of vitamins and minerals. Try acorn squash, cherry tomatoes, sweet potatoes, or collard greens. They not only taste great but also are good for you, too. Check the freezer aisle. Frozen vegetables are quick and easy to use and are just as nutritious as fresh veggies. Try adding frozen corn, peas, green beans, spinach, or sugar snap peas to some of your favorite dishes or eat as a side dish. Stock up on veggies. Canned vegetables are a great addition to any meal, so keep on hand canned tomatoes, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, mushrooms, and beets. Select those labeled as “reduced sodium,” “low sodium,” or “no salt added.” Make your garden salad glow with color. Brighten your salad by using colorful vegetables such as black beans, sliced red bell peppers, shredded radishes, chopped red cabbage, or water cress. Your salad will not only look good but taste good, too. Sip on some vegetable soup. Heat it and eat it. Try tomato, butternut squash, or garden vegetable soup. Look for reduced- or low-sodium soups. While you’re out. If dinner is away from home, no need to worry. When ordering, ask for an extra side of vegetables or side salad instead of the typical fried sided dish. Savor the flavor of seasonal vegetables. Buy vegetables that are in season for maximum flavor at a lower cost. Check your local supermarket specials for the best-in-season buys. Or visit your local farmer’s market. Try something new. You never know what you may like. Choose a new vegetable- add it to your recipe or look up how to fix it online. Source: www.choosemyplate.gov PTO is Thankful! We're showing gratitude to our teachers this week by providing them with a yummy dinner! Thank you teachers for staying late to inform us parents of what's going on with our children! PTO Mtg. is Thursday, November 13 from 78pm at Galloway. Childcare provided. It's not too late to earn your free School kit! Everything is Awesome at the PTO!!! Come celebrate with us at the annual Family Movie Night on Friday, November 14 at CJHS. Doors open at 6pm and the movie starts at 6:30pm. Wear your PJs for extra raffle tickets. Spirit wear will be available. Fall Spirit Wear orders are due November 14th. 8th grade step-up day @ Joliet Catholic Academy Friday, 11/7/14—9:30am—1:30pm; contact JCA Admissions Office at 815/741-0500 or [email protected] JCA Open House—11/23/14 10am—2pm and 12/3/14 from 6-8pm JCA Placement Exam—Jan. 10, 2015 @ 8am For more information—www.jca-online.org OUR DRUG-FREE PLEDGE The faculty and staff at CJHS are committed to promoting the safety and well-being of our students through our ongoing anti-drug efforts. We believe that we are blessed with some great students and an outstanding community, however, the impact of drug abuse can be felt in all areas. Students are aware that the possession, distribution, or use of drugs at school or any school related function is absolutely prohibited. The school reserves the right to search school property and equipment owned or controlled by the school (such as lockers, desks and parking lots). Although we believe that our students make good choices in regards to drug usage, we also believe in being diligent in the deterrence of any and all drug abuse. We also intend to allow local law enforcement to conduct drug-dog searches to help ensure a safe and drugfree environment at least once every school year. 5 Ms. Yonker's 8th graders recently created their own original political cartoons. She was so impressed, that each class voted for their top 2. Then, all her classes voted for their favorites amongst all those top 10. Here are the voted favorite top 3 political cartoons created by our 8th graders. All cartoons are hanging in the downstairs hallway near the center staircase. Check them out during conferences. The top 10 and top 3 are labeled, as are a few extras voted "Yonker's Choice". Enjoy! By Izzy Kalman Whether your child is bullied or not, this is a great program that helps us teach our children how to develop confidence and nurture interactive social skills. How do I know if Bullies 2 Buddies is right for my child? Ask yourself the following questions: I want my children/students to grow up into adults who: Blame others for their feelings and problems. Take personal responsibility for their feelings and problems. I want my children/students to: Demand to be treated like they are perfect, and to get upset whenever someone criticizes them or poke fun at them. Know they are not perfect, to be able to handle criticism, and to be able to take and make jokes about themselves. I want my children/students to develop resilience and assertive skills so they can handle the hardships of life: No. Yes. If you prefer “B” responses, you are likely to be happy with the Bullies 2 Buddies approach. It will teach your children how to problem solve conflicts so they can grow in resilience, selfconfidence and self-esteem. Next week: Tips on how to help your child with relational aggression. Channahon School District #17 24920 S. Sage Street Channahon, Illinois 60410 815-467-4315 Karin K. Evans, Ed.D, Superintendent Dear Parents and Guardians, State Law and School Board Policy 7:140 require the District to notify students and their parents/guardians that school officials may request or require a student or his/her parent/guardian to provide a password or other related account information to gain access to the student’s account or profile on a social networking website. This request may be made only if there is reasonable cause to believe that the student’s account contains evidence that he or she violated a school disciplinary rule or Board Policy. Sincerely, Karin Evans Karin K. Evans, Ed.D Superintendent CHANNAHON/MINOOKA POLICE VS CHANNAHON/MINOOKA FIRE SUNDAY, November 9th AT 1:30PM Kick off at 2:00PM THREE RIVERS SCHOOL CHANOOKA BRAVES FOOTBALL FIELD 24150 W. Ford Rd $2 Donation for Adults Kids are Free All proceeds will be donated to Chanooka Wish Sponsored by the Chanooka Braves &
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