External Facilities Management Companies: Profile – Drake & Scull A s South Africa’s foremost facilities management company, Drake & Scull is proud of being trusted by its clients to manage their facilities across a range of sectors. One such sector is healthcare, and one such facility is the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital (IALCH), the largest referral hospital in South Africa. The Drake & Scull facilities management team, and its partners, has been managing the facilities for some 15 years. The 846bed state-of-the-art hospital is run as a public-private partnership (PPP) with Impilo Consortium. The consortium, a black empowered enterprise, is made up of Siemens Medical Solutions (SMS), which supplies medical equipment to the hospital, Drake & Scull, Vulindlela Holdings, Mbekani Health and Wellbeing, Oname Investments and the Austrian information technology company AME. The government wanted a public sector hospital that matched the best that the private sector could provide. This goal has been accomplished. The fact that IALCH has achieved, if the backdrop of dismal scenarios and negative publicity of other facilities, Albert Luthuli has proved its exception with its resoundingly successful audit. It is truly a flagship hospital, receiving visitors from Europe and the United States to experience first-hand the expertise that abounds in this facility. From an FM perspective, Drake & Scull has to ensure ing services, procurement and stores management. The scope also includes management of a crèche, a 465-bed residential village and retail outlets. The company also manages all soft facilities management including security, not exceeded, its mandate speaks volumes for all involved in the operation of the hospital. The Department of Health has national core standards against which all public sector hospitals are audited every year. Against that the demanding standards are met. The Drake & Scull team, together with its subsidiary Umongi Facilities Services are responsible for all FM services. The scope of services includes building maintenance, specialist engineer- catering, cleaning, patient transfers to wards, landscaping, parking and waste management, There are several aspects to the on-going success of the FM in the hospital. Central to the operations is a 24 External Facilities Management Companies: Profile – Drake & Scull there was an issue. The standard of healthcare care that hour, 365 days a year central helpdesk. All requests are logged at this centre meaning that the management team has line of sight in one place for all the operational issues. A second factor in ensuring success is the tracking and analysis of all key data. Technology is used to monitor performance in real-time against service level agreements. The use of metrics and data has absolutely been key in managing the hospital at the required standard. The third key factor is a continuous hands-on “walk the floor” identification process by the team and the immediate reporting of problem issues. More than 60-70% of maintenance problems are reported and sorted out by the quality control team so quickly that the client is not often even aware that patients receive is paramount. The patients’ experience of every aspect of the hospital must be positive. Everything Drake & Scull does at IALCH revolves around meeting the priorities of the hospital’s healthcare targets. This is all part of the Drake & Scull ethos. The company does not view themselves merely as facility managers, but instead as an integral part of the healthcare cycle of the hospital. Over 15 years on ongoing operations Drake & Scull are proud of helping IALCH achieve its goal of being the best public sector referral hospital in South Africa. website: www.dake-scull.co.za
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