A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Ambler, Pennsylvania
October 12, 2014
Traditional Service - 9:30 a.m.
South Ridge (Contemporary) - 11:00 a.m.
Please remember to silence all electronic devices.
(During the Prelude you are invited to prepare your hearts to worship God.)
Prelude from Suite in E Major
If you are a visitor and you take a moment to fill out the Connection Card
found in the bulletin, we will gladly send you information about our church.
Just put the card in the collection plate or hand it to an usher. If anyone has
a joy or concern to include during the PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE, please
fill out the yellow Prayer Request Card found in the pew rack, and give it to
an usher or one of the pastors at this time.
Joyful Ringers
Come, let us worship the God who came to seek
and save the lost!
Let us worship the God who came to seek
and save each of us!
Let us welcome God into our homes and our hearts.
Let us give of ourselves in this worship time
that we may know God.
Let us joyfully and with gratitude worship God!
* HYMN #469
Morning Has Broken
Almighty God,
you love us, but we have not loved you;
you call, but we have not listened.
We walk away from neighbors in need,
wrapped up in our own concerns.
We have gone along with evil,
with pride, quarrelling, and divisiveness.
Holy God, help us to face up to ourselves,
so that, as you move toward us in mercy,
we may repent, turn to you, and receive mercy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
And to the Holy Ghost:
As it was in the beginning,
Is now, and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen, Amen.
[Children participating in Sunday School are dismissed at this time]
Canticle of Fellowship
Sanctuary Choir
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly love,
clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility,
gentleness and patience,
forgive each other as the Lord forgave you,
and over all these virtues put on Love.
Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love;
the fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.
Before our Father’s throne we pour our ardent prayers;
our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, our comforts and our cares.
Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Love.
We share our mutual woes, our mutual burdens bear;
and often for each other flows the sympathizing tear.
When we asunder part, it gives us inward pain;
but we shall still be joined in heart, and hope to meet again.
Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Love.
From sorrow, toil, and pain and sin we shall be free;
and perfect love and joy shall reign throughout eternity.
Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Love.
Psalm 133
How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity!
It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
CCLI #147526
running down on Aaron’s beard,
down on the collar of his robe.
It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the LORD bestows his blessing,
even life forevermore.
Luke 19:1-10
19 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 A man was there by
the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. 3 He
wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see
over the crowd. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see
him, since Jesus was coming that way.
When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus,
come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” 6 So he came
down at once and welcomed him gladly.
All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest
of a sinner.”
But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I
give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out
of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.”
Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this
man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to
save the lost.”
* HYMN #434
"Love in Action"
The Reverend Ryan Balsan
Today We All are Called to Be Disciples
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy
kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as
we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power
and the glory, forever. Amen.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
* HYMN #540
God Be with You Till We Meet Again
I Will Magnify the Lord
*Indicates to please stand if you are able.
Head Usher: Rich Myers
Greeters: Earle & Nancy Matlack
Ushers: Susan Buehler
Claudette Fleischmann
Betty Miller
Bob Miller
Jan Nader
Gwen Neveil
Lay Reader: Nancy Lange
Soundboard: John Astler
Driving folks Paul Berry and
to church today: Chuck Brumbaugh
FOR EVERYONE’S CONVENIENCE – There are hearing devices, large
print hymnals and bulletins, and children’s worship packets. Ask an usher
for assistance.
Our Nursery welcomes infants to three-year-olds ten minutes before
worship and is located in the main hallway on the 1st floor, Room 101.
We offer the same program during the 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM worship
services. Our Pre K & K class welcomes children, 3 years old through
children in Kindergarten, 10 minutes before worship. This class is located on
the 3rd floor in Room 307.
Grades 1 through 5 begin in worship with their families. Children will be
invited to meet their teachers in the back of the Sanctuary. Elementary-age
homerooms are located on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
You can register your children for 2014-2015 Sunday School at church
or online at
Sandra Brandreth
Audrey Buchholz
Richard and Arlene Crowell
John Detwiler
Lois Domm
Mary Duncan
Pam Elliott
Falcone family
Eileen Honert
John Kirch
Ellen Morrow
Evelyn McAdam
Dick McNeal
Betty Rawlins
Lindsey Robinson
Charles Siegmann
Jeff Stone
Mim Theobald
Kathy Wandall
If you would like to add someone to the prayer list, contact the
church office ([email protected]/215-646-3030). The church
staff prays for concerns during our weekly staff meeting.
Prayer requests from extended family and friends
(listed in the order received):
Mary Contino, friend of Barbara Schmitt
Mildred Durst, cousin of Marianne P. Watters
Gwen and John Haspels, mission workers injured in Ethiopia
Noah Richards, great grandson of Anne Lyons
Arlene Hiles, friend of Lois Peterson
Tony Walter, friend of Fal Klitsch
Sarah Sandell, sister of Dave Klitsch
Abi, daughter of Georgina Bard
Sherada, friend of the Forsters
Lynn Mason, grandmother of Ali, Abi, Ani and JB Mason
Jack Kerner, cousin of Linda Callegari
All those suffering from or in fear of ebola,
and all those fighting the pandemic
Patricia Buziak, mother of Sarah McClure
Sandie and her father Daniel Beren
The Dave Schwass family, friends of Ron Moritz
Brian Blanchard, friend of Sara and Trey Halkett
in loving memory of Kimberly Gibbons
from the Astler family.
CONCERN contact the church office ([email protected]/215646-3030).
If you are on FACEBOOK or FOURSQUARE, check in from First
Presbyterian Church of Ambler, and let your friends know you are
worshiping with us today.
PARENTS, you are welcome to feed your babies
wherever you feel comfortable. If you would
like a quiet place, Marie Thomas, our Children's
Ministry Director, is making her office available.
Marie's office is behind the balcony on the third floor,
Room 301.
JOIN US for our 2014 Fall Sermon Series:
Living Inside Out: Steps to Authentic Spirituality
WEBSITE UPDATE. Starting Monday, October 13th we will
be performing maintenance to our current church websites.
Please be patient during this process. We may experience
some temporary email problems during the update. If you
have any questions or concerns contact the church office
HAITI MISSION TRIP. There are still spots available for the
January 2015 Haiti Mission Trip. The deposit ($400) is now
due. Partial scholarships are available. Contact Christina
Hughes ([email protected]).
ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL. One of the greatest things about
the Psalms is that they are prayers offered by people like us;
not merely lofty praises to a seemingly distant God. No, the
Psalms encounter us where we are, delve into the depths of all
human experience, and bring us to the God who walks with us
every step of the way. Praise is offered amid suffering, worship
is done in the midst of grief, and joy is proclaimed in the midst
of great sorrow. The Psalms show us how to look to God in
every circumstance of our lives; in the ups, downs, and
everywhere in between. They give us a pattern to follow,
combining the cheerfulness of a travel song with the practicality
of a guidebook and map. Join us in adult Sunday school at
both 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM service times, as we discuss
some of the Psalms and hear about how they impacted
Amy Ruhf while she completed Hike4Hope this summer,
and about how they can help all of us as we journey
through life.
MEN’S STUDY GROUP. Every Wednesday from 8:30 PM to
10:00 PM the men’s study group (HOGS) meets in the Parlor.
This fall we will be following Ryan’s sermon series with lively
study and discussion. We believe that ministry to and through
our men is a key part of Gods kingdom. More than just a
chance to gather together and shoot the breeze; we desire to
grow in our faith by creating a community of disciples of Jesus
who are being personally transformed and becoming catalysts
mobilizing Christians to become the functioning Body of Christ
in our homes, neighborhoods and workplaces. See you this
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: It’s time to start thinking
about Christmas and getting those shoe boxes ready! Start
the Christmas season by filling a shoebox with small gifts that
will be delivered around the world to children in need, and
help spread the message of God's love. Look for the OCC
brochure in your mailbox next week for more details. Back
by popular demand, this year we will have OCC shoe boxes
for you to use – no wrapping necessary! FPCA will be
collecting shoeboxes in the Fellowship Hall during
coffee hour on November 2, November 9, November 16
and November 24. If you have questions or need additional
brochures/labels please contact Lauri McCallum (215-2067227/[email protected]).
The deacons want to remind the
congregation that the Meal Ministry is available. Meals are
prepared and dropped off to those in need (i.e., birth of a child,
recovering from surgery, illness or death in the family). Please
notify the church office ([email protected]/215-646-3030) if
you are in need of a meal. If you would like to join the folks who
prepare meals, please contact the church office or respond on
the ConnectionCard.
SOUP KITCHEN. Sign up at the Help Desk for our next Soup
Kitchen on Friday October 17th and/or Saturday, October 18th.
We work with a coalition of 14 churches (called the NECH) to
provide a soup kitchen every Saturday morning in Philadelphia.
You can be part of this effort by helping to prepare the meal
Friday night at our church, serving the meal in Frankford on
Saturday morning, or both. Contact Mark and Barb Yantek (215641-4928/[email protected]).
Clothing items are also
sweatshirts, coats, small blankets, socks and
sneakers (new or clean/used in good condition). Items can
be left in the container marked SOUP KITCHEN CLOTHING
DONATIONS, by the Fellowship Hall coat racks.
year the Deacons sponsor a dinner and social evening for the
Forteniters Club, Inc. of Norristown. The Club offers activities for
those in the Norristown area who are dealing with mental illness.
We are asking for your help in providing chicken divan
casseroles, cookies, and fruit. Sign up at the table in
Fellowship Hall after the 9:30 AM service or in the Narthex
after South Ridge.
Tuesday, October 21st, 6:00 PM, at Spring House Tavern in
Ambler (Norristown Road & Bethlehem Pike). There will be free
appetizers and beverages for purchase. The program will
feature music, an opportunity to informally meet the Reverend
Adan Mairena and some of the folks from WKM. See a short
documentary film about WKM created by acclaimed filmmaker,
Will Drinker. Reserve your place now, Email: Chad Pilling
([email protected]).
MEN’S BREAKFAST. Come join us for fellowship and a
delicious meal at the next Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, October
18th at 8:00 AM in Fellowship Hall.
Sign up at the Help Desk or contact Bob Pearce
([email protected]/215-884-2385).
MIRIAM CIRCLE will meet October 22nd at Normandy Farms.
Meet at parking lot #10 at 11:30 AM. Call Alice (215-620-0079)
if unable to attend.
PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN. Eat, Pray and Laugh with friends
old and new during our annual Thank Offering Dinner on
November 3rd. Bring a dish to share. Bring a friend. Can’t get
there by 6:00 PM? No problem, come when you can. We will
end by 8:00 PM(ish). We will collect an offering at this event for
the many mission projects supported by Presbyterian Women
(see the display in the hallway opposite the church mailboxes).
Did I mention that we need help setting up and closing down?
Contact Barbara Schmitt ([email protected]) or mark your
interest on the Connection Card.
LIBRARY BOOK REVIEW. Faith, by Lori Copeland. We all
have faith in our parents, our church, and close friends. But
faith in a stranger? This is the story of a woman who answered
a classified advertisement for a wife. It reveals how she copes
with her husband and his family, and how they eventually find
faith in each other and love.
ART IN THE LIBRARY. “A Tea Towel for Every Occasion”. In
the library is a collection of Royal memorabilia about Queen
Elizabeth II, the current monarch of the United Kingdom and
Commonwealth of Nations since 1953. The Queen is also the
Head of the Church of England. Each occasion produces
celebratory items for the coronation, christenings, marriages,
reign anniversaries and funerals. Items exhibited include china,
stamps, books, what-nots, and of course, the linen tea towels, a
cheap and cheerful way of marking a celebration.
collection belonged to Mae Mackie (1918-2014) and came to her
niece, Diana Mackie recently.
• Nursery Caregivers (during 11 AM Worship). We are looking
for a few more nursery caregivers who will serve no more
than six times a year.
• Teacher/Shepherd (during 11 AM Worship). Team up with
one other person to regularly shepherd elementary
age children. Shepherds escort children to our creative
workshops, work on Bible skills and lead small group prayer
times. Prep is minimal.
COME TO MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). We meet every first
Saturday in the Parlor from 9:00-11:30 AM (September to May,
except January). Breakfast for moms & MOPPETS program for
infants through elementary-age children. We hope to see you at our
next meeting on November 1st.
It is time to sign up for The Philly Blitz Service Weekend,
November 14-16.
All classes meet at 9:30 AM in room 304 for
combined worship, followed by smaller
group lessons. Want to come early to hang
out, play games, and eat snacks? Doors
open at 9:00 AM.
• HS BASIC tonight, Sunday, Oct. 12th (6:30-8 PM). Bring your Bibles.
• MS BASIC this Thursday, Oct. 16th (6:30-8 PM). Bring your Bibles.
• Announcing the 2015 Mission Trip to Providence, Rhode Island
(June 21-27). This trip is open to all current 8th-12th grade students. If
you are interested in participating, please attend the Informational
Meeting on Sunday, Nov.2nd at 5:15 PM in the Youth Room.
• The Great Escape is BACK (July 27-Aug. 1)!!! This trip is open to all
current 5th-8th grade students. If you are interested in participating,
please attend the Informational Meeting on Sunday, Nov.2nd at 4:30
PM in the Youth Room.
We will be continuing our study of BEING HUMAN: The Good, the Bad, and
the Ugly. This week we'll be focusing on the topic of Pain that we
experience throughout life and how to cope with it. Meet us in the Youth
Room on Wednesday, from 6:30-8 PM. Bring your Bible.
1. Can you handle the HAUNT?! Join us for the HS Dorney Park Trip to
experience the thrills of the coasters and the spooks of the season!
Saturday, Oct. 25th.
2. Our Fall Service Project will be on Thursday, Oct. 30th from 6-8 PM.
We will be shopping for, filling, and wrapping boxes of goodies for
Operation Christmas Child. Cost: $10
3. How good are you with directions? How about in the dark?! Come with
us to the MS Cornmaze Trip for a full day of fall activities and a
cornmaze challenge at night. Saturday, Nov. 1st.
4. HS Fall Retreat: REALITY Conference! Spend a weekend away with
friends from FPCA and other local churches. We will have a blast
playing games, enjoying fellowship time, and growing in our
relationship with Christ. Nov. 7- Nov. 9th.
Fellowship Hall (F.H.)
Memorial Conference Room (M.C.R., 2nd floor)
9:30 AM • Traditional Worship
• Sunday School for all ages
10:30 AM Café , F.H.
10:40 AM Children/Youth Bell Choir
11:00 AM • SouthRidge Worship
• Sunday School for all ages
11:10 AM Children’s Chimes Choir
12:15 PM S.U.R.G.E. Horseback Riding
5:00 PM A.A., M.C.R.
6:30 PM High School B.A.S.I.C. Youth Group, F.H.
6:00 PM A.A., M.C.R.
7:00 PM Young Adult Small Group Bible Study,
Yoo Home
10:00 AM Women’s Bible Study, Parlor
10:30 AM Staff Meeting, Pastor’s Office
5:30-6:45 PM Ambler Marbles Club, F.H.
6:00 PM A.A., M.C.R.
7:15 PM Deacons, M.C.R.
9:30AM Library Staff Work
6:00 PM A.A., Women Beginners, Parlor
6:30 PM • Youth Fall Small Groups
• Inter-Faith Group, F.H.
7:00 PM Joyful Ringers, Sanctuary
8:00 PM Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room
8:30 PM H.O.G.S. (Men’s Bible Study), Parlor
6:00 PM A.A., M.C.R.
6:30-8:00 PM Middle School BASIC, F.H.
7:00 PM • Deb Koziol Small Group, Library
• S.R. Band Rehearsal, Sanctuary
7:30 PM Traditional Worship Mtg., Pastor’s Office
8:30 PM CHICS, Parlor
6:00 PM
Women’s Retreat
• A.A., M.C.R.
• Soup Kitchen Preparation, Kitchen
Women’s Retreat
8:00 AM Men’s Breakfast
10:00 AM Soup Kitchen (serving in Philadelphia)
First Presbyterian Church
4 South Ridge Ave
Ambler, PA 19002
Phone: 215-646-3030
Web Site:
Fax: 215-643-0621
E-mail: [email protected]
Ministers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All baptized members of the congregation
Carol Anders, Organist and Parish Visitor .............................................. [email protected]
Ryan Balsan, Pastor, Head of Staff……………………………………………[email protected]
Brian Bortnick, South Ridge Music Director .......................................... [email protected]
Michael Joy, Director of Music
Cheryl Kurpiel, Church Administrator....................................................... [email protected]
Leslie Thomas, Director of Youth Ministries ............................................. [email protected]
Barbara Schmitt, Parish Visitor ....................................................................... [email protected]
Marie Thomas, Director of Children’s Ministries........................................ [email protected]
Jodi Wolper, Secretary of Publications and Publicity ................................. [email protected]
Class of 2015
Trey Halkett
Susan Buehler
Dave Klitsch
William Martin
Teri McMasters
Robert Nance
Cindy Reed, Clerk of Session
Class of 2016
Kristin Baird
Rachel Coley
Jeff Depuyt
Sherri Gannon
Christina Hughes
Ron Moritz
Class of 2017
Karen Driscoll
Scott French
Judy McKee
Bob Walters
Anne Whitney
Mark Yantek
Class of 2015
Cindy Bowman
Debbie Daniels
Suzanne Kauffman DePuyt
Lauren Kellock
Linda Moulton
Rich Myers
Amy Ruhf
Class of 2016
Tom Bender
John Brasch
Sara Halkett
John Ingram
Deb Koziol
Andy McClure
Cristy Robertson
Class of 2017
Lisa Astler
David Coley
Martijn Driehuis
Tahir Thomas Kinsey
Carol Kocher
Andrew Schielke
Tom Shaner
Memorials Committee
Liz Ferry
Katie Marlowe
Mary McGready
Ed Morgenson
Endowment Committee
Jeff DePuyt
Rich Krauss
Dick McNeal
Bill Messerschmidt
Eric Rudolph
Keith White
Tom Wynn
Nominating Committee
Mike Bowman
Cheryl Kurpiel
Bill Lobley, Deacon Rep.
Robert Nance, Session Rep.
Cristy Robertson
Bruce Ruhf