Welcome to Silicon Valley Code Camp v9 Sunday, October 12, 2014 http://www.siliconvalley-codecamp.com http://svcc.mobi (Mobile App) 9:15 AM Sunday An Introduction to XAML Development Jerry Nixon Room: 5502 Analyzing On-Chip Interconnect with Modern C++ Jeff Trull Room: 4301 AngularJS app testing for real Ward Bell Room: 1501 Azure Virtual Machines (IaaS in the Microsoft cloud) Neil Mackenzie Room: 4201 Blogging to Fuel the SEO Engine Alyson Harrold Room: Hearthside Lounge Code Shaming, Anti Patterns in Action Mark Simms Room: 8402 Dart - the new Javascript? Jorg Janke Room: 4220 Distributed Systems - Patterns and Practices John Brinnand Room: 8338 Don't Screw Up Your Licensing Ansel Halliburton Room: 3106 Getting started with developing Big Data Solutions using HBase. Sridhar Reddy Room: 5015 Greenfoot Games and Simulations 1 Steve Putz Room: PSEC4602 KID Intro to Neo4j Nicole White Room: 8403 Introductory Minecraft Modding with Forge - Part 1 Aditya Gupta , Arun Gupta Room: PSEC4501 KID Kids @ Play - Build your first mobile game for the Google Play Store Ron Vergis Room: PSEC4603 KID Learn JavaScript by modeling and solving Rubik's Cuibe Manoj Kumar Room: SmithWick Monetize Your iOS and Android Apps with Multiple Ad Networks Alice Pang Room: 1401 Offline Speech Recognition for Mobile Developers Breandan Considine Room: 4221 Open Source and Web Development Using OpenUI5 Alexander Graebe Room: PSEC4604 KID Put pencil to paper, sketching skills for Engineers Megan Williams Room: 4306 Quality Dashboard - One stop shop to determine product quality Venkat Gajulapalli Room: 4203 Raspberry Pi Gaming 4 Kids Stephen Chin Room: PSEC4502 KID Reactive, unidirectional data without a required client/server technology David Burrowes Room: 4202 Rock Your Code With Defensive Programming David McCarter Room: 8401 Start the journey to Internet of Things with Arduino Pradeep Bhatter Room: PSEC4601 KID TCP/IP Networking for Developers Steve Evans Room: 3525 The REST of the story: Using ASP.NET Web API to create RESTful web services Devin Rader Room: 5501 The Rise of Wearable Technology Jonathan LeBlanc Room: 5001 The Self-healing, Elastic Runtime that is Cloud Foundry Cornelia Davis Room: 4302 10:45 AM Sunday MongoDB + Vert.x = Red Hot goodness Steven Pousty Room: 5501 (Big Data) Introduction to Machine Learning using Mahout on Hadoop Daniel Egan Room: SmithWick Automating Windows with Chef Bakh Inamov Room: 5502 Building Killer Apps with Neo4j Kenny Bastani Room: 8402 CODE Framework WPF MVC/MVVM Projects Mike Yeager Room: 8403 Creating a RESTFUL Web Service for Microsoft SQL Server Patrick Mundy Room: 4306 Exploring the Brain-Computer Interface Jim McKeeth Room: 4301 Functional Reactive JavaScript: Theory & Practice Pete Hodgson Room: 1501 Greenfoot Games and Simulations 2 Steve Putz Room: PSEC4602 KID Hardening your code Marshall Clow Room: 5001 Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) Alok Govil Room: 8338 Introductory Minecraft Modding with Forge - Part II Aditya Gupta , Arun Gupta Room: PSEC4501 KID Keyword Research Under a Microscope: Advanced SEO Techniques Massimo Paolini Room: 8401 Lego Mindstorms Programming 4 Kids Stephen Chin Room: PSEC4502 KID Manage your life: Web-based goal, time, project, health management Roman Zhovtulya Room: 1401 Running Your Spring Apps in the Cloud Cornelia Davis Room: 4302 Start the journey to Internet of Things with Arduino - Part 2 Pradeep Bhatter Room: PSEC4601 KID Test driving Azure Search and DocumentDB Andrew Siemer Room: 3106 Test-Driven Development with TypeScript+Jasmine+AngularJS Somik Raha , Kai Wu Room: 3525 UI and UX design principles to keep the user engaged within your mobile app Paras Wadehra Room: 5015 We Don't Need No Stinkin' Product Manager! Ken Kruszka Room: 4220 Web UI in Java with Vaadin Joonas Lehtinen Room: Hearthside Lounge What Lean Brings To Product Marketing Management Cindy F. Solomon Room: 4221 Why Would You Integrate Solr and Hadoop? (and why would you do that?) Yann Yu Room: 4201 Zero to Fractals in 75 Minutes Shadaj Laddad Room: PSEC4603 KID Lunch Starts at Noon 1:15 PM Sunday Angular or Backbone: Go Mobile! Doris Chen , Ryan Salva Room: 8338 AngularJS For Non-JavaScripters Ted Young Room: 4306 Application Development on Hadoop using Cascading Ryan Desmond Room: 1401 Apply software development principles to live/work spaces Roman Zhovtulya Room: 5001 Azure for Open Source Developers Matt Harrington Room: 5501 Circuit Art Pavi Bhatter , Pradeep Bhatter Room: PSEC4601 KID Dive into Cloud Foundry PaaS Dave Nielsen Room: 8403 Engineering without Borders Claudia Galvan Room: 4220 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Node Authentication Randall Degges Room: 8402 Fun with Scratch Menka Gupta Room: PSEC4501 KID Functional Programming for Production Quality Code Jack Fox Room: 4201 GameMaker Studio: Easy Game Development for All Ages Tam Nguyen Room: PSEC4603 KID Get Started with Azure Tonight Vishal Saxena Room: 4221 How to Win a Hackathon Alex Donn Room: 1501 Introduction to Python – Beginners – Level 1 Anoop Trivedi Room: PSEC4502 KID JavaScript Game Microservers Bill Enright Room: 4301 Modern Web Diagnostics with a Glimpse into ASP.NET Anthony van der Hoorn Room: Hearthside Lounge MTUT: A C++ Framework for Cross-Thread Unit Testing Nathan Yospe Room: 5502 Programming a Graphical Web Game, Part 1 Dave Briccetti Room: PSEC4602 KID Rock Your Technical Interview (Part 1) David McCarter Room: SmithWick Simple Contextual User Doc SDK via WordPad Bill Glosser Room: 8401 Synthesizing an Optimized Application Specific OS for your IoT Device Bob Zeidman Room: 3106 Understanding HTTP and REST: the road to simple, scalable web services Devin Rader Room: 3525 Wearable Tech with Arduino Woman Tenaya Hurst Room: PSEC4604 KID What is Python? wesley chun Room: 5015 2:45 PM Sunday Android on x86 Gayathri Murali Room: 8402 Azure Development with the Visual Studio Tools Jason Singh Room: 4201 Beer Locker: Building a RESTful API with Node.js Scott Smith Room: SmithWick Build Your First iOS App Paran Sonthalia Room: PSEC4601 KID C++11 in the Wild: Techniques from a Real Codebase Arthur O'Dwyer Room: 5001 Data Visualization Using Pov-Ray 3.7 Joel Champagne Room: 4306 Designing Irresistible APIs Kirsten Hunter Room: 5015 Fun with Scratch - Part 2 Menka Gupta Room: PSEC4501 KID Getting RESTless with MeteorJS and MongoDB in the Browser Ryan Jarvinen Room: 1401 High performance networking for QEMU/KVM based virtual machines Gene Snider Room: 5501 How Our SaaS Startup Got 1000 Early Beta Customers Sherman Lee Room: 3525 Introduction to Machine Learning with Azure ML Eugene Chuvyrov Room: 8338 Introduction to Python – Beginners – Level 2 Anoop Trivedi Room: PSEC4502 KID Kodu with Kids! Simon Tien Room: PSEC4603 KID Plugins for the Web - A Way to Allow Others to Improve Your Application Jeff Brewer Room: Hearthside Lounge Programming a Graphical Web Game, Part 2 Dave Briccetti Room: PSEC4602 KID Rock Your Technical Interview (Part 2) David McCarter Room: 1501 Scaling Up: Tame Key Business Processes and Grow Fast! Patrick Mundy Room: 5502 SharePoint 2013 Columns>>Content Types Ramona Maxwell Room: 4301 Trick-or-Treat Wearable Technology Tenaya Hurst Room: PSEC4604 KID Using NuGet the way you should Maarten Balliauw Room: 8403
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