12 October 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time CHURCH OF THE ON SAUGATUCK THE MOTHER CHURCH OF WESTPORT • Celebrating 138 Years 1876-2014 • Phone: (203) 227-5161 98 Riverside Avenue • Westport, Connecticut 06880 CLERGY (203) 227-5161 Fr. Thomas P. Thorne, Pastor Fr. Lawrence A. Larson, Parochial Vicar Fr. Matthew Krankall, Resident Priest (Grad Student) Dn. David P. Clark, Resident Deacon (Grad Student) EMERGENCY 1-203-249-4383 PARISH STAFF Michelle P. Hankey, Pastoral Administrator ([email protected]) John P. Kondub, Finance Administrator ([email protected]) Christopher Mulliken, Volunteer Property Manager Lee McGuire, Secretary (Monday & Tuesday) Marilyn Price - Volunteer Receptionist (Wednesday - am) Nancy Wright - Secretary (Wednesday pm, Thursday & Friday) Dennis Stypinski, Custodian Gerard Barreau, Part-time Custodian RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Office: (203) 226-5448 Cell: (203) 939-8910 Catherine J. Romano, Director Nhur Klasky, Rel. Ed. Assistant (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) Ann Perce, Rel. Ed. Assistant (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) Joseph Malaterra, Rel. Ed. Board Chair YOUTH MINISTRY (203) 222-8486 Michele Modugno, Youth Minister (Grade 6 - 12) Michael O’Loughlin, High School Youth Ministry Board Chair BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS Fr. Lawrence A. Larson First Sunday of the month at 1:30pm R C I A (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Marilyn Moran, Parish Director Dolores Bacharach, RCIA Catechist (203) 286-6939 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm (closed 12:00pm - 1:00pm) Fax: (203) 227-1206 LAY MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION Theresa M. Perry, Trustee Thomas P. Leyden, Trustee Edward J. Capasse, Esq., Trustee Emeritus FINANCE COUNCIL Nancy Axthelm, Chair (203) 227-6569 Maria Onorato, Esq., Vice-Chair Joseph Cardello Michael O’Loughlin PARISH COUNCIL Maureen Belford, Chair Joseph Malaterra, Vice-Chair Ronnie Estony, Secretary Helen C. Thiemann, Chair Emeritus SACRED MUSIC MINISTRY Frank Matto, Director & Organist (203) 335-0894 ([email protected]) Donna Gambino, Flutist Aidan Andrews, Cantor Jim Andrews, Bassist (Sunday 9:00am & 5:00pm) MASS SCHEDULE Mon. – Sat. 7:30 am Saturday 5:00 pm Vigil Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am (Family Mass), 10:30 am (Choir Mass), 12:00 noon, 5:00 pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00pm – 4:30pm WEDDING COORDINATOR Michelle P. Hankey (203) 227-5161 FUNERAL COORDINATOR Catherine J. Romano (203) 226-5448 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday 8:00am - 5:00pm Wednesday 8:00am - Thursday 7:25am Third Thurs. 7:00pm - 8:00pm New Members: We welcome all new parishioners and those who wish to return to the Church or to learn more of what we Catholic Christians believe. Visit our web site www.assumption-westport.org Page 2 In Loving Memory/Honor The flowers at Mary’s Statue are in loving memory of Isabelle Marranzino The candles at Mary’s Statue burn in loving memory of Aline Hayes The Sanctuary candle burns in loving memory of Ronald Clayton The candles at the Tabernacle burn in loving memory of Dorothy Sesta The candles at the Altar burn in loving memory of Roy Williams Pray for our men and women currently serving our country Sgt. Randy Ackerman, US Army L.Cpl. Durry Becker, USMC Matthew Bradstock, US Army Tony Cuseo, USMC Ryan J. David, USN 2nd Lt. Alex Deep, US Army Sgt. Christopher Dietl, US Army Pvt. Auriane de Sousa, US Army Brodie Galloway, US Army Col. Gerald E. Galloway, US Army Sgt. Kimberly Gendreau, US Army Sgt. Trevor Gilbertie, US Army Sgt. Matthew Harwedel, USMC Sgt. Joseph Kelly, USMC 2nd Lt. Karl Kuechenmeister Cpl. Michael Linnen, USMC Sgt. Andre Mercado-Divoff P.F.C., Brad Myers, US Army Spec., Jonathan Morris, US Army LT Jonathan R. Nelson, USN LTJG Ryan T. Nelson, USN Sgt. Colin Santacroce, US Army Maj. Devin A. Smiley, USMC Sgt. Zachary B. Taylor, USAF Patrick Tazella, US Army Capt. James Tesauro, US Army Cpl. Calvin Robert Wauchope, USMC L.Cpl. Patrick Zingaro, USMC Please pray for all those who have been wounded or have sacrificed their lives for the cause of peace. Please pray for our sick Catherine Alter Mary Ann Andronaco Noelle Anastasia Joan Bailey Bob Barker Ryan Brewster Mary Bulakites Victoria Callas Sr. Lucy Caporaso Joseph Cardello, Sr. Bill Chadwell Aida Ciferri Tonino Covatta Andrea Charboneau Connie & Howard Danner Nicholas DeMatteo Matt Dudzik Colette Dunham Gail Eichinger Dr. Harry Engel Angela Farricielli Marge Gabriele Katarina Hale Julie Halka Jane Hawley Logan Howard Frank Illuzzi Marie James Bernadette Juoan Nancy Kelly Bernadette Kenney Laura Kesling Frank Kropf Mary-Ellen Kuhn Michelle Lombardi Jack Allen Loshuk Cara MacDonald Frank Machi Helen Maggio Nancy Marino Gabriella McCrae Kristina Miller Rhoda Miller Clarissa Moore Jana Moorman Danielle Murrugarra Denise Murtha Rennie Nourie Donna Olsen Frank Palmieri Kim Preston Brian Richards Deanne Ryan Sandra Ryan Teresa Sacouto Adrian Sandiford Bill & Charlene Surette Tony Tazella Carmela Tornatore Cheri Travis Nicholas Valas Ron & Pat Viesti Anthony Wilcox James Dominick Zwolinski Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday, October 11 Vigil 5:00PM Anna Young Sunday, October 12 7:30AM Bill Stefan 9:00AM Dominick Calise 10:30AM Felix & Nazareth Terrero 12:00PM Isabelle Marranzino 5:00PM Barbara Elaine Chapin Monday, October 13 7:30AM Communion Service Tuesday, October 14 7:30AM Communion Service Wednesday, October 15 7:30AM Communion Service Thursday, October 16 7:30AM John F. Miller Friday, October 17 7:30AM Msgr. Ben Tighe (10th Anniversary) Saturday, October 18 7:30AM Americo A. (Rick) Renzulli Vigil 5:00PM Jane Mobilio Sunday, October 19 7:30AM James W. Foley 9:00AM Henry Falasco 10:30AM Joseph Cabral 12:00PM Donald Foster 5:00PM Frances L. Petitti Pray For Our Recently Deceased Matthew Richards Ann Brannigan Eva Popowich Robert Driscoll Michael Gilbertie Joseph McAleenan Vivian Testa May they rest in peace. Page 3 Stewardship Report • Sunday Offertory $ 11,065.00 • First Sunday of the Month Utilities Collection $ 1,116.00 • This weekend’s Alms will be for Julie Coyne, Education & Hope in Guatemala Our parish now offers Online Giving, a web-based electronic application that allows you to start, stop and change your contributions at any time. We are providing this service so that you have the option to manage your contributions online, view reports on your contribution history and generate tax statements at each year’s end. This service is safe and secure. Sign up for Online Giving by visiting our parish website at www.assumption-westport.org and selecting the Online Giving link. • • If you wish to support the Parish by having your bank mail a check directly, you are welcome to do so. Please have checks payable to Assumption Church. Please remember Assumption Church in your estate planning. If you wish to make a donation of appreciated stock to the Parish, you may do so by crediting UBS DTC # 0221 for further credit to Church of the Assumption, Westport, CT Acct. UN R5454-17. New PLS Fund replaces Roncalli House Fund: The Roncalli Fund is now closed but you are most welcome to designate our new PLS FUND as recipient of your charity. This new fund will help us cover the cost to paint (P) the interior of the Church, to put in place 14 micro spot lights (L) on the 14 Stations of the Cross as well as update/upgrade our Sound System (S). Thank you. SOCK DRIVE for the homeless From October 4 to October 19, we will be collecting NEW socks for adults and children for the homeless. As the weather gets colder the need becomes greater. Please place your donation in the wicker baskets marked with a picture of a "yellow sock" located at the doors of the church. If you have any questions, please contact Betty at 203-454-4630. You can make a difference! Assumption Book Group We extend a warm invitation and welcome to anyone who would enjoy an opportunity for a group exchange of thoughts about Desire of the Everlasting Hills by Thomas Cahill. With his remarkable ability to bring figures of the past to life in a rounded, full-bodied way, Cahill shows Jesus from his birth to his execution through the eyes of those who knew him and in the context of this time. The group will meet each Wednesdays from 1:00 to 2:30 in the Beard Room at the Roncalli Parish Center beginning September 24 until November 19. For more information, please phone or email Helen Thiemann at (203)227-6318, [email protected] Please come! All are welcome! Page 4 Blanket Collection until Sunday, October 19 Please! Soon winter will be here and in local shelters our sisters and brothers, young and old, will be desperately cold. They need you to HELP. PLEASE donate New or Gently Used Clean blankets. Last year, The Social Concerns Ministry collected and distributed 101 blankets to shelters in Westport, Norwalk, and D a n b u r y. The residents were deeply grateful for your generosity and care. Please place the blankets in boxes provided at the front and rear entrances of the church. If you wish to shop online, please send items attention to Social Concerns, 44 Lincoln Street, Front Porch, Westport, CT 06880. Thank you for your continued kindness towards our sisters and brothers in Christ. The Social Concerns Ministry Bishop Frank establishes Serra Club in our Diocese The bishop has asked the pastors of the Diocese to appoint three members of each parish to Membership in the Serra Club. Begun in 1934 by four Catholic laymen in Seattle, it has grown into an international organization of 20,000 members. Their mission is to promote vocation awareness to the priesthood and religious life. God has not stopped calling...our American culture has become deaf to the call for many understandable reasons. Because our parish is well educated you know well, resistance to the call is not unique to the third millennium in the United States of America.... Jeremiah was called in the Old Testament...and tried his level best to excuse himself for being "too young" to hear the call and say yes to the call. Eventually he yielded. We have plenty that are called, the Serra Club helps the young to hear the call and like Jeremish...yield. To this end, for our parish, I called Gracemary Avitabile, Randy Miller and Jim Meehan to membership in the Serra Club representing us on the Diocesan and International level and all three heard the call and yielded whole heartedly. I am grateful and in your name, thank them. Randy Miller, a lay member of the Third Order of Franciscans, was our former Youth Minister, has taught in our Religious Education Program for the past 15 years (sometimes more than one class each year), is a Parish Knight of Columbus, Eucharistic Minister and will serve now as the Serra Club Rep. on the Parish Council. Gracemary Avitabile, is a lay member of the Carmelite Order, coordinates (a 4th Thurs.) monthly Holy Hour/Adoration praying for Vocations, is a member of the Parish Council and a Eucharistic Minister. Jim Meehan is a Parish Knight of Columbus, Rep for the Knights on the Parish Council and is co-coordinator with Connie Luppino of our Social Concerns Ministry for our parish outreach to Merton House in Bridgeport. Currently Assumption of Westport has two seminarians who are both in Second Theology of Graduate School at St. Joseph Seminary in Yonkers, New York: Jose Abelardo Vazquez and Fernando J. Chang. Please God, in the Spring of 2017 they will both be called to Orders by our Bishop, ordained priests and celebrate the First Masses (Masses of Thanksgiving) here at Assumption. Ergo...please pray for them and pray our parents, who often are the "ears of the hearts of their their children" help them hear the call and respond: "I am ready and willing!" Let me close with this prayer for Jose and Fernando as well as for all our young in the parish, "May God who has begun this good work in them, one day, with the help of our prayers...bring it to completion!" Fr. Tom Page 5 You Are Invited Come enjoy Catholicism and Caffeine at Catholic Adult The Cafe Faith Enrichment We are pleased to announce Dr. Joan Kelly will enrich us with teachings on topics that will provide us to deepen out Catholic faith. We invite you to take part in CAFÉ. The Catholic Adult Faith Enrichment series of Assumption. Dr. Joan Kelly It provides opportunities for Catholics to form a deeper appreciation and love for their faith through gaining a greater understanding of the Church and how her teachings apply in the modern world. Many times we can find ourselves going through the motions of our faith without really understanding what they mean. Dr. Joan Kelly is a dynamic speaker who has chosen topics to help us delve into the history and beauty of the faith as well as gain a greater understanding of the meaning behind it, through Scripture and Tradition, allowing our faith community to grow in a deeper love for God and neighbor, as the Gospel calls us. Sundays 10:15am in the parish hall October 19th Catholic Identity: Renewing our Appreciation November 16th The Creed: Do You Believe What You Just Said? December 14th Sacraments: Key to Catholic Identity January 25th The Saints: Heroes and Heroines of Catholicism! February 1st The Catholic Calendar: Feasts and Celebrations Dr. Kelly teaches in Sacred Heart University's certificate in religion program, a joint venture of the University and the Diocese of Bridgeport. She is the Director of Evangelization studies program in Danbury, CT. She is also an adjunct professor at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, where she was engaged for many years in the theological formation of the deacons of the Diocese of Norwich. She is a member of the Catholic Biblical School faculty at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield and an instructor in the deacon formation program of the Diocese of Bridgeport. She received a master's degree in Religious Studies from the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. and a doctorate from the Graduate Theological Foundation at Notre Dame, Indiana. April 26th Mary, Assumption’s Patroness, and Model Woman Dr. Kelly is a popular lecturer and retreat facilitator at Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center in West Hartford and Caritas Christi Center in Hamden. *In recognition of her outstanding contributions to the teaching of theology, she received the Papal Cross from Pope John Paul II. For more information, call Cathy at (203)226-5448. We will be serving fresh brewed Starbuck’s Coffee and delicious goodies. March 15th Our Greatest Prayer: The Catholic Mass Page 6 Fr. Tom is Guest of New Haven’s Symphony Bassist, James Andrews of Assumption! Assumption's James Andrews, husband of our Cantor, Aidan Andrews, performed with the New Haven Symphony Thursday, Oct. 2 at Woolsey Hall on the Yale Campus. The Symphony performed Strauss' Don Juan and Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op 67. Besides being a Member of the NHSO, James plays Base for us at the Sunday 9:00AM Family Mass and the 5:00PM Youth/Contemporary/ Classical Mass as well. Maestro Frank Matto, our Organist, Aidan Andrews, our Cantor, and James Andrews, our Bassist, make a fabulous liturgical team to mentor our parish youth musicians. Bravissimo to them! Page 7 Fr. Tom blesses the animals on the Feast of St. Francis Friday, October 3, 2014 Page 8 September 2014 Parish Council Meeting High School Youth Group The next meeting of the High School Youth Group is set for Sunday, October 26 starting at 6PM in McGrath Hall (basement of the church). Also, Youth Mass is set for 5PM in the church. We have a few exciting plans in the works for our high schoolers, so we hope to see them on the 26th, and if your high schooler is interested in attending, please just RSVP to the Youth Ministry Office by phone: (203) 222-8486 or via email: [email protected] Assumption Middle School Youth Group The next Middle School Youth Group meeting is set for Sunday, October 26 from 3:30PM to 4:45PM. Our next gathering is for 6th and 7th graders only as they will be working together on a special project. Please let us know if your 6th and/or 7th grader will be able to join us. Contact us via phone (203 222-8486 or via email: [email protected] ALL 8th grade Confirmation students will be attending a special Middle School Youth Group meeting on Sunday, November 2 from 3:30PM to 4:45PM in McGrath Hall (basement of the church) as they will be working on a special service project for "The Soup Lady." Once we complete our project, together we shall all go up to the church for youth mass at 5PM. Parents, we ask that you join us for that mass as the scarves that our 8th graders will be making will be blessed at the mass. This is a wonderful opportunity to bring all 8th grade Confirmation students and their families together! Mark your calendars and we look forward to seeing you all on November 2nd! Youth Musicians For all youth musicians, our next Youth Mass is set for October 26 at 5PM in the church. Don’t forget that rehearsal for mass will begin at 4:15PM in the choir loft with our Music Director, Frank Matto. We look forward to seeing you then. And if you are in grades 8-11, and would like to add your musical talents to our youth musicians’ group, please contact us at: [email protected] or call the Youth Ministry office at (203) 222-8486. Michele Modugno, Youth Minister Page 9 Assumption Parish Bereavement Group Come, share and heal with others. Information & News The Religious Education Office is open Monday Thursday 9:00am to 4:00pm. If you have not registered your child(ren) and wish to do so please visit our website www.assumption-westport.org and click the "Religious Education" tab for a registration form and all necessary information about our program. If you have any questions, please call the Rel. Ed. Office a (203)226-5448. Blessings, Cathy Romano, DRE Please note . . . our formation classes are continuous and build one year upon the next. New students must submit a baptismal certificate at the time of registration. Grade 1 is required for Grade 2 First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation. Grade 7 is required for Grade 8 Confirmation preparation. Students enrolled in a Catholic school must attend First Eucharist and Confirmation classes here at Church of the Assumption. Like us on Facebook by going to our page “Church of the Assumption Religious Ed.” We meet each Wednesday from 3:30pm- 5:00pm in the Beard Room at the Roncalli House (the parish center at the end of the parking lot.) Helen Thiemann will lead the group. For more information, please call her at (203) 227-6318 or email [email protected] . Blessed are they who mourn . . . they shall be comforted. Catholic Daughters of America The Catholic Daughters monthly meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 13 at 7:00pm in McGrath Hall. There will be a surprise speaker. Hope to see you there! Hospital & Nursing Home Visitations Due to current privacy rights of patients, the priests do not have any way of knowing if and when parishioners are hospitalized. Therefore, if you wish to be visited by one of our priests while in the hospital, please have a family member notify the parish office and Father Tom or Father Larry will be happy to visit, bring you Holy Communion and share with you the Anointing of the Sacrament of the Sick. Thank you. Baptisms John Christopher Barnet, Jr. Jack Hudson Landgraf Congratulations and welcome to the parish family! Next Weekends Priest Mass Schedule Saturday, October 18 Vigil 5:00pm Fr. Bob Sunday, October 19 7:30am Fr. Bob 9:00am Fr. Bob 10:30am Fr. Larry 12:00pm Fr. Larry 5:00pm Fr. Larry — Subject to change — Knights of Columbus - Council 3688 Meeting Information: The Knights of Columbus meet the first Tuesday of the month at Assumption Church at 7:30pm in McGrath Hall, beneath the church. The next meeting will be held on November 4. For more information, please contact Walter Avitabile at (203) 981-3083 or by email [email protected] New members are always welcome! Page 10 Parish Council Maureen Belford Parish Council Chair Joe Malaterra Parish Council Vice Chair, Rel. Ed. Board Chair Ronnie Estony Parish Council Secretary, Adult Formation Nancy Axthelm Finance Council Chair Cathy Romano, DRE Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Funeral Coordinator Randy Miller Serra Club Rep. Frank Matto Director of Music & Organist James Meehan Knights of Columbus Rep., Serra Club Rep. Merton House Co-Facilitator Dolores Bacharach Interfaith Council & RCIA Juany Fumai Altar Server Training/Scheduling Carol Gabriel Altar Guild Chair, Liturgical Decorating Chair & Book Nook Ministry Connie Luppino Social Concerns Chair, Merton House Co-Facilitator Dian J. Mayo Divine Mercy Devotion Toan Chu Catholic Fellowship of CT Michele Modugno Youth Minister (Grade 6 - 12) Michael O’Loughlin Youth Ministry Board Chair Marilyn Moran RCIA & WHCC Ministry Assumption Parish Social Concerns Ministry Social Concerns is an active ministry formed to respond to the problems of social justice, the physical and spiritual needs of the Assumption parish family, and to those in need in the neighboring communities. Some of the projects we are involved with are: Christmas Angels Collection, Thanksgiving Gifts of Plenty, Towels Collection, Lenten Alms, Blankets/Winter Warmup Collection, and Easter Food Baskets. The Prayer Network and A.C.T.S. are additional services to our parishioners. The Ministry meets on the third Monday of the month (September through June) at 7:00pm in Roncalli House. If you wish to contact us, please call (203) 227– 5161 ext. 125. New members are needed and always appreciated. We would be delighted to have you join our team! Parish Prayer Network is a network of over 70 members. When someone needs pray or a special intention, please call the Social Concerns Ministry at (203) 227-5161 ext. 125 and leave the request, intention and first name of the person to be prayed for. Intentions are forwarded via the telephone and email to the network. Members respond by praying in their homes. The network is always open to new members. Rose Odell Parish Food Closet Barbara Murray Ministry to Parish Seniors Helen Thiemann Bereavement Ministry & Book Club Chair, Coordinator for: Homebound, Sick & Elderly Visitations, Parish Council Chair Emeritus Gracemary Avitabile 3rd Thursday Holy Hour, Serra Club Rep. Tom Leyden Trustee & Parish Webmaster Tess Perry Trustee & Catholic Daughters Rep. Ed Capasse, Esq. Trustee Emeritus Fr. Tom Thorne, Pastor Assumption Cares Through Service The purpose of A.C.T.S. is to build a more caring and comforting community within the parish. It is designed to hear and answer simple requests for – a ride to church, to a doctor’s or other appointments; to do grocery shopping or other errands. A.C.T.S. can also offer a simple meal to aid in recuperation or for a family with a new baby. A phone call or a visit to a shut-in can also be arranged. To request or offer help, please call (203) 227-5161 ext. 125 Page 11 Devotions Holy Hour, Exposition and Sung Chaplet of Mercy: is every month on the Thursday before the first Friday from 7:15pm to 8:00pm in the Church. Dian J. Mayo (203) 938-2113. Miraculous Medal Novena: Wednesdays following the 7:30am Mass. Daily Rosary of Peace - at 7:00am before daily Mass First Saturday Holy Hour: following the 7:30am Mass. Adoration: Monday 8:00am – 5:00pm and Wednesday 8:00am thru Thursday 7:25am (24 hrs.) Please call Andrea Remlin (203) 227-5477 if you would like to take ½ - 1 hour of Adoration. Holy Hour and Exposition: Third Thursday of the month 7:00pm - 8:00pm Baptismal Prep Class Mothers and Fathers who are parents for the first time are required to attend a Pre-Baptism class. Classes are held in the new parish center at 1:30pm once a month. The next Pre-Baptismal Class will be held on Sunday, November 2 in the Roncalli House, Oscar Romero Room. Please call the Parish Office at (203) 227–5161 to register for the class. Please note, Godparents must be practicing, Confirmed Catholics and age 16 and over. Sacramental Information Marriage: Arrangements are to be made a minimum of six months prior to the wedding date. Please call the Parish Office. Baptism: Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements for your child’s Baptism. Baptisms are on Sundays at 1:15pm, one to four children. Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00pm – 4:30pm Communion: We welcome the opportunity to visit our homebound parishioners. Please call the Parish Office. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Rectory prior to surgery or at the onset of an illness. RCIA: The process by which an adult joins our Catholic Faith Community. Contact Marilyn Moran at (203) 286-6939. News Around The Diocese & Beyond Men’s Retreat - Know Greater Joy November 7 - 9 Reflect - Renew - Retreat Our theme this season is Know Greater Joy. Explore how we can discover deep and enduring joy in God’s presence no matter the situation. Includes home-cooked meals, inspirational liturgies & workshops, original music, and free time to rest and enjoy a walk on our 48 wooded acres & labyrinth. Cost is $295.00, more if you can; less if you can’t. Register at www.holyfamilyretreat.org or call 860-760-9705. Holy Family Retreat Center - 303 Tunxis Road, West Hartford, CT. FIRST DIOCESE OF BRIDGEPORT WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Inviting all women to the first ever Catholic Women's Conference on Saturday, October 25 at the Trumbull Marriott. The day will include Mass with Bishop Frank J. Caggiano, talks, adoration, opportunity for Reconciliation, music, vendors, and more! Speakers: Dr. Dianne Traflet, Sr. Claire Matthiass CFR, and Genevieve Kineke. Includes breakfast & lunch. Register before September 20, $45. per person, between September 21 and October 20, $50. or at the door, $55. Call to register (203) 4161445 or (203) 416-1446. WOMEN’S RETREAT: “In Praise of an Awesome GOD!” NOVEMBER 14-16, 2014 At St. Edmund’s, Enders Island, Mystic, CT Directed by Fran Karpiej, OFS, Friday evening 7:00 pm, to Sunday after lunch. As we reflect upon the WISDOM, POWER and LOVE of GOD, we will find that sometimes we Praise God with great joy; and other times, due to difficulties, we offer a silent sacrifice of praise. This Women’s Retreat includes: Daily Mass, inspirational presentations, time for personal reflection, a special workshop on "The Silent Tambourine" and the use of music as a high form of praise & worship. To register: Please contact Janet Virmalo, at St. Edmund’s, 860-536-0565, ext. 110; or visit their web site at: www.endersisland.com. Registrations required before October 15th, double rooms; very few single rooms (1st come 1st serve basis).
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